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Model Test Paper 1

(January, 2015)

Part I Vocabulary & Structure (70%)

1. Because the company was doing more business, it was necessary to ______ the factory.

A. extend

B. rise

C. increase

D. grow

2. If you can’t fix the machine before 3 pm, I’ll _____ your job.

A. take down

B. receive

C. take over

D. resist

3. I’d like to take _____ of this opportunity to thank you for your cooperation.

A. profit

B. benefit

C. occasions

D. advantage

4. If I have offended you, it was quite without _____.

A. imagination

B. danger

C. intention

D. possibility

5. Modern music may have a negative ______as well as a positive one on teenagers.

A. appointment

B. influence

C. identity

D. tune

6. The factory _______ a new method of making wine to improve the quality of its goods.

A. quit

B. adopted

C. spilt

D. left

7. The American couple _______ about the high cost of visiting Europe.

A. complained

B. urged

C. amazed

D. coordinated

8. With the coming of the Internet, young people have ______ to the most recent events that happen in the world.

A. insight

B. commitment

C. discipline

D. access

9. They will _______ him of any progress they have made in the experiment.

A. locate

B. interrupt

C. inform

D. extend

10. I remember that when I was a child I was very _______ with how many toys you had.

A. impression

B. impressive

C. impressed

D. impress

11. The challenges for the new century show us that we are likely to be involved _____ solving the very complicated problems.

A. on

B. in

C. with

D. off

12. The temperature for the country _____ is relatively high.

A) as a whole B) as a rule

C) on the average D. by all means

13. The man, who had been ______ that the plane would be on time, sighed with relief.

A. ensured

B. assured

C. clarified

D. conceded

14. People know that babies cry by ______ when they are hungry.

A. sight

B. detail

C. instinct

D. time 15. Sorry to _____ you, but I want to have a talk with the chairman. Is he in?

A. disturb

B. be disturbed

C. disturbing

D. disturbance

16 She told me that if she was not _____ within the next two years she was going to

change jobs.

A. signaled

B. assumed

C. estimated

D. promoted

17. The curiosity to know what was in the letter was so strong that the boy could not

______ himself from opening it.

A. regard

B. restrain

C. surround

D. underline

18. He was so absorbed _____ his work that he didn’t hear me come in.

A. on

B. in

C. with

D. by

19. The Old Man and the Sea and many other books _____ Ernest Hemingway the Nobel

Price for Literature in 1954.

A. earned

B. fixed

C. delivered

D. recognized

20. The examiner soon put the candidates ______.

A. in ease

B. at ease

C. with ease

D. with easiness

21. The school master looked angrily at the naughty students while ______ with their


A. talks

B. talking

C. having talked

D. being talked

22. The bus arrived one hour late, ______ me to miss the beginning of the game.

A. causing

B. caused

C. causes

D. had caused

23. George explained that this was the official dress for taking examinations, many of

______ were held in June.

A. them

B. which

C. whom

D. what

24. The article deal s with ______ the author calls the “generation gap”.

A. what

B. that

C. which

D. it

25. Not only ______ beautifully but she also dances wonderfully.

A. she sings

B. does she sing

C. did she sing

D. she sang

26. It was an exciting game _____ no goals were scored.

A. as if

B. as though

C. even though

D. even when

27. I’ll never forget the city ______ I spent my childhood with Mary.

A. which

B. what

C. where

D. that
