U2P11:生活(n):I i ve活着的.作定语(adj):I i v i ng活着的.作表语或补语(adj):alive短语:生物:I i v i ngth i ngs例句:保持我们活着:keepusa I i ve例句:我们活着:weareaI ive生活.生命(n-p I):I i fe-1i ves短语:拯救某人生命:saveone'si i fe短语:丧生:Ioseone'sIi fe日常生活:da i I y I i fe2:呼吸(n-v):breath-breathe短语:深呼吸:takeadeepbreath短语:喜欢呼吸纯净的空气:enjoybreath i ngpurea i r3:危险(11):danger危险(adj):dangerous短语:在很大的危险中:ingreatdanger短语:个危险的仆人:adangerousservant4:污染(n-v):po I I ute-po I I ut ion短语:空气/水/噪音污染:a i r/water/no i sepoI Iut i on短语:污染空气/水:po I I utethea i r/water5:科学(11):science科学家(n):sc i ent i st6:打架.战斗(v):fight战士.斗士:f i ghter短语:和污染战斗:f ightagainstpoI Iution短语:为自由而战:fightforfreedom短语:污染斗士:pol Iutionf ighters7:自然(n-adj):nature-natural短语:自然与环境:natureandenvi ronment短语:自然的空调:natura I a i rcond i t i oners8:物理(11):physics物理的(adj):phys i ca I短语:物理老师:physicsteacher短语:教我们物理:teachusphys i cs短语:个物理变化:aphys i ca I change化学(n):chen i stry化学(adj):chemi ca I短语:化学老师:chemistryteacher产生一个化学物质:produceachemica I一个化学变化:achem i caI change9:噪音(11-3€0):noise-noisy短语:制造噪音:makenoi se短语:更少吵闹:Iessnoi sy10:危害(n-adj-adj反义):harm-harmfuI-harm I ess对某人有害(三种):doharmtosb=beharmfuItosb二bebadforsb 对...有好处(两种):dogoodto二b egoodfor11:叶子(!1一?1):I eaf-1eaves围巾(n-pl):scarf-scarves生命(n-p I):I ife-1i ves气体(n-pl):gas-gases12:交流(v-n):commun i cate-coommun i cat i onU2P21:让/使某人做某事:makesb/sthdosth让/使某人怎样:makesb/sth+adj例句:使街道更加漂亮:makestreetsmorebeaut i fuI例句:使树叶变得难吃:make I eavestastenasty2:保持某人/物怎样:keepsb/sth+adj例句:保持我们教室干净:keepourc I assroomcIean 例句:保持安静/健康:keepqu i et/hea I thy例句:保持我们活着:keepusa I i ve保持门/窗开/关着:keepthedoor/wi ndowopen/cIosed3:来自(城市国家)(两种):comefrom=befrom4:感谢某人做某事:thanksbfordoingsth例句:谢谢你帮助我(两种):thankyouforyourheIp=thankyouforheIp i ngme5:与某人交谈:communicatewithsb6:互相(两种):oneanother=eachother7:砍伐树木:cutdowntrees8:也.还(三种):aswe I I as=and=and...aswe I I //aswe I I as放在句中,and放在句中,and...aswe I I放在句末例句:树不仅清洁空气也使空气凉爽:(三种) treescooIthea i rasweI IascIean it二treescooI the a i randcIean i t二treescooIthea i randcIean i taswe I I9:攻击2):attack损坏(v):damage摧毁(v):destroy10:替代.替换(v):rep I ace释放(v):re I ease减少(v):reduce生产(v):produce11:一个半年(两种):oneandahaIfyears=oneyearandahaIf两个半小时(两种):twoandahaIfhours=twohoursandahaIf12:参军:jointhearmy入党:joi ntheparty加入俱乐部:jointheclub加入某人:joinsb例句:你能不能加入我们:wouIdyouI ikejoinus?参加(两种)+:joinin=takepartin+群众性活动短语:根连在一起:joi nrootstogether13:把某物递还给某人:passsthtosb14:经营.运作公司/工厂:manage/runacompany/factory保持机器工作.运转(两种):keepthemach i nerunnn i ng/work i ng15:尝起来怎么样:taste+adj美味(三种):del icious/nice/good味道差(三种):terr i b I e/awafu I/bad16:采访某人/面试某人:interviewsb--个面试:aninterview17:警告某人不要做某事:warnsbnottodosth18:关于:on/about19:通过做某事保护某人:protectsbbydoi ngsth 例句:树通过产生一种化学物质保护自己:treesprotectthemseIvesbyproduc i ngachemi caI 保护某人免于某事:protectsbfromsth例句:保护我们免于火灾/危险:protectusfromf i re/danger保护某人免于做某事:protectsbf romdo i ngsth例句:警察保护我们免于受到坏人的伤害:ThepoIi ceprotectusfromgett i nghurtbybadpeopI e20:生产.产生(v):produce产品(n):product21:几乎不.否定副词:hard I y几乎没有(两种):hard Iyany=aImostnone/no几乎从来(两种):hard I yever=a I mostnever例句:我几乎不能相信自己的眼睛:IcouIdhardIybeIi evemyeyes22:举例(三种.后面加):forexamp I e,+句子/suchas+n/n短语二I i ke+n/n短语23:动词变i ng四种形式:+i ng/去结尾不发音e+i ng/i e结尾变y+i ng/辅元辅结尾双写+i ngU2P31:日常的(adj):daily日寸艮:daiIypaper2:耐心的(adj):pat i ent不耐烦的(adj):impat i ent耐心地(adv):pa i nt I y病人(n):pat i ent3:舒适的(adj):comfortab I e不舒适的(adj):uncomfortab I e舒适地(adv):comfortabIy4:放松(v-ad j人-a dj物): re I ax-re Iaxed-reI ax i ng5:疑惑(v-ad j人-a dj物):puzzIe-puzzIed-puzzIi ng6:清洁.净化:cleanup清洁.净化(n):c I ean i ng做些清洁:dosomec I ean i ng次彻底的净化:athoroughc I ean i ng短语:保持教室清洁:keepthec I assroomcIean7:冷冻.冰冻(v-过去式-过去分词):freeze-froze-frozen冰冷的(adj):freez i ng冷冻的(adj):frozen极冷的天气:freez ingweather冷冻食品:frozen8:彻底的(adj-adv):thorough-thorough I yU2P41:刷牙:brushone'steeth2:打开/关闭水龙头/电视/灯:turnon/off+thetap/TV/1ights处于开启、关闭状态:beon/off3:把A倒入B:pourAintoB4:浪费/节约水/纸张/时间/钱:waste/savewater/paper/t ime/money5:遵守/破坏规则/法律:obey/foI Iow/breaktheruIe/1aw6:以...的速度:atthespeedof平均速度:averagespeed加速(v-过去式-过去分词):speed-sped-sped7:到某事的时间了:11'st imeforsth例句:到上课/晚餐的时间了:11'st imeforcIass/d i nner到做某事的时间了:It'st imetodosth例句:到起床的时间了:It'stimetogetup8:把A加入B中:addAtoB9:大量的(两种):ahugeamountof=hugeamountsof10:仍然是:remainthesame11:看四周:I ookaroundIookup两种意思:查阅字典/向上看寻找:I ookfor,照顾:I ookafter看着:Iookat当心/向外看:I ookout12:记得不要做某事:remember(not)todosth例句:记得不要浪费时间:remembernottowasterthet ime13:回答.答复(v)(两种):rep I y=answerrep I y的过去式:rep I i ed14:滴水:adropofwater把我降落到溪水里:dropmeintothewater15:降落(v):fa I I漂流(v):f I oat上升(v):r i se流动(v):f I ow16:你说某物是什么意思:whatdoyoumeanbysth?17:增加:increase保持:rema i n(thesame)减少:decrease18:水的化学符号是H20: Thechemi caIsymboIforwater i sH2019:休息(v):rest短语:好好休息:haveagoodrest20:工厂(三种):works/p I ant/factory作品(n):worksU2P51:服务(v):serve月艮务(un):serv i ce月艮务(pl):serv i ces仆人(n):servant短语:在军队服务:serve i nthearmy短语:个好仆人:agoodservant短语:因为它的食物和服务而著名:befamousfor i tsfoodandserv i ce短语:公共/汽车服务:publ ic/busserv ices2:电(n-adj-adj)另eIectr i c ity-eIectr i c~eIectron i c短语:电动玩具/灯:e I ectr i ctoys/1i ghts短语:电子计算器:e I ectron i cc I acu I ator短语:电子词典:e I ectron i cd i ct i onar i es3:(v-ad j):foo I-foo I i sh自己(n):se I f自私的(adj):selfish孩子(n):child孩子气的(adj):chi Idish4:解释.说明(v~n):exp I a i n~exp I anat i on短语:个说明:anexp I anat i on耐心地/礼貌地/清楚地向某人解释某事: exp I a i nsthtosbpat i ent Iy/poIi teIy/cI ear Iy//5是adj-adv和前文重复.不抄6:照顾某人(三种):takecareofsb=Iookaftersb=careforsb当心某人/物:becarefu I wi thsb/sthcarefor的两种意思:照顾/喜欢7:看得见的(ad j-反义):v i s i b I e~i nv i s i b I e8:改变(v-ad j):change-changeab I e短语:多变的天气:changeab I eweather把A变成B:changeAi ntoB9:风俗习惯,海关(n):custom顾客(n):customer〃10与以前重复.不抄11:勇气(n):courage鼓励(n):encourage鼓励某人做某事:encouragesbtodosth12:电池(n-pl):battery-batter ies13:包含,含有(v):contain容器(n):conta i ner//Batter i esarepacketsthatconta i neIectr i c i ty14:每日的.每天(adj/adv):daily日寸艮:daiIypaper日常生活:dai IyI ife每月的(adj/adv):month I y月刊:month I ymagaz i nes每月的(两种):month I y=everymonth年收入:year I y i ncome短语:周报:week I ypaper每年的(两种):year I y=everyyear每周的(两种):week I y=everyweekU2P61:发电站:powerstat ion火车站:ra i I waystat i on2:账单:bi I I清单:list菜单:menu3:粗的(ad j-比较级):th i ck~th i cker胖的(adj-比较级):fat-fatter更瘦:thinner4:形式.形态/形成:form短语:能量的不同形式:differentformsofenergy 短语:养成一个好习惯:formagoodhabit5:把A连到B上:connectAtoBA被连到B上:AbeconnectedtoB例句:细电线被连到粗电线上:Th i nwi resareconnectedtoth i ckwi res6:叫某人...:ca I I sb/sth+名称/称呼短语:把细电线称作电缆:ca I I th i nwi rescab I es7:在某种程度上(两种):i naway二part I y8:对.答对了:That'sr ight你是对的:You'rer i ght没关系(两种):That'sa I I r i ght二I tdoesn'tmatter9:A:我能做某事吗:A:Mayldosth?B:是的.你可以/不.你不可以/恐怕你不可以:Yes,youmay/No,youmaynot/1'mafra i dyoucan't10:看起来像:I ook I i keI ook I i ke指:外在/外貌怎样的...:belikebe I ike指:外在/外貌或内在/性格what用:what...IookIi ke/beI i kehow后用:how...like天气怎么样?(两种):what'stheweatherIi ke?=Howi stheweather?11:打开/关闭:swi tchon/off12:测试,测验(v/n):test做个测试:haveatest13:在某人脸上:onone'sface14:在某人身上耍一个花招:p I ayatr ickonsb U2P71:开会(两种):haveameet i ng=ho I dameet i ng2:列清单(v):I i st列一个清单:makea I i st3:对某人免费:bef reetosb免费:forfree4:建议(v-n-p I) suggest-suggest i on-suggest i ons建议某人应当做某事suggestthatsb(shouId)dosth5:在A和B中间:betweenAandB6:讨论(vf):d i scuss-d i scuss i on做个讨论:d i scuss i on7:选择(v-n-p I):choose-cho i ce-cho i ces做出选择:makeachoi ce8:决定(不)要做某事:dec ide(not)todosth决定(vf):dec i de-dec i s i on作出决定:makeadeci s i on9:负责做某事(三种):berespons i bIeforsth二be i nchargeofsth二takecha rgeofsth10:总共,总计(两种):inal I=a I together11:上/这/下学期:I ast/th i s/nextterm12:团队(n):team团队合作(n):teamwork13:就某事和某人达成一致:agreewithsbonsth14:秘密(n):secret秘书:secretary15:考虑做某事(两种):cons i derdo i ngsth二th i nkofdo i ngsth16:想到,想起:thinkof例句:你能想到一个例子吗:Canyouth i nkofanexampIe你认为某人/物怎么样?(两种):whatdoyouth i nkofsb/sth?=HowdoyouIi kesb/sth17:仔细考虑:thinkitover仔细商谈:ta I k itover18:应当做某事(两种):shouIddosth二oughttodosth不应当做某事(两种):shouIdnotdosth二oughtnottodosth14:经验/经历(n):exper i enceexper i ence作经历时是:cnexper i ence作经验时是:un20:建议(v~n):adv i se-adv i ce接受某人的建议:takeone'sadv i ce条建议:ap i eceofadv i ce例句:你给我们的建议是多么有用啊:WhatusefuI adv i ceyou'regi venus!建议某人不要做某事:adv i sesb(not)todosthU2P81:珍贵的(adj)(两种):prec i ous=va I uab I e价值(n):va I ue珍贵的(比较级):moreprec i ous/va I uab I e2:出版(v):pub I i sh3:记笔记:takenotes4:投票给某人:voteforsb5:设计2):des i gn设计师(n):designer6:阅览室:readingroom读者:reader7:景色,风景(n):view例句:我想要一个有好风景的房间:Iwantaroomwi thagoodv i ew8:abit,a I i tt I e第一种用法.与另一个形式相等:abit/l itt I e+adj/adv原级=ki ndof+adj/adv原级短语:有点忙:abitbusy=ki ndofbusyabit/a I itt Ie第二种用法:abit/l itt Ie+比较级9:有某人/物:wi thsb/sth例句:一个有着好风景的房间:aroomwithagoodv i ew没有某人/物:withoutsb/sth例句:我们离开水不能生存:Wecan'11i vewithoutwater例句:孩子们不应该在没有家长陪伴下烹饪:Ch i IdrenshouIdn'tcookwi thoutthe i rparents没有做某事:withoutdoingsth例句:他们匆忙地离开了没有说再见:They I eft i nahurrywi thoutsay i nggoodbye10:赢得地1/2/3等奖:wi nthef i rst/second/th i rdpr i ze赢得(v-过去式-过去分词):win-won-won赢得(v-过去式-过去分词):win-won-won11:向某人寻求某物:ask(sb)forsth短语:向我们征求建议:askusforadv i ce/suggest i ons短语:向我们求助:askusforhe I p短语:向我们讨钱、食物:askusformoney/food 向我们请假:askusfor I eave12:班长:mon itor校长(n):headmaster13:保持/打破世界纪录:keep/breaktheworIdrecord14:if作如果用于什么句子:条件状语从句时态:一般现在时2作是否用于什么句子:宾语从句等于:whether时态:看具体情况例句:我不知道kitty明天是否会来:I don'tknow i fK i ttyw i I Icometomorrow例句:如果她要来.我会告诉你:Ifshecomes,I'I IteI I you15:青年时期(n):youth天才.天赋(n):ta I ent委员会(n):committeeU2P91:编辑(v~n):edit-editor短语:一名编辑:aned i tor主编:thech i efed i tor2:推选某人为:e I ectsbtobe+职位选举某人作为:e I ectsbas+职位3:安排(v~n):ar range-ar rangement安排做某事:arrangetodosth4:(使)结束(两种):cone I ude=cometoanend5:同意某人:agreewithsb认同某事:agreeonsth就某事与某人达成一致:agreewithsbonsth同意做某事:agreetodosth6:我不知道(两种):I haveno i dea=I don'tknow 我有个好主意:I haveagoodideaA:我们去购物吧?:Shal I wegoshoppi ng?B:好主意:That'sagood i dea7:简短(adj-adv):br ief-br ief I y短语:一个简短的自我介绍:abr i efseIf-i ntroduct i on短语:简短地介绍自己:i ntroducemyse I f b r i ef I y8:文章(n):art ic I e段落:paragraph(文章中的)段落.章节:passage乘客(n):passenger9:聚集(v):gather起(adv):together短语:相聚:together10:就某事向某人抱怨/投诉:comp I a i ntosbaboutsth例句:顾客就不好的服务向经理抱怨:ThecustomercompI a i nedtothemanagerabouttheba dserv i ce抱怨.投诉(n):comp I a i nt短语:做个投诉:makeacomp I a i nt11:我赢得了一等奖:I wonthef i rstpr i ze我过了驾驶考试:I passedthedr i v i ngtest我在考试中得了A:IgotanAintheexam我的同学选举我作为班长:MycIassmateshaveeIectedmetobemon itor恭喜:Congratu I at i ons做的很好.好样的:We I I done这是一个好新闻(两种adj): That'swonderfu I/goodnews我为你感到高兴/快乐(3种):I'mhappy/gIad/deIi ghtedforyou你值得赢/通过:Youdeservedtowi n/pass12:我们输了足球比赛:We I ostthefootba I I match 我驾驶考试失败了:Ifai Iedthedr i vingtest我没有通过考试:Ididn'tpasstheexam我在考试中得了"D":I gota"D"i ntheexam我的钱包丢了:I I ostmywa I I et有个人把我的车偷了:SomeonestoIemycar噢.我很抱歉:Oh,I'msorry真遗憾.真可惜(2种):Whatashame!/whatapity 真糟糕(2种):That'sterr i b I e=howawafu IU2P101;人(n-p I-adj-adv): person-peopIe-personaI-persona I Iy来自(2种):byonese I f=i nperson个人而言:personal lyspeaking个人信务:persona I i nformat i on2:位置.场所(v~n):I ocate-1ocat i on例句:你能告诉我sp的位置吗:CouIdyouteI ImetheIocat i onofsp?短语:位于城市中心:be Iocatedi ntheci tycenter 短语:位于小岛上:be I ocatedonthei s I and3:经营(v):manage经理(n):manager成功做某事(3种):managertodosth=succeed i ndo i ngsth=besuccessfuI(indoing)sth4:戏剧性事件(n-adj):drama-dramat i c5:感觉(n-adj):sense-sens i b I e幽默感:senseofhumor你很明智:YouaresensibIe一个明智的人:asens i bI eman6:死(v-过去式-过去分词):d ie~d i ed-d ied死的(adj):deaddead用法(2种):be+dead/dead+n死亡(n):death某人的死亡(2种):one'sdeath/sb'sdeath7:预定一个房间/一张票/一张飞机票:bookaroom/at i cket/ana i rt i cket8:进入场所(2种):waI kinto+场所=enter+场所9:允许某人做某事:a I I owsbtodosth被允许做某事:bea I I owedtodosth例句:我的妈妈不允许我玩电脑游戏:Mymotherdoesn'tallowmetopIaycomputergames我不被允许玩电脑游戏I'mnotaI IowedtopIaycomputergames10:消失在视野中:outofs ight视力:eyes ight观光:s i ghtsee i ng观光(v):sight11:马上.立即(2种):atonce=immed i ate I y12:服务(n):service表面(n):surface13:在某人/物旁边:besidesb/sth除了某人/物(包括在内):bes i dessb/sth14:M(v):wake-woke-woken醒来:wakeup弄醒某人:wakesbup例句:查理弄醒了我:Char I i ewokemeup15:节约(v):save浪费(v):waste拯救某人生命:saveone's I i fe失去某人生命:I oseone's I i fe安全的(adj):safesafe用法(3种):be+safe/fee Isafe/keepsbsafefromdangerU2P111:火灾警报:f i rea I arm火灾(安全)出口:f i reexit消防车:f i reengine火灾安全规则:f i resafetyfu I es2:突然发生巨响:gooffgoout两种意思:灯/火熄灭/出去3:序数词用法(三个词):the/one's+序数词+cn 单数短语:我第12岁生日:mytwe I f t hb i rthday4:湿的:wet干的:drywet(v-过去式-过去分词):wet-wet-wet干的:dry-dr ied-dr i ed5:带某人/某物去某地(地点名词):takesb/sthtosp例句:带狗去公园:takethedogtothepark带某人/某物去某地(地点adv):takesb/sth+地点adv随身带某物:takesthwithsb6:带某物给某人(2):br i ngsbsth=br i ngsthtosb 带某人/物到某地来:br i ngsth/sbtosp带来(v-过去式-过去分词):br i ng-brought-brought7:带领.引领(v-过去式-过去分词):leadTedTed 带领某人去某地:leadsbtosp领导.领袖:I eader8:借来(v-过去式-过去分词):borrow-borrowed-borrowed从某人处借来某物:borrowsthfromsb借去(v-过去式-过去分词):I end-1ent-1ent借某物给某人(2种):Iendsbsth=Iendsthtosb9:表示一类人:the+adj盲人:theb I i nd聋哑人:thedeaf10:全心全意为人们月艮务:servepeopIeheartandsouI11:属于某人:be Iongtosb例句:这本书属于我:th i sbookbe I ongstome例句:这是我的书:thisismybook例句:这本书是我的书:thisbookismine12:回答(v):rep I v重复(v):repeat再利用(v):reuse重建(v):rebu i I d复习(v):rev i ew13:主人.房东:host客人.旅客:guest14:喊(v):shout哭(v):cry惊叫(v):exc I aim狗叫(v):bark15:毛巾(n):towe I毯子:b I anket窗帘:curtain16:麻烦.困境(un):troub I e处于困境:be i ntroub I e脱离困境:beoutoftroubIe17:反对.反抗(prep):aga i nst违反规定:agai nsttheru I es短语:违反大自然:againstnature短语:抗击污染:aga i nstthepo I lution18:...后(三个单词):段时间+later+句子数秒后:seconds I ater片亥,后:minutes Iater短语:几小时后:hours I ater几年后:years I ater19:问路(3种.不用宾语从句):where i ssp? =wh i ch i sthewaytosp?二howcanIgettosp?问路(4种.宾语从句):CouIdyouteI Imewheresp i s/thewaytosp/howIcang ettosp/theIocat i ontosp20:描述(v~n):descr i be-descr i pt i on21:沿着(prep):a I ong(横)穿过:across(内部穿过):across横穿过马路:wa I kacrosstheroad沿着河边走:wa I ka I ongther i ver从门/窗进入:gothrowthedoor/window22:...就:assoonasassoonas常考时态(2种):主将从现/主过从过23:5种感官:look/smel l/taste/sound/feel+adj 看起来像:I ook I i ke感觉起来像:fee I I i ke24:警示.提醒某人(5种):Becarefu I二takecare二Iookout二watchout二mi nd25:before/after作为连词的用法:before/after+nj子before/after作为介词的用法(2种):before/after+doi ng/before/after+nU2P121:快乐(n):joy喜欢.欣赏(v):enjoy喜欢做某事:enjoydoingsth玩得开心:enjoyonese I f有能力的(adj):ab I e使能够(v):enab I e使某人能够做某事:enab I esbtodosth勇气(n):courage鼓励(v):encourage鼓励某人做某事:encouragesbtodosth2:远(adj-比较级(两种)):far-farther/further 出国进修:goabroadforfurtherstudies进步某人的学习:furtherone'sstudy3:烘焙(v~n(人)-n-p I): bake-baker-bakery-baker i es4:吸引(v-adj-n): attract一attract i ve-attract i on5:参观.游览(v-n(人)-pI)(2种):tour-tour i st-tour i stsv i s i t~v i s itor-v i s itors6:方艮游胜地:tour i stattract i on方艮游目的地:tour i stdest i nat i on7:既然.由于(2种):nowthat=since+句子既然后的句子的特性:是听说双方共知的原因例句:既然所有人多在这.让我们开始我们的会议吧:Nowthateveryone i shere,Iet'sbegi nourmeet i ng 例句:由于你很累.为什么不休息呢:Si nceyouaret i red,whynothavearest?8:遍及全世界(2种):a I IovertheworId=throughouttheworId9:因为某人/某物而闻名:befamousforsb/sth例句:上海因为外滩而闻名:Shangha i i sfamousfortheBund例句:这个饭店因为它的食物和服务而闻名:Therestourant i sfamousfor itsfoodandserv i ce被认为/被誉为:beknownassth上海被誉为购物天堂:Shanghai i sknownasshopp i ngparad i se10:城市是国家的首都:城市+thecapitaIof+国家伦敦-英国:London-Br i ta i n/Eng I and/thellK东京-日本:Tokyo-Japan巴黎-法国:Par i s-France华盛顿-美国:Wash i ngTon-Amer i ca/thellSA柏林-德国:Ber I i n-Germany11:oneof用法(两种):oneof+cn复数/oneof+the+adj最高级+cn复数+范围12:在某个范围内最...中的第...:the+序数词+adj最高级+范围13:告诉某人不要做某事(2种):teI Isbmustn'tdosth=teI Isbnottodosth14:国王:king女王:queen王子:pr i nee公主:pr i ness城堡:cast I e宫殿:pa I ace15:和...一样(两种):as+adj原级+as二thesame+n+as短语:样的年龄(两种):aso I das二thesameageas 短语:一样的身高(两种):astaI I as二thesameheightas短语:一样的体重(两种):asheavyas二thesamewe i ghtas(两种):短语:一样的长度as Iongas二thesameIengthas短语:^的大小(两种):asb igas二thesames i zeas 16:从人到土f romAtoB17:国内夕卜:homeandabroad艺术与文化:artandcuIture18:为某人提供帮助(2种):prov i desbwi thsth=prov i desthforsb19:给某人某物(2种):gi vesbsth=gi vesthtosb 20:到处.各处(2):everywhere=hereandthere21:用某人自己的话:i none'sownwords22:茶:tea可乐:cola酒:wine咖啡:coffee奶酪:cheese23:音乐会:concert电影节:f i Imfestival展览:exh i b i t i on地标:I andmark24:出国进修:goabroadforfurtherstud ies出国度暑假:goabroadforsummerhoi I days出国观光:goabroadforsightseeing出国玩乐:goabroadforfun25:展开.张开(v-过去式-过去分词):spread-spread-spread展开你的翅膀:spreadyourwings例句:把黄油涂在面包上:spreadthebutterontheground26:组织(v~n):organ i ze-organ i zat i on27:举世闻名(adj):wor I d-famous众所周知.非常有名(adj):we I I-known28:农业(n-ad j):agr i cu I ture-agr i cu I tura I景色.风景(n):scene景色优美的(adj):seen i c29:极好的(adj):exce I I ent庄稼(n):crops等级.水平:I eve I30:步行去某地(2):wa I ktosp二gotosponfoot骑车去某地(3): r i dea/one'sb i eye Ietosp二gotospbyb i eye Ie=cycI etosp⑵乘坐公交车去某地takeabustosp二gotospbybus乘坐火车去某地⑵takeatra i ntosp二gotospbytra i n乘坐飞机去某地⑵takeap1anetosp二gotospbyp1ane/a i r乘坐地铁去某地⑵takean/theundergroundtosp=gotospbyundergrou nd31:在某种程度上(2):i naway二part I y用这样/那样的方式:inthis/thatway在某些方面:insomeways挡在路中:i ntheway在某人去某地的路上(2): onthewaytosp=onone'swaytosp顺便说一下:bythewaybytheway的作用:用于切换话题32:对某人有影响:have i nf I uenceonsbU2P131:法国(国家-语言-国籍-人民(pl)): France-French-Franch-French美国:Amer i ca~EngIi sh-Amer i can-Amer i cans德国:Germany-German-German-Germans中国:Ch i na-Ch i nese-Ch i nese-Ch i nese日本:Japan-Japanese-Japanese-Japanese英国:Br i ta i n-Eng I i sh-Br i t i sh-Br i t i sh英格兰:Eng I and-Eng I i sh-Eng I i sh-Eng I i sh法国人(n-pl):frenchman-frenchmen英国人(n-p I):eng I i shman-eng I i shmen2:主动提供某人某物(2): offersbsth=offersthtosb主动提出做某事:offertodosth//3:疑问词+sb+情态动词/wi I ldosth=疑问词+todo与上学期笔记重合4:与...不同:bed i fferentf rom与...才目似:besimi Iarto与...样:bethesmaeas5:有能力的(adj):ab I e使某人能够做某事:enab I esbtodosth能力(n):abi I ity6:比起B更喜欢A(2): IikeAbetterthanB二preferAtoB比起...更喜欢...:preferdoingtodoing喜欢/选择(单三形式.2个动词):I i kes/prefers 喜欢/选择(过去式.2个动词):I i ked-preferred 某人最喜欢(2):sb I i ke....best=one'sfavour i te例句:我最喜欢英语⑵I I i keEngIi shbest二Eng Ii shs imyfavour ite7:曾经做过某事:usedtodosthused可以看成:did/didn't+use用某物做某事(2): usesthtodosth=usesthfordoi ngsth某物被用来做某事(2): beusedtosth=beusedfordoi ngsth习惯于做某事(2个动词):be/getusedtodo i ngsth 8:在...中受欢迎:bepopu Iaramong+n复数9:领导.带领(v-过去式-过去分词):leadTedTed 带领某人去某地:leadsbtosp领导(n):I eader领先的.重要的(adj):I ead i ng10:埃菲尔铁塔:theEiffe I Towerk匕萨斜塔:theLean ingTowerofPi sa凯旋门:theAredeTr i omphe(跨过)英吉利海峡:(across)theEng I i shChanne I (穿过)海峡隧道:(through)thechanne I tunne I11:介意做某事:minddoingsth使某人想起某事:remindsbofsth12:上床睡觉:gotobed去上学:gotoschoo I去工作:gotowork13:在家:athome在工作:atwork在上学:atschoo I14:吃药:takethemedicine药(n):mad i c i ne医药的(adj):madica I15:吃早/中/晚饭:have/estbreakfast/1unch/d i nner16:窄的(adj):narrow宽的(adj):wide17:某人自己做某事⑵:onone'sown=byoneseIf18:法国:France参观法国:v i s i tFrance从法国来:fromFrance法式食品/餐馆:Frenchfood/restaurant法国人:theFrench短语:他们是法国人:TheyareFrench讲法国话:speakFrench19:加,添加2):add添加(n):addt i on另外:Inaddition,+句子20:尝试(v-过去式-过去分词):try-tr i ed-tr i ed 努力做某事:trytodosth尽某人最大努力:tryone'sbesttodosth尝试做某事:trydoingsth试试:haveatry再试次:haveanothertryU2P141:个成人(2):aadu I t=agrown-up成人(pl)(2):aduIts二grown-ups2:看着某人/某物:I ookatsb/sth看一部电影:seeaf i Im看电视/一个足球比赛:watchTV/af o otba I I match 看书/杂志/新闻报纸:readbooks/magaz i nes/newspapers3:考虑做某事(2):th i nkaboutdo i ngsth=cons i derdoi ngsth4:继续做另夕—件事:goontodosth继续做同一件事:goondoi ngsth5:关注某人/某物:payattentiontosb/sth6:安静的(ad j-n):si I ent-si lence7:独自生活:I i vea I one感到孤单:fee I I one I y8:公平的(adh-反义):fa i r-unfa i r公平竞争:fai rplay9:建筑工人:bu i I der建筑物:bu i I d i ng10:在空中:inthesky/ai r11:谢天谢地:thankgoodness12:诗人(n):poet诗(n):poem诗歌:poetry13:与某人闲聊(2):chatwi thsb二haveachatwi thsb 14:假装做某事:pretendtodosth15:横穿街道(3): crossthestreet=goacrossthestreet=waIkacross thestreet生气的(adj)(2):cross=angry16:像...一样:be Ii kesb/sth+p.p17:训斥某人:scoI dsb罚某人放学后留校:putsb i ndetent ion18:令人觉得无聊(2)(adj):bor i ng=du I I人感到乏味:bored短语:一场无聊的电影:abor i ngf i Im短语:一个让人觉得枯燥无味的人:abor i ngman19:iinteresting两种意义:人有趣/物有趣个有趣的人:ainterest ingman人感兴趣的:interested对做某事有兴趣:beinterestedindoingsth对做某事显示出兴趣:showinterestedindoingsth20:物令人愉悦的:p I easant人满意的:p I eased对某人满意(2): 7bepIeasedwi thsb=besat i sf i edwi thsb乐事(n):p I easure帮助前的感到荣幸:wi thp I easure帮助后的感到荣幸:11'smyp I easure21:耐心的(adj-反义-a dv): pat i ent-impat i ent-pat i ent Iy对某人耐心:bepatientwithsb病人,是否可数:pat i entcn22:诚实的(adj-反义-n-反义n):honest-d i shonest-honesty-d i shonesty例句:她是一个诚实的女孩.她从不说谎:She i sanhonestgi rI.SheneverteI IsI i es例句:没有人喜欢Tom因为他不诚实:Nobody Ii kesTombecausehe i sd i shonest例句:诚实是最重要的东西:honesty i sthemost importantth i ng23:你们为什么不做某事呢:whydon'tyoudosth?为什么不做某事呢:whynotdosth我们为什么不做某事呢:whydon'twedosth?我们做某事好吗:Shal Iwedosth?让我们做某事吧:Let'sdosth这是一个好主意/听起来不错:That'sagood i dea/Soundsgood24:新闻(un/cn):newsun一贝U新闻:ap i eceofnews真是好消息:Whatgoodnews i t i s!报纸(un/cn):newspaper纸(un/cn):paper一张纸:ap i eceofpaper25:海洋:Ocean大海:sea湖:Iake江河:river池塘:pond瀑布:waterfu I 井:we I I。
沪教牛津版八年级英语下册各单元知识点总复习Unit 1一、单词归纳与练习I. 根据要求写出相应的单词。
1. ill (名词) ____________________2. hurt (过去式) ____________________3. peaceful (名词) ____________________4. difficult (名词) ____________________5. expression (动词) ____________________6. organize (名词) ____________________ II.根据句意及首字母或汉语提示写单词,完成句子。
6. Peter often goes to help the d____________ children in the hospital.7. They are going to r_______________ money to build a school for the children in the poor village.8. I didn't p___________ for my house. My parents bought it for me.9. We should learn to control our s____________ when we get very angry.10. She showed great c______________ when she faced the danger. She was so brave.III.用括号里所给单词的适当形式填空,完成句子。
14. The doctor gave him some medicine to reduce his _______ (painful) in his stomach.15. The young man often offers ________ (help) his mother with housework.16. As ______ (teenager), we can learn to solve problems by ourselves.17. I'm confident about the ______ (friend) between Mary and me.18. Our school _______ (organization) an activity to help the poor children last week.二、词组归纳与练习I.用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空,完成句子。
【重点知识】沪教版初中英语八年级下册 Unit 7
短语:1.believe in 相信、信任2.thousands of 成千上万的3.wake up 醒来4.keep quiet 保持安静5.because of 因为6.in fear 恐慌地、害怕地nding site 降落地点8.as soon as possible 尽快9.agree with 同意、赞成10.disagree with 不同意11.look out of 向...外看12.next to 紧挨着13.run away 逃跑14.call the police 报警15.at midnight 在半夜16.no one 没人17.know about 了解18.in the future 在将来19.mother ship 母舰20.talk to 和...交谈21.look like 看起来像22.a piece of paper 一张纸e from 来自24.have a good idea 有一个好主意25.on the side of the hill 山的一边26.write down 写下、记下27.from...to... 从...到28.talk about 谈论句型1.be sure to do sth 确信做某事2.Let’s do sth 咱们做某事吧3.refuse to do sth 拒绝做某事4.hear sb doing sth 听见某人正在做某事5.tell sb about sth 告诉某人某事6.what to do(特殊疑问词+动词不定式)要做什么7.keep+adj 保持8.try to do sth 尽力做某事9.become(变化类系动词)+adj 变得......10.sth happens to sb 某人发生了某事11.as...as possible 尽可能...12.tell sb (not) to do sth 告诉某人(不要)做某事13.try doing sth 尝试做某事。
U2P11:生活(n):live活着的,作定语(adj):living活着的,作表语或补语(adj):alive短语:生物:living things例句:保持我们活着:keep us alive例句:我们活着:we are alive生活,生命(n-pl):life-lives短语:拯救某人生命:save one's life短语:丧生:lose one's life日常生活:daily life2:呼吸(n-v):breath-breathe短语:深呼吸:take a deep breath短语:喜欢呼吸纯净的空气:enjoy breathing pure air3:危险(n):danger危险(adj):dangerous短语:在很大的危险中:in great danger短语:一个危险的仆人:a dangerous servant4:污染(n-v):pollute-pollution短语:空气/水/噪音污染:air/water/noise pollution 短语:污染空气/水:pollute the air/water5:科学(n):science科学家(n):scientist6:打架,战斗(v):fight战士,斗士:fighter短语:与污染战斗:fight against pollution短语:为自由而战:fight for freedom短语:污染斗士:pollution fighters7:自然(n-adj):nature-natural短语:自然与环境:nature and environment短语:自然的空调:natural air conditioners8:物理(n):physics物理的(adj):physical短语:物理老师:physics teacher短语:教我们物理:teach us physics短语:一个物理变化:a physical change化学(n):chenistry化学(adj):chemical短语:化学老师:chemistry teacher产生一个化学物质:produce a chemical一个化学变化:a chemical change9:噪音(n-adj):noise-noisy短语:制造噪音:make noise短语:更少吵闹:less noisy10:危害(n-adj-adj反义):harm-harmful-harmless对某人有害(三种):do harm to sb = be harmful to sb = be bad for sb对...有好处(两种):do good to = be good for11:叶子(n-pl):leaf-leaves围巾(n-pl):scarf-scarves生命(n-pl):life-lives气体(n-pl):gas-gases12:交流(v-n):communicate-coommunicationU2P21:让/使某人做某事:make sb/sth do sth让/使某人怎样:make sb/sth + adj例句:使街道更加漂亮:make streets more beautiful例句:使树叶变得难吃:make leaves taste nasty2:保持某人/物怎样:keep sb/sth + adj例句:保持我们教室干净:keep our classroom clean例句:保持安静/健康:keep quiet/healthy例句:保持我们活着:keep us alive保持门/窗开/关着:keep the door/window open/closed3:来自(城市国家)(两种):come from = be from4:感谢某人做某事:thank sb for doing sth例句:谢谢你帮助我(两种):thank you for your help = thank you for helping me5:与某人交谈:communicate with sb6:互相(两种):one another = each other7:砍伐树木:cut down trees8:也,还(三种):as well as = and = and...as well//as well as放在句中,and放在句中,and...as well放在句末例句:树不仅清洁空气也使空气凉爽:(三种)trees cool the air as well as clean it = trees cool the air and clean it = trees cool the air and clean it as well9:攻击(v):attack损坏(v):damage摧毁(v):destroy10:替代,替换(v):replace释放(v):release减少(v):reduce生产(v):produce11:一个半年(两种):one and a half years = one year and a half两个半小时(两种):two and a half hours = two hours and a half12:参军:join the army入党:join the party加入俱乐部:join the club加入某人:join sb例句:你能不能加入我们:would you like join us?参加(两种)+:join in = take part in + 群众性活动短语:根连在一起:join roots together13:把某物递还给某人:pass sth to sb14:经营,运作公司/工厂:manage/run a company/factory保持机器工作,运转(两种):keep the machine runnning/working15:尝起来怎么样:taste + adj美味(三种):delicious/nice/good味道差(三种):terrible/awaful/bad16:采访某人/面试某人:interview sb一个面试:an interview17:警告某人不要做某事:warn sb not to do sth18:关于:on/about19:通过做某事保护某人:protect sb by doing sth例句:树通过产生一种化学物质保护自己:trees protect themselves by producing a chemical保护某人免于某事:protect sb from sth例句:保护我们免于火灾/危险:protect us from fire/danger保护某人免于做某事:protect sb from doing sth例句:警察保护我们免于受到坏人的伤害:The police protect us from getting hurt by bad people 20:生产,产生(v):produce产品(n):product21:几乎不,否定副词:hardly几乎没有(两种):hardly any = almost none/no几乎从来(两种):hardly ever = almost never例句:我几乎不能相信自己的眼睛:I could hardly believe my eyes22:举例(三种,后面加):forexample, + 句子/such as + n/n短语= like + n/n短语23:动词变ing四种形式:+ing/去结尾不发音e+ing/ie结尾变y+ing/辅元辅结尾双写+ing U2P31:日常的(adj):daily日报:daily paper2:耐心的(adj):patient不耐烦的(adj):impatient耐心地(adv):paintly病人(n):patient3:舒适的(adj):comfortable不舒适的(adj):uncomfortable舒适地(adv):comfortably4:放松(v-adj人-adj物):relax-relaxed-relaxing5:疑惑(v-adj人-adj物):puzzle-puzzled-puzzling6:清洁,净化:clean up清洁,净化(n):cleaning做一些清洁:do some cleaning一次彻底的净化:a thorough cleaning短语:保持教室清洁:keep the classroom clean7:冷冻,冰冻(v-过去式-过去分词):freeze-froze-frozen冰冷的(adj):freezing冷冻的(adj):frozen极冷的天气:freezing weather冷冻食品:frozen8:彻底的(adj-adv):thorough-thoroughlyU2P41:刷牙:brush one's teeth2:打开/关闭水龙头/电视/灯:turn on/off + the tap/TV/lights处于开启、关闭状态:be on/off3:把A倒入B:pour A into B4:浪费/节约水/纸张/时间/钱:waste/save water/paper/time/money5:遵守/破坏规则/法律:obey/follow/break the rule/law6:以...的速度:at the speed of平均速度:average speed加速(v-过去式-过去分词):speed-sped-sped7:到某事的时间了:It's time for sth例句:到上课/晚餐的时间了:It's time for class/dinner到做某事的时间了:It's time to do sth例句:到起床的时间了:It's time to get up8:把A加入B中:add A to B9:大量的(两种):a huge amount of = huge amounts of10:仍然是:remain the same11:看四周:look aroundlook up两种意思:查阅字典/向上看寻找:look for照顾:look after看着:look at当心/向外看:look out12:记得不要做某事:remember (not) to do sth例句:记得不要浪费时间:remember not to waster the time 13:回答,答复(v)(两种):reply = answerreply的过去式:replied14:一滴水:a drop of water把我降落到溪水里:drop me into the water15:降落(v):fall漂流(v):float上升(v):rise流动(v):flow16:你说某物是什么意思:what do you mean by sth?17:增加:increase保持:remain (the same)减少:decrease18:水的化学符号是H2O:The chemical symbol for water is H2O 19:休息(v):rest短语:好好休息:have a good rest20:工厂(三种):works/plant/factory作品(n):worksU2P51:服务(v):serve服务(un):service服务(pl):services仆人(n):servant短语:在军队服务:serve in the army短语:一个好仆人:a good servant短语:因为它的食物与服务而著名:be famous for its food and service短语:公共/汽车服务:public/bus services2:电(n-adj-adj另):electricity-electric-electronic短语:电动玩具/灯:electric toys/lights短语:电子计算器:electronic claculator短语:电子词典:electronic dictionaries3:愚弄(v-adj):fool-foolish自己(n):self自私的(adj):selfish孩子(n):child孩子气的(adj):childish4:解释,说明(v-n):explain-explanation短语:一个说明:an explanation耐心地/礼貌地/清楚地向某人解释某事:explain sth to sb patiently/politely/clearly //5是adj-adv与前文重复,不抄6:照顾某人(三种):take care of sb = look after sb = care for sb当心某人/物:be careful with sb/sthcare for的两种意思:照顾/喜欢7:看得见的(adj-反义):visible-invisible8:改变(v-adj):change-changeable短语:多变的天气:changeable weather把A变成B:change A into B9:风俗习惯,海关(n):custom顾客(n):customer//10与以前重复,不抄11:勇气(n):courage鼓励(n):encourage鼓励某人做某事:encourage sb to do sth12:电池(n-pl):battery-batteries13:包含,含有(v):contain容器(n):container//Batteries are packets that contain electricity14:每日的,每天(adj/adv):daily日报:daily paper日常生活:daily life每月的(adj/adv):monthly月刊:monthly magazines每月的(两种):monthly = every month年收入:yearly income短语:周报:weekly paper每年的(两种):yearly = every year每周的(两种):weekly = every weekU2P61:发电站:power station火车站:railway station2:账单:bill清单:list菜单:menu3:粗的(adj-比较级):thick-thicker胖的(adj-比较级):fat-fatter更瘦:thinner4:形式,形态/形成:form短语:能量的不同形式:different forms of energy短语:养成一个好习惯:form a good habit5:把A连到B上:connect A to BA被连到B上:A be connected to B例句:细电线被连到粗电线上:Thin wires are connected to thick wires 6:叫某人...:call sb/sth + 名称/称呼短语:把细电线称作电缆:call thin wires cables7:在某种程度上(两种):in a way = partly8:对,答对了:That's right你是对的:You're right没关系(两种):That's all right = It doesn't matter9:A:我能做某事吗:A:May I do sth?B:是的,你可以/不,你不可以/恐怕你不可以:Yes,you may/No,you may not/I'm afraid you can't 10:看起来像:look likelook like指:外在/外貌怎样的...:be likebe like指:外在/外貌或内在/性格what用:what...look like/be likehow后用:how...like天气怎么样?(两种):what's the weather like? = How is the weather?11:打开/关闭:switch on/off12:测试,测验(v/n):test做一个测试:have a test13:在某人脸上:on one's face14:在某人身上耍一个花招:play a trick on sbU2P71:开会(两种):have a meeting = hold a meeting2:列清单(v):list列一个清单:make a list3:对某人免费:be free to sb免费:for free4:建议(v-n-pl):suggest-suggestion-suggestions建议某人应当做某事:suggest that sb (should) do sth5:在A与B中间:between A and B6:讨论(v-n):discuss-discussion做一个讨论:discussion7:选择(v-n-pl):choose-choice-choices做出选择:make a choice8:决定(不)要做某事:decide (not) to do sth决定(v-n):decide-decision作出决定:make a decision9:负责做某事(三种):be responsible for sth = be in charge of sth = take charge of sth10:总共,总计(两种):in all = altogether11:上/这/下学期:last/this/next term12:团队(n):team团队合作(n):team work13:就某事与某人达成一致:agree with sb on sth14:秘密(n):secret秘书:secretary15:考虑做某事(两种):consider doing sth = think of doing sth16:想到,想起:think of例句:你能想到一个例子吗:Can you think of an example你认为某人/物怎么样?(两种):what do you think of sb/sth? = How do you like sb/sth 17:仔细考虑:think it over仔细商谈:talk it over18:应当做某事(两种):should do sth = ought to do sth不应当做某事(两种):should not do sth = ought not to do sth14:经验/经历(n):experienceexperience作经历时是:cnexperience作经验时是:un20:建议(v-n):advise-advice接受某人的建议:take one's advice一条建议:a piece of advice例句:你给我们的建议是多么有用啊:What useful advice you're given us!建议某人不要做某事:advise sb (not) to do sthU2P81:珍贵的(adj)(两种):precious = valuable价值(n):value珍贵的(比较级):more precious/valuable2:出版(v):publish3:记笔记:take notes4:投票给某人:vote for sb5:设计(v):design设计师(n):designer6:阅览室:reading room读者:reader7:景色,风景(n):view例句:我想要一个有好风景的房间:I want a room with a good view8:a bit,a little第一种用法,与另一个形式相等:a bit/little + adj/adv原级= kind of + adj/adv原级短语:有点忙:a bit busy = kind of busya bit/a little第二种用法:a bit/little + 比较级9:有某人/物:with sb/sth例句:一个有着好风景的房间:a room with a good view没有某人/物:without sb/sth例句:我们离开水不能生存:We can't live without water例句:孩子们不应该在没有家长陪伴下烹饪:Children shouldn't cook without their parents没有做某事:without doing sth例句:他们匆忙地离开了没有说再见:They left in a hurry without saying goodbye10:赢得地1/2/3等奖:win the first/second/third prize赢得(v-过去式-过去分词):win-won-won赢得(v-过去式-过去分词):win-won-won11:向某人寻求某物:ask (sb) for sth短语:向我们征求建议:ask us for advice/suggestions短语:向我们求助:ask us for help短语:向我们讨钱、食物:ask us for money/food向我们请假:ask us for leave12:班长:monitor校长(n):headmaster13:保持/打破世界纪录:keep/break the world record14:if作如果用于什么句子:条件状语从句时态:一般现在时if作是否用于什么句子:宾语从句等于:whether时态:看具体情况例句:我不知道kitty明天是否会来:I don't know if Kitty will come tomorrow例句:如果她要来,我会告诉你:If she comes,I'll tell you15:青年时期(n):youth天才,天赋(n):talent委员会(n):committeeU2P91:编辑(v-n):edit-editor短语:一名编辑:an editor主编:the chief editor2:推选某人为:elect sb to be + 职位选举某人作为:elect sb as + 职位3:安排(v-n):arrange-arrangement安排做某事:arrange to do sth4:(使)结束(两种):conclude = come to an end5:同意某人:agree with sb认同某事:agree on sth就某事与某人达成一致:agree with sb on sth同意做某事:agree to do sth6:我不知道(两种):I have no idea = I don't know我有一个好主意:I have a good ideaA:我们去购物吧?:Shall we go shopping?B:好主意:That's a good idea7:简短(adj-adv):brief-briefly短语:一个简短的自我介绍:a brief self-introduction短语:简短地介绍自己:introduce myself briefly8:文章(n):article段落:paragraph(文章中的)段落,章节:passage乘客(n):passenger9:聚集(v):gather一起(adv):together短语:相聚:together10:就某事向某人抱怨/投诉:complain to sb about sth例句:顾客就不好的服务向经理抱怨:The customer complained to the manager about the bad service抱怨,投诉(n):complaint短语:做一个投诉:make a complaint11:我赢得了一等奖:I won the first prize我过了驾驶考试:I passed the driving test我在考试中得了A:I got an A in the exam我的同学选举我作为班长:My classmates have elected me to be monitor恭喜:Congratulations做的很好,好样的:Well done这是一个好新闻(两种adj):That's wonderful/good news我为你感到高兴/快乐(3种):I'm happy/glad/delighted for you你值得赢/通过:You deserved to win/pass12:我们输了足球比赛:We lost the football match我驾驶考试失败了:I failed the driving test我没有通过考试:I didn't pass the exam我在考试中得了"D":I got a "D" in the exam我的钱包丢了:I lost my wallet有个人把我的车偷了:Some one stole my car噢,我很抱歉:Oh,I'm sorry真遗憾,真可惜(2种):What a shame!/what a pity真糟糕(2种):That's terrible = how awafulU2P101;人(n-pl-adj-adv):person-people-personal-personally来自(2种):by oneself = in person个人而言:personally speaking个人信务:personal information2:位置,场所(v-n):locate-location例句:你能告诉我sp的位置吗:Could you tell me the location of sp?短语:位于城市中心:be located in the city center短语:位于小岛上:be located on the island3:经营(v):manage经理(n):manager成功做某事(3种):manager to do sth = succeed in doing sth = be successful (in doing) sth 4:戏剧性事件(n-adj):drama-dramatic5:感觉(n-adj):sense-sensible幽默感:sense of humor你很明智:You are sensible一个明智的人:a sensible man6:死(v-过去式-过去分词):die-died-died死的(adj):deaddead用法(2种):be + dead/dead + n死亡(n):death某人的死亡(2种):one's death/sb's death7:预定一个房间/一张票/一张飞机票:book a room/a ticket/an air ticket8:进入场所(2种):walk into + 场所= enter + 场所9:允许某人做某事:allow sb to do sth被允许做某事:be allowed to do sth例句:我的妈妈不允许我玩电脑游戏:My mother doesn't allow me to play computer games 我不被允许玩电脑游戏:I'm not allowed to play computer games10:消失在视野中:out of sight视力:eyesight观光:sightseeing观光(v):sight11:马上,立即(2种):at once = immediately12:服务(n):service表面(n):surface13:在某人/物旁边:beside sb/sth除了某人/物(包括在内):besides sb/sth14:醒(v):wake-woke-woken醒来:wake up弄醒某人:wake sb up例句:查理弄醒了我:Charlie woke me up15:节约(v):save浪费(v):waste拯救某人生命:save one's life失去某人生命:lose one's life安全的(adj):safesafe用法(3种):be + safe/feel safe/keep sb safe from dangerU2P111:火灾警报:fire alarm火灾(安全)出口:fire exit消防车:fire engine火灾安全规则:fire safety fules2:突然发生巨响:go offgo out两种意思:灯/火熄灭/ 出去3:序数词用法(三个词):the/one's + 序数词+ cn单数短语:我第12岁生日:my twelfth birthday4:湿的:wet干的:drywet(v-过去式-过去分词):wet-wet-wet干的:dry-dried-dried5:带某人/某物去某地(地点名词):take sb/sth to sp例句:带狗去公园:take the dog to the park带某人/某物去某地(地点adv):take sb/sth + 地点adv 随身带某物:take sth with sb6:带某物给某人(2):bring sb sth = bring sth to sb带某人/物到某地来:bring sth/sb to sp带来(v-过去式-过去分词):bring-brought-brought7:带领,引领(v-过去式-过去分词):lead-led-led带领某人去某地:lead sb to sp领导,领袖:leader8:借来(v-过去式-过去分词):borrow-borrowed-borrowed 从某人处借来某物:borrow sth from sb借去(v-过去式-过去分词):lend-lent-lent借某物给某人(2种):lend sb sth = lend sth to sb9:表示一类人:the + adj盲人:the blind聋哑人:the deaf10:全心全意为人们服务:serve people heart and soul 11:属于某人:belong to sb例句:这本书属于我:this book belongs to me例句:这是我的书:this is my book例句:这本书是我的书:this book is mine12:回答(v):reply重复(v):repeat再利用(v):reuse重建(v):rebuild复习(v):review13:主人,房东:host客人,旅客:guest14:喊(v):shout哭(v):cry惊叫(v):exclaim狗叫(v):bark15:毛巾(n):towel毯子:blanket窗帘:curtain16:麻烦,困境(un):trouble处于困境:be in trouble脱离困境:be out of trouble17:反对,反抗(prep):against违反规定:against the rules短语:违反大自然:against nature短语:抗击污染:against the pollution18:...后(三个单词):段时间+later+句子数秒后:seconds later片刻后:minutes later短语:几小时后:hours later几年后:years later19:问路(3种,不用宾语从句):where is sp?= which is the way to sp? = how can I get to sp?问路(4种,宾语从句):Could you tell me where sp is/the way to sp/how I can get to sp/the location to sp20:描述(v-n):describe-description21:沿着(prep):along(横)穿过:across(内部穿过):across横穿过马路:walk across the road沿着河边走:walk along the river从门/窗进入:go throw the door/window22:一...就:as soon asas soon as 常考时态(2种):主将从现/主过从过23:5种感官:look/smell/taste/sound/feel + adj看起来像:look like感觉起来像:feel like24:警示,提醒某人(5种):Be careful = take care = look out = watch out = mind25:before/after作为连词的用法:before/after + 句子before/after作为介词的用法(2种):before/after + doing / before/after + nU2P121:快乐(n):joy喜欢,欣赏(v):enjoy喜欢做某事:enjoy doing sth玩得开心:enjoy oneself有能力的(adj):able使能够(v):enable使某人能够做某事:enable sb to do sth勇气(n):courage鼓励(v):encourage鼓励某人做某事:encourage sb to do sth2:远(adj-比较级(两种)):far-farther/further出国进修:go abroad for further studies进步某人的学习:further one's study3:烘焙(v-n(人)-n-pl):bake-baker-bakery-bakeries4:吸引(v-adj-n):attract-attractive-attraction5:参观,游览(v-n(人)-pl)(2种):tour-tourist-tourists visit-visitor-visitors6:旅游胜地:tourist attraction旅游目的地:tourist destination7:既然,由于(2种):now that = since + 句子既然后的句子的特性:是听说双方共知的原因例句:既然所有人多在这,让我们开始我们的会议吧:Now that everyone is here,let's begin our meeting例句:由于你很累,为什么不休息呢:Since you are tired,why not have a rest?8:遍及全世界(2种):all over the world = throughout the world9:因为某人/某物而闻名:be famous for sb/sth例句:上海因为外滩而闻名:Shanghai is famous for the Bund例句:这个饭店因为它的食物与服务而闻名:The restourant is famous for its food and service被认为/被誉为:be known as sth上海被誉为购物天堂:Shanghai is known as shopping paradise10:城市是国家的首都:城市+ the capital of + 国家伦敦-英国:London-Britain/England/the UK东京-日本:Tokyo-Japan巴黎-法国:Paris-France华盛顿-美国:WashingTon-America/the USA柏林-德国:Berlin-Germany11:one of用法(两种):one of + cn复数/one of + the + adj最高级+ cn复数+ 范围12:在某个范围内最...中的第...:the + 序数词+ adj最高级+ 范围13:告诉某人不要做某事(2种):tell sb mustn't do sth = tell sb not to do sth14:国王:king女王:queen王子:prince公主:priness城堡:castle宫殿:palace15:与...一样(两种):as + adj原级+ as = the same + n + as短语:一样的年龄(两种):as old as = the same age as短语:一样的身高(两种):as tall as = the same height as短语:一样的体重(两种):as heavy as = the same weight as短语:一样的长度(两种):as long as = the same length as短语:一样的大小(两种):as big as = the same size as16:从A到B:from A to B17:国内外:home and abroad艺术与文化:art and culture18:为某人提供帮助(2种):provide sb with sth = provide sth for sb 19:给某人某物(2种):give sb sth = give sth to sb20:到处,各处(2):everywhere = here and there21:用某人自己的话:in one's own words22:茶:tea可乐:cola酒:wine咖啡:coffee奶酪:cheese23:音乐会:concert电影节:film festival展览:exhibition地标:landmark24:出国进修:go abroad for further studies出国度暑假:go abroad for summer hoildays出国观光:go abroad for sightseeing出国玩乐:go abroad for fun25:展开,张开(v-过去式-过去分词):spread-spread-spread展开你的翅膀:spread your wings例句:把黄油涂在面包上:spread the butter on the ground26:组织(v-n):organize-organization27:举世闻名(adj):world-famous众所周知,非常有名(adj):well-known28:农业(n-adj):agriculture-agricultural景色,风景(n):scene景色优美的(adj):scenic29:极好的(adj):excellent庄稼(n):crops等级,水平:level30:步行去某地(2):walk to sp = go to sp on foot骑车去某地(3):ride a/one's bicycle to sp = go to sp by bicycle = cycle to sp乘坐公交车去某地(2):take a bus to sp = go to sp by bus乘坐火车去某地(2):take a train to sp = go to sp by train乘坐飞机去某地(2):take a plane to sp = go to sp by plane/air乘坐地铁去某地(2):take an/the underground to sp = go to sp by underground 31:在某种程度上(2):in a way = partly用这样/那样的方式:in this/that way在某些方面:in some ways挡在路中:in the way在某人去某地的路上(2):on the way to sp = on one's way to sp顺便说一下:by the wayby the way的作用:用于切换话题32:对某人有影响:have influence on sbU2P131:法国(国家-语言-国籍-人民(pl)):France-French-Franch-French美国:America-English-American-Americans德国:Germany-German-German-Germans中国:China-Chinese-Chinese-Chinese日本:Japan-Japanese-Japanese-Japanese英国:Britain-English-British-British英格兰:England-English-English-English法国人(n-pl):frenchman-frenchmen英国人(n-pl):englishman-englishmen2:主动提供某人某物(2):offer sb sth = offer sth to sb主动提出做某事:offer to do sth//3:疑问词+ sb + 情态动词/will do sth = 疑问词+ to do与上学期笔记重合4:与...不同:be different from与...相似:be similar to与...一样:be the smae as5:有能力的(adj):able使某人能够做某事:enable sb to do sth能力(n):ability6:比起B更喜欢A(2):like A better than B = prefer A to B比起...更喜欢...:prefer doing to doing喜欢/选择(单三形式,2个动词):likes/prefers喜欢/选择(过去式,2个动词):liked-preferred某人最喜欢(2):sb like.... best = one's favourite例句:我最喜欢英语(2):I like English best = English si my favourite 7:曾经做过某事:used to do sthused可以看成:did/didn't + use用某物做某事(2):use sth to do sth = use sth for doing sth某物被用来做某事(2):be used to sth = be used for doing sth习惯于做某事(2个动词):be/get used to doing sth8:在...中受欢迎:be popular among + n复数9:领导,带领(v-过去式-过去分词):lead-led-led带领某人去某地:lead sb to sp领导(n):leader领先的,重要的(adj):leading10:埃菲尔铁塔:the Eiffel Tower比萨斜塔:the Leaning Tower of Pisa凯旋门:the Are de Triomphe(跨过)英吉利海峡:(across) the English Channel(穿过)海峡隧道:(through) the channel tunnel11:介意做某事:mind doing sth使某人想起某事:remind sb of sth12:上床睡觉:go to bed去上学:go to school去工作:go to work13:在家:at home在工作:at work在上学:at school14:吃药:take the medicine药(n):madicine医药的(adj):madical15:吃早/中/晚饭:have/est breakfast/lunch/dinner16:窄的(adj):narrow宽的(adj):wide17:某人自己做某事(2):on one's own = by oneself18:法国:France参观法国:visit France从法国来:from France法式食品/餐馆:French food/restaurant法国人:the French短语:他们是法国人:They are French讲法国话:speak French19:加,添加(v):add添加(n):addtion另外:In addition, + 句子20:尝试(v-过去式-过去分词):try-tried-tried努力做某事:try to do sth尽某人最大努力:try one's best to do sth尝试做某事:try doing sth试一试:have a try再试一次:have another tryU2P141:一个成人(2):a adult = a grown-up成人(pl)(2):adults = grown-ups2:看着某人/某物:look at sb/sth看一部电影:see a film看电视/一个足球比赛:watch TV/ a football match看书/杂志/新闻报纸:read books/magazines/newspapers 3:考虑做某事(2):think about doing sth = consider doing sth 4:继续做另外一件事:go on to do sth继续做同一件事:go on doing sth5:关注某人/某物:pay attention to sb/sth6:安静的(adj-n):silent-silence7:独自生活:live alone感到孤单:feel lonely8:公平的(adh-反义):fair-unfair公平竞争:fair play9:建筑工人:builder建筑物:building10:在空中:in the sky/air11:谢天谢地:thank goodness12:诗人(n):poet诗(n):poem诗歌:poetry13:与某人闲聊(2):chat with sb = have a chat with sb14:假装做某事:pretend to do sth15:横穿街道(3):cross the street = go across the street = walk across the street生气的(adj)(2):cross = angry16:像...一样:be like sb/sth + p.p17:训斥某人:scold sb罚某人放学后留校:put sb in detention18:令人觉得无聊(2)(adj):boring = dull人感到乏味:bored短语:一场无聊的电影:a boring film短语:一个让人觉得枯燥无味的人:a boring man19:interesting两种意义:人有趣/物有趣一个有趣的人:a interesting man人感兴趣的:interested对做某事有兴趣:be interested in doing sth对做某事显示出兴趣:show interested in doing sth20:物令人愉悦的:pleasant人满意的:pleased对某人满意(2):7be pleased with sb = be satis fied with sb乐事(n):pleasure帮助前的感到荣幸:with pleasure帮助后的感到荣幸:It's my pleasure21:耐心的(adj-反义-adv):patient-impatient-patiently对某人耐心:be patient with sb病人,是否可数:patient cn22:诚实的(adj-反义-n-反义n):honest-dishonest-honesty-dishonesty例句:她是一个诚实的女孩,她从不说谎:She is an honest girl.She never tells lies 例句:没有人喜欢Tom因为他不诚实:Nobody likes Tom because he is dishonest 例句:诚实是最重要的东西:honesty is the most important thing23:你们为什么不做某事呢:why don't you do sth?为什么不做某事呢:why not do sth我们为什么不做某事呢:why don't we do sth?我们做某事好吗:Shall we do sth?让我们做某事吧:Let's do sth这是一个好主意/听起来不错:That's a good idea/Sounds good 24:新闻(un/cn):news un一则新闻:a piece of news真是好消息:What good news it is!报纸(un/cn):newspaper纸(un/cn):paper一张纸:a piece of paper25:海洋:Ocean大海:sea湖:lake江河:river池塘:pond瀑布:waterful井:well。
U2P11:生活(n):live活着的,作定语(adj):living活着的,作表语或补语(adj):alive短语:生物:living things例句:保持我们活着:keep us alive例句:我们活着:we are alive生活,生命(n-pl):life-lives短语:拯救某人生命:save one's life短语:丧生:lose one's life日常生活:daily life2:呼吸(n-v):breath-breathe短语:深呼吸:take a deep breath短语:喜欢呼吸纯净的空气:enjoy breathing pure air3:危险(n):danger危险(adj):dangerous短语:在很大的危险中:in great danger短语:一个危险的仆人:a dangerous servant4:污染(n-v):pollute-pollution短语:空气/水/噪音污染:air/water/noise pollution 短语:污染空气/水:pollute the air/water5:科学(n):science科学家(n):scientist6:打架,战斗(v):fight战士,斗士:fighter短语:和污染战斗:fight against pollution短语:为自由而战:fight for freedom短语:污染斗士:pollution fighters7:自然(n-adj):nature-natural短语:自然与环境:nature and environment短语:自然的空调:natural air conditioners8:物理(n):physics物理的(adj):physical短语:物理老师:physics teacher短语:教我们物理:teach us physics短语:一个物理变化:a physical change化学(n):chenistry化学(adj):chemical短语:化学老师:chemistry teacher产生一个化学物质:produce a chemical一个化学变化:a chemical change9:噪音(n-adj):noise-noisy短语:制造噪音:make noise短语:更少吵闹:less noisy10:危害(n-adj-adj反义):harm-harmful-harmless对某人有害(三种):do harm to sb = be harmful to sb = be bad for sb对...有好处(两种):do good to = be good for11:叶子(n-pl):leaf-leaves围巾(n-pl):scarf-scarves生命(n-pl):life-lives气体(n-pl):gas-gases12:交流(v-n):communicate-coommunicationU2P21:让/使某人做某事:make sb/sth do sth让/使某人怎样:make sb/sth + adj例句:使街道更加漂亮:make streets more beautiful例句:使树叶变得难吃:make leaves taste nasty2:保持某人/物怎样:keep sb/sth + adj例句:保持我们教室干净:keep our classroom clean例句:保持安静/健康:keep quiet/healthy例句:保持我们活着:keep us alive保持门/窗开/关着:keep the door/window open/closed3:来自(城市国家)(两种):come from = be from4:感谢某人做某事:thank sb for doing sth例句:谢谢你帮助我(两种):thank you for your help = thank you for helping me5:与某人交谈:communicate with sb6:互相(两种):one another = each other7:砍伐树木:cut down trees8:也,还(三种):as well as = and = and...as well//as well as放在句中,and放在句中,and...as well放在句末例句:树不仅清洁空气也使空气凉爽:(三种)trees cool the air as well as clean it = trees cool the air and clean it = trees cool the air and clean it as well9:攻击(v):attack损坏(v):damage摧毁(v):destroy10:替代,替换(v):replace释放(v):release减少(v):reduce生产(v):produce11:一个半年(两种):one and a half years = one year and a half两个半小时(两种):two and a half hours = two hours and a half12:参军:join the army入党:join the party加入俱乐部:join the club加入某人:join sb例句:你能不能加入我们:would you like join us?参加(两种)+:join in = take part in + 群众性活动短语:根连在一起:join roots together13:把某物递还给某人:pass sth to sb14:经营,运作公司/工厂:manage/run a company/factory保持机器工作,运转(两种):keep the machine runnning/working15:尝起来怎么样:taste + adj美味(三种):delicious/nice/good味道差(三种):terrible/awaful/bad16:采访某人/面试某人:interview sb一个面试:an interview17:警告某人不要做某事:warn sb not to do sth18:关于:on/about19:通过做某事保护某人:protect sb by doing sth例句:树通过产生一种化学物质保护自己:trees protect themselves by producing a chemical保护某人免于某事:protect sb from sth例句:保护我们免于火灾/危险:protect us from fire/danger保护某人免于做某事:protect sb from doing sth例句:警察保护我们免于受到坏人的伤害:The police protect us from getting hurt by bad people 20:生产,产生(v):produce产品(n):product21:几乎不,否定副词:hardly几乎没有(两种):hardly any = almost none/no几乎从来(两种):hardly ever = almost never例句:我几乎不能相信自己的眼睛:I could hardly believe my eyes22:举例(三种,后面加):forexample, + 句子/such as + n/n短语= like + n/n短语23:动词变ing四种形式:+ing/去结尾不发音e+ing/ie结尾变y+ing/辅元辅结尾双写+ing U2P31:日常的(adj):daily日报:daily paper2:耐心的(adj):patient不耐烦的(adj):impatient耐心地(adv):paintly病人(n):patient3:舒适的(adj):comfortable不舒适的(adj):uncomfortable舒适地(adv):comfortably4:放松(v-adj人-adj物):relax-relaxed-relaxing5:疑惑(v-adj人-adj物):puzzle-puzzled-puzzling6:清洁,净化:clean up清洁,净化(n):cleaning做一些清洁:do some cleaning一次彻底的净化:a thorough cleaning短语:保持教室清洁:keep the classroom clean7:冷冻,冰冻(v-过去式-过去分词):freeze-froze-frozen冰冷的(adj):freezing冷冻的(adj):frozen极冷的天气:freezing weather冷冻食品:frozen8:彻底的(adj-adv):thorough-thoroughlyU2P41:刷牙:brush one's teeth2:打开/关闭水龙头/电视/灯:turn on/off + the tap/TV/lights处于开启、关闭状态:be on/off3:把A倒入B:pour A into B4:浪费/节约水/纸张/时间/钱:waste/save water/paper/time/money5:遵守/破坏规则/法律:obey/follow/break the rule/law6:以...的速度:at the speed of平均速度:average speed加速(v-过去式-过去分词):speed-sped-sped7:到某事的时间了:It's time for sth例句:到上课/晚餐的时间了:It's time for class/dinner到做某事的时间了:It's time to do sth例句:到起床的时间了:It's time to get up8:把A加入B中:add A to B9:大量的(两种):a huge amount of = huge amounts of10:仍然是:remain the same11:看四周:look aroundlook up两种意思:查阅字典/向上看寻找:look for照顾:look after看着:look at当心/向外看:look out12:记得不要做某事:remember (not) to do sth例句:记得不要浪费时间:remember not to waster the time 13:回答,答复(v)(两种):reply = answerreply的过去式:replied14:一滴水:a drop of water把我降落到溪水里:drop me into the water15:降落(v):fall漂流(v):float上升(v):rise流动(v):flow16:你说某物是什么意思:what do you mean by sth?17:增加:increase保持:remain (the same)减少:decrease18:水的化学符号是H2O:The chemical symbol for water is H2O 19:休息(v):rest短语:好好休息:have a good rest20:工厂(三种):works/plant/factory作品(n):worksU2P51:服务(v):serve服务(un):service服务(pl):services仆人(n):servant短语:在军队服务:serve in the army短语:一个好仆人:a good servant短语:因为它的食物和服务而著名:be famous for its food and service短语:公共/汽车服务:public/bus services2:电(n-adj-adj另):electricity-electric-electronic短语:电动玩具/灯:electric toys/lights短语:电子计算器:electronic claculator短语:电子词典:electronic dictionaries3:愚弄(v-adj):fool-foolish自己(n):self自私的(adj):selfish孩子(n):child孩子气的(adj):childish4:解释,说明(v-n):explain-explanation短语:一个说明:an explanation耐心地/礼貌地/清楚地向某人解释某事:explain sth to sb patiently/politely/clearly //5是adj-adv和前文重复,不抄6:照顾某人(三种):take care of sb = look after sb = care for sb当心某人/物:be careful with sb/sthcare for的两种意思:照顾/喜欢7:看得见的(adj-反义):visible-invisible8:改变(v-adj):change-changeable短语:多变的天气:changeable weather把A变成B:change A into B9:风俗习惯,海关(n):custom顾客(n):customer//10与以前重复,不抄11:勇气(n):courage鼓励(n):encourage鼓励某人做某事:encourage sb to do sth12:电池(n-pl):battery-batteries13:包含,含有(v):contain容器(n):container//Batteries are packets that contain electricity14:每日的,每天(adj/adv):daily日报:daily paper日常生活:daily life每月的(adj/adv):monthly月刊:monthly magazines每月的(两种):monthly = every month年收入:yearly income短语:周报:weekly paper每年的(两种):yearly = every year每周的(两种):weekly = every weekU2P61:发电站:power station火车站:railway station2:账单:bill清单:list菜单:menu3:粗的(adj-比较级):thick-thicker胖的(adj-比较级):fat-fatter更瘦:thinner4:形式,形态/形成:form短语:能量的不同形式:different forms of energy短语:养成一个好习惯:form a good habit5:把A连到B上:connect A to BA被连到B上:A be connected to B例句:细电线被连到粗电线上:Thin wires are connected to thick wires 6:叫某人...:call sb/sth + 名称/称呼短语:把细电线称作电缆:call thin wires cables7:在某种程度上(两种):in a way = partly8:对,答对了:That's right你是对的:You're right没关系(两种):That's all right = It doesn't matter9:A:我能做某事吗:A:May I do sth?B:是的,你可以/不,你不可以/恐怕你不可以:Yes,you may/No,you may not/I'm afraid you can't 10:看起来像:look likelook like指:外在/外貌怎样的...:be likebe like指:外在/外貌或内在/性格what用:what...look like/be likehow后用:how...like天气怎么样?(两种):what's the weather like? = How is the weather?11:打开/关闭:switch on/off12:测试,测验(v/n):test做一个测试:have a test13:在某人脸上:on one's face14:在某人身上耍一个花招:play a trick on sbU2P71:开会(两种):have a meeting = hold a meeting2:列清单(v):list列一个清单:make a list3:对某人免费:be free to sb免费:for free4:建议(v-n-pl):suggest-suggestion-suggestions建议某人应当做某事:suggest that sb (should) do sth5:在A和B中间:between A and B6:讨论(v-n):discuss-discussion做一个讨论:discussion7:选择(v-n-pl):choose-choice-choices做出选择:make a choice8:决定(不)要做某事:decide (not) to do sth决定(v-n):decide-decision作出决定:make a decision9:负责做某事(三种):be responsible for sth = be in charge of sth = take charge of sth10:总共,总计(两种):in all = altogether11:上/这/下学期:last/this/next term12:团队(n):team团队合作(n):team work13:就某事和某人达成一致:agree with sb on sth14:秘密(n):secret秘书:secretary15:考虑做某事(两种):consider doing sth = think of doing sth16:想到,想起:think of例句:你能想到一个例子吗:Can you think of an example你认为某人/物怎么样?(两种):what do you think of sb/sth? = How do you like sb/sth 17:仔细考虑:think it over仔细商谈:talk it over18:应当做某事(两种):should do sth = ought to do sth不应当做某事(两种):should not do sth = ought not to do sth14:经验/经历(n):experienceexperience作经历时是:cnexperience作经验时是:un20:建议(v-n):advise-advice接受某人的建议:take one's advice一条建议:a piece of advice例句:你给我们的建议是多么有用啊:What useful advice you're given us!建议某人不要做某事:advise sb (not) to do sthU2P81:珍贵的(adj)(两种):precious = valuable价值(n):value珍贵的(比较级):more precious/valuable2:出版(v):publish3:记笔记:take notes4:投票给某人:vote for sb5:设计(v):design设计师(n):designer6:阅览室:reading room读者:reader7:景色,风景(n):view例句:我想要一个有好风景的房间:I want a room with a good view8:a bit,a little第一种用法,与另一个形式相等:a bit/little + adj/adv原级= kind of + adj/adv原级短语:有点忙:a bit busy = kind of busya bit/a little第二种用法:a bit/little + 比较级9:有某人/物:with sb/sth例句:一个有着好风景的房间:a room with a good view没有某人/物:without sb/sth例句:我们离开水不能生存:We can't live without water例句:孩子们不应该在没有家长陪伴下烹饪:Children shouldn't cook without their parents没有做某事:without doing sth例句:他们匆忙地离开了没有说再见:They left in a hurry without saying goodbye10:赢得地1/2/3等奖:win the first/second/third prize赢得(v-过去式-过去分词):win-won-won赢得(v-过去式-过去分词):win-won-won11:向某人寻求某物:ask (sb) for sth短语:向我们征求建议:ask us for advice/suggestions短语:向我们求助:ask us for help短语:向我们讨钱、食物:ask us for money/food向我们请假:ask us for leave12:班长:monitor校长(n):headmaster13:保持/打破世界纪录:keep/break the world record14:if作如果用于什么句子:条件状语从句时态:一般现在时if作是否用于什么句子:宾语从句等于:whether时态:看具体情况例句:我不知道kitty明天是否会来:I don't know if Kitty will come tomorrow例句:如果她要来,我会告诉你:If she comes,I'll tell you15:青年时期(n):youth天才,天赋(n):talent委员会(n):committeeU2P91:编辑(v-n):edit-editor短语:一名编辑:an editor主编:the chief editor2:推选某人为:elect sb to be + 职位选举某人作为:elect sb as + 职位3:安排(v-n):arrange-arrangement安排做某事:arrange to do sth4:(使)结束(两种):conclude = come to an end5:同意某人:agree with sb认同某事:agree on sth就某事与某人达成一致:agree with sb on sth同意做某事:agree to do sth6:我不知道(两种):I have no idea = I don't know我有一个好主意:I have a good ideaA:我们去购物吧?:Shall we go shopping?B:好主意:That's a good idea7:简短(adj-adv):brief-briefly短语:一个简短的自我介绍:a brief self-introduction短语:简短地介绍自己:introduce myself briefly8:文章(n):article段落:paragraph(文章中的)段落,章节:passage乘客(n):passenger9:聚集(v):gather一起(adv):together短语:相聚:together10:就某事向某人抱怨/投诉:complain to sb about sth例句:顾客就不好的服务向经理抱怨:The customer complained to the manager about the bad service抱怨,投诉(n):complaint短语:做一个投诉:make a complaint11:我赢得了一等奖:I won the first prize我过了驾驶考试:I passed the driving test我在考试中得了A:I got an A in the exam我的同学选举我作为班长:My classmates have elected me to be monitor恭喜:Congratulations做的很好,好样的:Well done这是一个好新闻(两种adj):That's wonderful/good news我为你感到高兴/快乐(3种):I'm happy/glad/delighted for you你值得赢/通过:You deserved to win/pass12:我们输了足球比赛:We lost the football match我驾驶考试失败了:I failed the driving test我没有通过考试:I didn't pass the exam我在考试中得了"D":I got a "D" in the exam我的钱包丢了:I lost my wallet有个人把我的车偷了:Some one stole my car噢,我很抱歉:Oh,I'm sorry真遗憾,真可惜(2种):What a shame!/what a pity真糟糕(2种):That's terrible = how awafulU2P101;人(n-pl-adj-adv):person-people-personal-personally来自(2种):by oneself = in person个人而言:personally speaking个人信务:personal information2:位置,场所(v-n):locate-location例句:你能告诉我sp的位置吗:Could you tell me the location of sp?短语:位于城市中心:be located in the city center短语:位于小岛上:be located on the island3:经营(v):manage经理(n):manager成功做某事(3种):manager to do sth = succeed in doing sth = be successful (in doing) sth 4:戏剧性事件(n-adj):drama-dramatic5:感觉(n-adj):sense-sensible幽默感:sense of humor你很明智:You are sensible一个明智的人:a sensible man6:死(v-过去式-过去分词):die-died-died死的(adj):deaddead用法(2种):be + dead/dead + n死亡(n):death某人的死亡(2种):one's death/sb's death7:预定一个房间/一张票/一张飞机票:book a room/a ticket/an air ticket8:进入场所(2种):walk into + 场所= enter + 场所9:允许某人做某事:allow sb to do sth被允许做某事:be allowed to do sth例句:我的妈妈不允许我玩电脑游戏:My mother doesn't allow me to play computer games 我不被允许玩电脑游戏:I'm not allowed to play computer games10:消失在视野中:out of sight视力:eyesight观光:sightseeing观光(v):sight11:马上,立即(2种):at once = immediately12:服务(n):service表面(n):surface13:在某人/物旁边:beside sb/sth除了某人/物(包括在内):besides sb/sth14:醒(v):wake-woke-woken醒来:wake up弄醒某人:wake sb up例句:查理弄醒了我:Charlie woke me up15:节约(v):save浪费(v):waste拯救某人生命:save one's life失去某人生命:lose one's life安全的(adj):safesafe用法(3种):be + safe/feel safe/keep sb safe from dangerU2P111:火灾警报:fire alarm火灾(安全)出口:fire exit消防车:fire engine火灾安全规则:fire safety fules2:突然发生巨响:go offgo out两种意思:灯/火熄灭/ 出去3:序数词用法(三个词):the/one's + 序数词+ cn单数短语:我第12岁生日:my twelfth birthday4:湿的:wet干的:drywet(v-过去式-过去分词):wet-wet-wet干的:dry-dried-dried5:带某人/某物去某地(地点名词):take sb/sth to sp例句:带狗去公园:take the dog to the park带某人/某物去某地(地点adv):take sb/sth + 地点adv 随身带某物:take sth with sb6:带某物给某人(2):bring sb sth = bring sth to sb带某人/物到某地来:bring sth/sb to sp带来(v-过去式-过去分词):bring-brought-brought7:带领,引领(v-过去式-过去分词):lead-led-led带领某人去某地:lead sb to sp领导,领袖:leader8:借来(v-过去式-过去分词):borrow-borrowed-borrowed 从某人处借来某物:borrow sth from sb借去(v-过去式-过去分词):lend-lent-lent借某物给某人(2种):lend sb sth = lend sth to sb9:表示一类人:the + adj盲人:the blind聋哑人:the deaf10:全心全意为人们服务:serve people heart and soul 11:属于某人:belong to sb例句:这本书属于我:this book belongs to me例句:这是我的书:this is my book例句:这本书是我的书:this book is mine12:回答(v):reply重复(v):repeat再利用(v):reuse重建(v):rebuild复习(v):review13:主人,房东:host客人,旅客:guest14:喊(v):shout哭(v):cry惊叫(v):exclaim狗叫(v):bark15:毛巾(n):towel毯子:blanket窗帘:curtain16:麻烦,困境(un):trouble处于困境:be in trouble脱离困境:be out of trouble17:反对,反抗(prep):against违反规定:against the rules短语:违反大自然:against nature短语:抗击污染:against the pollution18:...后(三个单词):段时间+later+句子数秒后:seconds later片刻后:minutes later短语:几小时后:hours later几年后:years later19:问路(3种,不用宾语从句):where is sp?= which is the way to sp? = how can I get to sp?问路(4种,宾语从句):Could you tell me where sp is/the way to sp/how I can get to sp/the location to sp20:描述(v-n):describe-description21:沿着(prep):along(横)穿过:across(内部穿过):across横穿过马路:walk across the road沿着河边走:walk along the river从门/窗进入:go throw the door/window22:一...就:as soon asas soon as 常考时态(2种):主将从现/主过从过23:5种感官:look/smell/taste/sound/feel + adj看起来像:look like感觉起来像:feel like24:警示,提醒某人(5种):Be careful = take care = look out = watch out = mind25:before/after作为连词的用法:before/after + 句子before/after作为介词的用法(2种):before/after + doing / before/after + nU2P121:快乐(n):joy喜欢,欣赏(v):enjoy喜欢做某事:enjoy doing sth玩得开心:enjoy oneself有能力的(adj):able使能够(v):enable使某人能够做某事:enable sb to do sth勇气(n):courage鼓励(v):encourage鼓励某人做某事:encourage sb to do sth2:远(adj-比较级(两种)):far-farther/further出国进修:go abroad for further studies进步某人的学习:further one's study3:烘焙(v-n(人)-n-pl):bake-baker-bakery-bakeries4:吸引(v-adj-n):attract-attractive-attraction5:参观,游览(v-n(人)-pl)(2种):tour-tourist-tourists visit-visitor-visitors6:旅游胜地:tourist attraction旅游目的地:tourist destination7:既然,由于(2种):now that = since + 句子既然后的句子的特性:是听说双方共知的原因例句:既然所有人多在这,让我们开始我们的会议吧:Now that everyone is here,let's begin our meeting例句:由于你很累,为什么不休息呢:Since you are tired,why not have a rest?8:遍及全世界(2种):all over the world = throughout the world9:因为某人/某物而闻名:be famous for sb/sth例句:上海因为外滩而闻名:Shanghai is famous for the Bund例句:这个饭店因为它的食物和服务而闻名:The restourant is famous for its food and service被认为/被誉为:be known as sth上海被誉为购物天堂:Shanghai is known as shopping paradise10:城市是国家的首都:城市+ the capital of + 国家伦敦-英国:London-Britain/England/the UK东京-日本:Tokyo-Japan巴黎-法国:Paris-France华盛顿-美国:WashingTon-America/the USA柏林-德国:Berlin-Germany11:one of用法(两种):one of + cn复数/one of + the + adj最高级+ cn复数+ 范围12:在某个范围内最...中的第...:the + 序数词+ adj最高级+ 范围13:告诉某人不要做某事(2种):tell sb mustn't do sth = tell sb not to do sth14:国王:king女王:queen王子:prince公主:priness城堡:castle宫殿:palace15:和...一样(两种):as + adj原级+ as = the same + n + as短语:一样的年龄(两种):as old as = the same age as短语:一样的身高(两种):as tall as = the same height as短语:一样的体重(两种):as heavy as = the same weight as短语:一样的长度(两种):as long as = the same length as短语:一样的大小(两种):as big as = the same size as16:从A到B:from A to B17:国内外:home and abroad艺术与文化:art and culture18:为某人提供帮助(2种):provide sb with sth = provide sth for sb 19:给某人某物(2种):give sb sth = give sth to sb20:到处,各处(2):everywhere = here and there21:用某人自己的话:in one's own words22:茶:tea可乐:cola酒:wine咖啡:coffee奶酪:cheese23:音乐会:concert电影节:film festival展览:exhibition地标:landmark24:出国进修:go abroad for further studies出国度暑假:go abroad for summer hoildays出国观光:go abroad for sightseeing出国玩乐:go abroad for fun25:展开,张开(v-过去式-过去分词):spread-spread-spread展开你的翅膀:spread your wings例句:把黄油涂在面包上:spread the butter on the ground26:组织(v-n):organize-organization27:举世闻名(adj):world-famous众所周知,非常有名(adj):well-known28:农业(n-adj):agriculture-agricultural景色,风景(n):scene景色优美的(adj):scenic29:极好的(adj):excellent庄稼(n):crops等级,水平:level30:步行去某地(2):walk to sp = go to sp on foot骑车去某地(3):ride a/one's bicycle to sp = go to sp by bicycle = cycle to sp乘坐公交车去某地(2):take a bus to sp = go to sp by bus乘坐火车去某地(2):take a train to sp = go to sp by train乘坐飞机去某地(2):take a plane to sp = go to sp by plane/air乘坐地铁去某地(2):take an/the underground to sp = go to sp by underground 31:在某种程度上(2):in a way = partly用这样/那样的方式:in this/that way在某些方面:in some ways挡在路中:in the way在某人去某地的路上(2):on the way to sp = on one's way to sp顺便说一下:by the wayby the way的作用:用于切换话题32:对某人有影响:have influence on sbU2P131:法国(国家-语言-国籍-人民(pl)):France-French-Franch-French美国:America-English-American-Americans德国:Germany-German-German-Germans中国:China-Chinese-Chinese-Chinese日本:Japan-Japanese-Japanese-Japanese英国:Britain-English-British-British英格兰:England-English-English-English法国人(n-pl):frenchman-frenchmen英国人(n-pl):englishman-englishmen2:主动提供某人某物(2):offer sb sth = offer sth to sb主动提出做某事:offer to do sth//3:疑问词+ sb + 情态动词/will do sth = 疑问词+ to do与上学期笔记重合4:与...不同:be different from与...相似:be similar to与...一样:be the smae as5:有能力的(adj):able使某人能够做某事:enable sb to do sth能力(n):ability6:比起B更喜欢A(2):like A better than B = prefer A to B比起...更喜欢...:prefer doing to doing喜欢/选择(单三形式,2个动词):likes/prefers喜欢/选择(过去式,2个动词):liked-preferred某人最喜欢(2):sb like.... best = one's favourite例句:我最喜欢英语(2):I like English best = English si my favourite 7:曾经做过某事:used to do sthused可以看成:did/didn't + use用某物做某事(2):use sth to do sth = use sth for doing sth某物被用来做某事(2):be used to sth = be used for doing sth习惯于做某事(2个动词):be/get used to doing sth8:在...中受欢迎:be popular among + n复数9:领导,带领(v-过去式-过去分词):lead-led-led带领某人去某地:lead sb to sp领导(n):leader领先的,重要的(adj):leading10:埃菲尔铁塔:the Eiffel Tower比萨斜塔:the Leaning Tower of Pisa凯旋门:the Are de Triomphe(跨过)英吉利海峡:(across) the English Channel(穿过)海峡隧道:(through) the channel tunnel11:介意做某事:mind doing sth使某人想起某事:remind sb of sth12:上床睡觉:go to bed去上学:go to school去工作:go to work13:在家:at home在工作:at work在上学:at school14:吃药:take the medicine药(n):madicine医药的(adj):madical15:吃早/中/晚饭:have/est breakfast/lunch/dinner16:窄的(adj):narrow宽的(adj):wide17:某人自己做某事(2):on one's own = by oneself18:法国:France参观法国:visit France从法国来:from France法式食品/餐馆:French food/restaurant法国人:the French短语:他们是法国人:They are French讲法国话:speak French19:加,添加(v):add添加(n):addtion另外:In addition, + 句子20:尝试(v-过去式-过去分词):try-tried-tried努力做某事:try to do sth尽某人最大努力:try one's best to do sth尝试做某事:try doing sth试一试:have a try再试一次:have another tryU2P141:一个成人(2):a adult = a grown-up成人(pl)(2):adults = grown-ups2:看着某人/某物:look at sb/sth看一部电影:see a film看电视/一个足球比赛:watch TV/ a football match看书/杂志/新闻报纸:read books/magazines/newspapers 3:考虑做某事(2):think about doing sth = consider doing sth 4:继续做另外一件事:go on to do sth继续做同一件事:go on doing sth5:关注某人/某物:pay attention to sb/sth6:安静的(adj-n):silent-silence7:独自生活:live alone感到孤单:feel lonely8:公平的(adh-反义):fair-unfair公平竞争:fair play9:建筑工人:builder建筑物:building10:在空中:in the sky/air11:谢天谢地:thank goodness12:诗人(n):poet诗(n):poem诗歌:poetry13:与某人闲聊(2):chat with sb = have a chat with sb14:假装做某事:pretend to do sth15:横穿街道(3):cross the street = go across the street = walk across the street生气的(adj)(2):cross = angry16:像...一样:be like sb/sth + p.p17:训斥某人:scold sb罚某人放学后留校:put sb in detention18:令人觉得无聊(2)(adj):boring = dull人感到乏味:bored短语:一场无聊的电影:a boring film短语:一个让人觉得枯燥无味的人:a boring man19:interesting两种意义:人有趣/物有趣一个有趣的人:a interesting man人感兴趣的:interested对做某事有兴趣:be interested in doing sth对做某事显示出兴趣:show interested in doing sth20:物令人愉悦的:pleasant人满意的:pleased对某人满意(2):7be pleased with sb = be satis fied with sb乐事(n):pleasure帮助前的感到荣幸:with pleasure帮助后的感到荣幸:It's my pleasure21:耐心的(adj-反义-adv):patient-impatient-patiently对某人耐心:be patient with sb病人,是否可数:patient cn22:诚实的(adj-反义-n-反义n):honest-dishonest-honesty-dishonesty例句:她是一个诚实的女孩,她从不说谎:She is an honest girl.She never tells lies 例句:没有人喜欢Tom因为他不诚实:Nobody likes Tom because he is dishonest 例句:诚实是最重要的东西:honesty is the most important thing23:你们为什么不做某事呢:why don't you do sth?为什么不做某事呢:why not do sth我们为什么不做某事呢:why don't we do sth?我们做某事好吗:Shall we do sth?让我们做某事吧:Let's do sth这是一个好主意/听起来不错:That's a good idea/Sounds good 24:新闻(un/cn):news un一则新闻:a piece of news真是好消息:What good news it is!报纸(un/cn):newspaper纸(un/cn):paper一张纸:a piece of paper25:海洋:Ocean大海:sea湖:lake江河:river池塘:pond瀑布:waterful井:well。
初二下册英语知识点沪教版一、应掌握的词组:1. babysit one’s sister 照顾妹妹2. visit one’s grandmother 看望奶奶3. spend time with friends和朋友们一起度过时光4. visit cousins 看望表弟等5. Go to sports camp 去运动野营6.go to the beach 去海滩7. go camping 去野营8. Go shopping 去买东西9. go swimming 去游泳10. go boating去划船11. go skating 去溜冰12. go walking去散步13. go climbing 去登山14. go dancing去跳舞15. go hiking 去徒步远足16. go sightseeing 去观光17. go house-hunting 去找房子18.go on a hike 徒步旅行,go bike riding 骑自行车旅行,go fishing 去钓鱼19. do some shopping 买东西20. do some washing 洗衣服21. do some cooking 作饭22. do some reading 读书23. do some speaking训练口语24. do some sewing 做缝纫活25.that sounds nice 那好极了26. at home 在家27. how about=what about ……怎么样?28. how long 多长时间29. how far 多远30. how often 多长时间一次31. how much, how many 多少32. have a good time =have fun= have a wonderful time= enjoy oneself 玩得快乐,过得愉快give me the book=give the book to me 给我书,pass me the cup=pass the cup to me 把杯子递给我,sell me the house=sell the house to me 把房子卖给我buy me a book =buy a book for me 给我买书,make me a cake=make a cake for me给我做蛋糕44. Ask her about her plans 向她询问她的方案ask sb. about st问某事45. forget to do sth. 忘记要做某事,forget doing sth. 忘记做过某事二、应该掌握的句子:1.What are you doing for vacation? I’m babysitting my sister.假期你要做什么?我要照顾我的妹妹。
最新八年级下册泸教版英语知识点大全 (1)
Unit 11. offer sth. 提供某物offer to do sth. 主动提出做某事offer sb. Sth. = offer sth. to sb. 给某人提供某物2. lonely 孤独的表示主观上孤独alone 单独的侧重独自一人,表示客观的状态alone = by oneself 单独地3. enjoy 喜欢后接n. / V-ing / pron.4. some 某种;某一后接n. 单数5. in hospital 住院常与be / stay 搭配hospital 前加冠词表示具体的建筑物——医院6. unable = not able 不能够be unable to = be not able to不能够……7. attend school = go to school 上学8. since then 从那时起常放在句末,用现在完成时9. teach sb. to do sth. 教某人做某事teach sb. sth. 教某人某事10. continue to do sth. = continue doing sth. 继续做某事11. have difficulty / trouble / problems (in) doing sth. 做某事有困难12. know / wonder / learn / decide + 特殊疑问词+ 动词不定式13. would like to do sth. = want to do sth. 愿意做某事14. wish to do sth. = hope to do sth. 希望做某事wish表示愿望,语气比较委婉、客气wish sb. to do sth. 希望某人做某事15. use … for sth. / doing sth. 用某物完成某事16. raise 增加;提高;筹募;养育(及物动词)rise 上升;增强(不及物动词)17. in + 状态名词表示处于某种状态18. pay … for … 付款pay … to do 付费去做某事19. 数词+ per cent of …20. (in) the way + 从句以……方式,用……方法Unit 21. What’s the matter / the trouble / wrong (with sb.)? 怎么了?2. hold up 抬起;举起3. remind sb. + that 从句提醒某人……remind sb. of … 使某人想起……remind sb. about … 提醒某人(关于)……remind sb. to do … 提醒某人做……4. think over 仔细考虑接名词时,可放在短语后或中间;接代词时,代词放在短语中间5. Why don’t you / not do …? 为什么(你)不做……?What / How about doing …? 做……怎么样?That’s a good idea! / Good idea! had better (not) do … 最好(不)做……6. feel like 想要后接n. / pron. / V-ingwant = feel like 后接n. / pron. / to do7. the key to … ……的关键后接n. / V-ing8. when / while doing … 当在做……的时候9. get / have a chance to do sth. 有机会做某事10. go to / ask sb. for help 找某人帮忙11. I don’t think + 从句我认为……不…… (否定前移)12. the way sb. do sth. 某人做某事的方式13. more than 不止……;非常14. at an early age 在很小的年龄at your age 在你这个年龄Unit 31. although 虽然不能与but 连用2. set off 出发;开始做某事3. be / get ready for sth. 给某事做好准备be ready to do sth. 准备好做某事4. reach 到达(及物)后接地点名词arrive in / at + 地点= get to + 地点5. require 需要;要求后接n.require sb. to do sth. 要求某人做某事6. be made into … 被制作成……be made of … 由……制成(看出原材料)be made from … 由……制成(看不出原材料)be made by … 由……(某人)制作be made in … 在……(某地方)制造7. turn … into … 把……变成强调渐变的过程turn into … 变成……8. put on 演出;上演;穿上;戴上9. as … as before 像从前一样……as before 如从前,依旧as … as usu al 像平常一样……as usual 像往常一样10. use … to do … 用……来做……be used to do … 被用来做……11. sb. hope(s) + that 从句某人希望……12. That is because … 那是因为……13. no more = not … any more 不再Unit 41. wear = be in 穿;戴强调“穿;戴”的状态put on 穿;戴强调“穿;戴”的动作2. appear 看来后接n. / adj. / to doIt appears / appeared that … 看起来……3. do sb.’s voice = do the voice of … 位……配音4. everything, somebody, anything, everyone 等不定代词,作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式5. pick up 拿起接名词时,名词可放在短语后或中间;接代词时,代词放在短语中间6. 现在进行时表示将要发生的动作come, go, leave, fly, arrive 等7. a large / great number of 许多(修饰可数名词)a small number of 少数the number of ……的数量(修饰可数名词)修饰主语时,谓语动词用单数形式8. so that 以便(表目的)so … that 如此……以致(表结果)9. need to do sth. 需要做某事need sb. to do sth. 需要某人做某事10. ask sb (not) to do sth. 请求/要求某人(不)做某事tell sb (not) to do sth. 告诉某人(不)做某事11. decide to do 决定去做decide + that 从句决定……decide against 决定不做……Unit 51. at birth = when sb. / sth. was born 出生时2. the rest of 其余的后接可数名词/不可数名词3. on one’s own = (all) by oneself = alo ne 独自4. spend some time (in) doing sth. 花时间做某事spend some time / money on sth. 在某事上花时间或金钱5. as much as 多达后接意以上属于不可数的可数名词(如金钱、重量、距离等)as many as 多达后接表示可数概念的可数名词复数6. stop doing sth. 停下正在做的事情stop to do sth. 停下去做某事7. else 别的通常放在不定代词或特殊疑问词后8. become good at 变得擅长后接n. / V-ing9. find 找到强调找的结果look for 寻找强调找的过程10. adj. + enough to do = so + adj. + that + 从句足够……可以做not + adj. + enough to do = too + adj. + to do (两结构中的adj. 互为反义词)11. It is + adj. + of sb. to do sth. 某人做某事是……(表示人的品质)It is + adj. + for sb. to do sth. 对某人来说,做某事是……(对动作进行评价)12. What should we do to …? 我们应该做什么来……?Unit 61. see sb. do sth. 看见某人做了某事强调动作的全过程see sb. doing sth. 看见某人正在做某事强调动作正在进行watch sb. do sth. 看见某人做了某事watch sb. doing sth. 看见某人正在做某事hear sb. do sth. 听到某人做了某事hear sb. doing sth. 听到某人正在做某事2. learn … from … 从……学习…… 后接n. / pron. / V-ing3. not all 不全是表示部分否定4. cannot do anything except / but do … 除了做……什么都不能做5. die of 死于通常是指疾病、饥饿、衰老等自身原因die from 死于通常指事故、意外等外部原因6. keep on doing sth. = keep doing sth. 继续做某事7. until 到……时;直到……为止8. no longer / not … any longer 不再…… 着重表示时间的不再延续no more / not … any more 不再…… 着重表示数量或程度的减少9. it’s a good idea to do sth. 做某事是一个好主意10. stop / keep / prevent sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事11. a sense of responsibility 责任感Unit 71. frightened (adj.) 害怕的修饰人frightening (adj.) 令人害怕的修饰物2. tell sb. about sth. 告诉某人有关某事物的情况tell sb. sth. 告诉某人某事3. wonder = want to know 想知道后接wh- + 宾语从句/ wh- + to do4. refuse to do sth. 拒绝做某事5. So + 助动词/be动词/情态动词+ 主语……也……(肯定)Neither + 助动词/be动词/情态动词+ 主语……也不……(否定)6. as soon as possible = as soon as sb. can / could 尽快7. be sure (that) … 确信……be (not) sure about sth. (不)确信某事8. noise (n.) 嘈杂声(不可数);声响(可数)9. label (n. / v. ) 标签;贴标签10. lie (n. / v. ) 谎言;说谎lie – lied – lied – lyinglie (v.) 躺下lie – lay – lain – lyingUnit 81. both … and … ……和……都作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式2. be used as 被用作…… 后接n.be used for = be used to do sth. 被用作…… 后接n. / V-ingbe used by 被……使用后接动作的执行者3. be connected to 与……相连接be connected with 与……相连/有关be connected by 由……连接在一起4. mix … with … 相混合be mixed with … 与……混合5. on / in + a(n) / the / adj. / 形代+ 交通工具= by + 交通工具6. prepare for 准备强调准备的过程get ready for 为……做好准备强调准备的结果和状态7. fail to do sth. 未能做某事8. miss 错过后接n. / pron. / V-ing9. order sth. for sb. = order sb. sth. 为/给某人点(餐)类似用法:cook, make , buy, draw 等10. What’s wrong / the matter / trouble with sb. / sth. = What happened to sb. / sth.11. it takes sb. some time to do sth. 做某事花某人多少时间12. present (n. / v. / adj. ) 礼物;出席;现在的13. at the front = in the front 在前面指在某物的内部的前面in front of 在前面指在某物体的外部的前面14. recommend sth. to sb. 向某人推荐某物15. satisfy (v.) 使……满意satisfaction (n.) 满足satisfied (adj.) 满意的satisfactory (adj.) 令人满意的16. in this way 这样,以这种方式on the way 在路上by the way 顺便说一下17. ask for 要求;请求ask for help 求助18. instead 代替;反而放句末instead of 代替;而不是后接n. / pron. / V-ing19. continue to do = go on to do 继续做短语收藏夹:Unit 1in need 需要帮助的voluntary work 义务性工作raise one’s spirits 使鼓起勇气suffer from 因……受苦ask permission 报请批准make friends with … 与……交朋友tell stories 讲故事look after 照顾express one’s feelings 表达某人的感情raise money 筹款take photos of 拍照in one’s free time 在某人的空闲时间in order to 为了used to do … 过去常常做…… have an / the activity 开展活动think about 考虑from … to … 从……到…… give sb. Permission 批准某人because of 因为pay for 付费change one’s life 改变某人的生活close to 离……近work as 担任……工作Unit 2body language 身势语take place 发生make a good impression on … 给……留下好印象at the moment 现在instead of 代替with a smile 笑着sit up 坐起来walk away 走开look down 往下看smile at 朝……微笑at once 马上feel like (doing sth.) 想要(做某事)shake hands 握手look away 移开目光shake one’s head 摇头nod one’s head 点头for a long time 长时间the key to … ……的关键look into one’s eyes 直视某人的眼睛Unit 3up and down 起伏be good at … 擅长…… s et off 出发after dark 天黑后be interested in … 对……感兴趣at the front of … 在……的前部up to 到达in the late afternoon 傍晚时分tie … around … 绕……捆绑no more 不再push … into … 把……推进……里get ready for … 为……做准备bring up 养育stop … from doing … 阻止……做…… all the time 一直look after 照顾in the shape if … 以……的形状in the end 最后put on 上演turn … into … 使……变成…… be made of … 由……制成cut out 裁剪close to 靠近Unit 4comic strip 连环漫画video camera 摄像机(be) different from … 与……不同pop out 张大decide on 决定do the voice of … 为……配音think about 考虑play against … 同…… 比赛do sb.’s voice 为某人配音as well as 也add … to … 把……加入…… put … together 把……放在一起life jacket 救生衣be ready to do 准备好做get … into trouble 使……陷入麻烦make it 获得成功weather forecast 天气预报than goodness 谢天谢地pick up 拿起look / watch out 当心in the end 最后laugh at 嘲笑in trouble 处于困境中end with … 以……结束be full of 充满Unit 5in the wild 在野生环境中at birth 出生时on one’s own 独自the rest of 其余的close to 接近fact file 小档案stay healthy 保持健康up to 多达lose one’s home 失去家园give birth to 生育cut down 砍伐turn one’s head 转头look after 照顾at least 至少feel sorry about … 为……感到抱歉throw … at … 向……扔…… happen to … 发生show a great love for 对……表现出极大的热爱day and night 日日夜夜fall asleep 睡着take (good) care of 照顾right now 立刻hear of 听说in memory of 纪念go missing 走丢look for 寻找Unit 6what’s more 更为重要的是care for 照顾all the time 一直lie around 懒散度日run free 自由自在hold … in one’s arms 把……抱住grow up 长大play with 玩耍learn … from … 从……学习…… according to 根据bark at 对着……吠 a small number of 一小部分take care of 处理die of 死于(be) faithful to … 对……忠诚的in a moment 一会儿keep on 继续compare … with … 将……与……作比较keep sb. from (doing) sth. 阻止某人做某事for these reasons 出于这些原因complain about / make a complaint about 抱怨the rest of one’s life 某人的有生之年have no choice but to do 除了……别无选择Unit 7keep quiet 保持安静landing site 降落场because of 因为in fear 恐惧地thousands of 成千上万的happen to 发生在……身上wake up 醒来at midnight 在午夜look out of … 从……往外看next to 紧挨着in front of … 在……前面mention … to …向……提及……run away 跑开disagree with 不同意as soon as possible 尽快agree with 同意be sure about 确信run away from … 从……逃跑get on 上in the future 在将来be pleased to do … 高兴做……come from 来自on the side of … 在……的一边Unit 8in the present 现在at the front 在前面in the shape of ……的形状mix … with … 相混合 a type of 一种类型的be connected to 与……相连接be good at … 擅长…… in this w ay 通过这种方法recommend … to … 向……推荐…… prepare for 准备in a second 瞬间communicate with … 与……交流tidy up 整理break down 发生故障be different from … 与……不同by post 邮寄get a reply 得到回复keep in touch with … 与……保持联系wait for 等待have tea 喝茶in a short time 在短时间内go on 运转shout at … 朝……叫喊赠送资料数学考试答题技巧一、答题原则大家拿到考卷后,先看是不是本科考试的试卷,再清点试卷页码是否齐全,检查试卷有无破损或漏印、重印、字迹模糊不清等情况。
上海沪教版英语八年级下册第二学期知识点归纳集锦Shanghai Hujiang n Grade 8 XXX Knowledge Summary Part One: Words and PhrasesI。
Key Vocabulary and Phrases1.be interested in。
in danger。
cut down。
let out。
belong to。
on earth。
communicate with。
protect oneselfI am XXX.XXX.We should not cut down too many trees.The dog let out a loud bark.This book belongs to me.Where on earth did you find that?We need to keep the fire alive.XXX.It is XXX harm.2.at one's n。
on one's n。
make a n。
we went to the park.On her n。
XXX.I would like to make a XXX.XXX project.On the n of XXX。
give a n for。
give a n against。
make a n After much n。
XXX.We need to XXX XXX.It XXX project.XXX.The judge gave a n against the plaintiff.I have XXX.4.take charge of。
under the charge of。
in charge of She will take charge of the project.The children are under the charge of their grandparents. He is in charge of the company.5.agree on。
Unit 1 Helping those in need阅读:读三名学生关于他们的志愿服务工作(voluntary work义务性工作)的报告。
A. 短语归纳1. in need 需要帮助的2. voluntary work 志愿服务工作3. talk about 谈论4. write a letter to sb. 给某人写信5. ask permission 报请批准6. give sb. a hand 帮助某人7. suffer from 因…受苦;受折磨8. take photos of: 给…拍照9. lots of/a lot of 许多,大量10. raise one' s spirts 使振奋;使鼓起勇气11. in the future 在将来12. in good health 身体健康13. in bad health 身体不好14. be afraid of 害怕15.so that 以便,为了16. in hospital 生病住院17. make friends with sb. 跟某人交朋友18. bring sth.to sb. 将某物带给某人19. play tennis 打网球20. on Saturday 在周六21. in order to 目的在于,为了22. because of 因为23. since then 从那时起24. pay for 支付25. stay at home 待在家里26. help sb. with sth. 在某方面帮助某人27. close to 靠近28. listen for 留心听29. talk to 和……交谈30. use...for. 把…用于……31. give sb. some advice 给某人一些建议32. take part in 参加33. millions ofa 数以百万计的B. 句型归纳1. would like to do sth. 想要做某事2. teach sb. to do sth. 教某人做某事3. offer to do sth. 主动提出做某事4. want to do sth. 想做某事5. help sb.(to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事6. continue to do sth. 继续做某事7. have difficulty(in) doing sth. 做某事有困难8. need to do sth. 需要做某事9. enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事10. used to do sth, 过去常常做某事11. how much+ 不可数名词多少12. decide to do sth. 决定做某事13. begin to do sth. 开始做某事14. like to do sth. 喜欢做某事15. forget to do sth. 忘记要做某事16. plan to do sth. 计划做某事17. think about doing sth. 考虑做某事18. one of+ 复数名词/代词……之ー19. be unable to do sth. 不能做某事20. learn to do sth. 学习做某事21. wish to do sth. 希望做某事22. hope to do sth. 希望做某事23. make+sb./sth.+ 形容词使某人/某物…24. Thanks for( doing)sh. 因(做)某事而感谢。
沪教版八年级英语下册各单元知识点及复习第一单元:外研版八下Unit 1 Friendship知识点:1. 词汇:friendship, argue, solve, share, support, argue with, hang out with, make up, conversation, take sides, cheer up, secret, trust, respect, gossip, quarrel, upset, react, apologize, forgive, pet, advice, break up, be similar to, be different from2. 语法:谈论过去的习惯和经历(used to, be used to, get used to),表达可能的结果(may, might, could),比较级和最高级的用法,名词所有格的用法3. 句型:I used to go to school by bus. They used to play tennis on Sundays. Did you use to swim when you were little? I am used to getting up early. We are getting used to the new teacher. He may be at home. She might come later. It could be a good idea. My dog is bigger than yours. This is the most interesting book I’ve ever read. Whose pen is this? It's his.复习建议:1. 复习并掌握本单元的词汇,特别注意词组和短语的用法。
2. 熟练掌握本单元的语法知识,尤其是过去的习惯和经历,并能够正确运用于句子中。
Unit 11. offer sth. 供给某物offer to do sth. 自动提出做某事offer sb. Sth. = offer sth. to sb.给或人供给某物2. lonely 孤单的表明片面上孤单alone独自的偏重独自一人,表明客观的状况alone = by oneself独自地3. enjoy 喜爱后接 n. / V-ing / pron.4. some 某种;某一后接 n.奇数5. in hospital 住院常与 be / stay 调配hospital 前加冠词表明详细的建筑物——医院6. unable = not able 不能够be unable to = be not able to 不能够⋯⋯7. attend school = go to school 上学8. since then 从那时起常放在句末,用现在完结时9. teach sb. to do sth. 教或人做某事teach sb. sth. 教或人某事10. continue to do sth. = continue doing sth.持续做某事11. have difficulty / trouble / problems (in) doing sth. 做某事有困难12. know / wonder / learn / decide + 特殊疑问词+动词不定式13. would like to do sth. = want to do sth. 乐意做某事14. wish to do sth. = hope to do sth. 期望做某事 wish 表明期望,口气比较含蓄、谦让wish sb. to do sth. 期望或人做某事15. use ⋯ for sth. / doing st用h.某物完结某事16. raise 添加;进步;筹募;哺育(及物动词)rise 上升;增强(不及物动词)17. in + 状态名词表示处于某种状态18. pay ⋯for付款⋯pay ⋯to d o付费去做某事19. 数词+ per cent of ⋯20. (in) the way + 从句以⋯⋯方式,用⋯⋯方法Unit 21. What ’t hse matter / the trouble / wrong (with sb.)? 怎么了?2. hold up 抬起;举起3. remind sb. + that 从句提醒某人⋯⋯remind sb. of 使⋯或人想起⋯⋯remind sb. about 提⋯醒或人(关于)⋯⋯remind sb. to do 提⋯醒或人做⋯⋯4. think over 细心考虑接名词时,可放在短语后或中心;接代词时,代词放在短语中心5. Why don ’t you / not do为什⋯么(? 你)不做⋯⋯?What / How about doing 做⋯⋯? ⋯怎么样?That ’s a good idea! / Good idea!had better (not) do 最好⋯(不)做⋯⋯6. feel like 想要后接n. / pron. / V-ingwant = feel like 后接n. / pron. / to do7. the key to ⋯的关⋯键⋯后接n. / V-ing18. when / while doing 当在⋯做⋯⋯的时分9. get / have a chance to do sth.有机会做某事10. go to / ask sb. for help 找或人协助11. I don ’t thin从k +句我认为⋯⋯不⋯⋯(否定前移)12. the way sb. do sth. 或人做某事的办法13. more than 不止⋯⋯;十分14. at an early age 在很小的年纪at your age 在你这个年纪Unit 31. although尽管不能与 but连用2. set off 动身;开端做某事3. be / get ready for sth.给某事做好预备be ready to do sth. 预备好做某事4. reach 抵达(及物)后接地址名词arrive in / at + 地点= get to + 地点5. require 需求;要求后接 n.require sb. to do sth. 要求或人做某事6. be made into⋯被制作成⋯⋯be made of ⋯由⋯⋯制成(看出原材料)be made from ⋯由⋯⋯制成(看不出原材料)be made by ⋯由⋯⋯(或人)制作be made in ⋯在⋯⋯(某当地)制作7. turn ⋯ into把⋯⋯⋯变成侧重突变的进程turn into变⋯成⋯⋯8. put on 表演;演出;穿上;戴上9. as ⋯ as befo像re早年相同⋯⋯as before 如早年,仍旧as ⋯ as uas ul 像平常相同⋯⋯as usual 像平常相同10. use ⋯to do用⋯⋯⋯来做⋯⋯be used to do 被⋯用来做⋯⋯11. sb. hope(s) + that 从句某人希望⋯⋯12. That is because 那是⋯由于⋯⋯13. no more = not ⋯any m不o再reUnit 41. wear = be in 穿;戴侧重“穿;戴”的状况put on 穿;戴侧重“穿;戴”的动作2. appear 看来后接n. / adj. / to doIt appears / appeared that 看起来⋯⋯⋯3. do sb. ’s voice = do the voice位of⋯⋯配音⋯4. everything, somebody, anything, everyone 等不定代词,作主语时,谓语动词用奇数办法5. pick up 拿起接名词时,名词可放在短语后或中心;接代词时,代词放在短语中心6.现在进行时表明即将产生的动作 come, go, leave, fly, arrive等7. a large / great number of许多(润饰可数名词)2a small number of 少量the number of ⋯的⋯数量(润饰可数名词)润饰主语时,谓语动词用奇数办法8. so that 以便(表意图)so ⋯ that如此⋯⋯致使(表成果)9. need to do sth. 需求做某事need sb. to do sth. 需求或人做某事10. ask sb (not) to do sth.请求/要求某人(不)做某事tell sb (not) to do sth. 告诉某人(不)做某事11. decide to do 决议去做decide + that 从句决定⋯⋯decide against 决议不做⋯⋯Unit 51. at birth = when sb. / sth. was born 出世时2. the rest of 其他的后接可数名词/不可数名词3. on one ’s own = (all) by oneself n=ea l独o 自4. spend some time (in) doing sth. 花时间做某事spend some time / money on sth. 在某事上花时刻或金钱5. as much as多达后接意以上归于不可数的可数名词(如金钱、分量、间隔等)as many as多达后接表明可数概念的可数名词复数6. stop doing sth. 停下正在做的作业stop to do sth. 停下去做某事7. else其他一般放在不定代词或特别疑问词后8. become good at变得拿手后接 n. / V-ing9. find 找到侧重找的成果look for寻觅侧重找的进程10. adj. + enough to do = so + adj. + that +从句足够⋯⋯可以做not + adj. + enough to do = too + adj. + to do(两结构中的adj. 互为反义词)11. It is + adj. + of sb. to do sth.某人做某事是⋯⋯(表示人的品质)It is + adj. + for sb. to do sth.对某人来说,做某事是⋯⋯(对动作进行评价)12. What should we do to 我⋯们应?该做什么来⋯⋯?Unit 61. see sb. do sth.看见或人做了某事侧重动作的全进程see sb. doing sth. 看见或人正在做某事侧重动作正在进行watch sb. do sth. 看见或人做了某事watch sb. doing sth. 看见或人正在做某事hear sb. do sth. 听到或人做了某事hear sb. doing sth. 听到或人正在做某事2. learn ⋯from从⋯⋯⋯学习⋯⋯后接n. / pron. / V-ing3. not all 不全是表明部分否定4. cannot do anything except / but do 除了做⋯⋯⋯什么都不能做5. die of 死于一般是指疾病、饥饿、变老等本身原因die from 死于一般指事端、意外等外部原因6. keep on doing sth. = keep doing sth.持续做某事7. until 到⋯⋯时;直到⋯⋯停止38. no longer / not ⋯ any 不lon再ge⋯r ⋯侧重表明时刻的不再连续no more / not ⋯ any m o不r e再⋯⋯侧重表明数量或程度的削减9. it ’s a good idea to do做sth某. 事是一个好主意10. stop / keep / prevent sb. from doing sth. 阻挠或人做某事11. a sense of responsibility责任感Unit 71. frightened (adj.) 害怕的修饰人frightening (adj.) 令人害怕的修饰物2. tell sb. about sth. 告知或人有关某事物的状况tell sb. sth. 告知或人某事3. wonder = want to know 想知道后接wh- +宾语从句/ wh- + to do4. refuse to do sth. 回绝做某事5. So + 助动词/be动词/情态动词+ 主语⋯⋯也⋯⋯(肯定)Neither + 助动词/be动词/情态动词+ 主语⋯⋯也不⋯⋯(否定)6. as soon as possible = as soon as sb. can / coul尽d 快7. be sure (that) 确信⋯⋯⋯be (not) sure about sth. (不)确信某事8. noise (n.) 嘈杂声(不可数);声响(可数)9. label (n. / v. )标签;贴标签10. lie (n. / v. )谎言;说谎lie –lied –lied –lyinglie (v.) 躺下lie –lay–lain –lyingUnit 81. both ⋯ and ⋯和⋯⋯⋯⋯都作主语时,谓语动词用复数办法2. be used as被用作⋯⋯后接n.be used for = be used to do sth.被用作⋯⋯后接n. / V-ingbe used by 被⋯⋯运用后接动作的执行者3. be connected to 与⋯⋯相衔接be connected with 与⋯⋯相连/有关be connected by 由⋯⋯衔接在一同4. mix ⋯with 相混⋯合be mixed with 与⋯⋯⋯混合5. on / in + a(n) / the / adj. / 形代+ 交通工具= by + 交通工具6. prepare for 预备侧重预备的进程get ready for为⋯⋯做好预备侧重预备的成果和状况7. fail to do sth. 未能做某事8. miss错失后接 n. / pron. / V-ing9. order sth. for sb. = order sb. sth.为/给或人点(餐)相似用法: cook, make , buy, draw等10. What ’s wrong / the matter / trouble with sb. / sth. = What happened to sb. / s.th11. it takes sb. some time to do sth. 做某事花或人多少时刻12. present (n. / v. / adj. ) 礼物;出席;现在的13. at the front = in the front 在前面指在某物的内部的前面in front of 在前面指在某物体的外部的前面14. recommend sth. to sb. 向或人引荐某物15. satisfy (v.) 使⋯⋯满意satisfaction (n.)满足4satisfied (adj.)满意的satisfactory (adj.) 令人满意的16. in this way这样,以这种办法on the way 在路上by the way趁便说一下17. ask for 要求;恳求ask for help 求助18. instead 替代;反而放句末instead of 替代;而不是后接 n. / pron. / V-ing19. continue to do = go on to do持续做短语收藏夹:Unit 1in need 需求协助的 voluntary work义务性作业 raise one ’s spi使rit鼓s 起勇气suffer from 因⋯⋯遭受痛苦 ask permission报请赞同 make friends with 与⋯⋯⋯交朋友tell stories讲故事 look after 照料express one ’s feelin表g达s 或人的爱情raise money 筹款 take photos of 摄影 in one ’s free tim在e或人的闲暇时刻in order to为了used to do过⋯去常常做⋯⋯have an / the activity 开展活动think about 考虑from ⋯ to 从⋯⋯⋯到⋯⋯ give sb. Permission赞同或人because of 由于pay for 付费change one ’lifes 改动或人的日子close to 离⋯⋯近 work as 担任⋯⋯作业Unit 2body language 身势语take place产生 make a good impression on给⋯⋯⋯留下好形象at the moment现在 instead of 替代 with a smile 笑着sit up 坐起来walk away 走开look down 往下看smile at 朝⋯⋯微笑at once马上feel like (doing sth.) 想要(做某事)shake hands 握手look away 移开目光shake one ’s he摇ad头nod one ’s hea点d头for a long time长时刻the key to ⋯的⋯关⋯键look into one ’s直ey视es或人的眼睛Unit 3up and down 崎岖 be good at 擅⋯长⋯⋯ set off 动身after dark 天亮后 be interested in对⋯⋯⋯感兴趣 at the front of 在⋯⋯⋯的前部up to 抵达 in the late afternoon 黄昏时分 tie ⋯ around绕⋯⋯⋯绑缚no more 不再 push ⋯ into 把⋯⋯⋯推动⋯⋯里 get ready for为⋯⋯⋯做预备bring up 哺育 stop ⋯ from doing 阻挠⋯⋯⋯做⋯⋯ all the time 一向look after 照料in the shape if 以⋯⋯⋯的形状 in the end 最终put on 演出 turn ⋯ into 使⋯⋯⋯变成⋯⋯ be made of ⋯由⋯⋯制成cut out 裁剪 close to 挨近Unit 4comic strip连环漫画video camera摄像机(be) different from 与⋯⋯⋯不同pop out张大 decide on 决议 do the voice of为⋯⋯配音think about 考虑play against 同⋯⋯⋯竞赛do sb. ’s vo为ice或人配音as well as 也 add ⋯ to 把⋯⋯⋯参加⋯⋯ put ⋯ together把⋯⋯放在一同life jacket 救生衣 be ready to do 预备好做 get ⋯ into trouble使⋯⋯堕入费事5make it获得成功weather forecast 天气预报than goodness谢天谢地pick up 拿起 look / watch out 留神 in the end 最终laugh at 讪笑 in trouble处于窘境中 end with ⋯以⋯⋯完毕be full of 充溢Unit 5in the wild 在野生环境中 at birth 出世时on one ’s ow独n 自the rest of 其他的 close to 挨近 fact file 小档案stay healthy 坚持健康 up to 多达 lose one ’s hom失e去家乡give birth to 生育 cut down 采伐 turn one ’s he转ad头look after 照料at least 至少 feel sorry about为⋯⋯⋯感到抱愧throw ⋯ at 向⋯⋯⋯扔⋯⋯ happen to ⋯产生 show a great love for对⋯⋯表现出极大的酷爱day and night 日日夜夜fall asleep 睡着take (good) care of 照顾right now 马上 hear of 传闻in memory of留念go missing 走丢look for寻觅Unit 6what’s more更为重要的是 care for 照料all the time 一向lie around懒散度日 run free 无拘无束 hold ⋯ in one ’s把a r⋯ms⋯抱住grow up长大 play with 游玩 learn ⋯ from 从⋯⋯⋯学习⋯⋯according to 依据 bark at对着⋯⋯吠 a small number of 一小部分take care of处理die of 死于(be) faithful to对⋯⋯⋯忠诚的in a moment 一瞬间 keep on持续 compare ⋯ with 将⋯⋯⋯与⋯⋯作比较keep sb. from (doing) sth. 阻止某人做某事for these reasons 出于这些原因complain about / make a complaint about 诉苦 the rest of one ’某s人life的有生之年have no choice but to do 除了⋯⋯别无选择Unit 7keep quiet 坚持安静 landing site 降落场because of 由于in fear 惊骇地 thousands of 不计其数的 happen to产生在⋯⋯身上wake up 醒来at midnight 在午夜look out of 从⋯⋯⋯往外看next to紧挨着in front of 在⋯⋯⋯前面mention ⋯to向⋯⋯提及⋯⋯run away 走开 disagree with 不赞同 as soon as possible赶快agree with 赞同 be sure about 坚信 run away from ⋯从⋯⋯逃跑get on 上in the future 在将来be pleased to do 高⋯兴做⋯⋯come from 来自on the side of 在⋯⋯⋯的一边Unit 8in the present现在at the front 在前面in the shape of 的⋯形⋯状mix ⋯ with 相⋯混合 a type of 一种类型的 be connected to 与⋯⋯相衔接be good at 擅⋯长⋯⋯ in this way 经过这种办法 recommend ⋯ to ⋯向⋯⋯引荐⋯⋯prepare for 预备in a second 瞬间communicate with ⋯与⋯⋯沟通tidy up 收拾 break down产生毛病 be different from 与⋯⋯⋯不同by post邮递 get a reply 得到回复 keep in touch with 与⋯⋯⋯坚持联系wait for 等候 have tea 喝茶 in a short time 在短时刻内go on 工作shout at ⋯朝⋯⋯叫喊6。
上海沪教版英语八年级下册第二学期知识点归纳集锦第一部分:词与词组Ⅰ、重点词汇与词组1、be interested in _______________ in danger ___________________cut down ___________________ _ let out ____________________belong to ______________________ on earth _______________________keep…alive _______________________communicate with ___________________protect oneself____2、at one’s suggestion ________________ on one’s suggestion ________________make a suggestion ________________ offer a suggestion ________________on the suggestion of... ________________3、come to a decision / arrive at a decision / reach a decision ________________give a decision for ________________ give a decision against ________________make a decision ________________4、take charge of ____________ under the charge of ____________ in charge of ____________5、agree on ____________ agree with ____________ agre to (do sth) ____________6、remind sb. of sth, in addition (to), now that, be excellent for, enable sb to do sth, be covered with, feel likebe responsible for, now that, help oneself (to + food/drink/vegetable...)4、happen, take place5、frozen, freezingⅡ、词与词组辨析1、alive, living都是“活着”的意思,用法不同。
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沪教版英语八年级下册第二学期知识点归纳第一部分:词与词组Ⅰ、重点词汇与词组1、at one’s suggestion ________________ on one’s suggestion ________________make a suggestion ________________ offer a suggestion ________________on the suggestion of... ________________2、be interested in _______________ in danger ___________________cut down ___________________ _ let out ____________________belong to ______________________ on earth _______________________keep…alive _______________________communicate with ___________________protect oneself____3、take charge of ____________ under the charge of ____________ in charge of ____________4、agree on ____________ agree with ____________ agre to (do sth) ____________5、come to a decision / arrive at a decision / reach a decision ________________6、give a decision for ________________ give a decision against ________________7、make a decision ________________8frozen, freezing9remind sb. of sth, in addition (to), now that, be excellent for, enable sb to do sth, be covered with, feel like be responsible for, now that, help oneself (to + food/drink/vegetable...)10happen, take placeⅡ、词与词组辨析1、alive, living都是“活着”的意思,用法不同。
例如:I am your friend as long as I am alive. 只要我活着就是你的朋友。
例如:There are not any living things in the mountain area.在这个山区里没有任何活着的东西。
2、explain; explanation3、visible; vision;invisible4、contain hold2、patient; impatient; patience3、comfort; comfortable; comfortably4、reply; answer (v. & n.)12、try doing sth, try to do sth13、go on to do sth, go on doing sth14、be familiar to, be familiar with8、experience, experienced9、conclude, conclusion10、go off, go out, go up, go away, go down, go in11、used to do sth, be used to do sth, be used to doing sth, be used as, be used for20、不定冠词a、an的用法21、介词后面动词用-ing形式15、pleased, pleasant, pleasure, please16、accept, receive17、keep的用法18、what/how感叹句19、数词的用法24、well/good25、疑问词+ 主语+ 情态动词can/should/could等+ 谓语动词= 疑问词+ 谓语动词不定式22、状语从句连接词:if/as long as, when/while/as soon as/until/before/after, though/although23、when/while第二部分:语法4、情态动词:mustn’t, can’t, may not等的意思①must与may(主语是第一人称)开头的一般疑问句的否定回答must用或may用或② must, may等表示肯定的推测意义;can’t表示否定的推测意义③ need作为情态动词与实义动词动词的用法1、It’s + adj. + for/of sb + to do sth2、a little, a few, little, few3、表示数量的词:①plenty of, lots of, a lot of② a great/good deal of, a large/small quantity of, a large/small amount of③ a number of, the number of【情态动词用法的基本练习】( ) 6. —Can you finish the work in two days? —Sorry, I ________. My computer doesn’t work.A. don’tB. can’tC. mustn’tD. needn’t( ) 7. —________ you speak Japanese? —No, I can’t.A. CanB. MustC. MayD. Should( ) 8. If the traffic light is red, you ________ cross the road. It’s very dangerous.A. don’tB. mustn’tC. needn’tD. wouldn’t( ) 9. —May I use your ruler? —________.A. Yes, pleaseB. You are niceC. It doesn’t matterD. It was a pleasure( ) 1. —May I take my pet dog with me into the cinema? —The rule says no. So you ________.A. canB. mustn’tC. mayD. needn’t( ) 2. We hope that as many people as possible ________ join us for the charity show tomorrow.A. needB. canC. mustD. should( ) 3. —Must I get up early tomorrow? —No, ________.A. you mustn’tB. I don’t think you have toC. you can’tD. you need( ) 4. —May I play computer games, mum? —No. You ________ finish your homework first.A. willB. canC. wouldD. must( ) 5. —Let’s go to the concert tonight, Michael! —Sorry, I ________ . I have to help my mother with the housework.A. mustn’tB. may notC. needn’tD. can’t5、宾语从句:①陈述句改为宾语从句时,用that连接;②一般疑问句改为宾语从句时,用whether/if连接;③特殊疑问句改为宾语从句时,用特殊疑问词连接。
【宾语从句专项精选】( ) 4 She asked Linda if___ go and get some.A. could sheB. she couldC. she canD. she may( ) 5 Linda said the moon___ round the earth.A. traveledB. has traveledC. travelsD. had traveled( ) 1 The girls asked if they ____ some food and drink with them.A. tookB. takeC. takesD. will take( ) 2 Catherine said that she ___ to Guangzhou.A. has never goneB. had never goneC. has never beenD. had never been( ) 3 The students want to know whether they___ dictation today.A. hadB. hasC. will haveD. are( ) 9. She didn't know___ back soon.A. whether he would beB. if would he beC. he will be( ) 10. I don't know _____ he still lives here after so many years.A. whether B where C. what D. when( ) 6. Can you tell me___ you were born, Betty?A. whoB. whatC. whenD. that( ) 7. I don't know ___ they have passed the exam.A. whatB. ifC. whenD. where( ) 8. I hardly understand. ___ he has told me.A.thatB. whatC. whichD. who( ) 14. Please tell me ______ last year.A. where does your sister work B where did your sister work C where your sister works D where your sister worked( ) 15. She asked me if I knew ______.A. whose pen is itB. whose pen it wasC. whose pen it isD. whose pen was it( ) 11. Do you know _____ they listened to yesterday evening?A. what B when C why D how( ) 12. He asked me _____told me the accident.A whomB whichC whoD whose( ) 13. They don't know ________ their parents are.A thatB whatC whyD which( ) 18. Could you tell me ___?A. when will they leave BeijingB. when would they leave BeijingC. when they will leave BeijingD. when did they leave Beijing( ) 19. In the bookshop, a reader asked the shop keeper _____ Who Moved My Cheese was an interesting book.A. thatB. howC. whatD. if( ) 16. You must remember ________.A. what your mother saidB. what did your mother sayC. your mother said whatD. what has your mother said( ) 17. Did you know ____?A. who he was looking afterB. who was he looking forC. who he is looking forD. who he is looking after ( ) 23. —Do you know _____ ? I'm going to see him. —Sorry, I don't know.A. where does Mr. Li liveB. where did Mr. Li liveC. where Mr. Li livesD. where Mr. Li lived ( ) 24. —W here do you think _____ he _____ the computer? —Sorry, I have no idea.A. /; boughtB. has; boughtC. did; buyD. does; buy( ) 25. I don't feel very well. Mum asked me _____ this morning.A. what the matter isB. what is wrongC. what the matter wasD. what wrong was( ) 26. —Where is Jack?—He is away to spend his holiday. He's gone either to Hangzhou or to Wuhan, but I'm not sure _____ .A. thatB. whichC. whereD. there( ) 20. —I don't know _____ Mr. Green will come to see us. —He will help us with our English.A. whyB. whenC. howD. where( ) 21. —We never know _____ the old man is. —They say he is a teacher.A. whatB. whoC. whichD. where( ) 22. I was told _____ Bill Gates was thirteen he began to play with computers.A. that howB. how thatC. when thatD. that when6、直接引语转换为间接引语②. 时态的变化引述动词如果用一般现在时或一般将来时,间接引语的时态不变。