

英语选修六课文翻译Unit5 The power of nature An exciting job的课文原文和翻译

英语选修六课文翻译Unit5  The power of nature An exciting  job的课文原文和翻译

AN EXCITING JOBI have the greatest job in the world. I travel to unusual places and work alongside people from all over the world. Sometimes working outdoors, sometimes in an office, sometimes using scientific equipment and sometimes meeting local people and tourists, I am never bored. Although my job is occasionally dangerous, I don't mind because danger excites me and makes me feel alive. However, the most important thing about my job is that I help protect ordinary people from one of the most powerful forces on earth - the volcano.I was appointed as a volcanologist working for the Hawaiian V olcano Observatory (HVO) twenty years ago. My job is collecting information for a database about Mount Kilauea, which is one of the most active volcanoes in Hawaii. Having collected and evaluated the information, I help other scientists to predict where lava from the volcano will flow next and how fast. Our work has saved many lives because people in the path of the lava can be warned to leave their houses. Unfortunately, we cannot move their homes out of the way, and many houses have been covered with lava or burned to the ground.When boiling rock erupts from a volcano and crashes back to earth, it causes less damage than you might imagine. This is because no one lives near the top of Mount Kilauea, where the rocks fall. The lava that flows slowly like a wave down the mountain causes far more damage because itburies everything in its path under the molten rock. However, the eruption itself is really exciting to watch and I shall never forget my first sight of one. It was in the second week after I arrived in Hawaii. Having worked hard all day, I went to bed early. I was fast asleep when suddenly my bed began shaking and I heard a strange sound, like a railway train passing my window. Having experienced quite a few earthquakes in Hawaii already, I didn't take much notice. I was about to go back to sleep when suddenly my bedroom became as bright as day. I ran out of the house into the back garden where I could see Mount Kilauea in the distance. There had been an eruption from the side of the mountain and red hot lava was fountaining hundreds of metres into the air. It was an absolutely fantastic sight.The day after this eruption I was lucky enough to have a much closer look at it. Two other scientists and I were driven up the mountain and dropped as close as possible to the crater that had been formed during the eruption. Having earlier collected special clothes from the observatory, we put them on before we went any closer. All three of us looked like spacemen.We had white protective suits that covered our whole body, helmets, big boots and special gloves. It was not easy to walk in these suits, but we slowly made our way to the edge of the crater and looked down into the red, boiling centre. The other two climbed down into the crater to collect some lava for later study, but this being my first experience, I stayed at the top and watched them.Today, I am just as enthusiastic about my job as the day I first started. Having studied volcanoes now for many years, I am still amazed at their beauty as well as their potential to cause great damage.我的工作是世界上最伟大的工作。

化工原理课程(全英文)教学课件 5

化工原理课程(全英文)教学课件 5

Quasi-steady state assumption (准稳态假设): Assume steady state during a small time interval [������, ������ + ������������], and apply the Bernoulli Equation.
9 © 2015 Yanwei Wang
Tank Draining Through a Pipe (5/6)
Continuity: ������������ =
������ 2 ������������ − 2 ������ ������������
Under the quasi-steady state assumption, Bernoulli Eq. gives ������������ =
Fluid flow
Pages 33-43 of textbook Basic equations of fluid flow Mass balance in fluid flow Energy balance and Bernoulli’s equation
2 © 2015 Yanwei Wang
14 © 2015 Yanwei Wang
Siphon (4/5)
Clearly there is a limit to how low we can go below atmospheric pressure. At first glance, you might think that we can increase the height difference between the lowest and highest points in the siphon pipe up to the value where the absolute pressure at location 2 will be zero. This would be an incorrect conclusion. Actually, when the pressure is gradually lowered in a liquid, it will first reach a value where it equals the vapor pressure (蒸 汽压) at room temperature. When it goes slightly below this value, vapor bubbles will begin to form, typically at locations on the pipe wall that contain crevices with trapped air, a process known as heterogeneous nucleation (异相成核).





这15 11llportant指出,增加值15在每一个阶段,这个过程和最终产品的价值,可能有有哪些在开始使用的原料很多次。




氯碱一alkaliproducts 。






Phosphoricacidandphosphates 。


15对聚合物部门的主要使用者ofpetrochemical 中间体和消耗几乎一半的有机化工原料所生产的总产出。











化工英语翻译Synthetic gas is used to make ammonia and methanol. About half of the methanol produced is used to make formaldehyde. The rest of the methanol is used to make polyester fibers, plastics, and silicone rubber for caulking. Ammonia is used primarily to form ammonium nitrate, a source of fertilizer.How petrochemicals are made?Most petrochemicals feedstocks are made during the refining of crude oil by thermal or steam cracking, catalytic reforming, or steam reforming. Thousands of other intermediate petrochemicals and propylene. In petrochemical thermocracking either ethane or propane from natural gas, or naphtha or gas oil (a hydrocarbon oil used as fuel oil), is heated in a cracking furnace with steam. It is then rapidly cooled, in refining, cracking is used to chemically change less valuable refined fractions, called cracking stocks, into more valuable gasoline.The velocity gradient ??is a measure of the rate with which velocity changes with distance and it measures the shearing that the fluid experiences. The term is often called the rate of shear. The force per unit area that is required for the maintenance of the shearing action,??, is known as the shear stress. A ”stress” is a force per unit area and has the same units as pressure.速度梯度??是衡量与速度随距离的变化率,同时也是衡量流动剪切力,这个词常被称为剪切速率。

化工专业英语Unit 5翻译 Major Sectors of the Chemical Industry

化工专业英语Unit 5翻译 Major Sectors of the Chemical Industry















化工原理英文教材传热传递Heat Transfer

化工原理英文教材传热传递Heat Transfer
Conduction is accompanied with radiation.
Convection take places with conduction and radiation.
Heat transfer by conduction
Conduction is most easily understood by considering heat flow in homogeneous isotropic solids because in these there is no convection and the effect of radiation is negligible.
Basic law of conduction
The basic relation for heat flow by conduction is the proportionality between heat flux and the temperature gradient.
It can be written
Conduction and convection heat transfer rates depend upon temperature difference between two kinds of objects.
Radiation always happens except for temperature T=0 K.
dq k T dA n
The partial derivative calls attention to the fact that the temperature may vary with both location and time.


qV=A底utmin 影响因素分析 ①与沉降面积成正比,与高度无关
qV A底d2pmi(n18p)g
t↑,μ气↑,气体先除尘后加热比先加热后除尘好。 ③当dp<dpmin时,若在斯区沉降
i uutmt inddpmp in2
设计型计算: 已知:qV,要100%除去的dpmin 求:A
5.3 沉降分离设备 5.3.1 重力降尘室 假设:①入口气体均布 ②固体颗粒与气体同速前进 ③入口固体颗粒均布
u qV BH
气体停留时间 L LBH
u qV
颗粒沉降距离 sut LqBV Hut
除尘效率 C进 C出
C进i C出i C进i
全部除去的最小颗粒dpmin 降尘室的处理能力
ut是颗粒与流体的综合特性。 ut采用了极限处理方法
(2)加速过程的地位 是否重要, 要予以判断 大颗粒,加速时间长,走过距离长, 几乎一直在加速。 小颗粒,加速时间短,走过距离短, 加速段可忽略。
例1 斯托克斯区加速段

π π π u 2 π d u
d 3 g d 3 g d 2 d 3
和 4dp(3put2)g
ζRe2可消去ut ζ/Re2可消去dp
例2 斯托克斯区判据值
Re<2, 由 24 得 ζ>12
则 ζRe2 <48, ζ/Re2 >6
5.2.5 实际沉降
dp太小(<0.5μm),与分子 自由程可比,黏度不再适用。



Distillation 蒸馏The separating operation called distillation utilizes1 vapor and liquid phases at essentially the same temperature and pressure for the coexisting zones. Various kinds of device such as dumped2(倾倒;堆放) or ordered3 packings4 and plates5 or trays5 are used to bring the two phases into intimate (亲密的;隐私的)contact. Trays are stacked(叠,层叠)one above the other and enclosed(装入)in a cylindrical shell to form a column6. Packings are also generally contained(包含;容纳)in a cylindrical shell between hold-down7 and support plates.称为蒸馏的分离操作是利用蒸汽相和液体相在基本相同的温度和压力下相互接触进行的。




1. Continuous Distillation (Fig.7) 连续蒸馏The feed material, which is to be separated into fractions1, is introduced at one or more points along the column shell. Because of the difference on gravity between vapor and liquid phases, liquid runs down the column, cascading2(成瀑布状落下;溢流) from tray to tray, while vapor flows up the column, contacting liquid at each tray.需要分离为几个馏分的物料从塔壳上的一个位置,或者几个沿塔高分布的位置进入塔中。

化工专业英语Unit 5翻译 Major Sectors of the Chemical Industry

化工专业英语Unit 5翻译 Major Sectors of the Chemical Industry

















化工专业英语(参考译文)Specailized English for Chemical Industry刘庆文目录模块一化工生产第一单元碳酸钠的生产第二单元聚乙烯的生产第三单元炼油第四单元精细化学品第五单元结晶第六单元液液萃取第七单元分析化学模块二职业健康与卫生第八单元化学工业的危险因素第九单元职业危害与保护第十单元个人保护模块三化学工业安全第十一单元化学危险品的危害第十二单元电器事故第十三单元化工工艺安全信息模块四环境保护第十四单元废气减排第十五单元废物利用第十六单元化学废物的循环第十七单元清洁生产模块五质量第十八单元质量保证第十九单元质量管理体系第二十单元药品生产质量管理规范模块一化工生产第一单元碳酸钠的生产碳酸钠是钠的碳酸盐(也称之为洗涤碱,苏打结晶或纯碱)。

















CaCO3→ CaO + CO2在塔顶,氯化钠和氨的浓溶液进入塔内。

随着二氧化碳气泡穿过溶液,生成碳酸氢钠沉淀:NaCl + NH3 + CO2 + H2O → NaHCO3 + NH4Cl碳酸氢钠通过加热转化为碳酸钠,并释放出水和二氧化碳:2 NaHCO3→ Na2CO3 + H2O + CO2同时,通过加热氯化铵和石灰(氢氧化钙),可以重新制备氨。

中石油2016通用英语选读课文53Oil Refining石油炼制

中石油2016通用英语选读课文53Oil Refining石油炼制

53. Oil Refining石油炼制1.Primary Refining1.粗炼2.Petroleum refining is the process of separating the many compounds<混合物> present<目前的> in crude petroleum.This process is called fractional distillation<分馏>where the crude oil is heated;the various compounds boil at different temperatures and change to gases;and are later recondensed<v再浓缩,再凝结> back into liquids.The primary refining processes are the distillation<n.(蒸馏(过程);蒸馏物;蒸流;升华>of the feedstock<n给料,进料>into its basic fractions<馏分>,and then the re-distillation of these,in separate towers,into highly concentrated<浓缩的,浓度的>intermediates<n媒介,半成品adj中间的>.2.石油炼制是将原油中的多种混合物进行分离的过程。



3.Distillation is the start of the refining process where the crude oil is split<分开,分裂>into a number of parts or cuts.The separation is made on the basis of boiling-point and groups of hydrocarbons boiling within a certain range are produced. The theory of distillation is very easy.The longer the carbon chain,the higher the temperature at which the compounds will boil.When crude oil boils,it sends out vapor<蒸汽> and condenses<冷凝>.All the different hydrocarbons in crude oil are at different temperatures.And their vapors all make separate liquids (fractions).The split are usually grouped into three categories:light distillates(LPG<液化石油气>,gasoline<汽油>,naphtha<n石脑油>),middle distillates(kerosene<煤油>,diesel<柴油>),heavy distillates and residuum<n剩余,残渣>(heavy fuel oil,lubricating oils<润滑油>,wax<蜡>,asphalt<n沥青>).3.蒸馏是炼油工艺流程的开始。



化学工程与工艺专业英语课文翻译Unit 1 Chemical Industry化学工业 ...................................................................................... - 1 -Unit 2 Research and Development研究和开发................................................................... - 3 -Unit 3 Typical Activities of Chemical Engineers化学工程师的例行工作............................ - 5 -Unit 4 Sources of Chemicals化学资源 ................................................................................. - 7 -Unit 5 Basic Chemicals基本化学品...................................................................................... - 9 -Unit 6 Chlor-Alkali and Related Processes氯碱及其相关过程.......................................... - 10 -Unit 7 Ammonia, Nitric Acid and Urea氯、硝酸和尿素 ................................................... - 12 -Unit 8 Petroleum Processing石油加工 .............................................................................. - 15 -Unit 9 Polymers 聚合物 ................................................................................................... - 16 -Unit 10 What Is Chemical Engineering?什么是化学工程学 .............................................. - 18 -Unit 11 Chemical and Process Thermodynamics化工热力学 ........................................... - 21 -Unit 12 What do we mean by transport phenomena ?如何定义传递现象 ...................... - 23 -Unit 13 Unit Operations in Chemical Engineering化学工程中的单元操作...................... - 24 -Unit14 Distillation蒸馏....................................................................................................... - 26 -Unit 15 Solvent Extraction, Leaching and Adsorption溶剂萃取,浸取和吸附................ - 28 -Unit 16 Evaporation, Crystallization and Drying蒸发、结晶和干燥................................. - 31 -Unit 17 Chemical Reaction Engineering化学反应工程 ..................................................... - 33 -Unit18 Chemical Engineering Modeling化工建模 ............................................................. - 36 -Unit 19 Introduction to Process Design过程设计简介...................................................... - 37 -Unit 20 Material Science and Chemical Engineer材料科学和化学工程........................... - 39 -Unit 21 Chemical Industry and Environment化学工业与环境 ......................................... - 42 -Unit 1 Chemical Industry化学工业1.化学工业的起源尽管化学品的使用可以追溯到古代文明时代,我们所谓的现代化学工业的发展却是非常近代(才开始的)。



化工专业英语重点段落翻译Unit.2In simple terms research can be thought of as the activity which produces new ideas and knowledge whereas development is putting those ideas into practice as new process and products. To illustrate this with an example, predicting the structure of a new molecule which would have a specific biological activity and synthesizing it could be seen as research whereas testing it and developing it to the point where it could be marketed as a new drug could be described as the development part.简单说来,研究是产生新思想和新知识的活动,而开发则是把这些思想贯彻到实践中得到新工艺和新产品的行为。


Fundamental research is typically associated with university research. It may be carried out for its own intrinsic interest and it will add to the total knowledge base but no immediate applications of it in the “real world” well be apparent. Note that it will provide a valuable training in defining and solving problems, i.e. research methodology for the research student who carries it out under supervision.基础研究通常与大学研究联系在一起,它可能是由于对其内在的兴趣而进行研究并且这种研究能够拓宽知识范围,但在现实世界中的直接应用可能性是很小的。

化工原理英文教材传热相变传热过程Heat transfer to fluids with phase change

化工原理英文教材传热相变传热过程Heat transfer to fluids  with phase change

In dropwise condensation
the condensate begins to form at microscopic nucleation sites. Typical sites are tiny pits, scratches, and dust specks.
The drops grow and coalesce with their neighbors to form visible fine drops.
It is the layer of liquid interposed between the vapor and the wall of the tube which provides the resistance to heat flow and therefore which fixes the value of the heattransfer coefficient.
化工原理 Principles of Chemical Industry
Heat transfer to fluids with phase change
Processes of heat transfer accompanied by phase are more complex than simple heat exchange between fluids since it concerns about thermodynamic and hydrodynamic.
friction losses in a condenser are normally small, so that condensation is essentially a constantpressure process.

化工原理英文教材管道和渠道中的不可压缩流动Incompressible flow in pipes and channels

化工原理英文教材管道和渠道中的不可压缩流动Incompressible flow in   pipes and channels

Integration of equation(5-10) with the boundary condition ur=0, r=rw gives
w 2 rw
rw2 r 2
The maximum value of the local velocity is denoted by umax and is located at center of the pipe. The value of umax is found from equation (5-11) by substituting 0 for r, gives
This chapter deals with the steady flow of incompressible fluids through closed pipes and channels
Shear stress and skin friction in pipes
Sheer—stress distribution
The treatment is especially straightforward fluid, for which quantities such as the velocity distribution, the average velocity, and momentum and kinetic energy correction factors are readily calculated.
Fluid element in steady flow through pipe.



U27 The acid-base titration starts with the dissolution of the solid acid sample in deionized water. Add the end-point indicator, which is phenolphthalein, with two drops to each flask containing the acid sample and deionized water.Properly label the flasks. Be consistent in all of the samples when adding the indicator. Swirl the flasks until the solid acid is completely dissolved. Finally, rinse with deionized water three times around, which is critical to ensure that all solid acid has been removed from the flask walls and dissolved in the solution. All solid particles must be dissolved prior to the titration.7、酸碱滴定伴随着于固体酸溶解于去离子水中发生。






8 The buret needs to be checked for if it is quantitatively clean, both to avoid contamination and to be sure that titrant volumes are accurately read. Make sure the buret stopcock is closed. Fill the buret with water and then drain it to check the buret, making sure that its walls drain cleanly. Before checking for drainage, wait a minute or two after completely draining the buret. Sometimes droplets appear on the inner walls of the buret after some time, indicating that the buret is not quantitatively clean .In this case ,it is necessary to use standard cleaning procedures to clean the buret. If the buret is droplet free, then it is quandtatively clean and can be used for titration.8.滴定管需要检查,如果它是定量清洁,既避免了污染又能确保滴定剂卷的准确地阅读。



英语选修六课文翻译第五单元readingAn exciting jobI have the greatest job in the world. travel to unusual places and work alongside people from all over the world sometimes working outdoors sometimes in an office sometimes using scientific equipment and sometimes meeting local people and tourists I am never bored although my job is occasionally dangerous I don't mind because danger excites me and makes me feel alive However the most important thing about my job is that I heIp protect ordinary people from one of the most powerful forces on earth-the volcano.I was appointed as a volcanologist working for the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory (HVO) twenty years ago My job is collecting information for a database about Mount KiLauea which is one of the most active volcanoes in Hawaii Having collected and evaluated the information I help oyher scientists to predict where lava from the path of the lava can be warned to leave their housesUnfortunately we cannot move their homes out of the way and many houses have been covered with lava or burned to the ground.When boiling rock erupts from a volcano and crashes back to earth, it causes less damage than you might imagine. This is because no one lives near the top of Mount Kilauea, where the rocks fall. The lava that flows slowly like a wave down the mountain causes far more damage because it buries everything in its path under the molten rock. However, the eruption itself is really exciting to watch and I shall never forget my first sight of one. It was in the second week after I arrived in Hawaii. Having worked hard all day, I went to bed early. I was fast asleep when suddenly my bed began shaking and I heard a strange sound, like a railway train passing my window. Having experienced quite a few earthquakes in Hawaii already, I didn't take much notice.I was about to go back to sleep when suddenly my bedroom became as bright as day. I ran out ofthe house into the back garden where I could see Mount Kilauea in the distance. There had been an eruption from the side of the mountain and red hot lava was fountaining hundreds of metres into the air. It was an absolutely fantastic sight.The day after this eruption I was lucky enough to have a much closer look at it. Two other scientists and I were driven up the mountain and dropped as close as possible to the crater that had been formed duing the eruption. Having earlier collected special clothes from the observatory, we put them on before we went any closer. All three of us looked like spacemen. We had white protective suits that covered our whole body, helmets,big boots and special gloves. It was not easy to walk in these suits, but we slowly made our way to the edge of the crater and looked down into the red, boiling centre. The other two climbed down into the crater to collect some lava for later study, but this being my first experience, I stayed at the top and watched them.Today, I am just as enthusiastic about my jobas the day I first started. Having studied volcanoes now for many years, I am still amazed their beauty as well as their potential to cause great damage.一份令人兴奋的工作我的工作是世界上最伟大的工作。

化工原理英文教材多效蒸发能力与经济性Capacity and economy of multiple-effect evaporators

化工原理英文教材多效蒸发能力与经济性Capacity and economy of multiple-effect evaporators

246º 226º
Substitution from Eq. (16-2)into Eq. (16-8)gives
D mf cpf (t t f ) W
The economy of a multiple-effect evaporator is not influenced by boiling-point elevations if minor factors, such as the temperature of the feed and changes in heats of evaporization, are neglected. Then by Eqs. (16-16)
This means that the boiling-point elevation in any effect is lost from the total available temperature drop.
This loss occurs in every effect of a multiple-effect evaporator, and the resulting loss of capacity.
The boiling-point elevation tends to make the capacity of the multiple-effect evaporator less than that of the corresponding single effect.
Offsetting this are the changes in overall coefficients in a multiple-effect evaporator.
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虽然染料行业15比前两个更小,它已与他们紧密的联系。这是由于传统的染料,这对于棉花,羊毛天然纤维细,分别为尼龙和聚酯像新的合成纤维完全不合适的。的研究和技术部门内的大量工作造成了惊人的颜色多种,其中15个可用的现代服装。随着一药品和植物保护剂(农药),染料的精细化学品的例子,我。 é。在相对较小的化学品生产的吨位是用于高纯度和高价值的单位重量。
选自,'一个Introduclion勿加e配strial ChemistrJ人浙农大版的CA。希顿,黑人父子公司,1997“
上述例子告诉我们一个重要的教训,虽然人员可能需要相当大的投入的化学前处理,转换成可以适合fortn其中intoa它可以使用。这elllphasizes的研究和技术I] llPortant在化学工业方面,即一间专业团队合作的重要性。
下游加工国税发国税发在其他行业的一些上市的关键中间体。 15对聚合物部门的主要使用者ofpetrochemical中间体和消耗几乎一半的有机化工原料所生产的总产出。它包括塑料,合成纤维,橡胶,合成橡胶和粘合剂,它是与他们的特殊新材料,往往小说,物业,对有机化工行业1950年至1970年爆发性增长带来了巨大的需求。
故事开始与原油011或天然气组分,电子,9。 naplltlla,这是给主要裂解等坤溶解乙炔。仆é乙烯15日再与氧气反应,乙酸和移植了钯催化剂作为即产生醋酸乙烯。最终这15聚醋酸乙烯聚合到其中15个再与其他成分的混合产生乳胶漆。
。聚合物。 Sulphuricacid(sulphurindustry)
。染料。 Ammoniaandfertilizers(nitrogenindustry)。农用化工产品。 Phosphoricacidandphosphates
近年来,农用化学品(农药),以及制药业,有constifuted一个化工行业,我bluechip部门。 é。为这些公司,可以继续经营也很有利可图的。
药物被现在因为他们的高levelsof profitabilit犷一altliough这几年似乎常常吸引批评,对一些药品的利润太高了富有魅力的部门国税发产业。后者的意见,必须对风险和成本非常高(在5160 millionpermarketablecomPound过量)ofdiscoveringanddevelopingnewproducts集。这两个部门15日在与客户的关系,并认为其产品的15个需求不大受经济衰退极大的反差所有其他部门,其实是唯一的。
肥皂和洗涤剂代表一个有趣的,而不同的部门。有趣的是早期生产的肥皂与对碱的需求,可以被看作是现代化工产业的开端。从它的产品直接销售给公众和市场份额的其他行业不同可能有更多的与包装比产品的技术性能营销。它的许多产品都可以来自石油化工中间体,从动物和植物0115和脂肪,电子商务。克。 ,铝勺1和芳基磺酸盐。虽然这些有机溶剂一些化学品,是直接使用,最需要进一步加工和制定之前,可以把他们的最终用途,在某些情况下,如果新材料被发现,重大技术进步前,必须进行处理,他们可以并利用其独特的性能。这种材料的15聚四氟乙烯,其中15个为更好地知聚四氟乙烯或在其商业名称Fluon(卜内门)和聚四氟乙烯(杜邦公司)拥有。当这种被flrst由伟大的化学稳定性,优良的电绝缘性,极低的摩擦系数(因此其非一棒应用)和很宽的工作温度范围内其特殊的性质,很快就承认。然而,它的使用被推迟数年,因为它无法处理的传统技术,它不得不等待粉末冶金技术的发展。
化工行业需要,如011和天然气,石灰石和盐天然原料人数较少和转换(通过化学处理或化学反应)他们把几千年的化学中间体。正如我们已经看到,这些都是再转换到终端或消费者的产品。这15 11llportant指出,增加值15在每一个阶段,这个过程和最终产品的价值,可能有有哪些在开始使用的原料很多次。显然,在价值提升附加在每一个阶段必须超过15加工成本ifthe公司为实现其活动的利润。
硫酸(硫磺业)15吨位的所有条款中最重要的化学物质。 LTS的生产可以被视为达到成熟,几年前,但即便是现在正在做的工作15取消ofunreacted广场的最后痕迹(环境原因)。