商务英语函电 (8)
商务英语函电unit 8 order letters

Please arrange early shipment of the goods,(请尽早 装运这批货,)
We shall appreciate it if you can ship the goods as early as possible.(如能早日运货我方将不胜感激)
Pattern of reply letters to orders
1. 表示感谢对方订货;(Express pleasure at receiving the order;)
We shall be pleased if you can send...(如你方能 运......我方将不胜感激)
We are very glad to place a repeat order for...of the same...(我方很高兴以同样的......续订购......)
3. 希望对方早日接受;(Hoping the reader to accept early)
商务英语函电unit 8 order letters
产品目录号 数量 商品性质(型号、号码、颜色) 单价、全价 买方身份 发货地址 运输方式 付款方式 交货日期 其它信息:订单号、订货日期、推销员名等。
Pattern of order letters
1. 告知对方已定货;
We have received...(我方收到......) The goods ex S.S. XX have been...(某轮运来的货

下面是店铺给大家整理的国际商务英语函电范文,供大家参阅!国际商务英语函电范文:介绍信实例之一:Dear Mr. / Ms.,This is to introduce Mr. Frank Jones, our new marketing specialist who will be in London from April 5 to mid April on business.We shall appreciate any help you can give Mr. Jones and will always be happy to reciprocate.Yours faithfully尊敬的先生/小姐,现向您推荐我们的市场专家弗兰克·琼斯先生。
您诚挚的实例之二:Dear Mr. / Ms,We are pleased to introduce Mr. Wang You, our import manager of Textiles Department. Mr. Wang is spending three weeks in your city to develop our business with chief manufactures and to make purchases of decorative fabrics for the coming season.We shall be most grateful if you will introduce him to reliable manufacturers and give him any help or advice he may need.Yours faithfully尊敬的先生/小姐,我们非常高兴向您介绍我们纺织部的进口经理王有先生。
商务英语函电unit 8 order letters[精]
![商务英语函电unit 8 order letters[精]](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/01c74d74b307e87100f6961d.png)
We appreciate your interest in our products which are of good quality and best price. (感 谢你们对我方的货物的兴趣,货物品质优 良、价格合理。)
We have received...(我方收到......) The goods ex S.S. XX have been...(某轮运来的货
物已经......) Thank you for the goods sent...(感谢......运来的货
物) We are glad to inform you that we find the goods
Thank you for your order...(感谢你方......订货) We acknowledge receipt of our order...(感谢收到订货......) We have received the goods shipped ex ...(我方已经收到
由......轮运来的货物) 2. 说明谢绝订货的原因;(Explaining for having to decline)
For your information, we have produced several new products. (兹告知,我方又生 产了一些新产品。)
We enclose our latest catalog, if you are interested in some other items, please tell us. (附寄上我方最新的产品目录,如果对 上边的产品感兴趣,请告知我方。)

(五):1、As you will see in our price list,we have offered very competitive prices,supplying you our best quality goods.We solicit that you will favor us with your orders,which shall always have our best attention.贵公司将会从我方价格表中看到,我方向贵公司提供了价廉物美的商品。
2、We should very much like to help you in thismatter,but we have already cut our prices down to the absolute minimum.We think you will find that our competitors are offering a product of cousiderably lower quality in order to compete at this price.我们很乐意帮助你们,但是我们已将价格降到最低限度。
Thank you for your letter of March 10,form which we have learned that you hope to receive our offer for “Meiling”brand canned goods.4..我们从贵公司8月20日来函中得知你放打算向我方订购二万公吨化肥 我们很高兴的报价如下。
We have learned form your letter dated August 20 that you are going to place an order with us for 20000 metric tons of chemical fertilizers.We are pleased to quote asfollows..5.兹复你方7月8日函 我们现向你方作如下报盘 以我方最后确认为准。

函电实操商务英语教程ExercisesUnit 24.Translate the follow sentences(1)We are willing to enter into business relations with your firm.我们非常乐意与贵公司建立商务关系。
(2)We have learned your name and address from the Business World.我们从商业世界得知贵公司的名称和地址。
(3)We have airmailed you some leaflets about our products. If you are interested in any of the items, please let us know.我们给贵公司航空邮寄一些关于我们产品的传单。
(4)As an exporter of motor bicycle,we wish to express our desire to trade with you in this line.作为摩托车的出口商,我们非常渴望在这一行业与贵公司建立业务关系。
(5)We write to introduce ourselves as one of the leading exporters of a wide range of air conditioners.我们致函介绍本公司是各种空调的最大出口商之一。
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (6)为了让你们对表格中的产品有大致了解,特随附小册子及最新的价格单各一份。
In order to give you a general idea of the items in the sheet,we are enclosing a brochure and a latest price list.(7)我们是一家国有公司,专营电器产品的出口业务。

1.天然产品,客户收到货,说颜色不能接受怎么办Dear {收件人},Thank you very much for your feedback.I immediately send the picture to our production manager, and we hold a meeting on this. He told me, the two colour of the stone are actually same slab, not from two slab. Natural stone has inborn colour variation, so it cannot be the same like ceramic, each one is the same. Actually that is the main reason why people love stone, no two are the same.Meantime, it is more reasonable to replace you when there is a defective or crack in the stone. While for the natural veining, it is hard for us to replace. Actually, we could not even know that the next one will not have the veins. I would very much appreciate your kind understanding.FYI, you know how our US distributor work on this? They select all the stone with a few special veining together, and then sell it at a premium price asone-of-a-kind!Best regards,XXX2.客户收到货,说短缺, 经查,仓库并未少发,如何跟客户解释?Dear Tom,Thanks a lot for your patience.I have come to check the warehouse record together with our logistics people by myself. The record shows that all the items of order XXXX has been delivered. Here is our original record, and the pictures of the goods.Will you please check with your logistics and count the goods again? Are there possibilities of mis-counting, or someone moved the items separately from this order without noticing him?Best regards,XXXX3.客户收到货,说短缺, 经查,确实少发了怎么办收到客户的回复,提供的详细信息,第一封邮件:Dear {收件人},Thanks a lot for your email, and sharing the findings of your logistics to us.I will immediately investigate into this with our logistics, and will reply you soon. It may take some time, I would very much appreciate your kind patience.Best regards,XXXX4.调查结果出来,第2封邮件:Dear {收件人},Thanks for your patience.I apologize firstly for the inconvenience brought you. We have a new staff; he has moved these items to another order without noticing our warehouse manager, thus make a mistake.Will it be OK to send you these items with your next order? To make up you, we would like to give you 20 free items as gifts.Sorry again for the inconvenience brought you. We have already trained the new staff, and make sure that this will not happen again in future.Best regards,XXXX5.客户收到货,说短缺,怎么办?马上发一封邮件询问详情Dear {收件人},Thanks a lot for your email, and sharing the findings of your logistics to us.I will immediately investigate into this with our logistics. To enable me to do so, will you please give me a few more details?1.How many total pallets do you receive?2.Can you give me a detailed list of all the shortage items, their quantity, andtheir pallet number?I would very much appreciate your kind help, it will be most helpful for our investigation.Best regards,XXXX6.客户说到货,投诉说破损了,经查确实是本公司的责任,怎么办?Dear {收件人},Thanks a lot for your pictures and information. I have investigated into this with our production manager. The EPS sheet sounds not thick enough to give strongprotection to the products. We have already worked out the improvement plan, thus to make sure that this will not happen again in your future orders.We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience brought you. And we would like to replace new ones in your next order.Best regards,XXXXX7.客户说到货,投诉说破损了,怎么办?先迅速回封邮件问客户要照片。

1. We hope to receive your favourat an early date.2. We hope to be favoure d with a reply with the least delay.3. We await a good news with patienc e.4. We hope to receive a favoura ble reply per returnmail.5. We await the pleasur e of receivi ng a favoura ble reply at an early date.6. We await the favourof your early (prompt) reply.7. A promptreply would greatly obligeus.8. We trust you will favourus with an early (prompt) reply.9. We trust that you will reply us immedia tely.10. We shouldbe obliged by your early (prompt) reply.11. Will your pleasereply without delay what your wishesare in this matter?12. Will you kindlyinformus immedia tely what you wish us to do.13. We request you to informus of your decisio n by returnof post.14. We are awaitin g (anxious to receive) your early reply.15. We thank you for the anticip ated favourof your early reply.16. We shouldappreci ate an early reply.17. We thank you in anticip ationof your usual courteo us promptattenti on.18. We thank you now for the courtes y of your early attenti on.19. We hope to receive your reply with the least possibl e delay.20. Kindlyreply at your earlies t conveni ence.21. Pleasesend your reply by the earlies t deliver y.22. Pleasesend your reply by messeng er.23. Pleasereply immedia tely.24. Pleasefavourus with your reply as early as possibl e.25. Pleasewrite to us by tonight's mail, without fail.26. May we remindyou that we are still awaitin g your early reply.27. May we request the favourof your early reply?28. A promptreply would help us greatly.29. A promptreply will greatly obligeus.30. Your promptreply would be greatly appreci ated.31. Your promptattenti on to this matterwould be greatly esteeme d.32. We look forward to receivi ng your early reply.33. We thank you now for this anticip ated courtes y.34. As the matteris urgent, an early reply will oblige.35. We reply on receivi ng your reply by returnof post.(2)回信请用电报,等。

商务英语函电全部答案Chapter II Establishing Business RelationsLesson One ExercisesI. Translate the following expressions:1.cotton piece goods 6. 另函2.state-operated corporation 7. 供你方参考3.import andexport 8. 商务参赞处 4.business lines 9. 盼望5.establish business relations 10. 最新的商品目录 II.Translating the following into English:1.We are informed that _______________________________________(你公司是经营化工产品的国营公司).2.We shall let you know our comments_________________________________(一俟收到你方的报价).3.We are ______________________________________(专门从事中国工艺品出口).4.We hope to _______________________________________________(与你们建立贸易关系). 5.________________________________(兹航寄) three sample books.6.______________________________________________(我们已经和世界上一百多个国家的商号建立了关系) on the basis of equality, mutual benefit and exchange ofneeded goods. III. Translate the following sentences into Chinese:1.We have the pleasure of introducing ourselves to you as a statecorporation specializing in the export business of canned goods, and expressour desire to enter into business relations you.2.Our company is one of the import and export corporations in Shanghaicommercial circle authorized by the Ministry for Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation. We have enjoyed a good reputation in the world market for a longtime.3.We are one of the leading exporters of first class cotton and rayongoods and are enjoying an excellent reputation through fifty years? business experience.4.Through the courtesy of the Chamber of Commerce in Tokyo, we have learned that you have been supplying the best quality foods all over the world.5.We are desirous of enlarging our trade in various agricultural products, but unfortunately have had no good connections in the southern part of Russia. Therefore we shall be obliged if you kindly introduce us to some of the most capable and reliable importers. IV. Translate the following sentences into English : 1.承蒙外国商会介绍得知你公司的名称地址。
商务英语函电实训unit 8 Order Their Fulfillment

• meet an order
• place an order • process an order
下/放订单,订货 处理订单,备货
• refuse / reject an order
• supply an order • unit price
(根据订单)供货 单价
The End
(买方)确认订单 谢绝订单 交付订货 起草合同
• enter into a contract
Words and Phrases Unit 8 Order & Their Fulfillment
• fill / fulfill / make up an order 处理 订单,备货
• 贵公司7月10日函收悉,对此次订货,我公司表示感谢。 We acknowledge receipt of your favour of the 10th July, and thank you for the order you have given us. • 非常抱歉,兹因购货人已向我司撤消订单,迫使我司只好向贵公 司取消这一次订货。 To my deep regret, the buyer of these goods has just cancelled the order, a fact which compels me to cancel my order with you. • 很抱歉由于我司在今后一段时间内,所有货物品已完全够用,因 此,不得不取消此次订货,敬请谅解。 Our requirements are now fully covered for some time to come, and we therefore greatly regret that we have to cancel our order with you.

Exam on International Business EnglishName: Score:Part I. Filling the blanks with following preposition(in, with, on, under, regarding, by, with, for, out of, against)1. Goods ____ Contract No. 112 were dispatched yesterday. (under/against)2. We are writing to inform you that your L/C No.1234 opened______ Standard Chartered Bank should be amended reading. (through/with)3. We have written to you ___ two occasions in the last two months ___ the establishment of the relevant L/C. (on, regarding/concerning)4. ___ examination of the credit, we find transshipment and partial shipments are not allowed. (On)5. If you are able to reduce the price ______ 5%, we shall place an order_____ you. (by, with)6. There is a heavy demand _____ bicycles now and we are running ___ ___ stock. (for, out of)7. Please insure ___ us ___ USD 10,000 ____ 100 cases of leather shoes ___ All Risks. (for, for, on, against)8. If goods are sold ___ CIF basis, we insure goods against All Risks ___ 110% of the invoice value. (on, for)9. You can file a claim against the loss or damage of the goods with the insurance agent___ your end. (at)10. We are glad to inform you that we have opened an irrevocable L/C No. 465 ____ your favor _____ US $ 4,000 ____ Barclays Bank plc, London, valid until 3 December. (in, for, with/through)Part II. Filling the Blanks with the Following Words(valid, indicated, expedite, entertain, draw, quotation, extend, subject, respectively, make)1. We are sending you our Enquiry and wish to receive your ___. ( quotation)2. Our offer is _______ for 10 days, _____ ____ your replay reaching us before April 20. (valid, subject to)3. We are unable to reduce the price to the level you ___. (indicated)4. While we appreciate your intention to do business with us, we regret that we cannot ________ any fresh orders. (entertain)5. The L/C authorizes you to ____ at sight on the Bank after shipment is made. (draw)6. Please ____ shipment and validity of the L/C to July and August 20 ____ with the amendment reaching us by June. (extend, respectively)7. The time of shipment is approaching. Please _____ the L/C as soon as you can. (expedite)8. We have received your L/C No.336 covering our Sales Confirmation No. 4789. We find that the price terms CIF have been mistakenly indicated as CFR. Please refer to the said contract and _______ the amendment accordingly. (make)Part III. Translate the sentences into English1. We have a lot of commitments on hand, and we are very sorry we cannot accept your order of immediate delivery.我们手头有很多工作,很遗憾不能接受你们立即装运的要求。
商务英语函电 8订单、接收与回绝 [武汉理工]
![商务英语函电 8订单、接收与回绝 [武汉理工]](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/4264ec1f10661ed9ad51f371.png)
• Dear Sirs, • We are pleased to receive your Order No.78 of November 5 for Women’s Silk Garments and welcome you as one of our customers. • For goods ordered we require payment to be made by a confirmed and irrevocable letter of credit payable by draft at sight upon presentation of shipping documents. We would be very grateful if you let us know immediately whether you agree to our terms. The goods are now available from stock. As soon as we receive your early affirmative reply, we shall arrange for dispatch upon receipt of your L/C. • As you may not be aware of the wide range of goods we deal in, we are enclosing a copy of catalogue if you are interested in any other items. • We are looking forward to your early reply. • Yours faithfully, • The Eastern Import & Export Corporation • Manager • Encl.

文档下载后可定制修改,请根据实际需要进行调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种类型的经典范文,如工作总结、工作计划、合同协议、条据文书、策划方案、句子大全、作文大全、诗词歌赋、教案资料、其他范文等等,想了解不同范文格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by this editor. I hope that after you download it, it can help you solve practical problems. The document can be customized and modified after downloading, please adjust and use it according to actual needs, thank you!Moreover, our store provides various types of classic sample essays for everyone, such as work summaries, work plans, contract agreements, doctrinal documents, planning plans, complete sentences, complete compositions, poems, songs, teaching materials, and other sample essays. If you want to learn about different sample formats and writing methods, please stay tuned!商务函电范文(通用十一篇)商务函电范文(篇一)Dear Sir: May 1, 2001Inquiries regarding our new product, the Deer Mountain Bike, have beden coming in from all parts of the world.Reports from users confirm what we knew before it was put on the market - that it is the best mountain bike available.Enclosed is our brochure.Yours faithfully商务函电范文(篇二)Dear Sirs: June 12, 2001Thank you for your letter of June the 8th.We regret that we cannot meet your terms.We must point out that the falling market here leaves us little or no margin of profit.We must ask you for a keener price in respect to future orders.At present the best discount offered for a quantity of 200 is 5%.Our current situation leaves us little room to bargain.We hope you will reconsider the offer.Truly商务函电范文(篇三)Dear Sir: June 15, 2001We have discussed your offer of 5% and accept it on the termsquoted.We are prepared to give your product a trial, provided you can guarantee delivery on or before the 20th of September.The enclosed order is given strictly on this condition.We reserve the right of refusal of delivery and/or cancellation of the order after this date.Truly商务函电范文(篇四)Dear Sir: June 8, 2001We have received your price lists and have studied it carefully.However, the price level in your quotation is too high for this market, If you are prepared to grant us a discount of 10% for a quantity of 200, we would agree to your offer.You should note that some price cut will justify itself by an increase in business.We hope to hear from you soon.Yours truly 商务函电范文(篇五)Dear Sir:Sep.1, 2001We are sorry to report that in spite of our effort, we are unable to guarantee shipment by the agreed date due to a strike at our factory.We are afraid that your L/C will be eXpire before shipment.Therefore,please eXplain our situation to your customers and secure their consent to eXtend the L/C to .Sincerely商务函电范文(篇六)告示 Announcements实例之一、开业 Opening of new businessDear Mr./ Ms,We have opened at the above address a sales office for our products here in New York.We employ a staff of consultants and a well-trained service department which makes routine checks on all equipment purchased from us.We would be pleased if you would take full advantage of our services and favorable shopping conditions.We fully guarantee the quality of our products.Yours faithfully尊敬的先生/小姐,我们已在纽约上述住址为我们的产品开设了一家办事处。

文档下载后可定制修改,请根据实际需要进行调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种类型的经典范文,如工作总结、工作计划、合同协议、条据文书、策划方案、句子大全、作文大全、诗词歌赋、教案资料、其他范文等等,想了解不同范文格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by this editor. I hope that after you download it, it can help you solve practical problems. The document can be customized and modified after downloading, please adjust and use it according to actual needs, thank you!Moreover, our store provides various types of classic sample essays for everyone, such as work summaries, work plans, contract agreements, doctrinal documents, planning plans, complete sentences, complete compositions, poems, songs, teaching materials, and other sample essays. If you want to learn about different sample formats and writing methods, please stay tuned!英文函电信函格式范文(推荐8篇)英文函电信函格式范文第1篇Dear Sir or Madam:Thank you for you interest in our products.We hope the samples we sent you on 5 February were up to your eXpectations.We would like to sort out the credit formalities as soon as possible possible so that we can begin trading.Could you provide us that we can begin trading.Could you provide us with the requisite financial information so that we can open your new account immediately?Please include a recent financial statement, the name of your bank andreferences,together with any other relevant credit details.The information you provide will, of course, be held in the strictest confidence.We look forward to a long and prosperous relationship with your company.Yours sincerely,Hillary英文函电信函格式范文第2篇①.英文商务信函范文的开头写发信人的姓名(单位名称)住址和日期,一般写在信纸的右上角。
商务英语函电unit 8 order letters

We are glad to…(很高兴……) We are please to…(很高兴……) 2. 具体确认(如品名、条款等);
We confirm…(我方确认……) We should like to confirm that…(我们很
高兴确认……) We are very much pleased to confirm…(我
Sample letter 2: Personal Letter of thanking a Steady Customer
Dear …:
I’m writing to let you know that your order #2983 for 120 men’s shirts was shipped May 5 via UPS to reach you no later than May 10. (说明订货已经发 走)
4. 表示希望与对方做生意。(Expressing your desire to do business with them) As soon as we are in a position to...we will contact you.(一旦 我方可以......我将予你联系......) However, we wish to do business with you in the future.(但 是我方还希望将来与你做生意)
We have received...(我方收到......) The goods ex S.S. XX have been...(某轮运来的货
物已经......) Thank you for the goods sent...(感谢......运来的货

Chapter II Establishing Business RelationsLesson One Developing Client BaseChinese Version:敬启者:我方从贸易向导网获悉贵方行名与email地址,并得知你方需求购圆珠笔。
谨上Key to ExercisesI. Translate the following expressions into Chinese or vice versa:1.进出口2.建立业务关系3.想要购买4.贸易向导5.最新设计6.specialize in7.be of interest to8.be on the market9.manufacturerpany profilesII. Fill in each of the following blanks with a proper preposition:1. in, for2.of, of, to3.into,with,in,of4.from,of, in, with, for, of5.of,ofIII.Fill in the missing words in the following blanks with the first letter given:introduce, range, attach, trust, items, interest, interested, receiving, which,quotationsIV. Translate the following sentences into Chinese:1.伦敦史密斯有限公司向我们介绍,贵公司是纺织品的主要进口商。

Hale Waihona Puke Howdoyou
understand about
shipment and delivery
in foreign trade?
Question 2
Unit 8 Shipment
Unit 8 Shipment
Introduction to Shipment
Shipment signifies the seller’s fulfillment of the obligation to make delivery of the goods.
Carriage of goods may take place by land, inland water-way, sea, or air.
Unit 8 Shipment
Ⅰ Role-play
Task A Situational Communication
Or else we won’t be able to catch the shopping season. B:It’s all very well for you to say that. But I must point out that our factories have a lot of back orders on hand.I’m afraid it is very difficult to improve any further on the time. A:Can’t you find some ways for an earlier delivery? It means a lot to us. If we place our goods on the market at a time when all other importers have sold theirs at profitable prices,we shall lose out. B:How’s this then? We will make an effort to advance the shipment to early May.

新编商务英语函电练习答案Unit 5 Quotations, Offers and Counter Offers1. Put the following terms or phrases from English into Chinese or vice versa.(1) 市场调查(2) 做出让步(3) 有效期(4) 利润空间(5) 对……具有约束力(6) 实盘(7) a reduction of 7% (8) copy(9) to ship on time (10) trial order(11) to reach an agreement (12) to put forward a proposal2. Fill in the blanks of the following letters with the words given below, and change the form when necessary.1 pleased2 acknowledge3 commodity4 follows5 payment6 shipment7 arrival 8 expand9 discount 10 minimum3. Rearrange the following sentences in logic order to make them a perfect letter.The rearranged order:1(3) 2 (5) 3 (1) 4 (2) 5 (4)4. Translate the following letter into English.Dear Sirs,We thank you for your inquiry of October 29 and are pleased to know that you are willing to enter into business relations with us. At your request, we make you an offer, subject to the receipt of your reply before November 24, 2006, as follows:Commodity: “Showner” brand men’s pajama Quantity: 30,000 piecesPrice: US$ 40.00 per piece, CIF MilanPayment: By a confirmed, irrevocable L/C payable by draft at sightShipment: since January 2007I am convinced that the above quotation can meet with your request. The market price will be go up, therefore it is beneficial for you to place an order earlier.Hope that we can receive you order soon. Yours faithfully,5. Translate the following letter into Chinese.史密斯先生:感谢您2006年10月6日来函询问我方BNT-3电锯产品。
《商务英语函电教程》Unit 8付款条款

General View
Third, different regulations and systems of law that are applied further complicate the arrangements. Fourth, the monetary and financial matters are different in different countries and different methods are used. Because of the above reasons, international payment arrangements involve more risks and must be handled with special care.
General View
3) Check A check is an unconditional order in writing addressed by the customer (drawee) to a bank(draw) signed by the customer authorizing the bank to pay on demanding a specified sum of money to or to the order of a named person or to bearer (payee). A check is a special kind of draft in that the drawee is always a bank with which the drawer has an account. Besides, a check is always paid upon presentation. If the drawer wants to write a check now but does not want the payee to collect the money immediately, the drawer can postdate the check.

外贸英语函电商务英语应用文写作课后答案外贸英语函电Business English Correspondence ---商务英语应用文写作Review Subject一.单词互译二.汉译英(句子—课后练习)Unit2-Unit81.我公司是该地区电子产品的主要进口商之一,我们借此机会与贵方接洽,希望与贵方建立贸易关系。
My company is the one of the leading importers of electronic products, we would like to take this opportunity to consult with you, hope to establish business relation with you.2.我公司经营机械设备的进出口业务已多年,我们的产品在许多国家享有盛誉。
My company has been running the imports and exports of machinery and equipment for many years, our products had enjoyed great popularity in many countries.3.承我国驻北京大使馆商务参赞处介绍,得知你公司的名称和地址。
Through the courtesy of the Commercial Counsellor of my Embassy in Beijing,we come to know your name and address.4.我们了解到你们是日用化学品制造商。
We understand that you are the manufacturer of Daily Chemical . One of our customers is in the market for cosmetics in yourcountry. We shall appreciate it if you will enclose a copy of your catalog covering the goods available at present and the price list.5.有关我们的资信情况,请向中国银行上海分行咨询For our credit standing, please refer to the Bank of China , Shanghai Branch.6.请报你方最优惠的上海到岸价,包括我方3%佣金。
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Skill Training
Summary of Project
Task: Please surf the Internet or browse professional books as more as possible to find various terms of payment adopted in international trade. Please collect relative information and introduce the modes of payment by PPT.
Practice Training
Situation: As we all know, terms of payment, an essential part of the process of international business plays a more and more important role nowadays. Payment for exporting is more difficult than for merely selling in the home market because the customer lives in another country. Not only does this mean that a great distance separates the exporter and his customer, but the exporter bears greater risks.
3.Accepting D/P payment
January 24, 2012
Trade Terms and Typical Sentences
Warm Up
Business Situational Design
Specimen Letters Notes
2.Master the writing contents and methods of payment letters
《商务英语函电》 Unit 8 Terms of Payment
Skill Objective
Knowledge Objective Skill Objective
Warm Up
2.Asking for easier payment
Specimen Letters
Warm Up
Business Situational Design
December 17, 2011 Dear Sirs, Thank you for your letter of 10th December, which arrived this morning. We are pleased that you have shipped our order in time but we are surprised that you still ask for payment against documents. After long years of satisfactory trade we feel that we are entitled to easier payment. We should be grateful if you could draw on us at 60 days D/A. We are looking forward to your favorable reply. Yours faithfully,
Unit 8 Terms of Payment
Knowledge Objective Skill Objective Warm Up Business Situational Design Specimen Letters Notes
Trade Terms and Typical Sentences
2.Reply to accept or reject payment by D/P, D/A and L/C
3.Use written language properly and precisely
Summary of Project
《商务英语函电》 Unit 8 Terms of Payment
《商务英语函电》 Unit 8 Terms of Payment
Specimen Letters
Knowledge ObjeFra bibliotektive Skill Objective
1. Asking for D/A payment
Specimen Letters
Warm Up
Business Situational Design
Practice Training Skill Training
《商务英语函电》 Unit 8 Terms of Payment
Knowledge Objective
Knowledge Objective Skill Objective
Warm Up
Business Situational Design
Summary of Project
Payment is an important and complicated part in the process of international trade. Generally speaking, there are three major modes of payment: namely remittance, collection and letter of credit (L/C). This unit mainly focuses on the terms of payment mostly adopted in international business—D/P, D/A and L/C. D/P and D/A are terms of payment under collection. D/P stands for Documents against Payment which calls for actual payment against transfer of shipping documents. There are D/P at sight and D/P after sight. D/A means Documents against Acceptance, it calls for delivery of documents against acceptance of the draft drawn by the seller. D/A is always after sight. Here please pay attention that payment through collection is accepted only when the financial status of the buyer is sound. L/C is the most generally used mode of payment in financing international trade which is reliable and safe for both sellers and buyers. Especially, it gives the beneficiary greater assurance of payment. L/C includes various types, such as revocable or irrevocable credits, confirmed or unconfirmed credits, clean or documentary credits, sight or usance/time credits, etc. And an irrevocable, confirmed letter of credit at sight is the most preferred L/C by the sellers. As far as the seller’s benefit is concerned, L/C is better than D/P. D/P at sight is better than D/P after sight, whereas D/P is better than D/A in international trade. 《商务英语函电》 Unit 8 Terms of Payment
October 18, 2011 Dear Sirs, Thank you for your letter of 14th October, 2011. We are pleased to know that you have adequate stock of type EM 413 radios in the warehouse, and the delivery date can be met. As the amount of the goods is less than US $ 1,000, We would appreciate it greatly if you could accept payment by D/A. We hope you could give us special consideration and look forward to your early reply. Yours faithfully,
Business Situational Design
1.Write payment letters by D/P, D/A and L/C
Specimen Letters Notes
Trade Terms and Typical Sentences