Personification 拟人修辞

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Common Forms
在拟人法中,把那些只适用于描写人 的verbs, nouns, adjectives, adverbs , pronouns 等用来描写非 人的东西,使之具有人的属性
A. Personification by means of verbs动词性拟人 B. Personification by means of nouns名词性拟人 C. Personification by means of adjectives形容词性拟人 D. Personification by means of adverbs副词性拟人 E. Personification by means of pronouns代词性拟人
B.Inanimate objects
• The gentle breeze caressed my cheeks and soothed my anger. 一阵微风抚过我的脸颊,平息了我的怒火. • When guns speak it is too late to argue. 等到大炮说话,争论已经太迟了。 • The wind sighed in the tree top. 风在树顶上叹息。
C. Abstractions
• A lie goes halfway around the world before truth has time to get its trousers on. 真相还来不及穿上裤子,谎言已经走遍了半个世 界。 • b. Laziness travels so slowly, that poverty soon overtakes him. 懒惰缓缓而行,贫穷迎头赶上。 • Slang is language that takes off coat, spits on its hand, and goes to work.
His words were bitingly sarcastic。 他的话尖刻辛辣
Personification by means of pronouns
1.China will always do what she has promised to do. 中国人从来说话是算数的。 2. The “victory” is due in tomorrow, isn’t she? “胜利号”轮船明日抵港,是吗?
Personification by means of adjectives
• 1.Love is blind. a.爱情是盲目的。 b.情人眼里出西施。 • 2. The stubborn door won’t open. 这难打开的门打不开。
PersonifБайду номын сангаасcation by means of adverbs
Personification by means of verbs
• At last the engine begin to wake, grumble, fall asleep and asleep and wake again. 机器终于醒了过来,大发牢骚,又睡了过 去,然后再次醒过来 • The moon is riding in the sky. 月亮在天上赶路。 • Her eyes danced with great vivacity. 她的眼睛很快乐地上下打量着。
BY:Dou Nan
figure that endows objects, animals, ideas, or abstractions with human form, character or sensibility.(是一种 修辞格,它赋予各种物体、动物、思想、 或抽象概念以人的形体、性格或者情感。)
Personification by means of nouns
• 1.Procrastination is the thief of time. 拖延为时间之窃贼。 • 2.Time is the best physician. 时间是妙手神医。 • 3.Lies have short legs. 谎言站不住脚
A. Animals and Plants
Flowers peeped out among the leaves.
The infant flower opens its bud and cries, “Dear world, please do not fade.”
1.The year 1871 witnessed the heroic uprising of the Paris Commune. 1871年目睹了(爆发了)英勇的巴黎公社 2.Thirsty soil drank in the rain. 饥渴的土壤在雨中畅饮。 3.Did you see the anger of the tempest? 你看到暴风雨的愤怒吗? 4.The flowers nodded in the breeze.
• 比拟和拟人
• 拟人和比喻
拟人法强调非人的东西与人,在某一点上相似,因此, 我们也可以把它看成是一种比喻。可以说,拟人法是比 喻中的一小类,但不可以说一切比喻都是拟人。
• 拟人与拟声
拟人法强调非人的东西与人在特性、外表及活动方式方面的 相似性; 拟声法强调在叫出某一事物或动作的名称时,用模仿人或者 事物的声响的方法,使这一事物或动作带上声音的特点。
在拟人法中,常用人称代词she, he等代替 非人的东西。如:she, her 代替 moon, nature, country, ship, earth, virtue(美德), religion, pity, peace, charity(博爱), liberty, car, morning等;用he, his, him代替sun, god, time, ocean, war, anger, pine, death, love, Cupid(丘比特)等。
It is useless for the sheep to pass resolution in favor of vegetarianism while the wolf remains of a different opinion.
Mosquitoes were using my ankles for filling station.
• Personification is usually employed to add vividness to expression. • 英语personification的运用,能增强语言表达的的感染力 和生动性,使被描写对象栩栩如生,活灵活现。 • For example: The clock on the wall ticked loudly and lazily, as if I had time to spare. Outside the rattling windows there was a restless whispering wind. The room grew light and dark, and wondrous light again, as the moon played hide-and-seek through the clouds. 挂钟懒洋洋地滴答滴答地响,声音那么大,好像时间很 充裕。窗户格格作响,外边不停地刮着风,像在低声耳语。 月亮在云层中玩捉迷藏时,房间里忽明忽暗,不时出现奇 光。