
2000年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语试题答案与解析PartⅠCloze Test1.C2.A3.B4.A5.C6.D7.B8.D9.C10.DPartⅡReading ComprehensionPassage111.C12.D13.B14.APassage215.C16.B17.A18.DPassage319.B20.A21.C22.DPassage423.B24.D25.C26.APassage527.A28.C29.D30.BPartⅢEnglish-Chinese Translation31.在现代条件下,这需要程度不同的集中控制措施,从而就需要获得诸如经济学和运筹学等领域的专家的协助。
SectionⅣWriting(15points)36.见分析PartⅠClose Test一、文章总体分析本文是一篇短小的论证性文章,其主题是强调农民储存余粮的必要性。
二、试题具体解析1.\[A\]other than不同于,除了……[B]as well as也,又(表示附加)[C]instead of而不是……(表选择)[D]more than比……更多(表比较)本题考核的知识点是:逻辑关系。

2001年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语全文翻译P a r t I I C l o z eT e s t政府要禁止像审判R o s e m a r y W e s t案件时发生的报界付钱给牵扯到大案要案的证人以图收买他们的行为㊂为了加强对报界的法律监督,大法官L o r d I r v i n e将要提出一项草拟法案㊂该草案将提议把报界付款给证人的做法定为非法,并且将对案件在开庭前的公开程度加以严格控制㊂在给下院媒体特别委员会主席G e r a l dK a u f m a n的一封信中,L o r d I r v i n e说他同意该委员会今年的报告㊂该报告指出了自我约束没有对媒体实施足够的监控㊂当L o r d I r v i n e说对欧洲立法中所包含的关于隐私控制的解释权将留给法官而不是国会时,这一做法遭到了媒体的一片抗议㊂而两天后,这封信便被公之于世㊂大法官说‘人权法案“的引入使‘欧洲人权公约“在英国具有了法律约束力㊂它规定每个人都享有隐私权,公众人物可以走上法庭去保护自己和家人的权利㊂新闻自由由法官掌握将安然无恙 ,他说道㊂自W e s t在1995年被判处十项无期徒刑后,给证人付报酬的做法就成了颇有争议的问题㊂据说多达十九个证人因向报社讲述他们的经历而获得报酬㊂这引起了人们的关注:为了确保法庭给被告定罪,证人可能会被怂恿在法庭上夸大事实㊂P a r t I I I R e a d i n g C o m p r e h e n s i o nP a s s a g e1专业化可被视为针对科学知识不断积累这个问题所做出的反应㊂通过对学科的分支和细化,个人能够继续处理这些信息并将它们作为深入研究的基础㊂但是专业化仅是科学领域内一系列影响交流过程的有关现象之一㊂另一现象是科学活动的日益职业化㊂科学领域的专业人士和业余爱好者之间划不出泾渭分明的界限:因为任何规律都有例外㊂然而, 业余 一词的确意味着相关人员不能充分融入职业科学界,尤其他可能并不完全认同这个群体的价值观㊂19世纪的专业化的发展,以及随之而来的对训练的长期性和复杂性的要求,对业余人员参与科学研究造成了更大的困难㊂这一趋势在以数学和实验室训练为基础的科学领域里自然表现得最为突出,并可以在英国的地质学发展过程中得到证实㊂将过去一个半世纪英国地质学出版物做一下比较,我们就会发现不仅对科研的主导地位的强调不断攀升,而且人们对一篇可接受的科研论文的定义也在不断变化㊂因此,在19世纪,对局部的地质进行研究本身就可以形成一种有价值的研究㊂而在20世纪,如果局部的研究能够被专业人员接受,那么它必须体现或思考更广阔的地质面貌,而且这种倾向越来越明显㊂另一方面业余人员继续以旧的方式从事局部的研究㊂这样一来,总的结果是业余爱好者想在专业地质学期刊上发表文章就更难了,而被广泛使用的论文评审制度又进一步强化了这一结果,该制度先是在19世纪的国家级刊物上实行,后又在20世纪被一些地方级地质学刊物所使用㊂这样发展的必然结果是出现针对专业的读者和业余读者的不同杂志㊂一个颇为相似的分化过程已经导致专业的地质学家走到一起组成一到两个全国性的专业学术社团,而业余地质爱好者们倾向于要么仍留在地方社团,要么也以另一种方式组成全国性机构㊂虽然职业化和专业化过程在19世纪的英国地质学领域中已经得到迅速发展,但是它的效果在20世纪才充分显示出来㊂然而,从科学这个整体来看,19世纪必须被视为科学结构发生变化的关键时期㊂P a s s a g e2现在越来越多的人开始关注所谓信息差异 即世界被划分为信息富裕阶层和信息贫困阶层㊂这个差异的确存在,我和我的妻子20年前就对这个隐约出现的危险做过演讲㊂但那时还看不清楚的是一些消除数字化差异的㊁新的积极因素㊂有值得乐观的理由㊂有技术上的理由希望数字化差异会缩小㊂随着互联网越来越商业化,普及上网对商家是有利的 毕竟上网人数越多,潜在的客户就越多㊂越来越多的政府担心它们的国家被抛在后面,都愿意扩大互联网的普及率㊂10年到20年后,这个星球上的10亿至20亿人口将被联结在一起㊂因此,我相信数字化差异在未来的几年将会缩小,而不是扩大㊂那是一个很好的消息,因为互联网将很可能成为我们用来对付贫穷的最有力的工具㊂当然,使用互联网不是击败贫困的唯一方法㊂互联网也不是我们拥有的唯一工具,但它有巨大的潜力㊂为了利用这个工具,一些贫困国家就必须克服它们过时的针对外国投资的反殖民偏见㊂那些仍然认为外国投资是侵犯主权的国家应该好好地研究一下美国的基础设施建设史㊂当美国建设自己的工业基础设施时,缺乏必要的资金㊂那就是为什么美国的第二次浪潮基础设施 包括道路㊁港口㊁高速公路㊁码头等等 都是利用外资建设的㊂英国人㊁德国人和法国人都在这块前英国殖民地投资㊂他们投入资金,移民参加建设㊂想想看现在谁拥有这些基础设施?美国人㊂我相信这种事对巴西或其他所有的地方都一样㊂你拥有用以建设第三次浪潮基础设施(即电子基础设施)的外国资金越多,你就将越富裕㊂这并不意味着甘愿受辱或被愚弄,或者让外国公司毫无限制地经营㊂但它的确意味着要认识到外资在建设能源和通讯基础设施中的重要性,这些基础设施是充分利用互联网所必须的㊂P a s s a g e3为什么如此多的美国人不相信自己在报纸上读到的东西?美国新闻编辑协会正在试图回答这个痛苦的问题㊂这个组织正深深地陷入一个长期的自我分析过程:即新闻可信度调查工程㊂遗憾的是,这一调查最终仅发现了一些低层次问题,如事实错误和拼写及语法错误,和这些低层次发现交织在一起的还有许多令人挠头的困惑,譬如读者到底想读些什么㊂但是不信任的根源要比这深得多㊂记者们都学着用一套标准的模式去看世界,并把每天的新闻装入这个模式之中㊂换句话说,在新闻编辑室文化中存在着一套约定俗成的写作模式,它为纷繁复杂的新闻提供了一个主干构架和一套现成的叙事方式㊂在新闻从业人员与读者之间存在着社会与文化方面的隔阂,这或许正是新闻编辑室中的 标准模板 与众多读者的意趣相差甚远,甚至背道而驰的原因㊂在最近的一次调查中,问卷被送到了全国五个中等城市和一个大城市区域的记者手中,然后随意地给这些区域的居民打电话,问他们同样的问题㊂这些问题显示,与一般的美国人相比,记者更有可能居住在富人区,拥有仆人,拥有奔驰车,炒股,而不大可能去教堂,做志愿者工作,或扎根于某个社区㊂记者们往往属于广义上所说的社会和文化精英的一部分,因此他们的工作往往反映了这些精英的传统价值观㊂公众对新闻媒体的惊人的不信任并非源于不准确或蹩脚的报道技巧,而源于记者和读者的世界观的日常冲突㊂这对于任何一个行业来说,都是一个容易引起激烈争论的形势,特别是对于一个日趋衰落的产业㊂这里是一个困境中的行业在不停地雇用员工,而这些员工的观点总体上使客户感到恼火㊂然后它出资组织研讨会和可信度调查工程,全是为了回答为什么顾客恼火了,为何会顾客大范围流失㊂但它仿佛从来没有注意到他们从前的顾客所抱怨的文化的和社会阶层的偏见㊂如果它注意到了这一点,那么它会进一步开放其多样化方案(目前该方案只注重种族和性别),并且雇用那些世界观㊁价值观㊁教育水平和社会阶层大相径庭的记者㊂P a s s a g e4世界正在经历一场从未见过的巨大的兼并浪潮㊂这个浪潮从异常活跃的美国席卷到欧洲,并以不可比拟的威力影响到正在崛起的国家㊂这些国家的许多人看着这个浪潮,忧心忡忡, 企业合并的浪潮会不会导致产生一种不可控制的反竞争力量?无疑,大企业正在变得更大㊁更强㊂跨国公司在1982年只占有国际贸易不到20%的份额㊂目前,这个数字上升到25%,并且还在迅速上升㊂在那些对外开放并欢迎外资的国家的经济中,国际分公司在国民生产中形成一个快速增长的部门㊂比如,在阿根廷,经过90年代初的改革之后,跨国公司在200家大型企业的工业生产中从43%增加到几乎70%㊂这一现象引起了人们对小型公司和民族商业家的作用以及世界经济的基本稳定性的极大关注㊂我相信,推动这次巨大的并购浪潮最主要的力量,也是推动全球化进程的力量:运输与通讯费用的降低,贸易与投资障碍的减少,以及市场的扩大和为满足市场需求生产的扩大㊂所有这些对消费者来说都有益而无害㊂随着生产力的提高,世界的财富也就增长了㊂目前这场合并浪潮的利与弊并无多少实例㊂但是很难想象当今的几家石油公司的合并能够再次给竞争带来威胁,正如100年前美国标准石油托拉斯被解散时人们曾担心的那样㊂通讯公司的合并,如世界通讯公司,似乎没有给消费者带来更高的费用,或者降低技术进步的速度㊂在汽车行业,合并也同样在增加 看看戴姆勒与克莱斯勒,雷诺与尼桑 但仿佛消费者并未受到伤害㊂不过事实仍然是,我们必须关注这场合并运动㊂几星期以前,格林斯潘对银行业的巨大合并发出了警告㊂如果如此巨大的银行出现,谁来充当最终的借贷者,发挥监督㊁管理和运作的作用?当一个国家对破坏公平竞争的行为的处理过于严格时,跨国公司会不会把它们的产业从一地转到另一地?另外,在事情将影响所有国家的情况下,如美国政府与微软公司的诉讼案,一个国家是否应该独自担负起 保护竞争 的责任㊂P a s s a g e5在我决定放弃全职工作的时候,我怎么也没有想到我会成为一个国际流行趋势的一部分㊂由于一次平级的工作调动伤害了我的自尊,阻碍了我的事业发展,促使我放弃了那份相对体面的工作,而我却像一位面子扫尽的政府部长一样通过声称 我想多和家人呆在一起 来掩饰我辞职的原因㊂奇怪的是,在经过两年半的时间,写了两部小说之后,我所亲历的美国人称之为 放慢生活节奏 的实践已使我老掉牙的借口变成了无疑的现实㊂我已经从 拥有一切 哲学的极力倡导者 L i n d aK e l s e y过去的七年中一直在‘她“杂志上倡导这样的哲学 变成了一个心满意足㊁知足常乐的女人㊂我已经发现,也许由于过度劳累而从编辑职位退下来的K e l s e y也会发现:放弃 忙忙碌碌 的人生信条并转而追求放慢生活节奏的做法带给你的回报,比金钱和社会地位更有价值㊂没有任何理由能够说服我回到K e l s e y曾经倡导㊁我曾经喜欢的那种生活:12小时的工作日㊁压力巨大的期限㊁办公室明争暗斗带来的可怕的压力和在 最佳时期 做母亲的限制㊂颇具讽刺意义的是,追求比较悠闲的生活 在美国还被称为 自愿简朴 竟然孕育了一个或许可被命名为 反消费主义 的全新领域㊂对于那些希望简化其生活的人来说,有许多畅销的有关放慢生活节奏的自学书籍;也有诸如‘守财奴简报“这样的简讯,给成千上万的美国人提供包罗万象的实用小窍门,从循环再利用胶带到自制肥皂;甚至还有帮助团体,帮助那些希望按照90年代中期逃避社会现实的方式生活的人㊂在美国,这一潮流原是经济衰退的一种反应 80年代后期的经济萎缩造成了大量失业 并仍然与勤俭节约的生活作风相联系,而在英国,至少在我所认识的中产阶层的 放慢生活节奏者 中,寻求简化生活的理由是不同的㊂对于我们这一代在80年代为生活奔波的女人来说,90年代中期出现的放慢生活节奏与其说是寻求一种神话般的美好生活 用有机肥种植蔬菜,试图与大自然合二为一 还不如说是认识到自身能力是有限的这一事实㊂P a r t I V E n g l i s h-C h i n e s eT r a n s l a t i o n在不到三十年的时间里,‘星际旅行“的全息舱面就会成为现实㊂大脑神经系统和计算机之间的直接连接还会创造出全方位感受虚拟环境,使电影‘全部回忆“中展示的虚拟假期成为可能㊂(71)届时,将出现由机器人主持的电视谈话节目以及装有污染监控器的汽车㊂一旦这些汽车排污超标(违规),监控器就会使其停驶㊂(72)儿童将与装有个性化芯片的玩具娃娃玩耍,具有个性内置的计算机将被视为工作伙伴而不是工具,人们将在气味电视机前休闲,届时数字化时代就要来到了㊂根据英国电信的未来学家I a nP e a r s o n做出的预见,这些都在新千年头几十年发展计划之列,届时,超级计算机将急剧加速各个生活领域的发展㊂(73)P e a r s o n汇集世界各地数百位研究人员的成果,编制了一个独特的新技术千年历,它列出了人们有望看到数百项重大突破和发现的最迟日期㊂一些最重大的进展将出现在医学领域,包括人类预期寿命的延长和数十种人造器官将在现在到2024年之间陆续实现㊂P e a r s o n还预言,在计算机与人的连接上会有一个重大突破㊂他说: 通过直接与我们的神经系统相连,计算机可以知道我们的感觉,并且有希望模仿感觉,这样,我们就能够发展全方位感知环境,就像电影‘全部回忆“中的虚拟假期或特列克星号上的全息舱面㊂ (74)但皮尔森指出,这个突破仅仅是人机一体化的开始: 它是人机一体化漫长之路的第一步,最终会使人们在下世纪末之前就研制出完全电子化的仿真人㊂通过研究,皮尔逊能够预言大多数突破的发生时间㊂然而,对于何时能够进行超光速旅行,何时人类克隆技术能够得以完善,何时可以进行时间旅行,却依然没有预见㊂但他的确预见了技术进步引起的社会问题㊂比如,到2010年,住宅区附近监视器数量的剧增将引发问题;仿真机器人意味着人类可能无法区分同类朋友和这些机器人伙伴㊂(75)家用电器将会变得如此智能化,以至于控制和操作它们会引发一种新的心理疾病 厨房狂躁症㊂。

2000年考研英语试卷英汉翻译真题解析Directions: Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segmentssintosChinese. Your translation should be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (10 points)Governments throughout the world act on the assumption that the welfare of their people depends largely on the economic strength and wealth of the community. 71) Under modern conditions, this requires varying measures of centralized control and hence the help of specialized scientists such as economists and operational research experts. 72) Furthermore it is obvious that the strength of a country's economy is directly bound up with the efficiency of its agriculture and industry, and that this in turn rests upon the efforts of scientists and technologists of all kinds. It also means that governments are increasingly compelled to interfere in these sectors insgroupsto step up production and ensure that it is utilized to the best advantage. For example, they may encourage research in various ways, including thesetting up of their own research centers; they may alter the structure of education, or interfere insgroupsto reduce the wastage of natural resources or tap resources hitherto unexploited; or they may co-operate directly in the growing number of international projects related to science, economics and industry. In any case, all such interventions are heavily dependent of scientific advice and also scientific and technological manpower of all kinds.73) Owing to the remarkable development in mass-communications, people everywhere are feeling new wants and are being exposed to new customs and ideas, while governments are often forced to introduce still further innovations for the reasons given above. At the same time, the normal rate of social change throughout the world is taking place at a vastly accelerated speed compared with the past. For example, 74) in the early industrialized countries of Europe the process of industrialization-with all the far-reaching changes in social patterns that followed-was spread over nearly a century, whereas nowadays a developing nation may undergo the same process in a decade or so. All this has the effect of building up unusual pressures and tensions within the community and consequently presents serious problems forthe governments concerned. 75) Additional social stresses may also occur because of the population explosion or problems arising from mass migration movements-themselves made relatively easy nowadays by modern means of transport. As a result of all these factors, governments are becoming increasingly dependent on biologists and social scientists for planning the appropriate programs and putting themsintoseffect.翻译题解:71) Under modern conditions, this requires varying measures of centralized control and hence the help of specialized scientists such as economists and operational research experts.句子分析:第一、句子可以拆分为三段:Under modern conditions, this requires varying measures of centralized control/and hence the help of specialized scientists/such as economists and operational research experts.第二、句子的结构:1)主干结构是一个带双宾语的简单句:this requires varying measures of...and hence the help of...2)两个宾语各带有of短语作定语。

2000 Passage 1adj. 不费力的adj. 可怕的, 令人畏惧的n. 1.障碍,阻碍2.缺陷;残疾3.加给强对手的不利条件[ˈefətlɪs]adv.轻松地[ˈdredful] 极端的,糟糕的,讨厌的烦人的['hændikæp]vt.1.妨碍;阻碍2.使(某人)行动和生活不正常A history of long and effortless success can be a dreadful handicap, but, if properly handled, it may become一段长时间并且不费力而成功的历史可能成为一种可怕的不利因素,但若处理得当,这种不利因素也有可能转化为一种积极的a driving force.When the United States entered just such a glowing period after the end of the Second World推动力。
二战结束后,美国恰好进入了这样的一个辉煌时期倍[ʌn'pærə,leld]adj.无比的, 无双的, 空前的War, it had a market eight times larger than any competitor, giving its industries unparalleled economies of当时,它拥有比任何竞争者大8倍的市场,这使其工业经济具有前所未有的规模经济。
[skel]n.1.规模;程度;范围2.等级;级别scale. Its scientists were the world's best, its workers the most skilled. America and Americans were美国的科学家是世上最优秀的,它的工人是最富于技术的。
美国的国富民强是['prɑspərəs]adj.成功的,繁荣的,兴旺的prosperous beyond the dreams of the Europeans and Asians whose economies the war had destroyed.那些经济遭到战争破坏的欧亚诸国做梦也无法达不到的。

ui2013年考研英语(一)真题.................................................................................................. 5Section I Use of English5 Section II Reading Comprehension. (7)Part A (7)Part B (16)Part C (19)Section III Writing (20)Part A (21)Part B (21)2013考研英语(一)答案 (22)Section I Use of English (22)Section II Reading Comprehension (25)Section III Writing (33)2012年考研英语(一)试题 (35)Section I Use of English (35)Section II Reading Comprehension (36)Part A (36)Part B (45)Part C (47)Section III Writing (48)Part A (48)Part B (48)2012考研英语(一)答案 (50)Section I (50)Section II Reading Comprehension (54)作文 (67)2011考研英语(一)试题 (71)Section I Use of English (71)Section II Reading Comprehension (72)Part A (72)Part B (81)Part C (83)Section ⅢWriting (84)Part A (84)Part B (84)2011考研英语(一)答案 (86)Section I Use of English (86)Section II Reading Comprehension (88)Section III Writing (95)2010年考研英语(一)试题 (97)Section I Use of English (97)Section II Reading Comprehension (98)Part A (98)Part B (105)Part C (106)Section ⅢWriting (107)Part A (107)Part B (107)2009年考研英语(一)试题 (109)Section I Use of English (109)Section I I Reading comprehension (110)Part A (110)Part B (117)Part C (118)Section ⅢWriting (119)Part A (119)Part B (119)2009年考研英语(一)答案 (121)Section I: Use of English (10 points) (121)Section II: Reading Comprehension (60 points) (121)Section III: Writing (30 points) (121)2008年考研英语(一)试题 (123)Section I Use of English (123)Section II Reading Comprehension (124)Part A (124)Part B (131)Part C (132)Section III Writing (133)Part A (133)Part B (133)2008年考研英语(一)答案 (135)Section I: Use of English (10 points) (135)Section II: Reading Comprehension (60 points) (135)Section III: Writing (30 points) (135)2007年考研英语(一)试题 (137)Section I Use of English (137)Section II Reading Comprehension (141)Part A (141)Part B (148)Part C (150)Section III Writing (151)Part A (151)Part B (151)2007年考研英语(一)答案 (153)Section I: Use of English (10 points) (153)Section II: Reading Comprehension (60 points) (153)Section III: Writing (30 points) (153)2006年考研英语(一)试题 (155)Section I Use of English (155)Section II Reading Comprehension (159)Part A (159)Part B (166)Section III Writing (169)Part A (169)Part B (169)2006年考研英语(一)答案 (171)Section I: Use of English (10 points) (171)Section II: Reading Comprehension (60 points) (171)Section III: Writing (30 points) (171)2005年考研英语(一)试题 (173)Section I Use of English (173)Section II Reading Comprehension (177)Part A (177)Part B (184)Part C (186)Section III Writing (187)Part A (187)Part B (187)2005年考研英语真题答案 (189)Section I: Use of English (10 points) (189)Section II: Reading Comprehension (60 points) (189)Section III: Writing (30 points) (189)2004年考研英语(一)试题 (191)Section II Use of English (191)Section III Reading Comprehension (195)Part A (195)Part B (202)Section IV Writing (203)2004年考研英语(一)答案 (205)Section I: Listening Comprehension (20 points) (205)Section II: Use of English (10 points) (205)Section III: Reading Comprehension (50 points) (205)Section IV: Writing (20 points) (206)2003年考研英语(一)试题 (207)Section II Use of English (207)Section III Reading Comprehension (211)Part A (211)Part B (218)Section IV Writing (219)2003年考研英语(一)答案 (221)Section I: Listening Comprehension (20 points) (221)Section II: Use of English (10 points) (221)Section III: Reading Comprehension (50 points) (221)Section IV: Writing (20 points) (222)2002年考研英语(一)试题 (223)Section I Listening Comprehension (223)Part B (224)Part C (224)Section II Use of English (227)Section III Reading Comprehension (231)Part A (231)Part B (239)Section IV Writing (240)2002年考研英语(一)答案 (242)Section I: Listening Comprehension (20 points) (242)Section II: Use of English (10 points) (242)Section III: Reading Comprehension (50 points) (242)Section IV: Writing (20 points) (243)2001年考研英语(一)试题 (244)Section I Structure and Vocabulary (244)Part A (244)Part B (247)Section II Cloze Test (252)Section III Reading Comprehension (256)Section IV English-Chinese Translation (264)Section V Writing (265)2001年考研英语(一)答案 (267)Section I: Structure and Vocabulary (15 points) (267)Section II: Cloze Text (10 points) (267)Section III: Reading Comprehension (40 points) (267)Section IV: English-Chinese Translation (15 points) (267)Section V: Writing (20 points) (268)2000年考研英语(一)试题 (269)Section I Structure and Vocabulary (269)Part A (269)Part B (271)Part C (273)Section II Cloze Test (278)Section III Reading Comprehension (280)Section IV English-Chinese Translation (288)Section V Writing (289)2000年考研英语(一)答案 (291)Section I: Structure and Vocabulary (20 points) (291)Section III: Reading Comprehension (40 points) (291)Section IV: English-Chinese Translation (15 points) (291)Section V: Writing (15 points) (292)2013年考研英语(一)真题Section I Use of EnglishDirections: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)People are, on the whole, poor at considering background information when making individual decisions. At first glance this might seem like a strength that ___1___ the ability to make judgments which are unbiased by ___2___ factors. But Dr Simonton speculated that an inability to consider the big ___3___ was leading decision-makers to be biased by the daily samples of information they were working with. ___4___, he theorized that a judge ___5___ of appearing too soft ___6___crime might be more likely to send someone to prison ___7___he had already sentenced five or six other defendants only to forced community service on that day.To ___8___this idea, they turned their attention to the university-admissions process. In theory, the ___9___ of an applicant should not depend on the few others___10___ randomly for interview during the same day, but Dr Simonton suspected the truth was___11___.He studied the results of 9,323 MBA interviews ___12___ by 31 admissions officers. The interviewers had ___13___ applicants on a scale of one to five. This scale ___14___ numerous factors into consideration. The scores were ___15___ used in conjunction w ith an applicant’s score on the GMAT, a standardized exam which is ___16___out of 800 points, to make a decision on whether to accept him or her.Dr Simonton found if the score of the previous candidate in a daily series of interviewees was 0.75 points or more higher than that of the one ___17___ that, then the score for the next applicantwould___18___ by an average of 0.075 points. This might sound small, but to___19___the effects of such a decrease a candidate would need 30 more GMAT points than would otherwise have been ___20___.1. A grants B submits C transmits D delivers2. A minor B external C crucial D objective3. A issue B vision C picture D moment4. A Above all B On average C In principle D For example5. A fond B fearful C capable D thoughtless6. A in B for C to D on7. A if B until C though D unless8. A. test B. emphasize C. share D. promote9. A. decision B. quality C. status D. success10. A. found B. studied C. chosen D. identified11. A. otherwise B. defensible C. replaceable D. exceptional12. A. inspired B. expressed C. conducted D. secured13. A. assigned B. rated C. matched D. arranged14. A. put B. got C. took D. gave15. A. instead B. then C. ever D. rather16. A. selected B. passed C. marked D. introduced17. A below B after C above D before18. A jump B float C fluctuate D drop19. A achieve B undo C maintain D disregard20. A necessary B possible C promising D helpfulSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (40 points)Text 1In the 2006 film version of The Devil Wears Prada ,Miranda Priestly, played by Meryl Streep, scolds her unattractive assistant for imagining that high fashion doesn’t affect her, Priestly explains how the deep blue color of the assistant’s sweater descended over the years from fashion shows to departments stores and to the bargain bin in which the poor girl doubtless found her garment.This top-down conception of the fashion business couldn`t be more out of date or at odds with the feverish would described in Overdressed, Elizabeth Cline`s three-year indictment of “fast fashion”. In the last decade or so, advances in technology have allowed mass-market labels such as Zara, H&M, and Uniqlo to react to trends more quickly and anticipate demand more precisely. Quicker turnarounds mean less wasted inventory, more frequent release, and more profit. These labels encourage style-conscious consumers to see clothes as disposable-meant to last only a wash or two, although they don’t advertise that –and to renew their wardrobe every few weeks. By offering on-trend items at dirt-cheap prices, Cline argues, these brands have hijacked fashion cycles, shaking an industry long accustomed to a seasonal pace.The victims of this revolution, of course, are not limited to designers. For H&M to offer a $5.95 knit miniskirt in all its 2,300-pius stores around the world, it must rely on low-wage overseas labor, order in volumes that strain natural resources, and use massive amounts of harmful chemicals.Overdressed is the fashion world`s answer to consumer-activist bestsellers like Michael Pollan`s. The Omnivore`s Dilemma. “Mass-produced clothing ,like fast food, fills a hunger and need, yet is non-durable and wasteful,”Cline argues. Americans, she finds, buy roughly 20 billion garments a year – about 64 items per person – and no matter how much they give away, this excess leads to waste.Towards the end of Overdressed, Cline introduced her ideal, a Brooklyn woman named Sarah Kate Beaumont, who since 2008 has made all of her own clothes –and beautifully. But as Cline is the first to note, it took Beaumont decades to perfect her craft; he r example can’t be knocked off.Though several fast-fashion companies have made efforts to curb their impact on labor and the environment –including H&M, with its green Conscious Collection line –Cline believes lasting change can only be effected by the customer. She exhibits the idealism common to many advocates of sustainability, be it in food or in energy. Vanity is a constant; people will only start shopping more sustainably when they can’t afford not to.21. Priestly criticizes her assistant for her[A] poor bargaining skill.[B] insensitivity to fashion.[C] obsession with high fashion.[D] lack of imagination.22. According to Cline, mass-market labels urge consumers to[A] combat unnecessary waste.[B] shut out the feverish fashion world.[C] resist the influence of advertisements.[D] shop for their garments more frequently.23. The word “indictment”(Line 3, Para.2) is closest in meaning to[A] accusation.[B] enthusiasm.[C] indifference.[D] tolerance.24. Which of the following can be inferred from the last paragraph?[A] Vanity has more often been found in idealists.[B] The fast-fashion industry ignores sustainability.[C] People are more interested in unaffordable garments.[D] Pricing is vital to environment-friendly purchasing.25. What is the subject of the text?[A] Satire on an extravagant lifestyle.[B] Challenge to a high-fashion myth.[C] Criticism of the fast-fashion industry.[D] Exposure of a mass-market secret.Text 2An old saying has it that half of all advertising budgets are wasted-the trouble is, no one knows which half. In the internet age, at least in theory, this fraction can be much reduced. By watching what people search for, click on and say online, compani es can aim “behavioral” ads at those most likely to buy.In the past couple of weeks a quarrel has illustrated the value to advertisers of such fine-grained information: Should advertisers assume that people are happy to be tracked and sent behavioral ads? Or should they have explicit permission?In December 2010 America's Federal Trade Commission (FTC) proposed adding a "do not track "(DNT) option to internet browsers ,so that users could tell advertisers that they did not want to be followed .Microsoft's Internet Explorer and Apple's Safari both offer DNT ;Google's Chrome is due to do so this year. In February the FTC and Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA) agreed that the industry would get cracking on responding to DNT requests.On May 31st Microsoft Set off the row: It said that Internet Explorer 10, the version due to appear windows 8, would have DNT as a default.It is not yet clear how advertisers will respond. Getting a DNT signal does not oblige anyone to stop tracking, although some companies have promised to do so. Unable to tell whether someone really objects to behavioral ads or whether they are sticking w ith Microsoft’s default, some may ignore a DNT signal and press on anyway.Also unclear is why Microsoft has gone it alone. After all, it has an ad business too, which it says will comply with DNT requests, though it is still working out how. If it is trying to upset Google, which relies almost wholly on default will become the norm. DNT does not seem an obviously huge selling point for windows 8-though the firm has compared some of its other products favorably with Google's on that count before. Brendon Lynch, MMicrosoft's chief privacy officer, blogged: "we believe consumers should have more control." Could it really be that simple?26. It is suggested in paragraph 1 that “behavioral”ads help advertisers to:[A] ease competition among themselves[B] lower their operational costs[C] avoid complaints from consumers[D] provide better online services27. “The industry”(Line 6,Para.3) refers to:[A] online advertisers[B] e-commerce conductors[C] digital information analysis[D] internet browser developers28. Bob Liodice holds that setting DNT as a default[A] many cut the number of junk ads[B] fails to affect the ad industry[C] will not benefit consumers[D] goes against human nature29. which of the following is true according to Paragraph.6?[A] DNT may not serve its intended purpose[B] Advertisers are willing to implement DNT[C] DNT is losing its popularity among consumers[D] Advertisers are obliged to offer behavioral ads30. The author's attitude towards what Brendon Lynch said in his blog is one of:[A] indulgence[B] understanding[C] appreciation[D] skepticismText 3Up until a few decades ago, our visions of the future were largely - though by no means uniformly - glowingly positive. Science and technology would cure all the ills of humanity, leading tolives of fulfillment and opportunity for all.Now utopia has grown unfashionable, as we have gained a deeper appreciation of the range of threats facing us, from asteroid strike to epidemic flu and to climate change. You might even be tempted to assume that humanity has little future to look forward to.But such gloominess is misplaced. The fossil record shows that many species have endured for millions of years - so why shouldn't we? Take a broader look at our species' place in the universe, and it becomes clear that we have an excellent chance of surviving for tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of years . Look up Homo sapiens in the "Red List" of threatened species of the International Union for the Conversation of Nature (IUCN) ,and you will read: "Listed as Least Concern as the species is very widely distributed, adaptable, currently increasing, and there are no major threats resulting in an overall population decline."So what does our deep future hold? A growing number of researchers and organizations are now thinking seriously about that question. For example, the Long Now Foundation has its flagship project a medical clock that is designed to still be marking time thousands of years hence.Perhaps willfully, it may be easier to think about such lengthy timescales than about the more immediate future. The potential evolution of today's technology, and its social consequences, is dazzlingly complicated, and it's perhaps best left to science fiction writers and futurologists to explore the many possibilities we can envisage. That's one reason why we have launched Arc, a new publication dedicated to the near future.But take a longer view and there is a surprising amount that we can say with considerable assurance. As so often, the past holds the key to the future: we have now identified enough of the long-term patterns shaping the history of the planet, and our species, to make evidence-based forecasts about the situations in which our descendants will find themselves.This long perspective makes the pessimistic view of our prospects seem more likely to be a passing fad. To be sure, the future is not all rosy. But we are now knowledgeable enough to reduce many of the risks that threatened the existence of earlier humans, and to improve the lot of those to come.31. Our vision of the future used to be inspired by[A] our desire for lives of fulfillment[B] our faith in science and technology[C] our awareness of potential risks[D] our belief in equal opportunity32. The IUCN`s “Red List”suggest that human being are[A] a sustained species[B] a threaten to the environment[C] the world`s dominant power[D] a misplaced race33. Which of the following is true according to Paragraph 5?[A] Arc helps limit the scope of futurological studies.[B] Technology offers solutions to social problem.[C] The interest in science fiction is on the rise.[D] Our Immediate future is hard to conceive.34. To ensure the future of mankind, it is crucial to[A] explore our planet`s abundant resources[B] adopt an optimistic view of the world[C] draw on our experience from the past[D] curb our ambition to reshape history35. Which of the following would be the best title for the text?[A] Uncertainty about Our Future[B] Evolution of the Human Species[C] The Ever-bright Prospects of Mankind[D] Science, Technology and HumanityText 4On a five to three vote, the Supreme Court knocked out much of Arizona's immigration law Monday-a modest policy victory for the Obama Administration. But on the more important matter of the Constitution, the decision was an 8-0 defeat for the federal government and the states.In Arizona, United States, the majority overturned three of the four contested provisions of Arizona's controversial plan to have state and local police enforce federal immigrations law. The Constitutional principles that Washington alone has the power to "establish a uniform Rule of naturalization" and that federal laws precede state laws are noncontroversial. Arizona had attempted to fashion state police that ran to the existing federal ones.Justice Anthony Kennedy, joined by Chief Justice John Roberts and the Court's liberals, ruled that the state flew too close to the federal sun. On the overturned provisions the majority held the congress had deliberately "occupied the field" and Arizona had thus intruded on the federal's privileged powersHowever, the Justices said that Arizona police would be allowed to verify the legal status of people who come in contact with law enforcement. That`s because Congress has always envisioned joint federal-state immigration enforcement and explicitly encourages state officers to share information and cooperate with federal colleagues.Two of the three objecting Justice-Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas-agreed with this Constitutional logic but disagreed about which Arizona rules conflicted with the federal statute. The only major objection came from Justice Antonin Scalia, who offered an even more robust defense of state privileges going back to the alien and Sedition Acts.The 8-0 objection to President Obama turns on what Justice Samuel Alito describes in his objection as “a shocking assertion of federal executive power”. The White House argued the Arizona`s laws conflicted with its enforcement priorities, even if state laws complied with federal statutes to the letter. In effect, the White House claimed that it could invalidate any otherwise legitimate state law that it disagrees with.Some powers do belong exclusively to the federal government, and control of citizenship and the borders is among them. But if Congress wanted to prevent states from using their own resources to check immigration status. It never did so. The administration was in essence asserting that because it didn't want to carry out Congress's immigration wishes, no state should be allowed to do so either. Every Justice rightly rejected this remarkable claim.36. Three provisions of Arizona`s plan were overturned because they[A] deprived the federal police of Constitutional powers.[B] disturbed the power balance between different states.[C] overstepped the authority of federal immigration law.[D] contradicted both the federal and state policies.37. On which of the following did the Justices agree, according to Paragraph4?[A] Federal officers` duty to withhold immigrants` information.[B] States` independence from federal immigration law.[C] States` legitimate role in immigration enforcement.[D] Congress`s intervention in immigration enforcement.38. It can be inferred from Paragraph 5 that the Alien and Sedition Acts[A] violated the Constitution.[B] undermined the states` interests.[C] supported the federal statute.[D] stood in favor of the states.39. The White House claims that its power of enforcement[A] Outweighs that held by the states.[B] is dependent on the states` support.[C] is established by federal statutes.[D] rarely goes against state laws.40. What can be learned from the last paragraph?[A] Immigration issues are usually decided by Congress.[B] Justices intended to check the power of the Administration.[C] Justices wanted to strengthen its coordination with Congress.[D] The Administration is dominant over immigration issues.Part BDirections:In the following text, some sentences have been removed. For Questions 41-45, choose the most suitable one from the list A-G to fit into each of the numbered blanks. There are two extra choices, which do not fit in any of the blanks. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET1.(10 points)The social sciences are flourishing. As of 2005, there were almost half a million professional socialscientists from all fields in the world, working both inside and outside academia. According to the World Social Science Report 2010, the number of social-science students worldwide has swollen by about 11% every year since 2000.Yet this enormous resource in not contributing enough to today`s global challenges including climate change, security, sustainable development and health.(41)______Humanity has the necessary agro-technological tools to eradicate hunger , from genetically engineered crops to artificial fertilizers . Here, too, the problems are social: the organization and distribution of food, wealth and prosperity.(42)____This is a shame—the community should be grasping the opportunity to raise its influence in the real world. To paraphrase the great social scientist Joseph Schumpeter: there is no radical innovation without creative destruction.Today, the social sciences are largely focused on disciplinary problems and internal scholarly debates, rather than on topics with external impact.Analyses reveal that the number of papers including the keywords “environmental changed”or “climate change”have increased rapidly since 2004,(43)____When social scientists do tackle practical issues, their scope is often local: Belgium is interested mainly in the effects of poverty on Belgium for example .And whether the community’s work contributes much to an overall accumulation of knowledge is doubtful.The problem is not necessarily the amount of available funding (44)____this is an adequate amount so long as it is aimed in the right direction. Social scientists who complain about a lack of funding should not expect more in today`s economic climate.The trick is to direct these funds better. The European Union Framework funding programs have long had a category specifically targeted at social scientists. This year, it was proposed that system bechanged: Horizon 2020, a new program to be enacted in 2014, would not have such a category. This has resulted in protests from social scientists. But the intention is not to neglect social science; rather, the complete opposite. (45)____That should create more collaborative endeavors and help to develop projects aimed directly at solving global problems.[A] It could be that we are evolving two communities of social scientists: one that is discipline-oriented and publishing in highly specialized journals, and one that is problem-oriented and publishing elsewhere, such as policy briefs.[B] However, the numbers are still small: in 2010, about 1,600 of the100,000 social-sciences papers published globally included one of these keywords.[C] The idea is to force social to integrate their work with other categories, including health and demographic change food security, marine research and the bio-economy, clear, efficient energy; and inclusive, innovative and secure societies.[D] The solution is to change the mindset of the academic community, and what it considers to be its main goal. Global challenges and social innovation ought to receive much more attention from scientists, especially the young ones.[E] These issues all have root causes in human behavior. All require behavioral change and social innovations, as well as technological development. Stemming climate change, for example, is as much about changing consumption patterns and promoting tax acceptance as it is about developing clean energy.[F] Despite these factors, many social scientists seem reluctant to tackle such problems. And in Europe, some are up in arms over a proposal to drop a specific funding category for social-science research and to integrate it within cross-cutting topics of sustainable development.[G] During the late 1990s , national spending on social sciences and the humanities as apercentage of all research and development funds-including government, higher education, non-profit and corporate -varied from around 4% to 25%; in most European nations , it is about 15%. Part CDirections: Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation should be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (10 points) It is speculated that gardens arise from a basic need in the individuals who made them: the need for creative expression. There is no doubt that gardens evidence an impossible urge to create, express, fashion, and beautify and that self-expression is a basic human urge; (46) Yet when one looks at the photographs of the garden created by the homeless, it strikes one that, for all their diversity of styles, these gardens speak of various other fundamental urges, beyond that of decoration and creative expression.One of these urges had to do with creating a state of peace in the midst of turbulence, a “still point of the turning world,”to borrow a phrase from T. S. Eliot. (47)A sacred place of peace, however crude it may be, is a distinctly human need, as opposed to shelter, which is a distinctly animal need. This distinction is so much so that where the latter is lacking, as it is for these unlikely gardens, the former becomes all the more urgent. Composure is a state of mind made possible by the structuring of one’s relation to one’s environment. (48) The gardens of the homeless which are in effect homeless gardens introduce from into an urban environment where it either didn’t exist or was not discernible as such. In so doing they give composure to a segment of the inarticulate environment in which they take their stand.Another urge or need that these gardens appear to respond to, or to arise from is so intrinsic that we are barely ever conscious of its abiding claims on us. When we are deprived of green, of plants, of trees, (49) most of us give into a demoralization of spirit which we usually blame on some。

二、试题具体解析1.[A]as to关于,至于[B]for instance举例[C]in particular特别地[D]such as例如[答案]D[解析]本题考核的知识点是:逻辑关系。
解答该题时,考生需要判断空格前后部分prominent cases和The trial of Rosemary West之间的关系,前者泛指“一些著名的案件”,后者是一个具体的案件,即“对露丝玛莉·韦斯特案件的审判”,可见两者是例证关系。
首先排除as to和in particular。
for instance(或for example)可表示“举例”,但放在句中多为插入语,且后面不可直接加宾语。
如:Here in Chicago,for instance,the movement was growing by leaps and bounds.(比如在芝加哥,运动正在迅猛发展)。
选项中只有介词短语such as可以接名词做宾语,表达“例如…,象这种的”的含义。
首段第一句话的结构比较复杂,中心句为The government is to ban payments to witnesses by newspapers(政府要禁止报界付钱给证人),现在分词结构seeking to buy up...Rosemary West做后置定语,用来修饰newspapers,意为“试图收买涉及一些要案证人的报纸”。

2001年考研翻译真题解析In less than 30 years' time the Star Trek holodeck will be a reality. Direct links between the brain's nervous system and a computer will also create full sensory virtual environments, allowing virtual vacations like those in the film Total Recall.71) There will be television chat shows hosted by robots, and cars with pollution monitors that will disable them when they offend. 72) Children will play with dolls equipped with personality chips, computers with in-built personalities will be regarded as workmates rather than tools, relaxation will be in front ofsmell-television, and digital age will have arrived.According to BT's futurologist, Ian Pearson, these are among the developments scheduled for the first few decades of the new millennium (a period of 1,000 years), when supercomputers will dramatically accelerate progress in all areas of life.73)Pearson has pieced together the work of hundreds of researchers around the world, to produce a unique millennium technology calendar that gives the latest dates when we can expect hundreds of key breakthroughs and discoveries to take place. Some of the biggest developments will be in medicine, including an extended life expectancy and dozens of artificial organs coming into use between now and 2040.Pearson also predicts a breakthrough in computer-human links. By linking directly to our nervous system, computers could pick up what we feel and, hopefully, simulate feeling too so that we can start to develop full sensory environments, rather like the holidays in Total Recall or the Star Trek holodeck, he says. 74)But that, Pearson points out, is only the start of man-machine integration: It will be the beginning of the long process of integration that will ultimately lead to a fully electronic human before the end of the next century.Through his research, Pearson is able to put dates to most of the breakthroughs that can be predicted. However, there are still no forecasts for whenfaster-than-light travel will be available, or when human cloning will be perfected, or when time travel will be possible. But he does expect social problems as a result of technological advances. A boom in neighborhood surveillance cameras will, for example, cause problems in 2010, while the arrival of synthetic lifelike robots will mean people may not be able to distinguish between their human friends and the? 75)And home appliances will also become so smart that controlling and operating them will result in the breakout of a new psychological disorder-kitchen rage.71.There will be television chat shows hosted by robots, and cars with pollution monitors that will disable them when they offend.结构分析:本句的主干结构是there will be后面带的两个并列名词television chat show和cars,这两个名词在句中做主语。

2000第一段Governments throughout the world act on the assumption that the welfare of their people depends largely on the economic strength and wealth of the community.71) Under modern conditions, this requires varying measures of centralized control and hence the help of specialized scientists such as economists and operational research experts.72) Furthermore, it is obvious that the strength of a country’s economy is directly bound up with the efficiency of its agriculture and industry, and that this in turn rests upon the efforts of scientists and technologists of all kinds.It also means that governments are increasingly compelled to interfere in these sectors in order to step up production and ensure that it is utilized to the best advantage. For example, the may encourage research in various ways, including the setting up of their own research centers; they may alter the structure of education, or interfere in order to reduce the wastage of natural resources or tap resources hitherto unexploited; or they may cooperate directly in the growing number of international projects related to science, economics and industry. In any case, all such interventions are heavily dependent on scientific advice and also scientific and technological manpower of all kinds.第二段73)Owing to the remarkable development in mass-communications, people everywhere are feeling new wants and are being exposed to new customs and ideas, while governments are often forced to introduce still further innovations for the reasons given above.At the same time, the normal rate of social change throughout the world is taking place ata vastly accelerated speed compared with the past. For example,74) in the early industrialized countries of Europe the process of industrialization -- with all the far-reaching changes in social patterns that followed -- was spread over nearly a century, whereas nowadays a developing nation may undergo the same process in a decade or so.All this has the effect of building up unusual pressures and tensions within the community and consequently presents serious problems for the governments concerned.75) Additional social stresses may also occur because of the population explosion or problems arising from mass migration movements -- themselves made relatively easy nowadays by modern means of transport.As a result of all these factors, governments are becoming increasingly dependent on biologists and social scientists for planning the appropriate programs and putting them into effect.2000一、核心词汇注释act on*1.按……行动,奉行例:act on principles 根据原则办事2.对……起作用,影响例:The music acted stirringly on the emotions of the audience. 音乐使观众情绪激动。

2001年考研英语试卷英汉翻译真题解析Directions: Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segmentssintosChinese. Your translation should be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (10 points)In less than 30 years' time the Star Trek holodeck will be a reality. Direct links between the brain's nervous system and a computer will also create full sensory virtual environments, allowing virtual vacations like those in the film Total Recall.71) There will be television chat shows hosted by robots, and cars with pollution monitors that will disable them when they offend. 72) Children will play with dolls equipped with personality chips, computers with in-built personalities will be regarded as workmates rather than tools, relaxation will be in front of smell-television, and digital age will have arrived.According to BT's futurologist, Ian Pearson, these are among the developments scheduled for the first few decades of the new millennium (a period of 1,000 years), when supercomputers will dramatically accelerate progress in allareas of life.73) Pearson has pieced together the work of hundreds of researchers around the world, to produce a unique millennium technology calendar that gives the latest dates when we can expect hundreds of key breakthroughs and discoveries to take place. Some of the biggest developments will be in medicine, including an extended life expectancy and dozens of artificial organs comingsintosuse between now and 2040.Pearson also predicts a breakthrough in computer-human links. By linking directly to our nervous system, computers could pick up what we feel and, hopefully, simulate feeling too so that we can start to develop full sensory environments, rather like the holidays in Total Recall or the Star Trek holodeck, he says. 74) But that, Pearson points out, is only the start of man machine integration: It will be the beginning of the long process of integration that will ultimately lead to a fully electronic human before the end of the next century.Through his research, Pearson is able to put dates to most of the breakthroughs that can be predicted. However, there are still no forecasts for when faster-than-light travel willbe available, or when human cloning will be perfected, or when time travel will be possible. But he does expect social problems as a result of technological advances. A boom in neighborhood surveillance cameras will, for example, cause problems in 2010, while the arrival of synthetic lifelike robots will mean people may not be able to distinguish between their human friends and the? 75) And home appliances will also become so smart that controlling and operating them will result in the breakout of a new psychological disorder-kitchen rage.翻译题解:71) There will be television chat shows hosted by robots, and cars with pollution monitors that will disable them when they offend.句子分析:第一、句子可以拆分为三段:There will be television chat shows hosted by robots, / and cars with pollution monitors that will disable them / when they offend.第二、句子的结构是:1)主干结构是带双主语的存在句:There will be television chat shows..., and cars...2)两个主语都带有定语:第一个主语television chat shows的定语是过去分词短语hosted by robots,第二个主语cars的定语是介词短语with pollution monitors。

home appliances will also become so smart that controlling and operating them will result in the breakout of a new psychological disorder-kitchen rage.
technology calendar 做目的状语, 后面 that 引导的是个定语从句, 修饰前面的先行词 calendar,
而 when 引导的又是一个定语从句,修饰其前面的名词
dates,谓语动词 expect 后面接了两
个并列名词 breakthroughs 和 discoveries 做并列宾语,不定式 to take place 做前面名词
儿童将与装有个性芯片的玩具娃娃玩耍,具有内置个性芯片的计算机将被视为工作伙伴 而不是工具,人们将在气味电视机前休闲,届时数字化时代就来到了。 测试点 :过去分词做后置定语; rather than 连接的并列名词结构;
73.Pearson has pieced together the work of hundreds of researchers around the world to produce a
discoveries 的后置定语。
核心词汇 :Pearson 皮尔森 (人名音译 );pieced together 汇集,综合;hundreds of 数百项;around
the world =throughout the world=all over the word 世界各地,全世界; produce 编制(因为动
Pearson also predicts a breakthrough in computer-human links. By linking directly to our nervous system, computers could pick up what we feel and, hopefully, simulate feeling too so that we can start to develop full sensory environments, rather like the holidays in Total Recall or the Star Trek holodeck, he says. 74)But that, Pearson points out, is only the start of man-machine integration: It will be the beginning of the long process of integration that will ultimately lead to a fully electronic human before the end of the next century.

2001年全国攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试英语试题Part I Cloze TestDirections:For each numbered blank in the following passage,there are four choices marked [A],[B],[C]and[D].Choose the best one and mark your answer on ANSWER SHEET1 by blackening the corresponding letter in the brackets with a pencil.(10points)The government is to ban payments to witnesses by newspapers seeking to buy up people involved in prominent cases1the trial of Rosemary West.In a significant2of legal controls over the press,Lord Irvine,the Lord Chancellor,will introduce a3bill that will propose making payments to witnesses4and will strictly control the amount of5that can be given to a case6a trial begins.In a letter to Gerald Kaufman,chairman of the House of Commons media select committee,Lord Irvine said he7with a committee report this year which said that self regulation did not8sufficient control.9of the letter came two days after Lord Irvine caused a10of media protest when he said the11of privacy controls contained in European legislation would be left to judges12to Parliament.The Lord Chancellor said introduction of the Human Rights Bill,which13the European Convention on Human Rights legally14in Britain,laid down that everybody was15to privacy and that public figures could go to court to protect themselves and their families.“Press freedoms will be in safe hands16our British judges,”he said.Witness payments became an17after West was sentenced to10life sentences in1995.Up to19witnesses were18to have received payments for telling their stories to newspapers.Concerns were raised19witnesses might be encouraged exaggerate their stories in court to20guilty verdicts.1.[A]as to[B]for instance[C]in particular[D]such as2.[A]tightening[B]intensifying[C]focusing[D]fastening3.[A]sketch[B]rough[C]preliminary[D]draft4.[A]illogical[B]illegal[C]improbable[D]improper5.[A]publicity[B]penalty[C]popularity[D]peculiarity6.[A]since[B]if[C]before[D]as7.[A]sided[B]shared[C]complied[D]agreed8.[A]present[B]offer[C]manifest[D]indicate9.[A]Release[B]Publication[C]Printing[D]Exposure10.[A]storm[B]rage[C]flare[D]flash11.[A]translation[B]interpretation[C]exhibition[D]demonstration12.[A]better than[B]other than[C]rather than[D]sooner than13.[A]changes[B]makes[C]sets[D]turns14.[A]binding[B]convincing[C]restraining[D]sustaining15.[A]authorized[B]credited[C]entitled[D]qualified16.[A]with[B]to[C]from[D]by17.[A]impact[B]incident[C]inference[D]issue18.[A]stated[B]remarked[C]said[D]told19.[A]what[B]when[C]which[D]that20.[A]assure[B]confide[C]ensure[D]guaranteePart II Reading ComprehensionDirections:Each of the passages below is followed by some questions.For each questions there are four answers marked[A],[B],[C]and[D].Read the passages carefully and choose the best answer to each of the questions.Then mark your answer on ANSWER SHEET1by blackening the corresponding letter in the brackets with a pencil.(40 points)Passage1Specialisation can be seen as a response to the problem of an increasing accumulation of scientific knowledge.By splitting up the subject matter into smaller units,one man could continue to handle the information and use it as the basis for further research.But specialisation was only one of a series of related developments in science affecting the process of communication.Another was the growing professionalisation of scientific activity.No clear-cut distinction can be drawn between professionals and amateurs in science:exceptions can be found to any rule.Nevertheless,the word“amateur”does carry a connotation that the person concerned is not fully integrated into the scientific community and,in particular,may not fully share its values.The growth of specialisation in the nineteenth century,with its consequent requirement of a longer,more complex training,implied greater problems for amateur participation in science.The trend was naturally most obvious in those areas of science based especially on a mathematical or laboratory training,and can be illustrated in terms of the development of geology in the United Kingdom.A comparison of British geological publications over the last century and a half reveals not simply an increasing emphasis on the primacy of research,but also a changing definition of what constitutes an acceptable research paper.Thus,in the nineteenth century,local geological studies represented worthwhile research in their own right;but,in the twentieth century,local studies have increasingly become acceptable to professionals only if they incorporate,and reflect on,the wider geological picture.Amateurs,on the other hand,have continued to pursue local studies in the old way.The overall result has been to make entrance to professionalgeological journals harder for amateurs,a result that has been reinforced by the widespread introduction of refereeing,first by national journals in the nineteenth century and then by several local geological journals in the twentieth century.As a logical consequence of this development,separate journals have now appeared aimed mainly towards either professional or amateur readership.A rather similar process of differentiation has led to professional geologists coming together nationally within one or two specific societies,whereas the amateurs have tended either to remain in local societies or to come together nationally in a different way.Although the process of professionalisation and specialisation was already well under way in British geology during the nineteenth century,its full consequences were thus delayed until the twentieth century.In science generally,however,the nineteenth century must be reckoned as the crucial period for this change in the structure of science.21.The growth of specialisation in the19th century might be more clearly seen insciences such as_______.[AJ sociology and chemistry[B]physics and psychology[C]sociology and psychology[D]physics and chemistry22.We can infer from the passage that_______.[A]there is little distinction between specialisation and professionalisation[B]amateurs can compete with professionals in some areas of science[C]professionals tend to welcome amateurs into the scientific community[D]amateurs have national academic societies but no local ones23.The author writes of the development of geology to demonstrate______.[A]the process of specialisation and professionalisation[B]the hardship of amateurs in scientific study[C]the change of policies in scientific publications[D]the discrimination of professionals against amateurs24.The direct reason for specialisation is_______.[A]the development in communication[B]the growth of professionalisation[C]the expansion of scientific knowledge[D]the splitting up of academic societiesPassage2A great deal of attention is being paid today to the so-called digital divide-the division of the world into the info(information)rich and the info poor.And that divide does exist today.My wife and I lectured about this looming danger twenty years ago.What was less visible then,however,were the new,positive forces that work against the digital divide.There are reasons to be optimistic.There are technological reasons to hope the digital divide will narrow.As the Internet becomes more and more commercialized,it is in the interest of businessto universalize access-after all,the more people online,the more potential customers there are.More and more governments,afraid their countries will be left behind,want to spread Internet access.Within the next decade or two,one to two billion people on the planet will he netted together.As a result,I now believe the digital divide will narrow rather than widen in the years ahead.And that is very good news because the Internet may well be the most powerful tool for combating world poverty that we’ve ever had.Of course,the use of the Internet isn’t the only way to defeat poverty.And the Internet is not the only tool we have.But it has enormous potential.To take advantage of this tool,some impoverished countries will have to get over their outdated anti-colonial prejudices with respect to foreign investment. Countries that still think foreign investment is an invasion of their sovereignty might well study the history of infrastructure(the basic structural foundations of a society)in the United States.When the United States built its industrial infrastructure,it didn’t have the capital to do so.And that is why America’s Second Wave infrastructure-including roads,harbors,highways,ports and so on-were built with foreign investment.The English,the Germans,the Dutch and the French were investing in Britain’s former colony.They financed them.Immigrant Americans built them.Guess who owns them now?The Americans.I believe the same thing would be true in places like Brazil or anywhere else for that matter.The more foreign capital you have helping you build your Third Wave infrastructure,which today is an electronic infrastructure,the better off you’re going to be.That doesn't mean lying down and becoming fooled,or letting foreign corporations run uncontrolled. But it does mean recognizing how important they can be in building the energy and telecom infrastructures needed to take full advantage of the Internet.25.Digital divide is something_______.[A]getting worse because of the Internet[B]the rich countries are responsible for[C]the world must guard against[D]considered positive todayernments attach importance to the Internet because it_______.[A]offers economic potentials[B]can bring foreign funds[C]can soon wipe out world poverty[D]connects people all over the world27.The writer mentioned the case of the United States to justify the policy of_______.[A]providing financial support overseas[B]preventing foreign capital’s control[C]building industrial infrastructure[D]accepting foreign investment28.It seems that now a country’s economy depands much on______.[A]how well-developed it is electronically[B]whether it is prejudiced against immigrants[C]whether it adopts America’s industrial pattern[D]how much control it has over foreign corporationsPassage3Why do so many Americans distrust what they read in their newspapers?The American Society of Newspaper Editors is trying to answer this painful question. The organization is deep into a long self-analysis known as the journalism credibility project.Sad to say,this project has turned out to be mostly low-level findings about factual errors and spelling and grammar mistakes,combined with lots of headscratching puzzlement about what in the world those readers really want.But the sources of distrust go way deeper.Most journalists learn to see the world through a set of standard templates(patterns)into which they plug each day’s events.In other words,there is a conventional story line in the newsroom culture that provides a backbone and a ready-made narrative structure for otherwise confusions news.There exists a social and cultural disconnect between journalists and their readers which helps explain why the“standard templates”of the newsroom seem alien many readers.In a recent survey,questionnaires were sent to reporters in five middle size cities around the country,plus one large metropolitan area.Then residents in these communities were phoned at random and asked the same questions.Replies show that compared with other Americans,journalists are more likely to live in upscale neighborhoods,have maids,own Mercedeses,and trade stocks,and they’re less likely to go to church,do volunteer work,or put down roots in community.Reporters tend to be part of a broadly defined social and cultural elite,so their work tends to reflect the conventional values of this elite.The astonishing distrust of the news media isn’t rooted in inaccuracy or poor reportorial skills but in the daily clash of world views between reporters and their readers.This is an explosive situation for any industry,particularly a declining one. Here is a troubled business that keeps hiring employees whose attitudes vastly annoy the customers.Then it sponsors lots of symposiums and a credibility project dedicated to wondering why customers are annoyed and fleeing in large numbers.But it never seems to get around to noticing the cultural and class biases that so many former buyers are complaining about.If it did,it would open up its diversity program, now focused narrowly on race and gender,and look for reporters who differ broadly by outlook,values,education,and class.29.What is the passage mainly about?[A]needs of the readers all over the world.[B]causes of the public disappointment about newspapers.[C]origins of the declining newspaper industry.[D]aims of a journalism credibility project.30.The results of the journalism credibility project turned out to be______.[A]quite trustworthy[B]somewhat contradictory[C]very illuminating[D]rather superficial31.The basic problem of journalists as pointed out by the writer lies in their______.[A]working attitude[B]conventional lifestyle[C]world outlook[D]educational background32.Despite its efforts,the newspaper industry still cannot satisfy the readersowing to its_______.[A]failure to realize its real problem[B]tendency to hire annoying reporters[C]likeliness to do inaccurate reporting[D]prejudice in matters of race and genderPassage4The world is going through the biggest wave of mergers and acquisitions ever witnessed.The process sweeps from hyperactive America to Europe and reaches the emerging countries with unsurpassed might.Many in these countries are looking at this process and worrying:"Won't the wave of business concentration turn into an uncontrollable anti-competitive force?"There's no question that the big are getting bigger and more powerful. Multinational corporations accounted for less than20%of international trade in 1982.Today the figure is more than25%and growing rapidly.International affiliates account for a fast-growing segment of production in economies that open up and welcome foreign investment.In Argentina,for instance,after the reforms of the early1990s,multinationals went from43%to almost70%of the industrial production of the200largest firms.This phenomenon has created serious concerns over the role of smaller economic firms,of national businessmen and over the ultimate stability of the world economy.I believe that the most important forces behind the massive M&A wave are the same that underlie the globalization process:falling transportation and communication costs,lower trade and investment barriers and enlarged markets that require enlarged operations capable of meeting customers'demands.All these are beneficial,not detrimental,to consumers.As productivity grows,the world's wealth increases.Examples of benefits or costs of the current concentration wave are scanty.Yet it is hard to imagine that the merger of a few oil firms today could re-create the same threats to competition that were feared nearly a century ago in the U.S.,when the Standard Oil trust was broken up.The mergers of telecom companies,such as WorldCom,hardly seem to bring higher prices for consumers or a reduction in thepace of technical progress.On the contrary,the price of communications is coming down fast.In cars,too,concentration is increasing-witness Daimler and Chrysler, Renault and Nissan-but it does not appear that consumers are being hurt.Yet the fact remains that the merger movement must be watched.A few weeks ago, Alan Greenspan warned against the megamergers in the banking industry.Who is going to supervise,regulate and operate as lender of last resort with the gigantic banks that are being created?Won't multinationals shift production from one place to another when a nation gets too strict about infringements to fair competition?And should one country take upon itself the role of“defending competition”on issues that affect many other nations,as in the U S.vs.Microsoft case?33.What is the typical trend of businesses today?[A]to take in more foreign funds.[B]to invest more abroad.[C]to combine and become bigger.[D]to trade with more countries.34.According to the author,one of the driving forces behind M&A wave is______[A]the greater customer demands.[B]a surplus supply for the market.[C]a growing productivity.[D]the increase of the world's wealth.35.From paragraph4we can infer that______.[A]the increasing concentration is certain to hurt consumers[B]WorldCom serves as a good example of both benefits and costs[C]the costs of the globalization process are enormous[D]the Standard Oil trust might have threatened competition36.Toward the new business wave,the writer's attitude can he said to be_______.[A]optimistic[B]objective[C]pessimistic[D]biasedPassage5When I decided to quit my full time employment it never occurred to me that I might become a part of a new international trend.A lateral move that hurt my pride and blocked my professional progress prompted me to abandon my relatively high profile career although,in the manner of a disgraced government minister,I covered my exit by claiming“I wanted to spend more time with my family”.Curiously,some two-and-a-half years and two novels later,my experiment in what the Americans term“downshifting”has turned my tired excuse into an absolute reality.I have been transformed from a passionate advocate of the philosophy of “having it all”,preached by Linda Kelsey for the past seven years in the pages of She magazine,into a woman who is happy to settle for a bit of everything.I have discovered,as perhaps Kelsey will after her much-publicized resignation from the editorship of She after a build-up of stress,that abandoning the doctrine of“juggling your life”,and making the alternative move into“downshifting”brings with it far greater rewards than financial success and social status.Nothing could persuade me to return to the kind of life Kelsey used to advocate and I onceenjoyed:12-hour working days,pressured deadlines,the fearful strain of office politics and the limitations of being a parent on“quality time”.In America,the move away from juggling to a simpler,less materialistic lifestyle is a well-established trend.Downshifting-also known in America as “voluntary simplicity”has,ironically,even bred a new area of what might be termed anticonsumerism.There are a number of bestselling downshifting self-help books for people who want to simplify their lives;there are newsletter's,such as The Tightwad Gazette,that give hundreds of thousands of Americans useful tips on anything from recycling their cling-film to making their own soap;there are even support groups for those who want to achieve the mid-'90s equivalent of dropping out.While in America the trend started as a reaction to the economic decline——after the mass redundancies caused by downsizing in the late’80s——and is still linked to the politics of thrift,in Britain,at least among the middle-class downshifters of my acquaintance,we have different reasons for seeking to simplify our lives.For the women of my generation who were urged to keep juggling through the’80s, downshifting in the mid-'90s is not so much a search for the mythical good life ——growing your own organic vegetables,and risking turning into one——as a personal recognition of your limitations.37.Which of the following is true according to paragraph1?[A]Full-time employment is a new international trend.[B]The writer was compelled by circumstances to leave her job.[C]“A lateral move”means stepping out of full-time employment.[D]The writer was only too eager to spend more time with her family.38.The writer’s experiment shows that downshifting____[A]enables her to realize her dream[B]helps her mold a new philosophy of life[C]prompts her to abandon her high social status[D]leads her to accept the doctrine of She magazine39.“Juggling one’s life”probably means living a life characterized by_____.[A]non-materialistic lifestyle[B]a bit of everything[C]extreme stress[D]anti-consumerism40.According to the passage,downshifting emerged in the U.S.as a result of_____[A]the quick pace of modern life[B]man’s adventurous spirit[C]man’s search for mythical experiences[D]the economic situationPart III English-Chinese TranslationDirections:Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments intoChinese.Your translation should be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET2.(15points)In less than30years’time the Star Trek holodeck will be a reality.Direct links between the brain’s nervous system and a computer will also create full sensory virtual environments,allowing virtual vacations like those in the film Total Recall.41)There will be television chat shows hosted by robots,and cars with pollution monitors that will disable them when they offend.42)Children will play with dolls equipped with personality chips,computers with in-built personalities will be regarded as workmates rather than tools,relaxation will be in front of smell television,and digital age will have arrived.According to BT’s futurologist,Ian Pearson,these are among the developments scheduled for the first few decades of the new millennium(a period of1,000years), when supercomputers will dramatically accelerate progress in all areas of life.43)Pearson has pieced together the work of hundreds of researchers around the world to produce a unique millennium technology calendar that gives the latest dates when we can expect hundreds of key breakthroughs and discoveries to take place.Some of the biggest developments will be in medicine,including an extended life expectancy and dozens of artificial organs coming into use between now and2040.Pearson also predicts a breakthrough in computer-human links.“By linking directly to our nervous system,computers could pick up what we feel and,hopefully, simulate feeling too so that we can start to develop full sensory environments, rather like the holidays in Total Recall or the Star Trek holodeck,”he says.44)But that,Pearson points out,is only the start of man-machine integration:“It will be the beginning of the long process of integration that will ultimately lead to a fully electronic human before the end of the next century.”Through his research,Pearson is able to put dates to most of the breakthroughs that can be predicted.However,there are still no forecasts for when faster-than-light travel will be available,or when human cloning will be perfected, or when time travel will be possible.But he does expect social problems as a result of technological advances.A boom in neighborhood surveillance cameras will,for example,cause problems in2010,while the arrival of synthetic lifelike robots will mean people may not be able to distinguish between their human friends and the droids. 45)And home appliances will also become so smart that controlling and operating them will result in the breakout of a new psychological disorder—kitchen rage.Section V Writing46.Directions:Among all the worthy feelings of mankind,love is probably the noblest,but everyone has his/her own understanding of it.There has been a discussion recently on the issue in a newspaper.Write an essay to the newspaper to1)show your understanding of the symbolic meaning of the picture below.2)give a specific example,and3)give your suggestion as to the best way to show love.第一部分英语知识应运试题解析一、文章总体分析本文是一篇报道性的文章,介绍了自露丝玛莉·韦斯特案件发生后,政府、法院、媒体各方面对于付款给证人的反应。

2001年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语全文翻译P a r t I I C l o z eT e s t政府要禁止像审判R o s e m a r y W e s t案件时发生的报界付钱给牵扯到大案要案的证人以图收买他们的行为㊂为了加强对报界的法律监督,大法官L o r d I r v i n e将要提出一项草拟法案㊂该草案将提议把报界付款给证人的做法定为非法,并且将对案件在开庭前的公开程度加以严格控制㊂在给下院媒体特别委员会主席G e r a l dK a u f m a n的一封信中,L o r d I r v i n e说他同意该委员会今年的报告㊂该报告指出了自我约束没有对媒体实施足够的监控㊂当L o r d I r v i n e说对欧洲立法中所包含的关于隐私控制的解释权将留给法官而不是国会时,这一做法遭到了媒体的一片抗议㊂而两天后,这封信便被公之于世㊂大法官说‘人权法案“的引入使‘欧洲人权公约“在英国具有了法律约束力㊂它规定每个人都享有隐私权,公众人物可以走上法庭去保护自己和家人的权利㊂新闻自由由法官掌握将安然无恙 ,他说道㊂自W e s t在1995年被判处十项无期徒刑后,给证人付报酬的做法就成了颇有争议的问题㊂据说多达十九个证人因向报社讲述他们的经历而获得报酬㊂这引起了人们的关注:为了确保法庭给被告定罪,证人可能会被怂恿在法庭上夸大事实㊂P a r t I I I R e a d i n g C o m p r e h e n s i o nP a s s a g e1专业化可被视为针对科学知识不断积累这个问题所做出的反应㊂通过对学科的分支和细化,个人能够继续处理这些信息并将它们作为深入研究的基础㊂但是专业化仅是科学领域内一系列影响交流过程的有关现象之一㊂另一现象是科学活动的日益职业化㊂科学领域的专业人士和业余爱好者之间划不出泾渭分明的界限:因为任何规律都有例外㊂然而, 业余 一词的确意味着相关人员不能充分融入职业科学界,尤其他可能并不完全认同这个群体的价值观㊂19世纪的专业化的发展,以及随之而来的对训练的长期性和复杂性的要求,对业余人员参与科学研究造成了更大的困难㊂这一趋势在以数学和实验室训练为基础的科学领域里自然表现得最为突出,并可以在英国的地质学发展过程中得到证实㊂将过去一个半世纪英国地质学出版物做一下比较,我们就会发现不仅对科研的主导地位的强调不断攀升,而且人们对一篇可接受的科研论文的定义也在不断变化㊂因此,在19世纪,对局部的地质进行研究本身就可以形成一种有价值的研究㊂而在20世纪,如果局部的研究能够被专业人员接受,那么它必须体现或思考更广阔的地质面貌,而且这种倾向越来越明显㊂另一方面业余人员继续以旧的方式从事局部的研究㊂这样一来,总的结果是业余爱好者想在专业地质学期刊上发表文章就更难了,而被广泛使用的论文评审制度又进一步强化了这一结果,该制度先是在19世纪的国家级刊物上实行,后又在20世纪被一些地方级地质学刊物所使用㊂这样发展的必然结果是出现针对专业的读者和业余读者的不同杂志㊂一个颇为相似的分化过程已经导致专业的地质学家走到一起组成一到两个全国性的专业学术社团,而业余地质爱好者们倾向于要么仍留在地方社团,要么也以另一种方式组成全国性机构㊂虽然职业化和专业化过程在19世纪的英国地质学领域中已经得到迅速发展,但是它的效果在20世纪才充分显示出来㊂然而,从科学这个整体来看,19世纪必须被视为科学结构发生变化的关键时期㊂P a s s a g e2现在越来越多的人开始关注所谓信息差异 即世界被划分为信息富裕阶层和信息贫困阶层㊂这个差异的确存在,我和我的妻子20年前就对这个隐约出现的危险做过演讲㊂但那时还看不清楚的是一些消除数字化差异的㊁新的积极因素㊂有值得乐观的理由㊂有技术上的理由希望数字化差异会缩小㊂随着互联网越来越商业化,普及上网对商家是有利的 毕竟上网人数越多,潜在的客户就越多㊂越来越多的政府担心它们的国家被抛在后面,都愿意扩大互联网的普及率㊂10年到20年后,这个星球上的10亿至20亿人口将被联结在一起㊂因此,我相信数字化差异在未来的几年将会缩小,而不是扩大㊂那是一个很好的消息,因为互联网将很可能成为我们用来对付贫穷的最有力的工具㊂当然,使用互联网不是击败贫困的唯一方法㊂互联网也不是我们拥有的唯一工具,但它有巨大的潜力㊂为了利用这个工具,一些贫困国家就必须克服它们过时的针对外国投资的反殖民偏见㊂那些仍然认为外国投资是侵犯主权的国家应该好好地研究一下美国的基础设施建设史㊂当美国建设自己的工业基础设施时,缺乏必要的资金㊂那就是为什么美国的第二次浪潮基础设施 包括道路㊁港口㊁高速公路㊁码头等等 都是利用外资建设的㊂英国人㊁德国人和法国人都在这块前英国殖民地投资㊂他们投入资金,移民参加建设㊂想想看现在谁拥有这些基础设施?美国人㊂我相信这种事对巴西或其他所有的地方都一样㊂你拥有用以建设第三次浪潮基础设施(即电子基础设施)的外国资金越多,你就将越富裕㊂这并不意味着甘愿受辱或被愚弄,或者让外国公司毫无限制地经营㊂但它的确意味着要认识到外资在建设能源和通讯基础设施中的重要性,这些基础设施是充分利用互联网所必须的㊂P a s s a g e3为什么如此多的美国人不相信自己在报纸上读到的东西?美国新闻编辑协会正在试图回答这个痛苦的问题㊂这个组织正深深地陷入一个长期的自我分析过程:即新闻可信度调查工程㊂遗憾的是,这一调查最终仅发现了一些低层次问题,如事实错误和拼写及语法错误,和这些低层次发现交织在一起的还有许多令人挠头的困惑,譬如读者到底想读些什么㊂但是不信任的根源要比这深得多㊂记者们都学着用一套标准的模式去看世界,并把每天的新闻装入这个模式之中㊂换句话说,在新闻编辑室文化中存在着一套约定俗成的写作模式,它为纷繁复杂的新闻提供了一个主干构架和一套现成的叙事方式㊂在新闻从业人员与读者之间存在着社会与文化方面的隔阂,这或许正是新闻编辑室中的 标准模板 与众多读者的意趣相差甚远,甚至背道而驰的原因㊂在最近的一次调查中,问卷被送到了全国五个中等城市和一个大城市区域的记者手中,然后随意地给这些区域的居民打电话,问他们同样的问题㊂这些问题显示,与一般的美国人相比,记者更有可能居住在富人区,拥有仆人,拥有奔驰车,炒股,而不大可能去教堂,做志愿者工作,或扎根于某个社区㊂记者们往往属于广义上所说的社会和文化精英的一部分,因此他们的工作往往反映了这些精英的传统价值观㊂公众对新闻媒体的惊人的不信任并非源于不准确或蹩脚的报道技巧,而源于记者和读者的世界观的日常冲突㊂这对于任何一个行业来说,都是一个容易引起激烈争论的形势,特别是对于一个日趋衰落的产业㊂这里是一个困境中的行业在不停地雇用员工,而这些员工的观点总体上使客户感到恼火㊂然后它出资组织研讨会和可信度调查工程,全是为了回答为什么顾客恼火了,为何会顾客大范围流失㊂但它仿佛从来没有注意到他们从前的顾客所抱怨的文化的和社会阶层的偏见㊂如果它注意到了这一点,那么它会进一步开放其多样化方案(目前该方案只注重种族和性别),并且雇用那些世界观㊁价值观㊁教育水平和社会阶层大相径庭的记者㊂P a s s a g e4世界正在经历一场从未见过的巨大的兼并浪潮㊂这个浪潮从异常活跃的美国席卷到欧洲,并以不可比拟的威力影响到正在崛起的国家㊂这些国家的许多人看着这个浪潮,忧心忡忡, 企业合并的浪潮会不会导致产生一种不可控制的反竞争力量?无疑,大企业正在变得更大㊁更强㊂跨国公司在1982年只占有国际贸易不到20%的份额㊂目前,这个数字上升到25%,并且还在迅速上升㊂在那些对外开放并欢迎外资的国家的经济中,国际分公司在国民生产中形成一个快速增长的部门㊂比如,在阿根廷,经过90年代初的改革之后,跨国公司在200家大型企业的工业生产中从43%增加到几乎70%㊂这一现象引起了人们对小型公司和民族商业家的作用以及世界经济的基本稳定性的极大关注㊂我相信,推动这次巨大的并购浪潮最主要的力量,也是推动全球化进程的力量:运输与通讯费用的降低,贸易与投资障碍的减少,以及市场的扩大和为满足市场需求生产的扩大㊂所有这些对消费者来说都有益而无害㊂随着生产力的提高,世界的财富也就增长了㊂目前这场合并浪潮的利与弊并无多少实例㊂但是很难想象当今的几家石油公司的合并能够再次给竞争带来威胁,正如100年前美国标准石油托拉斯被解散时人们曾担心的那样㊂通讯公司的合并,如世界通讯公司,似乎没有给消费者带来更高的费用,或者降低技术进步的速度㊂在汽车行业,合并也同样在增加 看看戴姆勒与克莱斯勒,雷诺与尼桑 但仿佛消费者并未受到伤害㊂不过事实仍然是,我们必须关注这场合并运动㊂几星期以前,格林斯潘对银行业的巨大合并发出了警告㊂如果如此巨大的银行出现,谁来充当最终的借贷者,发挥监督㊁管理和运作的作用?当一个国家对破坏公平竞争的行为的处理过于严格时,跨国公司会不会把它们的产业从一地转到另一地?另外,在事情将影响所有国家的情况下,如美国政府与微软公司的诉讼案,一个国家是否应该独自担负起 保护竞争 的责任㊂P a s s a g e5在我决定放弃全职工作的时候,我怎么也没有想到我会成为一个国际流行趋势的一部分㊂由于一次平级的工作调动伤害了我的自尊,阻碍了我的事业发展,促使我放弃了那份相对体面的工作,而我却像一位面子扫尽的政府部长一样通过声称 我想多和家人呆在一起 来掩饰我辞职的原因㊂奇怪的是,在经过两年半的时间,写了两部小说之后,我所亲历的美国人称之为 放慢生活节奏 的实践已使我老掉牙的借口变成了无疑的现实㊂我已经从 拥有一切 哲学的极力倡导者 L i n d aK e l s e y过去的七年中一直在‘她“杂志上倡导这样的哲学 变成了一个心满意足㊁知足常乐的女人㊂我已经发现,也许由于过度劳累而从编辑职位退下来的K e l s e y也会发现:放弃 忙忙碌碌 的人生信条并转而追求放慢生活节奏的做法带给你的回报,比金钱和社会地位更有价值㊂没有任何理由能够说服我回到K e l s e y曾经倡导㊁我曾经喜欢的那种生活:12小时的工作日㊁压力巨大的期限㊁办公室明争暗斗带来的可怕的压力和在 最佳时期 做母亲的限制㊂颇具讽刺意义的是,追求比较悠闲的生活 在美国还被称为 自愿简朴 竟然孕育了一个或许可被命名为 反消费主义 的全新领域㊂对于那些希望简化其生活的人来说,有许多畅销的有关放慢生活节奏的自学书籍;也有诸如‘守财奴简报“这样的简讯,给成千上万的美国人提供包罗万象的实用小窍门,从循环再利用胶带到自制肥皂;甚至还有帮助团体,帮助那些希望按照90年代中期逃避社会现实的方式生活的人㊂在美国,这一潮流原是经济衰退的一种反应 80年代后期的经济萎缩造成了大量失业 并仍然与勤俭节约的生活作风相联系,而在英国,至少在我所认识的中产阶层的 放慢生活节奏者 中,寻求简化生活的理由是不同的㊂对于我们这一代在80年代为生活奔波的女人来说,90年代中期出现的放慢生活节奏与其说是寻求一种神话般的美好生活 用有机肥种植蔬菜,试图与大自然合二为一 还不如说是认识到自身能力是有限的这一事实㊂P a r t I V E n g l i s h-C h i n e s eT r a n s l a t i o n在不到三十年的时间里,‘星际旅行“的全息舱面就会成为现实㊂大脑神经系统和计算机之间的直接连接还会创造出全方位感受虚拟环境,使电影‘全部回忆“中展示的虚拟假期成为可能㊂(71)届时,将出现由机器人主持的电视谈话节目以及装有污染监控器的汽车㊂一旦这些汽车排污超标(违规),监控器就会使其停驶㊂(72)儿童将与装有个性化芯片的玩具娃娃玩耍,具有个性内置的计算机将被视为工作伙伴而不是工具,人们将在气味电视机前休闲,届时数字化时代就要来到了㊂根据英国电信的未来学家I a nP e a r s o n做出的预见,这些都在新千年头几十年发展计划之列,届时,超级计算机将急剧加速各个生活领域的发展㊂(73)P e a r s o n汇集世界各地数百位研究人员的成果,编制了一个独特的新技术千年历,它列出了人们有望看到数百项重大突破和发现的最迟日期㊂一些最重大的进展将出现在医学领域,包括人类预期寿命的延长和数十种人造器官将在现在到2024年之间陆续实现㊂P e a r s o n还预言,在计算机与人的连接上会有一个重大突破㊂他说: 通过直接与我们的神经系统相连,计算机可以知道我们的感觉,并且有希望模仿感觉,这样,我们就能够发展全方位感知环境,就像电影‘全部回忆“中的虚拟假期或特列克星号上的全息舱面㊂ (74)但皮尔森指出,这个突破仅仅是人机一体化的开始: 它是人机一体化漫长之路的第一步,最终会使人们在下世纪末之前就研制出完全电子化的仿真人㊂通过研究,皮尔逊能够预言大多数突破的发生时间㊂然而,对于何时能够进行超光速旅行,何时人类克隆技术能够得以完善,何时可以进行时间旅行,却依然没有预见㊂但他的确预见了技术进步引起的社会问题㊂比如,到2010年,住宅区附近监视器数量的剧增将引发问题;仿真机器人意味着人类可能无法区分同类朋友和这些机器人伙伴㊂(75)家用电器将会变得如此智能化,以至于控制和操作它们会引发一种新的心理疾病 厨房狂躁症㊂。

一、2000年真题1. Though inflation has been relatively low, we must be prepared for an______ increase in price.参考译文:尽管通货膨胀相对较低,但我们必须为价格的激增做好准备。
分析:根据题目中的"relatively low",我们可以确定是要使用一个与之相对的形容词。
此外,考虑到价格的激增,"dramatic" 是一个比较适合的选项。
2. The speech was characterized by ______ of usual political phrases.参考译文:这篇演讲以非常的政治词藻为特点。
二、2003年真题1. Instead of recognizing the things that led to the crisis, he _______ them.参考译文:与其承认导致危机的事物,他选择了忽视它们。
2. The economic recession has ________ the unemployment rate in this country.参考译文:经济衰退使得这个国家的失业率增加了。

2000第一段Governments throughout the world act on the assumption that the welfare of their people depends largely on the economic strength and wealth of the community.71) Under modern conditions, this requires varying measures of centralized control and hence the help of specialized scientists such as economists and operational research experts.72) Furthermore, it is obvious that the strength of a country’s economy is directly bound up with the efficiency of its agriculture and industry, and that this in turn rests upon the efforts of scientists and technologists of all kinds.It also means that governments are increasingly compelled to interfere in these sectors in order to step up production and ensure that it is utilized to the best advantage. For example, the may encourage research in various ways, including the setting up of their own research centers; they may alter the structure of education, or interfere in order to reduce the wastage of natural resources or tap resources hitherto unexploited; or they may cooperate directly in the growing number of international projects related to science, economics and industry. In any case, all such interventions are heavily dependent on scientific advice and also scientific and technological manpower of all kinds.第二段73)Owing to the remarkable development in mass-communications, people everywhere are feeling new wants and are being exposed to new customs and ideas, while governments are often forced to introduce still further innovations for the reasons given above.At the same time, the normal rate of social change throughout the world is taking place ata vastly accelerated speed compared with the past. For example,74) in the early industrialized countries of Europe the process of industrialization -- with all the far-reaching changes in social patterns that followed -- was spread over nearly a century, whereas nowadays a developing nation may undergo the same process in a decade or so.All this has the effect of building up unusual pressures and tensions within the community and consequently presents serious problems for the governments concerned.75) Additional social stresses may also occur because of the population explosion or problems arising from mass migration movements -- themselves made relatively easy nowadays by modern means of transport.As a result of all these factors, governments are becoming increasingly dependent on biologists and social scientists for planning the appropriate programs and putting them into effect.2000一、核心词汇注释act on*1.按……行动,奉行例:act on principles 根据原则办事2.对……起作用,影响例:The music acted stirringly on the emotions of the audience. 音乐使观众情绪激动。

2001 Passage 1Specialisation can be seen as a response to the problem of an increasing accumulation of scientific knowledge. By splitting up the subject matter into smaller units, one man could continue to handle the information and use it as the basis for further research. But specialisation was only one of a series of related developments in science affecting the process of communication. Another was the growing professionalisation of scientific activity.No clear-cut distinction can be drawn between professionals and amateurs in science: exceptions can be found to any rule. Nevertheless, the word "amateur" does carry a connotation that the person concerned is not fully integrate d into the scientific community and, in particular, may not fully share its values. The growth of specialisation in the nineteenth century, with its consequent requirement of a longer, more complex training, implied greater problems for amateur participation in science. The trend was naturally most obvious in those areas of science based especially on a mathematical or laboratory training, and can be illustrated in terms of the development of geology in the United Kingdom.A comparison of British geological publications over the last century and a half reveal s not simply an increasing emphasis on the primacy of research, but also a changing definition of what constitutes an acceptable research paper. Thus, in the nineteenth century, local geological studies represent ed worthwhile research in their own right; but, in the twentieth century, local studies have increasingly become acceptable to professionals only if they incorporate, and reflect on, the wider geological picture. Amateurs, on the other hand, have continued to pursue local studies in the old way. The overall result has been to make entrance to professional geological journals harder for amateurs, a result that has been reinforced by the widespread introduction of referee ing, first by national journals in the nineteenth century and then by several local geological journals in the twentieth century. As a logical consequence of this development, separate journals have now appeared aimed mainly towards either professional or amateur readership. A rather similar process of differentiation has led to professional geologists coming together nationally within one or two specific societies, where as the amateurs have tended either to remain in local societies or to come together nationally in a different way.Although the process of professionalisation and specialisation was already well under way in British geology during the nineteenth century, its full consequences were thus delay ed until the twentieth century. In science generally, however, the nineteenth century must be reckon ed as the crucial period for this change in the structure of science.专业化可被视为针对科学知识不断膨胀这个问题所做出的反应。

2000年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语试题Part ⅠClose TestDirections:For each numbered blank in the following passage, there are four choices marked [A], [B], [C] and [D].Choose the best one and mark your answer on ANSWER SHEET 1 by blackening the corresponding letter in the brackets with a pencil.(10 points)①If a farmer wishes to succeed, he must try to keep a wide gap between his consumption and his production.②He must store a large quantity of grain 1 consuming all his grain immediately.③He can continue to support himself and his family 2 he produces a surplus.④He must use this surplus in three ways: as seed for sowing, as an insurance 3 the unpredictable effects of bad weather and as a commodity which he must sell in order to 4 old agricultural implements and obtain chemical fertilizers to 5 the soil.⑤He may also need money to construct irrigation 6 and improve his farm in other ways.⑥If no surplus is available, a farmer cannot be 7 .⑦He must either sell some of his property or 8 extra funds in the form of loans.⑧Naturally he will try to borrow money at a low 9 of interest, but loans of this kind are not 10 obtainable.[139 words]1.[A] other than [B] as well as[C] instead of [D] more than2.[A] only if [B] much as[C] long before [D] ever since3.[A] for [B] against[C] of [D] towards4.[A] replace [B] purchase[C] supplement [D] dispose5.[A] enhance [B] mix[C] feed [D] raise6.[A] vessels [B] routes[C] paths [D] channels7.[A] self-confident [B] self-sufficient[C] self-satisfied [D]self-restrained8.[A] search [B] save[C] offer [D] seek9.[A] proportion [B] percentage[C] rate [D] ratio10.[A] genuinely [B] obviously[C] presumably [D] frequentlyPart ⅡReading ComprehensionDirections:Each of the passages below is followed by some questions.For each question there are four answers marked [A], [B], [C] and [D].Read the passages carefully and choose the best answer to each of the questions.Then mark your answer on ANSWER SHEET 1 by blackening the corresponding letter in the brackets with a pencil.(40 points)Passage 1①A history of long and effortless success can be a dreadful handicap, but, if properly handled, it may become a driving force.②When the United States entered just such a glowing period after the end of the Second World War, it had a market eight times larger than any competitor, giving its industries unparalleled economies of scale.③Its scientists were the world s best; its workers the most skilled.④(11)America and Americans were prosperous beyond the dreams of the Europeans and Asians whose economies the war had destroyed.①It was inevitable that this primacy should have narrowed as other countries grew richer.②Just as inevitably, the retreat from predominance proved painful.③By the mid-1980s Americans had found themselves at a loss over their fading industrial competitiveness.④Some huge American industries, such as consumer electronics, had shrunk or vanished in the face of foreign competition.⑤By 1987 there was only one American television maker left, Zenith.⑥(Now there is none: Zenith was bought by South Korea’s LG Electronics in July.) ⑦(12)Foreign-made cars and textiles were sweeping into the domestic market.America’s machine-tool industry was on the ropes.⑧For a while it looked as though the making of semiconductors, which America had invented and which sat at the heart of the new computer age, was going to be the next casualty.①All of this caused a crisis of confidence.②Americans stopped taking prosperity for granted.③They began to believe that their way of doing business was failing, and that their incomes would therefore shortly begin to fall as well.④The mid-1980s brought one inquiry after another into the causes of America’s industrial decline.⑤Their sometimes sensational findings were filled with warnings about the growing competition from overseas.①How things have changed! ②In 1995 the United States can look back on five years of solid growth while Japan has been struggling.③(14)Few Americans attribute this solely to such obvious causes as a devalued dollar or the turning of the business cycle.④Self-doubt has yielded to blind pride.⑤“American industry has changed its structure, has gone on a diet, has learnt to be more quick-witted,”according to Richard Cavanaugh, executive dean of Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government.⑥“It makes me proud to be an American just to see how our businesses are improving their productivity,”says Stephen Moore of the Cato Institute, a think-tank in Washington, DC.⑦And William Sahlman of the Harvard Business School believes that people will look back on this period as “a golden age of business management in the United States.”[429 words]11.The U.S.achieved its predominance after World War II because.[A]it had made painstaking efforts towards this goal[B]its domestic market was eight times larger than before[C]the war had destroyed the economies of most potential competitors [D]the unparalleled size of its workforce had given an impetus to its economy12.The loss of U.S.predominance in the world economy in the 1980s is manifested in the fact that the American.[A]TV industry had withdrawn to its domestic market[B]semiconductor industry had been taken over by foreign enterprises [C]machine-tool industry had collapsed after suicidal actions [D]auto industry had lost part of its domestic market13.What can be inferred from the passage?[A]It is human nature to shift between self-doubt and blind pride.[B]Intense competition may contribute to economic progress.[C] The revival of the economy depends on international cooperate [D]A long history of success may pave the way for further development.14.The author seems to believe the revival of the U.S.economy in the 1990s can be attributed to the.[A]turning of the business cycle[B] restructuring of industry[C] improved business management[D] success in educationPassage 2①(15)Being a man has always been dangerous.②There are about 105 males born for every 100 females, but this ratio drops to near balance at the age of maturity, and among 70-year-olds there are twice as many women as men.③But the great universal of male mortality is being changed.④Now, boy babies survive almost as well as girls do.⑤This means that, for the first time, there will be an excess of boys in those crucial years when they are searching for a mate.⑥More important, another chance for natural selection has been removed.⑦Fifty years ago, the chance of a baby (particularly a boy baby) surviving depended on its weight. A kilogram too light or too heavy meant almost certain death.⑧Today it makes almost no difference.Since much of the variation is due to genes, one more agent of evolution has gone.①There is another way to commit evolutionary suicide: stay alive, but have fewer children.②Few people are as fertile as in the past.③Except in some religious communities, very few women have 15 children.④Nowadays the number of births, like the age of death, has become average.⑤Most of us have roughly the same number of offspring.⑥(16)Again, differences between people and the opportunity for natural selection to take advantage of it have diminished.⑦India shows what is happening.The country offers wealth for a few in the great cities and poverty for the remaining tribal peoples.⑧The grand mediocrity of today—everyone being the same in survival and number of offspring—means that natural selection has lost 80% of its power in upper-middle-class India compared to the tribes.For us, this means that evolution is over; the biological Utopia has arrived.②Strangely, it has involved little physical change.③No other species fills so many places in nature.④But in the past 100, 000 years —even the past 100 years—our lives have been transformed but our bodies have not.⑤(17)We did not evolve, because machines and society did it for us.⑥Darwin had a phrase to describe those ignorant of evolution: they “look at an organic being as a savage looks at a ship, as at something wholly beyond his comprehension.”⑦No doubt we will remember a 20th century way of life beyond comprehension for its ugliness.But however amazed our descendants may be at how far from Utopia we were, they will look just like us.[406 words]15.What used to be the danger in being a man according to the first paragraph?[A] A lack of mates. [B] A fierce competition.[C] A lower survival rate. [D] A defective gene.16.What does the example of India illustrate?[A] Wealthy people tend to have fewer children than poor people.[B] Natural selection hardly works among the rich and the poor.[C] The middle class population is 80% smaller than that of the tribes.[D] India is one of the countries with a very high birth rate.17.The author argues that our bodies have stopped evolving because.[A] life has been improved by technological advance[B] the number of female babies has been declining[C] our species has reached the highest stage of evolution[D] the difference between wealth and poverty is disappearing18.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?[A] Sex Ratio Changes in Human Evolution.[B] Ways of Continuing Man’s Evolution.[C] The Evolutionary Future of Nature.[D] Human Evolution Going Nowhere.Passage 3①(20)When a new movement in art attains a certain fashion, it is advisable to find out what its advocates are aiming at, for, however farfetched and unreasonable their principles may seem today, it is possible that in years to come they may be regarded as normal.②With regard to Futurist poetry, however, the case is rather difficult, for whatever Futurist poetry may be—even admitting that the theory on which it is based may be right—it can hardly be classed as Literature.①This, in brief, is what the Futurist says: for a century, past conditions of life have been conditionally speeding up, till now we live in a world of noise and violence and speed.②Consequently, our feelings, thoughts and emotions have undergone a corresponding change.③(21)This speeding up of life, says the Futurist, requires a new form of expression.④We must speed up our literature too, if we want to interpret modern stress.⑤We must pour out a large stream of essential words, unhampered by stops, or qualifying adjectives, or finite verbs.⑥Instead of describing sounds we must make up words that imitate them; we must use many sizes of type and different colored inks on the same page, and shorten or lengthen words at will.①Certainly their descriptions of battles are confused.②But it isa little upsetting to read in the explanatory notes that a certain line describes a fight between a Turkish and a Bulgarian officer on a bridge off which they both fall into the river —and then to find that the line consists of the noise of their falling and the weights of the officers: “Pluff! Pluff! A hundred and eighty-five kilograms.”①(22)This, though it fulfills the laws and requirements of Futurist poetry, can hardly be classed as Literature.②All the same, no thinking man can refuse to accept their first proposition: that a great change in our emotional life calls for a change of expression.③The whole question is really this: have we essentially changed?[334 words]19.This passage is mainly.[A] a survey of new approaches to art[B] a review of Futurist poetry[C] about merits of the Futurist movement[D] about laws and requirements of literature20.When a novel literary idea appears, people should try to.[A] determine its purposes [B] ignore its flaws[C] follow the new fashions [D] accept the principles21.Futurists claim that we must.[A] increase the production of literature[B] use poetry to relieve modern stress[C] develop new modes of expression[D] avoid using adjectives and verbs22.The author believes that Futurist poetry is.[A] based on reasonable principles[B] new and acceptable to ordinary people[C] indicative of a basic change in human nature[D] more of a transient phenomenon than literaturePassage 4①(23)Aimlessness has hardly been typical of the postwar Japan whose productivity and social harmony are the envy of the United States and Europe.②But increasingly the Japanese are seeing a decline of the traditional work-moral values.③Ten years ago young people were hardworking and saw their jobs as their primary reason for being, but now Japan has largely fulfilled its economic needs, and young people don’t know where they should go next.①The coming of age of the postwar baby boom and an entry of women into the male-dominated job market have limited the opportunities of teen-agers who are already questioning the heavy personal sacrifices involved in climbing Japan’s rigid social ladder to good schools and jobs.②In a recent survey, it was found that only 24.5 percent of Japanese students were fully satisfied with school life, compared with 67.2 percent of students in the United States.③In addition, far more Japanese workers expressed dissatisfaction with their jobs than did their counterparts in the 10 other countries surveyed.①While often praised by foreigners for its emphasis on the basics, Japanese education tends to stress test taking and mechanical learning over creativity and self-expression.②(25)“Those things that do not show up in the test scores—personality, ability, courage or humanity—are completely ignored,” says Toshiki Kaifu, chairman of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party’s education committee.③“Frustration against this kind of thing leads kids to drop out and run wild.”④Last year Japan experienced 2, 125 incidents of school violence, including 929 assaults on teachers.⑤Amid the outcry, many conservative leaders are seeking a return to the prewar emphasis on moral education.⑥Last year MitsuoSetoyama, who was then education minister, raised eyebrows when he argued that liberal reforms introduced by the American occupation authorities after World War II had weakened the “Japanese morality of respect for parents.”①(26)But that may have more to do with Japanese life-styles.②“In Japan,” says educator Yoko Muro, “it’s never a question of whether you enjoy your job and your life, but only how much you can endure.”③With economic growth has come centralization; fully 76 percent of Japan’s 119 million citizens live in cities where community and the extended family have been abandoned in favor of isolated, two-generation households.④Urban Japanese have long endured lengthy commutes (travels to and from work) and crowded living conditions, but as the old group and family values weaken, the discomfort is beginning to tell.⑤In the past decade, the Japanese divorce rate, while still well below that of the United States, has increased by more than 50 percent, and suicides have increased by nearly one-quarter.[447 words]23.In the Westerners’ eyes, the postwar Japan was.[A] under aimless development [B] a positive example[C] a rival to the West [D] on the decline24.According to the author, what may chiefly be responsible for the moral decline of Japanese society?[A] Women’s participation in social activities is limited.[B] More workers are dissatisfied with their jobs.[C] Excessive emphasis has been placed on the basics.[D] The life-style has been influenced by Western values.25.Which of the following is true according to the author?[A] Japanese education is praised for helping the young climb the social ladder.[B] Japanese education is characterized by mechanical learning as well as creativity.[C] More stress should be placed on the cultivation of creativity.[D] Dropping out leads to frustration against test taking.26.The change in Japanese life-style is revealed in the fact that.[A] the young are less tolerant of discomforts in life[B] the divorce rate in Japan exceeds that in the U.S.[C] the Japanese endure more than ever before[D] the Japanese appreciate their present lifePassage 5①(27)If ambition is to be well regarded, the rewards of ambition —wealth, distinction, control over one’s destiny—must be deemed worthy of the sacrifices made on ambition’s behalf.②If the tradition of ambitionis to have vitality, it must be widely shared; and it especially must be highly regarded by people who are themselves admired, the educated not least among them.③(28)In an odd way, however, it is the educated who have claimed to have given up on ambition as an ideal.④What is odd is that they have perhaps most benefited from ambition—if not always their own then that of their parents and grandparents.⑤There is a heavy note of hypocrisy in this, a case of closing the barn door after the horses have escaped—with the educated themselves riding on them.①Certainly people do not seem less interested in success and its signs now than formerly.②Summer homes, European travel, BMWs—the locations, place names and name brands may change, but such items do not seem less in demand today than a decade or two years ago.③(29)What has happened is that people cannot confess fully to their dreams, as easily and openly as once they could, lest they be thought pushing, acquisitive and vulgar.④Instead, we are treated to fine hypocritical spectacles, which now more than ever seem in ample supply: the critic of American materialism with a Southampton summer home; the publisher of radical books who takes his meals in three-star restaurants; the journalist advocating participatory democracy in all phases of life, whose own children are enrolled in private schools.⑤For such people and many more perhaps not so exceptional, the proper formulation is, “Succeed at all costs but avoid appearing ambitious.”①The attacks on ambition are many and come from various angles; its public defenders are few and unimpressive, where they are not extremely unattractive.②As a result, the support for ambition as a healthy impulse, a quality to be admired and fixed in the mind of the young, is probably lower than it has ever been in the United States.③This does not mean that ambition is at an end, that people no longer feel its stirrings and promptings, but only that, no longer openly honored, it is less openly professed.④Consequences follow from this, of course, some of which are that ambition is driven underground, or made sly.⑤Such, then, is the way things stand: on the left angry critics, on the right stupid supporters, and in the middle, as usual, the majority of earnest people trying to get on in life.[431 words]27.It is generally believed that ambition may be well regarded if.[A] its returns well compensate for the sacrifices[B] it is rewarded with money, fame and power[C] its goals are spiritual rather than material[D] it is shared by the rich and the famous28.The last sentence of the first paragraph most probably implies that it is.[A] customary of the educated to discard ambition in words[B] too late to check ambition once it has been let out[C] dishonest to deny ambition after the fulfillment of the goal [D] impractical for the educated to enjoy benefits from ambition29.Some people do not openly admit they have ambition because.[A] they think of it as immoral[B] their pursuits are not fame or wealth[C] ambition is not closely related to material benefits[D] they do not want to appear greedy and contemptible30.From the last paragraph the conclusion can be drawn that ambition should be maintained.[A] secretly and vigorously [B]openly and enthusiastically[C] easily and momentarily [D] verbally and spirituallyPart ⅢEnglish-Chinese TranslationDirections:Read the following passage carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese.Your translation must be written neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.(15 points)Governments throughout the world act on the assumption that the welfare of their people depends largely on the economic strength and wealth of the community.31)Under modern conditions, this requires varying measures of centralized control and hence the help of specialized scientists such as economists and operational research experts.32)Furthermore, it is obvious that the strength of a country’s economy is directly bound up with the efficiency of its agriculture and industry, and that this in turn rests upon the efforts of scientists and technologists of all kinds.It also means that governments are increasingly compelled to interfere in these sectors in order to step up production and ensure that it is utilized to the best advantage.For example, they may encourage research in various ways, including the setting up of their own research centers; they may alter the structure of education, or interfere in order to reduce the wastage of natural resources or tap resources hitherto unexploited; or they may cooperate directly in the growing number of international projects related to science, economics and industry.In any case, all such interventions are heavily dependent on scientific advice and also scientific and technological manpower of all kinds.33)Owing to the remarkable development in mass-communications, people everywhere are feeling new wants and are being exposed to new customs and ideas, while governments are often forced to introduce still further innovations for the reasons given above.At the same time, the normal rate of social change throughout the world is taking place at a vastly accelerated speed compared with the past.For example, 34)in the early industrialized countries of Europe the process of industrialization—with all the far-reaching changes in social patterns that followed—was spread over nearly a century, whereas nowadays a developing nation may undergo the same process in a decade or so.All this has the effect of building up unusual pressures and tensions within the community and consequently presents serious problems for the governments concerned.35)Additional social stresses may also occur because of the population explosion or problems arising from mass migration movements—themselves made relatively easy nowadays by modern means of transport.As a result of all these factors, governments are becoming increasingly dependent on biologists and social scientists for planning the appropriate programs and putting them into effect.[390 words]Section ⅣWriting(15 points)36.Directions:A.Study the following two pictures carefully and write an essay of at least 150 words.B.Your essay must be written neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.C.Your essay should meet the requirements below:1)Describe the pictures.2)Deduce the purpose of the painter of the pictures.3)Suggest counter-measures.2000年英语试题答案Part ⅠCloze Test1.C2.A3.B4.A5.C6.D7.B8.D9.C 10.DPart ⅡReading ComprehensionPassage 111.C 12.D 13.B 14.APassage 215.C 16.B 17.A 18.DPassage 319.B 20.A 21.C 22.DPassage 423.B 24.D 25.C 26.APassage 527.A 28.C 29.D 30.BPart Ⅲ English-Chinese Translation31.在现代条件下, 这需要程度不同的集中控制措施, 从而就需要获得诸如经济学和运筹学等领域的专家的协助。

2000年全真试题Part ⅠClose TestDirections:For each numbered blank in the following passage, there are four choices marked [A], [B], [C]and [D]. Choose the best one and mark your answer on ANSWER SHEET 1 by blackening the corresponding letter in the brackets with a pencil. (10 points)①If a farmer wishes to succeed, he must try to keep a wide gap between his consumption and his production. ②He must store a large quantity of grain 1 consuming all his grain immediately. ③He can continue to support himself and his family 2 he produces a surplus.④He must use this surplus in three ways: as seed for sowing, as an insurance 3 the unpredictable effects of bad weather and as a commodity which he must sell in order to 4 old agricultural implements and obtain chemical fertilizers to 5 the soil. ⑤He may also need money to construct irrigation 6 and improve his farm in other ways. ⑥If no surplus is available, a farmer cannot be 7 . ⑦He must either sell some of his property or 8 extra funds in the form of loans. ⑧Naturally he will try to borrow money at a low 9 of interest, but loans of this kind are not 10 obtainable. [139 words]1.[A]other than [B]as well as [C]instead of [D]more than2.[A]only if [B]much as [C]long before [D]ever since3.[A]for [B]against [C]of [D]towards4.[A]replace [B]purchase [C]supplement [D]dispose5.[A]enhance [B]mix [C]feed [D]raise6.[A]vessels [B]routes [C]paths [D]channels7.[A]self-confident [B]self-sufficient[C]self-satisfied [D]self-restrained8.[A]search [B]save [C]offer [D]seek9.[A]proportion [B]percentage [C]rate [D]ratio10.[A]genuinely [B]obviously [C]presumably [D]frequentlyPart ⅡReading ComprehensionDirections:Each of the passages below is followed by some questions. For each question there are four answers marked [A], [B], [C]and [D]. Read the passages carefully and choose the best answer to each of the questions. Then mark your answer on ANSWER SHEET 1 by blackening the corresponding letter in the brackets with a pencil. (40 points)Passage 1①A history of long and effortless success can be a dreadful handicap, but, if properly handled, it may become a driving force. ②When the United States entered just such a glowingperiod after the end of the Second World War, it had a market eight times larger than any competitor, giving its industries unparalleled economies of scale. ③Its scientists were the world s best; its workers the most skilled. ④(11)America and Americans were prosperous beyond the dreams of the Europeans and Asians whose economies the war had destroyed.①It was inevitable that this primacy should have narrowed as other countries grew richer. ②Just as inevitably, the retreat from predominance proved painful. ③By the mid-1980s Americans had found themselves at a loss over their fading industrial competitiveness. ④Some huge American industries, such as consumer electronics, had shrunk or vanished in the face of foreign competition. ⑤By 1987 there was only one American television maker left, Zenith. ⑥(Now there is none: Zenith was bought by South Korea’s LG Electronics in July.) ⑦(12)Foreign-made cars and textiles were sweeping into the domestic market. America’s machine-tool industry was on the ropes. ⑧For a while it looked as though the making of semiconductors, which America had invented and which sat at the heart of the new computer age, was going to be the next casualty.①All of this caused a crisis of confidence. ②Americans stopped taking prosperity for granted. ③They began to believe that their way of doing business was failing, and that their incomes would therefore shortly begin to fall as well. ④The mid-1980s brought one inquiry after another into the causes of America’s industrial decline. ⑤Their sometimes sensational findings were filled with warnings about the growing competition from overseas.①How things have changed! ②In 1995 the United States can look back on five years of solid growth while Japan has been struggling. ③(14)Few Americans attribute this solely to such obvious causes as a devalued dollar or the turning of the business cycle. ④Self-doubt has yielded to blind pride. ⑤“American industry has changed its structure, has gone on a diet, has learnt to be more quick-witted,”according to Richard Cavanaugh, executive dean of Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government. ⑥“It makes me proud to be an American just to see how our businesses are improving their productivity,”says Stephen Moore of the Cato Institute, a think-tank in Washington, DC. ⑦And William Sahlman of the Harvard Business School believes that people will look back on this period as “a golden age of business management in the United States.”[429 words]11. The U.S. achieved its predominance after World War II because.[A]it had made painstaking efforts towards this goal[B]its domestic market was eight times larger than before[C]the war had destroyed the economies of most potential competitors[D]the unparalleled size of its workforce had given an impetus to its economy12. The loss of U.S. predominance in the world economy in the 1980s is manifested in the fact that the American.[A]TV industry had withdrawn to its domestic market[B]semiconductor industry had been taken over by foreign enterprises[C]machine-tool industry had collapsed after suicidal actions[D]auto industry had lost part of its domestic market13. What can be inferred from the passage?[A]It is human nature to shift between self-doubt and blind pride.[B]Intense competition may contribute to economic progress.[C]The revival of the economy depends on international cooperation.[D]A long history of success may pave the way for further development.14. The author seems to believe the revival of the U.S. economy in the 1990s can be attributed to the.[A]turning of the business cycle [B]restructuring of industry[C]improved business management [D]success in educationPassage 2①(15)Being a man has always been dangerous. ②There are about 105 males born for every 100 females, but this ratio drops to near balance at the age of maturity, and among 70-year-olds there are twice as many women as men. ③But the great universal of male mortality is being changed. ④Now, boy babies survive almost as well as girls do. ⑤This means that, for the first time, there will be an excess of boys in those crucial years when they are searching for a mate. ⑥More important, another chance for natural selection has been removed. ⑦Fifty years ago, the chance of a baby (particularly a boy baby) surviving depended on its weight. A kilogram too light or too heavy meant almost certain death. ⑧Today it makes almost no difference. Since much of the variation is due to genes, one more agent of evolution has gone.①There is another way to commit evolutionary suicide: stay alive, but have fewer children.②Few people are as fertile as in the past. ③Except in some religious communities, very few women have 15 children. ④Nowadays the number of births, like the age of death, has become average. ⑤Most of us have roughly the same number of offspring. ⑥(16)Again, differences between people and the opportunity for natural selection to take advantage of it have diminished.⑦India shows what is happening. The country offers wealth for a few in the great cities and poverty for the remaining tribal peoples. ⑧The grand mediocrity of today—everyone being the same in survival and number of offspring—means that natural selection has lost 80% of its power in upper-middle-class India compared to the tribes.For us, this means that evolution is over; the biological Utopia has arrived. ②Strangely, it has involved little physical change. ③No other species fills so many places in nature. ④But in the past 100, 000 years—even the past 100 years—our lives have been transformed but our bodies have not. ⑤(17)We did not evolve, because machines and society did it for us. ⑥Darwin had a phrase to describe those ignorant of evolution: they “look at an organic being as a savage looks at a ship, as at something wholly beyond his comprehension.”⑦No doubt we will remember a 20th century way of life beyond comprehension for its ugliness. But however amazed our descendants may be at how far from Utopia we were, they will look just like us.[406 words]15. What used to be the danger in being a man according to the first paragraph?[A]A lack of mates. [B]A fierce competition.[C]A lower survival rate. [D]A defective gene.16. What does the example of India illustrate?[A]Wealthy people tend to have fewer children than poor people.[B]Natural selection hardly works among the rich and the poor.[C]The middle class population is 80% smaller than that of the tribes.[D]India is one of the countries with a very high birth rate.17. The author argues that our bodies have stopped evolving because.[A]life has been improved by technological advance[B]the number of female babies has been declining[C]our species has reached the highest stage of evolution[D]the difference between wealth and poverty is disappearing18. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?[A]Sex Ratio Changes in Human Evolution.[B]Ways of Continuing Man’s Evolution.[C]The Evolutionary Future of Nature.[D]Human Evolution Going Nowhere.Passage 3①(20)When a new movement in art attains a certain fashion, it is advisable to find out what its advocates are aiming at, for, however farfetched and unreasonable their principles may seem today, it is possible that in years to come they may be regarded as normal. ②With regard to Futurist poetry, however, the case is rather difficult, for whatever Futurist poetry may be—even admitting that the theory on which it is based may be right—it can hardly be classed as Literature.①This, in brief, is what the Futurist says: for a century, past conditions of life have been conditionally speeding up, till now we live in a world of noise and violence and speed. ②Consequently, our feelings, thoughts and emotions have undergone a corresponding change. ③(21)This speeding up of life, says the Futurist, requires a new form of expression. ④We must speed up our literature too, if we want to interpret modern stress. ⑤We must pour out a large stream of essential words, unhampered by stops, or qualifying adjectives, or finite verbs. ⑥Instead of describing sounds we must make up words that imitate them; we must use many sizes of type and different colored inks on the same page, and shorten or lengthen words at will.①Certainly their descriptions of battles are confused. ②But it is a little upsetting to read in the explanatory notes that a certain line describes a fight between a Turkish and a Bulgarian officer on a bridge off which they both fall into the river —and then to find that the line consists of the noise of their falling and the weights of the officers: “Pluff! Pluff! A hundred and eighty-five kilograms.”①(22)This, though it fulfills the laws and requirements of Futurist poetry, can hardly be classed as Literature. ②All the same, no thinking man can refuse to accept their first proposition: that a great change in our emotional life calls for a change of expression. ③The whole question is really this: have we essentially changed?[334 words]19. This passage is mainly.[A] a survey of new approaches to art[B] a review of Futurist poetry[C]about merits of the Futurist movement[D]about laws and requirements of literature20. When a novel literary idea appears, people should try to.[A]determine its purposes [B]ignore its flaws[C]follow the new fashions [D]accept the principles21. Futurists claim that we must.[A]increase the production of literature[B]use poetry to relieve modern stress[C]develop new modes of expression[D]avoid using adjectives and verbs22. The author believes that Futurist poetry is.[A]based on reasonable principles[B]new and acceptable to ordinary people[C]indicative of a basic change in human nature[D]more of a transient phenomenon than literaturePassage 4①(23)Aimlessness has hardly been typical of the postwar Japan whose productivity and social harmony are the envy of the United States and Europe. ②But increasingly the Japanese are seeing a decline of the traditional work-moral values. ③Ten years ago young people were hardworking and saw their jobs as their primary reason for being, but now Japan has largely fulfilled its economic needs, and young people don’t know where they should go next.①The coming of age of the postwar baby boom and an entry of women into the male-dominated job market have limited the opportunities of teen-agers who are already questioning the heavy personal sacrifices involved in climbing Japan’s rigid social ladder to good schools and jobs. ②In a recent survey, it was found that only 24.5 percent of Japanese students were fully satisfied with school life, compared with 67.2 percent of students in the United States. ③In addition, far more Japanese workers expressed dissatisfaction with their jobs than did their counterparts in the 10 other countries surveyed.①While often praised by foreigners for its emphasis on the basics, Japanese education tends to stress test taking andmechanical learning over creativity and self-expression. ②(25)“Those things that do not show up in the test scores—personality, ability, courage or humanity—are completely ignored,”says Toshiki Kaifu, chairman of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party’s education committee. ③“Frustration against this kind of thing leads kids to drop out and run wild.”④Last year Japan experienced 2,125 incidents of school violence, including 929 assaults on teachers. ⑤Amid the outcry, many conservative leaders are seeking a return to the prewar emphasis on moral education. ⑥Last year Mitsuo Setoyama, who was then education minister, raised eyebrows when he argued that liberal reforms introduced by the American occupation authorities after World War II had weakened the “Japanese morality of respect for parents.”①(26)But that may have more to do with Japanese life-styles. ②“In Japan,”says educator Yoko Muro, “it’s never a question of whether you enjoy your job and your life, but only how much you can endure.”③With economic growth has come centralization; fully 76 percent of Japan’s 119 million citizens live in cities where community and the extended family have been abandoned in favor of isolated, two-generation households. ④Urban Japanese have longendured lengthy commutes (travels to and from work) and crowded living conditions, but as the old group and family values weaken, the discomfort is beginning to tell. ⑤In the past decade, the Japanese divorce rate, while still well below that of the United States, has increased by more than 50 percent, and suicides have increased by nearly one-quarter.[447 words]23. In the Westerners’ eyes, the postwar Japan was.[A]under aimless development [B] a positive example[C]a rival to the West [D]on the decline24. According to the author, what may chiefly be responsible for the moral decline of Japanese society?[A]Women’s participation in social activities is limited.[B]More workers are dissatisfied with their jobs.[C]Excessive emphasis has been placed on the basics.[D]The life-style has been influenced by Western values.25. Which of the following is true according to the author?[A]Japanese education is praised for helping the young climb the social ladder.[B]Japanese education is characterized by mechanicallearning as well as creativity.[C]More stress should be placed on the cultivation of creativity.[D]Dropping out leads to frustration against test taking.26. The change in Japanese life-style is revealed in the fact that.[A]the young are less tolerant of discomforts in life[B]the divorce rate in Japan exceeds that in the U.S.[C]the Japanese endure more than ever before[D]the Japanese appreciate their present lifePassage 5①(27)If ambition is to be well regarded, the rewards of ambition—wealth, distinction, control over one’s destiny—must be deemed worthy of the sacrifices made on ambition’s behalf. ②If the tradition of ambition is to have vitality, it must be widely shared; and it especially must be highly regarded by people who are themselves admired, the educated not least among them. ③(28)In an odd way, however, it is the educated who have claimed to have given up on ambition as an ideal. ④What is odd is that they have perhaps most benefited from ambition—if not always their own then that of their parents and grandparents. ⑤There is a heavy note of hypocrisy in this, a case of closing the barn door after the horses have escaped—with the educated themselves riding on them.①Certainly people do not seem less interested in success and its signs now than formerly. ②Summer homes, European travel, BMWs—the locations, place names and name brands may change, but such items do not seem less in demand today than a decade or two years ago.③(29)What has happened is that people cannot confess fully to their dreams, as easily and openly as once they could, lest they be thought pushing, acquisitive and vulgar. ④Instead, we are treated to fine hypocritical spectacles, which now more than ever seem in ample supply: the critic of American materialism with a Southampton summer home; the publisher of radical books who takes his meals in three-star restaurants; the journalist advocating participatory democracy in all phases of life, whose own children are enrolled in private schools. ⑤For such people and many more perhaps not so exceptional, the proper formulation is, “Succeed at all costs but avoid appearing ambitious.”①The attacks on ambition are many and come from various angles; its public defenders are few and unimpressive, where they are not extremely unattractive. ②As a result, the support for ambition as a healthy impulse, a quality to be admired and fixed in the mind of the young, is probably lower than it has ever been in the United States. ③This does not mean that ambition is at an end, that people no longer feel its stirrings and promptings, but only that, no longer openly honored, it is less openly professed. ④Consequences follow from this, of course, some of which are that ambition is driven underground, or made sly. ⑤Such, then, is the way things stand: on the left angry critics, on the right stupid supporters, and in the middle, as usual, the majority of earnest people trying to get on in life. [431 words]27. It is generally believed that ambition may be well regarded if.[A]its returns well compensate for the sacrifices[B]it is rewarded with money, fame and power[C]its goals are spiritual rather than material[D]it is shared by the rich and the famous28. The last sentence of the first paragraph most probably implies that it is.[A]customary of the educated to discard ambition in words[B]too late to check ambition once it has been let out[C]dishonest to deny ambition after the fulfillment of the goal[D]impractical for the educated to enjoy benefits from ambition29. Some people do not openly admit they have ambition because.[A]they think of it as immoral[B]their pursuits are not fame or wealth[C]ambition is not closely related to material benefits[D]they do not want to appear greedy and contemptible30. From the last paragraph the conclusion can be drawn that ambition should be maintained.[A]secretly and vigorously [B]openly and enthusiastically[C]easily and momentarily [D]verbally and spirituallyPart ⅢEnglish-Chinese TranslationDirections:Read the following passage carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation must be written neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (15 points)Governments throughout the world act on the assumption that the welfare of their people depends largely on the economic strength and wealth of the community. 31)Under modern conditions, this requires varying measures of centralized control and hence the help of specialized scientists such as economists and operational research experts. 32)Furthermore, it is obvious that the strength of a country’s economy is directly bound up with the efficiency of its agriculture and industry, and that this in turn rests upon the efforts of scientists and technologists of all kinds. It also means that governments are increasingly compelled to interfere in these sectors in order to step up production and ensure that it is utilized to the best advantage. For example, they may encourage research in various ways, including the setting up of their own research centers; they may alter the structure of education, or interfere in order to reduce the wastage of natural resources or tap resources hitherto unexploited; or they may cooperate directly in the growing number of international projects related to science, economics and industry. In any case, all such interventions are heavily dependent on scientific advice and also scientific and technological manpower of all kinds.33)Owing to the remarkable development in mass-communications, people everywhere are feeling new wants and are being exposed to new customs and ideas, while governments are often forced to introduce still further innovations for the reasons given above. At the same time, the normal rate of social change throughout the world is taking place at a vastly accelerated speed compared with the past. For example, 34)in the early industrialized countries of Europe the process of industrialization—with all the far-reaching changes in social patterns that followed—was spread over nearly a century, whereas nowadays a developing nation may undergo the same process in a decade or so. All this has the effect of building up unusual pressures andtensions within the community and consequently presents serious problems for the governments concerned. 35)Additional social stresses may also occur because of the population explosion or problems arising from mass migration movements—themselves made relatively easy nowadays by modern means of transport. As a result of all these factors, governments are becoming increasingly dependent on biologists and social scientists for planning the appropriate programs and putting them into effect. [390 words]Section ⅣWriting(15 points)36.Directions:A. Study the following two pictures carefully and write an essay of at least 150 words.B. Your essay must be written neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.C. Your essay should meet the requirements below:1)Describe the pictures.2)Deduce the purpose of the painter of the pictures.3)Suggest counter-measures.2000年英语试题答案Part ⅠCloze Test1. C2. A3. B4. A5. C6. D7. B8.D9. C 10. DPart ⅡReading ComprehensionPassage 111. C 12. D 13.B 14. APassage 215.C 16.B 17.A 18.DPassage 319.B 20.A 21.C 22.DPassage 423.B 24.D 25.C 26.APassage 527.A 28.C 29.D 30.BPart ⅢEnglish-Chinese Translation31.在现代条件下,这需要程度不同的集中控制措施,从而就需要获得诸如经济学和运筹学等领域的专家的协助。

2000年考研英语阅读理解部分翻译真题译文+题目翻译但为君故但为君故 整理组Text 1长期的、不费力气的成功史可能成为一种可怕的障碍,但是如果处理得当,它也可能成为一种动力。

Passage 1
Specialisa on can be seen as a response to the problem of an increasing accumula on of scien fic knowledge. By spli ng up the subject ma er into smaller units ,one man could con nue to handle the informa on and use it atsh e basis for further esearch. But specialisa on was onloyne of a series orfe lated
9 of the le er came two dsa ya er Lord Irvine caused a 10 of media protest when he said the 11 of privacy controls contained in European legisla on would be le to judg1e2s to Parliament.
15.[A]authorized [B]credited
[C]en tled [C]from
[C]inference [C]said
[D]qualified [D]by
[B]Publica on [C]Prin ng
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2000第一段Governments throughout the world act on the assumption that the welfare of their people depends largely on the economic strength and wealth of the community.71) Under modern conditions, this requires varying measures of centralized control and hence the help of specialized scientists such as economists and operational research experts.72) Furthermore, it is obvious that the strength of a country’s economy is directly bound up with the efficiency of its agriculture and industry, and that this in turn rests upon the efforts of scientists and technologists of all kinds.It also means that governments are increasingly compelled to interfere in these sectors in order to step up production and ensure that it is utilized to the best advantage. For example, the may encourage research in various ways, including the setting up of their own research centers; they may alter the structure of education, or interfere in order to reduce the wastage of natural resources or tap resources hitherto unexploited; or they may cooperate directly in the growing number of international projects related to science, economics and industry. In any case, all such interventions are heavily dependent on scientific advice and also scientific and technological manpower of all kinds.第二段73)Owing to the remarkable development in mass-communications, people everywhere are feeling new wants and are being exposed to new customs and ideas, while governments are often forced to introduce still further innovations for the reasons given above.At the same time, the normal rate of social change throughout the world is taking place ata vastly accelerated speed compared with the past. For example,74) in the early industrialized countries of Europe the process of industrialization -- with all the far-reaching changes in social patterns that followed -- was spread over nearly a century, whereas nowadays a developing nation may undergo the same process in a decade or so.All this has the effect of building up unusual pressures and tensions within the community and consequently presents serious problems for the governments concerned.75) Additional social stresses may also occur because of the population explosion or problems arising from mass migration movements -- themselves made relatively easy nowadays by modern means of transport.As a result of all these factors, governments are becoming increasingly dependent on biologists and social scientists for planning the appropriate programs and putting them into effect.2000一、核心词汇注释act on*1.按……行动,奉行例:act on principles 根据原则办事2.对……起作用,影响例:The music acted stirringly on the emotions of the audience. 音乐使观众情绪激动。
build up1.吹捧,赞扬,宣传例:You have to build kids up—make them feel important. 你必须表扬孩子——让他们觉得自己重要。
2.使(某人)逐步恢复体力(尤指病后)例:Build your mother up with nourishing food. 让你母亲吃点营养食品好逐步恢复体力。
*3.(使)增加,(使)增强,(使)扩大例:build up one’s confidence/huge stockpiles of arms 增强信心/大量增加武器贮备compelvt.*1.强迫,迫使某人做某事例:reports that children were compelled to participate in bizarre rituals 关于孩子们被迫参加古怪仪式的报道2.激起,使产生(某种感情、态度)例:His courage compels universal admiration. 他的勇气不禁令人肃然起敬。
raten. [C]*1.速度,速率例:Children learn at different rates.儿童学东西有快有慢。
2.the number of times sth happens or the number of examples of sth within a certain period比率,率,数量例:birth/unemployment/crime rate出生/失业/离婚率(人数)3.费用,价格例:The sports centre has reduced rates for students. 运动中心对学生实行优惠。
vt. 1.对……作评估,评价例:She is generally rated as one of the best modern poet.她被公认为最杰出的现代诗人之一。
2.值得,应得:They rate a big thankyou for all their hard work.他们的辛勤工作值得好好感谢。
3.给(影片)定级vi. 被认为,被评价为(后跟介词as)例:Becker rates as one of the finest players of his generation.贝克尔被认为是他那一代人当中最优秀的运动员之一。
step sth up*1.使增加,使上升,使加快例:step up one’s pace/their social position 加快步伐/提高他们的社会地位2.晋升,获得提升例:You are going to be stepped up to manager. 你将被提升为经理。
unexploiteda.未被利用的,未经开发的;exploit v.剥削,榨取;利用,开发,开采wastagen.耗费(量),损耗(量),(尤指)浪费;waste v.浪费,滥用;(疾病)使消瘦、虚弱n.浪费;废料,废弃物a.废弃的,无用的;盛装或运送废物的二、文章结构分析本文从两个方面论述了现代政府在实施职能方面越来越依靠各个科学领域中的专家人才。
具体而言,该部分主要考查了以下几点:逻辑词的翻译来体现句子内部逻辑;it is obvious that结构;被动语态、时态的翻译;多个因果分句的译法;带破折号的句子的译法;状语从句的译法。
三、试题具体解析(31)Under modern conditions, this requires varying measures of centralized control and hence the help of specialized scientists such as economists and operational research experts.本题考核的知识点是:逻辑词的翻译。