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年轻的时候读书, 有机会到河 南、陕西、山西、甘肃等地考察,每每 见 到 《 史 记 》、 《 资 治 通 鉴 》 中 常 见 的 历史地名, 在现实中就呈现在我走 过的这条路旁的界标上, 总是感慨
The Chinese civilization, due to its long history, contains many colourful chapters. History has two dimensions, temporal and spatial. To put it simply, history is the collection of events created at a given time and in a specified space. Time is fluid; hence “time flies so, no matter whether it is in broad daylight or deep into the night.” Space, however, is relatively fixed, as Zhang Ruoxu, a Chinese poet, wrote in his A Moonlit Night on the Spring River, “Life comes and goes in quick succession,/ the river and the moon, however, remain the same/ year out and year in.” As a traditional Chinese saying goes, reading ten thousand books is like travelling ten thousand miles. While history is represented in books chronologically, in travelling history is unfolded spatially. To have a spatial tour of history, the place to begin is the names of places.
Notes: 1. 该译文在 2018 年第三十届韩素音国际
unfold、a spatial tour、place 等 突 显 历 史 空 间 感
翻译大赛中获汉译英优秀奖, 译者为
北 京 航 空 航 天 大 学 外 国 语 学 院 教 师 程 3. 通常说来,英文中一个段落往往围绕一个中心
When I was much younger, I was an avid reader. But I was also fortunate enough to have been on inspection tours to such provinces as Henan, Shaanxi, Shanxi and Gansu. Whenever I saw inscribed on boundary markers I happened to pass place names
由此想到,当下的中国,许多地 名是否能很好地保留祖先的历史记 忆,传导深厚的历史文化底蕴? 值得 我们反思。
比如说,今天许多省域的简称。 安徽,境内有皖江,简称皖,自有其 道理,其实安徽最深刻的记忆是徽。 陕西简称陕,其实陕县在河南,陕之 西并不是陕,而“秦”恰恰是陕西最 深刻的记忆。 又如,县级机构的设立 是秦汉创建郡县制国家体制的基础
第三十届韩素音国际翻译大赛ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ译英优秀译作选
地名中的传统文化含量 Names of Places and Traditional Chinese Culture1
中国具有悠久的文明历史,留 下了丰富多彩的历史篇章。 历史有 时间与空间这两个维度,直白地说, 历史就是人们在一定的时间和特定 空间创造的事件。 时间是流动的, “逝者如斯夫,不舍昼夜”。 空间却相 对的固化,“人生代代无穷已, 江月 年年只相似。 ”(张若虚 《春江花月 夜》)。 读万卷书,行万里路。 书中所 见是历史的时间地图; 路中所见是 历史的空间地理。 而空间地理首先 是从地名反映出来的。 2
展开, 故译文在此处对原文段落进行了重新
2. 本 段 最 后 两 句 话 的 翻 译 有 意 采 用 了
切分。 后面也有类似情况。
College English 61
万千, 油然升起一种穿越历史时空 的苍茫感。 中国悠久的历史和文化 仿佛就在身边,并不那么遥远。 3 地 名是故乡的第一记忆。 西晋末年,永 嘉南渡,不少北方士民,被战争所驱 迫, 离乡背井, 迁徙到遥远的南方 去, 他们不知道什么时候能回到故 土。 于是,设置了很多侨置的州县, 沿用北方故土的名字。 用地名保留 故乡记忆是人类共同的感情。 大航 海之后的殖民扩张时代, 欧洲人到 了美洲、澳洲,给自己新的居住地, 安上故乡的旧地名,这在美国、加拿 大、澳大利亚,可以说是比比皆是, 司空见惯。
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often mentioned in the Records of the Grand Historian or Zi Zhi Tong Jian (History as a Mirror), I would be greatly moved and couldn’t help imagining myself in another time, another space. At such moments, the history and culture of ancient China no longer seemed remote; they were right there with me. The name of the place is the first thing to be remembered about one’s hometown. Near the end of the Western Jin dynasty, during the Yongjia era, due to ceaseless warfare in northern China, many people pulled up their stakes and moved down south. Uprooted, these people didn’t know when they would be able to return. On their way to a new home, they set up many new prefectures and counties and named them after the hometowns they left behind in the north. As a matter of fact, it is quite common for human beings to preserve their memories of a hometown in names of places. During the colonial expansion following the Age of Discovery, European settlers in America or Australia also used the names of their hometowns to name their new home. Such names can be found virtually everywhere, from the U.S. to Canada and then to Australia.