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Integrated Peripherals API

Reference Manual


Revision 2.3



Important Notice

Jennic reserves the right to make corrections, modifications, enhancements, improvements and other changes to its products and services at any time, and to discontinue any product or service without notice. Customers should obtain the latest relevant information before placing orders, and should verify that such information is current and complete. All products are sold subject to Jennic’s terms and conditions of sale, supplied at the time of order acknowledgment. Information relating to device applications, and the like, is intended as suggestion only and may be superseded by updates. It is the customer’s responsibility to ensure that their application meets their own specifications. Jennic makes no representation and gives no warranty relating to advice, support or customer product design.

Jennic assumes no responsibility or liability for the use of any of its products, conveys no license or title under any patent, copyright or mask work rights to these products, and makes no representations or warranties that these products are free from patent, copyright or mask work infringement, unless otherwise specified.

Jennic products are not intended for use in life support systems/appliances or any systems where product malfunction can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury, death, severe property damage or environmental damage. Jennic customers using or selling Jennic products for use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Jennic for any damages resulting from such use.

All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

2 © Jennic 2007 JN-RM-2001 (v2.3) 18-Jun-2007



Important Notice 2 Contents 3 About this Manual 7 Organisation 7 Conventions 7 Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations 8

1 Introduction 9 1.1 Scope 9

readership 9

1.2 Intended

2 API Description 10 2.1 General 10 2.1.1 u32AHI_Init 10

Handling 10 2.2 Interrupt

Control 13 2.3 System

2.3.1 u8AHI_PowerStatus 13 2.3.2 vAHI_MemoryHold 14 2.3.3 vAHI_CpuDoze 14 2.3.4 vAHI_PowerDown 14 2.3.5 vAHI_Sleep (JN513x Only) 15 2.3.6 vAHI_ProtocolPower 15 2.3.7 vAppApiSetBoostMode (JN513x Only) 16 2.3.8 vAHI_HighPowerModuleEnable (JN513x Only) 16 2.3.9 vAHI_ExternalClockEnable (JN513x Only) 16 2.3.10 vAHI_AntennaDiversityOutputEnable (JN513x Only) 17 2.3.11 vAHI_SysCtrlRegisterCallback 17 2.3.12 vAHI_SwReset 17

Timers 18 2.4 Wake

2.4.1 vAHI_WakeTimerEnable 18 2.4.2 vAHI_WakeTimerStart 18 2.4.3 vAHI_WakeTimerStop 18 2.4.4 u8AHI_WakeTimerStatus 19 2.4.5 u32AHI_WakeTimerCalibrate 19 2.4.6 u8AHI_WakeTimerFiredStatus 19

Peripherals 20 2.5 Analogue

2.5.1 vAHI_ApConfigure 20 2.5.2 bAHI_APRegulatorEnabled 21 2.5.3 vAHI_APRegisterCallback 21 2.6 ADC 22 2.6.1 vAHI_AdcEnable 22 2.6.2 vAHI_AdcStartSample 22 2.6.3 bAHI_AdcPoll 23 2.6.4 u16AHI_AdcRead 23 2.6.5 vAHI_AdcDisable 23 2.7 DACs 24 2.7.1 vAHI_DacEnable 24 2.7.2 bAHI_DacPoll 24

JN-RM-2001 (v2.3) 18-Jun-2007 © Jennic 2007 3
