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有句话叫做“高楼大厦平地起”,想要建立英语这座大厦,最基本的材料就是单词。单词是学生背诵中最头疼的,教学中我采用“联想法”教授英语的音标和单词。例如,b [ b ] p [ p ] m [ m ] f [ f ] d [ d ] t [ t ] n [ n ] l [ l ] g [ g ] k [ k ] h [ h ] r [ r ] s [ s ] v [ v ] w [ w ] z [ z ] 这几个辅音字母的音素和字母本身的写法一样,而且读法也有联系。例如:bee dog four go have kite late moon past rose sit vest worry zoo等等。类似的字母组合还有tr [ tr ] dr [ dr ] ts [ ts ] (ds [ dz ] ). 例如:tree dress cats

birds .当然,还有一些辅音字母组合的读音和汉语拼音有联系。例如:ch 、sh 、wh 、ph 、kn 、wr 所对应的音素的读法和汉语拼音即有联系又有区别。例如:china sheep what who photo know write 等等。而元音字母和辅音字母组合的双字母组合在大部分单词中的音素则是固定的。这些组合有ar 、er 、ir 、or 、ur 、ay 、ey 、oy ,例如:bar teacher bird horse nurse play they toy boy 等。oo组合[ u:] [ u ] 更好记了。例如:book look good cook 里的oo 对应的音素是[ u ] , 其他的oo 组合则是[ u:] .例如:foot boot room school 等。这样的组合还有很多,例如:are ere air eir ear 、ire 、ore 、ure 、tion 、sion 、ture 等。只要我们潜心研究,用联想法进行英语教学的规律还有待发现。学生们掌握了这些规律,一般情况下,没有什么难记的单词。


人人都会遗忘,采用联想法进行英语单词听写练习,有助于学生有效记忆单词,激发学习兴趣。笔者采用读出一个单词,让学生写出与此单词相关的单词或短语。例如:play 在音素方面相同的单词学生们可以联想到以下单词:say today day may pay way等。在短语方面的联想词组有:play a ball game 、play games 、play basketball、play football 、play chess 、play with sb. 。有能力的学生我们还可以让他们说一些句子。采用这种方法,学生不仅仅是记忆了某一单元或某一节课的新授单词,而且将新旧单词融合在一起。这种通过单词听写延伸到短语的方法,大量练习后,可以为


There is a bed in the room .

There is a desk near the bed .

There is a clock on the wall .

There are two chairs in front of the desk .

There is a ball under the chair .

There is a picture on the wall .

There is a tree in the picture .

There are three birds in the tree .

There is a skirt on the bed .

There is a cat on the chair .

到此并不为止,有的同学还说出了下面一篇语段:This is Lucy ’s bedroom . The desk is red . The chair is red ,too. The cat on the chair is white , It’s lovely . The skirt on the bed is yellow , It’s beautiful . Lucy likes it very much . The ball under the chair is Lucy’s brother’s , He likes playing ball games , He always plays it with his friends on Sundays .等。我们在教学中还可以采用简笔画、利用多媒体、生活物品等进行英语教学,你会发现英语课堂其乐融融,趣味



通过联想法教学了单词、短语及句子练习后,学生们将面临英语作文写作练习。在联想法教学理念的影响下,教师在教学中可以鼓励学生展开联想的翅膀,进行课文复述,以及创造性写作练习。英语教材中有这样一篇文章:Hello! My name is Tom , This is my family .There are four people in my family . They are my father , my mother , my sister and me . My father is a doctor , My mother is a nurse , She is nice . My sister is four . I am thirteen . I have many friends. On Sundays my friends come to my home and play games with me .

同学们学习了这篇文章后,开动脑筋,做了很多练习。下面是我精选的其中一篇,请你欣赏:Good morning ! My name is Lanlan, I am thirteen years old . I am in Class Four ,Grade One . My English teacher is Miss Wang . She is a good teacher . Look ! This is my room . There is a bed , a chair and a desk in my room . The doll on the bed is my favourite . I love my room and I love my family . My father is a worker , He always goes to work at seven , He works hard .My mother is an English teacher , She is thirty-four years old , She is thin and slim , She teaches English well , Her students love her . And I love my mother , too . I also have many friends . On Sundays we get together to sing and play . I love my life . 感觉怎么样?这个同学展开联想的翅
