美国常用俚语摘抄1. kick ass 了不起A: Wow, you fixed my computer in less than 10 minutes. You're good.A: 哇! 你不到十分钟就把我的计算机修好了呀! 你很棒!B: Yep. I just kick ass.B: 是的! 我就是厉害!"kick ass" 除了字面上的「踢屁股」外, 还有「厉害、打败」的意思。
当「踢屁股」时, 比如某人放你鸽子, 你很气, 就可以说: "I'm going to kick his ass." (我得踢他的屁股)。
当「厉害」用时, 就像上面例句一样用。
"kick ass" 还可作「打败某人的意思」。
比如某人一向在某方面比你强, 终于有一天你比他厉害了, 你就可以说:"Hahaha (I)kicked your ass."。
觉得 "ass" 太难听的人, 就用 "butt" 吧!【不管ass,还是butt,都是屁股的意思。
黛西怎么老是庸俗不堪,社会主义精神的垃圾,我们新中国的有志青年可要擦亮眼睛,辩明是非啊!呵呵呵呵... 海泓注】2. kiss ass 拍马屁A: Mary, I'm sorry for cheating on you before. Do you see any chance that we can get back together?A: Mary, 我真的很抱歉对你不忠实。
你想我们可不可能重修旧好呢?B: I don't know, but you can kiss my ass.B: 不知道, 不过你可以亲我的屁屁(巴结我)。
美国留学不可或缺的本地俚语踏上美国的土地,留学生们最要紧的除了学习,就是如何快速融入当地生活,留学生们应该怎么改变不落单的现状呢?下面小编就教你美国人常用的那些俚语,让你也能迅速成为“老油条”!1、What’s up?What’s up是美国年轻人之间的一种打招呼的非正式方式(但不要对长辈使用)。
意思跟“你在做什么”比较类似,所以用I’m fine 这样的回答是不OK的。
现在小编教大家几种合适的回答,第一种就是用I + am + -ing verb的形式来回答,例如“I’m hanging out with friends right now”。
第二种是用“Not much. What’s up with you?”来回答,意思是“无聊中,你呢?”,一般比较适合想不出如何回答的同学。
第三种就是用俚语回答,例如“I’m chilling”,意思是我在休息。
2、forty winks13世纪,wink(本意,眨眼)就开始表示“打盹儿”,因为人打盹儿时处于浅睡眠状态,眼皮会快速眨动。
因此,“forty wink”表示“打盹儿”。
3、Damn it这句俚语同学们在美剧里经常可以听到。
学会了这句俚语,同学们就可以把粗俗的F**k给抛弃了,用Damn it相对优雅地表达自己那不愉悦的心情岂不更好。
4、In the nick of timeIn the nick of time 一般用在非常紧急的时候,意思是“及时、恰好”。
上个例句让大家感受一下——“News of interest cuts came in the nick of time for borrowers.”,这句话的意思是“对借款人来说,减息的消息来得正是时候”。
goober俚语【原创实用版】目录1.Goober 的含义和起源2.Goober 的用法和示例3.Goober 与其他俚语的比较4.Goober 在现代英语中的使用情况5.总结正文1.Goober 的含义和起源“Goober”是一个俚语,起源于美国南部,它的含义是“傻瓜”或“蠢人”。
2.Goober 的用法和示例“Goober”这个词通常用于口语和非正式的书面语中。
以下是一些使用“goober”这个俚语的示例:- Don"t be such a goober and fall for that trick again!(别再那么傻,再次上当受骗!)- The movie"s main character is a goober who always seems to get himself into trouble.(这部电影的主人公是个总是陷入麻烦的憨傻之人。
)3.Goober 与其他俚语的比较“Goober”这个词与一些其他俚语有相似之处,例如“idiot”(白痴)、“fool”(傻瓜)和“dumbass”(蠢货)。
4.Goober 在现代英语中的使用情况尽管“goober”这个词起源于美国南部,但它在现代英语中仍然广泛使用。
American English slangs美国俚语美国口语俚语(1)1.clock in 打卡Don't forget to clock in,otherwise you won't get paid.别忘了打卡,否则领不到钱。
e on to 对...轻薄;吃豆腐Tanya slapped Bill after he came on to her.Tanya在Bill对她轻薄之后打了他一巴掌。
e easily 易如反掌Languages come easily to some people.语言学习对有些人来说易如反掌。
4.don't have a cow别大惊小怪Don't have a cow! I'll pay for the damages.别大惊小怪的!我会赔偿损失的。
5.push around 欺骗Don't try to push me around!别想耍我!美国口语俚语(2)1.keep one's shirt on保持冷静Keep your shirt on. He didn't mean to offend you. That's just the way he talks.保持冷静。
2.cool it冷静一点Cool it. You are making me mad.冷静一点。
3.joy ride兜风Let's go for a joy ride.让我们去兜兜风。
4.rap说唱乐Do you like rap music? I have trouble understanding the words.你喜欢说唱音乐吗?我听不太懂其中的歌词。
5.red-letter day大日子This is a red-letter day for Susan. She made her first sale to a very important client.今天是susan的大日子。
美国常见的口语俚语摘抄hunky-dory没问题Everything here is hunky-dory Don’t worry别担心,这里一切都没问题。
I kid you not我不骗你I kid you not I saw this woman talking to her hand我不骗你。
pop one’s cork大发脾气I’ve never seen Teresa pop her cork before I always thought she was a very laid-back person我从来没见过Teresa发脾气。
poke one’s nose into something多管闲事Gladys is always poking her nose into other people’s business I don’t see how she has time to take care of her own affairs格拉迪斯总是爱管闲事,我不知道她怎么会有时间处理她自己的事。
pull a fast one欺骗He tried to pull a fast one on us, but we caught on before he got away with it他想要欺骗我们,但在他阴谋得逞之前我们就知道了。
beats me我不知道Beats me We haven’t learned that我不知道。
beat it走开Beat it! I’m busy right now走开!我现在正忙着。
A1,A bird’s-eye view俯视,全局观念If you have a birds-eye view of a situation, you will have a clear idea of what’s happening.如果你对形势有全局观念,你就能清晰地认识所发生的一切。
A worm’s-eye view 仰视,从下往上看,从微观来看,从小处着眼。
2,About –face立场的彻底转变Jenny’s mother did an about-face on her marriage.詹妮的妈妈对詹妮的婚事儿的态度突然来了个180度大转弯。
About –face是美国军队的口令用语,原意是“向后转”,身体反方向原地转180度。
英式英语是about-turn.3,A dime a dozen 便宜,不值钱This kind of china is dime a dozen in China, but how could I know it’s so expensive here.这种瓷器在中国应有尽有,根本不值钱,可谁知在这里竟然这么贵。
4,A fair shake 公平的待遇,公平的机会I didn’t get a fair shake in the election –Jenny was appointed president of the student body because her father is a sponsor of the school.这次选举对我不公平-詹妮被任命为学生会主席是因为她爸爸是学校的一个赞助商。
5,After one’s heart 正和心意,正中下怀I am so happy that at last I got married to a girl after my heart.我高兴极了,因为最后我还是和我心仪的姑娘结婚了。
1. kick ass 了不起 A: Wow, you fixed my computer in less than 10 minutes. You'regood。
A: 哇!你不到⼗分钟就把我的计算机修好了呀!你很棒! B: Yep. I just kick ass。
B: 是的!我就是厉害! "kick ass" 除了字⾯上的“踢*”外,还有“厉害、打败”的意思。
当“踢*”时,⽐如某⼈放你鸽⼦,你很⽓,就可以说: "I'm going to kick his ass." (我得踢他的*)。
"kick ass" 还可作“打败某⼈的意思”。
⽐如某⼈⼀向在某⽅⾯⽐你强,终于有⼀天你⽐他厉害了,你就可以说:"Hahaha...I kicked your ass."。
觉得 "ass" 太难听的⼈,就⽤"butt"吧! 2. kiss ass 拍马* A: Mary, I'm sorry for cheating on you before. Do you see anychance that we can get back together? A: Mary, 我真的很抱歉对你不忠实。
你想我们可不可能重修旧好呢? B: I don't know, but you can kiss my ass。
B: 不知道,不过你可以亲我的**(巴结我)。
赵晴注: Kisssomebody's ass 是拍马*的意思,但是在这句话⾥的意思是"你就做梦去吧", 也就是"你去死吧". 马*精显然就是asskisser 3. XYZ 检查你的拉链 Hey, man. XYZ。
美国地道的俚语摘抄1、Cross a bridge before one comes to it这个俚语很棒,说的是“杞人忧天”的意思,如果变成否定句意思就变成了“船到桥头自然直”。
The final exam is still months away. What are you nervous about? Don't cross a bridge before you come to it. Just enjoy your life now.期末考试还有好几个月呢,你紧张什么啊?放心吧,船到桥头自然直!神马都是浮云,还是好好享受生活吧。
2、Get one’s feet wet“把脚弄湿”,意思就是“第一次做某事”。
例句:If you've never invested money in the stock market, now is the time to get your feet wet.如果你从来没有往股市投过钱,那现在就是你试试身手的好时候了。
3、Get/Have someone’s number什么叫做“有某人的号码”?呵呵,其实说的是“对某人的动机和意图很了解”,也就是“心里有本帐”的意思。
例句:Nancy was only interested in his fortune, but he got her number clearly.南希其实只是看中了他的钱而已,但是他心里跟明镜似的。
4、Put someone on the spot这个的俚语的意思是“让某人左右为难”。
例句:Buddy, you know you are really putting me on the spotby asking me to choose between my mom and my wife.哥们,你让我在我妈妈和我妻子之间选择,你不是让我左右为难吗?5、Put one’s ass on the line“把屁股放在线上”说的就是“冒险做某件事情”的意思。
如“full of hot air”(一派胡言)。
表示某人大脑愚笨的俚语有“cab-bage head”,“flat head”,“meat head,”“fathead”等;消防队员是“smoke-eater”,既形象,又别致;心情郁闷者则是一只“sad apple”;贪杯者在喝醉后一定觉得“comfortable”,“happy”或者“feel good”,或者变得“bent”或“loaded”,这种人当然是“bottle baby”或者“in one's cups”;有人认为婚姻是枷锁,婚后失去了许多自由,因而有被“locked”之感;受绞刑而死则有一个非常轻松幽默的俚语“dance on air”;也许有人觉得电视看得太多大脑会变迟钝,不善思考,成为“idiot”,不然电视机怎会用一贬义俚语“idiot box”来表示。
[美国俚语大全]美国英语俚语大全(免费) 篇一: 美国英语俚语大全American English slangs美国俚语美国口语俚语1.clock in 打卡Don’t forget to clock in,otherwise you won’t get paid. 别忘了打卡,否则领不到钱。
e on to 对...轻薄;吃豆腐Tanya slapped Bill after he came on to her. Tanya在Bill对她轻薄之后打了他一巴掌。
e easily 易如反掌Languages come easily to some people. 语言学习对有些人来说易如反掌。
4.don’t have a cow别大惊小怪Don’t have a cow! I’ll pay for the damages. 别大惊小怪的!我会赔偿损失的。
5.push around 欺骗Don’t try to push me around! 别想耍我!美国口语俚语1.keep one’s shirt on保持冷静Keep your shirt on. He didn’t mean to offend you. That’s just the way he talks. 保持冷静。
2.cool it冷静一点Cool it. Y ou are making me mad. 冷静一点。
3.joy ride兜风Let’s go for a joy ride. 让我们去兜兜风。
4.rap说唱乐Do you like rap music? I have trouble understanding the words. 你喜欢说唱音乐吗?我听不太懂其中的歌词。
5.red-letter day大日子This is a red-letter day for Susan. She made her first sale to a very important client. 今天是susan的大日子。
美国俚语大全美国俚语大全1. I couldn't care less.这句话的意思是「我不在乎」,「缺乏兴趣」(lack of interest),也就是:I don't care at all. 或 I don't give a hoot. 例如:人家如果问: What do you think of the budget-cut?(你对预算削减有何看法?)你回答: I couldn't care less.(我毫不在乎)How do you like Mr. Lee's political point of view?(你喜欢李先生的政见吗?)I couldn't care less.(我才不在乎呢!)但是有时说话者也有「口是心非」:例如:I couldn't care less about the promotion or pay raise.(我不在乎升级或加薪)而实际上他是根本在乎升级和加薪的,那么人家也许就会回答说:Yes, you do(care).至于 I couldn't care more. 就是「我很在乎」(I care a lot.)或I care deeply. 同理:I couldn't agree more.=I totally agree.(我完全同意)I couldn't please you more.=I did my best to please you.(我尽量使你高兴)I couldn't be more right.=I am totally right.但是老外为了「自尊」,不愿强调自己的错误,所以很少人说:I couldn't be more wrong.注意:一般人都用否定句,但也有老外把肯定句与否定句互用。
不过,严格来说,I could care less. = I care to some degree.(care 的程度可能减少)I could care more.=I care some.(care的程度也许增加)(主词可用任何人称代名词:he, she, you, we, they 等。
欢迎大家阅读参考学习!各国常常用到的俚语1.He's the idol of girls. 他是个大众情人。
2.There you go again. 你又来那一套了。
3.I'm not as picky as you. 我没有像你那样挑剔。
4.He holds a top job. 他位居要职。
5.That's more like it. 那还差不多。
6.I'll show you the way. 我为你带路。
7.That's more than I can say. 我无可奉告。
8.You can't get it cheap! 这个价钱最便宜不过了!9.Let down your hair! 坦白地说吧!10.I need a steady job. 我需要一个固定的差事。
11.Let your hair dry! 你别神气!12.Money makes the mare go. 有钱能使鬼推磨。
13.We must keep in mind our final objective and our 我们必须牢记我们的最后目标和任务。
14.Fish in troubled waters. 趁火打劫(混水摸鱼) 。
15.I don't know what you are talking about. 我不知道你在胡说些什么。
16.Now I'm safe and sound. 现在我安全无忧了。
17.We talked our hearts out. 我们互吐心声。
18.Don't make a federal case out of this matter. 不要把此事虚张声势出去。
下面是小编为大家整理的关于美国常用的网络俚语,希望对你有所帮助,如果喜欢可以分享给身边的朋友喔!日常用到的俚语1.Would you like to have a snack? 你要不要吃点点心?2.My secretary will fix you up. 我的秘书会照顾你的。
3.All our work is a fizzle. 我的全部工作都完蛋了。
4.You are very pretty. 你真漂亮。
5.Don't try to snow me,I know how I look. 别挖苦我了,我知道我自己的长相。
6.She is an easy girl. 她是一个一搭就上的女人。
7.He is a Jack-of-all-trades. 他是个万事通。
(但一窍不通) I tried to explain it to you. 我想跟你说个明白。
8.She is tearing her hair out. 她气得要死。
9.I can only afford to live in a flophouse. 我只能住便宜的旅馆。
10.He has been flipping his lip for an hour. 他讲了一个小时的话。
11.He flies off the handle at missing the train. 他没有赶上火车,非常生气。
12.Miss,Yang has very beautiful gams. 杨小姐有一双美腿。
Are you reading smut? 你在看黄色小说吗?13.He's just a smal potato. 他只是个小人物。
14.He's a big shot=VIP. 他是个大人物。
美国俚语1.月光族月光族可以说live from paycheck to paycheck。
所以live from paycheck to paycheck, 就是形容盼着下一张工资单过日子。
这种开销特别大的旅行啊什么的,用英语怎么说呢?可以说:My vacation in Hawaii broke the bank. Break the bank 就是形容某件东西特别贵。
比如上星期,Jenny想买LV的包,男朋友就跟她说,We can't afford this purse, it will break the bank. 我们买不起这个包,实在太贵了。
你还可以说,this purse will max out my credit card. 也是特别贵的意思。
这个说法形象! Max out somebody's credit card, 刷爆信用卡!总结:第一:月光族的生活方式叫live from paycheck to paycheck;第二,非常昂贵可以说break the bank;第三,刷爆信用卡,叫 max out somebody's credit card.2.宅男、宅女地道的说法可以用indoorsy,读音[.ɪn'dɔrzɪ],是一个形容词。
例句:Jimmy is a very indoorsy person because he hates camping. 吉米是个很宅的人,因为他讨厌露营。
1.Not on your life 决不Not on your life would I ever travel by airplane!我决不搭飞机旅游。
2. up in arms 生气;激烈地抗议The women were up in arms about the new antiabortion law.对于新制定的禁止堕胎法律,妇女们表示强烈地抗议。
3. queit down 安静下来The father asked the children to quiet down because the baby was sleeping.父亲要孩子们安静下来,因为宝宝正在睡觉。
4. fed up with 极厌恶The maid was so lazy that they finally got fed up with her and fired her.那个女仆很懒惰,最后他们对她厌恶至极,把她解雇了。
5.Show someone to the door 将……赶出We were very embarrassed, but he stayed so long that we finally had to show him to the door.他逗留得太久,我们感到很为难,最后,只好请他离开。
6. let bygones be bygones 既往不咎(bygone:过去的事)They decided to reconcile their differences and let bygones be bygones.他们决定达成一致意见,并且不再计较过去的事。
7. sight for sore eyes 让人一看到就高兴的人或物(sore:/sɔ:r/,adj:酸的;肿痛的;n.溃疡)Hi,jack! You are a sight for sore eyes!嗨,杰克!看到你真高兴!8. hear from 收到……的信;听到……的消息We only hear from our son once a month.我们一个月只收到儿子的一封信。
其中,TBH(To Be Honest)意思是“说实话”,ICYMI(In Case You Missed It)意思是“以防你错过了它”。
2.俚语:俚语是形象传神清晰的表达方式,广泛用于美国日常生活,如“a piece of cake”(小菜一碟)、“cool beans”(酷毙了)、“mind your own business”(别管闲事),等等。
3.习语:习语是用准确的形容性词语描述出发生的状况、态度、情绪或感觉,以便准确地传达信息的独创的表达方式,如“face the music”(承担后果)、“raining cats and dogs”(实在磨人)、“the apple of one’s eye”(掌中宝)等。
4.专有名词:专有名词是指某一个个体、事物、组织及其活动等相关名词,它们有一定的地域性,如“Strawberry Festival”(草莓节)、“Guilford County Exhibition”(基尔福德县陈列会)、“Jackson’s Yosemite National Park”(杰克逊山脉国家公园)等。
例句:This party is lit.这个派对很棒。
2.GOAT有史以来最伟大的实际上就是Greatest of all time的缩写。
4.On fleek.指做得很完美等于perfectly done.5.Salty表示对某事感到失望或者生气。
6.DEAD可以表示为极其有趣7.Fire非常酷、非常惊人8.Low-Key低调的、平淡的9. High-Key 与low-key相反。
Quora精选:美国人最烦人的习惯是什么?What do foreigners find most annoying about Americans?外国人最烦美国人哪一点?获得281好评的答案@Erin Paige Law:As an Australian who has travelled quite a bit and been part of many different expat communities, I find that Americans more than people from other countries do this one particular thing that annoys me.我是个澳大利亚人,旅行过很多地方,也去过很多各种各样的外籍人士社区,然后我发现跟其他国家的人比起来美国人有一点特别讨厌。
When I am speaking, really about anything, just in general conversation, I hate being interrupted so that someone can impersonate my accent to me.当我在说话的时候,不管我再说什么,就算只是一场普通的谈话,我也很讨厌别人插嘴打断我然后去模仿我的发音。
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广东外语外贸大学公开学院本科毕业论文( 2013 届)论文题目Remarks on Modern American Slang(英文)论文题目浅谈美国现代俚语(中文)专业英语教育班级2013级本科准考证号011114300840考生刘利玉指导教师张艳交稿时间论文成绩Remarks on Modern American SlangLiu LiyuAbstract:Expressions that can be called slang make up a major part of American communication in movies, television, radio, newspapers, magazines and informal spoken conversation. This paper looks at the characteristics and the formations of modern American slang. Also, an attempt is made to further discuss the rhetorical features of American slang. In order to have a better communication with American people and a better understanding of the communication, the study of slang is necessary. Key words: American slang; characteristics and formations; rhetorical features浅谈美国现代俚语刘利玉摘要:俚语在美国的电影、电视剧、无线电广播、报纸、杂志以及在非正式口语交谈中都占据了美国交流的大部分。
关键词:美国俚语;特点和形成;修辞Contents1Introduction (4)2Literature review (4)3Brief analyses of modern American slangs (4)3.1Definition (4)3.2Characteristics (5)3.2.1Brevity (5)3.2.2Novelty (5)3.2.3Instability (6)4Rhetorical devices (7)4.1Lexical rhetorical devices (7)4.1.1Metapho r (7)4.1.2Euphemism (7)4.1.3Irony (8)4.1.4Metonymy (8)4.2Phonetic rhetorical devices (8)4.2.2Alliteration and Rhyme (9)5Conclusion (9)Works cited (10)Remarks on Modern American SlangGuangdong University of Foreign Studies 2013 Liu LiyuTutor: Zhang yan1IntroductionExpressions that can be called slang make up a major part of American communication in movies, television, radio, newspapers, magazines and informal spoken conversation. This paper looks at the characteristics and the formations of modern American slang. Also, an attempt is made to further discuss the rhetorical features of American slang. In order to have a better communication with American people and a better understanding of the communication, the study of slang is necessary. 2Literature reviewMany researchers have studied the characteristics and formations of American slang. In this paper the writer will briefly analyse them and will further discuss the rhetorical devices of Modern American slang. There are many papers have discussed the lexical rhetorical devices of American slang. This paper not only want to mention the lexical rhetorical devices but also the phonetic rhetorical devices of American slang as well.3Brief analyses of modern American slangs3.1DefinitionMany linguists are trying to define slang. As for the definition of slang, different people may have different ideas. There have been various definitions on slang since its birth. Many of them are very impressive:“Slang is a language which takes off its coat, rolls up its sleeves, spits on its hands—and goes to work” (Carl Sandburg 1878-1967). “Slang is the speech of him who robs the literary garbage cans on their way to the dumps” (Ambrose Bierce,Epigrams p. 358). Also, the definition of slang offered by Wikipedia is “Slang consists of a lexicon of non-standard words and phrases in a given language.”At present, a more acceptable andobjective definition is offered by Longman Dictionary of English Language & Culture (English-Chinese):“…very informal language that includes new and sometimes not polite words and meanings, is often used among particular groups of people, and is usually not used in serious speech or writing”. (1649)All in all, from the above-mentioned definitions, we can find that slang refers to the rude, dirty, indecent, informal and impolite language used by certain social groups i.3.2CharacteristicsAmerican slang is a language of highly colloquial type. According to Partridge, “Slang must always be related to convenience rather than to scientific laws, grammatical rules and philosophical ideals” (Eric Honeywood Partridge ,6 February 1894 – 1 June 1979). It does not only bring convenience to users, but also has its unique characteristics—brevity, novelty, instability.3.2.1BrevityThe characteristic of brevity refers to the fact that American slang is concise, convenient and economic. The characteristic of brevity can be realized either by apocope, such as pic for picture, cig for cigarette, bro for brother, or by blending two words, such as the word Weisure =work + leisure(工闲)1;smirting=smoking +flirting (借火搭讪)2;transumer=transient +consumer(旅游购物狂)3; Frenemy= friend+ enemy(友敌)4. Additionally, some American slang words are coined by acronym. For instance, DINKWAD (double income, no kids, with a dog); JOMO (joy of missing out)5; K.O (knock out), IOW (in other words); ASAP (as soon as possible) are all slang phrases formed by means of acronym and they are quite terse, concise and quick.From the above-mentioned examples, a conclusion can be arrived at that many slang words or phrases are created by means of abbreviation. As a result, the newly-coined words or phrases can be used conveniently, economically and easily. And this characteristic of brevity of American slang caters to the effective and concise lifestyle of the American people.3.2.2NoveltyIn the process of language development and evolution, American slang has evolved from the cant and jargon subordinate to the subculture to the presently accepted words and phrases. And it can be frequently seen in such fields as literature, magazine and 1Refers to free time spent doing work or work-related tasks. Weisure time is fitting fun around work, rather than fitting work around fun. It’s kind of like eating lunch at your desk.2Smirting is the practice of smoking and flirting outside public places such as pubs, bars, cafés, restaurants, and office buildings where smoking is prohibited.3They are consumers who increasingly live a transient lifestyle, freeing themselves from the hassles of permanent ownership and possessions.4Refer to either an enemy disguised as a friend or to a partner who is simultaneously a competitor.5The pleasure derived from no longer worrying about missing out on what other people are doing or saying.media report. Although it cannot be used on some occasions, it is not only used by people from the lower stratum of society but also by people in the upper-class nowadays. What brings about such change? It is its novelty that attracts many people’s interest in the use of slang. All kinds of fresh and interesting expressions emerge constantly; they can easily catch the eyes of people. The newly-coined slang words and phrases are extremely novel, fresh and vivid. For example, the American slang words big shot(大人物), airhead(傻蛋),couch potato(电视迷),party animal(派对狂). Sometimes slang words are coined by someone for the pleasure of novelty and used by people who try to keep up with the latest trends. For example, Bieber Fever6,Gleek7,Hen-pecked(妻管严),Smilence(笑而不语) .With the development of science and technology and the improvement of the social life of people, many new things and concepts have sprung up like mushrooms. Afro (蓬松成圆形的发式),Hot line(热线) ,rock and roll (摇滚),Hacker(黑客)。