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Part 2 Phonetics, Vocabulary and Grammar


Ⅱ. Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案)

26. Which of the following words is pronounced as /ˈbɔ:rɪŋ/?

A. bring

B. boring

C. brown

D. borrow

27. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others?

A. How do you pronounce this word?

B. This fountain welcomes all visitors.

C. Which country would you most like to visit?

D. It’s difficult to climb the m ountain.

28. I apologized to the teacher ______ not fishing the exercises in time.

A. for

B. at

C. as

D. of

29. How much time do you spend _____ your study every day?

A. in

B. on

C. at

D. with

30. Mum wants me to learn from you for your handwriting is better than _____.

A. I

B. me

C. mine

D. myself

31. How much ______ do you have on you?

A. money

B. coin

C. key

D. bill

32. There’s only _____ hours of sunlight in Finland in winter.

A. few

B. a few

C. little

D. a little

33. I think both of the detective books are interesting. You can choose ______ of them.

A. either

B. neither

C. all

D. none

34. _____ unforgettable 14th birthday party we had on Chongming Island!

A. What

B. What a

C. What an

D. How

35. The writer told us that he _____ a great number of short stories in the last few years.

A. wrote

B. was written

C. has written

D. had written

36. Do more exercise every day, ______ you’ll be stronger than before.

A. and

B. but

C. for

D. or

37. The villages didn’t realize how serious the pollution was ____ all the fish died in the river.

A. if

B. because

C. as

D. until

38. We _____ always be thankful to our teachers for their support.

A. must

B. should

C. can

D. could

39. –Excuse me, ____ is the beach from here?

–Only five minutes’ walk.

A. how soon

B. how often

C. how long

D. how far

40. The weather in Shanghai is changeable this spring. It seems much _____ to catch a cold.

A. easy

B. easier

C. easiest

D. more easily

41. We’re proud that the 24th Winter Olympic Games ____ in Beijing in 2022.

A. will hold

B. was held

C. will be held

D. has held

42. We are often told ______ dishonest by our class teacher at the class meeting.

A. don’t be

B. not being

C. not be

D. not to be

43. Microsoft will stop _____ service for Win 7 by the end of Jan 14, 2020.

A. provide

B. to provide

C. providing

D. to providing

44. –The T-shirt is too small for me. Would you mind giving me a larger one?

–_____ Here you are.

A. I’m busy now

B. Yes, please

C. You’re welcome

D. Not at all

45. –I was sick last week and I missed so many classes.

–_______I’ll help you.

A. I’m so sorry

B. Don’t worry

C. That’s right

D. Study harder

Ⅲ. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each can only be

Have you ever met with bullies? They ___46___ in every school. Some use words, and other use ___47___ attack. No matter what method is used, the result is the same: bullies cause you to feel bad and make going to school a lot more difficult. Bullies can be a serious problem. However, if you act quickly, you can almost always keep them from bothering you. What can you do about them? Luckily, dealing with bullies is not as hard as you think. Just follow these sinple steps, and there is a good chance you will ___48___ the bullies at your school.

The first step to take when dealing with bullies is to understand them. Most bullies make other feel bad so they feel better about themselves. The best way to deal with this is to avoid them all together. Don’t walk near them, change your seat in class, or if they come up to you, walk away. If

When it is impossible to ignore the bully, you will have to take more powerful steps. Bullies tend to target kids who they think are weak and easy to attack. Their main ___50___ is to make you upset so they feel in control. The next time you see a bully, ___51___ to feel very brave and confident. If the bully says something to you, say“Stop it!”in a strong voice and walk away. If you see a bully picking on someone else, do the same. Bullies normally do not like confrontation(对抗).

If the problem continues, the next step is to report the bully to a teacher. Then the bully will ___52___ Bullies have been around for a long time, so experienced teachers will know how to deal with them and they can alarm school ___53___ to be on watch for future problem. Just remember to never get in a fight with a bully Fighting will almost always make the situation worse. Be smart when dealing with bullies and you will be safe.

Ⅳ. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词)

54. People are the creators of history. They are the real ___________.(hero)

55. The May ___________ Movement is also called the New Culture Movement.(four)

56. The host added,“Well, I hope you will both enjoy __________.”(you)

57. We’re expecting a new ___________ in the fa mily soon.(arrive)
