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多管闲事stay out of it.

不是巧合it’s not a coincidence

被跟踪了we got company

你认错人了you are confusing me with someone else

这是真的吗this is for real?

把你的底细都捞出来了turned you inside out

你心智不全you are damaged goods

候选人之一on the short list

受宠若惊be in a complete state of shock over there.

别高兴得太早let’s not get carried away

你问完了吗?Are you done interrogating me?

她态度恶劣her attitude sucks

我把一切都忘掉了I’ve put all of that away.

废话就免了just get it over with, okay?

三缄其口、守口如瓶refuse to speak

我受够了I’ve had a long day.

重蹈覆辙get back on your feet

耿耿于怀be not too happy about it

要是你真站在我们一边if your allegiance is truly with us 白痴moron

渴望受人瞩目be starved for attention

莫名其妙说出口it just slipped out

我们已经谈好了不是吗?We’ve been through this, right? 我们别无选择we have no other options.

你肯定很忙I am sure you got your hands full.

我再次抱歉I am sorry to keep apologizing

我得去一趟I need to take care of this

我会把它压住I will sit on it.

没门not a chance


跟我一边be on my side

退出,撤退stand down

待命stand by

我扮演够了I’ve done my role

保持联络stay in touch

多谢提点thanks for the heads-up

我来收拾I’ll pick it up.


明白了point taken

这是凭经验做出的判断it’s an educated guess

你一直都支持我you’ve always been there for me. 放他一马cut him some slack

没证据就是清白的innocent until proven guilty

脱口而出roll off your tongue


谈正事talk for shop

我还不算傻逼I am only half a moron

这话怎么说how does that work?

差不多吧in a way

我说话有分寸了I have good boundaries now.

你真不巧you are out of luck

拭目以待we’ll see

我也不是太喜欢她I am not that into her

我了解他I am onto him

太过分了it was out of line

萝卜青菜各有所爱that’s a matter of opinion

冰释前嫌bury the hatchet

约炮booty call

没往那方面想didn’t even cross my mind

始作俑者the head-of-the-snake guy

他看穿我了he made me


真恶心it reeks

闭嘴,什么都别说not a word

她自作主张she took it upon herself

罄竹难书and worse

够他喝一壶的let him suck on that

我愿意冒这个险I’ll take my chance

我一厢情愿it’s a one-way street

事无巨细no detail is too small

我认真地I mean it


时不我待time is of the essence here.

找不到他们they are in the wind

四处结好play the field


东窗事发,我在风口浪尖。This thing is on and I am at the center of it. 道貌岸然heaven-may-care

我不插手了I’ll lay off.

大事化小小事化了stick with the problem


她需要散心She needed to get away


她要受不了了it’s tearing her up

我不干了I am through

撒手不干可不行quiting is not an option

我不指望I can’t bank on that

我知足了I could do worse

她对你评价很高she thinks the world of you


这事儿得您发话this is right in your wheelhouse

愿闻其详I am listening

开诚布公being all open and honest here

随你便be my guest

原地待命wait out


我一点负罪感都没有I keep waiting to feel guilty

回头见see you around

再等等not quite yet

看得出I noticed

我们大意了we dropped the ball

我无法挽回I can’t take it back

我们能重新来过吗can we start over?

随便你as you please

男人都会孤注一掷 a man gambles with what he has

上个厕所nature calls

该是好好想想的时候了this is a time to stop and think


你有将功补过的机会now you have a second chance

他们什么都知道nothing they don’t already know
