外贸函电Terms of Payment
外贸函电09.09 专Lecture 17 Terms of payment (Unit 8)

payment in advance 预付货款
payment on deferred terms in payment of
monthly payments of US$3,000
付某种费用的款,如发票、费用、 付某种费用的款,如发票、费用、佣金等
in payment for 付某种具体实物的款,如广告、商品、 付某种具体实物的款,如广告、商品、 样品等
Language Points 3. amount n.v. 数额;金额;总额; 数额;金额;总额; 金额)合计; (金额)合计;达到
in the amount of to the amount of for the amount of to amount to… 金额计 金额计 金额计 金额达到
Payment is an important issue in international trade. No export transaction can be regarded as successful until the money has been paid for the goods delivered overseas, and the proceeds have been safely credited to the exporter’s account. In international trade, there are major modes of payment that the buyers may adopt namely letter of credit (L/C), remittance and collection.
Language Points
2) 货款可以分期支付。 货款可以分期支付。 The price of goods is payable by installments. payable adj. 应付的(款项);可付的 应付的(款项);可付的 ); bills payable 应付票据 amount payable 应付金额 account payable 应付帐款 a check payable at sight 见票即付的支票
外贸函电 课本作业答案8-14

1.开证申请人就是指到银行开立信用证的买方或进口人。 开证申请人就是指到银行开立信用证的买方或进口人。
III. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. As the goods under S/C No.211 are ready for a long time, please have the L/C opened with the least possible delay. 2.If your L/C fails to reach us by the end of July, we will be forced to cancel your order. 3.In order to avoid subsequent amendment, please see to it that the stipulations in your L/C are exactly in accordance with the terms of the contract. 4.In spite of our repeated requests, we still have not received your L/C up to now. Please open it ASAP, otherwise we can not effect shipment. 5.Please do your utmost to open the L/C so that we can execute your order smoothly.
I. • • • • • • • • • •
Translate the following business terms and expressions 1. Letter of Credit 2. the establishment of L/C 3. documentary L/C 4. issuing bank 5. paying bank 6. applicant 7. beneficiary 8. L/C at sight 9. the confirmed L/C 10. an irrevocable L/C payable at sight

2. 在我方接到贵公司的具体要求后将寄去报价和样品。 在我方接到贵公司的具体要求后将寄去报价和样品。 Quotations and samples will be sent to you upon receipt of your specific enquires.
Useful Expression
为了使你方对我方经营手工艺品有个大概了解 今航寄目录和一些样品以供你方参考。 ,今航寄目录和一些样品以供你方参考。
In order to give you a general idea of our handicrafts we carry/handle, we are sending you by airmail a catalogue and some samples for your reference.
Useful Expression
对于你方提供的任何资料,我们都将予以严格保密。 对于你方提供的任何资料,我们都将予以严格保密。
Any information you supply will be treated in strict confidence.
请你方与该行接触, 请你方与该行接触,以获取我们所需要的关于他们的财务资 信情况。 信情况。
Useful Expression
3.我方在贸易界有良好的关系,对这类产品的进 我方在贸易界有良好的关系, 我方在贸易界有良好的关系 口富有经验。 口富有经验。
We have excellent connections in the trade and are fully experienced in thБайду номын сангаас import business for this kind of product.

合同 CONTRACT日期:合同号码:Date: Contract No.:买方: (The Buyers) 卖方: (The Sellers)兹经买卖双方同意成交下列商品,订立条款如下:This contract is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers, whereby the Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned goods subject to the terms and conditions as stipulated hereinafter:(1) 商品名称:Name of Commodity:(2) 数量:Quantity:(3) 单价:Unit price:(4) 总值:Total Value:(5) 包装:Packing:(6) 生产国别:Country of Origin :(7) 支付条款:Terms of Payment:(8) 保险:Insurance:(9) 装运期限:Time of Shipment:(10) 起运港:Port of Lading(11) 目的港:Port of Destination:(12)索赔:在货到目的口岸45天内如发现货物品质,规格和数量与合同不附,除属保险公司或船方责任外,买方有权凭中国商检出具的检验证书或有关文件向卖方索赔换货或赔款。
Claims:Within 45 days after the arrival of the goods at the port of destination, should the quality, specifications or quantity be found not in conformity with the stipulations of the contract, except those claims for which the insurance company or the owners of the vessel are liable, the Buyers shall have the right on the strength of the inspection certificate issued by the C.C.I.C and the relative documents to claim against the Sellers for compensation of changing the goods or indemnity.(13)不可抗力:由于人力不可抗力的原由发生在制造,装载或运输的过程中导致卖方延期交货或不能交货者,卖方可免除责任,在不可抗力发生后,卖方须立即电告买方并在14天内以空邮方式向买方提供事故发生的证明文件,在上述情况下,卖方仍须负责采取措施尽快发货。

外贸函电》译文Lesson 2Enquiries例1:询问按样生产问题敬启者:贵公司是否能按照我们的要求丝网印刷运动衫(T-恤衫)目前,我们正扩展自己的业务,想增加收藏版产品的生产。

Dear Sirs,Re: Electric CookerWe are in the market for electric cookers. Please send us your latest catalogue, sample books and details of your specifications, informing us of your price CIF …. Please also state your earliest possible delivery date, your terms of payment and discounts for regular purchase. If your prices prove reasonable and satisfactory, we shall soon place a large order with you.Faithfully yours,Letter ReplyingDear Sirs,We welcome you for your inquiry of … and thank yo u for your interest in our products. We are enclosing some copies of our illustrated catalogues and a price list giving the details you ask for. Also under separate cover, we are sending you some sample books.We allow a proper discount in view of this first business between us. As to the terms of payment, we usually require Letter of Credit payable at sight. And shipment will be effected within one month after receipt of the relevant L/C.We await your acceptance by fax.Faithfully yours,Unit 4Dear Mr. Duvall,Thank you for your e-mail expressing your interest in our products.As requested, we quote as follows:The Pressed TumblerAF101 USD15.00 per gross CIF SydneyUSD12.60 per gross FOB ShanghaiAF102 USD14.20 per gross CIF SydneyUSD12.30 per gross FOB ShanghaiPacking: For AF101, 4 gross to a carton; For AF102, 5 gross to a carton.Shipment: Within one month after receiving the relevant L/C.Terms of Payment: By L/C at sight.Insurance: On CIF basis, to be effected by the seller covering All Risks.This quotation is valid for 5 days.In addition, we have airmailed to you our latest catalogue. If any of the items interests you, please let us know.Your early reply appreciated.×××Dear Sir or Madam,Your email of Mar. 7 is well received with thanks, but we regret that we didn’t agree on the price. You think only at a competitive price can a new product enter into a market. In fact, we have realized that when we made the offer. Through our study of your market situation, we are confident the price of $8.20 per pair is reasonable. We indeed have had orders from many countries at this price.We’d like to point out that there are various reasons whether a new product could be well received or not. We believe that you will do successful business with the present price and proper sales promotion. We can guarantee the punctuate delivery.We are looking forward to your early reply.Yours sincerely,Letter 2to; at; of; with; in; on; for; from; onto; into; byDear Sirs,Thank you for your letter of September 15, 2011, and the inquiry enclosed for our White Rabbit pajamas.At your request, we are making you a firm offer (1) for 20000 dozen women’s pajamas at US$48.5 per dz. CFRC5% Lagos (2) by shipment in March, 2012. Payment is to be made by confirmed, irrevocable L/C payable (3) by draft (4) at sight. This offer is firm subject to your reply reaching us within one week. The relative sample and catalogue have been sent (5) by separate mail.Please note all the prices quoted are bottom prices and no counter-offer will be accepted. If you agree to the above, please make confirmation as soon as possible so as to enable us to make the necessary arrangements.We are looking forward to your early reply.Yours sincerely,第五单元Letter 1to; at; of; with; in; on; for; from; onto; into; byDear Sirs,Re: ChinawareWe have noted your fax (1) of October 10, 2011 regarding the captioned goods and regret that our offer has not been accepted.We have to point out that your counter-offer is obviously (2) the low side. The price we offered is entirely (3) in line (4) with the market level and has been accepted by many other customers.However, we now agree (5) to your interest to renew our offer till the end of this month and recommend that you fax us your confirmation without delay.Yours faithfully,Letter 2to; at; of; with; in; on; for; from; onto; into; by Dear Sirs,We are in possession of your letter dated July 5, 2011 offering us Jinling Brand automatic washing machine at US$120 per set CIF Guangzhou inclusive (1) our 5% commission. While appreciating the quality of your lines, we made a careful study of your offer. We find that your prices are too high to be acceptable. In fact, some suppliers have been actually lowering their prices to push sales in the past three months. In order to make your product more competitive (2) in our market, we suggest that you reduce prices (3) by 10%. If you agree to our counter-suggestion, regular orders (4) of large numbers will be placed. Otherwise, we would have to place our order elsewhere.Please let us have your e-mail confirmation (5) at your earliest convenience.Yours sincerely,第六单元Letter 1to; at; of; with; in; on; for; from; onto; into; by Dear Sir or Madam:We wish to refer (1)to the recent exchange of faxes and are pleased to confirm having concluded (2) you a transaction of 30 metric tons (3) groundnut kernels. Enclosed is our sales contract No.345 (4) in duplicate which we request that you please countersign and return one copy to us (5) for our file. We trust you will open the relative L/C at an early date.As regards your requirement for Green Beans, we are working on this issue and will manage to let you have an offer some time next week.Yours sincerely,Letter 2to; at; of; with; in; on; for; from; onto; into; by Dear Sirs,We are pleased to have booked (1) from you an order (2) of 300 metric tons of Groundnut Oil. Our order sheet is enclosed and the relative credit will be opened within the next few days.Our buyers have agreed to allow partial shipments (3) on this order, which will enable you to make shipment (4) the three months from April to June. We would appreciate it very much if you could try to make shipment in 3 monthly equal lots.It might interest you to know that all our buyers are among the leading dealers (5) edible oils in this district. It is very likely that they might duplicate their order before the month is out.Your close cooperation will be highly appreciated.第七单元Letter 1Dear Mr. Chen,Thank you for your letter of September 21, 2011 (1) in which you enclosed your pricelist and catalogue.As we find both quality and prices satisfactory, we are pleased to give you a trial order(2) for the following items (3) the understanding from stock (4) at the price named....(order form)Since our customers urgently require all these items, we hope you will make delivery(5)at an early date.Your quick answer would be appreciated.Letter 2Dear Mr. Snyder,We refer (1)to your fax of July 30, 2011 regarding the repeat order (2) for Garment. We regret that we are unable to fill your order, as our manufactures are heavily committed.We will, however, keep your order and as soon as we are (3) in a position to accept new orders we will contact you by fax.(4)With regard to stock lines, we are enclosing a list (5) of your information. Should you be interested in any items, please inform us of your requirements.第八单元Letter 1Dear Mr. James,We refer (1)to your contract No.368 covering lumber (2) for the amount of US$8000 and contract No.369 (3) of iron pipes (4) for the amount of US$7000.Since both the contracts are less than 10000 (5) of value, we would like you to accept D/P as the term of payment.We hope that this arrangement will meet with your approval and look forward to your early reply. Yours sincerely,P. MedwayPurchasing ManagerLetter 2Dear Mr. Medway,We have received your letter in which you ask for an easier term (1) for payment.In consideration of the very pleasant business relationship we have had with your firm for more than 15 years, we have decided to agree (2) to your suggestion. We shall, therefore, in future draw (3) on you (4) at60 days, documents (5) acceptance, and trust that this term will suit your requirements.We hope that our concession will result in a considerable increase of your orders. We can assure you that we will always try our best to execute them to your complete satisfaction.Sincerely yours,第九单元Letter 1Dear Sirs,Thanks for your order (1) for our men’s shirts of December 12. We would like to recommend to you our latest package (2) the order, which is strong and economical.We pack our shirts in a polythene(聚乙烯) bag and then (3) to a cardboard box, one dozen to a carton. Each carton is lined (4) a polythene sheet and secured by overall strapping, so that the content is protected (5) against dampness.We await hearing from you and wonder if our suggestion meets your requirements.Yours faithfully,Letter 2Dear Sirs,Re: Order No.668Thank you very much (1) for your letter dated August 1. We have immediately passed the information onto our clients who are now actively working (2) your counter price. Meanwhile, our clients wish to know the details of the packing of your lotus nuts. i. e.A. How are the goods packed and packaged? Are they suitable (3) marketingin supermarkets?B. What measures will you take to protect the goods from dampness or rain?C. What measures will you take to prevent the inner packing (4) from being tornapart? Please provide us with any information regarding the above (5) return mail. We look forward to hearing from you soon.第十单元Letter 1Dear Sirs,We are glad to learn (1)from your letter that you have accepted our order (2) for two sets of digital recording equipments. The remittance will be sent (3) to you (4) in a few days.Since the transaction is made (5) on FOB basis we will advise you of the details of the shipment arrangement after our booking shipping space...Yours faithfully,Letter 2Dear Sirs,(1)With regard to our order No.123 we have still not obtained any news about the shipment from your end since issuing of the L/C seven weeks ago.As you have been informed in one of our previous letters our customers are (2)at urgent need of the goods we ordered and have been pressing us (3) a punctual delivery.(4)Under the circumstances we will be least likely to extend the L/C if you fail to deliver the goods within the validity.We look forward to receiving your consignment (5)without delay.Yours faithfully,Letter 1Dear Sirs,We wish to insure the following leather shoes (1) the PICC (2) WPA including TPND and FWRD (3) f or the amount of US$3 000.These goods are now lying (4) Deck No.3 Huangpu Port of Guangzhou waiting to be shipped (5) S.S. “Morning Star”due to sail for Antwerp tomorrow morning.Could you cover the insurance for the above goods, on our behalf, with Guangzhou Branch of the PICC immediately﹖Yours faithfullyLetter 2Dear Sirs,This is to acknowledge the receipt (1) your letter asking us to cover the leather shoes (2) from Guangzhou (3) to Antwerp on behalf of you.We have gone through all the insurance procedures with the PICC Guangzhou Branch. The premium is (4) at the rate of 0.8% of the declared value against the risks you demanded. The insurer is preparing the policy and will send to you (5) at one day or two. And they have confirmed that the consignment is held covered as from today.Yours faithfully,十二单元Letter 1Dear Sirs,Thanks for your prompt execution (1) our order No.432.We regret having to inform you that (2) checking, we found that the shipment was 200kg short delivered which can be evidenced (3) the survey report enclosed.As the sales season is coming very soon, please send us the short-shipped goods without delay. At the same time please accept our claim (4) you for our loss amounting (5)US$2 000 plus the inspection fee.Thank you in advance for your cooperation.Yours faithfully,Letter 2Dear Sirs,We are (1) receipt of your letter of July 10 and regret to note your complaint respecting the Woolen Goods we sent you by S. S. “Dongfeng”.We have booked (2) the matter in our records, and so far as we can find, the goods in question were in first-class condition when they left here, as was evidenced by the bill of lading. It is, therefore, quite obvious that the damage complained (3) must have taken place in transit. In the circumstances, we are apparently not liable (4) the damage and would advise you to claim (5) the shipping company who should be held responsible.At any rate, we thank you for bringing this to our attention and if you feel it necessary we shall be pleased to take the matter up on your behalf with the shipping company concerned.Yours faithfully。

1)v. Call for: 要求 Call for immediate payment 要求立即付款 Call on sb. at a place :拜访,访问,停于 I called on Mr. Green. 我拜访了格林先生。 I called at Mr. Green’s house. 我曾到格林先生府上拜访。 Call on a client 访问客户
Unit 7 Terms of Payment
Points for attention: 在外贸业务中,付款方式主要有三种: 1.汇付(Remit)
invoice. 请按发票金额开立以我方为付款人的汇票。
draw on us: draw a draft on us
I. 1.Through your repeated requests and in view of the small amount
of this trial order, we would grant you such favorable terms of payment as D/A 45 days after sight. in view of:鉴于 D/A 45 days after sight:45天的承兑交单 D/A (Documents against Acceptance) favorable:赞成的,有帮助的 通过你们反复要求,并鉴于这笔试购订单金额较小,我们愿给你 D/A45天的有利条款。
terms of payment 外贸函电支付方式

Terms of PaymentWarm- upHow many instruments of payment do you know?How many basic methods of payment do you know?Have you ever heard about L/C?Why is L/C generally used in international trade?Learning objectives⏹To learn the basic three instruments of payment –bill of exchange, promissory note and cheque.⏹To learn the modes of payment in int’l trade – remittance, collection, letter of credit.⏹To be aware of the advantage and disadvantage under different payment methods.⏹To learn the letter of asking for easier terms⏹To learn the letter of replying for negotiate payment termsTerms of PaymentThe terms of payment are an important part of the sales contract both sellers and buyers are concerned about.Conditions under which the seller and buyer agree to settle the financial amount of the sales contract.International payment arrangements are much complicated because:Financial instruments⏹In int’l trade, currencies and bills are two major means of payment.⏹It is difficult for the buyer to pay and the seller to deliver the goods face to face.⏹They use documents to fulfill their respective obligations, i.e., the seller delivers the goods and is paid against the documents, meanwhile the buyer makes payment and get the goods against the documents. Banks are intermediaries, and bills are instruments of payment.Instruments of Int’l SettlementClassification of drafts1.According to time when the draft falls due:----Sight (Demand ) Bill(Draft)----Time ( Usance) Bill (Draft)2.According to the Shipping documents attached or not:----Clean Bill (no conditions)----Documentary Bill3.According to who the drawer is:----Commercial Bill----Banker’s Bill※An Example of a Banker’s DraftAn Example of a Commercial DraftPromissory Note 本票中国建设银行现金支票样本Three Main Methods of PaymentTypes of RemittanceRemittance is chiefly used forPayment in advance;Cash with order;Delivery first and payment afterwards;Small quantity of goods;Commission;Sundry chargesTypes of Remittance⏹Mail Transfer, M/T⏹Cheap but slow, seldom used⏹Telegraphic Transfer, T/T⏹Fast and safe for exporter to get the money⏹The most commonly used type of remittance⏹Demand Draft, D/D⏹Flexible to draw money⏹Convenient for the exporterTypes of CollectionTypes of Collection⏹Collection belongs to commercial credit.⏹The banker only functions as a middleman, and his obligation is only to provide services of delivering documents and collect payment. The seller sends goods first, and gets payment later. Whether the seller can get the payment or not is reliable on the buyer’s credit. The buyer gets financing from the seller.Letter of Credit, L/C信用证⏹A L/C is a conditional written undertaking given by bank on the request of an importer to pay at sight or at determinable future date a certain amount of money to the exporter against stipulated documents, provided that the terms and conditions of the credit are complied with.Letter of Credit, L/C信用证The Characteristics of L/CThe advantages of using an L/CIt is reliable and safe for both sellers and buyers.Because the issuing bank use its own credit to guarantee the payment of orders.The disadvantages of using an L/CComplicated procedure of applying for a L/CBanks will charge service fee for issuing a L/C, therefore it add more cost to the buyer.Confirmed , Irrevocable,Documentary Credit, at sight⏹Modes of payment means a series of acts or operations to realize the funds flow from one country to another.Modes of Int’l PaymentDocumentary CreditRevocable Documentary CreditIrrevocable Documentary CreditConfirmed Irrevocable CreditSight Payment Credit/Negotiation Credit议付Deferred Payment Credit/Acceptance Credit承兑Transferable CreditNon-transferable CreditRevolving Credit循环信用证Reciprocal Credit对开Anticipatory Credit预支信用证Remittance and Collectioncommercial credit offered by companies.Letter of Creditbanker’s credit offered by banks.Letter of CreditL/C: the most generally used method of payment, which is reliable and safe for both sellers and buyers.Characteristics of L/C(1) L/C is an independent instrument compared to contract, and not affected by contract.(2) The bank bears responsibility of First Payment.(3) The bank bears responsibility of the documents not the commodity itself.---- “Document Business”(4) L/C is an agreement among the bankers, beneficiary, opener and all other parties concerned and all parties concerned will be bound by the term on L/C.Terms of PaymentQuestionsQuestionsMain points of Asking for easier paymentOpening:a.reference to the relative order or contract; Mention the contract, goods, etc.Body :b.putting forward favorable payment terms; Propose the terms of paymentC.stating the reasons;Closing:d.expecting acceptance. Wish the reader to accept.Sample letter study1. Agree to the requirements:Opening:a.receiving the letter; State that you have received the letter.Body :b.acceptance of the payment terms;C.stating the reasons of acceptance;Give your reply of agreeing or refusing and your reason.Closing :d.expecting cooperation of acceptance. State your good will and your wish to do business with the reader.2. disagree to the requirements:Opening:a.receiving the letter;Body :b.expressing refusal and stating reasons;C.providing suggestions of new payment terms or insisting on previous terms;Closing :d.hoping to cooperate in the future.Amending payment termsWords & PhrasesDear Mr. Smith,Referring to the contract No. 123, we place an order with you for12000 Spinning Machine (纺纱机) Parts.In the past, our purchases of Spinning Machine Parts from you havenormally been paid by confirmed, irrevocable letters of credit. Thisarrangement has cost us a great deal of money. From the moment weopen the credit until our buyers pay us normally it ties up funds for aboutfour months. This is currently a particularly serious problem for us in view ofthe difficult economic climate and the prevailing high interest rates.If you could offer us easier payment terms, it would probably lead to anincrease in business between our companies. We propose either cash againstdocuments on arrival of goods, or drawing on us at three months’ s ight.We hope our request will meet with your agreement and look forward toyour early reply.Writing StepsUseful ExpressionsUseful ExpressionsWords & PhrasesDear Mr. Clinton,We enclose our Order No. 365. We have examined thespecifications and price list for your range of cotton shirts andnow wish to place an order with you.In the past we have traded with you on a sight credit basis.We would now like to propose a different arrangement. Whenthe goods are ready for shipment and the freight spacebooked, you will fax us and we will then remit the full amountby telegraphic transfer (T/T).We are asking for this payment so that we can giveour customers a specific delivery date and also save theexpense of opening a letter of credit. As we believe thatthis arrangement should make little difference to you andhelp with our sales, we trust that you will agree to ourrequest.We look forward to receiving confirmation of our orderand your agreement to the new arrangements forpayment.Writing StepsUseful ExpressionsUseful ExpressionsWords & PhrasesWriting StepsUseful ExpressionsUseful ExpressionsWords & PhrasesDear Mr. Merton,Thank you for your letter of 11 November 2005.We have considered your request for a trial deliveryof china on documents against acceptance terms, butregret to say that we cannot agree to your proposal.As an exception, the best we can do for the trial is tooffer D/P.If you accept our proposal you run very little risk, sinceour china is well known for its quality, attractive design andreasonable price. Our lines sell very well all over the worldand have done so far for the last 50 years. We do not thinkyou will have any difficult in achieving a satisfactoryvolume of sales.If you find our proposal acceptable, please let us knowand we can then expedite the transaction.Yours sincerely ,Writing StepsUseful ExpressionsAnalyzing the letterParagraph 1: identifying the referenceParagraph 2: accepting the proposal, giving the reasonsParagraph 3: making it clear that the concession does not apply to future transactions Paragraph 4: detailing the enclosureLanguage Points1. pay v. 付款1) pay in advance 预付2) pay by installments 分期付款3) pay on delivery 货到付款4) pay by 30 days L/Cpay by time L/C at 30 days以见票后30天议付的信用证付款5) pay by sight L/C 以即期信用证付款We trust you will pay our draft on presentation.我们相信你方在见到我们的汇票时即照付。

At sight
=sight (L/C)
Amendment notice
Mass production
Cost control
Be fully committed
Be heavily committed满负荷,订单很多
Heavy commitments满负荷
Out of stock
Firm price
Subject heading
Reference number
Clear (v.)
Residue stock
Favourable response
外贸函电Terms of Payment

一、T/T (Telegraphic Transfer) 电汇 T/T是电汇(单据一般是我方直接邮寄给客户,无需通 过银行),如果我们跟客户用T/T付款方式,一般的做 法是客户先要给我们30%的预付款,剩余70%一般保 险的方法是,货装船后,客人凭我们传真的提单正本付 款,等款到帐后再邮寄整套正本单据给客人。 优点: 最简便、中间程序最少,最直接的方式 缺点:1.尾款的收取 目前主要有2种方法收取尾款,第一种是客户在货生产完 成后验货,没问题就付款,然后供应商出货;第二种是 货完成后验货、出货,客户在收到提单复印件后付款, 然后供应商提供正本提单,供客户在目的港清关、收货。 2.大订单的付款安排,主要涉及订金的问题。
Introduction The basic points dealing with the settlement: Time; mode; place; curency of payment
The basic points dealing with terms of payment: Method of payment; amout;place and date of payment; cost relating to the payment ; method of remittance
一般来说,中小客户接受T/T的可能性较大, 但是大客户基本上是以O/A和各种远期付款为 主,这些情况需要一分为二来看。
1.direct to big customers, 很难有谈判付款方式 的可能。 2. indirect to big customers, 通过中间商来做大 买家,会容易很多。
是指接受开证申请人的委托,开立信用 证的银行,它承担保证付款的责任,条 件是提交的单据与信用证的规定或称条 款相符。 进出口业务中一般为进口商所在地的银 行。

外贸函电还盘范文英文Dear [Seller's Name],。
Thank you for your prompt response and your offer, which we have carefully considered. We appreciate your efforts in providing us with a quotation and understandthat you are seeking a mutually beneficial business relationship. However, after careful consideration, we must regretfully decline your initial offer due to several key factors.Firstly, we note that the price you have proposed is higher than what we had anticipated based on our market research and comparisons with other suppliers. While we appreciate the quality of your products and services, we believe that your pricing does not align with the current market conditions. Therefore, we would like to negotiate a more competitive price that better reflects the value of your offering.Secondly, we have concerns regarding the terms of payment you have proposed. We understand that your company prefers payment upon delivery, but we would prefer a more flexible payment schedule that allows us to better manage our cash flow. We believe that a partial payment upon order placement and the remainder upon delivery would be more beneficial for both parties involved.Additionally, we would like to discuss the possibility of including a guarantee or warranty on your products. As a respected buyer in the market, we value long-term relationships and believe that providing a guarantee or warranty would strengthen our confidence in your products and services. This would also help us to better serve our own customers and maintain our reputation in the market.We would like to emphasize that we value your company and your products, and we are interested in establishing a long-term business relationship with you. We believe that by addressing these concerns and negotiating a more favorable agreement, we can achieve mutual success and growth.Therefore, we would like to request that you consider our counter-offer and provide us with a revised quotation that addresses the above-mentioned concerns. We look forward to your prompt response and the opportunity to discuss this matter further. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.Best regards,。

Unit 7 Terms of PaymentI. IntroductionThe payment plays a very important role in business. The final result of all business activity should be to recover the value of goods supplied or services rendered. If payment is not ensured then all will be meaningless. Both the exporter and importer face risks in an export transition because there is always the possibility that the other party may not fulfill the contract.For exporters there is the risk that buyers defaults; the customers might not pay in full for the goods. There are several reasons for this: the importers might go bankrupt; a war might ban importers of certain commodities. Another possibility is that the importer might run into difficulties getting the foreign exchange to pay for the goods. It is even possible that the importers are not reliable and simply refuse to pay the agreed amount of money.For the importers there is risk that the goods will be delayed and they might only receive them after paying them. This may caused by port congestion or strikes. Delays in fulfillment of orders by exporters and difficult customs clearance in the importing country can cause loss of business. There is also a risk that the wrong goods might be sent.Payment in foreign trade is complicated and settlement for foreign accounts may be made in a number of ways. The method of payment for each transaction is to be agreed upon between the two trading parties at the time of placing an order. The most often adopted method of payment in our foreign trade is payment by L/C,Terms of payment means way or method of making payment. The methods we use in payment in the clearing of international trade are remittance, collection and the letter of credit (L/C).Remittance is classified into 3 kinds: 1)Mail transfer (M/T) 2)Telegraphic transfer (T/T) 3)Demand draft (D/D) The buyer buys a draft from a local bank and sends it by mail to the seller, the seller or his appointed person can collect money from the relative bank at his end against the draft sent by the buyer.Sometimes, the importer requests payment to be made by collection through banks under the terms of documents against payment (D/P) or documents against acceptance (D/A). In this case, the banks will only do the service of collecting and remitting and will not be liable for non-payment of the importer. D/P calls for actual payment against transfer of shipping documents. There are D/P at sight and D/P after sight. The former requires immediate payment by the importer to get hold of the documents. In the latter condition, the importer is given a certain period to make payment as 30, 45, 60 or 90 days after presentation of the documents, but he is not allowed to get hold of the documents until he pays. D/A calls for delivery of documents against acceptance of the draft drawn by the exporter. D/A is always after sight.L/C is used in cases where the exporter wishes to avoid the risk, and it involves a guarantee of the bank opening the L/C. An L/C is a document issued by a bank (issuing bank) stating its commitment to pay the seller a stated amount of money on behalf of the buyer as long as the seller meets very specific terms and conditions. There are many types of L/C, such as Documentarty L/C, Irrevocable L/C, Revocable L/C, Transferable L/C, Sight L/C, Time L/C, Confirmed L/C, Unconfirmed L/C. Parties concerned to a documentary credit are: the applicant, the issuing bank, the advising bank, negotiating bank, the paying bank, confirming bank and the beneficiary.The letters of payment of payment in international trade may discuss which terms of payment of OK for both parties, accept or decline a method of payment, urge to open the relevant L/C or ask for amendment to the L/C.II. Study of sample lettersLetter 1 Payment on D/P termsDear Mr. Baker,Thank you for your order of May 10. As requested, we have arranged to ship the electric hair dryers by S.S. Fenghua, leaving Shanghai on May 20.As the urgency of your order left us no time to make usual inquiries about the payment, we have to place this transaction on a cash basis and have drawn on you through the Bank of China for the amount of the enclosed invoice. The bank will instruct its correspondent in Melbourne to pass the bill of lading to you against payment of the draft.When you have seen our products, we are sure that you will find them satisfactory. We hope that your present order will order will be the first of many to follow in the near future.Yours sincerely,Wang MeiWang MeiSales ManagerLetter 2 Payment on D/A termsDear Mr. Johns,We are pleased to inform you that arrangements have now been made to ship the sewing machines you ordered on October 22. The consignment will leave Shanghai by S.S. Jinan, due to arrive at Port Klang sometime in late November.In keeping with our usual terms of payment, we have drawn on you at 60 says and passed the draft and shipping documents to our banker. The documents will be presented to you by the Standard Chartered Bank against your acceptance of the draft in the usual way.Yours sincerely,Zhang PingZhang PingSales ManagerLetter 3 Urge establishment of L/CDear Mr. Thompson,With reference to the 4,000 dozen Shirts under our Sales Confirmation No. TE 151, we wish to draw your attention to the fact that the date of delivery is approaching but up to the present we have not received the covering L/C. Please do your utmost to expedite its establishment so that we may execute the order within the prescribed time.In order to avoid subsequent amendments, please see to it that the L/C stipulations are in exact accordance with the terms of the contract.We look forward to receiving your favorable response at an early date.Yours sincerely,Zhang HuaZhang HuaSales ManagerLetter 4 Request to amend L/CDear Ms. Mays,We are in receipt of your letter of May 23 requesting us to send all of your Order On. MC-471 in one lot. We are sorry that we are unable to comply with your request.Due to the size of your order, we will not be able to meet your requested delivery date of June 15 if we send in one lot. We plan to ship about two-thirds of the order first, the remaining one-third will arrive two weeks later.Please amend the L/C to allow for partial shipment, and to extend the validity period to cover the second shipment.We trust that this arrangement will meet with your approval, as we are attempting to get as many bedding as possible for you at the earliest date. We look forward to your early reply.Yours sincerely,Zhuo JingZhuo JingSales ManagerLetter 5 Payment on L/C termsDear Sir,We refer to our letter of enquiry dated 5 October. We have received your Proforma Invoice No. 03688 and now wish to place an initial order for 1,500 tapes Type No. EM 127DN. The Order number is 7213.We have instructed our bank, the General Commercial Bank of Venezuela to open an irrevocable documentary L/C in your favor. The amount is $ 1,275.00. This credit will be confirmed soon by our bank’s correspondent in London. You are authorized to draw a 60 days’draft on our bank against this credit for the amount of your invoice. Your draft must be accompanied by a complete set of shipping documents, consisting of:A full set of clean shipped Bill of LadingCommercial Invoice 5 copiesThe Insurance Certificate 2 copiesOur bank will accept your 60 days’ draft on them for the amount of your invoice including the cost of freight and insurance, as agreed. Your bill will therefore be at 60d/s for full CIF invoice value. The credit is valid until the 12th February.Yours sincerely,Judy LowJudy LowManagerLetter 6 Accept payment on L/C termsDear Sir,We thank you for your letter of 14th November, 2013.We are pleased to receive your order, and wish to say that we have adequate stocks of Type EM127DN tapes in our warehouse, and that delivery date can be met.Payment by irrevocable L/C is convenient for us, and we shall draw a 60 b/s bill on your bank.We are now waiting the arrival of your L/C, on receipt of which we shall make the necessary arrangements for the shipment of your order. Any request for further assistance or information will receive our immediate attention.Yours sincerely,Kevin GreenKevin GreenManagerIII. Useful expressions1. Our usual mode of payment is by confirmed, irrevocable L/C in our favor, available by draft at sight, reaching us ahead of shipment and allowing transshipment and partial shipments.2. On examination, we find that the amount of your L/C is insufficient. Please increase the unit price from RMB¥0.55 to RMB¥0.60 and total amount to RMB¥37,000.00.3. In compliance with your request, we will make an exception to our rules and accept delivery against D/P at sight, but this should not be regarded as a precedent.4. We regret having to inform to you that although it is our desire to pave the way for a smooth development of business between us, we cannot accept payment by D/D.5. We regret our inability to make any arrangement contrary to our usual practice, which is payment by confirmed, irrevocable L/C payable against presentation of shipping documents and valid for at least 15 days beyond the promised date of shipment.6. We wish to draw your attention to the fact that as a special sign of encouragement, we shall consider accepting payment by D/P during this sales-pushing stage. We trust this will greatly facilitate your efforts in sales.7. Payment is to be made against sight draft drawn under a confirmed, irrevocable and transferable L/C without recourse for the full amount of purchase.8. As the amount of our Order No.111 is below £1000, please agree to payment by D/P, because an L/C will cost us much.9. We propose to pay by bill of exchange at 30 days’ documents against acceptance. Please confirm if this is acceptable to you.10 Much to our surprise, our draft on you dated 11 May and due 1 July was returned dishonored yesterday by our bank.11. Please amend L/C No. 2345 to read as follows:a)“metric ton”, as was contracted, instead of “long ton”;b)“shipment latest 30th September and partial shipments and transshipment allowed.”12. The shipment covered by your Credit No. 552 has been ready for quite some time, but the amendment advice has not yet arrived, and now an extension of 15 days is required.ExercisesI. Put the following Chinese into English:1. 汇付2. 托收3.保兑信用证4. 信汇5. 电汇6. 票汇7. 托收行8. 运输单据9. 付款交单10. 承兑交单11. 跟单信用证12. 金额为13. 洁净已装船提单14. 承兑汇票II. Multiple choice:1. Payment should be made ___ sight draft.A. atB. uponC. byD. after2. Mr Yin could agree ___ D/P terms.A. WithB. toC. inD. ever3. 90% of the credit amount must be paid __the presentation of documents.A. atB. byC. againstD. when4. You don’t say whether you wish the transaction to be __cash or __ credit.A.at; onB. by; byC. on; inD.in; by5. We have opened an L/C in your favor __ the amount of RMB¥2,000.A.onB. inC. byD. at6. In order to promote business between us to our mutual advantage, we shall consider ______payment by D/P at 60 days.A. acceptingB. acceptC. to acceptD. acceptance7. Emphasis has to be laid to the point _____ shipment must be made within the validity of the L/C.A. whatB. whichC. thatD.as8. _____ subsequent amendments, please see to it that the L/C stipulations are strictly in accordance with the contract terms.A. AvoidB. Having avoidedC. To avoidD. Being avoided9. We shall open the L/C _____ the bank of Boston.A. inB. withC. forD. at10. We advised our bank to ______ L/C No.6543 to read “Partial shipments to be permitted.A. changeB. amendC. alterD. add11. We think it impossible to have the L/C ______ again.A. extendedB. extendingC. to extendD. extends12. As we are ______ of these goods, please expedite shipment after receiving our L/C.A. in badly needB. in urgently needC. urgent in needD. badly in need13. An L/C should be established ______ our favor available by documentary draft ______sixty days’ sight.A. in, afterB. on, inC. in, forD. in, at14. We regret ______ to accept your terms of payment and therefore have to return theorder to you.A. not be ableB. cannotC. not ableD. being unable15. The amount in your L/C appears insufficient. The correct total CFR value of your ordercomes to USD9,328.00 instead of 3,928.00, the difference ______ USD5,400.00.A. beB. is to beC. beingD. beenIII. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate words from the table.request settled be whose had commitments receiving with have allow in forDear Sir,We have received and checked your statement __1__ the quarter ended January 27 and agree with the balance of & 7,780 shown to __2__ due.Up to now we have __3__ no difficulty in meeting our __4__ and have always __5__ our accounts __6__ you promptly. We could have done so now, but for the bankruptcy of an importantcustomer, __7__ affairs are not likely to be settled for some time. We should therefore be most grateful if you would __8__ us to defer payment of your present account __9__ the end of April.During the next few weeks, we shall be __10__ payments under a number of large contracts and if you grant our __11__, we shall have no difficulty in settling with you __12__ full when the time comes.Yours sincerely,IV. Put the following sentences into English:1. 我们通常支付方式是保兑的、不可撤消的信用证,凭即期汇票付款。

• 8. 开证行(或其指定的付款行)收到议付行寄来 开证行(或其指定的付款行) 的汇票和单据后, 经审核单据无误后, 的汇票和单据后 经审核单据无误后,付款给议 付行;如发现单据与信用证规定不符,可以拒付, 付行;如发现单据与信用证规定不符,可以拒付, 但应在不迟于收到单据的次日起7个营业日内通 但应在不迟于收到单据的次日起 个营业日内通 知议付行表示拒绝接受单据。 知议付行表示拒绝接受单据。如信用证指定付款 行或偿付行, 行或偿付行,则由该指定的银行向议付行进行偿 付。 • 9. 开证行履行偿付责任后,应即向开证人提示单 开证行履行偿付责任后, 开证人核验单据无误后,办理付款手续。 据,开证人核验单据无误后,办理付款手续。 • 10. 开证人付款并取得货运单据后,凭以向承运 开证人付款并取得货运单据后, 人在进口地的机构或代理人提货. 人在进口地的机构或代理人提货 As far as the seller’s benefit is concerned, L/C is better than D/P, D/P at sight is better than D/P after sight, D/P after sight is better than D/A .
4) procedure of payment by L/C
Applicant (Importer) ) 8.付款 8.付款 赎单
Paying BK
1.Exporter) )
4.通知 4.通知 (核对 密押、 密押、 签字) 签字) Advising BK
2.申请开证 2.申请开证
5.审证 5.审证 交单 议付
Negotiating BK
Opening BK
3.开证 3.开证 6.索偿 6.索偿 7.偿付 7.偿付

If you would kindly make easier payment terms, we are sure that such an accommodation would be conducive to encouraging business between us. We propose either “Cash against Documents on Arrival of Goods“ or “Drawing on us at 30days’ sight.. Your kindness in giving priority to the consideration of the above request and giving us an early favorable reply will be highly appreciated.
Typical Expressions
Owing to …, we would appreciate it if you apply…(由 于……,如果你方能运使用……支付条款,我们将不胜 感激。)
3.Expecting the Acceptance
We wish that you can accommodate us in this respecal credit offered by companies.
Letter of Credit
banker’s credit offered by banks.
Mail Transfer (M/T), Telegraphic Transfer (T/T) Demand Draft (D/D).
has been paid as a rule by confirmed, irrevocable L/C. which has indeed cost us a great deal. From the moment to open credit till the time our buyers pay us, the tie-up of our funds lasts about three months. Under the present circumstances, this question is particularly taxing owing to the tight money condition and unprecedentedly high bank interests.
外贸函电第二版Unit 10 其他支付方式

二、托收(Collection)是指出口商为了收取货款,出具以 进口商为付款人的汇票,委托当地银行通过它的国外分支机 构或代理行向进口商收取货款的方式。托收方式根据使用汇 票的不同,可以分为光票托收和跟单托收。 1、光票托收(Clean Bill for Collection)指出口商不附任 何单据的汇票交给银行代收票款的托收方式。这种方式 一般用于收取佣金、样品费和贸易从属费用等方面。
10.1 Introduction(简介)
目的:掌握汇付和托收两种汇款方式信函 的书写,包括如何介绍付款方式、要求更 有利的付款方式或变更付款方式等。
国际贸易中常用的支付方式如下: 一、汇付(Remittance)是指付款人主动将款项通过银行汇 交收款人的支付方式。汇付方式根据采用的支付工具不同分 为: 信汇: M/T (Mail Transfer )--由进口人将货款交给所在地 银行,由该行用信件委托出口人所在地银行把货款付给出口 人。 电汇: T/T (Telegraphic Transfer ) --由进口地银行发电 通知出口地银行付款给出口人。 票汇: D/D (Demand Draft )-- 进口人向当地银行购买即 期汇票,然后寄给出口人,出口人持票向汇票上指定的付款 行取货款。
(1) We have received your letter of …(收到你 说明收到 方……的来信。) 信函 Thank you for your letter of …(感谢你方……的 来信。) (2) 说明自己 的意见(同 意或不同 意)并阐明 理由 We agree to …(我们同意……。) We want to make it clear that…(我方想澄清一 点……。) With regard to …, we regret being unable to accept…(关于……,很遗憾我们不能接 受……。)

此致敬礼!Sincerely,XXXDear Sir/Madam,We are a trading company and would like to establish business relations with your company. Please quote us your lowest prices on the following goods:1. Description and quantity2. Delivery time and place3. Terms of payment4. Quality requirements5. Other conditionsWe look forward to your early reply.Yours faithfully,XXX二、样品询盘尊敬的先生/女士:我们是一家贸易公司,想了解您公司的以下产品的样品和相关信息:1. 产品名称和数量2. 样品描述和相关材料3. 样品费用和运费4. 交货时间和交货口岸5. 支付方式请尽快告知我们相关信息和费用,我们将安排支付并等待您的回复。
此致敬礼!Sincerely,XXXDear Sir/Madam,We are a trading company and would like to request samples and information on the following products:1. Description and quantity2. Specification and related materials3. Sample charge and shipping cost4. Delivery time and port of shipment5. Terms of paymentPlease let us have the information and charges as soon as possible, and we will arrange payment and wait for your reply.Yours faithfully,XXX三、价格询盘尊敬的先生/女士:我们注意到您公司在外贸方面有很好的口碑,我们希望成为您的客户。

二. 短语翻译1.From English to Chinese1) terms of payment 2) net weight 3) Bill of Lading 4) Country of origin2. From Chinese to English1) 供求2)标题项下的货物3)商会4)共同努力5)保兑信用证6)会签三. 句子翻译1. 我们男士衬衫的包装为每件套一塑料袋,五打装一纸箱。
2. 因无直达班轮,请允许转船。
三. 信件翻译敬启者:你公司11月5日的报价单和尼龙女式运动成衣样品都已收到,谢谢。
我公司对价格和品质均感满意,并乐意按你方报价单所提条件订购下列货物:小号尼龙运动衣每打80美元成本加保险费加运费到伦敦价, 5打。
….谨上二.翻译短语翻译1.支付条件2.净重3. 提单4. 原产地1. supply and demand2. the captioned goods3.the chamber of commerce4.joint effort5. confirmed L/C6.countersign句子翻译1. Our Men’s Shirts are packed in poly bags, five dozen to a carton lined with damp-proof paper and secured with 2 iron straps outside.2. As there is no direct steamer, please allow transshipment.3. We have learned that the relative L/C for the above-mentioned goods will be opened immediately. You are assured that upon receipt of your L/C, we will arrange to ship by the first available steamer.信件翻译(注意格式)Dear sirsWe thank you for your quotation of Nov.5 and the samples of ready-made nylon women’s sports garments. We are satisfied with both the quality and price,and pleased to order the following goods according to the terms of your quotation:Small size women’s sports coat US$80 per dozen CIF London 5 dozens .Medium size women’s sports coat US$120 per dozen CIF London 7dozens.Large size women’s sports coat US$160 per dozen CIF London 4dozens.We place the order with you for the above-mentioned goods subject to your delivery of the goods prior to December 15.Our normal term of payment is D/A after 60 days.Please let us know whether you agree to the terms of payment.Yours faithfully,外贸函电试题库MatchA. “INCOTERMS” ( ) 1. 货交承运人B. FOB ( ) 2. 信用证C. FCA ( ) 3. 欧洲主要口岸D. T/T ( ) 4. 海运提单E. D/P ( ) 5. 装运港船上交货F. L/C ( ) 6. 协会货物条款G. EMP ( ) 7. 国际贸易术语解释通则H. FPA ( ) 8. 平安险I. B/L ( ) 9. 付款交单J. ICC ( ) 10. 电汇A. “INCOTERMS” ( ) 1. 货交承运人B. FOB ( ) 2. 信用证C. FCA ( ) 3. 欧洲主要口岸D. T/T ( ) 4. 海运提单E. D/P ( ) 5. 装运港船上交货F. L/C ( ) 6. 协会货物条款G. EMP ( ) 7. 国际贸易术语解释通则H. FPA ( ) 8. 平安险I. B/L ( ) 9. 付款交单J. ICC ( ) 10. 电汇A. “INCOTERMS” ( ) 1. 运费、保险费付至B. CFR ( ) 2. 承兑交单C. CIP ( ) 3. 银行保证书D. D/D ( ) 4. 预计到港时间E. D/A ( ) 5. 国际贸易术语解释通则F. L/G ( ) 6. 海运提单G. ETA ( ) 7. 中国人民保险海洋运输货物保险条款H. WPA ( ) 8. 票汇I. B/L ( ) 9. 水渍险J. CIC ( ) 10. 成本加运费Answers:7,5,1,10,9,2,3,8,4,67,5,1,10,9,2,3,8,4,65,10,1,8,2,3,4,9,6,7Business terms translation1. Chamber of commerce ______________2. Quotation ________________3. Counter-offer _____________4. Customs invoice _____________5. Open account terms ____________6. Certificate of origin _____________7. Import quotas system _____________8. Bill of exchange ______________9. Promissory note _______________ 10. Confirmed L/C ______________1. Quantity Discount ________________2. Proforma Invoice ________________3. Non-Tariff Barriers _______________4. Sales Contract _______________5. Documentary Bill ________________6. Sight Draft ________________7. Irrevocable L/C _________________ 8. On Board B/L ________________9. More or Less Clause ________________ 10. Insurance Policy _______________1. Cash Discount ______________2. Commercial Invoice _________________3. Import Licence System ____________4. Sales Confirmation ________________5. Commercial Draft ______________6. Time Draft ________________7. Collection ______________ 8. Clean B/L _______________9. Warehouse to Warehouse Clause ______ 10. Insurance Certificate ____________Answers:1.商会2。

外贸函电常用词汇第一期:General Terms1. establishing business relation-建立业务关系2. inquiry-询盘3. offer-报盘4. counter offer-还盘5. quantity-数量6. packing-包装7. time of shipment-装运期8. price-价格9. discount-折扣10. terms of payment-支付条款11. insurance-保险12. commodity[kə'mɔditi] inspection-商品检验13. acceptance-接受14. signing a contract-签订合同15. claim [kleim]:索赔16. agency ['eidʒənsi]:代理17. commission [kə'miʃən]:佣金18. exclusive[iks'klu:siv] (独有的,独占的,专用的) sales: 包销19. joint [dʒɔint] venture-合资企业20. compensation[,kɔmpen'seiʃən] trade-补偿贸易21. processing and assembling trade-加工装配贸易22. the terms of international trade-国际贸易术语第二期:Establishing business relation 建立业务关系1. recommendation [,rekəmen'deiʃən]:推荐、介绍2. inform 通知3. enter into business relations :建立业务关系4. catalogue ['kætəlɔ:g]:目录5. for your reference :供您参考6. specific inquiry:具体询价7. promptly [prɔmptli]:立即8. representative [repri'zentətiv]:代表9. chamber ['tʃeimbə] of commerce ['kɔmə:s]:商会10. specialize['speʃəlaiz](专攻;专门从事)in:专营11. on the bases['beisi:z] of equality[i:'kwɔliti] and mutual['mju:tʃuəl] benefit['benifit]:在平等互利的基础上12. pamphlet['pæmflit]:小册子They issued a pamphlet concerning[kən'sə:niŋ] the worsening environment [in'vaiərənmənt].他们出了一本有关环境恶化的小册子。

Modes of payment
1. Remittance
2. Collection
3. Letter of credit
It is a commercial credit, used in those sales under the terms of payment in advance, cash on delivery, and open account. • • Mail transfer: M/T Telegraphic transfer: T/T
Documentary collection (1) Documents against payment (D/P) The shipment documents are to be delivered against payment only. D/P at sight——Pay against documentary draft at sight
a check payable at sight
• 应付票据
• 应付款额
• 应付账款
• 见票即付支票
Payment: • payment terms
• payment on deferred terms
• monthly payments of $ 3,000 • 付款条件 • 延期付款 • 每月支付3000美元
• 信用证方式有三个特点: • 一是信用证是一项自足文件(self-sufficient instrument)。信用证不依附于买卖合同,银 行在审单时强调的是信用证与基础贸易相分离的 书面形式上的认证; • 二是信用证方式是纯单据业务(pure documentary transaction)。信用证是凭单 付款,不以货物为准。只要单据相符,开证行就 应无条件付款; • 三是开证银行负首要付款责任(primary liabilities for payment)。信用证是一种银行 信用,它是银行的一种担保文件,开证银行对支 付有首要付款的责任。
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美国的Sears(著名零售商)直接下单给广州的贸易公司, 可能会坚持O/A 60 days, 但同样的订单,如果Sears下给美 国的进口商,付款方式不变,但是进口商再下给广州的贸易 公司,可能付款就变成T/T with 20% deposit, rest balanced copy of B/L(20%的订金,余款见提单复印件付清) 这里,中间商可能赚了30%的利润,但是承担了货物的品种和 风险,因为Sears跟他们发生业务关系,不直接跟广州的贸 易公司有任何业务往来。中间商需要保证货物的品质、交货 期、接受60天远期的付款方式,并承担付款上的风险,因为 他们要先垫钱给出口方作为订金。
信用证上所指定的,有权使用该信用证 的人。进出口业务中,一般为出口商或 实际供货商。
(5)议付银行(Negotiating Bank)
是指愿意或被授权买入受益人交来的跟 单汇票的银行。即它可以是信用证指定 的银行,也可以是非信用证指定的银行。 议付属于垫款的性质,一旦到期付款行 不付款,议付行可向受益人追索,除非 汇票上有“ Without Recourse” 的条款。 议付银行有时也称押汇银行、购票银行 或贴现银行。
Introduction Settlement Settlement of the purchases price in foreign trade is realized by collection and payment of foreign exchange. Terms of payment Terms of payment define the conditions under which the seller and buyer agree to settle the financial amount of the sales contract.
Paying procedure under L/C
Letter of Credit
9 2
6 7
Paying Bank or Drawee Bank
Advising Bank or Notifying Bank Negotiating Bank
(即期付款交单方式 )
①买卖双方签订国际贸易的买卖合同,规定采用即期付 款交单方式付款。 ②出口人委托当地银行代收货款,将全套单据和汇票交 托收行。 ③托收行将汇票和货运单据寄交进口地银行(代收行) 并说明托收委托书上的各项指示。 ④提示行向买方作付款提示。 ⑤进口人付清货款,赎取全套货款。 ⑥代收行电告托收行,款已收妥转帐。 ⑦托收行将货款交出口人。
D/P &D/A D/P是付款交单,我们发货后准备好议付单据, 通过我方银行交单至客户方银行,客户银行提 示客户单据已到,客户付款后银行交单。 D/A则是承兑交单,也是通过我方银行交单给 客户银行,不同的是客人只需承兑我方单据, 就可以拿走正本单据,到期后再付款。 操作比信用证简便许多,费用上也少了通知行的 费用,但是银行在托收过程中是不承担任何风 险和责任的。 好处:不存在“不符点”的问题,只要提供相关 文件,单据金额没有问题就可以。
一般来说,中小客户接受T/T的可能性较大, 但是大客户基本上是以O/A和各种远期付款为 主,这些情况需要一分为二来看。
1.direct to big customers, 很难有谈判付款方式 的可能。 2. indirect to big customers, 通过中间商来做大 买家,会容易很多。
Method of payment 1. Remittance Mail Transfer M/T
Telegraphic Transfer
Banker’s demand draft
2 .Collection Documents against payment D/P at sight D/P after sight
①签定买卖合同,规定以L/C为付款方式 ②买方向开证行申请开证 ③开证行向通知行寄交信用证 ④通知行审验信用证的真伪后向卖方转递 ⑤卖方装船后向议付行交单议付 ⑥议付行向开证行交单索偿 ⑦开证行向议付行偿付 ⑧开证行向买方提示,买方付款赎单
出口商 Seller
进口商 Buyer
是指接受开证申请人的委托,开立信用 证的银行,它承担保证付款的责任,条 件是提交的单据与信用证的规定或称条 款相符。 进出口业务中一般为进口商所在地的银 行。
(3)通知银行(Advising Bank,Notifying Bank) UCP600第二条规定,通知行是指应开证行的要求通知信 用证的银行。这个明确的定义在UCP500中没有。 受益人的相符提示,必须要有通知行的准确通知在前。 实际业务中就发生过通知行漏页和漏条款的问题。
Opening Bank or Issuing Bank
即向银行申请开立信用证的人。在进出 口业务中为进口商。 通常开证申请人需向开证银行交一定的 押金,并在信用证到期时付款。
(2)开证银行(Opening Bank,Issuing Bank, Establishing Bank)
Terms of Payment
一、T/T (Telegraphic Transfer) 电汇 T/T是电汇(单据一般是我方直接邮寄给客户,无需通 过银行),如果我们跟客户用T/T付款方式,一般的做 法是客户先要给我们30%的预付款,剩余70%一般保 险的方法是,货装船后,客人凭我们传真的提单正本付 款,等款到帐后再邮寄整套正本单据给客人。 优点: 最简便、中间程序最少,最直接的方式 缺点:1.尾款的收取 目前主要有2种方法收取尾款,第一种是客户在货生产完 成后验货,没问题就付款,然后供应商出货;第二种是 货完成后验货、出货,客户在收到提单复印件后付款, 然后供应商提供正本提单,供客户在目的港清关、收货。 2.大订单的付款安排,主要涉及订金的问题。
(ent 课本)
Specimen Letters
Letter 1 Buyer Advising Establishment of L/C 买方通知已开立信用证
Specimen Letters Dear Sirs, We are glad to inform you that we have now opened an irrevocable letter of credit through the Bank of Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A. for U.S.$16,000 in your favor. Please make sure that the shipment is effected within March, since punctual delivery is one of the important considerations in dealing with our market. We are awaiting your Shipping Advice.
二、L/C L/C信用证付款方式属于银行信用,很保险的一种付款 方式,但开证行信誉一定要好,单证人员审单要认真仔 细,公司业务、储运、单证部门要协调一致,避免单据 出现不符点。 L/C是国际贸易中最复杂的付款方式,也是安全系数相 对较高的一种。 缺点: 1.手续复杂繁琐; 2.软条款的问题; 3.不符点
跟 单 信 用 证 业 务 流 程
通知 / 议付银 行 开证/付款银行
托收的种类 1付款交单 D/P ( documents against payment) (1)定义:指卖方的交单是以买方(进口人)的付款
(2)分类: 即期付款交单(D/P at sight) 远期付款交单(D/P after sight) 2承兑交单 D/A ( documents against acceptance)
O/A (Open account) ,相当于“赊销”。指出口商在货物 出运后,把物权凭证和相关单据直接交给进口商,并在 一定时间后再向进口商收取货款的一种付款方式。 即为货到付款,说简单点就是先发货后收款 O/A是所有付款方式中风险最大的。毕竟是先出运货物, 并交付所有单据,对于出口商而言,手中失去了任何保 障,一旦客户违约,所有的问题都会由出口商承担。 OA付款方式一般使用方法,常见的就是“O/A+天 数”,比如O/A 30 days 应为买方收到货物内,30 天内付款。 对很多大买家而言, O/A的付款方式很多见,尤其是美 国市场就更加普遍。
Letters about L/C 1. Letter about choosing payment (1)The relevant business documents, such as the contract , the order and so on;
(2)The customary payment practice of the writers; (3)The method of payment that the writers asks for this business.
Amendment to the L/C 3. Letter of amendment to the L/C (1)Thanks for the opening of L/C
(2)The content of amendment of the L/C one by one
(3)Anticipation for the amendment of the L/C in certain time.