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Eart h Science Frontiers (China University of Geosciences ,Beijing ;Peking University )




作者简介:郝 芳(1964— 


郝 芳1,2, 邹华耀1, 方 勇1



HAO Fang 1,2, ZOU Hua 2yao 1, FAN G Yong 1

11Key L aboratory of H y d rocarbon A ccumulation of Minist ry of Education ,China Universit y of Pet roleum ,Bei j i ng 102249,China 21Depart ment of Oil and Gas Engineering ,Facult y of Eart h Resources ,China Uni versit y of Geosciences ,W uhan 430074,China

HAO F ang ,Z OU H u a 2yao ,FANGYong.The diff iculties and frontiers of subtle oil/gas reservoir research.Ea rt h Science F ron 2tiers ,2005,12(4):4812488

Abstract :Subtle oil/gas reservoirs have become one of the main exploration targets in China.As petroleum ex 2ploration goes into a more mature stage ,the search for subtle oil/gas reservoirs expands into areas with more complicated conditions.The accumulation and preservation of petroleum in deeply buried subtle traps ,the structure of the unconformities in relation to subtle oil/gas reservoir distribution ,the reasons for the loss of petroleum in the former subtle traps ,and for the preservation of adjusted subtle oil/gas reservoirs have become the difficulties of petroleum exploration and the f rontiers for scientific research.The existence of active source rocks and reservoir rocks with relatively high porosity and permeability in the deep part of basins is f undamen 2tal for petroleum accumulation in deeply buried subtle trap s.Advances made in recent years on the kinetics of hydrocarbon generation in overpressured environments will improve our ability to predict the maturity and hy 2drocarbon potential of deeply buried ,overpressured source rocks.Several mechanisms causing abnormally high porosity in deeply buried sandstones may become the basis and principle for predrilling assessment of the quali 2ty of the reservoirs.The structure of unconformities ,especially the thickness and the sealing ability of paleo 2soil layers ,and the thickness and permeability of semi 2weathered rocks below the paleo 2soil layers are keys to the study of subtle oil/gas reservoirs associated with unconformities.In superimposed basins ,the formerly ac 2cumulated subtle reservoirs usually have undergone adjustments owing to the effects of multiple 2stage tectonic movements.The adjustments of former subtle reservoirs could lead to the occurrence of a series of genetically related oil layers with complicated oil/water or gas/water contacts.The stacking pattern of different tectonic movements is very important for predicting adjusted subtle oil/gas reservoirs.In the center part of the J unggar Basin ,for example ,the subtle oil/gas reservoirs have all the above attributes :having been deeply buried ;hav 2ing complicated unconformities ;and having undergone tectonic adjustments.Therefore ,the central part of the J unggar Basin may become a “natural lab ”for research on complicated subtle oil/gas reservoirs.

K ey w ords :subtle oil/gas reservoirs ;deeply buried intervals ;structure of unconformities ;tectonic stacking ;adjustment of subtle oil/gas reservoirs

摘 要:隐蔽油气藏已成为中国油气勘探的主要领域之一。随着勘探程度的提高,隐蔽油气藏勘探向复杂条件拓展,深层隐蔽油气藏发育与保存、不整合面结构与隐蔽油气藏分布、调整改造型隐蔽油气藏形成和保存机理成为隐蔽油气藏勘探和成藏机理研究的难点和前沿。深部存在活跃源岩和具有较高孔隙度和渗透率的储
