保驾夜行 千里汽车夜视主动安全系统专车专用机改装案例
1.走回正确道路——汽车音响改装的专车专用之路 [J], 孔庆禧
2.奔腾B50影音主机改装案例专车专用主机改装 [J],
3.专车专用可视泊车,让您放心——银声前后可视专车专用泊车系统安装案例 [J],
4.夜行千里,保驾护航——保千里汽车主动安全系统测试报告 [J], m.k
5.雷厉风行广汽雷凌Levin改装海航专车专用导航案例 [J], 李小呆
UP按键镜头拉窄角(ZOOM TELE),如果汽
DOWN按键镜头拉广角(ZOOM WIDE)如果汽车
CURRENT科技公司Night Navigator HSC高速船夜视仪产品介绍说明书
CURRENT Scientific Corporation – Tel: +1 604 461 5555 –*********************HSC1000 S e r i e sRUGGED. MARITIME. LOW MAINTENANCE.The Night Navigator™ HSC is a High -Definition marinized Night Vision camera system, certified for the HSC code and Wheelmark by the Lloyds Register classification society, following the requirements of the IMO in Resolution MSC.94(72). It is designed for night navigation at high speed on High Speed Craft carrying passengers or crew.The Night Navigator HSC is a critical equipment for safe navigation at high speed, providing visibility of potential obstacles in the navigation path, withstanding their temperature difference with the water. It is the HSC code certified night vision camera system of choice on HSC worldwide.APPLICATIONS • High Speed Passenger Vessel • High Speed Offshore Supply vesselBENEFITS•Rugged, marinized, low maintenance design•Intensifies available light on a scene where the human eye cannot distinguish any elements, to provide a clear understanding of surroundings while navigating at sea at high speed.•Provides a clear, highly detailed image , in HD, even when the object has the same temperature as its surroundings (log in the water, kayak in the water, …)•Protected from excessive light exposure through its auto-gating mechanism•Integrates on-screen display (OSD) of lubber line, trim position, preset position, heading and more.•Performs self-diagnostics, evaluating internal communications and various components, including controller IP address, software versions, internal temperature, humidity level and the pan and tilt parameters.•Configured as single payload with no junction boxes or interface modules simplifies installations and retro-fits, while reducing maintenance.•Designed to withstand marine environmental conditions and proven by over 10 years and hundreds of successful operating installations worldwide.HSC code IMO target definition:Black metal target, 50% immersed in the water, in the water at least 24 hours before test at night Target size 1.5m (L) x 1.5m (l) x 1m(H)IMO DETECTION REQUIREMENT FOR ISO 16273 – IMO RESOLUTION MSC.94(72)The Night Navigator HSC detects standard IMO target beyond the required 600 metersCURRENT Scientific Corporation – 2933 Murray Street, Port Moody, BC, V3H 1X3, CANADATel: +1 604 461 5555 –*********************– HSCS p e c i f i c a t i o n s s u b j e c t t o c h a n g e o r i m p r o v e m e n t w i t h o u t n o t i c e . A l l N i g h t N a v i g a t o r s a l e s a r e c o n d i t i o n a l t o C a n a d i a n e x p o r t l i c e n s e a p p r o v a l – 2018-12-19SYSTEM FEATURESGATED IMAGE-INTENSIFIED HD NIGHT VISION Sensor Type Gen IIIHD & SD Formats 1080p30 (2 million px) Pixels 1,310,720 Spectral Response 450 - 950 nm Luminous Sensitivity 0.0000001 lux Field of view 20°Focus Control Via controllerImage Intensifier Protection Auto gating, light level auto shutdown, timed shutdown Window Coating Anti-reflective & hydrophobicPLATFORM SPECIFICATIONS Dimensions 16.6cm (Height) x 34.8cm (Width) 6.53” x 13.70” Weight ±5kg (11 lbs)Pan Range ±20° from heading Tilt range ±9⁰Voltage 24VDC (nominal)Pressurized Camera Enclosure VIDEO DISPLAY AND SIGNALStandard Size 13.3” TFT Liquid Crystal Display module Features LED backlight technology Viewable Angle 70⁰ (H) 60⁰ (V) (typical) Power Consumption Operating: 20W (typical) - 30W (maximum) On-Screen Information Display Lubber line, preset position, heading, range lines Format DVI or HD-SDIThe Hatteland Series X display range is a flexible monitor solution designed and type approved for the professional maritime segment, where reliability and long-life time are key pre-requisites for the industryTOUCHSCREEN CONTROLLERStandard Size 8.0” TFT Liquid Crystal Display module Features LED backlight technology Power Consumption Operating: 20W (typical) - 30W (maximum)The touch screen is based on Projected Capacitive Technology (PC Touch), which includes full multi touch support. Dimmable for Night OperationOPTION FOR HONG KONG NAVIGATION Hong Kong Requirement 23° Field of ViewSecondary controller 20/10/10/20 button module Secondary monitorENVIRONMENTALIngress Protection Mark IP67StandardsMIL SPEC connectors Operational temperature-20⁰C to +50⁰CHSC code - Type approval certificationISO 16273:2003 Night vision equipment for high-speed craft Operational and performance requirements, methods of testing and required test resultsIEC 60945 (2002) Maritime navigation and radio communication equipment and systems – General requirements Methods of testing and required test resultsIEC 62288 Ed. 1.0 Maritime navigation and radio communication equipment and systems - Presentation of navigation-related information on shipborne navigational displays - General requirements, methods of testing and required test results MSC.36 (63) International Code of Safety for High Speed Craft, 1994MSC.94 (72) Performance Standards for Night Vision Equipment for High-Speed Craft MSC.97 (73) International Code of Safety for High Speed Craft, 2000MSC.191 (79)Performance Standards for the Presentation of Navigation-Related Information on Shipborne Navigational DisplaysWheelmarkMarED European Marine Equipment Directive – EU Directive 2014/90/EU (MED)Hatteland 8” Touchscreen controlHatteland 13.3” MonitorNN HSC INCLUDESPayload platform & cables。
车米夜视仪安装流程(WIFI1.0)第一步:在安装车米夜视仪设备之前,打开包装盒,检查包装盒里是否有如下设备:(1)、夜视仪摄像头;(2)、车米WiFi模块(注:车米夜视仪单机版的没有);(3)、车米夜视仪摄像头的底座和配件;(4)、Acc延长线(注:在车米夜视仪的包装盒配有三条不同保险丝的Acc延长线);(5)、内存卡(注:车米夜视仪包装盒里标配是8Gtf 卡,车米夜视仪单机版有一个读卡器);(6)、保修说明书;(7)GPS天线(这里会配一套饰件);(8)、电源线和OBD线。
BOSCH 闭路监控系统 GVS1000 长距离成像系统 说明书
GVS1000 是一款适用于长距离、日夜两用、摇摄-俯仰-变焦 (PTZ)监控的系统。
该系统可在全黑环境下提供 1000 米的识别等级性能和 1200 米(3900 英尺)的分类等级性能。
GVS1000 可为重要应用场合(例如港口和海上监控、交通和机场监控以及边界和周边安全)提供全天候的长距离成像。
为了高效地发挥这些性能,GVS1000 配备了拥有红外校正功能、光学变焦高达 60 倍的长焦镜头。
镜头焦距为 12.5‑750 毫米或25‑1500 毫米(借助倍加器功能),可以与高性能 Dinion XF 图像感应器配合使用,从而在白天和黑夜都能生成高品质的长距离图像。
为了便于控制,GVS1000 可以通过 RS422/RS485 使用Pelco P/D 协议输入信号。
基本功能光学与红外•红外校正 60x 光学变焦实现 1200 米的夜视能力•最佳的 Dinion XF 成像性能•长距离 ZX700 红外照明•由采用 Black Diamond 技术的双 BDS208DS 红外灯提供的中/短距离红外光PT 马达•可变速的马达实现高度精的水平旋转和俯仰•具有硬极限和软极限的预置位和巡视路线功能系统/安装和维护•自测诊断功能•LED 指示灯和电压接触点满足所有维护要求•经加固的连接器和线缆,拥有较长的寿命•外部电源 LED 指示灯夜间性能范围(在最佳条件下)级别距离说明分类1,200 米(3,900 英尺)确定某个物体为人(而不是动物或其他物体)的性能级别。
识别1000 米(3,300 英尺)根据所穿衣服的类型和携带的装备等项目确定某个类似人形的物体是否具有威胁(朋友或敌人)的性能级别。
鉴定500 米(1,650英尺)可以认出人物目标是某个人的性能级别。
夜视仪操作指南- 1 -请先阅读“夜视仪”在本手册中称为“本机”。
警告◆按照激光安全国际标准,本产品属于四类激光产品(CLASS Ⅳ)。
- 2 -◆在激光灯工作时,2米以内,切勿用手或身体其它部分对激光阻挡,以免发生对皮肤伤害或火灾。
注意事项1. 请勿将产品置于不稳定的平面上进行测试、安装等操作,在进行操作前要确保机器摆放平稳、装配牢固。
- 3 -3.接线时必须遵守各项电气安全标准,充电时请使用本机自带的专用充电电源或车载充电器充电,使用其他品牌充电器充电造成损失的本公司不负任何责任。
4. 不要在超出温度、湿度标准的环境下使用。
摄录仪使用温度为-10℃至45℃,湿度小于 90%。
5. 本产品内部并无用户可自行维修的部件,当机器有故障时,请勿轻易对机器进行任何修理操作,应先参照说明书查出故障,查不出原因则请专业人员维修。
- 4 -目录请先阅读 (2)本机参数 (8)各部品名称......................................... - 12 - 准备工作..................................................... - 18 - 检查箱内附件..................................... - 18 - 安装示意图:............................................. - 21 - 背带安装............................................. - 21 -底座安装 (22)镜头盖、遮光罩安装 (23)三脚架安装......................................... - 24 - 快速操作指南............................................. - 25 - 充电..................................................... - 25 -开关机................................................. - 28 -按键操作说明..................................... - 29 -面板显示说明..................................... - 31 -基本操作说明..................................... - 33 -工作模式介绍..................................... - 35 -- 5 -录像/播放 ................................................... - 37 - 手动录像............................................. - 37 -播放..................................................... - 39 -快进/快退 ........................................... - 40 -音量加/减 ........................................... - 41 -电脑上播放......................................... - 43 - 特种功能使用及注意事项................................. - 44 - 自定义本机 ........................................................ - 45 - 主菜单设定................................................. - 46 - 摄像机设置................................................. - 49 - 录像系统设置............................................. - 53 - 影像设定..................................................... - 54 - 画质设定............................................. - 54 - 录像设定..................................................... - 58 - 预约时间............................................. - 59 -覆盖功能............................................. - 64 -档案长度............................................. - 65 -- 6 -录像模式..................................................... - 68 - 播放与删除视频文件................................. - 70 - 系统设定..................................................... - 72 - 时间设置............................................. - 74 -格式化................................................. - 74 -记忆卡信息......................................... - 75 - 简易故障排除及维修................................. - 78 - 注意事项............................................. - 81 - 配件清单..................................................... - 82 -- 7 -本机参数- 9 -- 10 -- 11 -- 12 - 各部品名称右选择菜单/确认 向下/缩小 模式/返回 左选择 向上/放大内置麦克风显示屏充电指示灯(内置)录像回放/暂停/删除/AE 录像回放/暂停(39页)删除(42页)AE调整(44页)底座开关机手动录像录像回放脚垫- 13 -录像键/强光抑制录像:(37页)强光抑制:(44页)开关机长按3秒钟进行开关机超声波感应器左挂绳柱摄像机激光光源右挂绳柱喇叭- 14 -麦克风插孔复位按钮激光开关耳机插孔DC IN插孔左把手:外置麦克风插孔。
Speco 180度夜视摄像头用户使用说明书
INSTRUCTION MANUAL4MP Flexible Intensifier T echnology TVI 180Degree CameraSpeco Technologies is constantly developing product improvements.We reserve the right to modify product design and specifications without notice and without incurring any obligation.Rev. 01/01/2021H4FB1(Bullet Camera)Contents◑ Contents (2)◑ Precautions .................................................3, 4◑ Safety Instructions .. (5)◑ Package Contents (6)◑ Camera Installation .....................................7-8◑ Specifications. (9)◑ Camera Dimension (10)◑ Features (11)◑ OSD Menu Details ......................................12-25◑ Trouble Shooting .. (26)- 2 -- 4 -CAUTIONRISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCKDO NOT OPENCAUTION:TO REDUCE THE RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCKDO NOT REMOVE COVER(OR BACK).NO USER-SERVICEABLE PARTS INSIDE.REFER SERVICING TO QUALIFIED SERVICE PERSONNEL.ISO14001The lightning flash with an arrowhead symbol, within an equilateraltriangle is intended to alert the user to the presence of uninsulateddangerous voltage within the product's enclosure that may be ofsufficient magnitude to constitute a risk of electric shock to persons.The exclamation point within an equilateral triangle is intended to alertthe user to the presence of important operating and maintenance(servicing) instructions in the literature accompanying the appliance.INFORMATION - This equipment has been tested and found to comply with limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules & CE Rules.These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment.This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at their own expense.WARNING - Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the manufacturer could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.Apparatus shall not be exposed to dripping or splashing and no objects filled with liquids, such as vases, shall be placed on the apparatus.CAUTION : To prevent electric shock and risk of fire hazards:ōDo NOT use power sources other than those specified.WARNING - To prevent electric shock and risk of fire hazards:Do NOT use power sources other than that specified.Do NOT expose this appliance to rain or moisture.In USA and Canada, Use Class 2 Power Supply OnlySafety InstructionsPrecautions for use◑T his camera should be installed by qualified personnel only◑T here are no user serviceable parts inside◑ Do not disassemble this camera other than to make initial adjustments◑ Use a UL approved regulated 24 volt AC or 12 volt DC power supply◑Use appropriate low voltage power cable to prevent fire or electrical shock ◑Please insure that your installation area can support the weight of the cameraPlease handle this camera carefully :◑D o not use a strong or abrasive detergent when cleaning the camera◑ Do not install near cooling or heating device- 5 -Package ContentsPlease make sure that the following items are included in the Package:1) H4FB1 Included Junction Box• 1 Power Jack• 1 Mount Base Sticker• 1 Wrench• Set Screw- 4 Tapping Screws 4x25- 4 Hexagon Socket Screws M4x14- 4 Plastic Anchor- 6 -Camera Dimension 1) H4FB12.33”3.36”7.46”2.33”3.73”dia3.12”dia- 10 -General Features●Transfer Video InterfaceThe combination of a 5Mega CMOS image sensor and TVI DSP provides an excellent resolution of TVI picture.●DNRSmart DNR prevents the image blurring of moving object and activates only if moving objects are appearing on the scene.●Smart-IRNo saturation image, vivid image in darkness! "TVI" camera makes very sharp video image in darkness! This technology eliminates saturation of video image of the closer object in darkness by control of the IR sensitivity. Saturation never happens in our "TVI"cameras, you can enjoy vivid image in any dark condition!●Sens-UpDespite a limited & low light condition, Sens-Up - Max. x32 helps the viewer to get visible and clear images.●DefogDefog function “improves” the clarity of images taken in poor conditions such as fog, smoke, rain or snow.●WDRA powerful and advanced technology that captures a high resolution picture even where images appear dark.●CVBS(Composite Video Blanking and Sync)TV system is switchable 'NTSC' or 'PAL' with built-in OSD.●Intelligent FunctionAn extraordinary technology that enables Speco Technologies TVI to become the ultimate solution by providing intelligent features based on motion detection. It also strengthens crime prevention and detection.- 11 -How to Set Up the camera menu ●Setup MenuMENULENSSENS-UPBACKLIGHTDNR1.PRESET2.MAIN SETUP INDOOR / OUTDOOR / LOW LIGHT / HALLWAY / LOBBY(WDR) / ELEVATOR1.ALC2.EXPOSURE3.BACKLIGHTOFFONBRIGHTNESSSHUTTERSENS-UPAGCRETURN (SAVE/CANCEL)OFFHLCBLCWDRLENGTHRETURN (SAVE/CANCEL)0~20 default : 10AUTOMANUALFLICKEROFF, X2, X4, X8, X16, X320~10 default : 10LEVELMODERETURNH-POSV-POSH-SIZEV-SIZERETURN (SAVE/CANCEL)WDR MODEWEIGHTRETURN (SAVE/CANCEL)0~6 default : 0INDOOR/OUTDOOR/DEBLURRETURN (SAVE/CANCEL)1/30, 1/60, 1/120, 1/250, 1/700, 1/1000, 1/1600, 1/2500, 1/5000, 1/7000, 1/10000, 1/30000(30P)1/60, 1/120, 1/250, 1/700, 1/1000, 1/1600, 1/2500, 1/5000, 1/7000, 1/10000, 1/30000, 1/50000(60P)0~20 default : 10BLK/WHT/YEL/CYN/GRN/MAG/RED/BLU0~20 default : 110~19 default : 100~20 default : 30~12 default : 3LINE/FRAMEOFFBOXPOLYGONLOW/MIDDLE/HIGHWINDOW ZONEWINDOW USEH-POSV-POSH-SIZEV-SIZERETURN (SAVE/CANCEL)WINDOW ZONEWINDOW USEPOS0-XPOS0-YPOS1-XPOS1-YPOS2-XPOS2-YPOS3-XPOS3-YRETURN (SAVE/CANCEL)0 ~ 3 default : 0ON/OFF0 ~ 1920 default : 4260 ~ 1080 default : 2400 ~ 1920 default : 5120 ~ 1080 default : 4320 ~ 3 default : 0ON/OFFdefault : 420default : 240default : 730default : 240default : 426default : 540default : 726default : 540 INDOORDC LENS : INDOORMANUAL LENS : AUTOX8OFFHIGHOUTDOORDC LENS : OUTDOORMANUAL LENS : AUTOX16OFFHIGHLOWLIGHTDC LENS : INDOORMANUAL LENS : AUTOX32OFFHIGHHALLWAYDC LENS : INDOORMANUAL LENS : AUTOX8OFFMIDDLELOBBYDC LENS : INDOORMANUAL LENS : AUTOX8WDRLOWELEVATORDC LENS : INDOORMANUAL LENS : AUTOX8OFFLOWSPECO PRESET MODE defaultSPECO TECH- 12 -How to Set Up the camera menu ●Setup MenuMENU4.DAY&NIGHT5.WHITE BAL6.SPECO DNR7.IMAGE AUTOCOLORB&WEXTERNAUTO/AWB/AWC-SETMANUALOFF/LOW/MIDDLE/HIGHSHARPNESSCOLOR GAINGAMMAMIRRORFLIPD-ZOOMACEDEFOGSHADINGPRIVACYD>N THRES(AGC)N>D THRES(AGC)DELAYRETURN (SAVE/CANCEL)SMART - IRGHOST_CATLED LEVELD>N THRES(CDS)N>D THRES(CDS)DELAYRETURN (SAVE/CANCEL)C-TEMPR-GAINB-GAINRETURN (SAVE/CANCEL)0 ~ 10 default : 100 ~ 20 default : 100.45, 0.55, 0.6, 0.65ON/OFFON/OFF1.0X ~ 16X default : 1.0XOFF, LOW, MIDDLE, HIGHONOFFONOFFBOXPOLYGON0~20 default : 130~20 default : 3LOW, MIDDLE, HIGH0~20 default : 2ON/OFF0~10 default : 100~20 default : 130~20 default : 7LOW, MIDDLE, HIGH3000K/5000K/8000K0~20 default : 100~20 default : 10MODELEVELRETURN (SAVE/CANCEL)WEIGHTRETURN (SAVE/CANCEL)ONOFFONAUTO/MANUALLOW,MIDDLE,HIGH0% ~ 100% default : 100%ZONE NUMZONE DISPH-POSV-POSH-SIZEV-SIZEY LEVELCB LEVELCR LEVELTRANSRETURN (SAVE/CANCEL)ZONE NUMZONE DISPPOS0-XPOS0-YPOS1-XPOS1-YPOS2-XPOS2-YPOS3-X0~15 default : 0ON/OFF0~60 default : 120~34 default : 20~60 default : 30~34 default : 30~20 default : 100~20 default : 100~20 default : 100~3 default : 00~15 default : 0ON/OFFdefault : 80default : 5default : 88default : 5default : 88default : 13default : 80- 13 -How to Set Up the camera menu ●Setup MenuMENU3.EXIT 8.SYSTEM9.EXITRETURN (SAVE/CANCEL)VIDEO OUTPUTIMAGE RANGELANGUAGECAM TITLERESETRETURN (SAVE/CANCEL)SAVE/CANCELOUTPUTFRAME RATEFREQCONFIRMRETURN (SAVE/CANCEL)FULLCOMPUSERENG, CHN, CHN(S), JPN, KOROFFRIGHT UPLEFT DOWNON-PUSHINGOFFTVI720/30P, 1080/30P, 1440/30P, 1944/20P, 1944/12.5P50HZ/60HZYES(PUSH)OFFSETRETURNPOS3-YY LEVELCB LEVELCR LEVELTRANSRETURN (SAVE/CANCEL)0~32 default : 10default : 130~20 default : 100~20 default : 100~20 default : 100~3 default : 2- 14 -SPECO TECH1. PRESET2.MAIN SETUP3.EXITINDOORMENU1. ALC2. EXPOSURE3. BACKLIGHT4. DAY&NIGHT5. WHITE BAL6. SPECO DNR7. IMAGE8. SYSTEM9. EXIT OFF OFF AUTO AUTO MIDDLE3. Change menu settings using the Left or Right button.* Available values or Status are displayed by pressing the Left or Right buttons. Press the button until desired value / status is displayed.4. After Changing the setting move the arrow indicator to EXIT and press the- 15 -- 16 -ALC[ON/OFF] : Automatic Lens Control (ALC) is easily adjusted fixed lens field of view angle adjustment.MENU1. ALC2. EXPOSURE3. BACKLIGHT4. DAY&NIGHT5. WHITE BAL6. SPECO DNR7. IMAGE8. SYSTEM9. EXITOFF OFF AUTO AUTO MIDDLE1. On the Set Up menu, Select EXPOSURE by using the Up or Down button.2. EXPOSUREMENU1. ALC2. EXPOSURE3. BACKLIGHT4. DAY&NIGHT5. WHITE BAL6. SPECO DNR7. IMAGE8. SYSTEM9. EXITOFF OFF AUTO AUTO MIDDLE2. EXPOSUREBRIGHTNESS SHUTTER SENS-UP AGC RETURN 10 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII| AUTOX810 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII|HLC : This function is used to surpress or strong light source (for example, headlights of cars during nighttime) so that other subjects can be seen in more detail. If you select HLC, a submenu appears where you can make finer adjustments.- LEVEL : Adjust the brightness level from which on the light source is to be masked out.- MODE : Select the color of HLC range.HLCLEVEL MODE RETURN 10 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII| BLKBLC : This function is used to counterbalance the screen image by increasing the brightness so that asubject which appears dark due to a strong backlight can be displayed in more detail. If you select BLC, a submenu appears where you can make finer adjustments.- H-POS/V-POS/H-SIZE/V-SIZE : Define the position and size of the area of interest by changing the positionBLCH-POS V-POS H-SIZE V-SIZE RETURN111033 MENU1. ALC2. EXPOSURE3. BACKLIGHT4. DAY&NIGHT5. WHITE BAL6. SPECO DNR7. IMAGE8. SYSTEM9. EXIT OFF OFF AUTO AUTO MIDDLEWDRWDR MODE WEIGHT RETURN FRAME OFFAUTO : Automatically, It shifts into the color mode in the bright environment and the B/W mode in the low light condition. It can adjust the delay time, starting brightness and end brightness according to the ambient conditions by pressing the Set button.INTENSIFIER : The bright screen can be displayed by sensing the degree of the darkness automatically under the circumstance of low light condition or at night.- SMART IR. : 0~20 smart IR level adjustable.- GHOST_CAT[ON/OFF] : Get rid of Ghost phenomenon (image dragging) when set-up the SENS-UP - LED LEVEL : 0~10 IR ADJUST level adjustable.- D>N THRES(CDS) : 0~20 CDS THRES level adjustable. - N>D THRES(CDS) : 0~20 CDS THRES level adjustable.- DELAY [LOW/MIDDLE/HIGH] : Set the delay time for switching between COLOR and B/W.4. DAY&NIGHTSMART-IR GHOST_CAT LED LEVELD&N THRES(CDS)N&D THRES(CDS)DELAY RETURN2 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII| OFF10 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII| 13 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII| 7 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII| LOWMENU1. ALC2. EXPOSURE3. BACKLIGHT4. DAY&NIGHT5. WHITE BAL6. SPECO DNR7. IMAGE8. SYSTEM9. EXITOFF OFF AUTO AUTO MIDDLEAUT0 : Use this mode when the color temperature is from 3,000k to 8,000k.AWB : The function to search for the color which is matched well with the ambient environment. SET : After letting camera focus on the blank white paper to the best condition of current lighting environment, press the SET button. If the lighting condition is changed, Re-adjustment MANUAL : Manual compensation make the more detailed control possible. First, after adjusting the white balance using the ATW or AWB mode, change the mode into the manual compensation mode and then press Set button. While looking at the color change of the subject seen on the screen after setting up the proper color temperature, increase the each value of the blue and the red.- C-TEMP : 3000K/5000K/8000K level adjustable.- R-GAIN : 0~20 level adjustable.- B-GAIN : 0~20 level adjustable.- Return : Every function is set up at the WHITE BAL menu, and then return the previous menu.MENU1. ALC2. EXPOSURE3. BACKLIGHT4. DAY&NIGHT5. WHITE BAL6. SPECO DNR7. IMAGE8. SYSTEM9. EXIT OFF OFF AUTO AUTO MIDDLE- 22 -When selecting, the following submenu will appear.Here you can optimise the image quality by adjusting different options.MENU1. ALC2. EXPOSURE3. BACKLIGHT4. DAY&NIGHT5. WHITE BAL6. SPECO DNR7. IMAGE8. SYSTEM9. EXITOFFOFFAUTOAUTOMIDDLEMENU1. ALC2. EXPOSURE3. BACKLIGHT4. DAY&NIGHT5. WHITE BAL6. SPECO DNR7. IMAGE8. SYSTEM9. EXITOFFOFFAUTOAUTOMIDDLE7. IMAGESHARPNESS COLOR GAIN GAMMA MIRROR FLIPD-ZOOM ACE DEFOG SHADING PRIVACY RETURN 10 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII| 10 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII| 0.65OFFOFF1.0XOFFOFFOFF* BOXZONE NUM [0~15] : Select a mask out of the 16 mask areas and set the options below for the selected mask.ZONE DISP [ON, OFF] : Choose ON to activate privacy masks and press OFF to deactivate masks.H-POS [0~60] : Define the horizontal start position of the privacy mask.V-POS [0~34] : Define the vertical start position of the privacy mask.H-SIZE [0~60] : Define the horizontal size of the privacy mask.V-SIZE [0~34] : Define the vertical size of the privacy mask.Y LEVEL [0~20] : Define the brightness of the mask color.CB LEVEL [0~20] : Define the blue amount of the mask color.CR LEVEL [0~20] : Define the red amount of the mask color.TRANS [0~3] : Applies a tone from the window to act on the selected area.* POLYGONZONE NUM [0~15] : Select a mask out of the 16 mask areas and set the options below for the selected mask.ZONE DISP [ON, OFF] : Choose ON to activate privacy masks and press OFF to deactivate masks.POS0-X : You can select the horizontal & Diagonal starting position of the monitoring area.POS0-Y : You can select the vertical & Diagonal starting position of the monitoring area.POS1-X : You can select the horizontal & Diagonal starting position of the monitoring area.POS1-Y : You can select the vertical & Diagonal starting position of the monitoring area.POS2-X : You can select the horizontal & Diagonal starting position of the monitoring area.POS2-Y : You can select the vertical & Diagonal starting position of the monitoring area.POS3-X : You can select the horizontal & Diagonal starting position of the monitoring area.POS3-Y : You can select the vertical & Diagonal starting position of the monitoring area.Y LEVEL [0~20] : Define the brightness of the mask color.CB LEVEL [0~20] : Define the blue amount of the mask color.CR LEVEL [0~20] : Define the red amount of the mask color.TRANS [0~3] : Applies a tone from the window to act on the selected area.8. SYSTEMThis can be used when you want to select the additional function control.1.When the SETUP menu is displayed, select SYSTEM using the Up and Down button.2. Select one of the mode using the Up and Down button.- 24 -8.SYSTEMVIDEO OUTPUTIMAGE RANGE LANGUAGE CAM TITLE RESET RETURNFULLENGOFFON, 1080/30P , 1440/30P , 1944/20P , 1944/12.5P] : Choose output type. - FREQ[60Hz/50Hz] : You can select PAL (25FPS) or NTSC (30FPS).- CONFIRM : Apply the setting value of output mode.(If confirm is not applied after changing the output mode, the setting value is not changed.)IMAGE RANGE : Adjust the rate of YC signal to 100%(FULL), 75%(COMP) or 100%~75%(USER).LANGUAGE : ENG, CHN, CHN(S), JPN, KORCAM TITLE : It can be adjusted when you get into the Cam Title menu. This function is to MENU1. ALC2. EXPOSURE3. BACKLIGHT4. DAY&NIGHT5. WHITE BAL6. SPECO DNR7. IMAGE8. SYSTEM9. EXITOFFOFFAUTOAUTOMIDDLE- 26 -Trouble ShootingPROBLEMNothing appears on the screen.☞Check the power cable, power supply output and videoconnection between the camera and monitor.☞Are the camera lens or the lens glass dirty?Clean the lens / glass with a soft clean cloth.☞Adjust the monitor controls, as required.☞If the camera is facing a very strong light, change the camera position.☞Adjust the lens focus.☞Adjust the contrast control of the monitor.☞If there is an intermediate device, correctly set the 75Ω/Hz.☞Has MOTION DET been set to ON in the menu?☞Has MD AREA been properly defined?☞Check that the AGC setting in the EXPOSURE menu is’t set to OFF.☞1. VERY RARELY, the auto-focusing may not work.But, this is not a defect. This symptom occurs due to the product’s specific feature. For this reason, if you experience this symptom, then please manually move the control board once to the left and once to the right. Then, the focusing will be corrected and working properly as it should.☞2. (Recommendation) ONE PUSH FeatureIn case the focusing does not work, please do the following to correct this problem. Menu -> 1. 2MOTOR -> 3. ONEPUSHAF -> Push the “ON” button for 1 second. -> The Auto Focusing will begin upon changing to “PUSHING”.☞Make sure that the camera isn’t facing direct sunlight or fluorescent lighting. If necessary,change the camera position.☞Check the settings in WHITE BALANCE menu.☞Check the camera is correctly connected to an appropriate regulated power source.The image on the screen is dim.The camera is not working properly and the surface of the camera is hot.The image on the screen is dark.Motion Detection is not activated.The color of the picture is not correct.The image on the screen flickers. The SENS-UP does not work.Auto-Focusing Is Not Working Properly.POSSIBLE CAUSE。
夜视仪操作指南- 1 -请先阅读“夜视仪”在本手册中称为“本机”。
警告◆按照激光安全国际标准,本产品属于四类激光产品(CLASS Ⅳ)。
- 2 -◆在激光灯工作时,2米以内,切勿用手或身体其它部分对激光阻挡,以免发生对皮肤伤害或火灾。
注意事项1. 请勿将产品置于不稳定的平面上进行测试、安装等操作,在进行操作前要确保机器摆放平稳、装配牢固。
- 3 -3.接线时必须遵守各项电气安全标准,充电时请使用本机自带的专用充电电源或车载充电器充电,使用其他品牌充电器充电造成损失的本公司不负任何责任。
4. 不要在超出温度、湿度标准的环境下使用。
摄录仪使用温度为-10℃至45℃,湿度小于 90%。
5. 本产品内部并无用户可自行维修的部件,当机器有故障时,请勿轻易对机器进行任何修理操作,应先参照说明书查出故障,查不出原因则请专业人员维修。
- 4 -目录请先阅读 (2)本机参数 (8)各部品名称......................................... - 12 - 准备工作..................................................... - 18 - 检查箱内附件..................................... - 18 - 安装示意图:............................................. - 21 - 背带安装............................................. - 21 -底座安装 (22)镜头盖、遮光罩安装 (23)三脚架安装......................................... - 24 - 快速操作指南............................................. - 25 - 充电..................................................... - 25 -开关机................................................. - 28 -按键操作说明..................................... - 29 -面板显示说明..................................... - 31 -基本操作说明..................................... - 33 -工作模式介绍..................................... - 35 -- 5 -录像/播放 ................................................... - 37 - 手动录像............................................. - 37 -播放..................................................... - 39 -快进/快退 ........................................... - 40 -音量加/减 ........................................... - 41 -电脑上播放......................................... - 43 - 特种功能使用及注意事项................................. - 44 - 自定义本机 ........................................................ - 45 - 主菜单设定................................................. - 46 - 摄像机设置................................................. - 49 - 录像系统设置............................................. - 53 - 影像设定..................................................... - 54 - 画质设定............................................. - 54 - 录像设定..................................................... - 58 - 预约时间............................................. - 59 -覆盖功能............................................. - 64 -档案长度............................................. - 65 -- 6 -录像模式..................................................... - 68 - 播放与删除视频文件................................. - 70 - 系统设定..................................................... - 72 - 时间设置............................................. - 74 -格式化................................................. - 74 -记忆卡信息......................................... - 75 - 简易故障排除及维修................................. - 78 - 注意事项............................................. - 81 - 配件清单..................................................... - 82 -- 7 -本机参数- 9 -- 10 -- 11 -- 12 - 各部品名称右选择菜单/确认 向下/缩小 模式/返回 左选择 向上/放大内置麦克风显示屏充电指示灯(内置)录像回放/暂停/删除/AE 录像回放/暂停(39页)删除(42页)AE调整(44页)底座开关机手动录像录像回放脚垫- 13 -录像键/强光抑制录像:(37页)强光抑制:(44页)开关机长按3秒钟进行开关机超声波感应器左挂绳柱摄像机激光光源右挂绳柱喇叭- 14 -麦克风插孔复位按钮激光开关耳机插孔DC IN插孔左把手:外置麦克风插孔。
夜视宝汽车夜视防眩仪 产品推广手册
目录第一篇公司简介 (3)上海银座海亚汽车电子有限公司 (3)第二篇产品 (4)银座海亚的产品策略 (4)第一章夜视宝—汽车夜视防眩仪简介 (4)第二章目前市场上防眩产品比较 (6)第三章产品规格 (6)第四章产品包装配置 (6)第三篇市场 (7)第一章市场分析 (7)第二章市场政策 (8)一、渠道建设政策 (8)二、市场保证金 (8)三、市场保护 (8)四、广告政策 (8)五、价格保护 (8)第三章推广计划 (9)第四章销售模式 (10)第五章合作基础 (12)第四篇服务 (13)第一章招商程序 (13)第二章如何订货 (14)第三章运输及费用 (14)第四章培训服务 (14)第五章售后服务 (15)第一篇公司简介上海银座海亚汽车电子有限公司战略定位目前:成为全球最大的汽车视觉保护系统供应商。
●成为上海市科委重点扶植的“百家科技企业”之一●研发的项目列为上海市高新技术成果转化A级项目●通过国家机动车质量监督检测中心(上海)的检验●成为中国汽车工程学会团体会员●成为上海汽车工程学会团体会员●荣获第七届中国国际高新技术成果交易会优秀产品奖●荣获香港国际专利发明博览会专利发明金奖●荣获德国国际技术发明博览会金奖●领先于全球的20余项国际、国内专利●拥有一支100多人的专业研发队伍质量保证体系:ISO 9001 2000 ISO 14001 国际质量管理体系认证通过国家机动车质量监督检测中心(上海)的检验市场策略:高效、健康的小区域独家代理体制。
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欢迎使用保千里汽车主动安全系统,本产品采用高性能低照度 Sony 高清感光芯片,具有录 像清晰、流畅,外观小巧、便携,安装方便的特点,可以应用于各个领域,为您带来方便, 安全,丰富多彩的日常生活。主用于车载摄像,是行车中安全事故取证的最佳帮手。 在使用本产品之前,请详细阅读此用户手册,并请保管好此手册。我们希望本产品,能满足 您的需求并长期服务于您!使用手册印刷过程中,本产品因外观和软件的修复过程导致了同 该使用手册的部分操作的非一致性,本公司保持最终解释权。
23 1
10 11
12 6
1. 电源状态指示灯:红色,常亮 2. GPS 状态指示灯:蓝色,接收 GPS 信号时闪烁(需要外接 GPS 模块) 3. 录像状态指示灯:绿色,正常工作录像时闪烁 4. 高清摄像机镜头:自主研发高清 6 倍自动聚焦机芯 ,集多种特殊功能 5. TF 卡槽:支持超大容量 TF 卡,建议使用 Class 4 以上级别 TF 卡 6. GPS 模块接口:外接 GPS 模块扩展使用 7. 外置线接口:DC12V 电源输入,视频、CAN 信号传输 8. 红外接收头:接收遥控器控制信号 9. 光敏感应:感应光线控制机芯特殊工作 10.上下角度旋轴:可手动上下单边调节视角 8 度 11.左右角度旋轴:可手动左单边调节视角 6 度,右单边调节视角 8 度 12.外接线托盘:托住外置线,以免外置线重力作用损坏产品 13.主控装置:放置微控制器电路板 14.3M 强力贴:撕开表面层后可将本机粘贴于汽车挡风玻璃上
欢迎使用........................................................................................................................................ - 1 产品功能特点................................................................................................................................ - 2 注意事项........................................................................................................................................ - 3 目录................................................................................................................................................ - 4 整机视图........................................................................................................................................ - 5 配件清单........................................................................................................................................ - 6 安装说明........................................................................................................................................ - 7 配置参数........................................................................................................................................ - 9 使用及系统设置.......................................................................................................................... - 12 -
●请严格遵守国家相关法律,不得将此产品用于任何非法用途,否则后果自 负 ●为了使产品具有更好的性能,我司将不断完善产品软件,本产品具有方便客户自己升 级软件的特点,请向当地经销商索取最新版本软件的信息以及升级方法 ●工作温度:-20~70 摄氏度,请在规定的温度下使用,不能在超出规定范围温度下工作 ●储存温度:-35~105 摄氏度,请在规定的温度下使用,不能在超出规定范围温度下存储 ●环境湿度:≦90%,请在规定的环境湿度范围内存储或使用,切勿将产品置于超出规定湿 度的环境中,本产品不具备防水功能,敬请避免淋水或暴露在雨水中或置于水下 ●本产品内部并无用户可自行维修的部件,当机器有故障时,请勿轻易对机器进行任何修理 操作,应先参照说明书查出故障,查不出原因则必须由我司授权的维修网点进行维修或邮寄 回本公司进行维修 ●不可使用刺激性的化学物质、清洁溶剂或清洁剂清洁本产品 ,请用微湿的软布擦拭即可。 ●请勿将摄像头直接对着太阳等超强光源,以免光学器件受损 ●请勿在粉尘密度过大的环境下使用,以免镜头以及其它部件沾染粉尘,影响摄像效果 ●运输及保管过程中要防止重压、剧烈振动和浸泡等对产品造成的损坏 ●请注意环保,勿随意丢弃本产品,禁止把本产品投掷于火中,以免发生爆炸
●从汽车 CAN 获取车速并进行自动同步(放大/缩小镜头倍数以便达到最佳视野) ●在黑夜环境下根据前方汽车大灯状态(开启/关闭)时自动进行(开启/关闭)强光抑制 ●根据汽车雾灯状态(开启/关闭)自动控制(开启/关闭)破雾功能 ●根据车灯信息(远光灯/近光灯开启)自动切换摄像机白天/黑夜模式 ●CAN/GPS 模块采集数据自动更新录像时间 ●微光夜视效果,夜视距离可达 150 米 ●六倍高清自动聚焦镜头 ●可调节镜头视角 ●TF 卡存储循环录像 ●低功耗
日期和时间设置.................................................................................................................. - 13 语言设置.............................................................................................................................. - 13 音量设置.............................................................................................................................. - 14 光源设置.............................................................................................................................. - 14 录像制式设置...................................................................................................................... - 15 出厂设置.............................................................................................................................. - 15 TF 卡格式化.........................................................................................................................- 16 版本查询.............................................................................................................................. - 16 回放操作...................................................................................................................................... - 17 删除文件.............................................................................................................................. - 17 文件保护.............................................................................................................................. - 18 录像回放.............................................................................................................................. - 18 固件升级...................................................................................................................................... - 19 简单故障排除.............................................................................................................................. - 19 联系我们...................................................................................................................................... - 20 -