
卡梅伦辞职演讲全文(中英对照)卡梅伦辞职演讲全文(中英对照)大家早上好Good morning everyone,英国刚刚举行了一场规模巨大的民主活动the country has just taken part in a giant democratic exercise, 也许是英国历史上最大的一次perhaps the biggest in our history.来自英格兰苏格兰威尔士北爱尔兰Over 33 million people from England,和直布罗陀超过3300万的人民行使了发言权Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and Gibraltar have all had their say.应该是感到自豪的是我们信任We should be proud of the fact that in these islands 这些岛屿上人民做出重大决策we trust the people for these big decisions.英国不仅拥有一个议会民主制We not only have a parliamentary democracy,而且有关英国如何治理的问题but on questions about the arrangements for how we've governed 有的时候就需要问问人民自己there are times when it is right to ask the people themselves 这就是我们所做的and that is what we have done.英国人民已经投票决定离开欧盟The British people have voted to leave the European Union 他们的意愿必须得到尊重and their will must be respected.我想感谢所有为留欧派奔走的人I want to thank everyone who took part in the campaign on my side of the argument,包括所有抛弃党派分歧的人including all those who put aside party differences他们支持自己坚信的对有利于国家的观点to speak in what they believe was the national interest 同时让我向所有脱欧派人士的and let me congratulate all those who took part in the Leave campaign 努力和激情表示祝贺for the spirited and passionate case that they made.英国人民的意志必须服从The will of the British people is an instruction that must be delivered.这并不是一个可以掉以轻心的决定It was not a decision that was taken lightly,原因不只是各种组织not least because so many things were said对其重要性曾做出的那些解释by so many different organisations about the significance of this decision.所以不能对结果有任何的怀疑So there can be no doubt about the result.全球各地的人们都看到了英国做出的选择Across the world people have been watching the choice that Britain has made.我想向市场和投资者保证I would reassure those markets and investors英国的经济基本面是强劲的that Britain's economy is fundamentally strong对于住在欧盟各国的英国人and I would also reassure Britons living in European countries 以及住在英国的欧盟公民and European citizens living here我向你们保证你们的状况不会立即发生改变that there will be no immediate changes in your circumstances.在出行方面暂时不会发生变化There will be no initial change in the way our people can travel, 货物依然可以流通服务依旧能够交易in the way our goods can move or the way our services can be sold.现在我们必须做好与欧盟谈判的准备We must now prepare for a negotiation with the European Union.这需要苏格兰和This will need to involve the full engagement of北爱尔兰政府的全力配合the Scottish, Welsh and Northern Ireland governments 确保捍卫并增进to ensure that the interests of all parts of our United Kingdom 英国国内各方的利益are protected and advanced.但要做到以上全部我们需要强劲、坚定且负责任的领导者But above all this will require strong, determined and committed leadership.我非常骄傲和荣幸能在过去的六年里担任这个国家的首相I am very proud and very honored to have been Prime Minister of this country for six years.我相信我们做出了巨大的进步I believe we have made great steps,就业人数从未如此之多;with more people in work than ever before in our history;我们对福利和教育进行改革with reforms to welfare and education;改善人民生活质量increasing people’s life chances;建设更大更强的社会;building a bigger and stronger society;保持对全世界最贫困人民做出的承诺;keeping our promises to the poorest people in the world, 不论性别因素,让相爱的人们合法结婚。


第一篇:名人演讲:卡梅隆就职演说David CameronFirst Speech as Prime Minister of Great Britain delivered 11 May 2010, Downing Street, London, EnglandHer Majesty, the Queen, has asked me to form a new government and I have accepted. Before I talk about that new government, let me say something about the one that has just passed.Compared with a decade ago, this country is more open at home and more compassionate abroad, and that is something we should all be grateful for. And on behalf of the whole country I'd like to pay tribute to the outgoing Prime Minister for his long record of dedicated public service. In terms of the future, our country has a hung parliament where no party has an overall majority; and we have some deep and pressing problems -- a huge deficit, deep social problems, and a political system in need of reform. For those reasons, I aim to form a proper and full coalition between the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats. I believe that is the right way to provide this country with the strong, the stable, the good and decent government that I think we need so badly. Nick Clegg and I are both political leaders who want to put aside party differences and work hard for the common good and for the national interest. I believe that is the best way to get the strong government that we need, decisive government that we need today. I came into politics because I love this country. I think its best days still lie ahead and I believe deeply in public service. And I think the service our country needs right now is to face up to our really big challenges, to confront our problems, to take difficult decisions, to lead people through those difficult decisions, so that together we can reach better times ahead.One of the tasks that we clearly have is to rebuild trust in our political system. Yes, that's about cleaning up expenses. Yes, that's about reforming parliament. And yes, it's about making sure people are in control -- and that the politicians are always their servants and never their masters. But I believe it's also something else. It's about being honest about what government can achieve. Real change is not what government can do on its own. Real change is when everyone pulls together, comes together, works together, where we all exercise our responsibilities to ourselves, to our families, to our communities, and to others.And I want to help try and build a more responsible society here in Britain. One where we don't just ask what are my entitlements, but what are my responsibilities: When we don't ask where, "What am I just owed?" But more, "What can I give?" And a guide for that society -- that those that can should, and those who can't we will always help. I want to make sure that my government always looks after the elderly, the frail, the poorest in our country. We must take everyone through [sic] us on some of the difficult decisions that we have ahead. Above all, it will be a government that is built on some clear values -- values of freedom, values of fairness, and values of responsibility. I want us to build an economy that rewards work. I want us to build a society with stronger families and stronger communities. And I want a political system that people can trust and look up to once again.This is going to be hard and difficult work. A coalition will throw up all sorts of challenges. But I believe together we can provide that strong and stable government that our country needs based on those values -- rebuilding family, rebuilding community; above all, rebuilding responsibility in our country.Those are the things I care about. Those are the things that this government will now start work on doing. Thank you very much.第二篇:卡梅伦就职演说HER MAJESTY the queen has asked me to form a new government and I haveaccepted。


卡梅伦演讲稿篇一:中英对照-卡梅伦辞职演讲全文davidcameronmadeanemotionalspeechonthestepsofnumber10whereheann ouncedhisresignation.(视频网址:/p/news/live/gtx/v/20XX-06-24/175165263695.ht ml)Here'swhatthePmsaidinfull: Thecountryhasjusttakenpartinagiantdemocraticexercise,perhapsthebiggest inourhistory.over33millionpeoplefromEngland,Scotland,wales,northernire landandGibraltarhaveallhadtheirsay.国家刚刚举行了一场规模巨大的民主活动,也许是我们历史上最大的。
weshouldbeproudofthefactthatintheseislandswetrustthepeoplewiththesebi gdecisions.我们应该感到自豪的是,我们信任这些岛屿上人民做出的重大决策。
wenotonlyhaveaparliamentarydemocracy,butonquestionsaboutthearrange mentsforhowwearegoverned,therearetimeswhenitisrighttoaskthepeoplethe mselves,andthatiswhatwehavedone.我们不仅拥有一个议会民主制,而且有关国家如何治理的问题,有的时候就需要问问人民自己,这就是我们所做的。
TheBritishpeoplehavevotedtoleavetheEuropeanUnionandtheirwillmustber espected.英国人民已经投票决定离开欧盟,他们的意愿必须得到尊重。

卡梅伦演讲稿中英文第一篇:卡梅伦演讲稿中英文The country has just taken part in a giant democratic exercise –perhaps the biggest in our history.Over 33 million people –from England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and Gibraltar–have all had their say.这个国家刚刚进行了一场大型的民主活动,这也许是我们历史上最大的一次。
We should be proud of the fact that in these islands we trust the people with these big decisions.我们应该为这个事实感到骄傲。
We not only have a parliamentarydemocracy, but on questions about the arrangements for how we are governed, there are times when it is right to ask the people themselves, and that is what we have done.我们不仅拥有议会民主制度,而且还在如何管理这个国家的问题上,我们也会适时征求人民的意愿。
The British people have voted to leave the European Union and their will must be respected.英国人民投票选择离开欧盟,他们的意愿必须得到尊重。

英国首相卡梅伦辞职演讲:我尽力了(双语)英国脱欧卡梅伦辞职演讲Prime Minister David Cameron is to step down by October after the UK voted to leave the European Union。
Mr Cameron made the announcement in a statement outside Downing Street after the final result was announced。
In a speech outside 10 Downing Street he said:在这场演讲中他说道:"The British people have voted to leave the EU and their will must be respected。
The will of the British people is an instruction that must be delivered。
There can be no doubt about the result。
Across the world people have been watching the choice that Britain has made。
This will require strong,determined and committed leadership。

卡梅伦辞职演讲全文(中英对照)第一篇:卡梅伦辞职演讲全文(中英对照)卡梅伦辞职演讲全文(中英对照)大家早上好Good morning everyone,英国刚刚举行了一场规模巨大的民主活动the country has just taken part in a giant democratic exercise,也许是英国历史上最大的一次perhaps the biggest in our history.来自英格兰苏格兰威尔士北爱尔兰Over 33 million people from England,和直布罗陀超过3300万的人民行使了发言权Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and Gibraltar have all had their say.应该是感到自豪的是我们信任We should be proud of the fact that in these islands这些岛屿上人民做出重大决策we trust the people for these big decisions.英国不仅拥有一个议会民主制We not only have a parliamentary democracy,而且有关英国如何治理的问题but on questions about the arrangements for how we've governed有的时候就需要问问人民自己there are times when it is right to ask the people themselves 这就是我们所做的and that is what we have done.英国人民已经投票决定离开欧盟The British people have voted to leave the European Union他们的意愿必须得到尊重and their will must be respected.我想感谢所有为留欧派奔走的人I want to thank everyone who took part in the campaign on my side of the argument, 包括所有抛弃党派分歧的人including all those who put aside party differences 他们支持自己坚信的对有利于国家的观点to speak in what they believe was the national interest 同时让我向所有脱欧派人士的and let me congratulate all those who took part in the Leave campaign 努力和激情表示祝贺for the spirited and passionate case that they made.英国人民的意志必须服从The will of the British people is an instruction that must be delivered.这并不是一个可以掉以轻心的决定It was not a decision that was taken lightly,原因不只是各种组织not least because so many things were said对其重要性曾做出的那些解释by so many different organisations about the significance of this decision.所以不能对结果有任何的怀疑So there can be no doubt about the result.全球各地的人们都看到了英国做出的选择Across the world people have been watching the choice that Britain has made.我想向市场和投资者保证I would reassure those markets and investors英国的经济基本面是强劲的that Britain's economy is fundamentally strong 对于住在欧盟各国的英国人and I would also reassure Britons living in European countries 以及住在英国的欧盟公民and European citizens living here 我向你们保证你们的状况不会立即发生改变that there will be no immediate changes in your circumstances.在出行方面暂时不会发生变化There will be no initial change in the way our people can travel, 货物依然可以流通服务依旧能够交易in the way our goods can move or the way our services can be sold.现在我们必须做好与欧盟谈判的准备We must now prepare for a negotiation with the European Union.这需要苏格兰和This will need to involve the full engagement of 北爱尔兰政府的全力配合the Scottish, Welsh and Northern Ireland governments 确保捍卫并增进to ensure that the interests of all parts of our United Kingdom 英国国内各方的利益are protected and advanced.但要做到以上全部我们需要强劲、坚定且负责任的领导者Butabove all this will require strong, determined and committed leadership.我非常骄傲和荣幸能在过去的六年里担任这个国家的首相I am very proud and veryhonored to have been Prime Minister of this country for six years.我相信我们做出了巨大的进步I believe we have made great steps, 就业人数从未如此之多;with more people in work than ever before in our history;我们对福利和教育进行改革with reforms to welfare and education;改善人民生活质量increasing people’s life chances;建设更大更强的社会;building a bigger and stronger society;保持对全世界最贫困人民做出的承诺;keeping our promises to the poorest people in the world, 不论性别因素,让相爱的人们合法结婚。

Good morning everyone, the country has just taken part in agiant democratic exercise, perhaps the biggest in our history.大家早上好。
Over 33 million people from England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Irelandand Gibraltar have all had their say.超过3千3百万来自英格兰,苏格兰,威尔士,北爱尔兰和直布罗陀的人民都表达出了他们的意见。
We should be proud of the fact that in these islands we trustthe people for these big decisions.我们应该感到骄傲的是:我们相信英国人民能作出这一重要的选择。
We not only have a parliamentary democracy, but on questionsabout the arrangements for how we've governed there are times when it is rightto ask the people themselves and that is what we have done.我们不仅有议会民主制,还会在适当的时候,就如何管理国家的问题询问人民群众。
The British people have voted to leave the European Union and their will must be respected.英国人公投决定离开欧盟,他们的意愿应该受到尊重。
I want to thank everyone who took part in the campaign on myside of the argument, including all those who put aside party differences tospeak in what they believe was the national interest and let me congratulateall those who took part in the Leave campaign for the spirited and passionate case that they made.我要感谢每一位在这次公投中与我站在同一阵营的人,包括那些搁置党派争议,为国家利益发声的人。

卡梅伦公投演讲稿篇一:苏格兰独立公投前卡梅伦演讲稿中英演讲稿:wemeetinaweekthatcouldchangetheUnitedKingdomforever.indeed,itcould endtheUnitedKingdomasweknowit。
onThursday,Scotlandvotes,andthefutureofourcountryisatstake.onFriday,pe oplecouldbelivinginadifferentcountry,withadifferentplaceintheworldandad ifferentfutureaheadofit。
Thisisadecisionthatcouldbreakupourfamilyofnations,andripScotlandfromt herestoftheUK.andwemustbeveryclear.There’snogoingbackfromthis.norerun.Thisisaonce-and-for-alldecision。
whenpeoplevoteonThursday,theyarenotjustvotingforthemselves,butforthei rchildrenandgrandchildrenandthegenerationsbeyond。
Soiwanttospeakdirectlytothepeopleofthiscountrytodayaboutwhatisatstake 。

今吾 国财力 困顿, 民心不一 , 朝政 失于祸乱 , 中两党 朝 波 诡 云谲 , 意 必先 得 人 心 方 可施 仁 政 . 臣不 贰 于 吾 朝
ma o i d we h e s me de p an e s g j ry an av o e d pr si t n
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b t li d, ck Cl gg an ar o h po ical t l ea wan o p tas ar fe en e d t u i p t di r c san t de y
也 天 下 为公 . 不 愿 以一 党 一 派之 私 , 吾 而令 民刁 邦 不得 利
Ibel e hati t i ev t he S bes tway t gett e : o h gov nm en hatwe er tt need,decii sve
明 日 事尚不可知 , 之 虽然 , 日之事犹在 耳际 目前 。今 昨


英国首相卡梅伦的演讲稿篇1:英国首相卡梅伦的演讲稿英国首相卡梅伦的演讲稿My message to Britain’s small businesses is you are the lifeblood of our economy. Over 90% of firms in this country are small firms, over 60% people working in the private sector work for businesses like yours. So please keep doing what you are doing, creating the jobs, the wealth and the success our country needs. The government is on your side. We want to get out of your way by deregulating, by cutting your taxes, by making it easier for you to take people on, but we also want to stand up for small businesses, we want to help you with rates, we want to help you with procurement, we want to help make sure that you can export and succeed. And above all, what we’ve got to do together is stand up for enterprise, entrepreneurship and for the dynamism that you represent and that’s the future of our country. But above all, keep doing the great work. Thank you.篇2:英国首相卡梅伦复活节英语演讲稿英国首相卡梅伦复活节英语演讲稿Easter is the most important date in theChristian calendar, and an incredibly special timefor people across Britainand around the world. Last month I was in Jerusalem and Bethlehemand I got tosee for myself the places where Jesus was born and died. It was anextraordinaryexperience to be in those places where so much history began.Today, years on, Easter is not just atime for Christians across our country to reflect,but a time for our wholecountry to reflect on what Christianity brings to Britain. All over theUK,every day, there are countless acts of kindness carried out by those whobelieve in andfollow Christ. The heart of Christianity is to “love thyneighbor” and millions do really live thatout. I think of the Alpha coursesrun in our prisons, which work with offenders to give them anew life insideand outside prison, or the soup kitchens and homeless shelters run bychurches.And we saw that same spirit during the terrible storms that struck Britainearlier thisyear. From Somerset to Surrey, from Oxford to Devon, churchesbecame refuges, offeringshelter and food, congregations raised funds andrallied together, parish priests even canoedthrough their villages to rescueresidents. They proved, yet again, that people’s faith motivatesthem to dogood deeds.That is something this Government supportsand celebrates, and it’s why we haveannounced more funding for the NearNeighbours programme bringing together even morefaiths in even more cities todo social action. And as we celebrate Easter, let’s also think ofthose who areunable to do so, the Christians around the world who are ostracised, abused –evenmurdered – simply for the faith they follow. Religious freedom is anabsolute, fundamentalhuman right.Britain is mitted to protecting andpromoting that right, by standing up for Christiansand other minorities, athome and abroad. Our hearts go out to them, especially at this specialtime ofyear. So as we approach this festival I’d like to wish everyone, Christians andnon-Christians a very happy Easter.篇3:英国首相卡梅伦开斋节英语演讲稿英国首相卡梅伦开斋节英语演讲稿This Ramadan, we've seen the very best of British Muslim values. We've seen unprecedented charity – zakat – with thousands upon thousands of pounds raised for the needy.We've seen munity spirit, with inventive ways of breaking the fast with people of all faiths and none, from the Scouts' open-air iftar in Birmingham, to the iftar on the Thames in London, from events in synagogues and churches, to munity centres, homes, even tents.Many iftars have been held to memorate the Srebrenica genocide, 20 years after 8,000men and boys were massacred. Britain is home to the largest memorations outside Bosnia.The Srebrenica Memorial Day initiative was launched by this government, and on thisanniversary we've pledged to continue teaching the lessons of that atrocity, far into the future.After some of the longest days of the year, and some of the hottest days we've had for a longtime, Ramadan this year hasn't been easy. But we think about what life is like right now forpeople across the world, for those in Syria and Iraq – families like ours – suffering at the handsof ISIL and Assad. We think of all the victims of terrorism during this time, of the familiesattacked in their homes in Kobane, the worshippers killed as they prayed in Kuwait, and theholidaymakers in Tunisia murdered on the beach, and I know that mosques across Britain havededicated Friday sermons to remembering the victims. This terrorism is not just an assault onthose victims. It's not just an assault on Islam, whose good name it perverts. It's an assaulton us all, on our way of life, and we must defeat it.So as families and friends e together this Eid, to share food and presents, to think of others,to mark the end of Ramadan, let's think about the better Britain and the better world we mustbuild together.Once again, let me wish you a happy and peaceful Eid. Eid Mubarak.篇4:英国首相卡梅伦复活节英语演讲稿英国首相卡梅伦复活节英语演讲稿Easter is a time for Christians to celebrate the ultimate triumph of life over death in the resurrection of Jesus. And for all of us it’s a time to reflect on the part that Christianity plays in our national life – that church is not just a collection of beautiful old buildings, it’s a living active force doing great works right across our country. When people are homeless, the church is there with hot meals and shelter; when people are addicted or in debt, when people are suffering or grieving, the church is there. I know from the most difficult times in my own life that the kindness of the church can be a huge fort.Across Britain, Christians don’t just talk about ‘loving thy neighbour,’ they live it out ... in faithschools, in prisons, in munity groups. And it’s for all these reasons that we should feelproud to say: this is a Christian country. Yes, we are a nation that embraces, weles andaccepts all faiths and none, but we are still a Christian country.That’s why the government I lead has done some important things, from investing tens ofmillions of pounds to repair churches and cathedrals to passing a law that reaffirms the right ofcouncils to say prayers in their townhood.And as a Christian country, our responsibilities don’t end there. We have a duty to speak outabout the persecution of Christians around the world, too.It is truly shocking that in there are still Christians being threatened, tortured even killedbecause of their faith, from Egypt to Nigeria, Libya to North Korea. Across the Middle East,Christians have been hounded out of their homes, forced to flee from village to village, many ofthem forced to renounce their faith or brutally murdered.To all those brave Christians in Iraq and Syria who are practising their faith, orshelteringothers, we must say, ‘We stand with you’.This government has put those words into action – whether getting humanitarian aid to thosestranded on Mount Sinjar or funding grassroot reconciliation in Iraq.In the ing months, we must continue to speak as one voice for freedom of belief. So thisEaster, we should keep in our thoughts all those Christians facing persecution abroad and givethanks for all those Christians who are making a real difference here at home. On which note,I’d like to wish you and your family a very Happy Easter.篇5:英国首相卡梅伦新年英语演讲稿英国首相卡梅伦新年英语演讲稿It's a New Year. And with our economy growing and a strong, majority government in power,Britain begins it with renewed strength.There are no New Year's resolutions for us, just an ongoing resolve to deliver what wepromised.Security – at every stage of your life.Over 31 million people will begin the year in work – more than any in our history.Six million children will start the new term at a good or outstanding school.More than half a million workers will be taken out of ine tax in April, as everyone apart fromthe very best paid gets a tax cut and, for the lowest paid, there will be a new National LivingWage.Meanwhile, millions more will benefit from the free childcare, new academies, rising pensionsand extra apprenticeships that we mitted to in our manifesto, all as a result of our long-term economic plan.We also promised something else in our manifesto: giving you a say on Europe. Now we aredelivering on that promise. There will be an in-out referendum by the end of – it iswritten into the law of the land. I am negotiating hard to fix the things that most annoy Britishpeople about our relationship with the EU.There is just one thing that drives me: what is best for the national interest of our country?But in the end it will be for you to decide: is our economic and national security in a dangerousworld better protected by being in, or out?We also go into the year confronting some deep social problems, ones that have blighted ourcountry for too long.I want to be the time when we really start to conquer them – a crucial year in this greatturnaround decade.Because with economic renewal and social reform, we can make everyone's lives moresecure.So if you're one of the many hard-working young people locked out of the housing market, wewill deliver the homes that will help lead you to your own front door.If you're off school or out of work, trapped in an underworld of addiction, abuse, crime andchaos, we will sweep away state failure and help give you stability.If your dreams have been dashed simply because of who you are, we will fight discriminationand deliver real opportunity, to help lay your path to success.And we will take on another social problem, too.篇6:英国首相卡梅伦新年英语演讲稿英国首相卡梅伦新年英语演讲稿It’s a New Year –and for Britain there can only be one New Year’s resolution—to stick tothelong-term plan that is turning our country around.When we came tooffice, our economy was on its knees.Three and a halfyears later, we are turning a corner.We see it in thebusinesses that are opening up, the people who are getting decent jobs,thefactories that are making British goods and selling them to the world again.The plan isworking.That’s why thisyear, , we are not just going to stick to the plan – we are goingtoredouble our efforts to deliver every part of it, to benefit the whole countryand secure abetter future for everyone.We’ll continuewith the vital work on the deficit.We’ve reduced itby a third already, and this year we will continue that difficult work,tosafeguard our economy for the long-term, to keep mortgage rates low and to helpfamiliesacross Britain.We’re going tokeep on doing everything possible to help hardworking people feelfinanciallysecure, cutting ine taxes and freezing fuel duty.We’ll keep onworking even harder to create more jobs, whether that’s through investmentinour roads and railways, lower jobs taxes, or more help for Britain’s amazingsmall businesses.Those who run oursmall businesses are heroes and heroines, they are the backbone of oureconomyand we are supporting them every step of the way.We are going tokeep on with our vital work on welfare and immigration too.We’ve alreadycapped welfare and cut immigration, and this year, we’ll carry on buildinganeconomy for people who work hard and play by the rules.And last but notleast – we’re going to keep on delivering the best schools and skills forourchildren and young people, so that when they leave education they have a realchance to geton in life.So this is a vitalyear for our economy.And 2014 is alsoan important date in the history of the United Kingdom.The referendumvote will be the biggest decision Scotland has ever been asked to make.The outematters to all of us, wherever we live in the UK.篇7:英国首相卡梅伦锡克教丰收节英语演讲稿英国首相卡梅伦锡克教丰收节英语演讲稿I send my best wishes to everyone in India, Britain and around the world celebrating Vaisakhi.I know this is an incredibly important time for the Sikh munity as families and friendse together to memorate the birth of the Khalsa and give thanks. From Southall toSunderland, from Ottawa to Amritsar, Sikhs around the world will be marking Vaisakhi withvibrant parades and celebrations with homes, Gurdwaras and entire neighbourhoods burstinginto life with decorations and colour.Vaisakhi also gives us a chance to celebrate the immense contribution of British Sikhs,whohave enriched our country for over 160 years. Whether it is in the fields of enterprise orbusiness, education, public service or civil society, Britain’s Sikhs are a success story and modelmunity.And I see this contribution every day, all around. Like at the magnificent Gurdwara SahibLeamington, where I saw for myself the values of Sikhism – of passion, peace and equality– in practice. And across the country I see how Sikh and Asian businessmen and women areboosting the economy by creating jobs and opportunities. But this contribution is not just arecent thing it goes back many, many years and was never more starkly demonstrated than 100years ago during the First World War.Just last month we memorated the Indian soldiers, many of whom were Sikh, who foughtbravely alongside the Allies in the Battle of Neuve Chapelle in Northern France. I pay tribute tothose men who travelled far from home and who fought and died with their rades in thefight for freedom. We will never let their sacrifice be forgotten.So at this important time, let us memorate the birth of a great religion, let us give thanksfor everything the Sikh munity does for Britain and let us celebrate the successful multi-ethnic, multi-faith democracy country that we are.So wherever you are, I wish you all a very happy and peaceful Vaisakhi.篇8:英国首相卡梅伦对英国小型企业英语演讲稿英国首相卡梅伦对英国小型企业英语演讲稿My message to Britain’s small businesses is you are the lifeblood of our economy. Over 90% offirms in this country are small firms, over 60% people working in the private sector work forbusinesses like yours. So please keep doing what you are doing, creating the jobs, the wealthand the success our country needs. The government is on your side. We want to get out of yourway by deregulating, by cutting your taxes, by making it easier for you to take people on, butwe also want to stand up for small businesses, we want to help you with rates, we want to helpyou with procurement, we want to help make sure that you can export and succeed. Andabove all, what we’ve got to do together is stand up for enterprise, entrepreneurship and forthe dynamism that you represent and that’s the future of our country. But above all, keepdoing the great work. Thank you.篇9:英国首相卡梅伦在北约峰会上英语演讲稿英国首相卡梅伦在北约峰会上英语演讲稿When NATO last met here in the UK in 1990, many would have hoped that its core aim would soon have been fulfilled. After the long years of the Cold War, the vision of a Europe whole, free and at peace seemed within our grasp. Yet today the protection and security that NATO provides is as vital to our future as it has ever been in our past.We face new and evolving dangers. To the East, Russia is ripping up the rulebook with itsannexation of Crimea and its troops on sovereign soil in Ukraine. To the South, an arc ofinstability bends from North Africa to the Middle East.Last night we discussed the threat posed by ISIL (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant) in Iraqand Syria.So our message is clear. We are united in our condemnation of these barbaric and despicableacts. They should be very clear, these terrorists: their threats will only harden ourresolve tostand up for our values and to defeat them.To do so -and to deal with all the threats we face -our great alliance must now evolve andrefocus on the new capabilities that we need to keep our people safe. And I hope that in thesesessions today we can agree the changes that are needed. For me there are 3.First, as Russia tramples illegally over Ukraine we must reassure our Eastern Europeanmembers that we will always uphold our Article 5 mitments to collective self-defence. Sowe must be able to act more swiftly.In , NATO stood down its high readiness force. So I hope we can agree a multi-nationalspearhead force deployable anywhere in the world in just 2 to 5 days.This would be part of a reformed NATO Response Force with Headquarters in Poland, forwardunits in the Eastern Allies, and pre-positioned equipment and infrastructure to allow moreexercises and if necessary rapid reinforcement. If we can agree this, the UK will contribute3,500 personnel to this multi-national force. And we must scale up our readiness to respondto any threat they face.Second, as the Secretary General has said, we must increase our capacity. I hope today we canreaffirm our public mitment to spend 2% of our GDP on defence and 20% of that moneyon equipment. This would send a strong message to those who threaten us, that ourcollective resolve is as strong as ever.This issue of equipment is as important as the overall amount of money. What matters mostof all is what are we able to do, what are we able to deploy, what enables us to respondrapidly and together collectively to the threats we face? Those are the questions we mustanswer with our increases in capability.Third, we must extend our partnerships and build a more effective security network thatfosters stability around the world.To do this NATO must bee not just an organisation that has capability but an exporter ofcapability. I hope we can agree to use our expertise to provide training and mentoring offorces in Jordan and Georgia. And also in Iraq when the new Government has beenestablished.These can be the first steps in a long-term mitment to help our friends and allies aroundthe world. This mitment is vital for our own security. By standing up for our valuesaround the world we keep our own people safe.篇10:英国首相卡梅伦犹太新年和赎罪日英语演讲稿英国首相卡梅伦犹太新年和赎罪日英语演讲稿I want to send my best wishes to everyone in Britain and around the world marking Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.These High Holy Days give us a chance to look back – and to look forward. To look back at theimmense contribution Jews make in Britain: excelling in every field, contributing in everymunity, and living by those values – of decency, tolerance, hard work and responsibility– that are so central to the Jewish faith and to British life.And they give us a chance to look forward to a future free from conflict and prejudice. Thatmeans lasting peace in the Middle East – a future where families don’t live in fear of rocketattacks. And it means wiping out prejudice in this country, because we will not tolerate anti-Semitism in Britain. No disagreements on politics or policy can ever justify racism orextremism in any form. As long as I’m Prime Minister, we will do everything we can totacklethis, and to ensure we learn the lessons of the past, as the Holocaust Commission, led by MickDavies, is doing so effectively.Around the world, Britain stands for diversity and cohesiveness. When mosques came underattack who helped defend them? British Jews. When a synagogue was under threat fromclosure, who helped save it? British Muslims. This says a lot about who we are in this country –and it’s something we can celebrate and build upon.So as we look back and look ahead, let me wish everyone a happy New Year. G’mar Tov andShanah Tovah.篇11:英国首相卡梅伦在联合国气候峰会英语演讲稿英国首相卡梅伦在联合国气候峰会英语演讲稿Climate change is one of the most serious threats facing our world. And it is not just a threat to the environment. It is also a threat to our national security, to global security, to poverty eradication and to economic prosperity.And we must agree a global deal in Paris next year. We simply cannot put this off any longer.And I pay tribute to Secretary General Ban for bringing everyone together here today and forputting real focus on this issue.Now my country, the United Kingdom, is playing its part.In fact, it was Margaret Thatcher who was one of the first world leaders to demand action onclimate change, right here at the United Nations 25 years ago.Now since then, the UK has cut greenhouse gas emissions by one quarter. We have createdthe world’s first Climate Change Act. And as Prime Minister, I pledged that the government Ilead would be the greenest government ever. And I believe we’ve kept that promise.We’ve more than doubled our capacity in renewable electricity in the last 4 years alone. Wenow have enough solar to power almost a million UK homes. We have the world’s leadingfinancial centre in carbon trading. And we have established the world’s first green investmentbank. We’ve invested £1 billion in Carbon Capture and Storage. And we’ve said no to any newcoal without Carbon Capture and Storage. We are investing in all forms of lower carbon energyincluding shale gas and nuclear, with the first new nuclear plant ing on stream for ageneration.Now, as a result of all that we are doing, we are on track to cut emissions by 80 per cent by2050. And we are playing our role internationally as well, providing nearly £4 billion of climatefinance over 5 years as part of our mitment to spend 0.7 per cent of our Gross NationalIne on aid. And we are one of the only countries in the advanced world to do that and tomeet our promises.We now need the whole world though to step up to deliver a new, ambitious, global dealwhich keeps the 2 degree goal within reach. I’ll be pushing European Union leaders to e toParis with an offer to cut emissions by at least 40 per cent by 2030.We know from Copenhagen that we are not just going to turn up in Paris and reach a deal. Weneed to work hard now to raise the level of ambition and to work through the difficult issues.To achieve a deal we need all countries, all countries to make mitments to reduceemissions. Our agreement has to be legally binding, with proper rules and targets to hold eachother to account.We must provide support to those who need it, particularly the poorest and mostvulnerable.It is pletely unrealistic to expect developing countries to forgo the high carbon route togrowth that so many Western countries enjoyed, unless we support them to achieve greengrowth. Now, if we get this right there need not be a trade-off between economic growth andreducing carbon emissions.We need to give business the certainty it needs to invest in low carbon. That means fightingagainst the economically and environmentally perverse fossil fuel subsidies which distort freemarkets and rip off taxpayers. It means championing green free trade, slashing tariffs on thingslike solar panels. And it means giving business the flexibility to pick the right technologies fortheir needs.In short we need a framework built on green growth not green tape.As political leaders we have a duty to think long-term. When offered clear scientific advice, weshould listen to it. When faced with risks, we should insure against them. And when presentedwith an opportunity to safeguard the long-term future of our planet and our people, weshould seize it.So I would implore everyone to seize this opportunity over the ing year. Countries likethe United Kingdom have taken the steps necessary. We’ve legislated. We’ve acted. We’veinvested. And I urge other countries to take the steps that they need to as well so we can reachthis historic deal.Thank you.篇12:英国首相卡梅伦连任演讲I've just been to see Her Majesty the Queen, and I will now form a majority Conservative government.I've been proud to lead the first coalition government in 70 years, and I want to thank all those who worked so hard to make it a success; and in particular, on this day, Nick Clegg. Elections can be bruising clashes of ideas and arguments, and a lot of people who believe profoundly in public service have seen that service cut short. Ed Miliband rang me this morning to wish me luck with the new government; it was a typically generous gesture from someone who is clearly in public service for all the right reasons.The government I led did important work: it laid the foundations for a better future, and now we must build on them. I truly believe we're on the brink of something special in our country; we can make Britain a place where a good life is in reach for everyone who is willing to work and do the right thing. Our manifesto is a manifesto for working people, and as a majority government we will be able to deliver all of it; indeed, it is the reason why I think majority government is more accountable.Three million apprenticeships; more help with childcare; helping 30 million people cope with the cost of living by cutting their taxes; building homes that people are able to buy and own; creating millions more jobs that give people the chance of a better future. And yes, we will deliver that in/out referendum on our future in Europe.As we conduct this vital work, we must ensure that we bring our country together. As I said in the small hours of this morning, we will govern as a party of one nation, one United Kingdom. That means ensuring this recovery reaches all parts of our country: from north to south, from east to west. And indeed, it means rebalancing our economy, building that “Northern Powerhouse”. It means giving everyone in our country a chance, so no matter where you're fromyou have the opportunity to make the most of your life. It means giving the poorest people the chance of training, a job, and hope for the future. It means that for children who don't get the best start in life, there must be the nursery education and good schooling that can transform their life chances. And of course, it means bringing together the different nations of our United Kingdom.I have always believed in governing with respect. That's why in the last Parliament, we devolved power to Scotland and Wales, and gave the people of Scotland a referendum on whether to stay inside the United Kingdom. In this Parliament I will stay true to my word and implement as fast as I can the devolution that all parties agreed for Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.Governing with respect means recognising that the different nations of our United Kingdom have their own governments, as well as the United Kingdom government. Both are important, and indeed with our plans, the governments of these nations will bee more powerful, with wider responsibilities. In Scotland, our plans are to create the strongest devolved government anywhere in the world with important powers over taxation. And no constitutional settlement will be plete, if it did not offer, also, fairness to England.When I stood here 5 years ago, our country was in the grip of an economic crisis. Five years on, Britain is so much stronger, but the real opportunities lie ahead. Everything I've seen over the last 5 years, and indeed, during this election campaign, has proved once again that this is a country with unrivalled skills and creativeness; a country with such good humour, and such great passion, and I'm convinced that if we draw on all of this, then we can take these islands, with our proud history, and build an even prouder future.Together we can make Great Britain greater still. Thank you.篇一三:卡梅伦首相府发表的胜选英语演讲稿卡梅伦首相府发表的胜选英语演讲稿I’ve just been to see Her Majesty the Queen, and I will now form a majority Conservative government.I’ve been proud to lead the first coalition government in 70 years, and I want to thank all thosewho worked so hard to make it a success; and in particular, on this day, Nick Clegg. Electionscan be bruising clashes of ideas and arguments, and a lot of people who believe profoundly inpublic service have seen that service cut short. Ed Miliband rang me this morning to wish meluck with the new government; it was a typically generous gesture from someone who isclearly in public service for all the right reasons.The government I led did important work: it laid the foundations for a better future, and nowwe must build on them. I truly believe we’re on the brink of something special in our country;we can make Britain a place where a good life is in reach for everyone who is willing to workand do the right thing. Our manifesto is a manifesto for working people, and as a majoritygovernment we will be able to deliver all of it; indeed, it is the reason why I think majoritygovernment is more accountable.Three million apprenticeships; more help with childcare; helping 30 million people cope with thecost of living by cutting their taxes; building homes that people are able to buy and own;creating millions more jobs that give people the chance of a better future. And yes, we willdeliver that in/out referendum on our future in Europe.。

在我们平凡的日常里,用到演讲稿的.地方越来越多,那要怎么写好演讲稿呢?以下是小编整理的英国首相卡梅伦的演讲稿,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友!My message to Britain’s small businesses is you are the lifeblood of our economy. Over 90% of firms in this country are small firms, over 60% people working in the private sector work for businesses like yours. So please keep doing what you are doing, creating the jobs, the wealth and the success our country needs. The government is on your side. We want to get out of your way by deregulating, by cutting your taxes, by making it easier for you to take people on, but we also want to stand up for small businesses, we want to help you with rates, we want to help you with procurement, we want to help make sure that you can export and succeed. And above all, what we’ve got to do together is stand up for enterprise, entrepreneurship and for the dynamism that you represent and that’s the future of our country. But above all, keep doing the great work. Thank you.。

HER MAJESTY the queen has asked me to form a new government and I have accepted. Before I talk about that new government, let me say something about the one that has just passed. Compared with a decade ago, this country is more open at home and more compassionate abroad, and that is something we should all be grateful for.女王陛下要求我组建新一届政府,我已接受了这一要求。
On behalf of the whole count ry I’d like to pay tribute to the outgoing prime minister, for his long record of dedicated public service.代表这个国家,我将对长期致力于公共服务的前首相表示赞扬。
In terms of the future, our country has a hung parliament where no party has an overall majority and we have some deep and pressing problems – a huge deficit, deep social problems and a political system in need of reform. 就未来而言,我们的国家有一个无论任何党派都不占绝对优势的议会,我们还面临着一些深刻而迫切的问题-巨大的赤字,深刻的社会问题和需要改革的政治体制。
英国脱欧,卡梅伦悲情演讲,宣布辞职!(视频 中英文演讲全文)

”推荐大家看看这段理性而悲情的演讲,纯正英音,语速适中,值得收藏!附中英文全文:The country has just taken part in a giant democratic exercise–perhaps the biggest in our history.这个国家刚刚进行了一场大型的民主活动,这也许是我们历史上最大的一次。
Over 33 million people –from England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and Gibraltar –have all had their say.超过三千三百万来自英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士、北爱尔兰和直布罗陀的人民表达了他们的声音。
We should be proud of the fact that in these islands we trust the people with these big decisions.我们应该为这个事实感到骄傲。
We not only have a parliamentary democracy, but on questions about the arrangements for how we are governed, there aretimes when it is right to ask the people themselves, and that is what we have done.我们不仅拥有议会民主制度,而且还在如何管理这个国家的问题上,我们也会适时征求人民的意愿。
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