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• Assignment: prepare to do translation tasks.
Main Contents
– 协议或合同内相关术语的定义 – 转让技术的范围、使用目的、环境标准及用该技术生 产的产品的数量和品质 – 技术转让的价格及支付方式 – 对技术受让方相关人员的培训 – 技术转让方和受让方对转让技术的保密义务 – 技术转让方对受让方的后续技术支持 – 对侵权的处理 – 转让技术的再转让 – 税务 – 10) 协议或合同的有效期等
9) gross selling price 总/毛销售价 10) licensed products 许可使用的产品 11) trade discount 商业折扣/同业折扣/批发折扣 12) legal person /entity 法人代表 13) lump sum 一次总付/一次总算 14) comply with 按照 15) designated 指定的 16) render 提供
• Technology trade can benefit not only developing countries but developed countries as well. To raise production efficiency and thus to gain a competitive advantage in the market, enterprises need to constantly adopt new technology. But research and development in new technology can be time-consuming and unbearably expensive for enterprises, especially those small- and medium-sized ones. And that’s why an increasing number of enterprises are acquiring the right to patents, designs, expertise, etc. through licensing, or technology trade instead of conducting their own research and development.
• In a technology transfer transaction, a formal written contract or agreement must be signed between the transferor or the licensor and the transferee or the licensee.
• Technology trade is different from commodity trade which often deals with the sale and purchase of commodities. What is involved in technology trade is not visible commodities but invisible right of using such intellectual property rights as patents, trade marks, etc.
• 例句 2 “ If, after the signing of this Agreement, the government adopts any new law, regulation, decree or rule, amends or repeals any provision of any law, regulation, decree or rule, or adopts any different interpretation or method of implementation of any law, regulation, decree or rule, which contravenes this Agreement or which materially and adversely affects a party’s economic benefit under this Agreement, then upon written notice thereof from the affected party to the other party, the parties shall promptly consult and decide whether …”.
• In licensing or technology trade, most contracts or agreements on technology transfer are closely linked with the import or export of complete equipment, this is because in industries, technology, whether in the form of patent or in the form of technical know-how, etc. is often integrated into machinery and/or equipment, and without either of them, enterprises would not be able to proceed with their production activities.
17) non-tranferable不可转让的 18) Licence fee 许可使用费 19) royalties (复) (专利)专有技术使用费 / 版税/提成 费 20) upon expiration 一到期 21) infringement 侵权 22) legal actions 法律行为/提起诉讼 23) enter into force 生效
Words & Expressions
1) the Licensor 许可方/技术出让方 2) the Licensee 被许可方/技术受让方 3) incorporated 组建的 4) technical know-how 技术诀窍/expertise专有技术 5) Sensor Modules for automobiles 车用传感器 6) (be) set forth (条款)规定 7) components 元件/部件 8) assembled 装配的
Session 12 Technology Transfer Agreement
பைடு நூலகம்
• This unit mainly deals with contracts for technology transfer. Technology transfer refers to the process of developing practical applications for the results of scientific research. And in this process, one party, usually the owner of technology transfers its right of using its patents, technical know-how, industrial designs and/or trade marks to another party or other parties by way of licensing. Such transfer, when conducted in a commercial way, becomes a form of technology trade.
• 讨论: 翻译练习 • 翻译技巧: 长句的翻译(限定性定语从句)
• 例句1 “Licensor shall have and retain sole and exclusive title to all inventions, discoveries, know-how and patens which are made, conceived, reduced to practice or generated by its employees, agents, or other persons acting under its authority in the course of or as a result of this Agreement. Except as expressly provided in this Agreement, Licensor may use, sell, keep, license, assign, or mortgage such jointly owned inventions, discoveries and know-how, and otherwise undertake all activities as a sole owner might undertake with respect to such inventions, discoveries and know-how, without the consent of and without accounting to Licensee”.
24) compulsory settlement 强制(转让钱,财) 协议/协定 25) dissolution 解散 26) sublicensing 再许可/再转让 27) applicable law 适用的法律
1) 1.1.6 2) 6.1 3) 11.2 4) 13.5 5) 15.1 6) 16.3