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中信保合同S a m p l e 集团文件版本号:(M928-T898-M248-WU2669-I2896-DQ586-M1988)



签字地点:中国宁波协议生效日期:This sales agreement (“the Agreement”) is made and entered into as of [ ] at Ningbo China, by and between:

卖方:********************。依据中华人民共和国法律注册成立,法定代表人为***** 住所地为,以下简称为“卖方”。

[ ], incorporated under the law of Peoples’ Republic of China, residing at [ ] with legal representative named [ ], hereinafter referred to as “Seller”


买方:*****, 依据**********法律注册成立,法定代表人(或执行董事)为**********,住所地为,以下简称为“买方”。

[ ], incorporated under the law of ******, residing at [ ], with legal representative (or executive director) named [ ], hereinafter referred to as “Buyer”.


[ ], nominated by Buyer to mainly provide technical assistances on transaction operations, hereinafter referred to as “Nominated Agent”. Buyer shall take responsibilities for any losses of Seller rising out of any contract breach or tort conducted by Nominated Agent during the performance of the Agreement. Any activity of Nominated Agent like instruction, requirement or modification is deemed to be the activity of Buyer and binding on Buyer, unless otherwise specified by Buyer with written confirmation of Seller.

1 协议主题

1. Object of the Agreement


1.1 Subject to the provisions of the Agreement, Seller shall manufacture and pass the title of the Products to Buyer while Buyer shall accept and make full payment of the Products.

1.2 商品设计、价格、规格、种类、最小数量、最大数量和价格条款都必须在当前协议及后续经双方书面确认的补充协议(包括但不限于订单、形式发票等)中明确规定。

1.2 Design, price, specification, type, min & max amount and price term for the Products shall be explicitly specified in the Agreement and future agreement as may written agreed by the Parties, including but not limited to order and proforma invoice.

1.3 为能让卖方合理交货,买方须提交给卖方定单,其中要详细列明产品的设计、规格、数量和其他标明的权利(及其相关特征)。

1.3 In order for appropriate delivery by Seller, Buyer shall provide Seller a purchase order, indicating designs, specifications and quantities for the Products as well as other rights (and relevant characters)

1.4 卖方提供的所有产品都应该符合*********************(产品标准)

1.4 All products supplied by Seller will conform


2 双方权利和义务

2. Rights and liabilities of the Parties

2.1 卖方

2.1 Seller

2.1.1 卖方制造的产品必须有合理的包装并按条款刷唛。产品准备妥当可发运后卖方须通知买方。

2.1.1 The Products supplied by Seller shall be appropriately packed and marked subject to the provisions of the Agreement. Seller shall notify Buyer once shipment is ready.

2.1.2卖方收到提单三天内,以书面形式通知买方货物预计到港时间。2.1.2 Within 3 days upon receipt of B/L,Seller shall notify Buyer, in written form, of estimated arrival date of the Products.

2.1.3 如果卖方由于一些非人为原因造成货物未能按照原定时间进行装运,则买卖双方必须重新确认交期。如因卖方原因导致出运日期有变化,卖方须以书面形式与买方确认,并在确认的最终出运日内安排出运;如因买方原因导致出运日期有变化,买方须以书面形式与卖方做好确认,并与卖方约定最迟出运日期,以便卖方安排出运。

2.1.3 If Seller fails to make shipment according to time schedule due to non-human factors, the Parties may reset the delivery date. If a shipment date changes due to Seller’s fault, a new shipment date will be written agreed by the Parties, which is the deadline for shipment of the Products. If a shipment date changes due to Buyer’s fault, a new shipment date shall also be written agreed by the Parties.
