
❖ 4. That long report of Mr. Allen’s has been…
❖ 5. Those new shoes of yours…
❖ 6. I have read the article of the student who…
1. Determiners vs. Premodifiers
2. Articles 3. Collocations between
What’s the pattern of a noun phrase?
❖ 11. The government demanded the enemy’s unconditional surrender/ the unconditional surrender of the enemy.
❖ 12. Bill paid no attention to other people’s criticism of him. ❖ 13. The government has paid great attention to the younger
generation’s education/ the education of the younger generation. ❖ 14. The book was bought at John Wiley’s, the bookseller’s. ❖ 15. We must read an article of T. Johns’s for our next seminar. ❖ 16. What will this policy of the government’s lead to? ❖ 17. This is an idiot’s tale. ❖ 18. That dog of Frank’s… ❖ 19. This book of Joe Hill’s… ❖ 20. Jane’s letter…
外教社新编英语语法教程(第6版)PPT课件Unit 26

26.2 比较结构
26.3 关于比较结构 用法的补充说明
(3)基本用法三:两个不同主语就不同方面进行比较。 即主语不同,比较项目也不同。
e.g. One is as light as the other is heavy. ——两个物体就轻重作比较。 (一个轻,而另一个重。)
It was by far the worst speech he had ever made. That was much the best meal I have ever tasted.
提示 注 意 very 和 much 修 饰 最 高 级 时 , 位 置 稍 有 不 同 。 如 “They wanted the very best quality.”。
An oxygen atom is about 16 times heavier than a hydrogen atom. (氧原子重量大约是氢原子重量的16倍。/ 氧原子比氢 原子大约重15倍。)
Its profits are rising four times faster than the average company. (其利润正以一般公司4倍的速度快速增长。)
26.2 比较结构
26.3 关于比较结构 用法的补充说明
1 as … as结构
1. 基本模式: as + 形容词或副词原级 + as-分句 否定式: not as / so + 形容词或副词原级 + as-分句
(1)基本用法一:两个不同的主语就同一方面进行比较。 即主语不同,比较项目相同。
Of the two boys John behaves (the) more politely. Oxford is the older university of the two.
新编英语教程6 Unit 2

story between Juli and精选B完整rpyptc课件e.
3. Describe the two families in your own words from your own perspective:
Bryce’s mom and dad stand for superficial values and misleading appearances. His dad is bitter and snide. But sadly, he must have traded his one-time artistic bent (saxophone playing) for bread-winner duties and middle-class social virtues. In Bryce’s family, only his grandfather reaches out to befriend with Juli’s family. He helps Juli tame her front yard and ill disguises his disdain for his son-in-law’s pretensions.
Reiner's latest film, Flipped, was released in 2010
In this movie, the director portraits six-year
journey of a “relationship” between two
neighborhood youngsters
Reiner has gone on to direct other critically and commercially successful films with his own company, Castle Rock Entertainment, such as When Harry Met Sally..., Misery, and his most commercially successful work A Few Good Men.

Paragraph 1
❖ get / come around / round to(line2): find time for, especially after delay 抽出时间来 做(或考虑)
❖ After a long delay he got round to writing the letter.
III. Key Points of the Text
❖ Paragraph 1 ❖ exhort(line1): urge or advise strongly
规劝; 告戒 ❖ E.g.: The teacher exhorted her students
to do their own research work. ❖ We are exhorted not to waste our time
❖ Putting things off is the waste of time.
❖ Just do what you should do as quickly as possible.
II. Organization of the Text
❖ 1. Introduction: It is evidenced that people do delay (Paragraphs 1 – 2)
❖ Singing your song on the roof,the most romantic night is studded with the stars
❖ 在屋顶唱着你的歌,让星星点缀成最浪漫的 夜晚。
Paragraph 7
新编英语教程6 unitthe lady or the tiger PPT

III. Key Points of the Text
❖ Paragraph 1 ❖ olden: (literary and old use) past; long
ago 古时的,往昔的
Paragraph 1
❖ He becomes his high office. 他的举止与 他的高官身份相称。
❖ Nothing in his life became him like
leaving it. 他活着毫无意义,只配去死。
Paragraph 1
❖ E.g.: be trammeled by society’s
prejudices 被社会偏见所束缚
❖ trammels: (formal) something that trammels 拘束,束缚;妨碍;限制
❖ E.g.: Free yourself from the trammels of
❖ florid surrealism 浮华的超现实主义
Paragraph 1
❖ untrammeled: not hampered 不受阻碍的; 不受束缚的
❖ E.g.: the old untrammeled days 逍遥自在 的往昔
❖ trammel (n. & v.): fishing net or net for catching birds; (formal) prevent the free movement , action, or development of (someone or something) 渔网;鸟网;束 缚;妨碍;限制

A Straight-A Student vs. A straight-A Illiterate
A Straight-A Student is a student who gets A's for all the courses he/she takes. Yes, he/she is. A straight-A Illiterate is a well-educated person, typically one Ph. D. degree, or working toward it, and with a high I.Q., but disable by long-term exposure to academic jargon to write in clear, plain English. Pleasure principle: Man is both a biological animal and social being. In keeping with his biological endowment, man tends to seek pleasure and to avoid pain. This truism is known as the "pleasure principle". (Collier's Encyclopedia)
way of organizing his essay to attain the aim:
• In the first paragraph what Degnan does is to define the term straight-A illiteracy, which is highly necessary as it is a phenomenon little thought-of by the general public, and besides, the term itself is apparently paradoxical. • Although there seem to be no obvious cohesive ties between the first and the second paragraph, they are closely connected in the sense that in the second paragraph Degnan uses his personal experience as an example to illustrate the definition he has given in the first paragraph. • If we take what he has narrated in the second paragraph as a specific instance of straight-A illiteracy, the third paragraph is a generalization of the phenomenon. • The cause stated in the concluding paragraph is suggested in the third paragraph with the sentence "Taking his cue from years of higher education, years of reading the textbooks and professional journals that are major sources of his affliction . . . ."
新编英语教程6Unit 6 Black English精品PPT课件

Para. 1
▪ Main idea ▪ Line 4: ▪ He speaks a dialect that has a strikingly
different grammar and sound system, even though to white ears the black appears to be trying to speak SE.
The sentence means:
▪ Speakers of Black English tend to feel ashamed, because they feel they are speaking a very different language that is inferior to Standard English. But, Black English, like Standard English, is formed strictly based on its own rules.
Para. 1
▪ Question:
▪ How do you understand Farb’s statement “ the great majority of black American suffer from linguistic schizophrenia – of a unique sort”?
新编英语教程 6 unit5课件

18. Moiety: half 19.fervid: eager
20.Damsels: young girls
21.transmit to: pass on to
22. Lines of wholly barbaric ancestors:
generations of cruel, wild and uncivilized
13. The workings of the tribunal:the trial of
the law court
14. Be disposed of: be dealt with
15. Throng: crowd
16. Twin doors: twoPPsT学i习m交流ilar doors
17.grand: graceful and handsome
*adept(n.&adj): (be)expert, skilled (in/at doing sth)长于…;善于…;精于…
1.This semi-barbaric king had a
daughter as exuberant as the wildest
of his notions, a daughter who
possessed a nature as fierce and
tyrannical as his own.(ll.1-2)
3. Fineness of blood: well-bred human
4. Royal maiden: princess
5. Unsurpassed: matchless
6. Ardor: warm emotion
7. Exceedingly: extrPePT学m习交e流ly

I. Library Work
❖ 2. John Milton (1608 – 1674), English poet and prose writer, one of the best known and most respected figures in English literature. In 1667, he published his masterpiece, Paradise Lost.
Paragraph 1
❖ It is also assumed that..: It is also believed that …
❖ assume: take something as true
Paragraph 2
❖ crave for: long for; desire eagerly 渴望; 追求
❖ What is the “opposite” that Hoffer says is “nearer the truth”? What is the purpose of this paragraph?
Paragraph 2
❖ People who achieve much are often those content with the routine, uneventful life they live. The purpose of this paragraph is to show that the lives of many truly great men are extremely ordinary.
❖ ③ An eventful life does more harm than good to a creative mind (4)
新编英语教程6 unitthe lady or the tiger PPT

Paragraph 1
❖ 夸大的,浮夸的; 有远见的; (废) (行为) 放肆 的; (言语等) 粗俗的
❖ E.g.: large talk 大话 ❖ talk in a large way 讲话夸张 ❖ a man with large ideas 高瞻远瞩的人 ❖ a large heart 宽厚的心 ❖ large tolerance 宽容
Paragraph 1
❖ E.g.: be trammeled by society’s
prejudices 被社会偏见所束缚
❖ trammels: (formal) something that trammels 拘束,束缚;妨碍;限制
❖ E.g.: Free yourself from the trammels of
❖ E.g.: in the olden days 在古昔 ❖ in the olden times 在古代
❖ semi-barbaric: half barbaric, partly barbaric
Paragraph 1
❖ barbaric: (often derogatory) of or like (that of) a barbarian; very cruel 半开化的, 野蛮的
❖ polish: make less rough / more graceful; refine 使(人、举止、仪表等) 变得优雅;使 升华
❖ E.g.: His manners need polishing. 他的举 止欠优雅。
Paragraph 1
❖ sharpen: make … more sensitive 使敏锐; 使敏捷
tradition. 把你自己从传统的束缚中解放出来。
外教社新编英语语法教程(第6版)PPT课件Unit 22

22.0 -ing分词 22.1-ing分词与 22.2 既能直接带不定式又 22.3 -ing 的形式及用法 动词的搭配关系 能直接带-ing分词的动词 分词分句
They plan to plant the area with grass and trees.
22.0 -ing分词 22.1-ing分词与 22.2 既能直接带不定式又 22.3 -ing 的形式及用法 动词的搭配关系 能直接带-ing分词的动词 分词分句
2 能带不定式和-ing分词而意义不同的动词
e.g. We’re considering buying a new car. He denied having been there. We appreciate your inviting us to your party. She can’t stand being kept waiting.
1. remember / forget / regret等动词 + -ing分词:先于主句动词的动作 + 不定式:后于主句动词的动作
e.g. I remember posting the letter. (“寄信”先于“记得”) I remembered to post the letter. (“寄信”后于“记得”)
提示 would like意思是wish或want,后面永远接不定式,如“What would you like to do tomorrow?”。

• Conclusion: (P8-9) Explanation and conclusion of procrastination;
The ways in which paragraphs are linked
---Transition of paragraphs
• The use of the word "yet" at the beginning of para. 3 indicates that in this paragraph the reader will find something contrary to what he has read about in the preceding one. (Para. 2 illustrates the trouble procrastination may incur while para. 3 tells the reader that delay can often inspire and revive a creative soul. )
• Text I On Consigning Manuscripts to
• Text I Walls and Barriers
Floppy Discs And Archives to Oblivion

Paragraph 4
❖ What does Hoffer want to illustrate by referring to Milton’s experiences? Do you fully agree with him?
❖ semen (n.): reproductive liquid produced by the sex organs of the male
Paragraph 3
❖ E.g.: the seminal existential 世纪60年代初期开创性的存 在主义小说 ❖ a seminal book 有重大影响的书
Paragraph 2
❖ The general meaning of revelation is “making known something which is true but unknown before.” 揭示,揭露;透露
❖ E.g.: The revelation that John instead of Tom was the chief designer surprised us all.
necessarily live eventful lives (2)
II. Organization of the Text
❖ ② What is essential for creative work is a man’s ability to make the trivial reach an enormous way (3)
新编英语教程6 主编李观仪 1-7单元课件

Unit OneText I Two Words to Avoid, Two Words to RememberI. Library Work1. Manhattan, an island near the mouth of the Hudson River, is a borough of New York City, in southeastern New York State, Commercial and cultural heart of the city, Manhattan is the site of the Metropolitan Opera House, Carnegie Hall, the City Center of Music and Drama,I. Library Workand numerous other music institutions. Main museums and art galleries of Manhattan include the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and American Museum of Natural History, etc. Columbia University and New York University are also located here. Among other points ofI. Library Workinterest are the Rockefeller Center, the Empire State Building.A psychiatrist is a medical practitioner specializing in the diagnosis, and treatment of mental illness. Generally, after completion of medical training, physicians take a three-year residency in psychiatry to become qualifiedI. Library Workpsychiatrists. As psychiatry is an area of medicine, psychiatrists tend to view and conceptualize disordered behavior as types of mental illness.Those who have mental illness, psychological and emotional disorders consult psychiatrists.I. Library WorkSigmund Freud /‵zikmunt ‵froit/ (1856 - 1939) is an Austrian physician and the founder of psychoanalysis. Freud explored the workings of the human mind and developed psychoanalysis as a therapeutic technique to treat neurosis or mental disturbances. His idea of the unconscious mental processes and hisI. Library Worktheory that a principal cause of neurosis is the repression of painful memories into the unconscious hold a central place in psychology and psychiatry today.II. Organization of the TextI. Setting of the story (Paragraphs 1 – 3)①The instructive significance of the story (1)②Setting (2 – 3)II. Development of the story (Paragraphs 4 – 31)①In the little French restaurant (4 – 8)II. Organization of the Text②In the Old Man’s office (9 – 26)③Outside the office (27 -31)III. Denouement or conclusion (Paragraphs 32 – 33)III. Key Points of the TextParagraph 1rewarding: worth doing; satisfyingchange for the better: improve something that already exists or that has gone before 向着较好的情况转变;为了取得更好的结果Paragraph 1.: His health has changed for the better. 他的健康状况已有好转。
新编英语教程 6 unit5课件

upon his neck as to what kind of person the
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Organization and Development
(I)main character: a semi-barbaric king
who demands absolute obedience from his
subjects, admits no deviation from the
course he set, and rejoices over his success
about his way of setting matters of this kind.
4. … but because she had money, and
above all, because her determination was so
irresistible, the princess was able to get
that the love affair had taken place, he
would still refuse to let the normal method
of deciding guilt or innocence be disturbed,
because he was extremely enthusiastic
18. Moiety: half 19.fervid: eager
20.Damsels: young girls
21.transmit to: pass on to
22. Lines of wholly barbaric ancestors:
外教社新编英语语法教程(第6版)PPT课件Unit 21

“某些形容词+不定式结构” 作主语补语的歧义现象 P224
不定式 (二)
主—动关系、动—宾关系、 同位关系 P225
用主动态还是用被动态 P225
不定式与名词. 的搭配关系
“名词+不定式"与“名词+ 介词+ -ing分词” P226
不定式与动词 的搭配关系
动词+不定式 P228
动词+宾语+不定式 P228
He has a large family to support. (= that he must support) 动宾关系
He hit back the urge to tell a lie. (to tell a lie是the urge的具体内容) 同位关系
提示 表同位关系的名词中心词一般是由动词派生出来的抽象名词。
21.1 不定式与 21.2 不定式与 形容词的搭配 名词的搭配
21.3 不定式 与动词的搭配
21.4 不定式 分句
2. 表动宾关系时,如果不定式是不及物动词,其后需加适 当的介词
e.g. We are looking for a place to live in.
提示1 live为不及物动词,我们不能说to live a place,应该说to live in a place。
提示 动词为接双宾语的动词。
21.1 不定式与 21.2 不定式与 形容词的搭配 名词的搭配
21.3 不定式 与动词的搭配
21.4 不定式 分句
3 “名词 + 不定式”与“名词 + 介词 + -ing分词”
1. attempt, chance, effort, freedom, intention, necessity, opportunity, reason, time, way ...
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• Pre-reading Activities: • Brainstorming or pre-reading questions and
involved; • Translation of some difficult expressions or sentences
to check and enhance comprehension; • Post reading Activities: • Comments on the passage orally or in writing; • Exercises in Workbook; • Writing short passage of th- e similar style or theme;
• Text I On Consigning Manuscripts to
• Text I Walls and Barriers
Floppy Discs And Archives to Oblivion
• Text II Barrier Signals
• General Idea and massage of the text; • Purpose of writing and Background information; • Writer’s opinion and tone of the passage; • Outline or structure of the text; • Linguistic strategies involved; • Style and rhetorical techniques; • CF: Purpose of the course (Xiamen University)
• planner, manager (controller, director, conductor, instructor), prompter, presenter, resource, consultant, participant, diagnostician, assessor, etc;
• previously as passive recipients;
• multiple roles: participant, interactor or negotiator, resource or assessor;
Course Description:
• Beyond reading comprehension: • Analysis and application of what has been learned: speaking,
• Text II This Is Progress?
• Text I Dull Work • Text II Doing Chores • UNIT SEVEN • Text I Beauty • Text II Sexism in English: A
writing and translation; • Development of critical thinking; • Aspects of learning: • Theme, Purpose of writing, Point of view, Style, Structure,
Rhetorical features, Diction, Translation (either for checking comprehension or developing translation skill);
basis, selected for discussion) e.Text II included in exams
Course evaluation:
a. 60-70% coverage of text- or exercises-related samples;
b.TEM-8 - related material for Juniors;
• Text I The fine Art of Putting Things • Text I Straight-A Illiteracy
• Text II The Qualities of Good Writing
• Text II Gossip
Teaching setup and requirements
a. Six class hours per unit b. Lecture + workshop+ seminar c. Pre-class review required d. Exercises (completed on individual
discussions for warming up; • Comprehension and Analysis: • Questions and answers for checking understanding; • Analysis of some style and rhetorical techniques
Concept of Teaching: Teaching is the establishment of an environment for effective learning
• Roles of teacher : • Roles of students: