
Elanco Selling Process
• A目标 :我争取让高唐XX猪场 使用我 公司生产的饲料。
• B目标 :我要让聊城大丰种鸡场2002年 10月下旬开始使用我公司的种鸡全价料 ,第一次提货不低于5吨 。
Elanco Selling Process
Exercise -
1. 針對實際個案,設定目標 2. 個案Present
Elanco Selling Process
"次級目標" 的優點
1. 容易達成 2. 嚐試成功的滋味 3. 加強自信心 4. 避免尚未成功而導致挫折感 5. 確知自己的進度 6. 指示出何處需要加強
Elanco Selling Process
• 1,在2003年以前,实现无人飞船登陆月球,并安全返回。
1. 提供明確的方向 2. 可以研究出事半功倍的達成方法 3. 易於得到有關人員的協助 4. 避免重複,減少浪費 (金錢,時間,努力) 5. 賦與適當的勉強 - 成長的原動力 6. 易於計劃,易於檢討分析 7. 可防範意外之發生,減少冒險
Elanco Selling Process
• 没有一条路可以带你去一个连目标都不知道的地方。 • 成功人士的共同特征,他们都是目标导向的。 • 模糊的目标是不足够的
2.人类社会是有组织的。这种组织性 决定了 人类活 动的秩 序性、 规则性 ,导致 人类活 动的领 导与被 领导、 权威与 服从关 系的确 立。
3.人类社会是不断发展的。从这三方 面来说 ,人类 社会从 其诞生 开始, 就有了 领导活 动。
4.是若干 领导者 按照一 定的原 则、制 度科学 地排列 组合起 来的, 彼此间 相互作 用、相 互影响 的具有 高度组 织性和 能动性 的有机 整体。 这一集 体,由 其中的 最高层 的领导 者负责 和统领 ,次级 领导者 充当集 体成
The Sales Process销售流程

The Sales Process銷售流程:Most business owners would like to focus all their energy on daily business operations and serving existing client demands. It's critical to your success, however, to focus on gaining new business from current and potential customers in order to grow and sustain your company. In fact, successful entrepreneurs spend about 40 percent of their time in marketing and selling activities.大多數企業主將把所有精力集中在日常業務運營和服務現有客戶需求上.然而,把重點放在從你現有的和潛在的客戶那裏得到新的業務以促進和維持公司的發展也是您成功的關鍵所在.事實上,成功的企業家將大約40%的時間花費在市場營銷和銷售活動上.Selling: It's a Process銷售:是一個過程If you've moved from an "employee" role that didn't involve much selling to owning a business, you've probably had little exposure to the process of selling. If you're new to it, check out the sales tips included in 100+ Marketing Ideas. If you're experienced in sales, you might want to take a moment to glance over the information here to energize your sales skills.如果您做為一名銷售員卻沒有獲得多少的定單,你可能有必要試著學習一下這套銷售課程。


销售部门报价工作流程范本标准版3篇Sales Department quotation workflow template汇报人:JinTai College销售部门报价工作流程范本标准版3篇前言:工作总结是将一个时间段的工作进行一次全面系统的总检查、总评价、总分析,并分析不足。
3.各部门职责3.1 销售企划部:负责进行定价必需的市场调查和拟定和调整销售底价、表价,对外发布销售价格;3.2 财务管理部:负责提供项目总体成本数据。
3.3 销售企划分管领导及总裁:负责销售价格体系及其调整的审核审批。
4.工作程序活动说明负责部门/负责人输出1拟订、审批项目销售价格1.1 财务管理部提供项目总体成本数据,销售企划部进行定价内部因素分析;1.2 销售企划部收集市场信息,进行外部定价因素分析;1.3 销售企划部在内、外部定价因素分析的基础上,拟订项目平均销售底价;1.4 销售企划分管领导和总裁审核审批项目平均销售底价。
1.5 销售企划部根据上述审批结果,制订项目销售底价表和表价表;1.6 销售企划分管领导审批项目销售底价表和表价表。

成本核算和销售报价作业流程式Cost accounting and sales quotation are essential processes in any business, as they directly impact the profitability and competitiveness of a company. The cost accounting process involves tracking and analyzing all the costs associated with producing a product or providing a service, while the sales quotation process involves determining the price at which a product or service will be sold to customers. Both processes are crucial for making informed business decisions and ensuring that the company remains financially viable. In this essay, we will explore the various aspects of the cost accounting and sales quotation processes, including their importance, challenges, and best practices.Cost accounting is a systematic process of recording, classifying, and analyzing all costs incurred in a business. It involves identifying and allocating costs to various activities, products, or services, and then analyzing the data to make informed decisions. Cost accounting helpsbusinesses understand the true cost of production, identify areas of inefficiency, and make pricing decisions. By accurately tracking costs, businesses can determine the profitability of their products or services and make adjustments to improve their financial performance. This process is essential for businesses to remain competitive and sustainable in the long run.One of the main challenges in cost accounting is the allocation of indirect costs. Unlike direct costs, such as raw materials and labor, indirect costs are not easily traceable to a specific product or service. Examples of indirect costs include rent, utilities, and administrative expenses. Allocating these costs to products or services requires careful analysis and estimation, as there is no direct cause-and-effect relationship between the cost and the product. Additionally, the complexity of modern business operations can make cost accounting challenging, as businesses often engage in multiple activities and produce a wide range of products or services. Managing and allocating costs in such diverse and dynamic environments can be a daunting task for cost accountants.Another challenge in cost accounting is the need for accurate and timely data. Inaccurate or outdated cost information can lead to poor decision-making and financial losses. Therefore, businesses must invest in robust cost accounting systems and processes to ensure the accuracy and timeliness of cost data. This may involve implementing advanced cost accounting software, training staff in cost accounting principles, and regularly reviewing and updating cost allocation methods. Furthermore, cost accountants must stay informed about changes in the business environment, such as new regulations, technological advancements, and market trends, to ensure that cost accounting practices remain relevant and effective.On the other hand, the sales quotation process involves determining the price at which a product or service will be sold to customers. This process is crucial for businesses to remain competitive and profitable. A well-designed sales quotation process can help businesses win new customers, retain existing ones, and maximize their revenue. However, determining the right price for a product or service can bechallenging, as businesses must consider various factors, such as production costs, market demand, competition, and customer preferences. Additionally, businesses must ensure that their sales quotations are accurate, transparent, and consistent with their overall pricing strategy.One of the main challenges in the sales quotation process is the need to balance competitiveness with profitability. In a competitive market, businesses may feel pressure to lower their prices to win customers or retain market share. However, lowering prices without considering the impact on profitability can be detrimental to the business. Therefore, businesses must carefully analyzetheir production costs, pricing strategy, and market position to determine the optimal pricing for their products or services. This may involve conducting market research, analyzing competitors' pricing strategies, and considering the perceived value of their offerings to customers. By striking the right balance between competitiveness and profitability, businesses can maximize their sales revenue while maintaining healthy profit margins.Another challenge in the sales quotation process is the need for accurate and up-to-date cost information. As sales quotations are based on the cost of production, businesses must ensure that their cost accounting data is accurate and reliable. Inaccurate cost information can lead to incorrect pricing decisions, which can result in financial losses or missed opportunities. Therefore, businesses must integrate their cost accounting and sales quotation processes to ensure that the pricing of products or services is based on the most current and accurate cost data. This may involve establishing clear communication channels between cost accountants and sales teams, implementing integrated accounting and sales software, and regularly reviewing and updating cost data.In conclusion, cost accounting and sales quotation are essential processes for businesses to remain competitiveand profitable. Cost accounting helps businesses understand the true cost of production, identify areas of inefficiency, and make informed pricing decisions. However, cost accountants face challenges in allocating indirect costs,managing complex business operations, and ensuring the accuracy and timeliness of cost data. On the other hand, the sales quotation process involves determining the right price for a product or service to win and retain customers while maintaining profitability. Businesses must balance competitiveness with profitability, ensure accurate and up-to-date cost information, and integrate their cost accounting and sales quotation processes to make informed pricing decisions. By addressing these challenges and implementing best practices, businesses can enhance their financial performance and achieve long-term success.。

营销(产品交付)程序流程图1. 目的为满足顾客要求和期望,规范与顾客有关过程的控制,以确保产品质量满足法律法规和标准要求。
2. 适用范围适用于与顾客有关产品要求的确定、评审及与顾客的沟通有关活动的控制。
3. 职责权限3.1 销售部负责组织有关部门/人员对一般合同、订单及标书的评审;负责顾客订单信息接收、确认与交付3.2 技术部负责新产品设计开发能力评审。
3.3 生产部负责生产能力的评审。
3.4 质量部负责检验能力的评审。
3.5 采购部负责外购物资采购能力的评审。
3.6 仓储部负责协助销售部办理销售成品的提货,登记入账。
3.7 总经理负责资源提供、分配、决策,并制定营销策略和奖惩措施;协调各部门工作组织重大及特殊合同、订单及标书的评审;负责重大顾客投诉处理。
4. 工作程序4.1 产品要求的确定4.1.1 销售部应识别顾客规定的要求,从顾客订货要求,如合同草案、技术协议草案、招标书、口头订单等,以及市场调查分析,竞争对手信息中,确定出顾客对产品的需求和期望;。
4.1.2 技术部识别适用的法律法规,确定对公司产品的要求信息。
4.1.3 与产品有关的要求包括:a)顾客规定的要求,包括对交付及交付后活动的要求,如产品可用性,交付能力,支持服务(如运输、保修、培训等),价格等方面的要求;b)顾客没有明示要求,但按规定的用途或已知预期用途所必须的要求;c)适用于公司产品的国家强制性标准,行业规范及法律法规规定的必须制定的要求;d)用户提出的有关性能参数和安全适用的培训要求;e)本公司确定的任何附加要求,如在宣传材料上注明的对产品和服务提供的某些主动承诺的声明要求。
4.1.4 对于新产品合同,技术人员应参与售前服务,与顾客进行技术沟通。
4.2 与产品有关的要求的评审4.2.1 在提交标书、接受合同或订单,及更改、发布产品信息等向顾客承诺之前,销售部组织产品要求评审,以确定向顾客的产品和服务的能力有保证。
市场销售部报价、合同及团单管控程序 英语

市场销售部报价、合同及团单管控程序英语Market Sales Department Pricing, Contract, and Group Booking Control Procedures1. IntroductionThe Market Sales Department is responsible for handling all pricing, contract, and group booking activities within the organization. To ensure efficient and effective operations, it is important to have clear guidelines and procedures in place for managing these key functions. This document outlines the procedures for pricing, contract management, and group booking control within the Market Sales Department.2. Pricing ProceduresThe Market Sales Department is responsible for setting and managing product pricing for the organization. The following procedures should be followed for pricing activities:- Conduct market research to determine competitive pricing levels- Consider costs, profit margins, and pricing strategies when setting prices- Ensure consistency in pricing across all products and services- Regularly review and adjust pricing to reflect market conditions and customer demands- Obtain approval from senior management for any significant pricing changes3. Contract Management ProceduresContracts are a key component of the sales process, and it is important to have clear procedures in place for managing contract activities. The following steps should be followed for contract management:- Clearly define the terms and conditions of the contract, including pricing, delivery dates, and payment terms- Ensure contracts are reviewed by legal counsel to ensure compliance with laws and regulations- Obtain signed contracts from customers before delivering products or services- Keep accurate records of all contracts and related documentation- Monitor contract performance and address any issues that arise in a timely manner4. Group Booking Control ProceduresGroup bookings are a common practice in the hospitality and travel industries, and it is important to have procedures in place for managing these activities. The following steps should be followed for group booking control:- Establish clear guidelines for accepting group bookings, including minimum group sizes and booking deadlines- Obtain signed contracts from group booking organizers to confirm booking details and guarantee payment- Monitor group booking performance and provide regular updates to key stakeholders- Work closely with other departments, such as reservations and operations, to ensure smooth execution of group bookings- Address any issues or concerns that arise during the group booking process in a professional and timely manner5. ConclusionEffective pricing, contract management, and group booking control are essential for the success of the Market SalesDepartment. By following the procedures outlined in this document, the department can ensure that pricing is competitive, contracts are managed efficiently, and group bookings are handled effectively. By implementing these procedures, the organization can maximize sales opportunities and deliver exceptional service to customers.。

报价流程英语When it comes to the process of providing a quote in a business context, it's important to understand the various steps involved to ensure a smooth and professional interaction. Here's a breakdown of the quotation process in American 英文版:1. Request for Quotation (RFQ): The process typically begins with a Request for Quotation. A client will send an RFQ to a supplier or service provider, detailing the goods or services they are interested in purchasing.2. Review of RFQ: Upon receiving the RFQ, the supplier reviews the requirements carefully to understand the scope of work, specifications, and any other conditions mentioned.3. Preparation of Quotation: The supplier then prepares a quotation, which includes a detailed breakdown of costs. This may involve calculating material costs, labor, overheads, and profit margin.4. Verification of Information: Before finalizing the quote, the supplier verifies all information to ensure accuracy. This might include checking inventory levels, lead times for sourcing materials, and availability of personnel.5. Submission of Quotation: Once the quotation is prepared and verified, it is submitted to the client. This isusually done in writing, either via email or a formal letter, and may include a quote number for reference.6. Negotiation: After the client receives the quotation, they may negotiate the terms, request further details, or ask for a revision of the quote. This stage can involve several rounds of communication.7. Acceptance of Quotation: If the client agrees to the terms of the quotation, they will accept it. This acceptance may be indicated by a purchase order (PO) or a written confirmation.8. Confirmation and Follow-Up: Upon acceptance, the supplier confirms the details of the order and any delivery or service dates. They may also provide a contract or agreement for the client to sign.9. Order Processing: With the quotation accepted and the order confirmed, the supplier proceeds with order processing, which includes production, assembly, or procurement of the goods or services.10. Delivery and Payment: Finally, the supplier delivers the goods or services as per the agreed terms. Upon delivery, the client is invoiced, and payment is expected as per the agreed payment terms.It's important to maintain clear and professional communication throughout this process to ensure that both parties are satisfied with the transaction.。

文档下载后可定制随意修改,请根据实际需要进行相应的调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种各样类型的实用资料,如教育随笔、日记赏析、句子摘抄、古诗大全、经典美文、话题作文、工作总结、词语解析、文案摘录、其他资料等等,如想了解不同资料格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by theeditor. I hope that after you download them,they can help yousolve practical problems. The document can be customized andmodified after downloading,please adjust and use it according toactual needs, thank you!In addition, our shop provides you with various types ofpractical materials,such as educational essays, diaryappreciation,sentence excerpts,ancient poems,classic articles,topic composition,work summary,word parsing,copy excerpts,other materials and so on,want to know different data formats andwriting methods,please pay attention!销售报价流程是一个复杂的过程,涉及到多个部门和多个环节。
下面是一套完整的销售报价流程:1. 客户需求分析- 销售人员通过与客户的初步沟通,了解客户的基本需求,如产品类型、数量、质量、交货时间等。

国际贸易产品报价流程英语The Process of Quoting Products in International Trade.International trade, encompassing the exchange of goods and services across national borders, is a crucial aspect of global economic growth. Central to this exchange is the quoting process, which involves the determination and communication of prices for various products. This article delves into the intricacies of the product quoting process in international trade, highlighting the key steps and considerations involved.1. Market Research and Analysis.Before quoting prices for products, it's essential to conduct thorough market research. This involves analyzing demand and supply trends, identifying competitors, and understanding the target market's preferences and pricing sensitivities. Market analysis helps businesses gain insights into the overall market dynamics and formulateappropriate pricing strategies.2. Cost Analysis.Cost analysis is a crucial step in determining the prices for products. It involves breaking down the total costs associated with producing or acquiring the product, including raw materials, labor, overheads, and other expenses. Understanding the cost structure helps businesses assess the profitability of different pricing options and ensure that their quotes are competitive and profitable.3. Pricing Strategy.Based on the market and cost analyses, businesses need to formulate a pricing strategy. This involves considering various factors such as pricing objectives (e.g., market penetration, profit maximization), pricing methods (e.g., cost-plus pricing, market-based pricing), and pricing adjustments for factors like discounts, allowances, and freight costs. The pricing strategy should aim to balance the needs of the business and the market, ensuring bothprofitability and competitiveness.4. Quote Preparation.Once the pricing strategy is determined, the next step is to prepare the quote. The quote should clearly specify the product, its specifications, quantities, unit prices, total cost, terms of payment, delivery details, and any other relevant information. Quotes should be professional, detailed, and accurate, reflecting the business's commitment to transparency and professionalism.5. Negotiation.In international trade, negotiation is often a crucial part of the quoting process. Buyers and sellers may engage in discussions to agree on prices, terms, and other contract details. Effective negotiation requires good communication skills, market knowledge, and the ability to strike a balance between the interests of both parties.6. Contract Execution.Once the quote is accepted and the terms are agreed upon, the contract is executed. This involves the formal documentation of the agreement, including the terms of the deal, delivery schedule, payment terms, and other relevant details. Contract execution ensures that both parties are bound by the agreed-upon terms and conditions.7. Post-Sale Support and Follow-Up.After the contract is executed, it's essential to provide post-sale support and follow-up. This involves ensuring timely delivery, addressing any product-related issues, and maintaining good communication with the buyer. Post-sale support helps build trust and maintain long-term relationships with customers.In conclusion, the quoting process in international trade is a complex yet crucial aspect of business operations. It requires a thorough understanding of the market, cost analysis, strategic pricing, professional quote preparation, effective negotiation skills, contractexecution, and post-sale support. By following these steps, businesses can ensure that their quotes are competitive, profitable, and tailored to the needs of the target market.。

5.报价单输入: 由业务部业务于销售管 理系统『报价管理(录入 报价单) 』录入报价单资 料 6.打印报价单凭证: 由业务部业务打印报价 单凭证
(5)报价单 输入
(6)打印报 价单
7.核准否 Y/N: 由业务部主管审核后,呈 送公司领导核准此报价 单(如不核准需重新修正 报价资料或作废此单据) 8.报价单确认: 报价单完成后由业务部 业务于销售管理子系统 『报价管量(录入报价 单) 』中的确认功能确认 之 9.报价单凭证发放: 报价单凭证由业务发送 给客户 (8)报价单 确认
(3-4)标准 成本否 N 3
销售报价作业流程 文件名称:MTC001 作 业 说 明
版本:V1.0 修订日期:05/04/15 修订者: 深圳市兆驰多媒体有限公司 客户 业务 开发 财务
3-5.执行制作标准成本 作业流程: 通知财务部执行制作标 准成本作业流程
(3-5)标准成 本作业流程
版本:V1.0 修订日期:05/04/15 修订者: 深圳市兆驰多媒体有限公司 客户 业务
பைடு நூலகம்
10.报价单凭证存底: 报价单凭证共一联由业 务单位存查
(10)报价 单凭证
11.客户确认否 Y/N: 客户是否回复此报价单 (如果为否则结束此流程 待客户回复确认) 12.客户报价确认: 由业务依客户所回复此 报价单于销售管理子系 统『报价管理(录入报价 单』的客户确认功能确认 此报价单资料 3-1.执行新料件(品号) 建立作业流程: 通知开发部执行新料件 (品号)建立作业流程 3-2.是否建立产品结构 Y/N: 由开发部判定是否为商 品或为组合成品(如果为 组合成品需建立 BOM)
SharePoint 三态报价工作流实例



Operator of Sales Region
1 working day
Confirmation of Sales Order (Review Sheet for L/C)
Logistics Dept.
Logistics Dept.
The same working day
Confirmation of Sales Order (Review Sheet for L/C)
1 working day Some working days 1 working day Some working days
Sales Contract, P/I
Logistics Dept.
Logistics Dept.
Operator of Sales Region
Check the nfirmation of sales order
Review the Application for Delivery
Prepare Confirmation of sales order(and Reviews Sheet for L/C)
1 working day
Finance Dept.
The same working day
Confirmation of Sales Order Sales Dept.
Sales Dept.
The same working day The same working day The same working day The same working day
销售报价流程 (规范软件工程研究销售人员客户项目报价)

目录1、目的 (1)2、范围 (1)3、角色职责 (1)4、流程说明 (1)5、输入 (3)6、输出 (3)7、要求 (3)8、附录 (3)目的本流程旨在规范软件工程研究中心(以下简称中心)的销售人员针对客户的项目报价工作。
2、角色职责3、流程说明4.1 流程图4.2 流程说明1、销售员根据业务需要,参照中心内部参考报价拟定针对具体对象的《项目报价单》,并用邮件提出报价申请(正式申请前可请销区经理协调技术部门进行实施人日的预估人天),要求在邮件中填写清楚客户名称、客户规模、产品等客户概况等内容。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
Vice GM
Market Dept
Finance Dept
Approve the application Y Analyze the market
Sales Region analyzes the market, check the price and quote the price
Operator of Sales Region
1 working day The same working day
Approve Quotation Sheet
Vice GM
3A 3B 4 5
(YES) Operator of Sales Region quotes to distributor. Apply for second quotation of the major products. Analyze the market Approve the second quotation application. Verify the second quotation
Operator of Sales Region Operator of Sales Region Market dept Vice GM
The same working day The same working day 3 working days 1 working day The same working day The same working day The same working day
Confirm export possibห้องสมุดไป่ตู้lity
Confirm spare parts supply And warranty policy
Confirm special requirement of delivery
Y Check price
Name: Flow Chart for Standard Operation Procedure of Quotation (Special/New-added Status) Made By: Changan International Corporation
Analyze market
Check price
1 working day
Approve (lower) Y N Quote to distributor Y N
Applies for special price from headquarters
Check price
Name: Explanation for Flow Chart for SOP of Quotation (Special/New-added Status) Made By: Changan International Corporation
Finance dept
(Higher than cost price)Approve, and Sales Region quotes to distributor. (Higher than cost price)Not approved. The flow is terminated .
Operator of Sales Region
1 working day
Application for Quotation of Special/new-added Status Application for Quotation of Special/new-added Status /YES Application for Quotation of Special/new-added Status /NO Application for Quotation of Special/new-added Status /YES Application for Quotation of Special/new-added Status /NO Application for Quotation of Special/new-added Status /YES Application for Quotation of Special/new-added Status /NO Application for Quotation of Special/new-added Status /YES
Sales Dept.
Sales Dept.
1 working day
Quotation Sheet Application for Second Quotation of Major Products Market Analysis Report Application for Second Quotation of Major Products Application for Second Quotation of Major Products YES/NO YES Application for Second Quotation of Major Products NO Application for Second Quotation of Major Products
Name: Flow Chart for Standard Operation Procedure of Quotation (Special/New-added Status) Made By: Changan International Corporation
1 working day 1 working day
Quote to distributor Applies for special price from headquarters Stop the flow and analyze the case. (Lower than cost price) Approve, Finance Dept
Finance dept
(Lower than cost price) Not approved. The flow is terminated (YES) Finance Dept applies for special price from headquarters Check price
Sales Regions propose an application for quotation for special products. Confirm whether the applied special products can be produced. Confirm whether the applied special products can be produced. Confirm the certification requirements. Confirm the certification requirements.
YES/NO Suggestion on application Quotation Sheet
Finance Dept.
(YES)Quote to distributor
Operator of Sales Region
(NO) Stop the flow and analyze the case.
Name: Explanation for Flow Chart for Standard Operation Procedure of Quotation (Major Products) Made By: Changan International Corporation
Time Vice GM GM Sales Region Market Dept Finance Dept Headquarters
1 working day 3 working days 1 working day 3 working days Approve price check Y N Approve application Y N Higher than cost price ) Approve (higher) N Y 3 working days End Lower than cost price Quote to distributor Apply second price check.
Lower than cost price Approve (higher) N Approve (lower)
Y N 3 working days End Y Applies for special price from headquarters
Check price
Name: Explanation for Flow Chart for Standard Operation Procedure of Quotation (Major Products) Made By: Changan International Corporation
Sales Region
Sales Dept
Market Dept