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1. 坚强意志的驱动下,他终于完成了他所承担的任务。

Driven by a strong will, he eventually fulfilled the task he had undertaken.

2. 他许诺一到那儿就给我写信,但至今杳无音讯。

He promised to write to me as soon as he got there, but nothing has been heard of him so far.

3. 老板从来没有对任何员工如此满意过,这个年轻人确实是个难得的人才。

The boss has never been so pleased with any employee before. The young man is a real find.

4. 在医生和护士的帮助下,病人再一次站了起来,不久便重新开始工作。

With the help of the doctors and nurses, the patient was able to stand on his feet once more and soon resumed working.

5. 老人那张布满皱纹的脸表明了他一辈子所忍受的苦难。

The old man’s wrinkled face spoke of the hardships he had endured in his life.

6. 当她身体恢复了一些,她就倚在窗口,望着孩子们在草地上玩耍。

When she recovered somewhat, she leaned on the window watching the children play on the lawn.

1. 他没有通过考试,但这是他自己的过错,他从来就不用功。

He failed the test but it was his own fault; he never did any work.

2. 她告诉我她被一个自称(claim)为银行家儿子的年轻人骗了。

She told me she had been deceived by a young man who claimed to be the son of a banker.

3. 玛丽离开了她的丈夫,因为她再也无法忍受他的残酷无情了。

Mary left her husband because she couldn’t stand his cruelty any longer.

4. 妈妈坚持的一点是,约翰必须做完作业才能看电视。

One thing that Mom insisted on was that John finish his homework before watching any TV programs. 5. 当比尔过分痴迷于网上聊天时,事情开始变了。他不再是那个初进大学时勤奋学习的学生了。

When Bill became overly obsessed with online chatting, things began to change. No longer was he the hard working student he was when he first came to college.

6. 我一开始就告诉过你,网上约会与实际在一起生活根本不是一回事。

I told you from the beginning that there was a world of difference between online dating and actually living together.

1. 演出结束后观众们都激动地站了起来,真挚的掌声持续了好几分钟。

After the performance, the audience all came excitedly to their feet with genuine applause that lasted for quite a few minutes.

2. 看见我恐慌的样子,女主和人安慰我接下去指示我做的肯定是我做得到的。

Seeing me in panic, the hostess reassured me that what I was instructed to do next was something I was definitely capable of.

3. 整个下午他完全被一道分数题吸引住了,难怪他解出题目时欣喜万分。

He was completely absorbed by a fraction problem the whole afternoon. No wonder he was overjoyed when he finally worked the problem out.

4. “亨利一旦沉浸到自己的思绪党总,就跟聋子差不多,”史密斯太太这样评论道。

“Once Henry is submerged in his own thoughts, he’s virtually deaf.” Thus remarked Mrs. Smith.

5. 你不觉得在我们还不能确定统计数字的准确性时就匆忙下结论是不安全的吗?

Don’t you think it’s unsafe to conclude hastily when we are not sure about the accuracy of the statistics?

6. 她心神不宁地在钢琴前坐下,试着弹了一个音符(note)。这是她第一次接触乐器。

She sat uneasily in front of the piano and ventured a note. It was her first time to touch a musical instrument.

1. 我已决定不去面试,因为招聘广告明明白白地说只有大学毕业生才有资格干这份工作。

I have decided not to go to the interview because the job advertisement has made it clear that only a college graduate is eligible for the post.

2. 她让儿子每天练钢琴。看来,她上海铁了心要把儿子培养成钢琴家。

She makes her son practice the piano every day. It seems that she has set her heart on making a pianist of her son.

3. 我小的时候喜欢给妈妈跑腿。找回的零钱我可以自己留着。

When I was a child, I enjoyed doing errands for my mother. I could keep the small change.

4. 他的精彩表演感染了每一个观众,自始至终没有一个人发出一点声音。

His excellent performance spoke to every member of the audience. No one made any sound throughout it.
