Triv MTS4100噪声振动分析仪-单张参考
ECT 4100 电子恒温加样台 使用说明书
1Simply Discover MoreECT 4100 电子恒温加样台使用说明书Version 2.002莫纳生物莫纳苏州4000平米 ISO9001、13485 标准工厂莫纳武汉6000平米 GMP 标准洁净工厂上海运营中心公司营销总部莫纳生物简介莫纳生物科技有限公司由珠海南山投资有限公司等机构发起,联合国内外多家知名生命科学企业携手打造。
依据QbD (质量源于设计)原则建立系统质量控制体系,做高标准、稳定、可靠的生命科研工具。
为保证运行安全,在仪器方圆30 cm内不得有其他设备或杂物,不要将仪器放在难以实行断电操作的位置。
一、测试系统(数采前端+分析软件)1. 丹麦Brüel & Kjær公司,主页:/国内机构:思百吉中国有限公司,主页:/2. 比利时LMS公司,主页:/国内机构:LMS北京办事处,主页:/3. 德国BBM公司,主页:/国内机构:米勒贝姆振动与声学系统(北京)有限公司,主页:/4. 德国Head Acoustic公司,主页:国内代理:朗德科技有限公司,主页:/5. 法国01dB公司,主页:/国内代理:声振环保仪器有限公司,主页:/6. 法国Oras公司,主页:/国内代理:苏州东菱振动试验仪器有限公司,主页:/6. 德国m+p公司,主页:/国内机构:m+p北京办事处,主页:无7. 美国SD(spectral dynamics Inc)公司的Jaguar,Puma,Siglab数据采集与分析系统,STAR Modal,STAR Acoustics等分析软件,主页:/国内代理机构:DMS(香港)有限公司/二、声学传感器生产厂家:1. 美国PCB公司,主页:/国内机构:PCB北京代表处,主页:无2. 丹麦Brüel & Kjær公司,主页:/国内机构:思百吉中国有限公司,主页:/3. 丹麦GRAS公司,主页:国内机构:GRAS中国办事处,主页:/4. 德国MICROTECH Gefell公司,主页:国内代理:MBBM VAS北京公司,主页:/三、振动传感器生产厂家:1. 美国PCB公司,主页:/国内机构:PCB北京代表处,主页:无2. 丹麦Brüel & Kjær公司,主页:/国内机构:思百吉中国有限公司,主页:/3. 瑞士Kislter公司,主页:/国内机构:奇石乐中国有限公司,主页:/4. 美国Endevco公司,主页:/国内代理:深圳市冠标电子技术有限公司,主页:/ 5. 美国Dytran公司,主页:/国内代理:冠一科仪(集团)有限公司,主页:/国内:北京东方振动和噪声技术研究所;江苏东华测试技术股份有限公司/;北京京南航天数据技术有限公司/等。
2 主要特点
大于 110 dB 的超大级线性范围,1 档大量程,无需切换; 多分析功能、记录、录音同步启动; 彩屏显示器,分辨率 240×320,阳光下可读,显示内容 丰富,亮度可自动调节; 具有电池和外接电源自动切换功能; 低功耗,续航时间长; RS232/485 可切换通信接口; 内嵌蓝牙模块,实现无线打印和手机 app 通信(选配); 大容量存贮:最大支持 32 GB SD 卡(选配)。
手传振动测量 Vwhi、VwheqT、Vwheq4h、Vwheq8h
Max、Min、Leq,T、5 个 Ln(n 可以从 1 到 99 低频 1/3 OCT 分析 之间设定)、30 个中心频率点、AP、SD、5
振动 1/3 OCT 分析
个合成频率计权(wz、wx、wm、wk、wu) Max、Min、Leq,T、30 个中心频率点、acc、 vel、disp
AHAI6256 型振动分析仪使用说明书
3 主要技术性能
1) 符合标准: —— GB/T 23716—2009 人体对振动的响应 测量仪器 (ISO 8041:2005 , IDT); —— GB/T 3241—2010 电声学 倍频程和分数倍频程滤波器 (IEC 61260:1995, MOD); —— GB/T 10071—1988 城市区域环境振动测量方法; —— GB/T 13441.1—2007 机械振动与冲击 人体暴露于全身振 动的评价 第 1 部分:一般要求 (ISO 2631-1:1997 , IDT); —— GB/T 13441.2—2008 机械振动与冲击 人体暴露于全身振 动的评价 第 2 部分:建筑物内的振动(1 Hz~80 Hz) (ISO 2631-2:2003, IDT); —— GB/T 14790.1—2009 机械振动 人体暴露于手传振动的测 量与评价 第 1 部分:一要求 (ISO 5349-1:2001, IDT); —— GB/T 14790.2—2014 机械振动 人体暴露于手传振动的测量 与评价 第 1 部分:工作场所测量实用指南(ISO 5349-1:2001, IDT); —— GB/T 50355-2005 住宅建筑室内振动限值及其测量方法标 准; —— JGJ/T 170-2009 城市轨道交通引起建筑物振动与二次辐射 噪声限值及其测量方法标准; —— 其他相关标准等;
维亚维解决方案 T-BERD MTS-5800 4100-系列 OTDR 模块使用指南说明书
Quick CardT-BERD®/MTS-5800 Modular Test SetMeasuring Optical Insertion Loss with a 4100-series OTDR ModuleThis procedure describes how to use a 4100-series OTDR module as an Optical Power Meter (OPM) and measure optical insertion loss (OIL). If optioned, the OTDR module can operate as an OPM or Optical Light Source (OLS), but not at the same time. Light Source is a standard feature on most new OTDR modules, while Power Meter is an option.Equipment Requirements:•T-BERD/MTS-5800 equipped with thefollowing:o Fiber Optics Software Release V21.0or greatero E4100 Series OTDR Moduleo E41OTDRPM Power Meter option•Fiber optic cleaning and inspection tools•Reference Cable (patch cord) withconnectors matching the OTDR port andFiber Under Test•Optical Coupler to connect ReferenceCable to Fiber Under TestFigure 1: Equipment RequirementsThe following information is required to complete the test:•Type of Fiber (Multimode or Single Mode)•Type of Connectors (SC UPC, SC APC, LC UPC, etc.)•Wavelength(s) to be tested (850nm, 1300nm, 1310nm, 1550nm, etc.)Fiber Inspection Guidelines:•Use the VIAVI P5000i or FiberChek Probemicroscope to inspect both sides ofevery connection being used (OTDR Port,Reference Cable, bulkhead connectors,patch cords, etc.)•Focus the fiber on the screen. If dirty,clean the end-face.•If it appears clean, run inspection test.•If it fails, clean the fiber and re-runinspection test. Repeat until it passes.Figure 2: Inspect Before You Connect (IBYC)Launch the Power Meter:1.Press the Power button to turn onthe T-BERD/MTS-5800.2.Tap the Fiber Optics iconin the Status Bar at thetop of the T-BERD/MTS-5800.3.Tap the purple > on the left screen sideto display the Fiber Optics Homescreen.4.Tap the POWERMETER icon until it isyellow and highlighted:• for Single Mode fiber• for Multimode fiberFigure 3: Fiber Optics ScreenFigure 4: Fiber Optics Home screenReference the Power Meter and Light Source:1.Inspect the OTDR port on top of the testset.2.Inspect the fiber end face of theReference Cable.3.Connect the Reference Cable to theOTDR port.4.Inspect the other fiber end face of theReference Cable.5.Inspect the fiber end face of theReference Cable of the OLS.6.Connect the Reference Cable to thereference cable of the OLS via a coupler. Note: “Two-Cable References”, as pictured, are commonly used for Telecom applications. “One-C able” or “Three-Cable” referenced are used in Enterprise and FTTA applications for increased accuracy on short spans.Figure 5: OTDR Port Inspection Figure 6: Connecting OTDR to OLS for Reference7. Tap the Unit drop down and select dB . 8. Tap the Wavelength drop down in thePowermeter on Module section and select the wavelength to reference. 9. Confirm that the OLS laser is on and sourcing the selected wavelength.10. Tap the Standard Ref. button toreference the Power Meter to the OLS. The signal level will change to 00.00 dB . 11. Repeat steps 8 through 10 for all wavelengths to be tested.12. Disconnect the reference cables from the coupler. Do not disconnect thereference cable from the OTDR port or power off the T-BERD/MTS until all OIL testing is complete. If the T-BERD/MTS is powered off or the Fiber is disconnected from the OTDR, you should reference the Power Meter and OLS again.Figure 7: Source and Power Meter screenFigure 8: ReferenceConnect to Fiber Under Test (FUT):The Reference Cable may be connected to the FUT via an optical patch panel (OPP) or an optical coupler:1. If the interface to the FUT is a patch cord, connect the patch cord to an optical coupler with the same connector type.2. Inspect the FUT connected to the coupler or OPP.3. Inspect the other fiber end face of the Reference Cable.4. Connect the Reference Cable to the coupler or OPP.Figure 9: Connecting Reference Cable to OPPMeasure Insertion Loss:1. Tap the Wavelength drop down in thePowermeter on Module section and select the wavelength to test.2. Confirm that the OLS laser is on and is sourcing the selected wavelength.3. View the Relative Power Level (dB) in the Powermeter on Module results display in the center screen.4. Tap the Keep Result button to add the measurement to the Results table.5. Repeat steps 1 through 4 for all wavelengths to be tested.6. Disconnect the reference cable from the FUT. Do not disconnect the reference cable from the OTDR port or power off the T-BERD/MTS until all OIL testing is complete. If the T-BERD/MTS is powered off or the Fiber is disconnected from the OTDR, you should reference the Power Meter and OLS again.Figure 10: Optical Insertion Loss resultsFigure 11:Results TableSetup Report:1. Tap the Setup soft key.2. Tap Link to view Link Settings.3. Configure Link settings to match FUT.a. Tap the setting to edit.b. Tap to clear existing text.c. Enter new value on the keypad. d. Tapto return.Figure 12: Link SettingsContact Us +1 844 GO VIAVI (+1 844 468 4284) To reach the VIAVI office nearest you, visit /contacts.© 2021 VIAVI Solutions Inc.Product specifications and descriptions in this document are subject to change without notice.4. Tap File to view file settings.5. Set pdf file to Yes in Report As settings.6. Set desired Filename format in Filesettings.a. Tap the setting to edit.b. Tap to clear existing text.c. Enter new value on the keypad. d. Use [auto]/abc button to togglebetween text and automaticinsertion of configured Link settings. e. Tapto return to the Resultsview.Figure 13: Report As settingsFigure 14: Filenaming settingSave Report:1.Tap the File soft key to view the FileExplorer.2. Browse to or Create Directory for reportstorage.3. Tap Exit to return to the Results view.4. Tap the Save soft key and tap to savethe report.5. Tap the X in the top right corner of theResults table to clear results before testing next fiber..Figure 15: File ExplorerFigure 16: Save report。
可以进一步扩展增加: ➢ 系统可以扩展至1000通道以上; ➢ 独立记录仪功能(Prolog); ➢ 可以扩展增加CAN-BUS输入通道; ➢ 内置GPS,20Hz刷新频率,可以输出位移、速度、加速度等信息; ➢ 可以扩展增加动态应变输入、高精度转速(60M,用于扭振)、热电偶、
DATS Noise Vibration and Harshness analysis software licence.
01-55-801 DATS NVH 分析专业软件,包括旋转机械、升降速、瀑布图等相 1
03-33-8020 power cable and carry bag.
5 槽主机箱,交直流供电,单机箱最多可以扩展到 40 通道,提供
USB2 连接线、稳压电源、电源适配器、点烟器供电线和便携包。
P8012 3 card chassis. Includes PC to P8000 USB2
communications cable, mains power supply,in vehicle
P8012和8020的最大采样频率为100KHz/通道 (24位采样),或者是400kHz/ 通道 (16位采样)。信号的完整性可由优异的动态信号测试范围(105dB)和本 底噪声指标(-120dB)保证。多采样率支持功能使得系统可以同时测量低频振 动、动态应变和高频噪声。P8012和8020通过采用USB2.0接口与计算机相连, 可以达到480Mb/秒的数据实时传输速率。
主要特点: ● 数量:2 ● 最高采样频率: 100k Hz/通道(24位AD) 400k Hz/通道(16位AD),软件 可设置 ● DC、AC、IEPE、电荷和动态应变桥 路输入 ● 智能传感器支持(TEDS) ● 转速信号输入通道采样频率:800k Hz ● 电压输入量程可调:±10mV to ±10V ● 105dB的动态范围
SiTime MEMS振荡器相位噪声测量指南
SiTime MEMS振荡器相位噪声测量指南1 简介相位噪声是振荡器的基本指标之一。
RF 工程师专注于某些载波偏移频率下的相位噪声水平,以确保可以支持所需的调制方案。
设计40GbE 等高速串行链路的专业人员将带通滤波器应用于参考时钟的相位噪声,对其进行积分,并将其转换为相位抖动以预测系统的误码率。
本文档中的所有测量均使用Keysight E5052B 相位噪声分析仪进行,该分析仪是北美最常用的相位噪声测量仪器之一。
2 什么是相位噪声相位噪声是信号短期相位不稳定性的频域表示。
相位噪声通常被描述为单边带(SSB) 相位噪声并表示为L(f)。
经典定义通常适用于峰峰值相位偏差远小于1 弧度的信号。
它也永远不能大于0 dB,因为信号中的噪声功率不能大于信号的总功率。
最近,相位噪声被重新定义为相位波动L(f) = SΦ(f)/2 的功率谱密度的一半。
理想的正弦波可以表示为f(t) = A∙sin(ωt + φ)。
具有相位噪声的正弦波可以表示为f(t) =A∙sin(ωt + φ(t)),其中φ(t) 是相位噪声。
那么SΦ(f) 是φ(t) 的功率谱密度。
它也可以大于0 dB,这意味着相位变化大于1 弧度。
安捷伦4100 EXOSCAN FTIR光谱仪 产品手册说明书
4100 ExoScan FTIR 已被证明是一种适用于测量复合材料热损伤的无损检测技术(“使用手持式 Agilent 4100 ExoScan FTIR 测量复合材料的热损伤”,J. Seelenbinder )。
ExoScan 系统可以识别复合材料基体中环氧聚合物成分化学结构的变化。
ExoScan 软件将这些数据与预开发的方法进行比较,据此找出这些数据上的变化与暴露程度的关系。
我们提供的工具包中包含波音 787 飞机的维修手册 (SRM) 中规定使用 4100 ExoScan 测量 787 中碳纤维复合材料热损伤的方法。
软件中内置的方法包含了 SRM 中列出的所有未打磨和打磨后复合材料的测量方法。
方法中的合格/不合格阈值也根据 SRM 规定进行设置。
安捷伦 4100 EXOSCAN FTIR 光谱仪 用于波音飞机中所使用复合材料的分析产品说明专用于波音 787 飞机的 4100 ExoScan FTIR (部件号:G8036A )工具包中包含了以下硬件:4100 Exoscan FTIR ,配有专用漫反射接口附件、空白背景及聚苯乙烯参考盖、Socket Somo 650 PDA 、电缆、与 PDA 和 Exoscan 配套的电源和电池充电器、硬件和软件使用手册、已经预置在 PDA 中的 MicroLab PC 和 MicroLab Mobile 操作软件。
除了硬件之外,还提供了以下方法和验证标准:有关在波音 787 上使用 ExoScan FTIR 的更多信息,请参见以下出版物:• Arnaud, C. H. (2011).Handheld IR in the Hangar.Chemical and Engineering News, Vol 89 (34), 43-45. • Boeing (2011) Boeing 787 Service Repair Manual Part 9,51-00-03.• Seelenbinder, J. (2009)。
VIAVI 4100 系列四通道 OTDR 模块说明书
VIAVI SolutionsData SheetVIAVI4100 Series Quad OTDR ModuleFor T-BERD®/MTS-2000, -4000 V2, -5800 and OneAdvisor 800 PlatformsThe VIAVI Quad OTDR module is the ideal test tool for installers/contractors, wireless service providers, or any user dealing with both single-mode and multimode applications every day. It is perfect for use in installing, turning up, and maintaining premises and enterprise, access, metro, and wireless fronthaul/backhaul networks.Key Featuresy Up to 37 dB dynamic range insingle-mode and 26 dB in multimode y Quad-wavelength version with 850, 1300, 1310, and 1550 nm y Integrated continuous wave (CW) light source y TIA/IEC pass/fail thresholds y Propagation delay measurement in multimode (TIA-568-C)y Certifies Tier 2 premises networks y IEC 61280-4-3-compliant using an external modal controllerThe VIAVI Quad OTDR module features fast acquisition time, sharp resolution, up to a 26 dB multimode dynamic range, and up to a 37 dB single-mode dynamic range for installing and maintaining fiber links. Its integrated light source, accessible through both OTDR ports (multimode and single-mode), let users quickly identify fiber without switching ports and conduct a full range of fiber certification tests.The Quad module’s optical performance combined with a complete suite of platform enabled testing and reporting features ensures that testing is done right—the first time.Standard test features include: y Automatic macrobend detectiony Summary results table with pass/fail analysisy Smart Link Mapper: Simple icon-based OTDR results view yFastReport on-board report generationT-BERD/MTS-4000 V2Two-slot handheld modular platformfor testing fiber networks T-BERD/MTS-5800Handheld test instrument for testing10 G Ethernet and fiber networksOneAdvisor 800All-in-One Cell-site Installation and Maintenance T est SolutionT-BERD/MTS-2000 V2 one-slot handheld modular platform fortesting fiber networksSpecifications1. Laser at 25°C2. The one-way difference between the extrapolated backscattering level at the start of thefiber and the RMS noise level after 3-minutes averaging at 500 ns in multimode and 20 µsin Singlemode3. Measured at ±1.5 dB down from the peak of an unsaturated reflective event4. Measured at ±0.5 dB from the linear regression using an F/UPC-type reflectanceOrdering InformationQuad OTDR Modules and OptionsE4146A-PCMUL TIMODE/SINGLEMODE-850/1300/1310/1550 nm − PCE4146A-APCMUL TIMODE/SINGLEMODE-850/1300/1310/1550 nm − APCAccessoriesEF modal controller for 50 µm MMEFJEF50CONSCPCfiber−SC/PCEFJEF50CONFCPCEF modal controller for 50 µm MMfiber−FC/PCUniversal PC connector adaptersUniversal PC connector adapters EUSCADS, EULCADS,EUFCADSUniversal APC connector adapters EUSCADS-APC,EULCADS-APC, EUFCADS2 VIAVI T-BERD/MTS Quad OTDR Modulequad-ds-fop-tm-ae 30168207 907 0923Inspect Before Y ou Connect (IBYC)Contamination is the number 1 reason for troubleshooting optical networks. Proactive inspection and cleaning of fiber connectors can prevent poor signal performance, equipment damage, and network downtime.。
MTS4000 是一个高度综合的测试平台,专门针对FTTx 应用,可轻松组合成FTTx/PON OTDR 测试+PON 功率计+ 铜缆测试的一体化解决方案,使现场测试FTTx 网络变得流畅自如,是真正为FTTx 现场测试设计的最佳解决方案。
MTS4000 具有2 个模块插槽,7 寸大屏幕显示,高容量锂离子电池(6600mAh )。
同时,支持光纤检查显微镜探头的接入(通过USB 接口),可扩展VFL (可见光故障探测器)和光功率计,并可以支持WiFi 和蓝牙接入。
MTS4000 可支持的测试功能有:? 光时域反射仪(OTDR)? FTTx/PON 具有在线测试能力的光时域反射仪(PON OTDR )? FTTx/PON 具有穿越光分路器能力的在线测试光时域反射仪(PON OTDR )? FTTx/PON 光功率计? FiberComplete功能,采用精确的连续波光源和光功率计方法快速测量光纤双向损耗和双向回波损耗。
? 网络浏览器(Web Explorer )? 网络连通性测试—包括了IP PING 、IP Trace Route 、FTP/HTTP 传送测试? 光纤跳线端面检查,满足认证IEC-61300-3-35 标准? CWDM 光谱分析仪? 网络性能分析仪? 铜缆测试? xDSL 测试特点:? 性价比高,手持式双模块设计? 7 英寸真彩显示屏(触摸屏可选)? 集成网络浏览器,可轻松完成网络连通性测试,简易直观? 集成网络连通性测试,如IP PING 等? 可集成VFL (可见光故障探测器)、光功率计及光纤检查显微镜,实现光纤的综合检查? 认证级光纤端面检查功能,可满足认证IEC-61300-3-35 标准? 丰富的接口,包括USB 、高速(1G )以太网、WiFi 、蓝牙? 自动测试应用:? 接入网,FTTx 网络? 基于光纤网络和铜缆网络的障碍排除? 测试、开通PON 网络或点对点光纤网络? 基于DSL 接入或以太网接入的IPTV 和VoIP 开通技术参数:显示:? 标准:TFT color, 7-in, LCD 800×480 ,适用于户外的高可视度显示屏? 可选:触摸屏,TFT color, 7-in, LCD 800×480 ,适用于户外的高可视度显示屏存储和I/O 接口:? 内部存储器:32M ,可存储1000 条测试结果? 扩展存储器:最小1G? 2×USB2.0, 1×RJ45 以太网(1 Gb/s )? WiFi 无线局域网:标准IEEE 802.11 b/g? 蓝牙:Class 2, 范围10 m? 音频接口:2.5mm? 以太网:10/100/1000MHz ,全双工电源:? 电池:锂离子电池,6600mAh? 交流适配器:输入100-250 V, 50-60 Hz ;输出12-15V DC/3.7 A? 电磁兼容:符合EN 60950? 电池操作时间:超过11 小时;符合Telcordia GR-196-CORE外形与重量:? 外形尺寸:260 x 135 x 90 mm (包含主机,两个模块和电池)? 重量:1.4kg (仅主机和电池);<2.0kg (主机、一个模块和电池)环境温度:? 操作温度:0~ +40°C (含所有选项)? 储存温度:-20~+60°C? 湿度:95%基于主机平台的选件:光功率计(40PM ):? 功率范围:+10~-60dBm? 校准波长:850nm 、1310nm 、1550nm? 光接口连接器:通用UPP 接口,可选2.5mm 和1.25mm可见光故障探测器VFL (40VFL ):? 波长:635nm±15nm? 输出功率:<1mw? 激光安全:Class 2? 光接口连接器:通用UPP 接口,可选2.5mm 和1.25mm快速捕获光纤检查显微镜工具组:? 数字式光纤检查显微镜,满足认证IEC- 61300-3-35。
The TDS3000B Series of Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes Provides Unmatched Performance and Portability at an Affordable PriceThe TDS3000B packs the power of Enhanced Troubleshooting• TDS3000B Series •/tds3000b2Digital Phosphor OscilloscopesTDS3012B •TDS3014B •TDS3032B •TDS3034B •TDS3052B •TDS3054Be*Scope ®Web-based Remote Controle*Scope means you can control your TDS3000B oscilloscope from anywhere,using the Internet and your PC.Simply battery pack,the TDS3000B Series oscillo-WaveAlert ™waveform anomaly detection alerts you to any waveform that deviates from the “normal”input.Easily document and analyze measurement results using OpenChoice ™software.Digital Phosphor OscilloscopesTDS3012B •TDS3014B •TDS3032B •TDS3034B •TDS3052B •TDS3054BDigital Phosphor Oscilloscopes • TDS3000B Series •3 Look for unintentional circuit noise with theTDS3000B Series’ FFT capability.TDS3000B Series Electrical Characteristics• TDS3000B Series •/tds3000b4Digital Phosphor OscilloscopesTDS3012B •TDS3014B •TDS3032B •TDS3034B •TDS3052B •TDS3054BTrigger SystemMain Trigger Modes – Auto (supports Roll Mode for 40ms/div and slower),Normal.B Trigger – Trigger after time or events.Custom video trigger allows the TDS3000B to trigger on standards such as RS343 (26.6 kHz scan rate).Trace and identify ITU-R BT.601 video signals with the TDS3SDI 601 serial digital video module.Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes • TDS3000B Series •5Digital Phosphor OscilloscopesTDS3012B •TDS3014B •TDS3032B •TDS3034B •TDS3052B •TDS3054B• TDS3000B Series •/tds3000b6Digital Phosphor OscilloscopesTDS3012B •TDS3014B •TDS3032B •TDS3034B •TDS3052B •TDS3054BOrdering InformationTDS3012B, TDS3014B,TDS3032B, TDS3034B,TDS3052B, TDS3054B Standard AccessoriesProbes:2each P301010X passive probes (TDS3012B),4each P301010X passive probes (TDS3014B),2each P6139A 10X passive probes (TDS3032B and TDS3052B),4each P6139A 10X passive probes (TDS3034B and TDS3054B).Documentation:User manual (hard copy and CD),quick reference manual,programmer’s manual,and application module manuals.Power cord.Accessory tray.Protective front cover:Has holder for user manual and/or 3.5in.floppy disks.NIST-Traceable Certificate of Calibration.Please specify power plug and manual version when ordering.Recommended OptionOption BND –Available on all TDS3014B,TDS3034B and TDS3054B models.Includes TDS3GV communication module with OpenChoice ™software,TDS3AAM and TDS3LIM application modules,TDS3BATB battery pack and AC3000 soft carrying case.Recommended AccessoriesTDS3TMT –Telecom mask testing application module.TDS3AAM –Advanced analysis module.TDS3LIM –Limit test module.TDS3VID –Extended video application module.TDS3SDI –601 serial digital video module.TDS3GV –GPIB,VGA,RS-232interfaces,and TDSPCS1 OpenChoice ™PC Communication software.TDSPCS1 OpenChoice ™PC Communication Software –A collection of programs that enable fast and easy transfer communication between MS Windows PCs and Tektronix oscilloscopes.Available in single-license packages and included in TDS3GV communication module.Minimum System Requirements:500 MHz Pentium equivalent or greater 128 MBMS Windows 98 SE,XP Professional,Me or 2000MS Office 2000 or XP (for TDS toolbars only) – Excel 2000 or 2002; Word 2000or 2002Keyboard and mouse LAN,GPIB or serial connector WaveStar ™Software for Oscilloscopes –Microsoft Windows 98/Me/2000/NT 4.0Application.TDS3BATB –Lithium Ion battery pack for up to 3 hours continuous operation without line power.Note:The instrument must be grounded at all times.TDS3PRT –Plug-in printer adds easy,portable documentation capability to your TDS3000B or TDS3000 oscilloscope.Note:Printer operates on battery power only with TDS3000B Series oscilloscope.016-1907-00 –5-roll pack of paper for TDS3PRT plug-in thermal printer.TDS3CHG –Fast charger for battery pack.AC3000 –Soft case for carrying instrument.HCTDS32 –Hard plastic case for carrying instrument.RM3000 –Rackmount kit.Service Manual (TDS3000B Series) –English only (071-0972-00).TDS3GV Programmers Manual –English only (071-0381-01).TNGTDS01 –Self-paced self-study operator training kit.For customer training on this product outside the 1-503-627-7510,inside the 1-800-833-9200 ext.77510.Recommended ProbesADA400A –100X,10X,1X,0.1X high gain differential amplifier.P6243 –1 GHz,≤1 pF input C 10x active probe.P5205 –1.3 kV,100 MHz high voltage differential probe.P5210 –5.6 kV,50 MHz high voltage differential probe.P5100 –2.5 kV,100X high voltage passive probe.TCP202 –15 A,DC + peak AC 50 MHz AC/DC current probe.Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes • TDS3000B Series •7Digital Phosphor OscilloscopesTDS3012B •TDS3014B •TDS3032B •TDS3034B •TDS3052B •TDS3054BServiceTektronix probes are expressly designed for your oscilloscope,with identical quality standards and built-in compatibility for optimum performance.Digital Phosphor OscilloscopesTDS3012B •TDS3014B •TDS3032B •TDS3034B •TDS3052B •TDS3054BOur most up-to-date product information is available at:Copyright © 2003,Tektronix,Inc.All rights reserved.Tektronix products are coveredby U.S.and foreign patents,issued and rmation in this public ationsupersedes that in all previously published material.Specification and price changeprivileges reserved.TEKTRONIX and TEK are registered trademarks of Tektronix,Inc.All other trade names referenced are the service marks,trademarks or regis-tered trademarks of their respective companies.09/03 HB/SFI3GW-12482-10 Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes • TDS3000B Series •/tds3000b8Contact Tektronix:ASEAN / Australasia / Pakistan (65) 6356 3900Austria +43 2236 8092 262Belgium+32 (2) 715 89 70Brazil & South America55 (11) 3741-8360Canada1 (800) 661-5625Central Europe & Greece+43 2236 8092 301Denmark+45 44 850 700Finland+358 (9) 4783 400France & North Africa+33 (0) 1 69 86 80 34Germany +49 (221) 94 77 400Hong Kong(852) 2585-6688India(91) 80-2275577Italy+39 (02) 25086 1Japan81 (3) 3448-3010Mexico,Central America & Caribbean52 (55) 56666-333The Netherlands+31 (0) 23 569 5555Norway+47 22 07 07 00People’s Republic of China86 (10) 6235 1230Poland+48 (0) 22 521 53 40Republic of Korea82 (2) 528-5299Russia,CIS& The Baltics+358 (9) 4783 400South Africa+27 11 254 8360Spain +34 (91) 372 6055Sweden+46 8 477 6503/4Taiwan886 (2) 2722-9622United Kingdom & Eire+44 (0) 1344 392400USA1 (800) 426-2200USA(Export Sales) 1 (503) 627-1916For other areas contact Tektronix, (503) 627-7111Updated 20 September 2002 generator with the power of an arbitrary waveform generator,offering the performance needed to accuratelyexperience with 24-hour response to technical questionsonline support to request assistance,check service status or arrange for trainingturn-around service timereliable support with demonstrated on-time deliveryVisit /support。
Agilent 4100 ExoScan FTIR 操作手册说明书
Agilent 4100ExoScan FTIR操作手册声明© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2009, 2011, 2013, 2017根据美国和国际版权法,未经Agilent Technologies, Inc. 事先许可和书面同意,不得以任何形式或通过任何方法(包括电子存储和检索以及翻译成其他语言)复制本手册的任何部分。
手册部件号0023-401版本2017 年 10 月,第六版马来西亚印刷Agilent Technologies Australia [M] Pty. Ltd.679 Springvale RoadMulgrave, Victoria, Australia 3170 保修本文档所含资料“按原样”提供,在以后的版本中若有更改,恕不另行通知。
此外,在适用的法律所允许的最大范围内,Agilent 对与此手册相关的内容及其中所含的信息不作任何明示或默示的保证,包括但不限于为特定目的的适销性和适用性所作的默示保证。
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接收点 分析
工况下的测试结果说明了该型号产品的NVH性能表现 H但是,仅仅有工况下的测试结果,并不能判断出为什么该产品会有这样的NVH性能 测试中出现的噪声峰值到底是由于结构的设计形式不合适所引起的,还是由于这个工况 下的载荷力所造成的?或者是两者都起了作用?
保证结构各主要部件的第一阶弯曲模态频率以及动力总成附件的局部模态在发 动机最大转速所对应的 2阶激励频率+30%
发动机额定转速 Rev/min 5000
频率 Hz 216
轻活塞,长连杆 (最大化 l/r) 优化轴的动平衡 将发动机-变速箱与短背支架及相关附件一体化设计 (降低结构整体的惯量) 发动机变速箱接合传动处漏斗形设计 (提高结构整体的刚度) 支架及附件安装点要求高刚度设计 重量优化
动力总成悬置支架的共振频率至少要高于 500 Hz,以保证在其不会与某些的 高阶次主要激励发生共振
车身底部大刚度设计 (如使用梯形车架) 相应的大刚度曲轴设计 动力总成支架与动力总成刚性耦合,大刚度设计 动力总成悬置在整个频率范围内,具备不同的刚度特性。
discrete frequencies
2nd order excitation
harmonic pattern
mount character-
IVS-500 工业振动测量仪说明书
IVS-500 Industrial Vibration SensorThe IVS-500 Industrial Vibrometer is the key to reliableacoustic quality inspection, clear and repeatable pass-failor structure-borne noise analysis in-line.With its rugged and robust design, the optical sensormeasures reliably in demanding industrial environments,without contact and therefore non-invasively,on virtually all technical surfaces. Productivity isimproved by reducing false-alarms and rejects.Thanks to its simple setup, wide frequency range up to100 kHz, variable working distances and application-specific accessories, the IVS-500 easily adapts to anyproduction line.Technical data1 For definition of stand-off distance see drawing on last page, dimension "x".2The optimal stand-off distances where the signal level is at its maximum are called visibility maxima. The visibility maxima recur every 138 mm corresponding tothe laser cavity length.1 Depending on model.2Only available for models IVS-500 BM, BR and HR.3Only available for model IVS-500 HR.1The noise-limited resolution is defined as the signal amplitude (rms) at which the signal-to-noise ratio is 0 dB with 1 Hz spectral resolution. measured on 3M Scotchlite™ Tape (reflective film). The typical value refers to the center of the operating frequency range.Two wiring alternatives with or without IVS-E-500 Junction BoxIVS-ProgProgramming Kit Control / data acquisitionWiring / electrical accessoriesVibSoft-8x2- or 4-channel data acquisition up to 80 kHz VibSoft-202-channel USB data acquisition up to 20 kHz QuickCheckEvaluation Software ... or any analog data acquisition5IVS-A-510 Signal level display Handheld UnitIVS-E-500 Junction boxwith I/O controls, BNC output, USB interface, AC power supply (100 ... 240 V) and integrated Signal Level Display VIB-A-21090° deflection unitVIB-A-220 VIB-A-221Protective window,Protective window (flat)protects front lens VIB-A-230Air purge unitfor oily and dusty environment VIB-A-240Pneumatic beam shutter protects optics when not measuringVIB-A-310Alignment toolfor easy perpendicular beam setup VIB-A-320Folding rulershows visibility maxima for optimal working distanceAccessories for opticsVIB-A-P07 Adjustable mounting plate (pan/tilt)VIB-A-P09 Alignment device (pan/tilt)Using junction box:1 IVS-C-500 Main connecting cable 3 IVS-C-520 Serial connecting cable 5 Measured data (BNC) andconfiguration data (USB)Direct connection:2 IVS-C-510 Main connecting cablewith jack and open end 4 IVS-C-530 RS-232 cablePC / PLC4O M _D S _I V S -500_E _424342018/05 - T e c h n i c a l s p e c i fi c a t i o n s a r e s u b j e c t t o c h a n g e w i t h o u t n o t i c e .Polytec GmbH (Germany)Polytec-Platz 1-7 76337 Waldbronn Tel. +49 7243 604-0 ***************Polytec GmbH (Germany)Vertriebs- und BeratungsbüroSchwarzschildstraße 1 12489 BerlinTel. +49 30 6392-5140Polytec, Inc. (USA)North American Headquarters16400 Bake Parkway Suites 150 & 200Irvine, CA 92618Tel. +1 949 943-3033****************Central Office 1046 Baker Road Dexter, MI 48130Tel. +1 734 253-9428East Coast Office 1 Cabot Road Suites 101 & 102Hudson, MA 01749Tel. +1 508 417-1040Polytec Ltd. (Great Britain)Lambda House Batford MillHarpenden, Herts AL5 5BZ Tel. +44 1582 711670*******************.uk Polytec France S.A.S.Technosud II Bâtiment A99, Rue Pierre Semard 92320 ChâtillonTel. +33 1 496569-00***************Polytec JapanArena Tower, 13th floor 3-1-9, Shinyokohama Kohoku-ku, Yokohama-shi Kanagawa 222-0033Tel. +81 45 478-6980***************.jpPolytec South-East Asia Pte LtdBlk 4010 Ang Mo Kio Ave 10#06-06 TechPlace 1Singapore 569626Tel. +65 64510886********************Polytec China Ltd.Room 402, Tower B Minmetals PlazaNo. 5 Chaoyang North Ave Dongcheng District 100010 BeijingTel. +86 10 65682591*******************。
- OTDR将一束光脉冲打进光纤回路,回路中的各种事件 OTDR将一束光脉冲打进光纤回路 将一束光脉冲打进光纤回路,
对于光脉冲会有不同程度的反射量, 对于光脉冲会有不同程度的反射量,这些反射光再沿 着光纤回到发射端,处理器将过程中收集的所有资料, 着光纤回到发射端,处理器将过程中收集的所有资料, 描绘出一条时间与反射能量的曲线
接头损耗 光纤率减 线路测试 在线监控 故障点分析 光纤总长度
1.在尚未接好光纤的情况下,请勿执行扫描. 1.在尚未接好光纤的情况下,请勿执行扫描. 在尚未接好光纤的情况下 2.光纤插头端面的清洁非常重要,过高的突起形表 2.光纤插头端面的清洁非常重要, 光纤插头端面的清洁非常重要 示插入损失与回返损失变大. 示插入损失与回返损失变大. 3.可能因锁入光纤转接器的方法不当 可能因锁入光纤转接器的方法不当, 3.可能因锁入光纤转接器的方法不当,导致转接器 内的陶瓷套筒破裂,这将使得扫描结果时好时坏. 内的陶瓷套筒破裂,这将使得扫描结果时好时坏. 4.电池为易耗品 一般寿命为2 电池为易耗品, 4.电池为易耗品,一般寿命为2年。
FILE(文件) (文件) 此按钮调用文件与目录管理菜单。它能够: 此按钮调用文件与目录管理菜单。它能够: – 选择存贮媒介:内部存贮器、USB存贮卡;文件名与格式,与存 选择存贮媒介:内部存贮器、 存贮卡; 存贮卡 文件名与格式, 贮在文件内的数据相关的信息。 贮在文件内的数据相关的信息。 – 存贮文件或调用它们进行选择、复制或删除将它们在目录与子目 存贮文件或调用它们进行选择、 录内进行分类。 录内进行分类。 SETUP(设置) (设置) 此按钮用于测试配置菜单。菜单内容取决于所使用的功能。 此按钮用于测试配置菜单。菜单内容取决于所使用的功能。 RESULTS(结果) (结果) 此按钮调用结果页(例如, 模块:反射计迹线、 此按钮调用结果页(例如,对于 OTDR 模块:反射计迹线、结果 与结果列表)并被用于分析结果。 与结果列表)并被用于分析结果。 START/STOP(启动/停止) (启动/停止) 启动与停止测试
第一章 IDTS 3850 软件安装 ··································································· 16 1 安装软件··························································································· 16 2 卸载软件··························································································· 17 第二章 软件基本操作 ··············································································· 19 1 软件操作流程图 ··············································································· 19 启动统软件 ···················································································· 21 2 菜单栏···························································································· 22 3 4 工具条 ······························································································ 22 5 设置传感器······················································································· 23 6 设置仪器参数 ··················································································· 24 7 数据的预览和读取 ··········································································· 31 8 工程标定(通道) ··············································································· 32
VIAVI Solutions MTS-5882全功能测试仪说明书
技术数据表宣传册VIAVIMTS-5882全功能测试仪提升电力企业的可靠性主要优势y 能够在几分钟内生成汇总报告y 使用全功能测试解决方案简化多技术测试 y 通过多触点屏幕、脚本化工作流和清晰的 结果,针对变电所使用进行了优化 y 以可重复方法和程序支持高效最佳实践 y 可加快光纤测试、以太网服务测试的速度, 并能进行先进的特殊测试来解决长期存在 的问题主要特性y 使用 10 个单独流量数据流对 1G/10G 以太网进行测试,可测量吞吐量、延迟、 抖动、丢帧率和突发 y VLAN 发现、VLAN P 比特 验证、IPv4、 TOS/DSCP 优先级验证、业务中断测量、 以太网组播透明度检查以及 MPLS 封装 y 包含自动 RFC 2544 和 Y .1564 测试方法, 无需支付额外的费用 y 72 通道多星座图 GNSS 卫星接收器,支持 FTP 和 PTP 测试应用程序 y SONET (OC-3 至 OC-192)延迟、吞吐量 和业务中断测量 y Nx64 C37.94 和 T1/T3 接口以及自动比特 误码率测试 y 兼容 VIAVI 4100 系列 OTDR 模块以及 Smart Link Mapper™、光纤显微镜和可视故障定位仪 y 作业管理器可自动轻松完成测试配置和报告MTS -5882 是一款便携式测试设备,旨在让企业技术人员的日常工作变得更轻松,并提升电网的可靠性。
MTS -5882 让不同的技术人员能按相同的顺序、相同的方式执行相同的测试,从而为变电所通信安装和维护带来一种系统化、可测量的方法。
外部 WAN 和变电所LAN广域网 (WAN) 或将控制中心连接到变电所的“骨干网”,以及将变电所内的电力系统设备连接到更广泛网络的局域网 (LAN) 是网络中需要仔细关注的两个部分。
5.6kHz, 11.2kHz, 22.4kHz • WINDOW 窗函数选择可选择的窗函数系数为: HANNING • AVERAG. FFT 分析中,可以选择的平均方式为: LINEAR ¾ RANGE 噪声级测量模式(SLM)中,该选项给出了测量的范围,在其它测量模式中,用户可 用选择范围。 RANGE (其它模式)可选择的范围为: o 17.8m/sP2P 或者 316m/sP2P (振动测量) o 105dB 或者 130dB (噪声测量) ¾ TRIGGER SETUP 触发方式设定 TRIGGER 可选择的触发方式有:Off, SLOPE +, SLOPE -, LEVEL +, LEVEL -, BUFFER SOURCE 设定触发信号源参数: o RMS(1) 适用于振动测量 VLM 、FFT o RMS(1), 125Hz, 250Hz, 500Hz, ..., 16kHz (振动测量,触发方式处选择 BUFFER);
BSWA801 型噪声振动分析仪是北京声望声电技术有限公司与中科院声学研究所合作共同研发的全 数字技术的噪声和振动测试分析仪器。它不仅具有传统声级计的所有功能,还能进行振动测试,同时由 于装备了最新设计的 DSP 信号处理芯片,还能够进行实时的 1/1 倍频程和 1/3 倍频测频谱分析以及实时 FFT 频谱分析。BSWA801 型噪声振动分析仪能够胜任产品噪声振动测试,环境噪声监测和职业卫生与 健康的监测工作。
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Triv TRIV MTS4100噪声振动分析仪
TRIV MTS4100噪声振动杂波干扰分析仪综合了所有必需的功能,是当前汽车行业中技术最先进、功能最强大的噪声振动分析仪,能够诊断复杂的汽车噪声、振动和杂波干扰故障。
TRIV MTS4100NVH分析仪的独特设计理念,通过输入的振动和噪声传感器的信号,读取的OBDII数据流,进行比较和分析,迅速准确地找到噪声振动源,而无须拆换部件。
TRIV MTS4100NVH分析仪另一个功能是校准传动轴的动态平衡,而不需要拆除任何部件。
*多种显示模式:基本显示, 频谱显示, 柱形图显示
TRIV MTS4100汽车噪声振动分析仪