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Unit9 Can you come to my party的知识点




(2)表示“请求许可”。在这一用法中,can与could都表示现在,但could比can语气更加委婉。一般用在疑问句中,句型为Can you…肯定回答为:Yes/Sure/Certainly,I'd love to。否定回答常为:I'm sorry/Sorry,I can't。


eg:This can't be true.这不可能是真的。

2.【辨析】have to与must

have to表示客观需要,有人称、数和时态的变化;其否定形式为don't have to“不必”。must表示说话人的主观看法,认为有必要或义务去做某事,没有时态和人称的变化;其否定形式为mustn't“禁止”。


Can you 意为“你能吗”。此句型表示客气邀请某人做某事,can可以用could替换。区别在与:用could比用can语气委婉,显得更有礼貌。


1)Would you like“你想要/愿意吗”其后可以接名词、代词或动词不定式,用来提出建议或


eg: Would you like some oranges

2)Will/Would/Could you please“请你好吗”其后接名词,用来提出建议或发出邀请。

eg: Will/Would/Could you please help me sweep the floor

3)Shall we“我们好吗”shall是情态动词,其后接动词原形。用于征求别人的意见。

eg: Shall we have a picnic together

4)Let’s意为“让我们吧”,let后面接动词原形,用于征求别人的意见。eg: Let’s go to school.

5)Why not或Why don’t you“为什么不呢”其后接动词原形。用于提出建议。eg: Why not go


6)How/What about“怎么样”about 为介词,其后接名词、代词或动名词。用来提出建议或

征求对方的意见。eg: How/What about talking the bus

7)Let's do sth. 咱们做某事吧eg: Let's go shopping.

1.prepare for an exam.为考试做准备。

prepare to do sth.准备做某事Taking out a piece of paper,he prepared to write to his parents. prepare for 为...做准备I can't go to the movies with you because I have to prepare for an exam. prepare sb. for sth. 使某人为某事做准备

We must prepare him for the bad news.我们必须是他为这个坏消息做好准备。

preparation 准备,预备

He didn't do enough preparation for his exam,and failed.他没有为他的考试做好充分准备,结果不及格。

have/take an exam 参加考试pass the exam 通过考试,考试及格fail the exam 考试不及格2.have the flu 患流感(不用a)have a cold 感冒have a cough 咳嗽have a fever 发烧have a sore throat 喉咙痛have a headache 头痛have a toothache 牙痛

3.I'm 'm not available.对不起,我没有空。available 有空的,可获得的相当于free=have time

4.Oh,but Sam isn't leaving until next Wednesday.哦,但是萨姆一直待到下周三才会离开。until 作介词,“到...时;直到...为止”表示动作、状态的继续,相当于till。until常用于否定句中,与not构成固定结构,not...until,“直到....才”

I waited until three o'clock . 我一直等到三点钟。

The noise didn't stop until midnight. 嗓音一直到午夜才停止。

until还可用作连词,表动作、状态持续到另一动作或状态出现之前,意为“直到...为止”He lived with his parents until got married.他和她的父母住在一起直到结婚。

The children won't come home until it is dark.孩子们直到天黑才会回家。

5.Can you hang out with us on Monday night周一晚上你能和我们一起逛街吗

hang out 闲逛;常去某处hang out sp.

hang on 紧紧抓住hang about (在某处)闲荡hang up 挂断电话,悬挂,挂起

hang 悬挂,垂下过去式为hung (被)吊死,(被)绞死过去式为hanged

6.Catch you on Monday. 周一见。Catch you 常用于口语,类似的有see you later!

Catch a cold 患感冒catch one's eye 引起某人的注意catch the train 赶上火车

Catch up with 赶上,跟上catch hold of 抓住

7.I'm afraid not.恐怕不能。I'm afraid so.恐怕如此。

I hope so. I hope not. I think so. I don't think so.

sb. to +地点名词邀请某人去某地

invite sb. to do sth. 邀请某人做某事

invite 名词invitation邀请,请柬

9.accept 接受refuse 拒绝

accept 接受,指主观上愿意接受

receive 收到,指客观上收到或拿到,但主观上不一定会接受。

I received his gift yesterday,but I wouldn't like to accept it.昨天我收到了他的礼物,但我不想接受它。

refuse 后接名词、代词或动词不定式不接ing

He usually refuses the invitation from Tony。他通常会拒绝托尼的邀请。

Section B 知识点

1.the day before yesterday 前天用于一般过去时

He went to Beijing the day before yesterday.

the day after tomorrow 后天用于一般将来时


weekend周末指星期六和星期日在周末on weekends on the weekend

I only work on weekdays,not on weekends.

's today今天是什么日子回答时,通常用星期和日期,也可用节日。

如It's Monday the 14th. 今天是14号,星期一。

It's Teacher's Day.今天是教师节。

What's the date today 今天是几月几号回答用日期。

It's September 月10号。

What day is it today 今天是星期几回答用星期

It's Monday. 星期一。

after his sister. 照顾他的妹妹。

Look after =take care of look after ...well =take good care of ...
