第七章食品添加剂food additives综述



1.按照食品添加剂使用卫生标准,该抽查结果存在什么 问题?
1. 苯甲酸(安息香酸)及其钠盐
➢ 抗菌性:可抑制微生物细胞呼吸酶系统的活性, 特别对乙酰辅酶A缩合反应具有较强的抑制作用。 对细菌、酵母菌效果好,对霉菌效果不好。在酸 性条件下作用好,最适PH2.5~4.0。
下列情况下食品添加剂可以通过食品配料(食品添加 剂)带入食品中。
– 1.食品配料中允许使用食品添加剂。
– 2.食品配料中食品添加剂的用量不应超过允许的最 大使用量。
– 3.应在正常生产工艺条件下使用这些配料,并且食 品中该添加剂的含量不应超过由配料带入的水平。
代谢:苯甲酸+甘氨酸形成马尿酸或与葡萄糖 醛酸结合形成葡萄糖苷酸,并全部从尿中排出 体外,不在人体蓄积,安全性高。LD50
2750mg/kg, ADI值0~5mg/kg.bw。
使用:我国允许用于蛋白质含量较低的食品, 如酱油、酱菜、水果汁、果酱、琼脂软糖、汽 水 、蜜饯、面酱等,依食品不同最大使用量为 0.2~1g/kg。
(1)与味觉相关联的添加剂 (2)与嗅觉相关联的添加剂 (3)与色调相关联的添加剂 2.防止食品腐败变质的添加剂 3.作为食品制造介质的添加剂 作为食品制造介质的添加剂是指最终在产品成分中不 含有,或只是在制造过程中使用的添加剂。


卫生评价:指根据国家标准、卫生要求以及食品添加剂的 生产工艺、理化性质、质量标准、使用效果、范围、加入量、 毒理学评价及检验方法等做出的综合性的安全评价。
第九条 食品添加剂标签上应标明: (1)食品添加剂的品名及生产许可证号; (2)质量标准、规格,并标注“食品添加剂”字样; (3)使用说明; (4)生产厂名、厂址、批号、生产日期、保质期限。
第三条 本办法所称的食品添加剂产品系指专供 在食品生产、加工、保藏过程中加入的用以改善 或提高食品的色、香、味、形,增强食品感官性 状,保持食品新鲜度,强化食品营养价值的天然 或合成的物质。
第二条 本办法用语定义如下:
食品添加剂:指为改善食品品质和色、香、味,以及为防 腐和加工工艺的需要而加入食品中的化学合成或者天然物质。
它是食品添加剂长期(终生)摄入对本代健康无害, 并对下代生长无影响的重要指标。
3.3 每日允许摄入量(ADI) 和最大使用量(E)的确定
每日允许摄入量(ADI)——指人类每天摄入某种食品添加剂直 到终生而对健康无任何毒性作用或不良影响的剂量,以每人每 日每千克体质量摄入的质量(mg/kg)表示。 ADI是国内外评价食品添加剂安全性的首要和最终依据,也是 制定食品添加剂使用卫生标准的重要依据。
最大使用量(E)——指某种添加剂在不同食品中允许使用 的最大添加量(g/kg)。
4 食品添加剂和食品营养强化剂 的管理办法
4.1 食品添加剂管理办法 4.1.1 联合国FAO/WHO对食品添加剂的管理 4.1.2 美国对食品添加剂的管理 4.1.3 我国对食品添加剂的管理
4.1.3 我国对食品添加剂的管理
1.2 食品添加剂在食品加工中的意义与作用
1.2.1 有利于提高食品的质量 (1)提高食品的储藏性,防止食品腐败变质; (2)改善食品的感官性状; (3)保持或提高食品的营养价值。

Food additives

Food additives
Food Additives
What is food additives The use of food additives Types of food additives
The importance of food additives
Advice to the public of food additives
1、使用未经国家批准使用或禁用的添加剂品种。 2、添加剂使用超出规定用量 。 3、添加剂使用超出规定范围 。 4、使用工业级代替食品级的添加剂 1, use without the approval of the state or the use of a variety of additives. 2, the use of additives beyond the prescribed amount. 3, the use of additives beyond the specified range. 4, the use of industrial grade instead of food grade additives
食品添加剂按功能分类: (共21类)
面粉处理剂 防腐剂 其他
被膜剂 稳定和凝固剂
水分保持剂 甜味剂
营养强化剂 增稠剂
Food additives by functional classification: (a total of 21 categories) Acidity regulator Anti knot agent Anti foam agent Antioxidant Bleaching agents Swelling agent chewing gum bases Colorant color fixative Emulsifier Enzyme preparation Flavour enhancer flour treatment agent Membrane agent Water retention agent Nutritional supplements Preservative stabilizer and coagulator Sweet agent Thickening agent Other



食品添加剂作文300英文回答:Food additives are substances that are added to food products to enhance their taste, appearance, texture, and shelf life. They can be natural or synthetic, and are commonly used in processed foods such as canned goods, snacks, and beverages. While some people may have concerns about the safety and health effects of food additives, they play an important role in the food industry and are regulated by government agencies.One of the main reasons why food additives are used is to improve the taste of food. For example, sweeteners such as sugar or artificial sweeteners are added to make food products more enjoyable. Additionally, flavor enhancerslike monosodium glutamate (MSG) are used to enhance the natural flavors of food. Without these additives, many processed foods would not be as appealing to consumers.Food additives also help to improve the appearance and texture of food. For instance, food colorings are used to make products more visually appealing. Without these additives, many foods would look dull and unappetizing. Similarly, emulsifiers and stabilizers are added to prevent separation and maintain a consistent texture in products like salad dressings and ice cream.Another important role of food additives is to extend the shelf life of food products. Preservatives such as sodium benzoate and sorbic acid are commonly used toinhibit the growth of bacteria, mold, and yeast. This helps to prevent spoilage and ensure that the food remains safe to consume for a longer period of time. Without these additives, the shelf life of many products would be significantly reduced.While food additives serve important purposes in the food industry, it is crucial to ensure their safety. Government agencies, such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the United States, have established regulations and guidelines for the use of food additives.These agencies conduct extensive research and testing to determine the safety of additives before they are approved for use in food products.In conclusion, food additives play a significant role in the food industry by enhancing taste, appearance, texture, and shelf life. They are regulated by government agencies to ensure their safety. While some people may have concerns about their health effects, when used appropriately, food additives can contribute to the overall quality and enjoyment of food.中文回答:食品添加剂是添加到食品中以增强其口感、外观、质地和保质期的物质。


1.2 抗氧化剂的使用方法 直接添加、喷雾处理、调和于香辛料和调味料 中、施用于包装材料
1.3 我国允许使用的抗氧化剂 16种 丁基羟基茴香醚(BHA)、二丁基羟基甲(BHT)、 没食子酸丙酯(PG)、D异抗坏血酸钠、 茶多酚、植酸、特丁基对苯二酚、甘草抗氧化 物、抗坏血酸钙、磷脂、抗坏血酸棕榈酸酯、 硫代二丙酸二月桂酯、4-乙基间苯二酚、抗坏 血酸(维生素C)、迷迭香提取物、维生素E
1.防止食品腐败变质价值 5.满足其它特殊需要
1.急性和慢性中毒 2.引起变态反应 3.体内蓄积问题 4.食品添加剂转化产物问题 5.禁止使用的添加剂 6.食品添加剂与致癌物
苋菜红、胭脂红、赤鲜红、新红、诱惑红、 柠檬黄、日落黄、亮蓝、靛蓝和它们各自的 铝 色 淀 , 合 成 的 β- 胡 萝 卜 素 、 叶 绿 素 铜 钠 盐、二氧化钛
第七章 食品添加剂 (Food additives)
第一节 食品添加剂的定义和分类
定义: 指为改善食品品质和色、香、味以及防
腐和加工工艺的需要,加入食品中的化 学合成或天然物质。
第一节 食品添加剂的定义和分类
分类 – 按制造方法(来源) – 功能作用 – 安全性进行分类
(一) 据制造方法分类:
丁基羟基茴香醚(butylated hydroxyanisole, BHA)
性质:无色至浅黄色蜡样结晶性粉末,对热稳 定,弱 碱性条件下不破坏, 遇铜、铁 离子变色,抗微生物作用强



总之,按照国家有关规定 正确使用食品添加剂是安全的; 要保证食品添加剂的安全使用, 必须严格遵守国家的有关规章 制度,在发挥其有益作用的同 时,最大限度地消除可能给人 类带来的不良影响。
使用食品添加剂最重要的原则是安全性和有效性, 其中安全性更为重要。许多国家对食品添加剂的使用 采取许可使用名单制,并通过一定的法规予以管理。 我国有关食品添加剂方面的法规: ①食品安全法 ②食品安全性毒理学评价程序; ③食品添加剂卫生管理办法; ④食品添加剂使用卫生标准; ⑤食品营养强化剂使用卫生标准; ⑥食品添加剂生产管理办法; ⑦食品工业用酶制剂卫生管理办法; ⑧食品用香料与香精厂卫生规范等法规和条例。
A 进入人体后参与正常代谢; B 进入人体后经体内正常解毒过程后排出体外,不 在体内蓄积或与食品成分发生作用产生有害物质。
事实上,食品添加剂并非完全无毒,随着摄 入食品添加剂种类的增加,长期少量摄入或一次 大量摄入都可能会造成慢性急性中毒。因此。对 食品添加剂要进行毒理学评价,确定对人体的安 全性。
我国许可使用的食品添加剂随着时代的进 步品种不断增加。到2002年为止,所许可使 用 的 品 种 已 达 1513 种 , 其 中 包 括 食 品 香 料 1027种。
年份 品种 70年代 几十 1981 2ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ3 1986 621 1991 1044 2002 1513
在食品添加剂中的确也还有少数毒性较大、 对人体健康具有较大威胁的品种
优点:(1)可使肉类制品呈现美好、鲜艳的亮 红色(护色作用);(2)抑制多种厌氧性芽孢菌, 尤其是肉毒棱状芽孢杆菌,防止肉毒中毒 (防腐作用);(3)增进肉制品风味(增味作用)



I. Types of food additives
Many food additives are obtained from natural product. Moreover, a lot of synthetic food additives are prepared from coal tar chemical.
flavouring of food – recognise that sulphur dioxide, benzoic acid, salt, sugar, vinegar and nitrites are common food preservatives – recognise the following actions of food preservatives:
are found to be toxic. In Hong Kong, the control of the use of food additives is the responsibility of Department of
Health.ຫໍສະໝຸດ N.B. salt, sugar and vinegar may be considered as food or natural food additive.
biscuits, butter etc.
giving bad smell
5. Emulsifiers and 3 or 4
to make oil and
lecithin, gelatin (a lecithin is added to
water mix and alter natural product)

Food additives,食品添加剂PPT英文版汇总

Food additives,食品添加剂PPT英文版汇总
➢ The expert warns a citizen, the food adith the relevant national standard, is about to come on the production and use of food additives will more specification.Of course, should strengthen the ego to protect consciousness, know more about food safety knowledge, especially not to buy the color too bright, having too strong taste, taste the food.
Without any toxic effects or adverse effects to health food additive dosage, use per kilogram per day (mg), the quality of the (GB 2760-2011 national food safety standards are standards of using food additives.
According to the regulation of our country food hygiene law (1995), food additives for improving the quality of food color, aroma, taste and so on, and put into food for the needs of the preservation and processing of synthetic or natural substances. At present our country food additives have 23 categories, more than 2000 varieties, including acidity regulator, anticaking agent, defoaming agent, antioxidant, bleach, raising agent, colorant, stabilizer.color-protecting, enzymes, flavoring agent, nutrition enhancer, preservatives, sweeteners, thickening agent, spice, etc.



酸度调节剂 漂白剂 护色剂 面粉处理剂 防腐剂 其他
抗结剂 膨松剂 乳化剂 被膜剂 稳定和凝固剂
消泡剂 胶姆糖基础剂 酶制剂 水分保持剂 甜味剂
抗氧化剂 着色剂 增味剂 营养强化剂 增稠剂
1. 经食品毒理学安全评价证明,在其使用限量内长期使用对人 经食品毒理学安全评价证明,在其使用限量内长期使用对人 体无害。 体无害。 感观、 2. 不影响食品的感观、理化和营养 不影响食品的感观 理化和 3. 应有使用卫生标准和质量标准 应有使用卫生标准 卫生标准和 4. 在应用中应有明确的检验方法。 在应用中应有明确的检验方法 明确的检验方法。 5. 使用食品添加剂不得以掩盖食品腐败变质或掺杂、掺假、伪 使用食品添加剂不得以掩盖食品腐败变质或掺杂、掺假、 不得以掩盖食品腐败变质或掺杂 造为目的。 造为目的。 卫生许可证、 产品检验合格证及污染变 6. 不得经营和使用无卫生许可证、无产品检验合格证及污染变 不得经营和使用无卫生许可证 质的食品添加剂。 质的食品添加剂。 7. 经过加工、烹饪或储存而被破坏或排除,不摄入人体则更为 经过加工、烹饪或储存而被破坏或排除,不摄入人体则更为 安全。 安全。
6.酶制剂 6.酶制剂 7.增味剂 7.增味剂 8.防腐剂 8.防腐剂 9.甜味剂 9.甜味剂 10.起云剂 10.起云剂
1.酸度调节剂 1.酸度调节剂 2.抗氧化剂 2.抗氧化剂 3.漂白剂 3.漂白剂 4.着色剂 4.着色剂 5.护色剂 5.护色剂
一、酸度调节剂 (acidulating agent)
二丁基羟基甲苯(BHT): 二丁基羟基甲苯(BHT): (BHT)
稳定性高,耐热性好, 稳定性高,耐热性好, 抗氧化效果好,在焙烤食品中的效果比BHA差 抗氧化效果好,在焙烤食品中的效果比BHA差 BHA ADI值定为0 ADI值定为0~0.3mg/kg.bw 。 值定为



如何正确看待食品添加剂作文英文回答:Food Additives: A Balanced Perspective.Food additives are substances added to food to enhance their flavor, texture, appearance, or shelf life. While some additives are natural, others are synthetic. The use of food additives has been a subject of debate, with concerns raised about their potential health effects. However, it is important to approach this topic with a balanced perspective, considering both the benefits and risks associated with food additives.Benefits of Food Additives:1. Enhanced Nutrition: Some food additives, such as vitamins and minerals, are added to enrich foods and improve their nutritional value. This is particularly important for processed foods, which may have lost somenutrients during processing.2. Improved Flavor and Appearance: Food additives can enhance the flavor and appearance of foods, making them more appealing to consumers. This can help increase food consumption and reduce waste.3. Extended Shelf Life: Preservatives are food additives that prevent the growth of bacteria and mold, extending the shelf life of foods. This is particularly important for perishable foods, such as fruits and vegetables.4. Food Safety: Some food additives are used to ensure the safety of foods by preventing the growth of harmful bacteria. For example, nitrites are added to processed meats to prevent botulism.Risks of Food Additives:1. Allergic Reactions: Some people may experience allergic reactions to certain food additives. Commonallergens include sulfites, artificial colors, and certain preservatives.2. Digestive Issues: Some food additives can cause digestive problems, such as bloating, gas, or diarrhea. This is particularly common with artificial sweeteners and certain sugar substitutes.3. Potential Health Effects: Some studies have raised concerns about the potential health effects of certain food additives. For example, some artificial colors have been linked to hyperactivity in children. However, it is important to note that these studies are often limited and inconclusive.4. Deception: Food additives can sometimes be used to disguise the use of low-quality ingredients or to make foods appear more appealing than they actually are. This can lead to consumer deception.中文回答:如何正确看待食品添加剂。

第七章食品添加剂food additives综述

第七章食品添加剂food additives综述
Bulking agent Chewing gum base
06 07
护色剂 乳化剂 酶制剂
Colour fixative Emulsifier Enzyme preperation
09 10 11
续表 食品添加剂分类和代码(1990年,共21类)
分类 增味剂 面粉处理剂 被膜剂 水分保持剂 Flavous enhancer Flour treatment agent Coating agent Humectant 代码 12 13 14 15
of the process is the “toxicological evaluation of safety” ) 。
3.加强食品添加剂生产、使用管理(reinforce the
management of the manufacture and usage of food additives ) ① 为保证新批产品的安全,我国实行许可证管理制度 (the operation system of permit )即:“定点生产许可证”,“生 产许可证”或“临时生产许可证”,无三证之一者即属无证经 营。 ② 食品添加剂标签上应标明(the rule of lable ):食品添加 剂的品名及生产许可证号;质量标准、规格,并注明“食品添 加剂”字样;使用说明;生产厂名、厂址、批号、生产日期、 保质期限。对进口的产品也有相应的规定。
防腐剂 稳定和凝固剂 甜味剂 增稠剂 其它 另有食用香料、加工助剂
Nutrition enhancer
Praservative Stabilizer and coagulator Sweetener Thickener other



按生产方法分 按来源分 按功能分
1. 经过食品毒理学安全性评价,证明在使用限量内长期使用对 人体安全无害。
2. 应有中华人民共和国卫生部颁布并批准执行的使用卫生标准 和质量标准。
3. 对营养成分不应有破坏作用。 4. 食品添加剂摄入人体后,最好能参与人体正常的物质代谢或
第二类为A类,又分为A1和A2两类 A1类:经过安全性评价,毒理学性质已经清楚,认为可 以使用并已制订出正式ADI值者
A2类:目前毒理学资料尚不完善,但已制订暂定ADI值 并允许暂时使用于食品的物质
第三类为B类,毒理学资料不足,尚未建立ADI值者 B1类:JECFA曾经进行过安全评价,因毒理学资料 不足未制定ADI者 B2类:JECFA尚未进行安全评价者
2. 柠檬黄(tartrazine):又称肼黄,经长期动物实验证 明其安全性较高,FAO/WHO正式确定其ADI值为0~ 7.5mg/(kg.bw)。我国规定,可用于果汁饮料、碳酸饮 料、配制酒、糖果、腌制小菜等食品,但用量受到严 格限制,最大使用量 0.1g/kg
3. 靛蓝(indigo carmine):在长期动物实验中发现,饲 料中含靛蓝2%以上的剂量组大白鼠生长受到抑制,但 未见其它病理学异常,ADI值为0~5mg/(kg.bw)
我国规定,可按生产需要适量用于配制酒、糖果、熟 肉制品、腐乳、雪糕、饼干、果冻等食品。
2. 焦糖(caramel):是将蔗糖、葡萄糖或麦芽糖浆在 160~180℃高温下加热使之焦糖化,再用碱中和 制成的红褐色或黑褐色膏状物或固体物质。在焦 糖的大量生产中,有时使用铵盐作为催化剂---含 有氮杂环化合物(4-甲基咪唑),可引起动物惊厥



食品添加剂英文作文英文,As for food additives, opinions vary greatly. Some people see them as necessary evils, while others are wary of their potential health risks. Personally, I believe that food additives serve a purpose but must be used judiciously.One of the main reasons additives are used is to preserve food and extend its shelf life. For example, preservatives like sodium benzoate and sulfur dioxide help prevent the growth of mold and bacteria in foods such as canned fruits and dried meats. Without these additives, these foods would spoil much more quickly, leading to increased food waste.Another benefit of food additives is their role in enhancing the flavor and appearance of food products. Take monosodium glutamate (MSG), for instance. Despite its controversial reputation, MSG is commonly used to add savory umami flavor to dishes like soups and stir-fries.Additionally, food colorings like tartrazine and cochineal extract are employed to make products more visually appealing, such as brightly colored candies and beverages.However, the use of food additives also raises concerns about their potential health effects. Some additives have been linked to allergic reactions, hyperactivity in children, and even cancer in certain studies. For instance, artificial sweeteners like aspartame and saccharin have been associated with adverse health effects when consumedin large quantities.Moreover, there's the issue of hidden additives in processed foods. Many packaged foods contain a long list of additives, some of which consumers may not even recognize or understand. This lack of transparency can make it difficult for individuals to make informed choices about their diets.In conclusion, while food additives play a crucial role in food preservation and enhancement, their use should be approached with caution. It's essential for consumers toeducate themselves about the additives present in the foods they consume and to prioritize whole, unprocessed foods whenever possible.中文,对于食品添加剂,人们的看法大相径庭。



食品添加剂按功能分类: (共21类)
酸度调节剂 抗结剂 消泡剂
膨松剂 胶姆糖基础剂 着色剂
乳化剂 酶制剂
面粉处理剂 被膜剂 水分保持剂 营养强化剂
防腐剂 稳定和凝固剂 甜味剂 增稠剂
1. 经食品毒理学安全评价证明,在其使用限量内长期使用对人 体无害。
将含甲醛成分的致癌的工业用品“吊白块”,违禁添加 到食品中去。 例如加工米粉加入吊白块,使其看上去光洁白净;腐竹 生产企业给 腐竹也加入吊白块。
定义:又称色素,是通过使食品着色后改善其感观性状,增进食欲的一 类物质。分为天然色素和合成色素两大类。
天然色素:来自天然物质 (动植物或微生物代谢产物) 缺点:难溶,着色不均,稳定性差等。 优点:多数安全,但必须进行毒性实验
合成色素:从煤焦油中制取或以芳香烃化合物为原料合成 特点:性质稳定,着色力强,成本低廉
1.红曲米 (1) 醇溶性 (2) 对pH变化稳定,耐光,耐热 (3) 对蛋白质丰富的食物着色力强
2.焦糖 用铵盐作为催化剂时,生成4-甲基咪唑,引起动物惊厥 限量、限制使用范围(碳酸饮料、黄酒、葡萄酒)
1. 氨基酸系列——谷氨酸钠(味精)
2. 核苷酸系列
3. 麦芽酚:
八、防腐剂 (preservative)
定义: 防止食品腐败变质,延长食品保存期并抑制食品中微生物繁殖的物质。
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第七章 食品添加剂(Food Additives)
第一节 定义definition与分类classification
一、食品添加剂的定义 按《中华人民共和国食品卫生法》的规定, 是指为改善食品品质和色、香、味以及防腐和加 工工艺的需要,加入食品中的化学合成或天然物 质。 According to sanitary law, food additives is the natural or man-made component not only to improve the quality , color , smelling and taste , but also to antisepsis and manufacture.
substance. ) 化学合成食品添加剂(chemical synthetic food additives): 通过化学手段使元素或化合物发生氧化、还原、缩合、聚合、 成盐等合成反应所得的化学物质。(Using chemical methods to
obtain the synthetic substance. )
2.according to function
① 保 持 食 品 新 鲜 程 度 , 防 止 食 品 腐 败 变 质 (keeping fresh , preventing deterioration ) :防腐剂、抗氧化剂等; ②改变食品感官性状(change sensitive character ) :色素、香料、漂白剂、增
Bulking agent Chewing gum base
06 07
护色剂 乳化剂 酶制剂
Colour fixative Emulsifier Enzyme preperation
09 10 11
续表 食品添加剂分类和代码(1990年,共21类)
分类 增味剂 面粉处理剂 被膜剂 水分保持剂 Flavous enhancer Flour treatment agent Coating agent Humectant 代码 12 13 14 15
the using demand and heath management 一、食品添加剂的使用要求 (using demand ) 1 . 食 品 添 加 剂 应 该 是 无 毒 无 害 的 (innocuous and
unpoisonous )
各种食品添加剂必须严格按《食品安全性毒理学评 价程序与方法》( GB15193-94 ),证明其在使用限量范

Statutory Definition of “Food Additive”

The term food additive means “any substance the intended use of which results or may reasonably be expected to result, directly or indirectly in its becoming a component or otherwise affecting the characteristics of any food…….”
③满足加工工艺(using in the manufactory ) :发泡剂、被膜剂、乳化剂、稳定 剂、抗结块剂、增稠剂、膨松剂等;
④生产中的辅助材料(assistant material ) :碱、盐、载体溶剂等。
附表 食品添加剂分类和代码(1990年,21类)
分类 酸度调节剂 抗结剂 消泡剂 抗氧化剂 Acidity regulator anticaking antifoaming Antioxidant 代码 01 02 03 04
膨松剂 胶母糖基础剂
Bleaching agent
间接食品添加剂 indirect food additives
Food Drug and Cosmetic Act
Defines “food additive” Requires premarket approval of new uses of food additives Establishes the standard of safety Establishes formal rulemaking procedures Establishes a petition process
1.按来源分(according to source) 天然食品添加剂(natural food additives) :利用动物或微 生物代谢产物为原料,经提取所得的天然物质.(Using
metabolite of animal or microorganism, then to abstract the natural
围内长期使用对人体安全无害,或国外使用的依据充分 证明其无毒无害,也不应有其它有毒杂质。
我国现在将营养强化剂也列为食品添加剂。营 养强化剂是指“为增强营养成分而加入食品中的天
剂。” 关于其定义在世界各国不尽相同。 目前国际上使用的食品添加剂种类已达14000多
FAO/WHO已公布700多种,欧共体400多种,美国 2700多种,我国纳入国标的有1460种,其中香料936
防腐剂 稳定和凝固剂 甜味剂 增稠剂 其它 另有食用香料、加工助剂
Nutrition enhancer
Praservative Stabilizer and coagulator Sweetener Thickener other
17 18 19 20 00
第二节 食品添加剂的使用要求与卫生管理