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《 尔 雅 》
《 孝 经 》 《 孟 子 》
《 春 秋 公 羊 传 》
《 论 语 》
《 春 秋 榖 梁 传 》
《 春 秋 左 传 》
《 易 经 》
《 仪 礼 》
《 礼 记 》
《 周 礼 》
《 尚 书 》
《 诗 经 》
The Book of Changes
There are altogether 64 symbolic hexagrams. Each hexagram consists of a pair of trigrams. There are eight basic trigrams, each named for a natural phenomenon. Each of the 64 symbolic hexagrams is made up of two parts, named upper trigrams (shanggua) and lower trigrams (xiagua) or outer trigrams (waigua) and inner trigrams (neigua).
The meaning of Eight Trigrams
卦象:天 人物:老父、上司、长 辈、王帝、领袖 天气:晴天、乾旱 身体:头、脑、骨髓 方位:西北 数字:一 五行:金 场所:首都、大郡 其他:刚健、圆形
The meaning of Eight Trigrams
The Book of Poetry
Ya, composed of 105 odes, can be divided into major festal songs and minor festal songs. They are said to be regular music, traditionally sung at court festivities, ceremonies, banquets and other solemn occasions. Song or hymns are the dance music sung at sacrifices of ancestral spirits of the royal house. They, 40 songs in all, are again grouped into the odes of the Zhou Dynasty, the Shang Dynasty and the Lu State respectively.
嵇康是魏晋时期杰出的思想家、诗人和音乐 家。当时司马氏与曹魏争权,“性烈而才俊” 的嵇康,站在曹魏一边,对司马氏始终抱着 不合作的态度。嵇康对司马氏集团的抵触最 终招来了杀身之祸,公元前262年,嵇康以 “乱政”之罪被斩首。
第三讲 五经
The Five Classics
The Book of Poetry / Songs, The Book of History, The Rites, The Book of Changes, The Spring and Autumn Annals. (The Book of Music)
The Book of Poetry
1. 子曰:“诗三百,一言以蔽之,曰‘思无 邪’。” (《论语· 为政》)
2.子曰:《诗》,可以兴,可以观,可以群, 可以怨。迩之事父,远之事君。多识于鸟兽 草木之名” (《论语· 阳货》) (其绪余又足以资多识。学诗之法,此章尽之。读
The Book of Rites
The Rites
The picture of Tai Chi
太极图,俗称阴阳鱼 .太极 图最外层圆圈为太极或无极, 示意宇宙万物乃由元气化生 并不断运动循环;圆内白鱼 在左,头向上为阳,黑鱼在 右,头在下为阴,阴阳鱼中 又有小圈为鱼眼,表示阳中 有阴、阴中有阳、阳升阴降; 阴阳二鱼又以“S”形曲线为 隔,表示在负阴抱阳中,阴 阳的平衡不是一刀切成的两 半圆式的对称,也不是天平 式的平衡,而是变化的、此 消彼长的阴阳平衡。
The Book of Changes
Zhou Yi or The Book of Changes is composed of Yi Jing or present-day Book of Changes and Yi Zhuan or Remarks on the Trigrams. Yi Jing , a book used for divination, was composed between the Yin and Zhou dynasties. Yin and yang, two basic symbols, represent the universe and the human world.
在东汉蔡邕的《琴操》里,这次刺杀变成了一则民 间故事。在这则故事里,聂政杀的不是韩相,而是 韩王。聂政也不是为严仲子而行刺,而是为父报仇。 原来聂政的父亲为韩王铸剑,由于不能及时交付而 被杀。于是聂政成了遗腹子。长大后聂政在山中遇 到了仙人,学会了鼓琴的绝艺。聂政还掌握了异容 术,变得无人认识自己。一天聂政在闹市鼓琴, “观者成行,马牛止听”。韩王听说后立即召见了 聂政,命聂政当众鼓琴。这时聂政取出琴中藏匿的 剑,一举刺杀了韩王,为父亲报了仇。后来伏在聂 政尸体上恸哭不止的不是聂荣,而是聂政的母亲。 这个故事被蔡邕取名为“聂政刺韩王”。
The Book of Songs
The Book of Poetry
陈亢问于伯鱼曰:“子亦有异闻乎?” 对曰:“未也。尝独立,鲤趋而过庭。曰: ‘学诗乎?’对曰:‘未也。’‘不学诗, 无以言。’鲤退而学诗。他日又独立,鲤趋 而过庭。曰:‘学礼乎?’对曰:‘未 也。’‘不学礼,无以立。’鲤退而学礼。 闻斯二者。” 陈亢退而喜曰:“问一得三,闻诗,闻礼, 又闻君子之远其子也。”(卷八 季氏第十 六)
窈 窕 淑 女 , 寤 寐 求 之 。
参 差 荇 菜 , 左 右 流 之 。
窈 窕 淑 女 , 君 子 好 逑 。
关 关 雎 鸠 , 在 河 之 洲 。
关 雎
The Book of Poetry
The Book of Poetry, the first major collection of Chinese poems, comprises 305 poems from the early years of the Western Zhou Dynasty (the 11th century B.C. — 771 B.C.) to the middle of the Spring and Autumn Period (770 B.C. — 476 B.C.), over a span of approximately 500 years. Therefore it is also known as The Book of 300 Poems.
Remarks on the Trigrams
Yi Zhuan, or Remarks on the Trigrams, is a book used for the interpretation of Yi Ching. It is composed of 10 chapters: Tuan (commentary on the decision, divided into two volumes), Xiang (commentary on the images or appearance, great and small, divided into two volumes),
The Book of Poetry
According to the musical criteria, The Book of Poetry falls into three categories, viz. feng or folk songs, ya or odes, and song or hymns. Feng refers to local songs, or folk songs collected mainly from the dukedoms, which reflects to a certain degree the local practices and customs, hence guo feng, meaning folk songs of the dukedoms. There are altogether 160 songs collected from 15 dukedoms.
《广陵散》,又名《广陵止息》,是一首曲 调较为激昂的古琴曲。根据刘东升的《中国 音乐史略》,《广陵散》大约产生于东汉后 期。据说,《广陵散》这一旷世名曲,因聂 政刺韩相而缘起,因嵇康受大辟刑而绝世(中 国古代有所谓“五刑”:刑、劓、腓、宫、 大辟。 )。因而古曲《广陵散》的背后,实际 上包含了聂政和嵇康的两个典故。
Remarks on the Trigrams
xici (commentary on the relationship of the hexagrams, divided into two volumes), wenyan (commentary on the character, only for the first two hexagrams, qian and kun), shuogua (explanations of the hexagrams), xugua (commentary on the order of the hexagrams) and the verse-like zagua (commentary on miscellaneous hexagrams), which are traditionally known as the “ Ten Wing Commentaries”.
The Book of Changes
The commentary part of I Ching includes 64 short statements (guaci), and 386 line statements (yaoci), every single line of which, broken or solid, being called “six” and “ nine” or yin and yang. The lexicological statements are mostly from those of ancient diviners. Others are folk songs, ballads, and wise sayings of the past.
The Book of Songs
窈 窕 淑 女 , 钟 鼓 乐 之 。 参 差 荇 菜 , 左 右 芼 之 。
窈 窕 淑 女 , 琴 瑟 友 之 。
参 差 荇 菜 , 左 右 采 之 。
悠 哉 悠 哉 , 辗 转 反 侧 。
求 之 不 得 , 寤 寐 思 服 。
卦象:地 人物:老母、孕妇、妻 子、众人 天气:阴云、雾气 身体:腹部、脾胃 方位:西南 数字:八 五行:土 场所:田野、平地 其他:柔顺、方形
Famous sayings
天行健,君子以自强不息; 地势坤,君子以厚德载物.
The Book of Changes
《 尔 雅 》
《 孝 经 》 《 孟 子 》
《 春 秋 公 羊 传 》
《 论 语 》
《 春 秋 榖 梁 传 》
《 春 秋 左 传 》
《 易 经 》
《 仪 礼 》
《 礼 记 》
《 周 礼 》
《 尚 书 》
《 诗 经 》
The Book of Changes
There are altogether 64 symbolic hexagrams. Each hexagram consists of a pair of trigrams. There are eight basic trigrams, each named for a natural phenomenon. Each of the 64 symbolic hexagrams is made up of two parts, named upper trigrams (shanggua) and lower trigrams (xiagua) or outer trigrams (waigua) and inner trigrams (neigua).
The meaning of Eight Trigrams
卦象:天 人物:老父、上司、长 辈、王帝、领袖 天气:晴天、乾旱 身体:头、脑、骨髓 方位:西北 数字:一 五行:金 场所:首都、大郡 其他:刚健、圆形
The meaning of Eight Trigrams
The Book of Poetry
Ya, composed of 105 odes, can be divided into major festal songs and minor festal songs. They are said to be regular music, traditionally sung at court festivities, ceremonies, banquets and other solemn occasions. Song or hymns are the dance music sung at sacrifices of ancestral spirits of the royal house. They, 40 songs in all, are again grouped into the odes of the Zhou Dynasty, the Shang Dynasty and the Lu State respectively.
嵇康是魏晋时期杰出的思想家、诗人和音乐 家。当时司马氏与曹魏争权,“性烈而才俊” 的嵇康,站在曹魏一边,对司马氏始终抱着 不合作的态度。嵇康对司马氏集团的抵触最 终招来了杀身之祸,公元前262年,嵇康以 “乱政”之罪被斩首。
第三讲 五经
The Five Classics
The Book of Poetry / Songs, The Book of History, The Rites, The Book of Changes, The Spring and Autumn Annals. (The Book of Music)
The Book of Poetry
1. 子曰:“诗三百,一言以蔽之,曰‘思无 邪’。” (《论语· 为政》)
2.子曰:《诗》,可以兴,可以观,可以群, 可以怨。迩之事父,远之事君。多识于鸟兽 草木之名” (《论语· 阳货》) (其绪余又足以资多识。学诗之法,此章尽之。读
The Book of Rites
The Rites
The picture of Tai Chi
太极图,俗称阴阳鱼 .太极 图最外层圆圈为太极或无极, 示意宇宙万物乃由元气化生 并不断运动循环;圆内白鱼 在左,头向上为阳,黑鱼在 右,头在下为阴,阴阳鱼中 又有小圈为鱼眼,表示阳中 有阴、阴中有阳、阳升阴降; 阴阳二鱼又以“S”形曲线为 隔,表示在负阴抱阳中,阴 阳的平衡不是一刀切成的两 半圆式的对称,也不是天平 式的平衡,而是变化的、此 消彼长的阴阳平衡。
The Book of Changes
Zhou Yi or The Book of Changes is composed of Yi Jing or present-day Book of Changes and Yi Zhuan or Remarks on the Trigrams. Yi Jing , a book used for divination, was composed between the Yin and Zhou dynasties. Yin and yang, two basic symbols, represent the universe and the human world.
在东汉蔡邕的《琴操》里,这次刺杀变成了一则民 间故事。在这则故事里,聂政杀的不是韩相,而是 韩王。聂政也不是为严仲子而行刺,而是为父报仇。 原来聂政的父亲为韩王铸剑,由于不能及时交付而 被杀。于是聂政成了遗腹子。长大后聂政在山中遇 到了仙人,学会了鼓琴的绝艺。聂政还掌握了异容 术,变得无人认识自己。一天聂政在闹市鼓琴, “观者成行,马牛止听”。韩王听说后立即召见了 聂政,命聂政当众鼓琴。这时聂政取出琴中藏匿的 剑,一举刺杀了韩王,为父亲报了仇。后来伏在聂 政尸体上恸哭不止的不是聂荣,而是聂政的母亲。 这个故事被蔡邕取名为“聂政刺韩王”。
The Book of Songs
The Book of Poetry
陈亢问于伯鱼曰:“子亦有异闻乎?” 对曰:“未也。尝独立,鲤趋而过庭。曰: ‘学诗乎?’对曰:‘未也。’‘不学诗, 无以言。’鲤退而学诗。他日又独立,鲤趋 而过庭。曰:‘学礼乎?’对曰:‘未 也。’‘不学礼,无以立。’鲤退而学礼。 闻斯二者。” 陈亢退而喜曰:“问一得三,闻诗,闻礼, 又闻君子之远其子也。”(卷八 季氏第十 六)
窈 窕 淑 女 , 寤 寐 求 之 。
参 差 荇 菜 , 左 右 流 之 。
窈 窕 淑 女 , 君 子 好 逑 。
关 关 雎 鸠 , 在 河 之 洲 。
关 雎
The Book of Poetry
The Book of Poetry, the first major collection of Chinese poems, comprises 305 poems from the early years of the Western Zhou Dynasty (the 11th century B.C. — 771 B.C.) to the middle of the Spring and Autumn Period (770 B.C. — 476 B.C.), over a span of approximately 500 years. Therefore it is also known as The Book of 300 Poems.
Remarks on the Trigrams
Yi Zhuan, or Remarks on the Trigrams, is a book used for the interpretation of Yi Ching. It is composed of 10 chapters: Tuan (commentary on the decision, divided into two volumes), Xiang (commentary on the images or appearance, great and small, divided into two volumes),
The Book of Poetry
According to the musical criteria, The Book of Poetry falls into three categories, viz. feng or folk songs, ya or odes, and song or hymns. Feng refers to local songs, or folk songs collected mainly from the dukedoms, which reflects to a certain degree the local practices and customs, hence guo feng, meaning folk songs of the dukedoms. There are altogether 160 songs collected from 15 dukedoms.
《广陵散》,又名《广陵止息》,是一首曲 调较为激昂的古琴曲。根据刘东升的《中国 音乐史略》,《广陵散》大约产生于东汉后 期。据说,《广陵散》这一旷世名曲,因聂 政刺韩相而缘起,因嵇康受大辟刑而绝世(中 国古代有所谓“五刑”:刑、劓、腓、宫、 大辟。 )。因而古曲《广陵散》的背后,实际 上包含了聂政和嵇康的两个典故。
Remarks on the Trigrams
xici (commentary on the relationship of the hexagrams, divided into two volumes), wenyan (commentary on the character, only for the first two hexagrams, qian and kun), shuogua (explanations of the hexagrams), xugua (commentary on the order of the hexagrams) and the verse-like zagua (commentary on miscellaneous hexagrams), which are traditionally known as the “ Ten Wing Commentaries”.
The Book of Changes
The commentary part of I Ching includes 64 short statements (guaci), and 386 line statements (yaoci), every single line of which, broken or solid, being called “six” and “ nine” or yin and yang. The lexicological statements are mostly from those of ancient diviners. Others are folk songs, ballads, and wise sayings of the past.
The Book of Songs
窈 窕 淑 女 , 钟 鼓 乐 之 。 参 差 荇 菜 , 左 右 芼 之 。
窈 窕 淑 女 , 琴 瑟 友 之 。
参 差 荇 菜 , 左 右 采 之 。
悠 哉 悠 哉 , 辗 转 反 侧 。
求 之 不 得 , 寤 寐 思 服 。
卦象:地 人物:老母、孕妇、妻 子、众人 天气:阴云、雾气 身体:腹部、脾胃 方位:西南 数字:八 五行:土 场所:田野、平地 其他:柔顺、方形
Famous sayings
天行健,君子以自强不息; 地势坤,君子以厚德载物.
The Book of Changes