商务秘书实务Chapter 14 - Petty cash management
254388 商务秘书实务 PPT课件[167页]
![254388 商务秘书实务 PPT课件[167页]](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/8ba2a8bda98271fe900ef97b.png)
助理级秘书也常被称为 “见习秘书”,包括接 待员、打字员等,其主 要工作内容是打字、接 待、电传、管理办公用 品、管理办公环境、处 理电话、分送信函、预 定约会等。
文 书 级 秘 书 也 常 被 称 为 执行级秘书包括业务秘 “正式秘书”,其主要工作 书、行政秘书等,在一些 内容是起草、打印文稿,收 企业中被称为助理、专 发、处理文书,完成上司临 员、专务等。其工作内 时交办的事项,笔录口授文 容主要是协助上司做办 件,负责会议的记录,为上 公室和业务部门的有关 司的报告和文件的撰拟收 工作 集和组织材料,等等。
1.基础知识 基础知识是秘书知识大厦的根基,只有根基坚实宽厚, 才有可能谈到创新能力和应变能力等展现综合素质的 东西。基础知识主要包括社会文化基础知识和自然科 学基础知识。
2.相关之四海 相关知识包括金融投资、财务处理、税务处理、国际贸 易、企业战略决策、企业资本运作、企业经营管理、企 业法律法规运用、企业危机管理、企业人力资源管理、 商务沟通、商务谈判等方面的知识,还包括经济学等方 面的知识。
商务活动的任何一方都是以 追求和实现经济利益为目标 和归宿的,离开了经济利益, 商务活动就失去了存在的价 值。
商务活动的竞争性要求商务秘 书熟悉和运用商业原则,准确 地掌握商务秘书的工作内容、 职业技能和职业规范,卓有成 效地将专业知识、综合能力和 实践经验整合运用于商业运作 之中。
第一节 商务秘书与商务秘书工作
行政级秘书 行政级秘书包括办公 室主任、行政经理、 行政总监、经理私人 助理等。其主要工作 内容包括参与决策,监 督检查,辅助管理,设 计工作岗位,制定工作 流程,等等。

《商务秘书实务》第2版习题答案Chapter 1: Introduction to the Secretarial Profession 秘书职业简介Chapter 2: Fundamentals of Business Etiquette 商务礼仪基础Chapter 3: Corporate Secretarial Ethics 秘书职业道德Chapter 4: An Overview of Business Writing 商务英语写作概览Chapter 5: Creating Business Letters in English 商务信函写作Chapter 6: Writing Memos in English 备忘录写作Chapter 7: Telephone Etiquette 电话沟通礼仪Chapter 8: Meeting Organization 组织会议Chapter 9: Presentation Development 开展讲座Chapter 10: Travel and Accommodation Arrangement 旅行和住宿安排Chapter 11: Business Entertaining 商务宴请Chapter 12: Balance Sheet Composition 制作资产负债表Chapter 13: Payroll Sheet Composition 制作员工工资表Chapter 14: Petty Cash Management 小额现金管理Chapter 15: Foundations of Human Resource Management 人力资源管理基础Chapter 16: Public Relations 公共关系基础Chapter 17: Marketing Research and Advertising Campaign 市场调研与广告活动Chapter 18: Writing Resumes in English 英文简历写作Chapter 19: Writing Job-search Cover Letters in English 英文求职信写作。

再次是执行级,它包括业务秘书、行政秘书等。其工 作内容主要是协助上司做办公室和业务部的有关工作。 如处理信函,联系电话,接待来访,安排会议,收集 资料,管理档案,收发传真、电话,计划管理上司的 时间,安排差旅,对外代表上司联络、处理事务,监 督检查上司下达的工作,做信息收集工作,协调横向、 纵向的各种关系,辅助决策。
第四,事先要了解时下涉外秘书人才市场的薪水标准,因为涉外 秘书的薪酬标准常常和人才市场的供需状况和大的经济形势密不 可分。面试时当对方提及薪酬问题时,可以根据自己的实力,有 的放矢地提出,但注意不要随便说:“给多少都没关系”或“我 认为我原来的薪酬是某某千元,这次无论如何要高出原来某某千 元。”之类的话,以免雇主认为你对自己的实力缺乏自信,或者 你自以为是,盲目抬高身价等等。
最后是行政级。它包括办公室经理、行政经理、秘书 科长、经理私人助理等。其工作内容主要包括参与决 策,监督检查,辅助管理,帮助上司协调组织内纵向 横向的关系和组织外部的各种关系,指导带领秘书群 体协同工作,知人善任,合理授权,合理分派工作。
1、商务活动的特点 交易性 利益性 竞争性
智能化:专业技能、人际关系技能、理 念分析技能
专业化:术业有专攻、行业细分 复合化:多种知识和技能的组合 社会化:国际化、统一化 女性化:女性在管理中整体地位的提升
商务秘书的职业道德 商务秘书的知识结构 商务秘书的能力素质
辅助决策的调查研究工作等。 10


(七)建议学时教学计划学时为56 ,建议学时可为70—72学时。
项目一子项目二课后练习题一、单选题1.我国的秘书工作最早出现在(B )时期。
A.夏B.商C.先秦D.唐2.我国最早从事秘书工作的人,被称为( D )。
A.史官B.尚书C.秘书D.巫3.( C )是对秘书工作的基本要求。
A.热情B.细致C.周到D.耐心4.办公室工作的特殊性决定了秘书的主要职能是(C )。
A.服务群众B.甘于奉献C.服务领导D.严守机密5.( C )是所有社会组织对办公室人员尤其是秘书无条件的纪律要求。
A.爱岗敬业B.服务群众C.严守机密D.清正廉洁6.秘书工作的根本性质是(C )。
A.政治性B.政策性C.辅助性D.机要性7.现代社会要求秘书人员既是专才,又是(A )。
如果你是该公司职员,你通常会采取哪种做法?( B )A.上班后,看有没有人做卫生,如果没人做,就自己做B.不管别人做不做,自己都做C.如果公司有比自己年轻的同事,可以让他们去做D.等领导安排自己做的时候再做9.单位对因公出差的住宿费一般都有限额规定,如果领导安排你出差,你会采取以下哪种做法?(D )A.无论工作是否需要,都按单位规定的最高限额选择饭店B.只要能完成工作,就尽量选择价格较低的饭店C.只要能完成工作,住什么样的饭店无所谓D.住宿的档次对单位的形象和工作有影响,应根据工作需要进行选择10.办公室工作的(D )决定秘书的主要职能就是为领导服务。
A.关键性B.复杂性C.综合性D.特殊性11.(A )是秘书良好的礼仪风度中最基本的原则之一。
这时售货员可能有以下几种不同的说法,你认为正确的是(B )。

这是《年外经贸从业人员考试《国际商务秘书实务》过关必做习题集》的读书笔记模板,暂无该书作者的介 绍。
第十四章高级 1
第十五章特殊 2
3 第十六章跨文
4 第十七章商务
5 第十八章商务
这是《年外经贸从业人员考试《国际商务秘书实务》过关必做习题集》的读书笔记模板,可以替换为自己的 心得。
这是《年外经贸从业人员考试《国际商务秘书实务》过关必做习题集》的读书笔记模板,可以替换为自己的 精彩内容摘录。
第一章国际商务秘书 概述
第三章办公室日常事 务管理
第四章商务文书运转 管理
第五章会议管 1
第六章档案管 2
3 第七章商务沟
4 第八章国际商
第九章会计、 税务、金融、
第十一章商务文书和 电子文件管理
第十二章办公室工作 中的时间管理
年外经贸从业人员考试《国际商务 秘书实务》过关必做习题集
01 思维导图03 目源自分析 05 精彩摘录目录02 内容摘要 04 读书笔记 06 作者介绍
国际 商务

(每小题1分,共30分)1. 国际商务秘书的工作原则不包括()。
A. 保密B. 机动C. 准确D. 迅速2. 以下属于国际商务秘书辅助管理知识的是()。
A. 社会学B. 语言学C. 公文处理D. 速记3. 国际商务礼仪的基本原则不包括()。
A. 真诚平等原则B. 规范适度原则C. 遵仪守时原则D. 灵活变通原则4. 坐在低沙发上时,最好采用的女士坐姿是()。
A. 双腿垂直式B. 双腿斜放式C. 双腿内敛式D. 双腿交叉式5. 以下描述正确的是()。
A. TOP中的T指的是四季的不同B. 着装应遵循个性化原则C. 全身首饰不得超过4件D. TOP中的场合一般归为公务场合和休闲场合6. 关于握手的描述正确的是()。
A. 与印度人交往时,要避免两人握手时与另外两人相握的手形成交叉形状B. 遇到基督教信徒,应严禁用左手相握C. 有话想让对方出来讲,握手时不要松开D. 如有手疾应拒绝与对方握手7. 名片存放方法不包括()。
A. 按性别分类B. 按姓名的汉字笔划的多少分类C. 按专业或部门分类D. 按地区分类8. 构成健康安全的办公环境的基本要素不包括()。
A. 光线B. 办公设备C. 声音D. 空间9. 下列关于办公流程描述正确的是()。
A. 办公流程的确定要以组织的结构为依据B. 办公流程中复检的环节应全部取消C. 办公流程管理中的各程序应强制执行D. 办公流程的设计应由秘书负责完成10. 办公用品的采购原则不包括()。
A. 满足公司办公需要B. 尽量零库存C. 做好相关记录D. 物美价廉11. ()是文书有效传递信息的基本保证。
A. 准确B. 安全C. 及时D. 精简12. 邮件接受程序的第一步是()。
2014年12 月外经贸从业人员考试《国际商务秘书实务》真题及详解

2014 年12 月外经贸从业人员考试《国际商务秘书实务》真题及详解一、单项选择题。
(每小题1 分,共20 分)1.以下属于美国《职称辞典》中对秘书工作描述的是()。
A.校对B.签收C.传阅D.归档【答案】A 11.文书工作中的()是保证文书制作质量,提高文书工作效率,克服文牍主义的重要手段。
A.一般由标题、正文、落款、日期组成B.最好有主办方的名字或形象标志C.内容要概括D.语言要恳切、朴实【答案】A 13.()是收文处理的最后一个环节。
秘书实务第一章 商务秘书_OK

1、商务秘书与其他 秘书的异同点
2、商务秘书的工作 有哪些特殊性?
3、商务秘书应 具有哪些能力
4、怎样才能过好 面试这一关
主页 20
秘书自学的方式有两种:其一 读书;其二实践。理论与实践 相结合,不断的通过自身学习 提升自己的各种能力
所谓组织性学习,是指在组织 中学习新的知识、理论和价值 观,并加以应用。秘书应不断 掌握相互合作和迅速适应外界 变化的技能
道获 取 知 识 渠
第一章 商务秘书概述
1ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
书名 《现代秘书实务》
著者/译者 范立荣著
《涉外秘书实务》 《涉外秘书全书》 《经理助理与秘书手册》
《秘书国家职业资格培训教 程》
《公司秘书手册》 《办公室事务管理》
【美】玛丽·A·德弗 里斯著
【美】斯特罗曼.K. 威尔逊著
A、全面处理机关、公司的行政工作,以减 轻政府官员和公司负责人的较次要的行 政事务及办公室工作
(三)、秘书的 能力素质

商务秘书实务课后练习答案the Exercises of Corporate Secretarial PracticeChapter11、1)The secretary’s responsibilities have been upgraded from handling office chores to a higher level, where organizing, supervising and training have become the core components of a secretarial job、2)The secretary’s professionalism and reliability have more influence on the daily and long-term management of the company than before, because managers’ and executives’ reliance on their secretaries have witnessed an unprecedented increase、2、 The major responsibilities and tasks of a modern day secretary can be summarized into three categories: the independent operation of day-to-day documentary work, execution of internal and external communication, assistance in management and supervision, direct involvement in staff training、3、 Answers may vary with varied individual impressions、4、1)The secretary is mainly responsible for assisting a manager or managers on a daily basis、2)He/She should have basic skills in office management and corporate communication as well as a strong sense of professionalism, responsibility, reliability and business etiquette along with attractive personality andcharacter、3)He/She should have the initiative to familiarize himself/herself with the way the company operates and its policies so as to be capable of arranging dutiesaccording to their priority and making quick responsesand sensible decisions、4)He/She should understand how to fulfill office duties, maintain appropriate appearance, communicate verbally and non-verbally, and execute instructions and orders efficiently, because they are the foundation ofsuccessful daily corporate management and the firstcontact with the outsiders、5)He/She should be ethical, professional, positive and attractive, because only with these qualities can his/her reliability and efficiency in performance be guaranteed、Chapter21、1) Answers may vary with varied personal experiences、2) Personally, I believe the opinion originates from narrow-sightedness and nationalism, which can be regarded as wrong、 As is observed, globalizationis the definite trend of the world economics、 The communication and business contacts with the Western businesspeople are surging in their frequency、 Therefore, learning the Western business etiquette is highly necessary out of the simple but absolute reason that mutual respect is the key in successful business interactions、2、1)No;2)No;3)Yes;4)No;5)No;6)No;7)No;8)Yes3、1)The colleague should not answer calls in front of the clients、 Instead, he/she should set the cell phone on the ‘vibrate’ code or even turn it off、 If he/she has to answer an important call, he/she should apologize to and then leave the client temporarily for the call、2) He should not think of a company buffet as a chance of self-indulgence、 Instead, he should probably eat before he goes to the buffet and limit himself to alcohol so as to keep sober、3)She should not apply makeup during the course of the meeting、 Instead, she should have had herself appropriately made up before the meeting and simply keep herself at ease in the meeting、4)He should not make noises when eating、 Instead, he should roll the noodles every time he puts them into his mouth and chew them with his mouth closed、4、For reference only:From: “Steven Goody”<stevengoody@hotmailZZZ>To: “Larry Parker”<larryparker@yahooZZZ>Subject: Price catalog and samples Date: Wed,18 August xx 08:28:10Dear Larry:Two weeks ago, we requested you to send us your latest price catalog and the samples of the stuffing、 However, they have notarrived yet、 Would you please check whether there were any mistakes occurring during their delivery? At present, our production is preparing for the mass production of Teddy bears for the upcoming Christmas season、 It is the high time for us to do the final cost accounting and select the most appropriate stuffing、 The late delivery of the price catalog and samples may give rise to a series of production problems afterwards、 Viewing our well-established relationship, we can rest assured that quick reaction will be made to find the best solution to this problem、 We are looking forward to hearing from you with regard to the solution、Steven Chapter31、1) Answers may vary with varied individual understanding of secretarial professional ethics、Additional points that can be added to the list are being self-motivated, self-improving, coordinative, enterprising, etc、2) Answers may vary with varied individual insights into the tips、3) The major differences that exist between Chinese and American secretaries may be that Chinese secretaries’ average age tends to be younger than that of American ones, for secretaries’ appearance is an indispensable reflectionof corporate image in China, while experience and expertise outweighs appearance in choosing a secretary in U、S、、 That gives an explanation to the fact that American secretaries follow more strict ethical codes so as to be professional in fulfilling their duties、4)Chinese employees should first of all realize that the secretarial job is not short-lived, which means it is a job that may end before35、 Instead, they should pay more attention to their inner qualities, which are composed of guiding and enlightening secretarial principles, and basic and in-depth understanding and knowledge of a secretarial job、2、 Personally, I believe that dating an immediate superior is against the secretarial ethical codes, because their relation may have direct influence on their roles in work, which may ultimately undermine their performance, efficiency and even the company’sinterests、 Chapter41、1)The major differences that lie between business letters, memos and e-mails are their formality and target readers、 The first one is the most formal, aiming at thereaders with whom the writer is in a fairly serious relation; the second one is less formal, aiming at the readers who are lower in hierarchy; the third is theleast formal, aiming at the readers with whom the writer feels much at ease、2)A well organized paragraph should be appropriately generalized and adequately supported with logical transitions with the previous paragraph and the subsequent one、3)The mistakes in a sentence are incompleteness, wordiness and wrong choices of voice、 The reasons thatare attributed to them are that the Chinese tend to be confused about English sentence structures, unfamiliarwith English wording and unaware about the use of voicein business writing、4)Answers may vary with varied individual findings、2、 From: Royce Mason <steven_peng@rolZZZ>To: "Tommy Lynch" <ken_black@rolZZZ>Subject: Solutions to late delivery Date: Friday,12 May xx8:18:11Dear Tommy:We have paid immediate attention to the problem of late deliveryof the order、 After an enquiry with the shipping company, it was discovered that the ship that carried the orderencountered mechanical problems halfway to the port of destination、 The shipping company is now seriously considering the needs for transshipment、 In the meantime, we will keep track of the latest information from the shipping company and come up with the solutions for your best interests、 Please accept our sincere apology forthe problems arising from the late delivery、 Best regards,Royce3、A Report on the Launch of T330 Electric Shavers With one year’s extensive surveys on South China market area, it can be safely concluded that there is a great sales potential of T330 Electric Shavers、 The surveys mainly targeted the men consumers of various age and income groups、 The findings are listed as follows: First, the25 to35 age groups are most interested in electric shavers、 Since they are fully occupied in the daytime, they cannot afford much time to shave before they set out for work、 This provides a selling point for T330Electric Shavers, which are designed to be capable of complete shaving in less than5 minutes、 Second, the suggested sales price of T330 Electric Shavers is220 RMB, falling into the price range of the2000 to3000 RMB incomegroup、 In relatively developed South China, the aforesaid income group covers a population of1 million, who concentrate in the major southern cities, such as Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Foshan and Zhuhai、 Such a concentration provides a foreseeable market share forT330 Electric Shavers、 In summary, the launch of T330 Electric Shavers will be a success if the launch time is well set and the follow-up marketing strategy is appropriately employed、 Chapter51、1)Business letters, fax and e-mails are the major components of business correspondence、2)The three basic formats are the block business letter format, the semi-blocked business letter format and the indented business letter format、3)The major differences are that the layouts of the three formats are varied according to the different sets of standards and their common purpose is present the information in a neat and decent manner、4)A business letter normally have a return address, a date, a reference line, an inside address, an attention line, a salutation, a subject line, a body, acomplimentary close, a signature block, identification initials, and an enclosure notation、5)A business letter should provide all pertinent information in a clear and concise manner with a purpose that stands out at beginning and is supported all through the letter、 The grammar applied should serve the information flow in an accurate and appropriate manner、Last but not least, the tone should keep in line with the purpose and be well reflected through the information、2、1)TT&G Consultancy,18 Leicester StreetBirmingham,22356, UK20-3399-886320 November, xxGuangzhou LatinaBiochemistry Co、, Ltd、28 Dongfeng Road, Yuexiu DistrictGuangzhou510020, Guangdong, ChinaAttention: Mr、Long TengdeDear Mr、 Long:Late Delivery ofOrder332Sincerely yours, Aaron Samson, R&D managerJPEnclosures:3cc: Ronald Terry, Logistics manager2) TT&G Consultancy,18 Leicester StreetBirmingham,22356, UK20-3399-886320 November, xxGuangzhou LatinaBiochemistry Co、, Ltd、28 Dongfeng Road, Yuexiu DistrictGuangzhou510020, Guangdong, ChinaAttention: Mr、Long TengdeDear Mr、 Long:Late Delivery ofOrder332Sincerely yours, Aaron Samson, R&D managerJPEnclosures:3cc: Ronald Terry, Logistics manager3) TT&G Consultancy,18 Leicester StreetBirmingham,22356, UK20-3399-886320 November, xxGuangzhou LatinaBiochemistry Co、, Ltd、28 Dongfeng Road, Yuexiu DistrictGuangzhou510020, Guangdong, ChinaAttention: Mr、Long TengdeDear Mr、 Long:Late Delivery ofOrder332Sincerely yours, Aaron Samson, R&D managerJPEnclosures:3cc: Ronald Terry, Logistics manager3、28, January, xxRoland Trading Co、, Ltd、23 Yuexiu Zhong RoadGuangzhou, China Dear Mr、 Thompson:We have received your letter concerning your Purchase Contract No、898、 Upon receipt of the letter, an urgent meetingwas held between the supplier and us、 The result turned out to be favorable、 Delivery is rescheduled to April2, xx, as requested in your letter、 We would be pleased to offer help to you whenever it is need、 If you havefurther questions, please feel free to inquire us、 Yours respectfully,Toddy MasonExport Manager4、 Envelope: Li Fenjin Data Magic Machinery Co、, Ltd、23 Huangshi Xi RoadGuangzhou, China CONFIDENTIALPeter Houston1708 Reserve StGarland, TX75042-7621USA Letter:18 May, xx1708 Reserve StGarland, TX75042-7621USA Dear Mr、 Houston: We acknowledge with thanks your product catalog、 It is our great pleasure to find that the data acquisition system listed in the catalog has a huge potential in our market、 However, its price is far out of the price range of our market, which remains to be an obstacle in boosting possible future sales、 If you kindly offer us a25% discount, we will be willing to order3 sets as a starter、 We wish that this would be our first step in establishing long-term relationship、 Your reply is earnestly awaited、 Yours respectfully,Li FenjinPurchasing ManagerChapter61、1)A business memo, which is an effective and efficient tool in business communication, is an in-house business letter、2)A good memo should follow a set of guidelines, which foster its formation and upgrade expressiveness、3)A memo can keep members of a business organization from attending time-consuming meetings while furnishing them with sufficient information、4)Memos are different from letters in their formats and styles; however, they both serve the purpose of business communication、5)The common formats of a memo are block format and modified block format、 Block format begins every paragraph flush with the left margin and leaves an empty line of space between each paragraph、 Modified block format indents each paragraph and does not leave an empty line of space between each paragraph、2、1)MEMO Date:11 November, xx To: General Manager From: He Chunnan, Finance Manager Subject: Staff changes in my department2)MEMO Date:12 January, xx To: Board of Directors From: Lin Deng, Marketing Manager Subject: Product launch plan of T008AE washing machines3)备忘录日期:xx年11月8日致:执行总裁凯尔史密斯由:人事经理通尼约翰逊主题:xx年招聘计划与时间表4)备忘录日期:xx年5月12日致:各部门经理由:人力资源经理主题:新激励制度3、1)MEMO Date:11 January xx To: Lorry Thomas, Assistantof Training Department From: Tory King, Training Manager Subject: Training program on hardware maintenance A new training program on hardware maintenance, which lasts one month from January15 to February15, is arrange for theten trainee technicians recruited on January1、In order to guarantee the execution of the program, John Hoover, the workshop supervisor, should besufficiently informed of its details and specifications, and two senior engineers from the production department should be designated to assist and assess it、 Could you give me a notice when the aforesaid tasks are completed? Thank you!2)MEM。

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商务秘书实务Chapter 14 - Petty cash management

Petty Cash Voucher
A voucher is a written record of disbursement, and is used for the management of the petty cash. Note 1:
It must be signed by the person receiving the money and the person authorizing the payment.
anything bought out of petty cash.
Petty Cash Voucher
A Sample Petty Cash Voucher
Reimbursements from a Petty Cash Fund
In reimbursement the proof of purchase is very important.
The person in charge of petty cash is:
secretary —In a small or medium size firm a senior clerk —in a big company
often called a petty cash custodian
Where is Petty Cash Stored?
Petty cash is used for small payments on office sundries. A secretary may be responsible for maintaining a petty cash system, or should be familiar with the procedures involved for supervision purposes. Petty cash is operated on the imprest system
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Neither too small nor too big
Once the board has determined how large a fund is needed, a check can be written to the petty cash custodian to establish the petty cash fund.
-how much money should be available in the
petty cash reserve -a maximum expenditure which can be paid with petty cash
The fund should be enough to cover petty
Note 2:
The clerk in charge of the petty cash must not pay out any petty money without a voucher.
Petty Cash Voucher
A voucher is a written record of disbursement, it is used for the management of the petty cash.
Petty Cash Voucher
A voucher is a written record of disbursement, and is used for the management of the petty cash.
Note 1:
It must be signed by the person receiving the money and the person authorizing the payment.
Petty cash is used for: tea, coffee, milk and sugar for the office staff, bus or taxi
fares, parking fees, postage stamps, cleaner’s wages, and small items of office stationery.
The Imprest System
The petty cash account is usually kept on a system called the imprest system. A sum of money equal the
amount which has been spent is disbursed at the end of a regular period – usually a week or a month.
Reimbursements from a Petty Cash Fund
In some cases, the company may permit an advance from petty cash to cover an upcoming purchase.
Note 3: The vouchers should be numbered for filing purpose. Note 4: A receipt should be produced for
anything bought out of petty cash.
Note 5: Vouchers can be printed by
secretary; pads of petty cash vouchers can be purchased in some stationery stores.
Petty Cash Voucher
A Sample Petty Cash Voucher
Reimbursements from a Petty Cash Fund
Chapter 14
Petty Cash Management
What is Petty Cash?
The small amount of cash that is available for payment of small items.
Necessary cash for every firm Without the services of a bank
The person in charge of petty cash is:
secretary—In a small or medium size firm a senior clerk —in a big company
often called a petty cash custodian
Where is Petty Cash Stored?
It must be kept in a lockable cash box with a removable tray, and the box must be locked in a cupboard.
bank notes stored under the tray
coins stored on the tray
483 1715
At the beginning
At the end
At the next beginning
The petty cash fund
The Imprest System
The company management should develop a policy:
In reimbursement the proof of purchase is very important.
make a small purchase
get a receipt
Get the voucher approved
complete a petty cash voucher