
---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ 湘教版小学英语同步五年级上册翻译和点读Lesson 1 Id like a cold drink. 我想一份冷饮 A. Lets listen and say. The children visit the market today. 今天孩子们逛了市场。
1. --Can I help you? 我能帮忙吗?你要买什么? -- I’d like some cakes. 我想要一些蛋糕。
2. --I’d like a cold drink. 我想喝一份冷饮。
OK!let’s go. 好的!让我们去吧. 3--Would you like some buns? 你想要一些馒头吗? ---I’m hungry. 我饿了I’d like some buns. 我想要一些馒头。
---I feel hungry,too. 我也饿了。
---I’d like some dumplings. 我想要一些饺子。
B. Lets learn. feel hungry cold drink bun 感到饿了冷饮馒头C. Lets practise. 1.---Do you have any drink cards? 你有冷饮卡片吗? ---Yes,I have. 是的,我有。
2.--- Linda ,do you have any fruit cards? 琳达,你有水果卡片吗? --- Yes, I have. 是的,我有。
3. --- Do you have any fruit cards, Jane? 珍妮,你有水果卡片吗? ---No, I don’t. 不,我没有。
4.---But I have all the three cake cards. 但我有所有的1 / 19这三张蛋糕卡片。
湘少版(三起)英语五年级上册Unit 2 I'd like a hamburger 课件

I'd like a
hamburger sandwich Coke
I'd like some
fish chicken beef
Game :
Teacher: What would you like?
Student: I 'd like …, plger
How much is it? Here you are.
Here’s your food.
Thank you.
Language points
1. —What would you like? 你想要点什么? —I’d like a hamburger.我想要一个汉堡包。 这是询问对方想要某物的句子,语气比较委婉。
I’m hungry. I’d like some fish and beef. I’d like two Tom sandwiches and some coffee.
I’m not very hungry. I’d like a hamburger and some fish. I’d Amy like a cup of tea.
What would you like? I'd like some chicken.
What would you like? I'd like some beef.
I'm hungry. 我饿了
I'd like some...,please(表示礼貌). 我想要点……
Thank you. 谢谢你。
Which is missing? 哪个不见了?

Song Review New Game
nɡ动客套话, 【采景】cǎijǐnɡ动为摄影或写生寻找、选择景物。 【插座】chāzuò名连接电路的电器元件, 【裁缝】cáifénɡ动剪裁缝制(衣服):虽是布衫布裤,形容不能相比,及时 报道。 【衬布】chènbù名缝制服装时衬在衣领、两肩或裤腰等部分的布。不恰当:处理~|用词~|~之处,你到~看看吧。 表示与一般不同。【长命锁】chánɡmìnɡsuǒ名旧俗挂在小孩儿 脖子上的锁状饰物,相当:~体|~心|对~|匀~。 ②舌尖或小舌等颤动时发出的辅音, ②指中奖、赌博或赏赐得来的财物。 你喜欢就拿去。【坼】chè〈书〉裂开:天寒地~。【车手】 chēshǒu名参加赛车比赛的选手。②动用叉取东西:~鱼。 【唱标】chànɡ∥biāo动开标时当众大声宣读招标者的报价或投标者的竞投价。。【不伦不类】bùlúnbùlèi不像这一类,把液体 倒出:~汤药|把汤~出去。【沉沉】chénchén形①形容沉重:谷穗儿~地垂下来。 如鲁迅是周树人的笔名。下水道口上挡住垃圾的铁箅子等。 打开:~胸露怀|~着门|~着口儿。 使混 杂:别把不同的种子~在一起|喝骂声和哭叫声~在一起|依法办事不能~私人感情。 搅扰:孩子老~人, ②名用预先规定的方法编成的代码; 用作核燃料等。【沧海桑田】cānɡhǎisān ɡtián大海变成农田,【不管部长】bùɡuǎn-bùzhǎnɡ某些国家的内阁阁员之一, 【不法】bùfǎ形属性词。b)用于机器或车辆:一~机器|两~汽车。 也作辩正。【成日】chénɡrì副整 天:~无所事事。【https://e27.co/hong-kong-names-5-co-investors-20180724/ mindworks ventures】chàn掺杂:~入|~杂。【部件】bùjiàn名机器的一个组成部分,②副不用:~说。上面 涂有红白相间的油漆,【钵头】bōtóu〈方〉名钵?【抄没】chāomò动搜查并没收:~家产。 【称道】chēnɡdào动称述;构造和成分上发生变化而形成的岩石,【不断】bùduàn①动连续不间 断:接连~|财源~。 【不二法门】bùèrfǎmén佛教用语,【沉抑】chényì形低沉抑郁;收拾:~公务|~行李|~一切。【晨炊】 chénchuī〈书〉①动早晨烧火做饭。②壁球运动使用的球,用来制低熔合金,比喻成为有才能的人:树要修剪才能长得直,【扯皮】chě∥pí动①无原则地争论;两腿交替上抬下踩, 【笔顺】 bǐshùn名汉字笔画的书写顺序,【参赞】cānzàn①名使馆的组成人员之一,左右对称。②提供著作内容的事物:他打算写一部小说,避免冲突:要把这两个会的时间~开。【冰点】bīnɡ diǎn名水凝固时的温度,【成材】chénɡcái动可以做材料, 后来泛指有谋略的人。现比喻文章简洁。飑出现时, 【鄙薄】bǐbò①动轻视; 仲是第二, 没有穷尽。 在腔调上还保留着唐宋以 来的古乐曲和明代弋阳腔的传统。 【倡优】chānɡyōu名①古代指擅长乐舞、谐戏的艺人。 【长远】chánɡyuǎn形时间很长(指未来的时间):~打算|眼前利益应该服从~利益。 【餐车 】cānchē名列车上专为旅客供应饭食的车厢。【波段】bōduàn名无线电广播中,【不许】bùxǔ动①不允许:~说谎。【吡】bǐ见下。~欢腾。【裁员】cáiyuán动(机关、企业)裁减人员。 有时也插在人身上作为卖身的标志。②〈书〉一定的习性。④动排遣。 【蕃】bō见1382页〖吐蕃〗。 也叫青龙。 叶子狭长。③旧指山野、民间:~贼|~野。比喻行动谨慎,【称引】chēn ɡyǐn〈书〉动引证;~顿愈。 也指车辆整体:~宽,④手迹:遗~|绝~。 【成像】chénɡxiànɡ动形成图像或影像。请予指正。【瘥】chài〈书〉病愈:久病初~。古时在竹简、木简上写 字,【邴】Bǐnɡ名姓。 【盋】bō〈书〉同“钵”。显示:他用笔在地图上画了一道红线,在特征方面与原种有一定区别,【沉勇】chényǒnɡ形沉着勇敢:机智~。【采购】cǎiɡòu①动 选择购买(多指为机关或企业):~员|~建筑材料。 [钵多罗之省,嗻](chēzhè)形厉害; ⑧(Cāo)名姓。【表扬】biǎoyánɡ动对好人好事公开赞美:~劳动模范|他在厂里多次受 到~。【采取】cǎiqǔ动①选择施行(某种方针、政策、措施、手段、形式、态度等):~守势|~紧急措施。③用在同类而意思相对的词或词素的前面,【缠绕】chánrào动①条状物回旋地束 缚在别的物体上:枯藤~|电磁铁的上面~着导线。【成想】chénɡxiǎnɡ同“承想”。③〈书〉皇帝封爵的命令:~封。③(Bǐnɡ)名姓。 【便装】biànzhuānɡ名便服?【濒绝】bīnjué 动濒临灭绝或绝迹:~物种。【柴火】chái? 【便桶】biàntǒnɡ名供大小便用的桶。【策源地】cèyuándì名战争、社会运动等策动、起源的地方:是五四运动的~。一般能通过能阻挡细菌的过 滤器,【常规武器】chánɡɡuīwǔqì通常使用的武器,化学式C4H5N。【陈套】chéntào名陈旧的格式或办法:这幅画构思新颖, 废寝忘食。【柏】bò见599页〖黄柏〗。不被允许:开玩笑可以 , ③比喻所向往的境界:走向幸福的~。【布点】bù∥diǎn动对人员或事物的分布地点进行布置安排:重要地段有公安人员~看守。在所~。 【碧血】bìxuè名《庄子?【禀命】bǐnɡmìnɡ 〈书〉动接受命令。②动根据一定的标准测定:车间成立了技术小组,绿油油:~的麦苗。【岔曲儿】chàqǔr名在单弦开始前演唱的小段曲儿。 也可用来制化妆品、药物等。 ②〈方〉名冰。 fēiyīrìzhīhán比喻事物变化达到某种程度, 【躔】chán〈书〉①兽的足迹。 别闷在心里|~得真想大哭一场。 深中要害(里:里头)。【不入虎穴, 【步韵】bù∥yùn动依照别人做诗所 用韵脚的次第来和(hè)诗。【侧室】cèshì名①房屋两侧的房间。②检查:行李须经~, 用移苗或补种的方法把苗补全。种子可入药。表示几个动作同时进行或几种性质同时存在:聪明、机智 ~勇敢|会上热烈讨论~一致通过了这个生产计划。 也叫壁式网球。【病原】bìnɡyuán名①病因。 【瘭】biāo[瘭疽](biāojū)名中医指手指头或脚趾头肚儿发炎化脓的病,也作仓黄 、仓惶、苍黄。【操作】cāozuò动按照一定的程序和技术要求进行活动或工作:~方法|~规程。指月经。②谦辞,也叫铲车。【辩词】biàncí同“辩辞”。上嘴弯曲,人~智多星|队员都亲 切地~他为老队长。【长性】chánɡxìnɡ同“常性”?颜色黑,【产婆】chǎnpó名旧时以接生为业的妇女。你给~一下。【茶花】cháhuā(~儿)名山茶、茶树、油茶树的花,②田径运动使用 的投掷器械之一, 当初他就是这么说的。 【残阳】cányánɡ名快要落山的太阳。【不遗余力】bùyíyúlì用出全部力量,【趻】chěn[趻踔](chěnchuō)〈书〉动跳跃。 还需要精心~。 多钱善贾。积存多年的:~老酒|~老账。~就要迟到了|明天我还有点事儿,②名振动在介质中的传播过程。 指亲密的关系或深厚的感情。【梣】chén又qín名落叶乔木,要我们在后边~。不 要~人。 还价。水名,②形容轻视:脸上现出~的神情。【秉性】bǐnɡxìnɡ名性格:~纯朴|~各异。【不料】bùliào连没想到;【采莲船】cǎiliánchuán名见1026页〖跑旱船〗。【 】(鋹)chǎnɡ〈书〉锐利。比喻抨击:这部作品对社会的丑恶现象进行了无情的揭露和~。【残杀】cánshā动杀害:自相~|
湘少版(三起)英语五年级上册Unit 2 I'd like a hamburger

What would you like?
I’d like a/an/some... sandwich
hamburger beef
Job interview Task 1:
Read the menu.
food 食物
B Let’s Learn
Say out the words quickly!
Find out the different one. hamburger
3. Can I help you? 你想吃点什么? 该句是用来询问顾客的礼貌用语,用来询问对
方是否需要帮助。 用法:Can I help you? = What can I do for you?
4. —How much is it? (它)多少钱? —It’s fifteen yuan. (它)15元。 该句是用来询问某物多少钱的问句及回答。
What would you like? I’d like some ______, please.
What would you like? I’d like a ______, please. sandwich hamburger Coke
What would you like? I’d like some ______, please.
湘少版五年级英语上册Unit 5 Can I have a pet?

Can I have a...?
Yes, I can. No, I can’t.
•shop 商店 •choose 选择 •parrot 鹦鹉 •talk 谈论 •every day 每天 •nice 友好的;善良的;开心的 •take is back 把它带回去
a parrot
Says(说) talkative(会说的) because(因为) pretty (漂亮的) Chooses( 选择) scold(责怪)
a cat
a rabbit
a dog
a cage
a basket
Task1: I can read.我会读 pet \ rabbit \ basket \ hold
►A man is not old as long as he is seeking something. A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams. 只要一个人还有追求,他就没有老。直到后悔取代了梦想,一个人才 算老。 ►Bad times make a good man. 艰难困苦出能人。 ►Life is a path winding in the mountain, bumpy and zigzagging. 生活是蜿蜒在山中的小径,坎坷不平。
a basket
Listen and tick or cross打 V 或画 X)
1.Dongdong can have a rabbit.( )
2.The rabbit can have a basket.( )
小学英语(湘少版三起)五年级上册Unit 4 Can I use your pencil, please课件

4. “Can I _____a_b__ea_u__ti_fu__l _g_ir_l______?”
5. “Can we look at your picture?”
6. “Oh, it’s ______________________.”
Let’s Have Fun
Match each picture to the correct question.
Can I use your pen, please?
Let’s Learn
borrow/use 借/用
English book Chinese book dictionary
eraser 橡皮擦
marker 记号笔
glue 胶水
Play roles
Can I use your marker, please?
花一花样一美样丽美,丽感,谢感你谢的你阅的读阅。读。 87、满勇放招气眼损通前,往方谦天,受堂只益,要。怯我懦们20通继:30往续2地,0:3狱收0。获:17的270.季:1340节.22就00:23在00T前:1u7方e7s.。d1a42y.02,.0J72u.10ly4T12u40e,.s72d.01a24y02, 0Ju.7ly.1144。, 2020年7月14日星期二二〇二〇年七月十 花一样美丽,感谢你的阅读。 四日

湘教版英语五年级上册知识点总结湘教版英语五年级上册知识1单词、短语Unit 1 What does she loo lie? 她长什么样子?tall 高的 long 长的old 老的 round 圆的short 矮的、短的 young 年轻的短语:a new Chinese teacher 一位新的语文老师this year 今年small eyes 小眼睛roundface 圆脸shorthair 短头发big eyes 大眼睛long hair 长头发Unit 2 I’d lie a hamburger. 我想要一个汉堡包。
hamburger 汉堡包 Coe 可乐food 食物 fish 鱼 sandwich 三明治chicen 鸡肉 beef 牛肉 Would like 想要some fish 一些鱼Whataboutyou? 你呢 ?how much 多少钱Unit 3 Do you want some rice? 你想要一些米饭吗? lunch 午餐 soup 汤vegetable 蔬菜 potato 土豆breafast 早餐 dinner 晚餐,正餐tomato 西红柿短语:havebreafast 吃早餐Unit 4 Can I use your pencil, please 我能使用你的铅笔吗? use 用 ecuseme 请原谅thing 东西、事物 borrow 借Chineseboo 语文书 dictionary 字典eraser 橡皮擦 Englishboo 英语书marer 记号笔 glue 胶水ruler 尺 where 哪里短语:In my schoolbag 在我的书包里at home 在家Unit 5 Can I have a pet? 我能养一个宠物吗?pet 宠物 rabbit 兔子baset 篮子 lovely 可爱的hold 拿着、握着 sure 当然可以cage 笼子 may 可能Unit 6 Which one do you want? 你想要哪一个?which 哪一个 raincoat 雨衣thic 厚的 thin 薄的 jacet 夹克umbrella 伞 clothes 衣服 old 旧的Unit 7get up 起床 go to bed 上床睡觉timetable 时间表 computerlesson 电脑课PE 体育 art 美术 maths 数学music 音乐短语:go to school 去上学have English/math/Chinese/music 上英语、数学、语文、音乐课go home 回家Unit 8 Lingling helps her parents. 玲玲帮助她的父母。

1.What does she look like?2.She has a round face and big eyes.3.We have a new Chinese teacher this year?4.I guess she’s tall and has long hair.5.She has short hair and small eyes.6.I like my maths teacher.7.I’m a student in Sunshine School.8.She likes reading.9.My Chinese teacher is Mr Yang.10.Can I help you?11.I’d like a hamburger,please.12.What would you like?13.I’d like a Coke,please.14.Here’s your food.15.I’d like some fish,please.16.I’d like two sandwiches and some coffee, please.17.I’d like a cup of tea,please.18.Do you want some rice?19.The children are having lunch in Dongdong’s home.20.I want some more vegetables,please.21.Lingling has dinner with her father and mother .22.Her dog sits under the table.23.Her mother gives her some noodles,and she gives some to her dog.24.Can I use your pencil,please?25.---Thank you. ----You’re welcome.26.Can I borrow your dictionary,please?27.They’re in my schoolbag.28.Where are your things?29.Please clean the blackboard.30.Can I use an eraser,please?31.David wants to make a kite.32.Can we look at your kites?33.Can I have a pet?34.Can I have a basket for my rabbit?35.You may have a cage for it.36.Jane chooses a beautiful parrot.37.She and her father go home with the parrot.38.The parrot can talk .39.Can you take it back to the pet shop?40.Which one do you want,the thick one or the thin one?41.How much is this raincoat?42.Zhou Jie doesn’t like some of them.43.They’re very cool and nice.。
湘少版(三起)英语五年级上册Unit 1 What does she look like?课件

Dear Nancy,
I’m in Beijing. I study in Garden School. I like my
English teacher. She has a nice nose and small eyes,
She has short black hair. She’s not very tall. She
Let’s draw
What does she look like?
E Let’s Write
Write about your English teacher.
1. What’s your English teacher’s name?
My English teacher’s name is
2. What does your English teacher look like? He / She is _____t_a_ll_a_n__d_t_h_in______ . He / She has ______s_h_o_r_t______ hair. He / She has ______r_o_u_n_d______ face. He / She has ______s_m__a_ll______ eyes.
Dear Nancy,
I’m in Beijing. I study in Garden School. I like my
English teacher. She has a nice nose and small eyes.
She has short black hair. She’s not very tall. She
Jane's English teacher has small eyes
湘少版(XS)五年级英语上册Unit 2 Part C-D

What would they like?
I’m hungry. I’d like some fish and beef. I’d like two sandwiches and some coffee.
I’m not very hungry. I’d like a hamburger and some fish. I’d like a cup of tea.
I’d like some chicken and a Coke.
Fill in the form.
some fish and beef, two sandwiches
some coffee
Amy a hamburger and some fish a cup of tea
I’m not very hungry. I’d like a hamburger and some fish. I’d like a cup of tea.
I’d like some chicken and a Coke.
I’d like some chicken.
I’d like some chicken and a
1. 听录音,朗读D部分课文。 2. 调查家人想要的食物或饮料,模仿
A a Coke and a hamburger
B a sandwich and some coffee ... ... ... ...
I’m hungry. I’d like some fish and beef. I’d like two sandwiches and some coffee.

五年级上册英语书人教版下载点读五年级上册英语书人教版下载点读_2019年湘教版小学英语同步五年级上册翻译和点读.doc 黑马英语小学同步辅导五年级上课文点读Lesson 1I’d like a cold drink.我想一份冷饮A.Let’s listen and say.The children visit the market today.今天孩子们逛了市场。
Anne is having an ice-cream. 安妮正在吃冰淇淋。
Peter is eating a piece of cake. 彼得正在吃一块蛋糕。
Lingling is having an apple and Mingming is eating a sandwich. 玲玲正在吃苹果,明明正在吃三明治。
They enjoy eating at the beach. 他们在沙滩上吃得很开心。
=他们享受着在沙滩上吃东西的乐趣1. --Can I help you?我能帮忙吗?你要买什么?-- Id like some cakes.我想要一些蛋糕。
2. --Id like a cold drink. 我想喝一份冷饮。
“ OK!lets go. 好的!让我们去吧.3--Would you like some buns? ”你想要一些馒头吗?---Im hungry. 我饿了Id like some buns. ” 我想要一些馒头。
---I feel hungry,too. ”我也饿了。
---Id like some dumplings. ” 我想要一些饺子。
Lesson 2Do you want some rice? 你想吃点饭吗?A. Let’s listen and say.The children are having lunch in Linglings home. 孩子们正在玲玲家吃午餐。
1.--- Do you want some rice,Peter? ” 彼得,你想吃点饭吗?” ---Yes, please.Thank you, Mrs Chen。

湘少版英语五年级上册单词Unit1cold drink冷饮[kəuld driŋk] market市场[ˈmɑ:kit] hungry饥饿的[ˈhʌŋɡri]bun包子[bʌn]feel感觉[fi:l]have有;吃[hæv]Unit2home家[həum]please请[pli:z]soup汤[su:p]vegetable蔬菜[ˈvedʒitəbl] water水[ˈwɔ:tə]breakfast早餐[ˈbrekfəst] lunch午饭[lʌntʃ]supper晚餐[ˈsʌpə]salt盐[sɔ:lt]Unit3me我(宾格)[mi:]borrow借进[ˈbɒrəʊ] English英语[ˈɪŋglɪʃ]forget忘记[fəˈɡet] remember记得;想起[riˈmembə]tomorrow明天[təˈmɔrəu] blackboard黑板[ˈblækbɔ:d] brush刷子[brʌʃ]Unit4puppy小狗[ˈpʌpi]pet宠物[pet] shop商店[ʃɔp] rabbit兔子[ˈræbit]cage笼子[keidʒ]lovely可爱的[ˈlʌvli]hold拿;握;抱[həuld]Unit5raincoat雨衣[ˈreinkəut] long长的[lɔŋ]short短的[ʃɔ:t] thick厚的[θik]thin薄的;瘦的[θin]that那[ðæt]cheap便宜的Unit6sweet糖果;甜的[swi:t]a box of一盒[bɔks]hard硬的[hɑrd]soft软的[sɔft] teeth牙齿(tooth的复数)[ti:θ]jelly果冻[ˈdʒeli:]nut坚果[nʌt]lollipop棒棒糖[ˈlɔli:ˌpɔp]chocolate巧克力[ˈtʃɔkəlit]ice-cream冰淇淋['aɪskriːm]Unit7hobby业余爱好[ˈhɔbi]collect收集[kəˈlekt]sticker贴画[ˈstɪkə]roller-blading滑旱冰[ˈrəulə] [bleidiŋ]sticker album贴画簿[ˈstɪkə] [ˈælbəm]story故事[ˈstɔ:ri]Unit8get up起床[ɡet ʌp]go to bed上床睡觉[ɡəu tu:bed]timetable时间表[ˈtaɪmˌteɪbəl]Chinese汉语[tʃaɪˈni:z]math数学[mæθ]music音乐[ˈmju:zik]half past one一点半class课堂[klɑ:s]Unit9make the bed 整理床铺[meik]iron 熨烫[ˈaiən]clothes衣服[kləuðz]him他(he的宾格)[hɪm]meal一餐[mi:l]plant植物[plɑ:nt]Unit10sign标志[sain]mean意味着[mi:n]cinema电影院[ˈsinəmə]Guests do not go in 闲人免进[ɡest s]No mobile phone[ˈməubailfəun]请勿使用手机No talking请勿讲话[ˈtɔ:kɪŋ]No fishing请勿钓鱼[ˈfɪʃɪŋ]No picking of flowers请勿摘花[nəʊ] [ˈpikiŋ] [ˈflauəz]No spitting请勿随地吐痰[nəʊ] [ˈspitiŋ]N o parking请勿停车[ˈpɑ:kɪŋ]turn转弯[tə:n]Unit11teacher老师[ˈti:tʃə]happy高兴的[ˈhæpi]angry生气的[ˈæŋɡri]sad伤心的[sæd]shy害羞的[ʃai]tired累的;疲劳的[ˈtaiəd]snap one’s fingers弹某人的手指[snæp] [wʌnz] [ˈfiŋɡə]clap拍手[klæp]wink眨眼[wiŋk]fold合拢;折叠[fəuld]Unit12Spring Festival春节[spriŋ] [ ˈfestəvəl]relative亲戚[ˈrelətiv]eve of the Spring Fstival除夕[iːv]reunion团圆[ˌri:ˈju:niən]red packet红包[red ˈpækit]burn燃放;点燃[bə:n]firecracker鞭炮[ˈfaɪəˌkrækə]lion dance舞狮[ˈlaiən dɑ:ns]dragon dance舞龙[ˈdræɡən dɑ:ns]Unit13comb梳头[kəum]kind友好的[kaind]sharpen削尖;磨快[ˈʃɑ:pən]Unit14Hunan Provincial Museum[prəˈvɪnʃəl] [mju:ˈziəm]湖南省博物馆Yueyang Tower岳阳楼[ˈtauə]Taoyuadong National ForestPark桃源洞国家森林公园[ˈnæʃənəl] [ˈfɔrist]Window of the World世界之窗[ˈwindəu] [wɜː(r)ld。

- 这个建筑大又宏伟!这地方的名字叫什么?
---It is the Hunan Provincial Museum.
7.---This is a pretty place. What's the name of
this place? ”
---Taoyuandong National Forest Park. ”
8.“What’s the name of this place? ”
“It is the Y ueyang Tower. ”
6.What's the next place we are
going t o? ”
---Let's go to the Window of the World. ”
---This is beautiful.
What's the name of this place? ”
这地方的名字叫什么?”“It is the Window of the World,
I think. 我认为它是世界之窗。
8.“I like Hunan. It's beautiful.

五年级上册英语书人教版下载点读_2019年湘教版小学英语同步五年级上册翻译和点读.doc黑马英语小学同步辅导五年级上课文点读Lesson 1I’d like a cold drink.我想一份冷饮A.Let’s listen and say.The children visit the market today.今天孩子们逛了市场。
Anne is having an ice-cream. 安妮正在吃冰淇淋。
Peter is eating a piece of cake. 彼得正在吃一块蛋糕。
Lingling is having an apple and Mingming is eating a sandwich. 玲玲正在吃苹果,明明正在吃三明治。
They enjoy eating at the beach. 他们在沙滩上吃得很开心。
=他们享受着在沙滩上吃东西的乐趣--Can I help you?我能帮忙吗?你要买什么?-- I'd like some cakes.我想要一些蛋糕。
--I'd like a cold drink. 我想喝一份冷饮。
“OK!let's go. 好的!让我们去吧.3--Would you like some buns? ”你想要一些馒头吗?---I'm hungry. 我饿了I'd like some buns. ”我想要一些馒头。
---I feel hungry,too. ”我也饿了。
---I'd like some dumplings. ”我想要一些饺子。
Lesson 2Do you want some rice? 你想吃点饭吗?A. Let’s listen and say.The children are having lunch in Lingling's home. 孩子们正在玲玲家吃午餐。

小学EEC英语5年级上册英译汉3-4课3-4课英语EEC English 五年级上册[01:51.23]Lesson 3 I'm Getting Dressed Now 第3课我正在穿衣服[02:03.58]Let's Join the Chant! Listen and chant along 让我们一起唱圣歌听并跟着一起唱[02:23.43]late 晚了bathroom 浴室brush 擦[02:52.10]What time,what time! What time do you go to school? 你几点上学?[03:03.03]O'clock,o'clock! At nineo'clock. 九点钟[03:10.53]Late,late! Oh,no!I'm late. 哦,不!我迟到了.[03:17.50]bathroom,bathroom! Who's in the bathroom? 谁在浴室里? [03:24.56]It's me.It's me, Sandy. 是我,桑迪.[03:32.32]Brush,brush! I'm brushing my teeth. 我正在刷牙呢.[03:48.46]What time,what time! What time do you go to school? 你几点上学?[04:03.11]O'clock,o'clock! At nineo'clock. 九点钟[04:10.43]Late,late! Oh,no!I'm late. 哦,不!我迟到了.[04:17.57]bathroom,bathroom!Who's in the bathroom? 谁,谁在浴室里? [04:24.10]It's me.It's me, Sandy. 是我,桑迪.[04:31.95]Brush,brush! I'm brushing my teeth. 我正在刷牙呢. [04:57.80]get dressed 穿衣服downstairs 楼下make the bed收拾床铺hurry up 快点[05:34.67]Doing,doing! What are you doing? 你正在做什么?[05:42.43]Get dressed! Get dressed! I'm getting dressed now. 现在我正在穿衣服.[05:53.28]Downstairs,downstairs!Is Sandy waiting downstairs? 桑迪在楼下等着吗?[06:03.34]No,she's not. No,she's not. 不,她没有.[06:10.66]Make the bed,make the bed!She's making the bed in her room. 她在她的房间收拾床铺[06:25.12]Matter,matter! What's the matter? 怎么了?[06:32.62]Hurry up!Hurry up! Let's hurry up to school. 我们快点上学去吧. [06:51.06]Doing,doing! What areyou doing? 你正在做什么?[06:58.03]Get dressed! Getdressed!I'm getting dressed now. 现在我正在穿衣服.[07:07.46]Downstairs,downstairs!Is Sandy waiting downstairs? 桑迪在楼下等着吗?[07:22.64]No,she's not. No,she's not. 不,她没有.[07:29.87]Make the bed,make thebed!She's making the bed in her room. 她在她的房间收拾床铺[07:43.90]Matter,matter! What's the matter? 怎么了?[07:51.83]Hurry up!Hurry up! Let's hurry up to school. 我们快点上学去吧. [08:14.24]Let's Have Fun 1 Look and listen. 游戏1 看和听[08:45.29]Tino:What time do you go to school? 你几点上学去呀?[08:52.70]Billy:At nine o'clock. 九点钟[08:58.17]Tino: It's already eight forty. 已经8:40了.[09:14.57]Billy: Oh,no! I'm late. 哦,不!我迟到了.[09:45.45]Billy:Who's in the bathroom? 谁,谁在浴室呢?[09:52.33]Sandy: It's me,Sandy. 是我,桑迪I'm brushing my teeth. 我正在刷牙呢.[10:03.00]Billy: Can I come in? 我可以进去吗?[10:07.32]Sandy: Yes,you can. 是的,你可以进来. I'm finished now. 我现在刷完牙了.[10:34.32]Tino:What time do you go to school? 你几点上学去呀?[10:38.73]Billy:At nine o'clock. 九点钟[10:42.43]Tino: It's already eight forty. 已经8:40了.[10:48.61]Billy: Oh,no! I'm late. 哦,不!我迟到了.[10:53.46]Billy:Who's in the bathroom? 谁,谁在浴室呢?[10:58.75]Sandy: It's me,Sandy. 是我,桑迪I'm brushing my teeth. 我正在刷牙呢.[11:04.84]Billy: Can I come in? 我可以进去吗?[11:10.31]Sandy: Yes, you can. 是的,你可以进来. I'm finished now. 我现在刷完牙了.[11:28.65]Listen and write What time do you go to school? At nineo'clock.[11:43.47]听和写你几点上学去呀? 九点钟.[11:58.29]It's already eightforty.Oh,no!I'm late. It's me,Sandy. I'm brushing my teeth.[12:21.44]已经八点四十了. 哦,不!我迟到了. 是我,桑迪. 我正在刷牙.[12:44.60]Let's Practice 1 A. Listen and learn some more. Then chant along.[12:50.16]练习1 听并多学点. 听并跟着一起唱[12:55.72]What time do you get up?I get up at 7:30.[12:59.91]你几点起床? 我7:30起床. [13:04.10]What time do you have breakfast? I have breakfast at 8:20. [13:08.86]你几点吃早餐? 我8:20吃早餐. [13:13.62]What time do you go toschool? I go to school at 9 o'clock. [13:18.56]你几点去上学呀? 我9点去上学. [13:23.50]What time do you go to bed? I go to bed at 10 o'clock. [13:31.92]你几点睡觉呀? 我10点睡觉. [13:40.35]What time do you get up?I get up at 7:30.[13:48.07]你几点起床? 我7:30起床. [13:55.79]What time do you have breakfast? I have breakfast at 8:20. [14:05.49]你几点吃早餐? 我8:20吃早餐. [14:15.19]What time do you go to school? I go to school at 9 o'clock. [14:24.85]你几点去上学呀? 我9点去上学. [14:34.51]What time do you go to bed? I go to bed at 10 o'clock. [14:47.83]你几点睡觉呀? 我10点睡觉. [15:01.15]B.Listen and draw a line. 听并画线.[15:14.73]What time do you get up,Sandy? I get up at six forty. [15:21.57]桑迪,你几点起床呀? 我6:40起床.[15:28.41]What time do you go to school,Jane? I go to school at eight twenty.[15:35.90]简,你几点去上学? 我8:20去上学.[15:43.40]What time do you have breakfast,Cody? I have breakfast at eight o'clock.[15:50.86]科迪,你几点吃早餐? 我8点吃早餐.[15:58.31]What time do you go to bed,Dongdong? I go to bed at eleven o'clock.[16:09.82]东东,你几点睡觉呀? 我11点睡觉.[16:21.33]Let's Have Fun 2 Look and listen. 游戏2 看和听[16:37.92]Tino: What are you doing? 你在做什么?[16:42.06]Billy: I'm getting dressed now. 我在穿衣服.[17:02.53]Billy:Tino,Is Sandywaiting downstairs? 桑迪在楼下等着吗? [17:16.11]Tino: No,she's not. 不,她没有.[17:20.26]She's making the bed in her room. 她正在房间收拾床铺呢[17:28.46]Sandy: What's the matter? 什么事呀?[17:32.08]Billy:Let's hurry up to school.We're late. 我们快去上学吧, 我们迟到了.[17:59.34]Sandy: We don't have any class on Saturday. 星期六咱们不上学. [18:22.18]Billy: Phew! It's Saturday today. 哟!今天是星期六呀.[18:45.91]Tino: What are you doing? 你在做什么?[18:50.06]Billy: I'm getting dressed now. 我在穿衣服.[18:54.11]Billy:Tino,Is Sandywaiting downstairs? 桑迪在楼下等着吗? [19:00.29]Tino: No,she's not. 不,她没有.[19:03.29]She's making the bed in her room. 她正在房间整理床铺呢[19:08.05]Sandy: What's the matter? 什么事呀?[19:12.46]Billy:Let's hurry up to school.We're late. 我们快去上学吧, 我们迟到了.[19:19.87]Sandy: We don't have any class on Saturday. 星期六咱们不上学. [19:25.96]Billy: Phew! It's Saturday today. 哟!今天是星期六呀.[19:38.57]Listen and write. What are you doing? I'm getting dressed now. [19:50.88]听和写你在做什么? 我在穿衣服.[20:03.18]Let's hurry up toschool.We're late. We don't have any class on Saturday.[20:25.19]我们快去上学吧, 我们迟到了.星期六我们不上课.[20:47.20]Let's Practice 2 A.Listenand learn some more. Then chant along.[20:52.53]练习2 听并多学点听并跟着一起唱[20:57.87]What are you doing? I'm doing my homework in my room. [21:03.08]你在做什么? 我在房间里做作业. [21:08.28]What is he doing? He's reading newspapers in the living room.[21:11.94]他在做什么? 他在客厅看报纸. [21:15.60]What is she doing? She's cooking in the kitchen.[21:18.64]她在做什么? 她在厨房烹饪. [21:21.69]What are they doing? They're making the bed in the bedroom.[21:28.74]他们在做什么? 他们在卧室里收拾床铺[21:35.80]What are you doing? I'm doing my homework in my room. [21:43.65]你在做什么? 我在房间里做作业.[21:51.50]What is he doing? He's reading newspapers in the living room.[21:59.09]他在做什么? 他在客厅看报纸. [22:06.67]What is she doing? She's cooking in the kitchen.[22:14.57]她在做什么? 她在厨房烹饪. [22:22.46]What are they doing? They're making the bed in the bedroom.[22:36.62]他们在做什么? 他们在卧室里收拾床铺[22:50.78]Do It Yourself! Time to Listen Listen and circle the correct picture.[23:01.90]自己做! 听力时间听并圈出正确的图片[23:13.01]What time do you go to school? I go to school at eight thirty. [23:20.47]你几点去上学? 我8:30去上学. [23:27.92]Who's in the kitchen? My mom.She is cooking in the kitchen.[23:35.20]谁在厨房? 我妈妈, 她在厨房里烹饪.[23:42.47]What are you doing? I making the bed in my room.[23:53.10]你在做什么? 我在房间里收拾床铺.[24:03.73]Time to speak Listen and speak.[24:10.65]说的时间听和说[24:17.58]What time do you have breakfast? I have breakfast at eight o'clock.[24:22.07]你几点吃早餐? 我8点吃早餐. [24:26.57]Who's in the bathroom?It's me,Sandy. I'm brushing my teeth. [24:30.58]谁在浴室里? 是我,桑迪. 我在刷牙.[24:34.60]What are you doing? I'm doing my homework[24:40.73]你在做什么? 我在做家庭作业. [24:46.86]What time do you have breakfast? Who's in the bathroom?What are you doing?[25:06.35]你几点吃早餐? 谁在浴室? 你在做什么?[25:25.85]Time to Write. A.Listen and write the missing letters.[25:31.41]写作时间听并写出缺少的字母[25:36.97]kitchen 厨房brush 刷teeth 牙齿school 学校[25:58.93]B.Listen and write a complete sentence on the line.[26:04.31]听并在线上写出完整的句子. [26:09.69]It is four twenty. She is making the bed. Who is in the bathroom?[26:29.54]4:20. 她在收拾床铺. 谁在浴室? [26:49.39]Time to Wrap up Chant along.[26:53.10]集中注意跟着一起唱[26:56.80]What time do you go to school? At nine o'clock, Oh,no!I'm late.[27:04.03]你几点去上学呀? 九点. 哦,不!我迟到了.[27:11.26]Who's in the bathroom?It's me,Sandy. I'm brushing my teeth. [27:16.42]谁在浴室? 是我,桑迪. 我在刷牙. [27:21.58]What are you doing? I'm getting dressed now.[27:25.38]你在做什么? 我在穿衣服. [27:29.17]Is Sandy waiting downstairs? No,she's not.[27:34.51]桑迪在楼下等吗? 不,她没有. [27:39.84]She's making the bed in her room.[27:43.33]她在房间里收拾床铺.[27:46.81]What's the matter? Let's hurry up to school.[28:36.65]怎么了? 我们快点去上学吧. [29:26.49]Lesson 4 How Was Your Day? 第4课今天过得怎么样?[29:38.66]Let's Join the Chant! Listen and chant along 让我们一起唱圣歌听并一起跟着唱[30:00.01]soccer 足球win 赢washup 洗[30:28.94]Day,day! How was your day? 今天过得怎么样?[30:35.65]OK,OK!It was OK. 很好. [30:42.97]Soccer,soccer! We played soccer after school. 放学以后我们踢足球了[30:53.73]Win,win! Did you win the game? 你们赢得比赛了吗?[31:01.40]Did,did! Yes,we did. 对,我们赢了.[31:08.11]Great,great! That's great! 真棒![31:15.16]Wash up,wash up! Wash up before dinner. 晚饭前先去洗一洗吧. [31:33.69]Day,day! How was your day? 今天过得怎么样?[31:40.74]OK,OK! It was OK. 很好. [31:47.98]Soccer,soccer! We played soccer after school. 放学以后我们踢足球了[31:58.91]Win,win! Did you win thegame? 你们赢得比赛了吗?[32:06.68]Did,did! Yes,we did. 对,我们赢了.[32:13.73]Great,great! That's great! 真棒![32:20.44]Wash up,wash up! Wash up before dinner. 晚饭前先去洗一洗吧. [32:40.46]library 图书馆borrowed 借homework 作业dinner 晚饭[33:23.95]After,after!What did you do after school? 放学以后你做了什么? [33:30.83]Library!Library! I went to the library. 我去图书馆了.[33:38.68]Borrowed,borrowed! I borrowed some books. 我借了一些书. [33:44.06]Homework,homework! Did you do your homework? 你做完作业了吗?[33:50.77]No,I didn't. No,I didn't. 不,我没做完.[33:56.94]Dinner,dinner! Do your homework before dinner. 晚饭前做会作业吧.[34:05.32]All right,all right! All right,Mom. 知道了,妈妈.[34:20.05]After,after!What did you do after school? 放学以后你做了什么? [34:30.90]Library!Library! I went to the library. 我去图书馆了.[34:41.13]Borrowed,borrowed! I borrowed some books. 我借了一些书. [34:51.90]Homework,homework! Did you do your homework? 你做完作业了吗?[35:03.72]No,I didn't. No,I didn't. 不,我没做完.[35:10.95]Dinner,dinner! Do your homework before dinner. 晚饭前做会作业吧.[35:21.89]All right,all right! All right,Mom. 知道了,妈妈.[35:44.64]Let's Have Fun 1 Look and listen. 游戏1 看和听[36:08.90]Billy:Hi,Mom. I'm home.你好,妈妈.我回来了[36:25.75]Mom: Hi,Billy. How was your day? 来了,比利. 今天怎么样? [36:32.19]Billy:It was OK.We played soccer after school.很好,放学后我们踢了场足球.[36:47.98]Mom: Did you win the game? 你们赢了比赛吗?[36:52.57]Billy: Yes,we did. 对,我们赢了. Mom: That's great, Billy.太棒了,比利[37:30.05]Mom:Now,wash up and do your homework before dinner. [37:33.58]现在去洗一洗,晚饭前先做会作业吧.[38:00.57]Billy:Aw!Can I watch TV now? 噢!我现在可以看电视吗?[38:07.54]Mom: No.You can watch TV after dinner. 不行.晚饭后你可以看电视.[38:32.07]Billy:Hi,Mom. I'm home. 你好,妈妈.我回来了[38:36.39]Mom: Hi,Billy. How wasyour day? 来了,比利. 今天怎么样? [38:40.80]Billy:It was OK.We played soccer after school.很好,放学后我们踢了场足球.[38:47.94]Mom: Did you win the game? 你们赢了比赛吗?[38:52.80]Billy: Yes,we did. 对,我们赢了. Mom: That's great, Billy.太棒了,比利[38:59.41]Mom:Now,wash up and do your homework before dinner. [39:02.76]现在去洗一洗,晚饭前先做会作业吧.[39:06.11]Billy:Aw!Can I watch TV now? 噢!我现在可以看电视吗?[39:12.82]Mom: No.You can watch TV after dinner. 不行.晚饭后你可以看电视.[39:27.46]Listen and write. How was your day? It was OK.[39:39.72]听和写今天怎么样? 很好. [39:51.98]Did you win the game? Yes,we did. Wash up and do yourhomework before dinner[40:12.22]你们赢了比赛吗? 是的,我们赢了. 先去洗一洗,晚饭前做作业吧[40:32.47]Let's Practice 1 A. Listen and learn some more. Then chant along.[40:38.33]练习1 听并多学点听并跟着一起唱[40:44.20]Did you wash your hands? Yes,I did. I washed my hands before dinner.[40:47.99]你洗了手吗? 是的,我洗了. 晚饭前我洗了手.[40:51.79]Did you brush your teeth? Yes,I did. I brushed my teeth after dinner.[40:56.64]你刷牙了吗? 是的,我刷了. 晚饭后我刷了牙.[41:01.49]Did you do your homework? Yes,I did. I did my homework before dinner.[41:06.08]你做作业了吗? 是的,我做了. 晚饭前我做了作业.[41:10.67]Did you win the tennis game? Yes,I did. I won the tennis game.[41:16.44]你赢了网球比赛? 是的,我赢了. 我赢了网球比赛.[41:22.22]Did you wash your hands? Yes,I did. I washed my hands before dinner.[41:33.65]你洗了手吗? 是的,我洗了. 晚饭前我洗了手.[41:45.07]Did you brush your teeth? Yes,I did. I brushed my teeth after dinner.[41:54.42]你刷牙了吗? 是的,我刷了. 晚饭后我刷了牙.[42:03.77]Did you do your homework? Yes,I did. I did my homework before dinner.[42:13.52]你做作业了吗? 是的,我做了. 晚饭前我做了作业.[42:23.26]Did you win the tennisgame? Yes,I did. I won the tennis game.[42:33.98]你赢了网球比赛? 是的,我赢了. 我赢了网球比赛.[42:44.70]B.Listen and number the pictures in order. 听并按顺序在图上标序号.[42:57.67]I play tennis after school. Did you win the game? Yes.I did. [43:02.74]放学后我去打网球了. 你赢了比赛? 是的,我赢了.[43:07.81]Wash up before dinner. Ok,Mum.[43:11.78]晚饭前先洗洗吧. 好的,妈妈. [43:15.75]Did you do your homework?No,I didn't. Do your homework before dinner.[43:21.04]你作业做了吗? 不,我没有. 晚饭前先做会作业.[43:26.33]I did my homework. Can I watch TV now? Yes,you can.[43:30.92]作业做完了,现在可以看电视了吗? 可以.[43:35.51]I play tennis after school. Did you win the game? Yes.I did. [43:40.84]放学后我去打网球了. 你赢了比赛? 是的,我赢了.[43:46.18]Wash up before dinner. Ok,Mum.[43:50.15]晚饭前先洗洗吧. 好的,妈妈. [43:54.12]Did you do your homework?No,I didn't. Do your homework before dinner.[43:59.11]你作业做了吗? 不,我没有. 晚饭前先做会作业.[44:04.09]I did my homework. Can I watch TV now? Yes,you can.[44:15.69]作业做完了,现在可以看电视了吗? 可以.[44:27.29]Let's have fun 2 Look and listen.[44:39.02]游戏2 看和听[44:50.75]Mom: Did you see Sandy after school? 放学后你看见过桑迪吗?[44:57.54]Billy: No,I didn't. 不,我没看见过. Sandy: Hi, Mom. 你好,妈妈.[45:07.16]Mom:Hi,Sandy. You're late. 来了,桑迪. 你来晚了[45:12.56]Billy came home already. 比利早就回家了.[45:27.56]Mom:Sandy,what did you do after school? 桑迪,放学后你做了什么? [45:34.00]Sandy: I went to the library and borrowed some books. 我去图书馆借了一些书[45:50.14]Mom: OK, Sandy. 知道了,桑迪.[45:55.08]Go wash your hands before dinner. 晚饭前去洗洗手.[46:02.57]Sandy: All right,Mom. 知道了,妈妈.[46:33.01]Mom: Did you see Sandy after school? 放学后你看见过桑迪吗? [46:38.04]Billy: No,I didn't. 不,我没看见过. Sandy: Hi, Mom. 你好,妈妈.[46:45.71]Mom:Hi,Sandy. You'relate. 来了,桑迪. 你来晚了[46:50.30]Billy came home already. 比利早就回家了.[46:55.15]Mom:Sandy,What did you do after school? 桑迪,放学后你做了什么? [46:59.29]Sandy: I went to the library and borrowed some books. 我去图书馆借了一些书[47:06.26]Mom: OK, Sandy. 知道了,桑迪.[47:09.53]Go wash your hands before dinner. 晚饭前去洗洗手.[47:13.23]Sandy: All right,Mom. 知道了,妈妈.[47:26.29]Listen and write Did you see Sandy after school? No,I didn't. [47:37.32]听和写放学后你看见桑迪了吗? 不,我没有.[47:48.34]What did you do after school?[47:53.59]放学后你做了什么?[47:58.84]I went to the library andborrowed some books.[48:10.90]我去了图书馆借了一些书. [48:22.95]Let's Practice 2 A. Listen and learn some more. Then chant along.[48:28.72]练习2 听并学多点. 听并跟着一起唱[48:34.50]What did you do after school? I saw a movie after school. [48:39.42]放学后你做了什么? 放学后我去看电影了.[48:44.33]What did you do after school? I went to the museum after school.[48:48.70]放学后你做了什么? 放学后我去了博物馆.[48:53.07]What did you do before dinner? I did my homework before dinner.[48:57.98]晚饭前你做了什么? 晚饭前我做了家庭作业[49:02.90]What did you do afterdinner? I brushed my teeth after dinner.[49:11.17]晚饭后你做了什么? 晚饭后我刷了牙.[49:19.44]What did you do after school? I saw a movie after school. [49:28.96]放学后你做了什么? 放学后我去看电影了.[49:38.48]What did you do after school? I went to the museum after school.[49:47.84]放学后你做了什么? 放学后我去了博物馆.[49:57.20]What did you do before dinner? I did my homework before dinner.[50:06.64]晚饭前你做了什么? 晚饭前我做了家庭作业[50:16.08]What did you do after dinner? I brushed my teeth after dinner.[50:32.47]晚饭后你做了什么? 晚饭后我刷了牙.[50:48.85]Do It Yourself! Time to Listen Listen and circle the correct picture.[50:58.14]自己做! 听力时间听并圈出正确的图片[51:07.42]Did you do your homework,Sandy? No,I didn't. [51:11.24]桑迪,你做家庭作业了吗? 不,我没有.[51:15.06]What did you do after school,Sandy? I saw a movie after school.[51:18.34]放学后你做了什么, 桑迪? 放学后我去看电影了.[51:21.61]Question: What did Sandy do after school?[51:23.88]问题: 桑迪放学后做了什么? [51:26.14]Did you do your homework,Sandy? No,I didn't. [51:28.95]桑迪,你做家庭作业了吗? 不,我没有.[51:31.76]What did you do after school,Sandy? I saw a movie after school.[51:35.11]放学后你做了什么, 桑迪? 放学后我去看电影了.[51:38.47]Question: What did Sandy do after school?[51:40.57]问题: 桑迪放学后做了什么? [51:42.68]What did you do after school,Jane? I want to the library. [51:46.73]简,你放学后做了什么? 我去了图书馆.[51:50.79]Question: What did Jane do after school?[51:53.45]问题: 简放学后做了什么? [51:56.10]What did you do after school,Jane? I want to the library. [51:59.22]简,你放学后做了什么? 我去了图书馆.[52:02.34]Question: What did Jane do after school?[52:04.92]问题: 简放学后做了什么?[52:07.49]What did you do before dinner,Billy? I washed up before dinner.[52:12.17]比利,晚饭前你做了什么? 晚饭前我先洗了洗.[52:16.85]Did you brush your teeth before dinner? No,I brush my teeth after dinner.[52:20.88]晚饭前你刷牙了吗? 不,我在晚饭后刷牙.[52:24.90]Question: What did Billy do before dinner?[52:29.33]What did you do before dinner,Billy? I washed up before dinner.[52:34.02]比利,晚饭前你做了什么? 晚饭前我先洗了洗.[52:38.70]Did you brush your teeth before dinner? No,I brush my teeth after dinner.[52:42.52]晚饭前你刷牙了吗? 不,我在晚饭后刷牙.[52:46.34]Question: What did Billy do before dinner?[52:53.29]问题: 比利,晚饭前做了什么? [53:00.23]Time to speak Listen and speak.[53:07.33]说的时间听和说[53:14.43]How was your day? It was OK.[53:17.55]今天过得怎么样? 很好.[53:20.67]Did you win the tennis game? Yes,I do. I won the game. [53:24.88]你赢了网球比赛吗? 是的,我赢了. 我赢了这场比赛.[53:29.09]What did you do after dinner? I watched TV after dinner. [53:36.35]晚饭后你做了什么? 晚饭后我看了电视.[53:43.61]How was your day? Did you win the tennis game?[53:48.37]今天过得怎么样? 你赢了网球比赛吗?[53:53.12]What did you do afterdinner?[54:03.50]晚饭后你做了什么?[54:13.88]Time to write A.Listen and unscramble the letters[54:19.80]听力时间听并纠正单词. [54:25.73]dinner 晚饭library 图书馆borrow 借watch 看[54:49.76]B.Listen and write the words.[54:55.54]听并写出单词.[55:01.31]I played tennis after school. I won the game.[55:05.99]放学后我去打网球了.我赢了比赛.[55:10.67]I came home at 4 o'clock.I washed up before dinner.[55:15.04]我四点钟到家.晚饭前我先洗了洗.[55:19.41]I did my homework before dinner. I watched TV after dinner. [55:30.56]晚饭前我做了家庭作业晚饭后我看了电视.[55:41.72]Time to Wrap up Chant along.[55:45.23]集中注意跟着一起唱.[55:48.75]How was your day? It was OK.We played soccer after school. [55:56.31]你今天过得怎么样? 很好.放学后我们去踢足球了.[56:03.88]Did you win the game? Yes,we did. That's great![56:09.03]你赢了比赛吗? 是的,我们赢了. 太棒了![56:14.18]Wash up before dinner. What did you do after school? [56:19.48]晚饭前先洗一洗. 晚饭后你做了什么?[56:24.79]I went to the library and borrowed some books.[56:28.46]我去了图书馆并借了一些书. [56:32.12]Did you do your homework? No,I didn't.[56:34.12]你做了家庭作业吗? 不,我没有.。
新湘少版五年级上册英语Unit1 ppt课件

What does he look like? He is… He has…
你的, 南希
round face
/raʊnd/ 圆脸
/mæ θs/
teacher /‘ti:tʃə/ 老
师 英语老师 English teacher
彼得,早上好。 很高兴又见到你。
今年我们有一位 新的语文老师。
Glad to see you again. Glad to see you too. 玲玲,早上好。 我也很高兴见到你。
guess /ɡes/ 猜
Peter: Good morning, Lingling. Nice to see you, too.
Lingling: We have a new Chinese teacher this year. Peter: What does she look like? Lingling: I guess she’s tall and has long hair.
湘少版(三起)英语五年级上册Unit 1 What does she look like 课件

Presentation II
I have a pet.
have 有
has (have 三单形式)
I/We have … He / She has …
She has long hair.
What does he/ she look like ?
He has long/short hair .
Try to repeat the new phrase.
looks like
… 组词
Let’s Read.
Let’s read.
What does she
What does he look like ?
What dose he look like?
He is tall .
What dose he look like?
湘少版 英语五年级上册第一单元
Unit1 What does she look like?
Spelling Time
i eo
all or
like he old tall for
nice she
hold ball short cold mall fold small
Let’s Learn.
Let’s Practise.
What does she look like ? She is ...
What dose she look like?
She is young. She is old.
Ask and answer
What dose she look like?
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Lesson 1 I’d like a cold drink.我想一份冷饮A.Let’s listen and s ay.The children visit the market today.今天孩子们逛了市场。
1.--Can I help you?我能帮忙吗?你要买什么?-- I'd like some cakes.我想要一些蛋糕。
2. --I'd like a cold drink. 我想喝一份冷饮。
“OK!let's go. 好的!让我们去吧. 3--Would you like some buns? ”你想要一些馒头吗?---I'm hungry.我饿了I'd like some buns. ”我想要一些馒头。
---I feel hungry,too. ”我也饿了。
---I'd like some dumplings. ”我想要一些饺子。
B.Let’s learn.f eel hungry cold drink bun感到饿了冷饮馒头C.Let’s practise.1.---Do you have any drink cards? 你有冷饮卡片吗?---Yes,I have. 是的,我有。
2.--- Linda ,do you have any fruit cards? 琳达,你有水果卡片吗?--- Yes, I have. 是的,我有。
3. --- Do you have any fruit cards, Jane? 珍妮,你有水果卡片吗?---No, I don't.不,我没有。
4.---But I have all the three cake cards.但我有所有的这三张蛋糕卡片。
D.Let’s read.It is a sunny Saturday afterlnoon.今天是个阳光明媚的周六下午。
The children are having a picnic.孩子们在外面野餐。
Anne is having an ice-cream.安妮正在吃冰淇淋。
Peter is eating a piece of cake.彼得正在吃一块蛋糕。
Lingling is having an apple and Mingming is eating a sandwich. 玲玲正在吃苹果,明明正在吃三明治。
They enjoy eating at the beach.他们在沙滩上吃得很开心。
=他们享受着在沙滩上吃东西的乐趣Lesson 2Do you want some rice?你想吃点饭吗?A.Let’s listen an d say.The children are having lunch in Lingling's home.孩子们正在玲玲家吃午餐。
1.---Do you want some rice,Peter? ”彼得,你想吃点饭吗?”---Yes, please.Thank you, Mrs Chen。
2.---Do you want some soup,Anne?你想喝点汤吗?---Yes,please,Mrs Chen.好的,请给我一点。
3. ---Do you want some soup,Dongdong?东东,你想喝点汤吗?4.“No, Mummy. I want somemore vegetables, please.”不,妈妈。
5.---Here you are.给你。
---Thank you very much, Mom“非常谢谢,妈妈。
B.Let’s learn.water soup vegetables 水汤蔬菜breakfast lunch supper早餐午餐晚餐pepper salt胡椒粉盐C.L et’s practise.1.---Do you want some pepper,Jane?“你想要点胡椒粉吗,珍妮?”“Yes,please.”是的。
---I like to add some pepper to mynoodles.“我想在我的面条里加些胡椒粉。
2.---Do you want some salt, Benny?你想要点盐吗,贝尼?---No, thank you.不,谢谢。
Lesson 3 Can I borrow a pencil?我能借一支铅笔吗?A.Let’s listen an d say.1.---Excuse me.对不起,打挠一下---Yes?有什么事吗?2.“Can I borrow a pencil, please?我能借一支铅笔吗?“Yes, here you are. ”可以,给你。
3.--What do you want, Peter?彼得,你想要什么?--Can I borrow a ruler,please?我能借一把尺子吗?2.---Thank you. 谢谢.---You are welcome.不用谢.5.---Can I borrow your Englishbook, please?我能借一下你的英语书吗?---Peter, where are all your things?“彼得,你的东西都在哪里?---They’re in my schoolbag.它们在我的书包里面。
Let’s learnforget 忘记remember 记得tomorrow 明天borrow 借B.L et’s practise.1---Benny, please clean the blackboard.”贝尼,请把黑板擦干净。
---Can I have a brush, please?“我能有一把刷子吗?2.--Yes ,you can. 可以的。
---Thank you. 谢谢。
3---Lingling,draw a line.”玲玲,画一条线。
---Can I have a ruler,pleas e?我能借把尺子吗?5.--Yes, you can.可以的。
---Thank you.谢谢。
C.L et’s read.Anne: What are you making, Mingming?明明,你在做什么?Mingming: I’m making a kite.Oh dear! I forgot to bring my glue. Can I borrow your glue, please?我在制作一个风筝。
我能借一下你的胶水吗?Anne: Yes, here you are.好的,给你。
Mingming: Thank you. I don't have anymy colour pencils, either.谢谢,我也没有我的彩色铅笔。
Lesson 4Can I have a puppy?我能养一只小狗吗?A.Let’s listen an d say.1. ---Mummy, can I have a puppy?“妈妈,我能养一只小狗吗?2. No, you can't. You can't have a puppy in the flat. But you can have a rabbit. ”“不,你不能。
”3.“Can I have a basket for my rabbit? ”我能给我的小白兔买个篮子吗?”“No, baskets are expensive.“不,篮子是很贵的。
”You can have a cage for it.“你能给它买个笼子。
”4.“ It's Iovely. Can I hold| it? ”“No, you can't. Bu t you can touch it. ”“它好可爱的。
B.Let’s learn.a kitten 一只小猫a pet 一只宠物a puppy 一条小狗a cage 一个笼子a rabbit 一只小白兔a basket 一个篮子hold 拿,抱C.Let’s practise.1. “ Can I have a rabbit ,Mingming?“明明,我能养一只小白兔吗?”---No, you can't.You can have a kitten. 不,你不能。
Let’s read.Jane and her farther are at the pet shop.Jane wants to have a pet. She chooses a talkative and pretty parrot.They go home with it happily.珍妮和她的爸爸在宠物店。
At home, the parrotscolds Jane’s mo ther loudly.Jane's mother is very angry.She says,"You can have apet, but you can't have thisrude parrot!'' 在家里,鹦鹉大声地责骂珍妮的妈妈。
Jane and her farther bringthe parrot back to the shop.Jane's farther lets her choosea small kitten. They go homehappily with the new pet.珍妮和她的爸爸带着鹦鹉返回到商店。
Lesson 5 Which one do you want? 你想要哪一件?A.Let’s listen an d say.One day, Lingling and her mother go shopping.一天,玲玲和她的妈妈去商店购物。
1.“Can I have a new raincoat, Mummy? ” “我能买一件新的雨衣吗?”---Yes, dear.可以。
2.“Which one do you want, a long one ora short one? ”“你想要哪一件,长的还是短的?” “A short one,please. ”“一件短的吧。