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开发;进步;使成长;显露;(开始)患(病)choke 填塞;使窒息

starve 挨饿:使饿死

worsen 使……变得更糟

cure 治愈

prevent 防护;防卫;阻止

forbid 禁止

save 节约;省;存;救

realize 意识到;明白

scold 责骂;斥责

quarrel 吵架;争吵

forgive 原谅

handle v. 掌握;掌控;处理n.把手

progress v. 前进;进步;推进n.进步

sink 下沉;消沉

benefit v. 使获益,受益n.益处,好处

possess 拥有

re-evaluate 再次评价;再评估

raise 提高;筹集;养育;升起

reflect 反映;考虑;反省

analyze 分析;解析

judge 判断;裁决

treat 对待;治疗


skilled 熟练的,有技能的

severe 极为恶劣的; 十分严重的

common 共同的;普通的;一般的;通常的

rare 稀有的,很少的

basic 基本的;基础的

certain 确定的;必然的;无疑的

serious 严格的;严重的;严肃的

emotional 情绪的

complete 完全的

adolescent 青少年的

caring 有爱心的

puzzled 感到迷惑的;感到困惑的

basically 主要地,基本上

merely 仅仅;只不过;只是

especially 尤其;特别


disorder 混乱;失调

debt 债务;罪过

guilt 犯罪;过失;内疚

alcoholism 迷恋酒精

adventure 冒险

conflict 冲突

situation 情形;情况

judgment 判断

hardship 苦难

failure 失败

courage 勇气



(1)清晰的; 明白的

The plain truth is that he doesn't like you.

The figures in the picture are quite plain.

It's plain to see you haven't done this before.

It is quite plain that he is mistaken.

(2)朴素的; 简单的; 平常的

She's in plain clothes.

The food was plain but well prepared.

(3)坦白的, 坦率的, 真诚的

I'll tell you everything in plain words.

He was plain about this.

(4)完全的; 十足的; 彻底的

He's a plain fool.

2.fought back tears强忍住眼泪

It was difficult for her to fight back her tears.

Her tears were fought back on such an occasion.

3. a parent they could count on

count on

(1)依赖, 依靠

If there's anything I can do, count on me.

They counted on foreign investment to stimulate their economy.

(2)期望, 指望

I'm counting on you to persuade her.

I know of at least two people who can be counted on to support us.

I had counted on having it completed by March.

We can't count on him telling the truth.

We can count on the weather being fine.




1. save 拯救;储蓄;节省;保留

2. hit 击;达到;使突然想起

3. receive 收到;招待;

4. dismiss 不再考虑;解雇;解散;搁置

5. overcome 克服

6. remove 移动;免除(职务)

7. acquire 获得

8. improve 改善

9. abandon 放弃;使沉湎于

10. collect 收集;

11. submit 提交;屈服

12. prepare 准备

13. praise 赞扬

14. accept 接受

15. surprise 使诧异

16. evaluate 评估

17. consider 考虑;认为

18. assign 布置;分配

19. perform 表演;执行,履行



bright 明亮的;鲜艳的;聪明的;活泼的

brave 勇敢的

absent 缺席的

satisfactory 令人满意的
