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1.to offer; to make an offer;to submit an offer (to sb.) 报盘

2.firm offer实盘

3. subject to..以……为准,以……为条件,以……为有效

4.hold an offer open; keep an offer open;remain an offer open 保持发盘有效

5. offering period 发盘有效期

6. under separate cover; by separate mail 另封;另邮;另寄

7. current price; market price; buying price; selling price; net price; retail price; wholesale price现价;市价;买价;卖价;净价;零售价;批发价

8. net price without commission 不含佣净价

9. make delivery交货

10. without engagement无约束

11. quotation sheet 报价单

12. as per attached list 见附页

13. irrevocable L/C at sight 不可撤销的即期信用证

14. comply with one's request 按照某人的要求

15. in view of.. 鉴于…;考虑到……(表示原因)

16. withdraw an offer;cancel an offer撤回/撤销一项发盘

17. alter an offer:extend an offer 变更报盘;延长发盘有效期

18. unless otherwise stated 除非另有规定

19.make (sh.) a counter-offer (as follows)(向某人)还盘(如下)

20.(price) on the high low side (价格)偏高/低现行价格

21.current price/ruling price/prevailing price the present price/the going price

22.long-standing business relation 长期业务关系

23.be in (out of) line with the market 与市场(不)一致

(price) is rising/advancing/going up. (价格)在持续上扬

(price) is falling/dropping/going down. (价格)在持续下降

24. to entertain business at... price 按……价格成交

25.give alow/make/grant a discount给折扣

26. leave... with only a small profit 使得……获利低

27.at a price.. % lower than... 价格比……低……%

28. meet sb. halfway 各让一半;折中处理

29. previous quotation 先前的报价

30.market is weak; market is declining市场疲弱;市场正在下滑

31.make any further reduction 再次降价,作进一步的降价

32.(price) fixed at a reasonable level定价合理makeadcteen 叶22 in nrilt

33.(products) moderately/ too highly priced(产品)定价适中/过高降们(the price) has advanced... %/considerably 33.(价格)已上涨……%/明显上涨

34.a jump/slump (in price) 价格飞涨/暴跌

35. accept a/an offer/counter-offer/order/quotation 接受报盘/还盘/订单/报价

36.confirm an order; confirm your acceptance of..确认订单:确认贵方对……的接受

37. confirm the supply of. at the prices ysdp确认按…中规定的价格供应……

38.make confirmation by return for doing sth. 回信确认做某事

39.finalirg a transaction; conclude business/a transaction; close a deal/a transaction; get business done; come to business/a conclusion come to terms) put a deal through; close a deal; reach an

agreement; make a bargain 成交,达成交易

40. initiate business with sb.与某人开展贸易

41.initial order 首次订货

42.. do sth. as an exception破例做某事

make an exception; as an exceptional case破例,作为一个例外

43.result in..…;lead to.… 最终会………结果将会……

44. in duplicate; in two originals 一式两份;原件两份

45.. on the terms and conditohs as before 按照以往的条件

46. Sales Contract;Sales Confirmation 销售合同;销售确认书

47. fresh/new order; initial order; outstanding order;trial order; duplicate order; repeat onde. amended order新订单;首次订单;未完成订单;试订单;重复订单;续订单;修改后的订单

48. accept an order/book an order;confirm an order接受订单;确认订单

49. cancel an order; withdraw an order取消订单;收回订单

50. carry out/work on/execute/fill/fulfill an order执行订单

51. decline/refuse/turn down an order拒绝订单

52. send (give) sb. an order for sth.= place an order with sb. for sth.向某人下订单订购某物

53. order sth. at.…(price)以……价格订购某物

54. confirm acceptance of one's order确认接受某人的订单

55. ensure the fulfillment of an order 保证订单的执行

56. draw up/draft a contract; have a contract ready for signature 草拟/起草合同;备好合同待签
