
1--2年级必读:1《猜猜我有多爱你》(绘本)(爱尔兰)麦克布雷尼著(英)婕朗绘明天出版社2《逃家小兔》(绘本)(美)赫德绘明天出版社3《我爸爸》(绘本)(英)安东尼·布朗文图河北教育出版社4《红鞋子——口袋里的经典·安徒生童话》(注音版)湖南少儿出版社5《爷爷一定有办法》(绘本)(加)吉尔曼文图明天出版社6《安徒生童话选》(丹麦)安徒生著(拼音读物或绘本)7《格林童话选》(德)格林著选读:1《哪吒传奇故事》童趣出版社2《王一梅童话系列》王一梅华东师范大学出版社3《小企鹅心灵成长故事》汤素兰等明天出版社4《晚上的浩浩荡荡童话》梅子涵著江苏少年儿童出版社5《可爱的鼠小弟》 (日)中江嘉美、上野纪子著赵静、文纪子南海出版公司6《你看起来好像很好吃》(日) 宫西达也著杨文译蒲蒲兰绘本馆7《丁丁历险记》 (英)迈克·法尔著邹晓平译中国少年儿童出版社8《了不起的狐狸爸爸》 (英)罗尔德·达尔代维译明天出版社9《胡萝卜种子》(美)路斯·克劳斯著人民文学出版社10《小精灵的秋天》冰波等广州出版社11《小猪唏哩呼噜》孙幼军著春风文艺出版社12《大个子老鼠小个子猫》周锐著春风文艺出版社13《豆蔻镇的居民和强盗》(挪威)埃格纳著叶君健译湖南少儿出版社14《兔子坡》(美)罗伯特·罗素著新蕾出版社15《稻草人》叶圣陶著湖北少年儿童出版社/湖北长江出版集团3--4年级必读:1《活了一百万次的猫》(绘本)(日)佐野洋子著唐亚明译或《森林大熊》(绘本)2.几米作品——《森林畅游》或《月亮忘记了》(台湾)几米著生活·读书·新知三联书店3《夏洛的网》 (美)E·B·怀特著任溶溶译上海译文出版社4《时代广场的蟋蟀》(美)乔治·塞尔登著新蕾出版社5《长袜子皮皮》(瑞典)林格伦著李之义译中国少年儿童出版社6《爱的教育》(意大利)亚米契斯著天津教育出版社7《犟龟》(德)米切尔·恩德著 21世纪出版社选读:1《笨狼的故事》(1、2、3)汤素兰著浙江少年儿童出版社2《足球大侠》张之路著浙江少年儿童出版社3《狐狸小学的插班生》北董著春风文艺出版社4《小巴掌童话》张秋生著湖北少年儿童出版社/湖北长江出版集团5《蓝鲸的眼睛》冰波著中国福利会出版社6《女巫》 (英)罗尔德·达尔任溶溶译明天出版社7《魔法师的帽子》 (芬兰)托芙·杨松任溶溶译明天出版社8《帅狗杜明尼克》 (美)威廉·史代格著赵永芬译新蕾出版社9《文身狗》 (德)保罗·马尔著陈俊译 21世纪出版社10《大盗贼》卷1-3 (德)普鲁士勒著陈俊译 21世纪出版社11《了不起的狐狸爸爸》(英)罗尔德·达尔著任溶溶译明天出版社12《装在口袋里的爸爸》杨鹏著春风文艺出版社13《西顿野生动物故事集》(加拿大)西顿著蒲隆等译译林出版社14《嘭嘭嘭》童喜喜著中国少年儿童出版社15《大林和小林》张天翼著湖北少年儿童出版社/湖北长江出版集团16《狐狸列那的故事》(法)贝纳著韦德福译浙江少年儿童出版社17《美丽的巴拿马》(德)米切尔·恩德著18《中国童话》黄蓓佳著江苏少年儿童出版社19《汤姆·索亚历险记》(美)马克·吐温著天津教育出版社5--6年级必读:1《失落的一角》(绘本)(美)谢尔·希尔弗斯坦著陈明俊译南海出版公司2《草房子》曹文轩著江苏少年儿童出版社3《小王子》(法)圣爱克絮佩里著中国少年儿童出版社4.哈利·波特系列5《秘密花园》(美)弗朗西丝·霍奇森·伯内特著天津教育出版社6《苏菲的世界》乔斯坦·贾德著萧宝森译作家出版社选读:1《风与树的歌》 (日)安房直子著彭懿译少年儿童出版社2《永远讲不完的故事》(德)米切尔·恩德著何珊译 21世纪出版社4《我能跳过水洼》 (澳)艾伦·马歇尔著黄源深陈士龙译人民文学出版社5《逃逃》秦文君著春风文艺出版社6《桥下一家人》(美)纳塔丽著王宗文译新蕾出版社7《小河男孩》(英)蒂姆·鲍勒著麦倩宜译新蕾出版社8《奥兹仙境》(即《绿野仙踪》)(美)弗兰克·鲍姆著张磷、潘堵译9《一只狗和他的城市》常新港著接力出版社10《女生日记》杨红樱著作家出版社11《乌丢丢的奇遇》金波著江苏少年儿童出版社12《昆虫记》(法)法布尔著北京燕山出版社13《城南旧事》林海音著人民文学出版社14《女生贾梅》《男生贾里》秦文君著作家出版社15《毛毛--时间窃贼和一个小女孩的不可思议的故事》(德)米切尔·恩德著李士勋译 21世纪出版社16《幻城》郭敬明著长江文艺出版社17《挪威的森林》(日)村上春树著林少华译上海译文出版社18《窗边的小豆豆》《小时候的故事》(日)黑柳彻子著赵玉皎译南海出版公司19 《假如给我三天光明》(美)海伦·凯勒著北京燕山出版社20《三重门》韩寒著作家出版社21《青铜葵花》曹文轩著江苏少年儿童出版社22《女儿的故事》梅子涵著湖北少年儿童出版社/湖北长江出版集团23《第三军团》张之路著湖北少年儿童出版社/湖北长江出版集团24《寄小读者》冰心著人民文学出版社。

2020最新小学1-6年级英语课外阅读书单(收藏版)一年级1. A picture reader (10本)(台湾东西出版社)2. Phonics kids 1A-4B3. Sight words 1A-6B4. 培生幼儿英语预备级、基础级(80本)5. Longman Reading Project Level one (10本)6. 兰登双语经典彩虹系列1,2 (14本)7. Oxford Reading Tree 1-2 (约60本电子书)Oxford Reading Tree 3-5 (约120本)8. Pig and elephant 系列-(7本电子书)9. Five little monkey 系列(7本电子书)10. I can read 1---Biscuits 系列(约20本电子书)11. 海尼曼英语GK, G1 (约200本电子书)12. Little Critter (27本)13. Curious George (24本)14. Peppa pig (90本)15. Picture Dictionary (儿歌、对话、词汇等)16. Usborne--Very first reading (50本)17. Treasures Grade level 1 ---(电子书)18. Dr. Seuss19. National Geographic KIDS pre-level 动物系列20. 英文原版Me and 系列5本21. 典范英语Good English 1--522. 丽声英语系列全套23. 贝贝熊“I Can Read!”双语阅读系列(全12册)24. 语感启蒙-经典英文儿歌图画书(套装共22册)25. Clifford系列26. Dora’s Big book of Stories(7 stories inside), Dora’s Storytime Collection (7 stories inside)27. Key words ladybird 36本28. 迪士尼五分钟故事系列29. 书虫-牛津英汉双语读物入门级二年级1. Phonics kids 5A-6B2. 培生幼儿英语提高级(约20本)3. 海尼曼英语G2 (100本)4. Usborne –My second reading (50本)5. Peppa pig S3-4 (100本)6. I can Read Level 27. Treasures Grade2 (电子书)8. 亚瑟小子系列9. 女巫温妮系列10. 糊涂女佣11. 小乌龟Franklin12. Oxford Reading Tree 6-7级13. DK- How animals grow?14. 新东方泡泡剑桥儿童英语第三、四级15. 丽声经典故事屋第四、五、六级三年级1. Oxford Reading Tree 8-9级2. Treasures grade 33. 小猪Mercy Watson4. My Weird School5. Flat Stanly6. 奇先生妙小姐的英文版7. I can read level 38. National Geographic KIDS Readers Level 1 动物系列。


神奇校车桥梁书20本 1 The Magic School Bus Gets Recycled 2 The Magic School Bus Gets Caught in a Web 3 The Magic School Bus and the Shark Adventure 4 The Magic School Bus Fights Germs 5 The Magic School Bus Inside a Volcano 6 The Magic School Bus Comes to its Senses 7 The Magic School Bus and the Butterfly Bunch 8 The Magic School Bus Fixes a Bone 9 The Magic School Bus The Wild Leaf Ride 10 The Magic School Bus Arctic Adventure 11 The Magic School Bus Has a Heart
My Weird School #10: Mr. Docker Is Off His Rocker! 3.6
My Weird School #11: Mrs. Kormel Is Not Normal! 3.8
My Weird School #12: Ms. Todd Is Odd!
My Weird School #13: Mrs. Patty Is Batty!
My Weird School #2: Mr. Klutz Is Nuts!
My Weird School #3: Mrs. Roopy Is Loopy!


第一册三年级上册Module 1Unit 1 I'm Sam Unit2 How are you?Module 2Unit 1 I ’m Ms SmartUnit 2 What's your name? Module 3unit1 Point to the doorunit2 Point to the desk Module 4Unit 1 It's red.Unit 2 It's a black dog Module 5Unit 1 How many?nit 2 Nine girlsModule 6Unit 1 This is my school Unit 2 What's this? Module 7Unit 1 Happy birthday! Unit 2 How old are you?Module 8Unit 1 Is it a dragon?Unit 2 Where's the cat? Module 9Unit 1 This is my mother.Unit 2 He's a doctor.Module 10Unit 1 This is his head.Unit 2 Point to her nose第二册三年级下册Module 1Unit 1 It's the ABC Song.Unit 2 My favourite toy is a car. Module 2Unit 1 They're monkeys.Unit 2 That monkey is fat Module 3Unit 1 I like football.Unit 2 I don't like riding bikes. Module 4Unit 1 Do you like meat?Unit 2 Does Daming like bananas Module 5Unit 1 I get up at seven o'clock.Unit 2 What's the time, please?Module 6Unit 1 What do you do at the weekend? Unit 2 What does she do at the weekend?. Module 7Unit 1 We have a big family dinnerUnit 2 We have Christmas in England. Module 8Unit 1 It's hot in summer.Unit 2 It's hot and sunny today.Module 9Unit 1 I've got a new book.Unit 2 She goes to school by bike. Module 10Unit 1 It's on your desk.Unit 2 Daming flies kites in the park.第三册四年级上册Module1U1seventeen,eighteen,nineteen,twenty Unit2 I've got twenty-six points.Module2Unit1 Where are you going?Unit2 The train is going up the hill. Module3Unit1 She's watching TV.Unit2 What are you doing?Module4Unit1 What are they doing?Unit2 What is Amy doing?Module5Unit1 Do you want some rice?Unit2 I'm making dumplings.Module6Unit1 Can you run fast?Unit2 Yes,I can.Module7Unit1 We're going to go to Hainan.Unit2 We're going to visit the Ming Tombs. Module8Unit1 What are you going to do?Unit2 I'm going to do the high jump. Module9Unit1 Can I have some sweets?Unit2 Happy Halloween!Module10Unit1 There is one birthday in May.Unit2 There are twelve months in the year.第四册四年级下册Module 1Unit 1 She's a nice teacher.Unit 2 He's cool.Module 2unit 1 London is the capital of England. unit 2 This is the River Thames.Module 3unit 1 Will you take your kite?unit 2 On Monday I'll go swimming. Module 4unit 1 Robots will do everything.unit 2 Will it be windy in Beijing?Module 5unit 1 Amy's taller than Lingling.unit 2 Beijing is bigger than Tianjin. Module 6unit 1 This girl is good.unit 2 Lingling is better than Daming Module 7unit 1 New York is in the east.unit 2 Beijing is the capital of China. Module 8 unit 1 I was two.unit 2 They were young.Module 9unit 1 I helped Mum.unit 2 Did dad cook lunch?Module 10unit 1 Sam fell off his bike.unit 2 Sam had lots of chocolate biscuits.第五册五年级上册Module 1 Unit 1 When did you come back? Unit 2 Did they buy ice creams?Module 2 ShoppingUnit 1 How many do you want?Unit 2 How much milk do you want? Module 3Unit 1 We visited lots ofUnit 2 What did Daming do? Module 4Unit 1 It's mine!Unit 2 This bag is hers.Module 5Unit 1There are enough.Unit 2 There are too many books on Module 6 Self-assessmentUnit 1 You can play footballUnit 2 I can do it very well.Module 7 CommunityUnit 1 He can't see.Unit 2 They can't walk.Module 8 SchoolUnit 1 What time does school start? Unit 2 Where did Lingling go Module 9 FeelingsUnit 1 Are you feeling sad?Unit 2 I feel happy.Module 10 MannersUnit 1 You should look, then crossUnit 2 You should eat fruit.第六册五年级下册Module 1Unit 1 We lived in a small house.Unit 2 She didn't have a television.Module 2Unit 1 She learnt English.Unit 2 Mr Li was a teacher.Module 3Unit 1 She had eggs and sausages.Unit 2 Sam ate six hamburgers.Module 4Unit 1 Where are the books about computers, Unit 2 Where can you find out about animals? Module 5Unit 1 It's big and light.Unit 2 It's too big for you.Module 6Unit 1 I went there last year.Unit 2 It's in the north of ChinaModule 7Unit 1 Let's send an email.Unit 2 I will be home at seven o'clock. Module 8Unit 1 What do you suggest?Unit 2 Line A is longerModule 9Unit 1 We laughed a lot.Unit 2 See you soon.Module 10Unit 1 Where are you going to go?Unit 2 I'm in New York now.第七册六年级上册Module 1 Unit 1The Great WallUnit 2 New York is in the east of America. Module2 Unit 1 Chinatown in AmericaUnit 2 Postcards from ChinaModule 3Unit 1 Collecting stamps is my hobby Unit 2 I've got a hobbyModule 4Unit 1 Happy Thanksgiving!Unit 2 What's your favourite festival? Module 5Unit 1 Pleased to meet you!Unit 2 Pen FriendsModule 6Unit 1 A Postcard from New YorkUnit 2 I’ve got some stamps from China . Module 7Unit 1 I don't believe it!Unit 2 Pandas love bamboo.Module 8Unit 1 looking at photosUnit 2 I often go swimmingModule 9Unit 1 A Visit to the UNUnit 2 Do you want to go to Guilin? Module 10Unit 1 At the LibraryUnit 2 Go straight on!第八册六年级下册Module1Unit1 I want a hot dog, please.Unit2 What do you want to do?Module2Unit1 We're going to have a picnicUnit2 It's going to snow in Harbin.Module3Unit1 The sun is shinningUnit2 I am looking out of the window Module4Unit1 I'm making Daming's birthday card. Unit2 The apples are falling down the stairs Module5Unit2 Unit1 Daming is having a birthday party Unit2 He's riding his bike,but it's starting to Module6Unit1 I bought you this bookUnit2 What's it about?Module7Unit1 ShenZhou V flew into spaceUnit2 He spent about twenty-one hours in Module8Unit1 Helen KellerUnit2 His name was Louis Braille Module9Unit1 What's the matter?Unit2 Because it's going to rainModule10Unit1 We are going to speak Chinese Unit2 What are you going to study?。

全阶段小学生阅读必备书目(一至六年级)英文版Essential Reading List for Elementary School Students (Grades 1-6)1. "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?" by Bill Martin Jr.2. "The Cat in the Hat" by Dr. Seuss3. "Where the Wild Things Are" by Maurice Sendak4. "Charlotte's Web" by E.B. White5. "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" series by Jeff Kinney6. "Harry Potter" series by J.K. Rowling7. "The Chronicles of Narnia" series by C.S. Lewis8. "Matilda" by Roald Dahl9. "Wonder" by R.J. Palacio10. "Percy Jackson & the Olympians" series by Rick Riordan11. "Holes" by Louis Sachar12. "The Lightning Thief" by Rick Riordan13. "Bridge to Terabithia" by Katherine Paterson14. "The Tale of Despereaux" by Kate DiCamillo15. "Number the Stars" by Lois Lowry16. "The BFG" by Roald Dahl17. "The Secret Garden" by Frances Hodgson Burnett18. "The Phantom Tollbooth" by Norton Juster19. "The One and Only Ivan" by Katherine Applegate20. "The Magic Tree House" series by Mary Pope OsborneThis comprehensive list includes a variety of genres and reading levels to engage elementary school students from first to sixth grade. These books are not only entertaining but also educational, helping children develop their reading skills and fostering a love for reading at an early age.。

牛津阅读树1(31本)目录之南宫帮珍创作1-1 Big Feet.1-2 Go Away, Floppy.1-3 Hide and Seek.1-4 Kipper's Diary.1-5 Look at Me.1-6Reds and Blues.1-7Good Gog.1-8 See Me Skip.1-9 The Ice Cream.1-10 The Mud Pie.1-11 What a DIN!1-12 Floppy's Bone.1-13 One Wheel.1-14 The Box of Treasure 1-15 The Sandcastle1-16 Go Away, Cat.1-17 Go On ,Mum!1-18 Look After Me.1-19 Presents for Dad.1-20 Top Dog.1-21 What Dogs Like1-22 Goal!1-23 Making Faces.1-24 What a mess!1-25 Shopping.1-26 The Journey.1-27 Fancy Dress.1-28 Push!1-29 The headache.1-30 The pet shop1-31 At the Park.1-1BIG Feet.Come and look at this.Come and look at this.Is it a big monster?Come and look at this.Is it a big dinosaur?Come and look at this.Is it a big giant?No. It is Dad.1-2 Go Away,Floppy.Go away, Floppy.Go away, Floppy.We are skipping.Go away, Floppy.We are painting.Come back, Floppy. Floppy, come back.We are sorry.1.floppy[英] [ˈflɔpi:] adj.松软的;懒散的1-3 Hide and Seek.Can you see us?Can you see me?Yes, I can see you.Can you see me?Yes, we can see you.Can you see me?Yes, we can see you.We can all see Dad.1-4 Kipper's Diary.Monday: It was a wet day.Tuesday:It was a windy day. I went to the shops.Wednesday:It was a sunny day. I went to the pool.Thursday: It was a hot day. I went to the park.Friday: It was a fun day.2.Kipper [人名] 基珀1-5 Look at Me.Look at me, Mum.Look at me, Mum. Look at me on my bike.Look at me, Mum. Look at me on my bike.Look at me, Mum. Oh,no!Look at me!1-6 Reds and Blues.We are all in red.We are all in blue.Come on the reds! Come on the blues!Who is in red? Who is in blue?We are all muddy.3.muddy[英] [ˈmʌdi] adj.泥泞的;暗的;模糊的;糊涂的1-7Good Gog.I’m a good dog. Look at me.I’m very good, as you c an see.You say, “Sit,” I sit. That’s it.If you call, I get the ball.You say, “Stay,” I stay. That’s that.But not if Ican see a cat.1-8 See Me Skip.See me skip.This is the way. I like to do this every day.“Come on, Dad. Can you skip too?” “Yes, I can. I skip like you.”“Look at me. Look at me go!” “Look out, Dad!”Oh no!Oh no!4.skip [英] [skip] vi.跳;跳绳;悄悄溜走;快速转移1-9 The Ice Cream.Can I get an ice cream? Yes, I can.Come on, run to the ice cream van.I want the big one. Look at that!Look out, Kipper! Oh no!Splat!5.1-10 The Mud Pie.This is mud in my hand.Put in water. Mix in sand.Tip it out. Pat it flat.This is a mud pie … not a hat.6.tip[英] [tip] vt. 倾斜,翻倒;装顶端1-11 What a DIN!Biff has a pan and a big, red pot.Chip has a tin. What has Kipper got?Kipper has a can. Dad has a bin.Bang, crash, hang! What a din!What a din!7.Biff[英] [bif] 比夫8.Chip[人名] 奇普9.tin[英] [tin] n.罐头盒;10.can[英] [kæn, kən] n.罐头;(用金属或塑料制作的)容器;(马口铁或其他金属制作的)食品罐头11.bin[英] [bin] n.箱子,容器;二进制;垃圾箱;12.bang[英] [bæŋ]vi.发出砰的一声,砰砰作响,砰地敲[推,扔];13.crash[英] [kræʃ]vt.& vi.(使)猛撞,(使)撞毁14.hang[英] [hæŋ] vi.悬垂;被吊死;附属,依靠;悬而未决15.1-12Floppy's Bone.Floppy had a bone.A dog took the bone. Floppy ran after the dog.“Come back!” said Mom. She ran after Floppy.“Come back!” said Dad. He ran after Mum.“Come back!” said Biff and Chip. They ran after Dad.The dog stopped. A big dog took the bone.The big dog ate the bone. Oh no!1-13One Wheel.“One wheel,” said Chip.“Look,” said Chip. “One wheel”“Look,” said Mum. “I am on two wheels.”“Look at me,” said Kipper. “I am on three wheels.”“Look at me,” said Biff. “I am on four wheels.”“Look at Dad,” said Mum. “He is on one wheel.”“Oh no,” said Dad. “No wheels.”1-14The Box of TreasureDad had a map.He hid the map in the sand.Biff found the map. “It is a treasure map,” she said.The map said, “Dig here.”“Dig here.” said Biff. Chip dug in the sand.Chip found a box. “Is it a box of treasure?” he said.No. It was a box of sweets!16.hid[英] [hid] hide的过去式和过去分词1-15The SandcastleChip had a box.He put sand in it. “Pat it flat,” he said.Kipper had a box. He put sand in it.Biff had a bucket. She put sand in it.Biff put the bucket on top. “Good,” she said.It was a sandcastle. It was a good sandcastle.It was the best sandcastle.17.18.bucket[英] [ˈbʌkit] n.水桶;1-16Go Away, Cat.Go away, little cat.Go away, little cat. A dog is coming.Go away, little cat. A big dog is coming.Go away, little cat. Floppy is coming.Oh, no!1-17Go On,Mum!“Go on, Mum,” said Chip.“Go on, Mum,” said Biff. “I am going,” said Mum.“Go on, Mum,” said Kipper. “I am going,” she said.“Go on, go on,” said Dad. “I am going,” said Mum.“I am not going again.”1-18 Look After Me.This is Kate.She went up the net. “I like this,” she said.She went on the slide. “I like this,” she said.She went up the ladder. “I like this,” she said.“We like this,” said Biff.1-19 Presents for Dad.This is for Dad.This is for you, Dad. It is a bunch of flowers.This is for you, Dad. It is a box of chocolates.This is for you, Dad. It is a bunch of grapes.This is for the best Dad of all.1-20 Top Dog.Look at all the dogs.We like this dog. This is a little dog.We like this dog. This is a big dog.We all like this dog. This is a top dog.We like Floppy best of all.1-21 What Dogs LikeDogs like to play.They like to walk. Floppy likes to walk.They like to sleep. Floppy likes to sleep.They like to run. Floppy likes to run.Floppy hates this1-22 Goal!It was a cold day.Everyone got wet. Everyone got cold.Floppy got tired. Kipper got miserable.Mum got cross.Dad got a goal.中频词,你记住了吗?19.miserable[英] [ˈmizərəbl] adj.悲惨的;令人痛苦的;20.cross[英] [krɔs] adj.坏脾气的,易怒的;相反的,反向的1-23 Making Faces.Dad was fierce.Chip was sad.Biff was good.Mum was frightened.Kipper was hungry.21.fierce[英] [fiəs] adj.凶猛的,残暴的;猛烈的;狂热的1-24 What a mess!Mum made a dress.Dad made some jam.Chip made a scarf. Biff made a lorry.Kipper made a birthday card.Everyone made a mess.22.lorry[英] [ˈlɔri] n.运货汽车,机动卡车1-25 Shopping.Chip wanted some sugar.He went to the supermarket. He got some crisps.He went to the shop. He got a comic.He went to the market. He got a ball.He forgot the sugar.23.crisp[英] [krisp] n.<英>炸马铃薯片;松脆物1-26 The Journey.“I’m bored,” said Kipper.“I’m hungry,” said Biff.“I’m thirsty,” said Chip.“I’m cross,” said Dad.“I’m lost,” said Mum.“Hooray!” said everyone.1-27 Fancy Dress.Mum was a scarecrow.Biff was a pirate. Chip was a pirate.Kipper was an angel.Dad was a chicken.Everyone was happy.1-28 Push!The car was stuck.Mum pushed it.Biff and Chip pushed it. Mum pulled it.The tractor pulled it.Oh no!24.tractor[英] [ˈtræktə] n.拖拉机;牵引器1-29 The headache.Dad had a trumpet.Chip had a drum.Biff had a recorder.Kipper had a guitar.Mum had a headache.25.trumpet[英] [ˈtrʌmpit] n.喇叭;小号;26.recorder[英] [riˈkɔ:də] n.录音机;记录员,记录者;记录器;八孔直笛1-30 The pet shopEveryone wanted a pet.Chip wanted a rat. “Oh no!” said everyone.B iff wanted a spider. “Oh no!” said everyone.Biff wanted a snake. “Oh no!” said everyone.Everyone wanted a goldfish.1-31 At the Park.Everyone went to the park.Chip went on the slide.Biff went on the horse.Kipper went on the swing. Mum went on the see-saw.Floppy went to sleep.。

Document serial number【NL89WT-NY98YT-NC8CB-NNUUT-NUT108】

小学1-6年级英语课外阅读书目好书推荐一年级:1. A picture reader (10本)(台湾东西出版社)2. Phonics kids 1A-4B3. Sight words 1A-6B4. 培生幼儿英语预备级、基础级(80本)5. Longman Reading Project Level one (10本)6. 兰登双语经典彩虹系列1,2 (14本)7. Oxford Reading Tree 1-2 (约60本电子书)Oxford Reading Tree 3-5 (约120本)8. Pig and elephant 系列-(7本电子书)9. Five little monkey 系列(7本电子书)10. I can read 1---Biscuits 系列(约20本电子书)11. 海尼曼英语GK, G1 (约200本电子书)12. Little Critter (27本)13. Curious George (24本)14. Peppa pig (90本)15. Picture Dictionary (儿歌、对话、词汇等)16. Usborne--Very first reading (50本)17. Treasures Grade level 1 ---(电子书)18. Dr. Seuss19. National Geographic KIDS pre-level 动物系列20. 英文原版Me and 系列5本21. 典范英语Good English 1--522. 丽声英语系列全套23. 贝贝熊“I Can Read!”双语阅读系列(全双语阅读系列(全12册)24. 语感启蒙-经典英文儿歌图画书(套装共22册)25. Clifford系列26. Dora’s Big book of Stories(7 stories inside), Dora’s Storytime Collection (7 stories inside)27. Key words ladybird 36本28. 迪士尼五分钟故事系列29. 书虫-牛津英汉双语读物入门级二年级:1. Phonics kids 5A-6B2. 培生幼儿英语提升级(约20本)3. 海尼曼英语G2 (100本)4. Usborne –My second reading (50本)5. Peppa pig S3-4 (100本)6. I can Read Level 27. Treasures Grade2 (电子书)8. 亚瑟小子系列9. 女巫温妮系列10. 糊涂女佣11. 小乌龟Franklin12. Oxford Reading Tree 6-7级13. DK- How animals grow?14. 新东方泡泡剑桥儿童英语第三、四级15. 丽声经典故事屋第四、五、六级三年级:1. Oxford Reading Tree 8-9级2. Treasures grade 33. 小猪Mercy Watson4. My Weird School5. Flat StanlEy6. 奇先生妙小姐的英文版7. I can read level 38. National Geographic KIDS Readers Level 1 动物系列9..英语小故事课后读10.I am Not Going to Get up Today11.Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day.The Giving Tree12.When I Grow Up13.National Geographic KIDS Readers Level 1 动物系列14. Judy moody 系列系列15.Rainbow Magic系列.16.DK系列百科知识。

幼儿园1. 《好饿的毛毛虫》艾瑞·卡尔 Eric Carle2. 《小熊和他的爷爷》莫里斯·森德克 Morris Sendak3. 《小兔子的花园》贝敏·皮尔 Beatrix Potter4. 《三只小猪》詹姆斯·奥利弗 James Orchard5. 《小小雪人》艾瑞克·利特尔 Eric Litwin一年级6. 《小王子》安东尼·德·圣埃克苏佩里 Antoine de Saint-Exupéry7. 《小熊和朋友们》托尼·瓦德 Tony Bradman8. 《小黄人奇遇》芭芭拉·巴莱特 Barbara Bartos-Hoppner9. 《奇幻树屋系列》玛丽·米泽尔 Mary Pope Osborne10. 《玛丽医生和草原小屋》珍·利特尔 J. D. Littell二年级11. 《白雪公主》童话故事12. 《灰姑娘》童话故事13. 《美女与野兽》童话故事14. 《小狗钱钱》罗伯特·基约塔 Robert Kiyosaki15. 《小兔子乖乖》亨丽埃塔·伊瑟曼 Henrietta Elizabeth 三年级16. 《汤姆索亚历险记》马克·吐温 Mark Twain17. 《卡通经济学》谢尔顿 Sheldon18. 《武松打虎》古龙19. 《小马宝莉》 G. M. Berrow20. 《青蛙和蟾蜍》阿诺德·洛贝尔 Arnold Lobel四年级21. 《草房子》曹文轩22. 《植物大战僵尸》电子游戏23. 《小石头》贺红梅24. 《哈利波特与魔法石》 J. K. Rowling25. 《马克思恩格斯传》张维迎五年级26. 《莎士比亚戏剧》莎士比亚27. 《银河帝国》伊萨克·阿西莫夫 Isaac Asimov28. 《断舍离》山下英子29. 《绿野仙踪》弗兰克·鲍姆30. 《西游记》吴承恩六年级31. 《一千零一夜》阿拉伯故事32. 《战争与和平》列夫·托尔斯泰 Lev Tolstoy33. 《孙子兵法》孙武34. 《百年孤独》加西亚·马尔克斯 Gabriel García Márquez35. 《即兴教育》爱德华·德·波诺 Edward de Bono七、八年级36. 《品味经济学》斯坦福经济学教授 Paul Krugman37. 《摆渡人》克莱儿·麦克福尔 Claire McFall38. 《发条橙》安东尼·伯吉斯 Anthony Burgess39. 《时间规划师》王小波40. 《无聊图鉴》羽生结弦高中41. 《八十天环游地球》儒勒·凡尔纳 Jules Verne42. 《追风筝的人》卡勒德·胡赛尼 Khaled Hosseini43. 《麦田里的守望者》 J. D. Salinger44. 《白夜行》东野圭吾45. 《诗经》诗歌选集大学46. 《飞鸟集》泰戈尔47. 《呐喊》鲁迅48. 《红楼梦》曹雪芹49. 《思想的力量》威廉·沃克 William Walker Atkinson50. 《人类简史》尤瓦尔·哈拉利 Yuval Noah Harari经典名著51. 《西游记》吴承恩52. 《三国演义》罗贯中53. 《红楼梦》曹雪芹54. 《水浒传》施耐庵55. 《岳阳楼记》范仲淹56. 《金瓶梅》兰陵笑笑生57. 《山海经》左传58. 《论语》孔子59. 《道德经》老子60. 《人人都该懂点哲学》赵雷儿童文学61. 《汤姆索亚历险记》马克·吐温 Mark Twain62. 《安徒生童话》丹麦作家汉斯·克里斯蒂安·安徒生 H. C. Andersen63. 《小熊》 A. A. 米洛 A. A. Milne64. 《绿野仙踪》弗兰克·鲍姆65. 《马克思恩格斯传》张维迎历史66. 《史记》司马迁67. 《资治通鉴》司马光68. 《大明一统志》王夫之69. 《中国社会各阶级的分析》70. 《万历十五年》黄仁宇科学71. 《时间简史》史蒂芬·霍金 Stephen Hawking72. 《物种起源》查尔斯·达尔文 Charles Darwin73. 《大爆炸——宇宙诞生的真相》霍金74. 《黑洞与时间曲线》哈尔顿75. 《基因组》雷蒙德·李·魏斯 Raymond L. Weiss文化76. 《北欧神话》斯涅尔·司汤达77. 《论语》孔子78. 《道德经》老子79. 《西方哲学史》柏拉图80. 《源氏物语》紫式部哲学81. 《亲密关系理论》约翰·鲍尔比 John Bowlby82. 《达芬奇密码》丹·布朗83. 《人类简史》尤瓦尔·哈拉利 Yuval Noah Harari84. 《批判性思维导论》理查德· Richard Paul85. 《枪炮、病菌与钢铁》贾雷德·戴蒙德 Jared Diamond社会科学86. 《第二十二条军规》夫·海勒87. 《论美国的民主》亚历克西斯·德·托克维尔 Alexis de Tocqueville88. 《新约全书》89. 《弗洛伊德文集》弗洛伊德90. 《资本论》卡尔·马克思政治91. 《政治学》安东尼·戈登 Anthony Giddens92. 《》93. 《联邦党人文集》汉密尔顿、麦迪逊、杰伊94. 《论美国的民主》亚历克西斯·德·托克维尔 Alexis de Tocqueville95. 《共和国论》柏拉图经济96. 《道德经注译》邵长蕃97. 《博弈论》范登堡98. 《论合同的原则》约翰·洛克 John Locke99. 《资本论》卡尔·马克思100. 《资本主义论》小哈维·邦迪 Harvey Bundy 互联网101. 《网易传》丁磊102. 《Stay Hungry Stay Foolish》孙正义103. 《新新闻》刘骏104. 《无处安放》陈年105. 《漫长的告别》瑞妮·韦如琳 Renee Wulster 文艺106. 《鲁迅与周作人书信》107. 《草》鲁迅108. 《红岸》109. 《从黄昏到清晨》王小波110. 《许三观卖血记》鲁迅影视原著111. 《飘》玛格丽特·米切尔112. 《本杰明·巴顿奇事》斯科特·菲兹杰拉德113. 《闻香识女人》贾斯顿·莱庞 Justin Lepone 114. 《小妇人》阿尔科特115. 《暮光之城》史蒂芬妮·梅耶心理学116. 《自卑与超越》阿尔弗雷德·阿德勒117. 《人性的弱点》戴尔·卡耐基118. 《幸福的勇气》北野武119. 《孤独的勇气》肯·西蒙斯120. 《情感的追寻》简·艾略特人物传记121. 《史记》司马迁122. 《朱元璋传》黄仁宇123. 《鲁迅传》胡适124. 《岳飞》郑振铎建议家长和老师们可以让孩子带着这些经典绘本、名著和其他图书进入阅读的世界,为他们未来的成长奠定良好的基础。

牛津阅读树1-1 Big Feet.1-2 Go Away, Floppy.1-3 Hide and Seek.1-4 Kipper's Diary.1-5 Look at Me.1-6 Reds and Blues.1-7 Good Gog.1-8 See Me Skip.1-9 The Ice Cream.1-10 The Mud Pie.1-11 What a DIN!1-12 Floppy's Bone.1-13 One Wheel.1-14 The Box of Treasure1-15 The Sandcastle1-16 Go Away, Cat. 1(31 本)目录1-17 Go On ,Mum!1-18 Look After Me.1-19 Presents for Dad.1-20 Top Dog.1-21 What Dogs Like1-22 Goal!1-23 Making Faces.1-24 What a mess!1-25 Shopping.1-26 The Journey.1-27 Fancy Dress.1-28 Push!1-29 The headache.1-30 The pet shop1-31 At the Park.1-1 BIG Feet.Come and look at this.Come and look at this. Is it a big monster?Come and look at this. Is it a big dinosaur? Comeand look at this. Is it a big giant? No. It is Dad.1-2 Go Away, Floppy.Go away, Floppy . Go away, Floppy. Go away, Floppy. Come back, Floppy. We are sorry.We are skipping. We are painting. Floppy, come back1. floppy[英] [?fl?pi:] adj. 松软的;懒散的1-3 Hide and Seek.Can you see us?Can you see me? Yes, I can see you.Can you see me? Yes, we can see you.Can you see me? Yes, we can see you.We can all see Dad.1-4 Kipper 's Diary.Monday: It was a wet day.Tuesday: It was a windy day. I went to the shops. Wednesday: It was a sunny day. I went to the pool. Thursday: It was a hot day. I went to the park. Friday: It was a fun day.2. Kipper [ 人名] 基珀1-5 Look at Me.Look at me, Mum.Look at me, Mum. Look at me on my bike.Look at me, Mum. Look at me on my bike.Look at me, Mum. Oh, no!Look at me!1-6 Reds and Blues.We are all in red.We are all in blue.Come on the reds! Come on the blues!Who is in red? Who is in blue?We are all muddy.3. muddy[英] [?m?di] adj.泥泞的;暗的;模糊的;糊涂的1-7 Good Gog.I ' m a good dog. Look at me.I ' m very good, as you can see.You say, “ Sit, ” I sit. That ' s it.If you call, I get the ball.You say, “ Stay, ” I stay. That ' s that.But not if I can see a cat.1-8 See Me Skip.See me skip.This is the way. I like to do this every day.“ Come on, Dad. Can you skip too? ” “ Yes, I can. I skip like you.“ Look at me. Look at me go! ” “ Look out, Dad! ”Oh no! Oh no!4. skip [英] [skip] vi. 跳;跳绳;悄悄溜走;快速转移1-9 The Ice Cream.Can I get an ice cream? Yes, I can.Come on, run to the ice cream van.I want the big one. Look at that!Look out, Kipper ! Oh no!Splat!5. splat[英] [spl?t] n. 啪哒声1-10 The Mud Pie.This is mud in my hand.Put in water. Mix in sand.Tip it out. Pat it flat.This is a mud pie ⋯not a hat.6. tip[英] [tip] vt. 倾斜,翻倒;装顶端1-11 What a DIN!Biff has a pan and a big, red pot.Chip has a tin. What has Kipper got?Kipper has a can. Dad has a bin.Bang, crash, hang! What a din!What a din!7. Biff[ 英] [bif] 比夫8. Chip[ 人名] 奇普9. tin[英] [tin] n. 罐头盒;10. can[英] [k?n, k ?n] n.罐头;(用金属或塑料制作的)容器;金属制作的)食品罐头11. bin[英] [bin] n.箱子,容器;二进制;垃圾箱;12. bang[英] [b??] vi. 发出砰的一声,砰砰作响,砰地敲[推,13. crash[英] [kr? ?]vt.& vi. (使)猛撞,(使)撞毁14. hang[ 英] [h??] vi.悬垂;被吊死;附属,依靠;悬而未决15. din[英] [d?n] n.喧闹声1-12 Floppy's Bone.Floppy had a bone.A dog took the bone. Floppy ran after the dog.“ Come back! ” said Mom. She ran after Floppy.“ Come back! ” said Dad. He ran after Mum.“ Come back! ” said Biff and Chip. They ran after Dad.The dog stopped. A big dog took the bone.The big dog ate the bone. Oh no!1-13 One Wheel.“ One wheel, ” said Chip.“ Look, ” said Chip. “ One wheel ”“ Look, ” said Mum. “ I am on two wheels. ”“ Look at me, ” said Kipper. “ I am on three wheels.“ Look at me, ” said Biff. “ I am on four wheels. ”“ Look at Dad, ” said Mum. “ He is on one wheel. ”“ Oh no, ” said Dad. “ No wheels. ”马口铁或其他扔];1-14 The Box of TreasureDad had a map.He hid the map in the sand.Biff found the map. “ It is a treasure map, ” she said.The map said, “ Dig here. ”“ Dig here. ” said BCiffh. ip dug in the sand.Chip found a box. “ Is it a box of treasure? ” he said.No. It was a box of sweets!16. hid[英] [hid] hide 的过去式和过去分词1-15 The SandcastleChip had a box.He put sand in it. “ Pat it flat, ” he said.Kipper had a box. He put sand in it.Biff had a bucket. She put sand in it.Biff put the bucket on top. “ Good, ” she said.It was a sandcastle. It was a good sandcastle.It was the best sandcastle.17. sandcastle[英] [?s?ndk ɑ :s(?)l] 沙n.塔18. bucket[英] [?b?kit] n. 水桶;1-16 Go Away, Cat.Go away, little cat.Go away, little cat. A dog is coming.Go away, little cat. A big dog is coming.Go away, little cat. Floppy is coming. Oh, no!1-17 Go On, Mum!Go on, Mum, ”said Chip.Go on, Mum, ”said Biff. “I am going, ” said Mum.Go on, Mum, ”said Kipper. “I am gsoainidg. , ” sheGo on, go on, ” said Dad. “I am going, ” said MumI am not going again. ”1-18 Look After Me.This is Kate.She went up the net. “ I like this, ” she said.She went on the slide. “ I like this, ” she said.She went up the ladder. “ I like this, ” she said.“ We like this, ” said Biff.1-19 Presents for Dad.This is for Dad.This is for you, Dad. It is a bunch of flowers. This is for you, Dad. It is a box of chocolates.This is for you, Dad. It is a bunch of grapes. This is for the best Dad of all.1-20 Top Dog.Look at all the dogs.We like this dog. This is a little dog.We like this dog. This is a big dog.We all like this dog. This is a top dog.We like Floppy best of all.1-21 What Dogs LikeDogs like to play.They like to walk. Floppy likes to walk.They like to sleep. Floppy likes to sleep.They like to run. Floppy likes to run. Floppy hates this1-22 Go al!It was a cold day.Everyone got wet. Everyone got cold.Floppy got tired. Kipper got miserable.Mum got cross.Dad got a goal.19. miserable[英] [?miz?r ?bl] adj. 悲惨的;令人痛苦的;20. cross[英] [kr ?s] adj. 坏脾气的,易怒的;相反的,反向的1-23 Making Faces.Dad was fierce .Chip was sad.Biff was good.Mum was frightened.Kipper was hungry.21. fierce[英] [fi ?s] adj.凶猛的,残忍的;猛烈的;狂热的1-24 What a mess!Mum made a dress.Dad made some jam.Chip made a scarf. Biff made a lorry .Kipper made a birthday card.Everyone made a mess.22. lorry[ 英] [?l?ri] n. 运货汽车,机动卡车1-25 S hopping.Chip wanted some sugar.He went to the supermarket. He got some crisps.He went to the shop. He got a comic.He went to the market. He got a ball.He forgot the sugar.23. crisp[英] [krisp] n.< 英>炸马铃薯片;松脆物1-26 The Journey.“I 'm bored, ” said Kipper.“I 'm hungry, ” said Biff.“I 'm thirsty, ” said Chip.“I 'crmos s, ” said Dad.“I 'm lost, ” said Mum.“ Hooray! ” said everyone.1-27 Fancy Dress.Mum was a scarecrow.Biff was a pirate. Chip was a pirate.Kipper was an angel.Dad was a chicken.Everyone was happy.1-28 Push!The car was stuck.Mum pushed it.Biff and Chip pushed it. Mum pulled it.The tractor pulled it.Oh no!24. tractor[ 英] [?tr?kt? ] n.拖拉机;牵引器1-29 The headache.Dad had a trumpet. Chip had a drum. Biff had a recorder. Kipper had a guitar. Mum had a headache.25. trumpet[ 英] [?tr? mpit] n. 喇叭;小号;26. recorder[ 英] [ri?k? :d ?] n.录音机;记录员,记录者;记录器;八孔直笛1-30 The pet shop1-31 At the Park.Everyone went to the park. Chip went on the slide. Biff went on the horse.Kipper went on the swing. Mum went on the see-saw. Floppy went to sleep.Everyone wanted a pet. Chip wanted a rat. “ Biff wanted a spider. Biff wanted a snake.Everyone wanted a goldfish.Oh no! ” said everyone.“ Oh no! ” said everyone. “ Oh no! ” said everyone.。

英语分级阅读介绍书目表(1-5 年级 ) Reading list for Grade 1大猫英语分级阅读一级11.《小瓢虫归家记》2.《欢喜马戏团》3.《机器人出生记》4.《一同来玩跷跷板》5.《小池塘大世界》6.《我是小帮手》7.《森林里的动物王国》8.《探究荒漠》大猫英语分级阅读一级21.《小怪物爱捣乱》2.《小恐龙溅起大水花》3.《公园里的春夏秋冬》4.《北极熊爱涂色》5.《雨中哗啦啦!》6.《玩玩闹闹欢喜多》7.《我们都爱吃水果!》8.《我能行!》大猫英语分级阅读一级31.《神探泰克:谁吃了蛋糕?》2.《天气变变变》3.《猫狗捉迷藏》4.《海边的形状游戏》5.《野外一日游》6.《骑车,出发!》7.《一同来做袜子手偶!》当先阅读 X 计划 - 第一级Tiger's Family Tiger的一家Go to Bed! 该睡觉啦!My Family 我的家人A Home for Ted Ted的家Hamster on the Run 仓鼠逃跑了Otters at Home 水獭在家Reading list for Grade 2大猫英语分级阅读二级11.《美术馆惊魂夜》2.《天黑此后》3.《神探泰克:神奇挖坑人》4.《巧妙的“外衣”》5.《捣乱的蝙蝠》6.《魔蛋》7.《我们去海滩咯!》8.《我们都爱踢足球》大猫英语分级阅读二级21.《神探泰克:谁在乱扔垃圾?》2.《一同去购物!》3.《波波是个大画家》4.《垃圾场的一天》5.《伍迪的一周》6.《我的运动日记》7.《超级大英豪——本》8.《这个月的事儿真许多》大猫英语分级阅读二级31.《橡树里的世界》2.《早饭吃什么?》3.《河流之旅》4.《小老鼠与大狮子》5.《找风的小鼹鼠》6.《海盗寻宝记》7.《你爱吃什么?》8.《最棒的鸟儿》当先阅读 X 计划 -第二级Ant and the Baby Ant 和小宝宝Run Cat,Run! 快跑, Cat!Big and Small 大和小My Cat Moggy 我的小猫Pickles'New Home Pickles的新家My Pet 我的宠物Reading list for Grade 3大猫英语分级阅读三级11.《环游世界》2.《光》3.《崭新的风筝》4.《我的学校在哪儿?》5.《小鸡蛋历险记》6.《随着节奏跳舞吧》7.《捣乱的大猫萨姆》8.《派对小指南》9.《珀西与小兔》大猫英语分级阅读三级21.《丽贝卡玩转游玩园》2.《风儿吹啊吹》3.《无所作为的小青蛙》4.《找寻小水熊》5.《咚咚咚!谁呀?》6.《巧手多能干!》7.《小鸟好帮手》8.《寒夜寻家记》9.《骨碌骨碌滚下山》大猫英语分级阅读四级11.《若是世界只有一种颜色》2.《神奇来客》3.《听!这是什么声音?》4.《我的火箭旅游计划》5.《害羞的小龟托德》6.《了不起的飞鼠》7.《怪鱼炫美记》8.《哈里的花园》9.《调皮猴问号与三毛:野外奇遇》10.《我们都是这样长大的》大猫英语分级阅读四级21.《孤独的企鹅》2、《机器人间界》3、《蒸汽火车的静静话》4、《爱演奏的伯特乐队》5、《珀西和獾》6、《调皮猴问号与三毛:新帽子失散之谜》7、《回收利用:废旧塑料大变身》8、《顶级恐龙档案》9、《奔向月球!》10、《地来世界大揭秘》当先阅读 X 计划 -第三级The Gingerbread Micro-man 姜饼小人The Birthday Cake 诞辰蛋糕Yum! 真好吃The Rainy Day雨天Snow Spoons 勺子雪橇What's the Weather Like Today 今每日气怎么样?Reading list for Grade 4大猫英语分级阅读五级11.《巧妙宠物店》2.《大海动物的奥密武器》3.《小妹妹,大明星》4.《厨房里的美食奥密》5.《荒漠寻水记》6.《超级雕塑》大猫英语分级阅读五级21.《比格先生的魔法钢笔》2.《大型猫科动物知多少》3.《恐龙剪发店》4.《我的图书创作故事》5.《捣乱鬼乔迪》6.《伊甸植物园一日游》7.《奇思妙想发明家!》大猫英语分级阅读六级11.《小胖猫躲猫猫》2.《一封寄往新西兰的信》3.《阿瑟的派对了不起!》4.《细菌宣言》5.《着火了!着火了!》6.《和善的埃玛》大猫英语分级阅读六级21.《巧手制作立体贺卡》2.《马拉松》3.《酋长的“克星”》4.《动画世界大揭秘》5.《阿瑟的不眠夜》6.《对于球的那些事儿》7.《第一天里糗事多》当先阅读 X 计划 -第四级The Race 竞赛Ant's Bug Adventure 昆虫世界探险记Bug Hunt 虫虫追踪记The Play Park 游玩场Robo-Rex 机械霸王龙Pet Play 宠物的游戏Reading list for Grade 5大猫英语分级阅读七级11.《小狗休吉》2.《城堡探秘》3.《马儿的假日狂欢》4.《我是小小故事家》5.《聪慧的蜘蛛哈里:家有哈里》6.《我的农场光阴》大猫英语分级阅读七级21.《石工变形记》2.《非洲动物“三巨头” 》3.《聪慧的蜘蛛哈里:哈里的学校之行》4.《飞快向前》5.《高兴农场》6.《奇异的建筑物》大猫英语分级阅读八级11.《星星小子的欣喜》2.《探秘木偶剧院》3.《宠物侦探:乌龟失散之谜》4.《奇异的传统》5.《巴兹与宾戈历险记:怪物迷宫》6.《我是小小漫画家》大猫英语分级阅读八级21.《森林音乐家》2.《今世活恐龙——鳄鱼与巨蜥》3.《小鸡里肯》4.《走,去火星度假吧!》5.《真假传说》6.《一闪一闪萤火虫》7.《太平洋岛国游记》当先阅读 X 计划 -第五级The Noisy Day 喧华的一天Tiger's Drum Kits Tiger 的架子鼓Click! Bang! Pop! 咔嗒!啪!砰!Flying High 谁飞得更高In a Spin 旋风历险Making Things That Fly 能够飞起来的手工。
小学语文(1—6年级下册)“课外阶梯式拓展阅读” 书目地图 全国通用

小学语文(1—6年级下册)“课外阶梯式拓展阅读”书目地图一年级下册小古文天空秘密1.《雨》2.《雪》3.《日月星》4.《日时》一年级下册必读书1.绘本《爷爷一定有办法》((加)吉尔曼明天出版社)2. 绘本《逃家小兔》((美)赫德绘(美)布朗编文明天出版社)3. 《三毛流浪记》(张乐平译林出版社)4.《没头脑和不高兴》(任溶溶浙江少年儿童出版社)5.《格林童话》(注音版)(格林著肖晓涵编上海人民美术)一年级下册选读书本1.绘本《月亮生日快乐》([美]法兰克艾/文图明天出版社)2.绘本《一颗超级顽固的牙》((英)米德尔顿新星出版社)3.绘本《哪吒闹海》(上海电影制片厂辽宁少年儿童出版社)4.《洋葱头历险记》((意大利)贾尼罗大里著禹南编)一年级下册古诗词阅读1.《咏柳》(碧玉妆成一树高)★2.《绝句》(迟日江山丽)★3.《江畔独步寻花》(黄师塔前江水东)★4.《早春呈水部张十八员外》(天街小雨润如酥)★5.《惠崇〈春江晓景〉》(竹外桃花三两枝)★6.《春日》(胜日寻芳泗水滨)★7. 《长歌行》(青青园中葵)★8. 《江上渔者》(江上往来人) ★9. 《独坐敬亭山》(众鸟高飞尽)10.《七步诗》(煮豆持作羹)一年级下册教材中古诗及小古文等1.《春晓》2.《静夜思》3.《寻隐者不遇》4. 《池上》5.《小池》6.《画鸡》7.《人之初》8.《古对今》二年级下册二年级下册小古文动物趣1.《猫捕鱼》2.《猫斗》3.《龟兔竞走》4.《狐假虎威》二年级下册必读书1.绘本《小真的长头发》((日)高楼方子新星出版社)2. 绘本《有一天》((美)麦基著,(加)雷诺兹绘,安妮宝贝译新星出版社)3.《我和小姐姐克拉拉》((德)茵可夫著,程玮译21世纪出版社)4. 《了不起的狐狸爸爸》((英)达尔(Dahl,R.)著,代维译明天出版社)5.《阿凡提的故事》(闻钟主编南大出版社)二年级下册选读书本1. 绘本《我不要拉肚子》(陈月文、方恩真长江少年儿童出版社)2. 《二年级的小朵朵》(狐狸姐姐著春风文艺出版社)3.《蝴蝶·豌豆花》(冰心,叶圣陶,金波著,王晓明,蔡皋,周翔绘河北教育出版社)4.《大林和小林》(张天翼四川少年儿童出版社)二年级下册古诗词阅读1.《望天门山》(天门中断楚江开)★2.《四时田园杂兴》(梅子金黄杏子肥)★3.《饮湖上初晴后雨》(水光潋滟晴方好)★4.《书湖阴先生壁》(茅檐长扫净无苔)★5.《三衢道中》(梅子黄时日日晴)★6.《乡村四月》(绿遍山原白满川)★7. 《村居》(草长莺飞二月天) ★8. 《竹里馆》(独坐幽篁里)9.《杂诗(君自故乡来)》【唐】王维10. 《别诗(其一)》(洛阳城东西)二年级下册教材中古诗及小古文等1.《春雨》2.《春晓》3.《游子吟》4.《江南好》三年级下册三年级下册小古文智慧少年1.《称象》2.《孔融让梨》3.《破瓮救友》4.《道边李苦》三年级下册必读书1.绘本《勇气》((美)伯纳德·韦伯(BernardWaber))南海出版社)2.《成语故事》(黄耀华安徽少年儿童出版社)3.《窗边的小豆豆》((日)黑柳彻子南海出版社)4.《戴小桥全传》(梅子涵江苏少年儿童出版社)5.《宝葫芦的秘密》(张天翼著天地出版社)三年级下册选读书本1.《草原上的小木屋》((美国)罗兰·英格斯·怀德,安东尼天地出版社)2.《绿野仙踪》((美)鲍姆|译者:苏静江苏少年儿童出版社)3.《小学科学书中那些名人故事》(关艳杰编大连出版社)三年级下册古诗词阅读1.《凉州词》(黄河远上白云间)★2.《出塞》(秦时明月汉时关)★3.《凉州曲》(葡萄美酒夜光杯)★4. 《蜂》(不论平地与山尖)★5.《题西林壁》(横看成岭侧成峰)★6.《次北固山下》(客路青山外)7. 《村晚》(草满池塘水满陂)8.《登飞来峰》(飞来峰上千寻塔)9. 《暮江吟》(一道残阳铺水中)10. 《逢雪宿芙蓉山主人》(日暮苍山远)一年级上教材中古诗及小古文等1.《四时田园杂兴》(其七)2.《清明》3.《望庐山瀑布》4.《绝句》5《滁州西涧》6.《明日歌》7.《塞下曲》四年级下册四年级下册小古文神话传说1.《盘古开天》2.《夸父逐日》3.《精卫填海》4.《大禹治水》四年级下册必读书1.《鼹鼠的月亮河》(王一梅江苏少年儿童出版社)2.《雄狮去流浪》(沈石溪浙江少年儿童出版社)3. 《格列佛游记》(作者:(英)斯威夫特|改编:余立新//芮军江苏少年儿童出版社)4. 《民间故事(中国)》(余志慧编安徽少年儿童出版社)5. 《西游记》((明)吴承恩原著,卞岐江苏少年儿童出版社)四年级下册选读书本1. 《小兵张嘎》(徐光耀长江少年儿童出版社)2. 《一百条裙子》((美)埃斯特斯新蕾出版社)3.《小学科学书中那些发明故事》(关艳杰编著大连出版社)四年级下册古诗词阅读1.《过零丁洋》(辛苦遭逢起一经)2.《绝句》(古木阴中系短篷)3.《虞美人》(春花秋月何时了)4.《题都城南庄》(去年今日此门中)5.《西江月》(明月别枝惊鹤)6. 复习古诗四年级下册教材中古诗及小古文等1.《江南春》2.《春日偶成》3.《池上》4.《小儿垂钓》五年级下册五年级下册小古文英雄本色1.《李广射虎》2.《卧薪尝胆》3.《祁黄羊举荐》4.《公仪休拒收鱼》5.《晏子使楚》五年级下册必读书1.《假如给我三天光明》(美)海伦·凯勒|译者:王诗茜..江苏少年儿童出版社)2. 《中华上下五千年》(林汉达等少年儿童出版社)3. 《天蓝色的彼岸》(希尔新世界出版社)4. 《鲁滨逊漂流记》((英)迪福江苏少年儿童出版社)5.《我的妈妈是精灵》(陈丹燕福建少年儿童出版社)五年级下册选读书本1.《绿山墙的安妮》((加拿大)露西·莫德·蒙格玛丽|译者:小意江苏少年儿童出版社)2.《西顿野生动物故事》((加拿大)西顿译林出版社)3.《时代广场的蟋蟀》([美] 乔治塞尔登文[美]盖斯威廉姆斯插画傅湘雯译21世纪出版社)五年级下册古诗词阅读1. 《绝句》(沾衣欲湿杏花雨)2.《宿建德江》(移舟泊烟渚)3.《鸟鸣涧》(人闲桂花落)4.《关山月》(明月出天山)5.《秋夕》(银烛秋光冷画屏)6.《江南逢李龟年》(岐王宅里寻常见)7. 《声声慢》【宋】李清照8.《逢入京使》(故园东望路漫漫)9.《泊秦淮》(烟笼寒水月笼沙)10. 《望岳》(岱宗夫如何?)五年级下册教材中古诗及小古文等1.《游园不值》2.《宿新市徐公店》3.《七律·长征》4.《清平乐·六盘山》5.《六月二十七日望湖楼醉书》6.《晓出净慈寺送林子方》六年级下册六年级下册小古文历史故事1.《破釜沉舟》2.《惊弓之鸟》3.《望梅止渴》4.《伯牙绝弦》5.《塞翁失马》6.《两小儿辩日》六年级下册必读书1.《童眸》(黄蓓佳江苏少年儿童出版社)2.《提醒幸福》(毕淑敏同心出版社)3.《青铜葵花》(曹文轩江苏少年儿童出版社)4.《城南旧事》(林海音湖北少儿儿童出版社)5.《史记故事》((汉)司马迁江苏少年儿童出版社六年级下册选读书本1.《聊斋故事》((清)蒲松龄|改编:华明玥//林铭子江苏少年儿童出版社)2.《小王子》(【法】安东尼?德?圣埃克苏佩里著,程伟译南大出版社)3. 《孔子的故事》(李长之著北京出版社)六年级下册古诗词阅读复习古诗六年级下册教材中古诗及小古文等1.《夏日绝句》2.《如梦令》3.《渔歌子》4.《石灰吟》5.《墨梅》6.《马诗》。

牛津阅读树1(31本)目录1-1 Big Feet. 1-17 Go On ,Mum! 1-2 Go Away, Floppy. 1-18 Look After Me. 1-3 Hide and Seek. 1-19 Presents for Dad. 1-4 Kipper's Diary. 1-20 Top Dog.1-5 Look at Me. 1-21 What Dogs Like 1-6 Reds and Blues. 1-22 Goal!1-7 Good Gog. 1-23 Making Faces. 1-8 See Me Skip. 1-24 What a mess!1-9 The Ice Cream. 1-25 Shopping.1-10 The Mud Pie. 1-26 The Journey.1-11 What a DIN! 1-27 Fancy Dress.1-12 Floppy's Bone. 1-28 Push!1-13 One Wheel. 1-29 The headache.1-14 The Box of Treasure 1-30 The pet shop1-15 The Sandcastle 1-31 At the Park.1-16 Go Away, Cat.1-1 BIG Feet.Come and look at this.Come and look at this. Is it a big monster? Come and look at this. Is it a big dinosaur? Come and look at this. Is it a big giant? No. It is Dad.1-2 Go Away, Floppy.Go away, Floppy.Go away, Floppy. We are skipping. Go away, Floppy. We are painting. Come back, Floppy. Floppy, come back. We are sorry.1. floppy[英] [ˈflɔpi:] adj.松软的;懒散的1-3 Hide and Seek.Can you see us?Can you see me? Yes, I can see you. Can you see me? Yes, we can see you. Can you see me? Yes, we can see you. We can all see Dad.1-4 Kipper's Diary.Monday: It was a wet day.Tuesday: It was a windy day. I went to the shops. Wednesday: It was a sunny day. I went to the pool. Thursday: It was a hot day. I went to the park. Friday: It was a fun day.2. Kipper [人名] 基珀1-5 Look at Me.Look at me, Mum.Look at me, Mum. Look at me on my bike. Look at me, Mum. Look at me on my bike. Look at me, Mum. Oh, no! Look at me!1-6 Reds and Blues.We are all in red. We are all in blue.Come on the reds! Come on the blues! Who is in red? Who is in blue? We are all muddy.3.muddy[英] [ˈmʌdi] adj.泥泞的;暗的;模糊的;糊涂的1-7 Good Gog.I’m a good dog. Look at me.I’m very good, as you can see.You say, “Sit,” I sit. That’s it. If you call, I get the ball.You say, “Stay,” I stay. That’s that. But not if I can see a cat.1-8 See Me Skip.See me skip.This is the way. I like to do this every day.“Come on, Dad. Can you skip too?” “Yes, I can. I skip like you.”“Look at me. Look at me go!” “Look out, Dad!” Oh no! Oh no!4. skip [英] [skip] vi.跳;跳绳;悄悄溜走;快速转移1-9 The Ice Cream.Can I get an ice cream? Yes, I can. Come on, run to the ice cream van. I want the big one. Look at that! Look out, Kipper! Oh no!Splat!5.splat[英] [splæt] n.啪哒声31-10 The Mud Pie.This is mud in my hand. Put in water. Mix in sand. Tip it out. Pat it flat.This is a mud pie … not a hat.6.tip[英] [tip] vt.倾斜,翻倒;装顶端1-11 What a DIN!Biff has a pan and a big, red pot. Chip has a tin. What has Kipper got? Kipper has a can. Dad has a bin. Bang, crash, hang! What a din! What a din!7.Biff[英] [bif] 比夫8.Chip[人名] 奇普9.tin[英] [tin] n.罐头盒;10.can[英] [kæn, kən] n.罐头;(用金属或塑料制作的)容器;(马口铁或其他金属制作的)食品罐头11.bin[英] [bin] n.箱子,容器;二进制;垃圾箱;12.bang[英] [bæŋ] vi.发出砰的一声,砰砰作响,砰地敲[推,扔];13.crash[英] [kræʃ]vt.& vi.(使)猛撞,(使)撞毁14.hang[英] [hæŋ] vi.悬垂;被吊死;附属,依靠;悬而未决15.din[英] [dɪn] n.喧闹声1-12 Floppy's Bone.Floppy had a bone.A dog took the bone. Floppy ran after the dog. “Come back!” said Mom. She ran after Floppy. “Come back!” said Dad. He ran after Mum.“Come back!” said Biff and Chip. They ran after Dad.The dog stopped. A big dog took the bone. The big dog ate the bone. Oh no!1-13 One Wheel.“One wheel,” said Chip.“Look,” said Chip. “One wheel”“Look,” said Mum. “I am on two wheels.”“Look at me,” said Kipper. “I am on three wheels.”“Look at me,” said Biff. “I am on four wheels.”4“Look at Dad,” said Mum. “He is on one wheel.”“Oh no,” said Dad. “No wheels.”1-14 The Box of TreasureDad had a map.He hid the map in the sand.Biff found the map. “It is a treasure map,” she said.The map said, “Dig here.”“Dig here.” said Biff. Chip dug in the sand.Chip found a box. “Is it a box of treasure?” he said. No. It was a box of sweets!16.hid[英] [hid] hide的过去式和过去分词1-15 The SandcastleChip had a box.He put sand in it. “Pat it flat,” he said.Kipper had a box. He put sand in it. Biff had a bucket. She put sand in it.Biff put the bucket on top. “Good,” she said.It was a sandcastle. It was a good sandcastle. It was the best sandcastle.17.sandcastle[英] [ˈsændkɑ:s(ə)l] n.沙塔18.bucket[英] [ˈbʌkit] n.水桶;51-16 Go Away, Cat.Go away, little cat.Go away, little cat. A dog is coming. Go away, little cat. A big dog is coming. Go away, little cat. Floppy is coming. Oh, no!1-17 Go On, Mum!“Go on, Mum,” said Chip.“Go on, Mum,” said Biff. “I am going,” said Mum.“Go on, Mum,” said Kipper. “I am going,” she said.“Go on, go on,” said Dad. “I am going,” said Mum.“I am not going again.”1-18 Look After Me.This is Kate.She went up the net. “I like this,” she said.She went on the slide. “I like this,” she said.She went up the ladder. “I like this,” she said.“We like this,” said Biff.1-19 Presents for Dad.This is for Dad.This is for you, Dad. It is a bunch of flowers. This is for you, Dad. It is a box of chocolates. This is for you, Dad. It is a bunch of grapes. This is for the best Dad of all.1-20 Top Dog.Look at all the dogs.We like this dog. This is a little dog. We like this dog. This is a big dog. We all like this dog. This is a top dog. We like Floppy best of all.61-21 Wha t Dogs LikeDogs like to play.They like to walk. Floppy likes to walk. They like to sleep. Floppy likes to sleep. They like to run. Floppy likes to run. Floppy hates this1-22 Go al!It was a cold day.Everyone got wet. Everyone got cold. Floppy got tired. Kipper got miserable. Mum got cross. Dad got a goal.19.miserable[英] [ˈmizərəbl] adj.悲惨的;令人痛苦的;20.cross[英] [krɔs] adj.坏脾气的,易怒的;相反的,反向的1-23 Making Faces.Dad was fierce. Chip was sad. Biff was good.Mum was frightened. Kipper was hungry.21.fierce[英] [fiəs] adj.凶猛的,残忍的;猛烈的;狂热的1-24 W hat a mess!Mum made a dress. Dad made some jam.Chip made a scarf. Biff made a lorry. Kipper made a birthday card. Everyone made a mess.22.lorry[英] [ˈlɔri] n.运货汽车,机动卡车1-25 S hopping.7Chip wanted some sugar.He went to the supermarket. He got some crisps. He went to the shop. He got a comic. He went to the market. He got a ball. He forgot the sugar.23.crisp[英] [krisp] n.<英>炸马铃薯片;松脆物1-26 The Journey.“I’m bored,” said Kipper.“I’m hungry,” said Biff.“I’m thirsty,” said Chip.“I’m cross,” said Dad.“I’m lost,” said Mum.“Hooray!” said everyone.1-27 Fancy Dress.Mum was a scarecrow.Biff was a pirate. Chip was a pirate. Kipper was an angel. Dad was a chicken. Everyone was happy. 1-28 Push!The car was stuck. Mum pushed it.Biff and Chip pushed it. Mum pulled it. The tractor pulled it. Oh no!24.tractor[英] [ˈtræktə] n.拖拉机;牵引器81-29 The headache.Dad had a trumpet.Chip had a drum.Biff had a recorder. Kipper had a guitar. Mum had a headache.25.trumpet[英] [ˈtrʌmpit] n.喇叭;小号;26.recorder[英] [riˈkɔ:də] n.录音机;记录员,记录者;记录器;八孔直笛1-30 The pet shopEveryone wanted a pet.Chip wanted a rat. “Oh no!” said everyone.Biff wanted a spider. “Oh no!” said everyone.Biff wanted a snake. “Oh no!” said everyone. Everyone wanted a goldfish.1-31 At the Park.Everyone went to the park. Chip went on the slide. Biff went on the horse.Kipper went on the swing. Mum went on the see-saw. Floppy went to sleep.9。
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宁波高新区实验学校1-6 年级英语单元主题式拓展阅读绘本目录(自编校本)一年级上册序号题目单元主题1Helping My Classroom Mom2How many Numbers3My Bear My activities 4Look Body5Apples fruit6Toomuch Mid-AutumnStuff Festival7Drawing My family8Toys Playtime拓展目标对不同场景的活动的描述。
1The Puppet New YearShow2Sleeping Animals 动物类别的拓展以及动物的特征习性等。
Animals3Painting Colours将颜色与绘本的主题联系在一起4Dad Postmanand 不同人物以及职业的介绍。
(涉及女性5The Doctor and 职业)Farmers nurse6Drawing Farmers不同人物以及职业的介绍。
andFisherman7Baking生日派对中的食物活动等元素Birthday party8Polly Dinner餐桌上的食物系列二年级上册序号题目单元主题拓展目标1Going on Where I live 本单元学习的主要内容是与居住有关的问题,拓展学生自我整理的能力。
vocation2My lunch A snack bar 本单元学习的主要内容是小吃,与购物等有关3What can Thing I like to 本单元学习的主要内容是学生会做的和喜欢做的事snakes do do4Traffic Going about本单元学习的主要内容是交通工具,出行方法 ,拓展跟我做歌曲5Things that Crossing the 本单元学习的主要内容是过马路,交通规则,拓展方位词go fast road6Going Christmas本单元学习的主要内容是圣诞节,拓展sledding圣诞歌曲7Rain Weather本单元学习的主要内容是天气, 拓展四季歌8Funny things Clothes二年级下册序号题目单元主题1My bear Farm animals 2Rex In the circus3Painting My room4The park In the park5 A rainy day Wash withwater 本单元学习的主要内容是衣服, 学习了14个字母,拓展字母歌拓展目标本单元学习的主要内容是农场动物,绘本拓展 my bear 会做的各种动,复习旧知。
本单元学习的主要内容是马戏团,学习动物单词,绘本 REX 为下面单元铺垫本单元学习的主要内容是房间,绘本拓展学生可以根据自己的喜好PAINTING本单元学习的主要内容是在公园孩子们喜好玩的活动本单元学习的主要内容是水,用水洗,绘本拓展雨天6The picnic Eating and 本单元学习的主要内容是吃喝的东西,绘本拓展野餐drinking7My big Hot summer本单元学习的主要内容是夏天,绘本拓展 BIG BROTHER 可以一起玩乐的活brother动8Mom and Time本单元学习的主要内容是TIME, 复习Kayla前面学习的内容三年级上册序号题目单元主题拓展目标1Dr Seuss’As-Z巩固、复现 26 个字母。
2“ Brown Coloursbear,brownbear,whatdo you see?”介绍自己或者他人的身体部位。
3“ From head Look at me!to toe”表达对动物的喜好和介绍。
4“ Waking up We”loveanimals表达对相关食物的喜好和介绍。
5“ Frog food Let” ’ s eat!序数词的表达和运用。
6“ On the Happyseesaw”birthday!三年级下册序号题目单元主题拓展目标1“ Fat cat”Welcome,back元音字母 Aa 的学习巩固。
“ Crab trap to”school!2“ Wet legs”My, family元音字母 Ee 的学习巩固。
“ Elk yelps”3“ Pig jigs”At, the zoo元音字母 Ii 的学习巩固。
“ Fish gift”4“ Hot dog ” ,Where” is my元音字母 Oo 的学习巩固。
Frog cops”car?5“ Rub-a-dub Do you like my元音字母Uu的学习巩固。
cub ”“, stuck pears?duck”6“ Rhyme How many?元音字母 Aa,Ee,Ii,Oo,Uu 的复习巩time”固。
四年级上册序号题目单元主题拓展目标1Pete the My classroom 本单元学习的主要内容是教室,拓展发生在教室里的故事,增加趣味性。
cat--Rocking in my school shoes2Biscuit goesto school3Can I play,too?4Potato Pals1—At home 5Pete the本单元的学习内容是学校,选取My schoolbagBiscuit上学的故事,让学生更加了解并喜爱学校的生活。
My friends通过三个朋友间的故事,让学生更加理解友情的重要性和如何交朋友。
My home本单元的主题是家庭,通过绘本描述家里的活动,让家庭活动更加富有情趣。
本单元的主题是饮食,通过了学习故Dinner’ s ready事,学生明白健康饮食的重要性。
cat-Pete’ s big lunch6The family Meet my family book四年级下册序号题目单元主题本单元的主题是家庭,通过了解不同种类的家庭,让学生更加热爱家庭和家里的成员。
拓展目标1Ilove school.My school 本单元学习的主要内容描述学校教师、教师里的物品、设施及其大致的位置。
2What time What time is 本单元学习的主要内容是描述自己的日常活动,拓展为养成守时守记的好习is it?it?惯。
3Weather Weather 本单元学习的主要内容是描述气候特征和天气情况,拓展为关心日常天气变days.化。
4Baby farm At the farm 本单元学习的主要内容是描述农场上的蔬菜和动物。
5The My clothes 本单元学习的主要内容是运用句型询问并回答某物的主人。
Emperor's New Clothes6Maisy goes Shopping 本单元学习的主要内容是询问对某商品的意见,问答某商品的价格。
shopping.五年级上册序号题目单元主题1This is the What ’ s heway like ?2Meli at My weekschool3Out for What would lunch you like?4All about What can you拓展目标本单元学习的主要内容是与人物性格或外貌特征有关的问题,拓展学生描述人物性格或外貌特征的能力。
本单元学习的主要内容是与课余文化活动有关的问题,拓展学生表达自己能snakes do ?5Winnie at There is a big the seaside bed6The park In a naturepark五年级下册否做某事的表达能力。
序号题目单元主题1 A day at My day thepark2Moosling in My favouritewinter season3Happy My school birthday calendarWinnie拓展目标本单元学习的主要内容是日常生活有关的问题,拓展学生对日常生活的实际情景的表达能力。
4Meet Santa When is Bear Easter?5Goes to the Whose dog is vet clinic it?6Winnie ’ s Work quickly!flyingcarpet 本单元学习的主要内容是有关西方的节庆,拓展学生有关西方节庆的表达能力。
六年级上册序号题目单元主题1The How can I get Enchanted thereWood拓展目标本单元学习的主要内容是问路,以及各种标志性建筑物的名称。
2The Ways to get to Enchanted schoolWood3Rosy's My weekend Garden plan4Tanya and I have a pen pal the MagicWardrobe 本单元学习的主要内容通过学习交通工具,理解世界各国的基本交通状况,并注意遵守交通规则。
5The Elves What does he 本单元学习的主要内容是通过一些职业的学习,讨论父母亲的工作,并掌握and the do ?单数第三人称。