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The University of Cambridge is rich in history --- its famous Colleges and University buildings attract visitors from all over the world. But the University's museums also hold many treasures which give an exciting insight into some of the scholarly activities, both past and present, of the University's academics and students.
Unit 1
Talking about Education

情景导入 词汇与表达 课后练习解析 参考译文 美文欣赏
中外文化背景比较 课前热身 课文概要


Brief introduction of Cambridge University
The University of Cambridge is one of the oldest universities in the world and one of the largest in the United Kingdom. Its reputation for outstanding academic achievement is known world-wide and reflects the intellectual achievement of its students, as well as the world-class original research carried out by the staff of the University and the Colleges.
剑桥共有31所学院。其中有三所面向妇女(New Hall, Newnham and Lucy Cavendish),两所只招收研究生(Clare Hall and Darwin)。各个学院都采取导师 制的教学方法,即将学生分为小组进行教学活动。这种教学发法在世界上被认为 是最好的模范之一

Brief introduction of the Ivy League(America) In America, maFra Baidu biblioteky universities or institutes all belong to some special leagues. These leagues can promote the exchange and cooperation in terms of sports and academic research between the universities. Among those leagues, probably the most famous one is " The Ivy League " which has a long history. "The Ivy League” is made up of eight universities in the Northeast part of the U.S.A. They are Brown University, Columbia University, Cornell University, Dartmouth College, Harvard University, University of Pennsylvania, Princeton University, and Yale University. Except Cornell University, all the other universities are founded before the Independence War. The entrance requirement of each university is very strict. As to the origin of the name "The Ivy League", there are two kinds of explanations. According to the first explanation, it is made by a journalist of New York in 1937, since most of the oldest and the best universities in America are usually covered by ivy. The other way of saying has a longer history, which has something to do with the earlier Sports Association named “Four Leagues”,
4. 课后练习解析
该部分主要对课后练习进行详细讲解和说明,以帮助学生彻底解决 知识点掌握上的障碍。
5. 美文赏析
在该部分给老师提供一些与本单元课文相关的精美英文文章,以补 充老师的教学资源,老师可以灵活使用,可以编成课后练习,可以作为 学生的拓展阅读等。 该套讲义实行了对课堂进行全方位跟踪的形式,其使用弹性非常 大,每一位任课老师都可以结合自己的教学习惯,在该套讲义上进行自 如地个性化教学。 最后衷心希望该套讲义能成为全国一线英语老师的最好帮手。 北京师范大学成教英语编写组 2006年6月

情景导入(中英文双语) 中外文化背景比较
主要以每一单元所牵涉到的话题引入一些与本单元文章内容相关的 知识,以拓宽学生的视野和提高学习兴趣。
◆ 课前热身
主要以活动的形式,如小组讨论,学生即兴表达,师生问答,小游 戏,户外体验等,以简短的方式将学生引入课堂。
◆ 课文概要
主要介绍本单元课文的全貌及梗概。 2. ◆ ◆ ◆ 词汇与表达 词汇详解 该部分注重课文生单词的词性,词义,特殊用法等的讲解。 词组详解 该部分针对课文出现的词组,进行词义,特殊用法等的讲解。 课文难点句子详解 该部分主要针对课文中一些重点难点句子,进行句子结构分析,疑 难语法现象剖析,中文翻译等方面进行讲解。

Other information about Helen Keller
Helen Keller was the first deaf-blind person who received college education. Her success is greatly to her own hard work as well as the help of her teacher Anne Sullivan, who is a great educator. Helen graduated from Radcliffe College in 1904 at the age of 24 and went on to become a world-famous speaker and author. She made it her own life's mission to fight for the handicapped in the world. In 1915 she founded Helen Keller International, a non-profit organization for preventing blindness. Helen and Anne Sullivan traveled all over the world to over 39 countries. On September 14, 1964, President Lyndon B. Johnson awarded her the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the United States' highest civilian honor. In all, Helen wrote 11 books, including The Story of My Life (1903), The World I Live In (1908), Helen Keller's Journal, 1936-1937 (1938), and The Open Door (1957). Among those books the most famous one named The Story of My Life. This book is like an autobiography, which has been translated into different languages.
非英语专业专科用 (第二册) 北京师范大学 赵小冬 主编 北京师范大学音像出版社 2006年6月
为了深入贯彻落实国家教委最新颁布的《全国成人高等教育英语课 程教学基本要求》、《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求(试行)》 及体现本套《英语》教材的特色,在总结大量教学案例基础上,北京师 范大学成人教育英语教研组集中了一批专家,经过反复讨论和论证,结 合使用该套教材的一线老师的宝贵意见,推出该套教材的配套讲义,供 一线教师使用。 该套讲义从以下几个栏目切入: 1.
including Columbia University, Harvard University, Princeton University, and Yale University. To be more scholar, “Four Leagues” are usually written in Roman numeral, that is " Ⅳ Leagues ". Since in English, the letters IV and the
剑桥大学简介 剑桥大学历史悠久 --- 它著名的学院大楼吸引着来自全世界的参观者。大学 的博物馆也收藏着不少珍宝, 这些收藏是剑桥大学的师生们从过去到现在举行 过的那些令人振奋的学术活动的缩影。 剑桥大学是世界上最古老的大学之一,也是英国最大的大学之一。 它以杰 出的学术成就闻名世界,这个名声在一定程度上也反映出剑桥学生杰出的智力成 果,以及大学和学院的人员们进行的世界级的创新研究。
word Ivy have the same pronunciation, the name of "The Ivy League” comes
into being. In 1954, in order to foster intercollegiate football competition, the presidents of the eight universities established this league. Since then, the name “The Ivy League” was also began to use officially. Nowadays, this word "The Ivy League" is usually used to refer to the best higher education.
美国“常春藤联盟”简介 在美国,不少大学或者学院都属于一些特别的联盟,这些联盟可以促进 大学之间的运动或者学术方面的交流与合作。在这些联盟中,最为著名的大 概要数历史悠久的“常春藤联盟了”。 常春藤联盟由美国东北部八所大学组合而成:布朗大学(Brown)、哥伦 比亚大学(Columbia)、康乃尔大学(Cornell)、达特茅斯学院 (Dartmouth)、哈佛大学(Harvard)、宾州大学(Pennsylvania)、普林 斯顿大学(Princeton)、及耶鲁大学(Yale)。除康乃尔大学外,其他几所 学校均在美国独立战争前创设。每所院校的入学标准都非常严格。 “常春藤联盟”这个名字的来源有两种解释。一种说法认为这个名字是在 1937年由纽约的一个记者起的。因为美国最古老、最精英的大学建筑物通常 被常春藤所覆盖。而另一种说法则相对更为古老,来源于早期称为“四联盟” 的运动协会,包括哥伦比亚大学、哈佛大学、普林斯顿大学、和耶鲁大学。 “四联盟”通常被写做罗马数字的“Ⅳ联盟”,而读英文字母的时候,Ⅳ和 “常春藤”有着相同的读音,所以就有了“常春藤联盟”这个说法。 1954年,为了促进校际足球比赛,这八所学校成立了这个联盟,“常春 藤联盟”一词也正式开始使用。如今,“常春藤联盟”这个词语在美国已经 成为高等学府的代名词。
There are 31 Colleges in Cambridge. Three are for women (New Hall, Newnham and Lucy Cavendish) and two admit only graduates (Clare Hall and Darwin). As for teaching method, each college adopts the supervision system, where students receive tuition in small groups, is regarded as one of the best teaching models in the world.