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Lesson Twelve

Section one:


Dialogue 1:

--Do you think you could stop whistling? 你觉得你能停止吹口哨吗?

I’m trying to write an essay.我正想写一篇文章。

--Oh,I’m sorry. I thought you were in the other room.哦,我很抱歉,我以为你在另一个房间里。

Dialogue 2:

--Is it alright if I leave my rucksack on the back seat? 我把背包放在后座上行吗?

--Yes of course. Go ahead. 是的,当然可以。放吧。

--And would you mind if I took off my shoes? 你介意我脱下我的鞋子吗?

My feet are killing me.我的两只脚真要我的命。

--Well, I’d rather you didn’t. 额,我希望你不要做。

It’s rather a hot day. 这是相当热的一天。

Dialogue 3:

--Hello,Charles, I haven’t seen you all day. 你好,查尔斯,我一整天都没见到你。What have you been doing? 你在做什么?

--Actually I’ve been working on my first novel. 其实,我一直在写我的第一部小说。--Oh,yes. How far have you got with it?哦,好吧。你小说进展如何?

--Well, I thought of a good title, 嗯,我想到了一个好题目,

and I made a list of characters,我做了一个角色列表,

and I’ve designed the front cover.并且我已经设计好了封面。

--Have you started writing it yet?你已经开始写了吗?

--Oh, I’ve written two pages already.哦,我已经写了两页了。

--Only two? 只有两页?

--Well, yes. I haven’t quite decided yet what happens next.-嗯,是的,我还没有决定下一步会发生什么。

Dialogue 4:

--I saw an accident yesterday. 昨天我看见一场事故。

--What were you doing at the time? 当时你在干什么?

--I was queuing for the cinema. 我在电影院排队。

--And what did you do when you saw the accident?当你看到这一事故时,你做了什么?

--I rushed forward to see if I could help.我冲上前去看我能否帮忙。

Dialogue 5:

--Hmm.You are a good squash player. 嗯,你是一个很好的板球选手。

How long have you been playing?你玩了多久了?

--I have been playing since the beginning of the last term. 从上学期开始我一直在玩。

What about you?你呢?

--Me?Oh,I’ve been playing about two years now.我?哦,我已经玩了两年了

—But I’m still not very good.但我玩的还是不太好。

Dialogue 6:

--I’ve got a watch with a silver strap.我有一个手表,银色的表带。

--That’s nothing. 那有什么。

I’ve got one with a gold strap.我有一个金表带。

--I’ve got a watch that tells you the date.我有一块手表,能显示日期。

--That’s nothing. 那有什么。

I’ve got one that tells you the date and the day. 我有一个手表,告诉你日期和星天。

B)Restaurant English

Dialogue 1:

Woman:Look at these glasses, this one’s even got lipstick on it 女人:.看这些杯子,这有一个上面甚至有口红。

Waiter:I’m very sorry, madam. 服务员:很抱歉,女士。

I’ll bring you clean ones right away.我马上给你换一个干净的。Dialogue 2:

Man:Head waiter,I want to have a word with you. 男:领班,我想和你说一句话。Head Waiter:Yes,sir.Is there something wrong, sir?领班服务员:是的,先生,有什么事,先生?

Man:Something wrong?I should think there is something wrong. 男人:有什么事,我认为有一些问题。

My wife and I have been kept here waiting nearly an hour for our meal!我和我的妻子一直在这儿等着吃饭,等了差不多一个小时!

Head Waiter:I’m terribly sorry about that, sir.服务员:我很抱歉,先生。

Our staff has been kept unusually busy this evening. 今天晚上我们的工作人员一直非常忙。

I’ll see to it personally myself.我亲自来处理吧。

Now,if you wouldn’t mind just telling me what you ordered. 现在,如果你不介意,请告诉我你要点的菜。

Dialogue 3:
