
2022—2023年复旦附中高一上开学考一、填空题(第1—6题每题4分,第7—12题每题5分.满分54分)1. 3x =-成立的x 的取值范围是________. 【答案】(],3-∞ 【解析】3x -,再根据绝对值的意义即可得答案. 【详解】解:因为()22693x x x -+=-,3x =-因3x =-所以33x x -=-, 所以30x -≤,即3x ≤故满足条件的x 的取值范围是(],3-∞ 故答案为:(],3-∞【点睛】本题考查根据根式化简结果求参数范围,是基础题. 2. 若{}223,5,,3x x x -∈+,则实数x =______. 【答案】1- 【解析】【分析】讨论2x =-或232x x +=-,解出x 的值,由集合的互异性即可得出答案. 【详解】当x =-2时,232x x +=-,与互异性矛盾. 当232x x +=-时,解得x =-1或x 或-2(舍去). 当x =-1时符合题意, 故答案为:1-.3. 设集合{}12A x x =≤≤,{}B x x a =≥,若A B ⊆,则实数a 的取值范围__________. 【答案】{}1a a ≤ 【解析】【分析】在数轴上表示出两个集合,然后根据集合的包含关系得出a 的取值范围.【详解】{}12A x x =≤≤,{}B x x a =≥,又A B ⊆,在数轴上表示可得:由图可知,1a ≤.故答案为:{}1a a ≤.【点睛】本题主要考查由集合的包含关系求参数的范围,考查逻辑思维能力和数形结合思想,属于基础题. 4. 若对任意的x ,均有22(7)499x a x bx -=-+(a 、b 为常数),则a b +=________. 【答案】45± 【解析】【分析】先化简方程,再根据等式恒成立列等量关系,解得a 、b ,即得结果. 【详解】222(7)499(14)90x a x bx a b x a -=-+∴-+-=因为对任意的x ,2(14)90a b x a -+-=恒成立,所以23140,9042a a b a b =⎧-=-=∴⎨=⎩或34542a a b b =-⎧∴+=±⎨=-⎩故答案为:45±【点睛】本题考查方程恒成立问题,考查基本分析求解能力,属基础题. 5. 一组数据3,6,8,x 的中位数是x ,且x 是满足不等式组3050x x -≥⎧⎨-<⎩的整数,则这组数据的平均数是______. 【答案】5.75 【解析】【分析】由平均数和中位数的定义即可得出答案.【详解】解不等式组3050x x -≥⎧⎨-<⎩得5x >,因为x 是整数,数据3,6,8,x 的中位数是x ,所以6x =. 这组数据的平均数是()13668 5.754+++=. 故答案为:5.75.6. 已知M 、N 两点关于y 轴对称,且点M 在双曲线12y x=上,点N 在直线3y x 上,设点M 的对称点坐标为(),a b ,则二次函数()2y abx a b x =-++的最小值为______.【答案】 3.5- 【解析】【分析】用待定系数法求出二次函数的解析式,利用二次函数的性质求出最值即可.【详解】因为M 、N 两点关于y 轴对称,点N 的坐标为(),a b ,所以M 点的坐标为(),a b -, 又点M 在反比例函数12y x=的图象上,点N 在—次函数3y x 的图象上,所以213ab b a -=⎧⎨=+⎩,整理得123ab a b ⎧=-⎪⎨⎪-=-⎩,所以2()9a b -=,即228a b +=,所以a b +===,故二次函数()2y abx a b x =-++=212x ,二次项系数为102>,故函数有最小值,最小值为23.5142y -==-⨯. 故答案为: 3.5-7. 设2121x a a x x ⎛⎫=≠ ⎪++⎝⎭,则用含a 的最简分式形式表示代数式2421xx x ++的值为______.【答案】212a a- 【解析】【分析】已知式取倒数后求得1x x +,待求式变形为关于1x x+的式子,代入后化简可得. 【详解】由2121x a a x x ⎛⎫=≠ ⎪++⎝⎭得211x x x a++=,所以111x x a +=-.所以222242221111112111111x a x x a x x x x a ====++-⎛⎫⎛⎫+++--- ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭.故答案为:212a a-.8. 小明想测量一棵树的高度,他发现谁的影子恰好落在地面和一斜坡上(如图1),此时测得地面上的影长为8米,坡面上的影长为4米,已知斜坡的坡角为30°,同一时刻,一根长为1米、垂直于地面放置的标杆在地面上的影长为2米(如图2),则树的高度为________.【答案】()63+米【解析】【分析】延长AC 交BF 延长线于D 点,则BD 即为AB 的影长,然后根据物长和影长的比值计算即可. 【详解】延长AC 交BF 延长线于D 点, 则∠CFE =30°,作CE ⊥BD 于E , 在Rt CFE 中,∠CFE =30°, CF =4m ,所以CE =2 (米),EF =4cos30°=(米), 在Rt CED 中,同一时刻,一根长为1米、垂直于地面放置的标杆在地面上的影长为2米,2CE =米,CE :DE =1:2, DE =4 (米),BD = BF +EF + ED =12+(米),在Rt ABD 中,(1112622AB BD ==+=)(米) .故答案为: 米.【点睛】本题考查了解直角三角形的应用以及相似三角形的性质.解决本题的关键是作出辅助线得到AB 的影长. 9. 如图,四边形ABCD 是菱形,60A ∠=︒,2AB =,扇形BEF 的半径为2,圆心角为60︒,则图中阴影部分的面积是________.【答案】23π【解析】【分析】先求扇形BEF 的面积,再求扇形BEF 在四边形ABCD 内面积,最后相减得结果. 【详解】扇形BEF 的面积为2122233ππ⨯⨯=,连接BD ,设,BE AD N BF CD M ==,,33NDB MCB DBN MBD CBM BD BD ππ∠=∠=∠=-∠=∠=因此DBN CBM ≅即扇形BEF 在四边形ABCD 内面积等于BCD △22=因此图中阴影部分的面积是23π故答案为:23π【点睛】本题考查扇形面积公式,考查基本分析求解能力,属基础题.10. 如图,矩形纸片ABCD ,长9cm AD =,宽3cm AB =,将其折叠,使点D 与点B 重合,那么折叠后DE 的长为______.【答案】5cm 【解析】【分析】设DE 长为x cm ,利用矩形性质、勾股定理列方程求x 值即可. 【详解】设DE 长为x cm ,则9)c (m AE x =-,BE =x cm , 因为四边形ABCD 是矩形,所以∠A =90°,由勾股定理得222AE AB BE +=,即()22293x x -+=,解得x =5,即DE 长为5cm . 故答案为:5cm11. 一个三角形的边长分別为a 、a 、b ,另一个三角形的边长分別为b 、b 、a ,其中a b >,若两个三角形的最小内角相等,ab的值等于______.【解析】 【分析】ABC 中,AB BC a ==,AC b =,在DEF 中,DE DF b ==,EF a =,B E ∠=∠.过点A 作AH BC ⊥于点H ,过D 作DT EF ⊥于点T .设BH x =,利用勾股定理求得x ,然后在两个直角三角形中由cos cos B E =建立,a b 的关系求得a b. 【详解】如图,ABC 中,AB BC a ==,AC b =,在DEF 中,DE DF b ==,EF a =,B E ∠=∠.过点A 作AH BC ⊥于点H ,过D 作DT EF ⊥于点T .设BH x =.因为22222AH AB BH AC CH =-=-,所以2222()a x b a x -=--,所以2222a b x a-=,因为∠B =∠E ,所以cos cos B E =,所以BH ET AB DF =,因为DE DF =,DT EF ⊥,所以12ET TF a ==,所以2222212a a b a ba +-=,解得a b =.. 12. 从1、2、3、、22这22个正整数中取出n 个正整数,要求满足:任何两个正整数的差的绝对值都不等于4或7,那么n 的最大值为______. 【答案】10 【解析】【分析】分析可知在任意相邻的11个正整数中,要想选出符合条件的,可求出满组条件的数的最大个数,结合周期性可得解.【详解】根据4和7互素可知,取k 、1k +、2k +、、()10Nk k *+∈这11个整数,按照k 、4k +、8k +、1k +、5k +、9k +、2k +、6k +、10k +、3k +、7k +排成一圈, 这样能确保任意相邻两个数的差的绝对值为4或7,所以,在任意相邻的11个正整数中,要想选出符合条件的,最多能选出5个数, 因此,5210n =⨯=.而且满足条件的一组数可以是:1、3、4、6、9、12、14、15、17、20, 故答案为:10.【点睛】关键点点睛:解本题的关键在于找出连续的111整数中所满足条件的最多的整数的个数,结合周期性求解.二、选择题(本大题共4题,满分20分)13. 已知集合{}N 15A x x =∈-<<,{}0,1,2,3,4,5B =,则A 、B 间的关系为( ) A. A B = B. B A ⊆C. A B ∈D. A B ⊆【答案】D 【解析】【分析】求出集合A ,即可得出结论.【详解】因为{}{}N 150,1,2,3,4A x x =∈-<<=,故A B ⊆. 故选:D.14. 已知R x ∈,使代数式x +的值为有理数的x 的集合是( )A. RB. QC. Q 的集合D. 使Q x 的集合 【答案】B 【解析】【分析】根据分母有理化化简后的结果判断可得.详解】2x x x ==Q ∈,则Q x ∈,故选:B .15. 设a 、b 、c 是实数,2π23x a b =-+,2π26y b c =-+,2π22z c a =-+,则x 、y 、z 中至少有一个值( ) A. 大于0 B. 等于0 C. 不大于0 D. 小于0【答案】A 【解析】【分析】由已知可得x y z ++222(1)(1)(1)π30a b c =-+-+-+->,假设0x ≤、0y ≤、0z ≤推出矛盾结论,即可得答案. 【详解】由222πππ222362x y z a b b c c a ++=-++-++-+222(1)(1)(1)π30a b c =-+-+-+-> 假设x 、y 、z 都不大于0,即0x ≤,0y ≤,0z ≤,则0x y z ++≤,显然出现矛盾. 所以假设不成立,即原命题的结论x 、y 、z 中至少有一个大于0. 故选:A16. 如图,扇形OAB 的半径6OA =,圆心角AOB 90∠=,C 是弧AB 上不同于A 、B 的动点,过点C 作CD OA ⊥于点D ,作CE OB ⊥于点E ,连接DE ,点N 在线段DE 上,且23EN DE =,设EC 的长为x ,CEN 的面积为y ,下面表示y 与x 的函数关系式的图象可能是( )A. B.C. D.【答案】A 【解析】【分析】计算得出y 与x 的函数关系式,由此可得出y 与x 的函数图象.【详解】连接OC ,则6DE OC ==,OD EC x ==,CD OE ∴==,2213323CDE x y S CE CD ==⨯⨯⋅===△, 则y 关于x 的函数不是一次函数,令2t x =,则y =内层函数2t x =在区间()0,6上单调递增,外层函数y =()0,18上单调递增,在区间()18,36上单调递减,当018t <<时,即2018x <<,0x,可得0x <<当1836t <<时,即21836x <<,0x,可得6x <<.所以,函数y =(上单调递增,在区间()上单调递减, 故符合条件的图象为选项A 中的图象. 故选:A.【点睛】本题考查函数图象的判断,结合题意建立函数解析式是解题的关键,考查分析问题和解决问题的能力,属于中等题.三、解答题(本大题共有5题、满分76分)17. 解方程:125x x -=-.【答案】x =【解析】【分析】方程变形为2125716x x x x --+=-+,然后按绝对值的定义分类讨论,去掉绝对值后平方求解.【详解】由2171625x x x x ---+=-得2125716x x x x --+=-+,当1≥x 时,24716x x x -+=-+,所以22816716x x x x -+=-+,所以0x =(舍去); 当1x <时,263716x x x -=-+,所以2293636716x x x x -+=-+,所以2829200x x -+=,又1x <,所以2920116x -=.18. 已知{}2,,2,4,59∈=-+a x R A x x ,{}23,B x ax a =++,{}2(1)3,1C x a x =++-.求: (1)使2B ∈,BA 的 ,a x 的值;(2)使B C =的 ,a x 的值. 【答案】(1)2x =,23a =-或=3x ,74=-a ;(2)1x =-,6=-a 或=3x ,2a =- 【解析】【分析】(1)由元素与集合的关系和集合与集合的关系可得,22++=x ax a ,259=3-+x x ,联立方程即可得出结果.(2)根据集合相等,集合中的元素相同,可得221(1)33x ax a x a x ⎧++=⎨++-=⎩,解方程即可得出结果 。
上海复旦大学第二附属中学 高一英语测试题含解析

上海复旦大学第二附属中学高一英语测试题含解析一、选择题1. ---“If you want a necklace, I’ll buy one for you at once.”---“Oh, no. A necklace is not _____ that I need most.A. anythingB. somethingC. nothingD. everything参考答案:B略2. The American experts went on a long train _____ across China.A. journalB. journeyC. voyageD. transport参考答案:B3. What great trouble we had ___________ where his house was.A. in findingB. to findC. findD. found.参考答案:A4. , in order to save her sick child, the great mother kept waiting for four hours in the heavy snow.A. It dependsB. Take it easyC. Believe it or notD. It is OK.参考答案:C5. The bad weather _____ our difficulties.A. added toB. was added toC. added upD. added up to参考答案:A6. Seeing their team beat Netherlands 1∶0 during extra-time in 2010 World Cup Final, the whole Spain was unable to keep _______.A. quietB. silentC. calmD. still参考答案:C7. Before agriculture ________, people made their living by hunting wild animals and their life was _______ of nature.A. came into being; at the mercyB. was born; in the mercyC. began to exist; in dangerD. appeared; with the mercy参考答案:A略8. The price of the shoes ________than before. I can't afford two pairs.A. is more expensiveB. is much higherC. are much cheaperD. are much lower参考答案:B试题分析:句意:鞋的价格有点高,我买不起两双。

单项选择—I have to leave now.—Must you? I ________ you could stay and have dinner with us.A.thinkB.thoughtC.have thoughtD.am thinking【答案】B【解析】考查动词时态。
单项选择He then shut himself up in the room, ________ nobody come near him, and got ready to work alone.A.lettingB.to letC.letD.being let【答案】C考查简单句和时态。
单项选择When Mohammed, a friend of mine from the Middle East, first went to the United Kingdom to attend the university, he ______ with women in the same class before.A.had never studiedB.would never studyC.has never studiedD.did not study【答案】A【解析】考查动词时态。

复旦大学附属中学2021学年第一学期高一年级英语期末考试试卷(考试时间:120分钟满分:150分)I. Listening Comprehension (1*20=20分)Section ADirections: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four.2. A. 4:35. B. 1:55. C. 6:30. D. 4:20.3. A. At a beach. B. In a jungle. C. In a zoo. D. In a library.4. A. In a book store. B. In a stationery store. C. In a food store. D. In a flower store.5. A. Clear her house while she is away. B. Buy some plants and take care of them.C. Water her plants while she is away.D. Water her plants while he is not at work.6. A. She likes eating vegetables.B. She hopes the man will eat more vegetables.C. She thinks the man needs some help.D. She considers physical exercise useless to the man’s health.7. A. The woman got lost.B. The man was telling something about the woman’s dog.C. The woman was worried about her missing dog.D. The man left home 3 days ago.8. A. He thinks they are cruel and fierce.B. He likes them.C. He thinks they are as powerful as a king.D. He thinks they are always making a living.9. A. He hates flowers. B. He is allergic to lilies.C. He doesn’t think they look pure and pleasant.D. He has some other favourite flowers.10. A. It’s more interesting than staying at home.B. It’s not a place worth visiting together.C. It may waste too much time to visit the Botanical Garden.D. There is absolutely no attraction at the Botanical Garden.Section BDirections: In Section B, you will hear two short passages and one longer conversation, and you will be asked several questions on each of the passages and the conversation. The passages and the conversation will be read twice, but thequestions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.11. A. A basket. B. An egg. C. A cup. D. A pear.12. A. To let in the sunshine. B. To serve as its door.C. To keep the nest cool.D. For the bird to lay eggs.13. A. Some are built underground. B. Some can be eaten.C. Most are sewed with grasses.D. Most are dried by the sun.Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.14. A. Education of children. B. Saving rare animals.C. Recreating an environment.D. Making a profit.15. A. They think animals in zoos make visitors stressful.B. They think animals in zoos must live their lives in cages.C. They think animals in zoos can feel bored and sad.D. They think animals in zoos are in danger of extinction.16. A. They are still useful and necessary.B. They have more disadvantages than advantages.C. They are a perfect environment for animals.D. They are recreational places for animals.Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.17. A. Ways to improve test results. B. Places to go if given holidays.C. Different cultures in the world.D. Language spoken in various countries.18. A. It has a big city named Mumbai. B. It is located in South Pacific.C. Its language is Spanish.D. Its capital is Perth.19. A. He is weak at geography but has got a satisfactory grade.B. He didn’t think it was unusual for him to get such results.C. He knew who believed he was actually good at geography.D. He didn’t expect that his classmates would doubt his results.20. A. She is good at maths.B. She looked down on the man for his poor geography.C. The grade she got in geography lived up to her expectation.D. She is going to travel together with her friends in the coming winter holiday.II. Grammar and Vocabulary (1*50=50分)Section ADirections: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D, choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.21. Alfred Nobel’s famous will, he left money to provide prizes for outstanding work in physics, chemistry, etc., is a memorial to his interest.A. in thatB. whenC. whichD. in which22. Who doesn’t hate him knows how cruel he is?A. whomB. whoC. thatD. as23. When people talk about the cities of the U.S., the first comes into mind is New York.A. oneB. thatC. whichD. of them24. We are committed to creating a world, free from the homeless and the hopeless, a world, every corner isa true paradise.A. from whereB. of whichC. thatD. which25. Adults, overly concerned with fame and fortune, sometimes fail to see the joy in simple things children do not.A. unless … butB. although … andC. when … whereD. even if … unless26. prices which make owning and running many electric vehicles as cheap as fossilfuel alternatives, and a new path will be .A. Set … openedB. Setting … openedC. To set … openingD. To setting … opening27. LinaBell, the Disney's new pink fox character recently to Duffy & Friends toyline at Shanghai Disneyland, has gone viral among Chinese consumers, with netizens its meet-and-greets videos in Disney resort.A. was introduced … spreadB. introduced … spreadingC. having been introduced … spreadingD. introducing … to spread28. from errors and what went wrong in the previous research studies will go a long way to for excellence.A. Learning … someone strivingB. To learn … being strivenC. To learn … someone being strivenD. Learning … strive29. The traffic rule says young children under the age of four and less than 40 pounds must be in a child safety seat.A. to weighB. having been weighedC. weighingD. weighed30. We a powerful sense of loss when finding some species are extinct, never .A. can’t help but feel … to returnB. can’t help feel … to returnC. can’t help feeling … to be returnedD. can’t help to feel … returning31. The beautiful and charming song has been heard many times today.A. to broadcastB. being broadcastC. broadcastingD. broadcast32. Attracted by the advertisement, many people have high expectations of the musical Cats next month.A. put onB. having been put onC. to put onD. to be put on33. about three meters in height, Bigfoot, the gigantic ape-like creature, started to cause public panic afterby camera.A. Measured … being capturedB. Being measured … it is capturedC. Measuring … being capturedD. Having measured … captured34. When painted and furnished with furniture, .A. we found a great new restaurant near the flatB. you will feel more comfortable living in the houseC. the house will be used for a nurseryD. we can sell the apartment for much more money35. Motorists to the radio or their familiar tunes on CDs may have a new way to entertain themselves, after engineers in Japan developed a musical road surface.A. used to listeningB. used to listenC. who used to listeningD. who are used to listen36. In the whirling snow, the soldier stood steadily in front of the gate, .A. a gun being in whose handB. gun in handC. a gun was in his handD. with gun in his hand37. The children went home from the grammar school, their lessons for the day.A. finishedB. were finishedC. had been finishedD. to have been finished38. in the scandal, according to a recent report, is believed the prime reason for the young senator to give up his political career.A. Involved … to have beenB. Being involved … to beC. Involving … to beD. To be involved … to have been39. She headed towards the balcony, the curtain, and opened the window to let the sunshine come through the windows.A. drawing … streamingB. drawn … to be streamingC. drew … streamingD. having drawn … to be streaming40. to go out alone, the retired president had to go for a walk with several bodyguards him.A. Having warned not … followedB. Not being warned … accompaniedC. Not warned … to followD. Warned not … accompanying41. Researchers who have been working on non-avian dinosaurs were surprised to see an embryo beautifullyinside a dinosaur egg, in a bird-like posture.A. preserving … layingB. reserving … sittingC. preserved … lyingD. reserved … seated42. No matter the international situation changes, China-Peru relations have a momentum of steady development and become the "front-runner" in China-Latin America relations.A. what … performedB. / … stagedC. that … celebratedD. how … maintained43. By the end of last December, the National Aquatic Center, also the "Water Cube", into an "Ice Cube" for the upcoming Beijing Winter Olympics.A. was referred to as … transformedB. referred to as … was transformedC. was referred to as … being transformedD. referred to as … had been transformed44. Procrastination can often pose to people’s ability their goals successfully, which is evident, for example, in the fact that it is associated with receiving worse grades at school.A. a question … of pursuingB. an obstacle … to pursueC. a dilemma … to pursueD. a hindrance … to pursuing45. More mistakes will be made if you are because the pressure of the clock can become extremely intense and kill your productivity.A. rushedB. replacedC. rewardedD. restored46. On every single move you have to analyze a situation, process what your opponent is doing and evaluate the best move all your options.A. since beforeB. from amongC. except forD. until after47. Lack of mutual not only gets in the way of your work, but it can also your relationships and your self-esteem.A. comment … differB. respect … damageC. benefit … destroyD. expectation … decorate48. But since test scores still gaokao(college entrance exam), it may be difficult to completely private tutoring institutions that help students cram for exams.A. deliver … wrap upB. decide … stick toC. dominate … root outD. depend … throw out49. There will be much joy in family reunion dinners, as elders have the chance to , and see the wonder of the festive season through the eyes of younger generations.A. reconnect … awakeB. reflect … aflameC. relate … afreshD. reminisce … anew50. Zhang Fuqing, a war hero, has kept a low profile and to his original heart despite the great contributions he has made the nation for more than 60 years.A. stayed true … toB. stayed put … aroundC. stayed practical … forD. stayed rooted … ofSection BDirections: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.It’s commonly believed that a new year should be a fresh start. Many may have geared up to start 51.resolutions at the beginning of the new year. But is it the right decision?A recent study found that January is not the best time for most people 52. (make)resolutions.This month, people in the Northern Hemisphere will experience longer nighttime and shorter daytime, 53.(mean)less sunlight.“We know that when sunlight enters the visual system, it activates neural circuits (神经网络)that 54.(associate)with a number of psychological states,” Tim Bono, a psychologist at Washington University, US, told the Daily Mail. “Such limited exposure to direct sunlight can take a heavy toll (带来重创)55. our overall well-being and energy levels to make resolutions.”56. other reason is the low spirit in the period. Just finishing a long and hard year, many people are still trying to get rid of the tiredness in the past year and 57. (want)to take a rest. So 58. they make resolutions, the low spirit will make them hard to carry out.Though it’s hard to make and carry out resolutions effectively in January, 59. (make)a resolution is still a good idea. Bono suggests that people make their resolutions in springtime. Since they are recovered from the struggles of the past year, making resolutions will be 60. (effective)in this season.So if you haven’t made a resolution yet, why not put it off until spring?Section CDirections: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is ONE WORD MORE than you need.Destinations around the world have faced significant tourist reductions amid the coronavirus pandemic. But few have taken a harder(61)than Bali, the Indonesian island long beloved of global travelers. Due to strict(62)control measures and a closed airport, Bali went from receiving millions of international visitors to welcoming just 45 in 2021. The two-digit number accounts for the period between January and October 2021 and was(63)by the Central Statistics Bureau of Bali.As the island's Ngurah Rai International Airport(DPS)in Denpasar has been closed to international flights nearly all year, those tourists have almost all come via private yachts. Though the airport officially reopened to international flights on October 14, there have so far only been domestic flights in and out of the airport,(64)from Indonesia's capital city of Jakarta.In order to come to Bali, foreign tourists have to deal with strict Covid-related entry requirements. They must obtain a business visa at a cost of $300(there are no tourist visas at present), take multiple PCR tests and buy special health (65). In addition, airfare costs are higher than usual due to the lack of direct flights.One hopeful visitor is Justyna Wrucha, a UK citizen planning a trip to Bali with her husband. It will be their first visit to the island, which has long been on their bucket list. However, they think that the policies relating to foreign visitors are extremely harsh by(66) a 10-day quarantine on fully(67)people.Bali's Covid policies are determined by the central government in Jakarta, not by local authorities on the island. Originally, the quarantines were shorter but were recently increased due to fears of the new Omicron(68). Ray Suryawijaya, head of the Indonesian Hotels and Restaurants Association of Bali's Badung District, agrees with Wrucha. "With all those barriers, it's difficult for us to expect foreign tourists to come to Bali," he said.However, there is one small glimmer of hope with the gradual return of domestic tourism. Ray reports that the(69)rate of hotels in Bali is now around 35%. "On weekends, about 13,000 domestic tourists are visiting Bali," he adds. While that small trickle of visitors is an(70)note to end the year on, especially for the many Balineselocals who depend on tourism to support their families, it won't be enough to rescue the 2021 season.III. Reading Comprehension (1*15+2*19=53分)Section ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C, and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Brazil’s election offers hope for the rainforestA presidential election in 2022 will offer a chance for Brazil’s government to reverse policies that have 71 to global climate change. The country is home to 60% of the Amazon rainforest, which has historically been an important carbon 72 . But a worrying study published in 2021 in Nature found that over the past decade it has 73 become a carbon source. The culprits: forest fires and deforestation, which has soared by more than 40% since President Jair Bolsonaro 74 in 2019.On his watch, environmental enforcement and fines dropped to record lows. Activists say this has encouraged 75 logging, mining, and land-grabbing. In June the environment minister, Ricardo Salles, resigned after federal police began investigating him for alleged 76 in timber trafficking.A greener president would try to crack down on such crimes. Polls 77 that Mr Bolsonaro is likely to lose the election. His successor could convince Germany and Norway to unfreeze the Amazon Fund, a pot of money for enforcement and 78 development that was withdrawn in 2019 amid concerns about Mr Bolsonaro’s policies. A new president could also revive talks with President Joe Biden, who has offered to 79 a $20bn fund for the rainforest once Brazil starts showing results.But even an enlightened president will have to battle a 80 Congress, which is considering a number of laws that threaten the rainforest and its inhabitants. These include a land-regularisation bill nicknamed the “land-grabbing law” and a bill that would 81 wildcat mining on indigenous territories. In August thousands of indigenous people camped out in the capital as the supreme court debated a case that would restrict their territories to land that was 82 when a new constitution was passed in 1988. The court postponed its 83 , but Congress is considering a law that would have the 84 effect.Better leadership in Brazil could jump-start regional efforts to boost enforcement and find sustainable 85 to deforestation for the rainforest’s inhabitants. But if Mr Bolsonaro wins again, his determination to fill the forest with roads, dams and mines could cause destruction far beyond the borders of Brazil.71. A. referred B. contributed C. amounted D. related72. A. footprint B. sink C. source D. emission73. A. indeed B. instead C. accidentally D. otherwise74. A. stepped down B. took office C. claimed precedence D. kept watch75. A. seasonal B. selective C. illegal D. professional76. A. involvement B. attachment C. limitation D. existence77. A. advise B. advocate C. suggest D. represent78. A. sustainable B. economic C. rapid D. rural79. A. claim B. manage C. create D. borrow80. A. farmer-friendly B. warm-blooded C. pressure-free D. profit-making81. A. realise B. normalize C. publicise D. legalise82. A. sold B. explored C. cleared D. occupied83. A. election B. argument C. appeal D. decision84. A. main B. varied C. final D. same85. A. replacements B. transitions C. alternatives D. referencesSection BDirections: Read the following four passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)A Swedish power plant is taking reuse and recycle to the next level by burning unusable clothing instead of coal, Bloomberg reports.Retail giant Hennes & Mauritz, more commonly known as H & M, is helping the utility transition away from coal through its moldy or otherwise unsalable clothing.The multi-fuel power and heating station in Vasteras, central Sweden, is planning to be completely fossil-fuel free by 2030. It’s the largest station of its kind and Sweden claims it's one of Europe's cleanest. To kick its coal habit, the station is turning to other burnable materials including recycled wood, rubbish and yes, clothes.“Our goal is to use only renewable and recycled fuels,” Jens Neren, head of fuel supplies at the utility company which owns and operates the Vasteras plant, told Bloomberg.Johanna Dahl, head of communications for H & M in Sweden, told Bloomberg that the company allows only the burning of clothes which are no longer safe to use.“It is our legal obligation to make sure that clothes that contain mold or do not meet the requirements of our strict restriction on chemicals are destroyed," she said.The Vasteras plant has burned around 15 tons of old H &M clothes so far this year, compared with about 400,000 tons of rubbish, Neren told Bloomberg.Sweden has one of the world’s greenest energy generating systems, and has invested in bioenergy, solar power and electric buses. In 2020, the Scandinavian country announced an ambitious aim to become one of the first nations in the world to end its dependence on fossil fuels. According to the Swedish government, the country has already heavily reduced its dependence on oil, which accounted for 75% of the energy supply in 1970, and now makes up a 20% share.86. Which of the following can serve as fuel in the Vasteras plant?A. Fashionable boots in chain store.B. Old TV sets deserted as rubbish.C. Wooden furniture in second-hand shop.D. H & M clothes unsuitable for sale.87. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about the power station in Vasteras?A. It uses multiple fuels and generates heat.B. It is larger than any other station of its kind.C. It only burns recycled wood and rubbish.D. It will use no more fossil fuels after 2030.88. We can learn from the passage that .A. the Swedish government discourages the development of bioenergy.B. clothes only take up a small proportion of the burning material.C. Sweden’s fossil-fuel free plan is almost accomplished by now.D. Sweden has an ambition to be the cleanest country in the world.89. What is the main idea of the passage?A. A Swedish power plant is burning unusable H & M clothes for fuel.B. The Swedish government aims high and is taking effective action.C. H & M is looking for a new way to strengthen its position in fashion.D. Coal and oil are no longer regarded as the primary fuels in Sweden.(B)Are you worried about the planet and tired of waiting around for things to change? Go ahead and take a closer look at the various options available to volunteer for the environment!Nature ConservationConservation projects are dedicated to protecting thenatural environment of a specific location. Tasks heremay vary greatly depending on the program but it willrequire volunteers to study the environment and learnabout the local wildlife species. You’ll be monitoring theenvironment and retrieving data while taking action topreserve the local species of fauna and flora.Best Places to V olunteer:Madagascar, the Maldives, South Africa, New Zealandand Russia.Requirements:With so many subcategories and such a wide array of organizations, the required skill set will vary for each program. English is the main language on all projects so it’s important that conservation volunteers have a good understanding of English. For projects in South America, you will find it helpful to have a basic knowledge of Spanish.90. If you want to volunteer for three projects in the same country, which country is the best choice?A. PeruB. IndonesiaC. South AfricaD. India91. Which of the following statements is TRUE?A. V olunteers can learn farming techniques by implementing these techniques on their own.B. Volunteers need to study the environment and perform the same natural conservation tasks.C. Volunteers should assess the requirements of the community before implementing actions.D. V olunteers can sign up for marine conservation project even if they are afraid of the water.92. What is required in common to be a volunteer in any of the above programs?A. Farming techniquesB. Marine biologyC. Data retrievingD. The English language(C)Friederike Otto: Weather detectiveFriederike Otto has spent the past seven years studying extreme weather events, but even she was shocked when an extraordinary heatwave hit Canada and the US Pacific Northwest in July, shattering temperature records and killing hundreds of people.Whenever extreme weather strikes these days, people immediately wonder whether climate change is to blame. This is exactly the kind of question that Otto and her collaborators in the World Weather Attribution(WW A)group try to answer quickly. Otto set up a video call with the WWA team and they planned a speedy research study. The team pored over(翻阅,研读)meteorological data to gauge how big the heatwave was, studied climate records for the region and ran computer models to find out how much more likely this kind of heatwave has become, relative to a hypothetical world without climate change. The result: it would have been all but impossible for a heatwave of that magnitude to have happened in the region without human-induced climate change.“Temperature records were broken by 5 °C in some places,” Otto says. “That’s immense.” Otto, a climate researcher at the Grantham Institute for Climate Change and the Environment in London, helped to set up the WWA in 2015 with the aim of rapidly analysing whether climate change plays a part in extreme heat, cold, downpours, drought and wildfire activity. She chairs the ad hoc(特别组建的)group, which includes about a dozen climate modellers and statisticians.Until a few years ago, scientists would have been hard-pressed to answer with certainty whether climate change is to blame for specific extremes, and how much more(or less)likely they have become. Many scientists viewed attribution studies critically when the WW A made its first attempts to analyse extreme events—using just one or two climate models without evaluating whether these were able to reliably simulate(模拟)the extreme in question.This has changed entirely. Otto and her team have developed a strategy that uses climate simulations from as many as 50 models. This approach and the studies generated are now widely viewed as highly robust; they feature prominently in a report issued in August by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a scientific committee established by the United Nations. It is now an “established fact”, the panel said, that rising greenhouse-gas emissions have made some weather extremes—in particular, extreme heat—more frequent and more intense.Attribution studies are more difficult in the global south, where reliable climate data are often lacking, and where local research capacities are limited. But these are some of the places most at risk from climate change and the extreme weather that it can spark. Otto hopes that lower-income countries will be able to strengthen their research in these areas in coming years, with support from wealthier countries.“Attribution studies are really essential in terms of understanding human impacts of climate change,” says Emily Boyd, a social scientist at Lund University in Sweden who studies climate adaptation and governance. “The science is shifting our mindsets—it allows us to think about the relation between climate and vulnerability in a completely new way.”93. What do the first two paragraphs imply?A. The global heatwave contributes to the decrease of human activities.B. The heatwaves strike Canada and the US Pacific Northwest every July.C. Human activities are to blame in connection with the dramatic temperature rise.D. Such natural disasters as droughts and floods have caused high temperature in the region.94. The underlined word hard-pressed in Paragraph 4 can be best replaced by .A. in strict mannersB. in dangerous situationsC. without much effortD. under great pressure95. According to the passage, why is conducting attribution studies more difficult in the global south?A. Because some of the places are less likely to be influenced by the extreme weather.B. Because most poverty-stricken countries are geographically located in the global south.C. Because there is a severe shortage of accurate climate data collected from local research.D. Because rich countries won’t lend a helping hand in facilitating research in that area.96. Which of the following statements will Emily Boyd most probably agree with?A. High-income countries conducting attribution studies well suffer from climate change less.B. Scientific data open a window on how climate change has a negative impact on humans.C. Climate adaptation and governance is the key to tackling the abnormal temperature increases.D. The science explores the relation between climate and natural disasters from a new angle.(D)The Social Psychology of Potential Problems in Family Vacation Travel We think vacation travel can cause problems, but subjects did report experiencing less anger, arguing and tension on the vacation than when they are not. It may mean that American vacation habits help to produce self-fulfilling prophecies: one expects to experience less difficulty and so one does, opposite to another kind of self-fulfilling prophecies a small number of travelers encounter when trips prove disappointing after they see too many movies featuring travel frustrations. But it may also mean that vacations are actually relatively stress free. Moreover, for some of the very reasons that we theorize that vacations should create problems for many families, vacations may allow families to experiment creatively with their pattern of living, which may free families from well laid out territories and role routines to explore new and rewarding ways of relating.Although the supply of family therapists at national parks and resort hotels are now being advocated, we believe that vacations can be diagnostic of inherent relationship problems. It is difficult to sort out the tensions due to normal vacation frustrations from tensions representing underlying serious problems, but some families with serious problems by using work, school, and recreation patterns and by using privacy and territoriality patterns to keep themselves apart, according to Goffman in his book The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life, when on vacation, may come face to face with the problems they have avoided. These people might be well advised to avoid joint vacations.。

复旦大学附属中学2022学年第一学期高一年级英语期末考试试卷(考试时间:120分钟满分:150分)I. Listening Comprehension (25分)Section ADirections: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. It is seeking an effective advertising strategy.B. It is cooperating with the man’s company.C. It is developing a new sales channel.D. It is shifting to electronics products.2. A. He used to come to the town in June.B. He doesn’t think the town is beautiful.C. He has been living in the town for four years.D. He visited the town four years ago.3. A. The woman’s camera is broken. B. Someone else took good pictures.C. He was with Dan on his graduation day.D. Dan didn’t hire a professional photographer.4. A. He expects to meet the woman at the meeting.B. The meeting is not expected to last a long time.C. Members will be told to be brief in their comments.D. Committee members will be informed before the meeting.5. A. She didn’t expects Mary to win.B. The man should vote for Mary in the election.C. Mary shouldn’t have campaigned against Steve.D. She thinks Mary will run again in the next election.6. A. He needed to take a multi-year training course.B. He needed to have some hands-on experience.C. He needed to overcome his fear of height.D. He needed to earn enough money first.7. A. It smells unpleasant. B. The speakers both love it.C. The speakers have both tried it before.D. It can be taken onto buses all over the world.8. A. She has decided not to go to law school.B. She doesn’t want to be a criminal lawyer.C. Her brother was not accepted into law school.D. She doesn’t plan to work in her brother’s law firm.9. A. She can lend the man a sweater.B. The man will probably receive a scholarship.C. The man isn’t dressed properly for the interview.D. She can’t give the man a ride to the dean’s office.10. A. Purchase a new car. B. Buy a car from the woman.C. Help the woman paint her car.D. Look for a less expensive car.Section BDirections: In Section B, you will hear two short passages and one longer conversation, and you will be asked several questions on each of the passages and the conversation. The passages and the conversation will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.11. A. Watch a slide show about trees.B. Look at examples of trees on campus.C. Learn how to prevent Dutch elm disease.D. Study the history of the campus buildings.12. A. It is very tall. B. Its leaves have fallen.C. Its leaves are yellow.D. It is not an ever-green tree.13. A. It has grown too big. B. Its branches are being cut off.C. It is no longer a subject of study.D. It may be suffering from a disease.Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.14. A. The origin of the Moon.B. Why Earth has an iron core.C. Differences between the planets in the solar system.D. Methods of determining the composition of Earth and the Moon.15. A. The Moon has no surface water.B. The Moon does not have a molten core.C. Thy Moon is the largest moon in the solar system.D. The Moon and the Earth are quite similar in composition.16. A. The Moon was struck by another planet.B. The Moon’s mineral content has changed over time.C. The Moon formed from pieces of Earth’s surface layer.D. The Moon’s composition resembles that of any planet in the solar system.Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.17. A. At a delivery company. B. At an art gallery.C. At a food market.D. At a furniture shop.18. A. A new website. B. A grey sofa. C. A red model. D. An old desk.19. A. The woman will pay $55 for the delivery.B. The goods that the woman want are not all in stock.C. The woman lives in the area whose zip code is 00389276.D. The colors of the goods available are not all satisfactory.20. A. To the customer pick-up. B. To the bank.C. To the cash registers.D. To the shelf with the yellow arrows.II. Grammar and Vocabulary (35分)Section ADirections: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D, choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.21. The research _______ in the past five years has revolutionized our understanding of theancient monument.A. underachievedB. underestimatedC. undertakenD. underwent22.After the monitor _________ the work, the students naturally began to work on their own.A. declinedB. declaredC. dismissedD. distributed23.Everyone ought to ______________ some money for a rainy day.A. put downB. keep inC. lay asideD. pay out24.The ____________ of a particular person or thing is the ability to know or recognize them.A. identificationB. inquiryC. imaginationD. investment25.The contract is ______ by a series of explanatory notes.A. establishedB. symbolizedC. centeredD. accompanied26.Reliable data on corruption is necessarily scarce because those ________ are often expert athiding it.A. are involvedB. involvedC. involvingD. having been involved27.Previous research has shown that overeating foods that taste good affects neural processesassociated with reinforcement and sense of achievement, which in turn alters brain’s _______ systems.A. beneficialB. immuneC. awardD. reward28.The researchers _________ red balls for blue balls to see if the baby would notice.A. exchangedB. substitutedC. replacedD. alternated29.Silence may be viewed by some cultural groups as extremely uncomfortable; therefore__________ may be made to fill every gap with conversation.A. approachB. adjustmentC. accomplishmentD. attempt30.Chief Minister Chow Kon Yeow said he was delighted to see businesses ________ againafter being severely impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic the past two years.A. upcomingB. balancingC. occurringD. flourishing31.Which of the following sentence is CORRECT?A. The tourist guide talked of other cultures as if they were more familiar to him than hisown.B. She seemed to reminisce the keenest of her memories, for her face was alive with old hurtsand pleasures.C. Despite her success, she concerned that determining grades by teacher assessment couldhave been unfair.D. The key is to do so in a way that improves performance without adversely effectingreliability.32.The topic where ________ the holiday _________by the junior students at present.A. spend; is discussedB. to spend; has been discussedC. to be spent; will be discussedD. to spend; is being discussed33._______half an hour_______, we might as well go and grab something to eat nearby.A. There was…to goB. It had…leftC. There was…leftD. With…to go34.All the people are expecting the government’s eight-thousand-billion financial plan _______around the country, _______ to boost the post-pandemic economy.A. to be carried out…intendingB. being carried out…intendedC. to be carried out…intendedD. being carried out…intending35.I will be surprised if you can get John, who is a close-fisted man, ________these donationsdraw tickets from you.A. buyB. buyingC. buysD. to buy36.—Which can I take, Mr. Smith?—Take one you like and leave the others for comes late.A. whoever; whoB. whichever; whoC. whatever; whomD. whichever; whoever37.Oh my goodness, am I lucky that she planted the trees under ______ shade I now sit?A. whichB. whomC. thatD. whose38.Health officials warn that easing measures too quickly ______ a W-shaped recovery, ______ aresurgence of cases causes a second economic decline soon after the first.A. is risked…whichB. risked…thatC. risks…whereD. risking…where39.Gone are the most unforgettable days ________ we spent together with our classmates in thedormitory.A. whichB. whenC. thatD. where40.It is a surprising and important gap, ________ health-workers and policymakers can’t afford toignore.A. one thatB. whereC. the onesD. of which41.It is my suggestion that the visit _______ again.A. will be arrangedB. to be arrangedC. should arrangeD. be arranged42.I hope to set up our company in ______ will be a promising land, a place ______ is full ofopportunities.A. where, whereB. where, thatC. what, whereD. what, that43.Evidence came up _____ specific speech sounds are recognized by babies as young as monthsold.A. whatB. whichC. thatD. whose44.The instant _______ he entered I saw by his face that it would be months ________ he left allthis behind.A. which … whenB. when … sinceC. /… beforeD. /… since45.Which of the following sentence is CORRECT?A. Facing with the evidence, he had no choice but to admit his crime.B. Albert is said to study abroad, but I don’t know what country he studied in.C. Since you have seen both fighters, who you think will win?D. I don’t know whom I should approach about the matter.Section BDirections:Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.For the last 50 years, giant pandas from China have captured the hearts of people in the US.A “Pandaversary Night” party was 46 on Aug 24 at the Chinese embassy (大使馆) in Washington, DC, 47 the 50th anniversary of giant pandas’ arriving in the US capital. And the Smithsonian’s National Zoo expects the panda craze to last for several more years.“Giant pandas are worthy ambassadors. They have much longer tenures (任期) than each of the Chinese ambassadors here, and they have many more fans than us,” Chinese Ambassador to the United States Qin Gang said at the reception. “Year by year, giant pandas have become an icon of mutual 48 and friendship between the two peoples. In particular, the arrival of Xiao Qi Ji (Little Miracle) two years ago has brought us a happy surprise.”He was referring to the cub’s birth in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic, 49 with the deterioration of China-US bilateral relations to its lowest point in four decades.The ambassador noted that the number of giant pandas in the wild in China has increased from several hundred 50 years ago to more than 1,800, which meant the species is no longer “endangered”, thanks to unrelenting (持续的) efforts at protection and conservation.“But sadly, ‘panda-huggers’ are endangered. Now they need protection and conservation,” he said, in 50 to China-US relations, with hawkish (强硬的) US politicians increasingly seeking to “outcompete” China by 51 the country as a challenger or even a threat to the US.“China’s approach to panda diplomacy has 52 ” to “serve more of ... a tool to project soft power”, New York Times said in a recent article.In addition to Xiao Qi Ji, another panda – Kung Fu Panda – was also made in the US. “I still remember a/an 53 from it: Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift, that is why it’s called present!” Qin declared. “At present, we get together to cherish the wonderful gift of the panda. We need more pandas, and we also need more ‘panda-huggers’.”“I’m absolutely 54 to 50 more years of giant panda care and success and celebration for all of our visitors, so I look forward to working with our colleagues in China, as we are 55 about the future for our giant panda program,” said Brandie Smith, director of the National Zoo.III. Reading Comprehension (45分)Section ADirections:For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Technology is connecting us in ways never seen before in human history. How will that change our societies, our relationships, ourselves?That’s the question that 56 Michael Wesch. The last time communicationstechnology had such a wide-ranging impact was 500 years ago with the invention of the printing press. Being able to print texts instead of writing them by hand 57 the world. It changed the way people could communicate with each other. Suddenly, multiple copies of books could be made quickly and easily. As more books became 58 , ideas spread much more rapidly. But what will be the impact of digital technology, the most powerful 59 tool we have ever seen?Michael Wesch argues that communication is 60 to our relationships, so it follows that a change in the way we communicate will change those relationships. Wesch, a university professor, explores digital communication in his work. 61 , Wesch and his students look at social networking and other interactive Internet tools like YouTube. When people create and share personal videos on YouTube, anyone anywhere can watch them. Wesch says that this 62 some people feeling a sort of deep connection with the entire world. But it’s not a 63 relationship; it’s not the same as the connection you feel with a member of your family. In fact, as Wesch says, it’s a relationship without any real 64 that you can turn off at any moment. So does it make sense to talk about a YouTube “community”?Wesch himself 65 the impact of digital media when he created and posted his own short video on YouTube. It attracted immediate attention and has been viewed millions of times. In his video, he tells us that webpages get 100 billion hits a day and that a new blog is started every half second. He asks us to 66 the power of this technology and how we use it. What could we do with it? What is its potential?67 the university, in the real world, Wesch believes it’s crucial for people to be able to use the new environment of digital media for the greatest possible impact. “It’s the 68 of our times that we are now so connected we fail to see it. I want to believe that technology can help us see relationships and global connections in 69 new ways. It’s pretty amazing that I have this little box sitting on my desk through which I can talk to any one of a billion people. And yet do any of us really 70 all the potential that’s there?56. A. awakens B. interests C. dominates D. terrifies57. A. separated B. oppressed C. overestimated D. transformed58. A. outdated B. original C. cheap D. available59. A. connecting B. designing C. printing D. copying60. A. opposed B. attached C. possible D. fundamental61. A. In addition B. In particular C. In summary D. In detail62. A. leads to B. sorts out C. takes down D. makes for63. A. healthy B. virtual C. real D. working64. A. choice B. reference C. responsibility D. downside65. A. experienced B. avoided C. underrated D. disliked66. A. turn to B. think about C. make up D. set aside67. A. Outside B. Opposite C. Against D. Inside68. A. debate B. end C. tragedy D. achievement69. A. pointless B. positive C. personal D. peaceful70. A. damage B. affect C. use D. forgetSection BDirections: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)MY GARDEN IS MY REFUGE; I find reflective isolation in it. I have seven children, so our house is a scene of lively confusion. For a long time, I guarded this place of peace and quiet. When the children followed me into the garden, I would hand out chores. “Here: you weed the beans, you water the onions." Soon they would be hot or their backs would hurt from bending over, and they would leave me to myself.Then one day, I was trying to prepare the soil, and I honestly wasn't enjoying my time of peace and loneliness. My 13-year-old son, Josiah, picked up a spare spade and began helping. Working as a team, we had the pea patch dug up and fertilized in no time at all. I thanked Josiah, realizing that l had enjoyed his company.The same thing happened with picking up rocks and planting the seeds --one or two of the children would appear to watch and then participate. Each time, I would feel surprised to find the work was lighter for their help, and their laughter made time pass faster. So I stopped resenting their company and instead I began to share my gardening secrets. As spring became summer and the real work began, I expected the children to disappear, but no, there they were, watering, pulling weeds and checking for insects.One day I slipped out by myself to the garden, feeling a little bit guilty. I had a suspicion that the sugar snap peas were ripe, and I wanted a taste. As I walked along the row, a little voice piped up behind me. "What are you eating, Mama?"Abby's big blue eyes sparkled as I showed her how to pull the strings off and pop(剥出)the peas into her mouth. She just loved how tasty they were. Then my sweet seven-year-old girl put me to shame. "Mama, I've got to pick a bunch. Won't the others love them? I can't wait to share."I realized how selfish I had been. I'd tried to keep the joys of gardening to myself, and here was a child who couldn't wait to share with her brothers and sisters. I held back tears and said, "Sure, honey, let's pick some and I'll show you how to prepare them. We'll make the most wonderful supper."71. Why did the writer ask her children to do chores whenever they were in the garden?A. She didn’t want to do all the work on her own.B. She intended to show the hard labor of gardening.C. She didn’t want them to get hurt or get too tired.D. She was determined to keep the garden to herself.72. What were the children like?①loud ②lively ③guilty ④loving ⑤strongA. ①②③④B. ①②④C. ①②③D. ④⑤73. The underlined word “resent” probably means ________.A. dislikeB. expectC. keepD. sacrifice74. What did the writer try to tell the readers with this story?A. The best way to communicate with children is by working together.B. The golden rule of gardening is that many hands make light work.C. Everything feels better when shared with your family or your friend.D. Parents should spend as much time with their children as possible.(B)75.Your friend Jenny plans to go to Paris for travelling and she is a big fan of the famous moviedirector Woody Allen. Which place would you recommend that she visit?A. 171 Boulevard du MontparnasseB. 41 Rue Monsieur Le PrinceC. 8 Boulevard de MenilmontantD. 37 Rue de la Bucherie76.Earnest Hemingway was a regular to the following places except________.A. Pere Lachaise CemeteryB. Les Deux MagotsC. Bar HemingwayD. Polidor77.Which of the following phrases best completes the title?A. Literature LoversB. Experienced TouristsC. Cuisine EnthusiastsD. History Researchers(C)A lone humpback whale travelled more than 9,800 kilometers from breeding areas in Brazil to those in Madagascar, setting a record for the longest mammal migration ever documented.Humpback whales are known to have some of the longest migration distances of all mammals, and this huge journey is about 400 kilometers farther than the previous humpback record. The finding was made by Peter Stevick, a biologist at the College of the Atlantic in Bar Harbor, Maine.The whale’s journey was unusual not only for its length, but also because it travelled across about 90 degrees of longitude(经度) from west to east. Typically, humpbacks move in a north-south direction between cold feeding areas and warm breeding grounds.The whale, a female, was first spotted off the coast of Brazil, where researches photographed its tail fluke (尾鳍) and took skin samples to determine the animal’s sex. Two years later, a tourist on a whale-watching boat snapped a photo of the humpback near Madagascar.To match the two sightings, Stevick’s team used an extensive international catalogue of photographs of the undersides of tail flukes, which have distinctive markings. Researchers routinely compare the markings in each new photograph to those in the archive (档案馆).The scientists then estimated the animal’s shortest possible route: an arc skirting the southern tip of South Africa and heading north-east towards Madagascar. The minimum distance is 9,800 kilometers, says Stevick, but this is likely to be an underestimate, because the whale probably took a roundabout way to feed on krill(磷虾) in the Southern Ocean near Antarctica before reaching its destination.Most humpback-whale researchers focus on their efforts on the Northern Hemisphere because the Southern Ocean near the Antarctica is a tough environment and it is hard to get to, explaining Rochelle Constantine, who studies the ecology of humpback whales at the University of Auckland in New Zealand. But, for whales, oceans in the Southern Hemisphere are wider and easier to travel across, says Constantine. Scientists will probably observe more long-distance migrations in the Southern Hemisphere as satellite tracking becomes increasingly common, she adds.Daniel Palacios, an oceanographer at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, says that record-breaking journey could indicate that migration patterns are shifting as populations begin to recover from near-extinction and the population increases. But the reasons why the whale did not follow the usual migration routes remain a mystery. She could have been exploring new habitats, or simply have lost her way. ‘We generally think of humpback whales as very well studied, but then they surprise us with things like t his,’ Palacios says. ‘Undoubtedly there are a lot of things we still don’t know about whale migration.’78.In what way was the whale’s journey considered unusual?A. It covered a long distance from west to east.B. A female whale rather than a male one completed it.C. The whale moved from its breeding ground to its feeding area.D. No one had ever spotted the whale other than at its destination.79.Why did the researchers compare the markings on tail flukes?A. There is a vast collection of such markings.B. The markings there last by far the longest.C. No two whales share the same markings.D. The markings are easiest to photograph.80.What can be inferred from the passage?A. More evidence should have been provided that the whale had ever arrived at Madagascar.B. South Hemisphere can provide more information about humpback whales’ migration.C. The whale’s actual route might well have been shorter than the scientists had estimated.D. North Hemisphere’s environment is becoming tougher for w hales to survive.81.What is the passage mainly about?A. A female whale was spotted twice in the Southern Ocean.B. Research on whales is a breakthrough.C. Whales’ migration routes vary with the climate change.D. A whale surprises researchers with her journey.Section CDirections: Read the passage carefully. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two sentences than you need.Globalization has significantly influenced food consumption in most parts of the world, but one country whose food has a long history of being globalized is Italy. If you walk down any main street in any major world city, you will find at least one Italian restaurant. Furthermore, Italy has seen changes in its own eating habits due to influence from other countries.Food has always been very important for Italian families. Italians take a lot of pride in the making and preparation of food. Until recently, pasta ------ a basic Italian food ------ would havebeen made by people in their local area. Families would also have made the sauces to eat with the pasta at home. ___82___Nowadays, however, Italian eating habits appear to have changed. people no longer spend so much time preparing their meals. Indeed, frozen or takeaway Italian meals have become very popular in Italy. Furthermore, dried pasta is now mass-produced and sold relatively cheaply in the supermarkets. Ready-made pasta sauces are also increasingly popular ------ sales have doubled in the last five years, according to one manufacturer. ___83___ This trend is more common in urban areas such as Rome, Milan and Venice, although many smaller towns are also experiencing similar changes.These changes have both advantages and disadvantages. On the plus side, globalization has increased the range of food available in Italy. Italians now have much more choice in terms of what they eat. They also do not need to spend so long preparing and making food, unless of course they want to. In contrast, it can be argued that large restaurant chains are becoming increasingly powerful, resulting in the destruction of local and national specialties. ___84______85___ Convenience foods have replaced many of the traditional home-cooked meals, and the availability of foreign fruits has greatly increased. While this extra choice is welcomed by some, others fear the damage it may cause to Italian traditions.IV. Productive Grammar (10分)Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks,use one word that best fits each blank.What makes this year’s World Cup special?This year’s FIFA World Cup kicked off in Qatar on Nov 20. In this sports event, a total of 32 teams will compete with each other for 28 days. But (86) ________ makes this year’s World Cup “stand out” is its numerous historical footnotes, for better or for worse. Let’s see some of them.One of the few countries not previously qualified to participate in the World Cup Qatar has been (87) ________ regular in the Asian Cup in recent years as well as a 2019 Asian Cup winner, gaining seven-game wins and scoring 19 goals that year. Its soccer team, however, has never previously qualified for a World Cup for either the men’s or women’s editions. Winning the right to host the 2022 tournament makes Qatar become the first country since Italy in 1934 to play in a World Cup without first (88) ________ (qualify) for it.First held in the northern hemisphere’s winterTypically, the FIFA World Cup is held in May, June or July for suitable weather conditions. Yet, the sports event this year (89) ________ (change) to winter to accommodate Qatar’s local temperatures. (90) ________ (locate) in the desert, Qatar whose summer months usually reach above a temperature of 40°C, would be a nightmare for outdoor sports players. Playing in such temperatures means both being unable to play well and putting themselves at risk. Doing sports in intense heat may lead to dehydration (脱水), vision loss, fainting, and other such problems, noted the website Football.(91) ________ these considerations, Qatar has still stirred up some controversies (争议). (92)。
2021年高一上学期入学摸底考试英语试题 含答案

1. What will the man do?A. Open the window.B. Find another room.C. Go out with the woman.2. What’s the date of the woman’s birthday?A. March 15th.B. March 11th.C. March 10th.3. What does the man mean?A. John has some personal problems.B. The problem is mon for young men.C. It’s not mon for yo ung men to leave home.4. What will the man most probably do?A. Get some change from Jane.B. Go and look for a payphone.C. Use Jane’s mobile phone.5. What does the man mean?A. It was impossible for him to go to the party.B. Everybody was surprised by his appearance at the party.C. He had expected to go to the party for a long time.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)请听下面5段对话或独白,选出最佳选项。

2021-2022学年上海新高一入学分班英语测试卷六(模拟复旦附中入学测试卷)第I卷(选择题)一、单项选择(每小题1分,共30分)1.China has hundreds of island and the biggest of________is Taiwan.A.that B.them C.which D.this2.He’s got himself into a dangerous situation _____ he is likely to lose control over the plane. A.while B.whichC.where D.why3.We do not have a big car and there are no old, expensive vases or paintings in our houses.________, what I value about my father is the care and love he shows for me and my family. A.Rather B.Therefore C.Besides D.Hence4.My visit to your school is really an unforgettable experience, ________ I will treasure for ever. A.that B.one C.it D.what5.I’m afraid that I can’t attend Tom’s wedding party ______ next weekend.A.to be held B.being heldC.held D.is to be held6.28. No decision about any future plan until we have done a thorough research of the teachers’ preference.A.has been made B.is made C.is being made D.will be made 7.The new equipment ___________ the disabled during the Rio 2016 Olympic Games. A.was intended for B.was intended toC.intended for D.intended to8.Have self-awareness of how much work you can ________ at any time and manage expectations. A.rely on B.pick on C.take on D.draw on9.In the coming year, we'll see events postponed from 2020, sporting and arts events now______________ right on top of one another, and new, entirely digital versions of previouslyface-to-face affairs.A.scheduling B.scheduled C.to schedule D.having beenscheduled10.You can find Joe’s house easily because his house is _________ from others’ in the street by its pink walls and large windows.A.classified B.monitoredC.associated D.distinguished11.The moment I got back to the classroom, I found I _______ my jacket on the playground. A.left B.had leftC.have left D.was leaving12.Sometimes people from the south have difficulty understanding______ people from the north say.A.which B.what C.that D.how 13.Though working in a famous company and having a big income, he only ______ his wife $200 a year for clothes.A.takes B.permitsC.allows D.spends14.I need to get to work early ______ I can finish the report before the meeting.A.such that B.only ifC.now that D.so that15.Thank you so much for your kind assistance; otherwise, my son ___________ the project on time.A.would never have completed B.had never completedC.has never completed D.will never complete16.He is the only one of the boys of his class who _______ the piano well.A.plays B.playC.playing D.are playing17.Why not try your luck in the library? That’s ________ the American classical books are kept. A.how B.why C.when D.where18.The flowers will die soon unless often ________.A.watering B.to waterC.water D.watered19.What I wanted to know was when and where the meeting ________.A.was holding B.had held C.was to hold D.was to be held 20.I could have worked out to stay in shape, but the math classes and exercises ___________ all my spare time.A.take up B.have taken up C.took up D.are taking up21.The charge from 5 dollars to 50 dollars, depending on the quality.A.transforms B.variesC.trembles D.evaluates22.The manager is still on _______ vacation, so I will be in _______ charge of the meeting today. A./; the B.the; / C./; / D.a; the23.In order to reduce the increasing prices of vegetables , the toll(过路费) if a truck carrying them passes through a toll station .A.cancels B.is cancelled C.was cancelled D.had been cancelled 24.__________ abroad for two years, he will come back within two weeks.A.Having studied B.Studied C.To study D.Studying 25.The Yellow River is ________ the Pearl River.A.twice long as B.twice as long asC.as twice longer as D.as long twice as26.Lucy’s new job paid twice as much as she had made in the restaurant.A.working B.work C.to work D.worked27.I ____________ half of the English novel, and I’ll try to finish it at the weekend.A.read B.have readC.am reading D.will read28.Hardly had we arrived at the museum _________ it began to rain.A.than B.then C.and D.when29.The United Nations shows great concern to the catastrophe, at request international aid agencies are rushing to the stricken district.A.which B.that C.what D.whose30.He came into the classroom_________.A.very upset B.being upset C.to upset D.to be upset二、完形填空(每小题1分,共20分)Sports are fun, and children keep healthy while playing with others. However, sometimes playing sports can have 31 effects on children. It may produce feelings of 32self-respect or aggressive behavior in some children. Many children say they have been 33at or called names while playing sports. This leaves many children with a bad 34 of sports. They think sports are just too 35 .Many researchers believe adults are the 36 cause of too much aggression in children’s sports and they are to blame. They believe children watch the aggressive adult behavior and 37 it. This behavior is then further 38 from one child to another. Parents and coaches are powerful teachers because children 39 look up to them. Often these adults 40 aggressively themselves, sending children the message that 41 is everything. Many parents go to children’s sporting events and shout insults at other players or cheer when their child behaves 42 . Wha t’s worse, children are also taught that hurting other players is 43 or are pushed to continue playing even when they are injured. In addition, children watch adult sports games and see violent behavior replayed over and over on television.44 it comes to how to solve this problem, parents and coaches in particular should act as better 45 to children. They also need to teach children better 46 of life. They should not just 47 when children win or act aggressively. Besides, children should not be allowed to continue to play when they are 48 . If adults 49 children to play when injured, this gives the message that 50 is not as important as winning.31.A.native B.negative C.active D.instructive 32.A.poor B.high C.special D.unusual 33.A.knocked B.glanced C.smiled D.shouted 34.A.impression B.conclusion C.taste D.expectation 35.A.curious B.violent C.passive D.pleasant 36.A.common B.main C.indirect D.different 37.A.question B.understand C.copy D.ignore 38.A.proved B.recovered C.spread D.benefited 39.A.hardly B.seldom C.never D.usually 40.A.behave B.communicate C.argue D.blame41.A.winning B.practicing C.enjoyment D.sport 42.A.proudly B.gently C.aggressively D.bravely 43.A.acceptable B.capable C.possible D.enjoyable 44.A.While B.Where C.How D.When 45.A.guides B.examples C.roles D.Partners 46.A.methods B.standards C.values D.directions 47.A.comfort B.cheer C.scold D.celebrate 48.A.lost B.tired C.hated D.injured 49.A.force B.order C.forbid D.permit 50.A.performance B.training C.health D.spirit第II卷(非选择题)三、用单词的适当形式完成短文(每小题1分,共10分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式,并将答案填写在答题卡上。

上海市复旦大学附属中学2023-2024学年英语高三第一学期期末考试试题注意事项1.考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回.2.答题前,请务必将自己的姓名、准考证号用0.5毫米黑色墨水的签字笔填写在试卷及答题卡的规定位置.3.请认真核对监考员在答题卡上所粘贴的条形码上的姓名、准考证号与本人是否相符.4.作答选择题,必须用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应选项的方框涂满、涂黑;如需改动,请用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案.作答非选择题,必须用05毫米黑色墨水的签字笔在答题卡上的指定位置作答,在其他位置作答一律无效.5.如需作图,须用2B铅笔绘、写清楚,线条、符号等须加黑、加粗.第一部分(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1.It’s certainly hard work.But, a man who wishes to have a career has to make a great many sacrifices.A.on the contrary B.in addition C.on the other hand D.in that case2.Let Harry play with your toys as well, Clare — you must learn to ________. A.support B.careC.spare D.share3.Mr. Green was very famous when he lived there. There is ______ to be someone in this district who remembers him.A.content B.opposedC.bound D.restricted4.The little girl ________ a foreign language fairly quickly.A.picked up B.got up C.stepped up D.made up5.As I opened my eyes, in ______ direction I looked, I could see smiling, peaceful, calm and content faces.A.whatever B.however C.whichever D.wherever6.—What do you think of your preparations for the final exams?—Not so good. Actually I feel like ______ for I’ve made little progress in Maths. A.Daniel in the lion’s den B.Achilles’ heelC.a good Samaritan D.a sacred cow7.Della turned all of her pockets inside out only to find $ 1.87 buy Jim a present for Christmas.A.with what to B.with that she can C.in which to D.with which to8.-Could you possilby take to the railway station tomorrow?A.No way B.Never mind C.Not at all D.No problem9.— You should have helped your mom wash the dishes.—I meant .But she is always telling me to study.A.to do B.to C.doing so D.doing10.The conference aims to develop business and let people think about _______ they can have a positive influence on the planet.A.why B.thatC.what D.how11.The room ______ 10 metres across is large enough for a single man to live in.A.measuring B.measures C.to be measured D.measured12.I like such houses with beautiful gardens in front, but I don’t have enoug h money to buy .A.it B.one C.that D.this13.Good food,good sleep,no exercise.That's he gained weight.A.how B.when C.what D.whether14.Parents often tell their children that they __________ take candy from strangers. A.needn't B.wouldn't C.shouldn't D.daren't15.—What’s up? Y ou look down. —I have piles of papers ________, but I type so slowly.A.to be typed B.typed C.to type D.being typed16.—Mum, is the pair of gloves ________ mine?—Yes. You have to wear another pair.A.washing B.have washedC.being washed D.having washed17.Thanks to the efforts in environmental protection, the wetland has been _____ to its original appearance.A.restored B.deliveredC.transferred D.drafted18.Star skater Wu Dajing won China’s firs t gold medal at the 2018 PyeongChang Olympic Winter Games breaking world record in short track men’s 500m. A.to B.byC.with D.in19.The dining room is clean and tidy, with a table already ______for a big meal.A. being laid B.laying C.to lay D.laid20.--- Do you think I should join the singing group, Mary?--- ______ If I were in your shoes, I certainly would.A.None of your business.B.It depends.C.Why not? D.I don’t think so.第二部分阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

2024届新高三开学摸底考试卷(上海专用)英语(考试时间:120分钟试卷满分:140分)注意事项:1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。
2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。
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I.Listening Comprehension(25分)Section A(10分)Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1.A.Negative.B.Neutral. C.Uninterested.D.Supportive.【答案】D【原文】M: Our neighbourhood is going to have a swimming pool soon.W: It is about time. I don’t know why it has taken so long.Q: What is the woman’s attitude towards the swimming pool?2.A.Go on a trip.B.Take a long sail.C.Run a restaurant.D.Prepare a meal.【答案】A【原文】M: Our children are waiting downstairs. Let’s hurry.W: Wait a minute. We’ll take some food with us. They don’t like the meal served on the train. Q: What are the speakers’ family probably going to do?3.A.If he has more than a dollar. B.If he makes a phone call first.C.If he finds the change machine. D.If he buys something from her.【答案】D【原文】M: Miss, can you give me change for a dollar so that I can make a phone call at the callbox.W: Sorry, sir. I am not allowed to give change without a purchase. But you’ll find a change machine in front of the jewelry store.Q: In which situation can the woman give the man some change?4.A.The time is not convenient.B.Her house is not big enough.C.A few people won’t turn up.D.There won’t be enough food.【答案】B【原文】M: Helen’s going to have a birthday party on Friday evening. She’s invited a lot of people. If everyone turns up, there will be a squeeze in her house.W: But a few people said they couldn’t go, so I think it should be OK.Q: What might be a problem for Helen’s birthday party according to the man?5.A.Mom doesn’t like wine.B.They’ve already got plenty of wine.C.They are going to buy what they need.D.They’ve got enough food for the party.【答案】B【原文】W: Dad, shall we go to buy some wine for Mom’s birthday party?M: What? Don’t we have enough by now?Q: What does the man imply?6.A.They can’t speak English.B.The microphone doesn’t work well.C.They are not familiar with his topic. D.The speaker is speaking too fast.【答案】B【原文】M: There must be something wrong with the microphone the speaker is using. I can hardly catch a word he is saying.W: Yeah, I can’t understand anything myself.Question: Why are these people having trouble understanding the speaker?7.A.John’s job transfer.B.The rapid spread of rumour.C.The new project in India.D.John’s quarrel with his wife.【答案】A【原文】W: Hey, John. I hear they’re going to send you to India for the new project.M: News travels fast! I was informed of the job transfer a few hours ago. I still don’t know how to break the news to my wife.Q: What are the two speakers talking about?8.A.Sell the broken parts. B.Buy a new one.C.Make a profitable investment.D.Have the old one fixed.【答案】B【原文】M: My fridge is more than twelve years old and it had worked just fine until last night.W: You’ll never be able to get parts for it. It might be time to invest in a more recent model.Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?9.A.Jack is currently living in the south.B.Jack is used to wet climate.C.Jack intends to settle problems through moving to the south.D.She wants to talk Jack out of moving to the south.【答案】D【原文】M: It turns out that Jack intends to move to a southern city and settle down there.W: Not if he is told how wet and hot the south is. And I am going to tell him that.Q: What does the woman mean?10.A.She doesn’t mind it as the road conditions are good.B.She is tired of driving in heavy traffic.C.She is unhappy to have to drive such a long way every dayD.She enjoys it because she’s good at driving.【答案】A【原文】M:I hear you drive a long way to work every day.W:Oh, yes. It’s about sixty miles, But it doesn’t seem that far, the road is not bad, and there’s not much traffic.Q: How does the woman feel about driving to work?Section B(15分)Directions: In Section B. you will hear two short passages several and one longer conversation, and you will be asked several questions on each of them. The passages and the conversation will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.11.A.The location. B.The scenery.C.The seafood. D.The culture. 12.A.Attract whales to the closer shore.B.Tell people where to see whales.C.Warn people to stay away from shore.D.Go around to gather enough visitors. 13.A.It is held every other year in summer.B.It helps Whale Crier to show his talents.C.It guarantees everyone to find something to enjoy.D.It is one of the best eco-arts festivals in South Africa.【答案】11.A 12.B 13.C【原文】The annual whale festival in Hermanus, South Africa, starts today. The coastal town, located on the Western Cape about 1.5 hours from Cape Town, is famous for whale watching. It is one of the best locations in the world to witness large numbers of southern right whales moving in the season. The festival, which is the only eco-arts festival in South Africa, attracts over 130,000 visitors.Hermanus also has the world’s only “Whale Crier”, whose job is to go around and tell people where they may see whales — with his horn. Fortunately, the timing of the festival almost guarantees a whale sighting — as close as a few meters from shore!The whales are, of course, the main attraction of the festival, but many more terrific activities are available. The seaside environment, with the surrounding mountains, makes an ideal setting to enjoy the festival’s musical performances and fantastic seafood. For those who desire more adventure, there’s open water swimming, a night run and sports challenges. Other activities include an old car show, arts and crafts stalls and entertainment for kids. With something for everyone, what more could one ask for?Questions:11. What is the reason for so many visitors choosing to watch whales in Hermanus?12. What does Whale Crier do at the festival?13. What can we learn about the whale festival?Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.14.A.Conflicts between labor and management.B.Rights and responsibilities of company employees.C.Common complaints made by office workers.D.Health and safety conditions in the workplace.15.A.They wanted the outdated equipment replaced.B.They quit work to protect their unborn babies.C.They sought help from union representatives.D.They requested to have their posts changed.16.A.To show how busy they are at work.B.To show how they love winter sports.C.To protest against the poor working conditions.D.To protect themselves against the heating system.【答案】14.D 15.D 16.C【原文】Since a union representative visited our company to inform us about our rights and protections, my co-workers have been worrying about health conditions and complaining about safety risks in the workplace. Several of the employees in the computer department, for example, claim to be developing vision problems from having to stare at a video display terminal for about seven hours a day. An X-ray technician is refusing to do her job until the firm agrees to replace its out-dated equipment. She insists that it’s exposing workers to unnecessarily high doses of radiation. She thinks that she may have to contact the Occupational Safety and Health Administration to inspect the department. I’ve heard that at a factory in the area, two pregnant women, who were working with paint, requested a transfer to a safer department because they wanted to prevent damage to their unborn babies. The supervisor of personnel refused the request. In another firm the workers were constantly complaining about the malfunctioning heating system, but the owner was too busy or too mean to do anything about it. Finally, they all met and agreed to wear ski-clothing to work the next day. The owner was too embarrassed to talk to his employees. But he had the heating system replaced right away.Questions14. What does the talk focus on?15. What does the speaker say about the two pregnant women?16. Why did the workers in the firm wear ski-clothing to work?Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.17.A.Amish teenagers.B.An online program.C.Trips to Los Angeles.D.An imaginary community.18.A.They do not have modern technology.B.They have never left their home.C.They do not park cars by themselves.D.They have never seen the ocean. 19.A.The modern world likes to teach children to fix machines.B.The Amish people have no contact with the modern world.C.The modern world does not welcome the Amish teenagers.D.The Amish people take horses as a means of transportation.20.A.Disappointed and sad.B.Upset but excited.C.Annoyed and unhappy.D.Puzzled but interested.【答案】17.B 18.A 19.D 20.D【原文】M: Have you seen that online program about Amish people?W: No. Why?M: Oh, it’s really amazing. It’s about these five Amish teenagers. You know, the Amish community live in the countryside of America, and they don’t have modern technology.W: No modern technology? Don’t they have computers?M: No. Nothing. They build their own houses, and ride horses to go here and there in their community. They don’t have cars, or mobile phones or anything.W: Wow! So, what happens in the program?M: Well, the program takes five Amish teenagers to live in a big house in Los Angeles, with some other teenagers, who are not Amish.W: So, the Los Angeles kids teach these Amish people about the modern world?M: Yes, that’s right. The Amish have never seen televisions before, or computers, videos, washing machines... Nothing.W: They have never seen them?M: No. And they take these Amish people to the beach. Can you imagine that the Amish have never seen the ocean before? The program is really good.W: Yes, it sounds interesting.M: They also go out to experience VR games and do some shopping.W: And do the Amish like what they see? Do they like the modern world?M: Well, they find it very confusing. But everything is very fascinating, even things like car parks! And the girls like wearing the new clothes.W: Car parks? Do they…(Now listen again please.)Questions:17. What are the two speakers mainly talking about?18. Which is the main factor that makes Amish people special?19. What can we learn from the conversation?20. How do the five Amish teenagers feel in the modern world?II.Grammar and Vocabulary(20分)Section A(10分)Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.A New Way to Learn LanguagesNowadays, the Internet is changing the way people learn languages. There is still no way to avoid the hard work through vocabulary lists and grammar rules, but since the birth of the Internet, books, tapes and even CDs 21 (replace) by email, video chat and social networks.Livemocha, a Seattle-based company, has created a website helping people learn more than 38 languages by exchanging messages over the Internet and then 22 (correct) each other’s messages. The lessons, 23 form they are in, are delivered online.The CEO of Livemocha says the website’s advantage is the context 24 you may practice speaking with a real person. “The great irony is that even if you have learned a foreign language in the classroom for years, you are not confident 25 (go) into a restaurant, striking up a conversation,” he said. The casual connections with real people throughout the world are not just fun and surprising but reveal more about 26 the language is really used.Livemocha is now experimenting with many ways that resemble the games 27 (find) on other social websites to motivate people. Besides, each person can set up a profile 28 includes a short self-description and what language he or she would like to learn. Therefore, if you want to learn one language, you will easily find many people fluent in this language. And it becomes 29 (challenging) to find a study partner. An email or two is all it takes.There are more and more companies like Livemocha offering online language learning to students throughout the world. 30 merely helping people practice different languages, they also enable people to share interests and make new friends【参考答案】21.have been replaced 22.correcting 23.whatever 24.where 25.to go26.how 27.found 28.which/that 29.less challenging 30.Instead of【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。

学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、单项选择第1页共16页◎第2页共16页第3页 共16页◎第4页 共16页二、选用适当的单词或短语补全短文三、完形填空第5页 共16页◎第6页 共16页38.A .outdated B .original C .cheap D .available 39.A .connecting B .designing C .printing D .copying 40.A .opposed B .attached C .possible D .fundamental 41.A .In addition B .In particular C .In summary D .In detail 42.A .leads to B .sorts out C .takes down D .makes for 43.A .healthy B .virtual C .real D .working 44.A .choice B .reference C .responsibility D .downside 45.A .experienced B .avoided C .underrated D .disliked 46.A .turn to B .think about C .make up D .set aside 47.A .Outside B .Opposite C .Against D .Inside 48.A .debate B .end C .tragedy D .achievement 49.A .pointless B .positive C .personal D .peaceful 50.A .damageB .affectC .useD .forget四、阅读理解disappear, but no, there they were, watering, pulling weeds and checking for insects.One day I slipped out by myself to the garden, feeling a little bit guilty. I had a suspicion that the sugar snap peas were ripe, and I wanted a taste. As I walked along the row, a little voice piped up behind me. “What are you eating, Mama?”Abby’s big blue eyes sparkled as I showed her how to pull the strings off and pop (剥出) the peas into her mouth. She just loved how tasty they were. Then my sweet seven-year-old girl put me to shame. “Mama, I’ve got to pick a bunch. Won’t the others love them? I can’t wait to share.”I realized how selfish I had been. I’d tried to keep the joys of gardening to myself, and here was a child who couldn’t wait to share with her brothers and sisters. I held back tears and said, “Sure, honey, let’s pick some and I’ll show you how to prepare them. We’ll make the most wonderful supper.”51.Why did the writer ask her children to do chores whenever they were in the garden?A.She didn’t want to do all the work on her own.B.She intended to show the hard labor of gardening.C.She didn’t want them to get hurt or get too tired.D.She was determined to keep the garden to herself.52.What were the children like?① loud ②lively ③ guilty ④ loving ⑤ strongA.①②③④B.①②④C.①②③D.④⑤53.The underlined word “resent” probably means________.A.dislike B.expect C.keep D.sacrifice54.What did the writer try to tell the readers with this story?A.The best way to communicate with children is by working together.B.The golden rule of gardening is that many hands make light work.C.Everything feels better when shared with your family or your friend.D.Parents should spend as much time with their children as possible.Six Best Places for ________ in Paris第7页共16页◎第8页共16页boat snapped a photo of the humpback near Madagascar.To match the two sightings, Stevick's team used an extensive international catalogue of photographs ofthe undersides of tail flukes, which have distinctive markings. Researchers routinely compare the markingsin each new photograph to those in the archive.The scientists then estimated the animal's shortest possible route: an are skirting the southern tip ofSouth Africa and heading north-east towards Madagascar. The minimum distance is 9,800 kilometers, saysStevick, but this is likely to be an underestimate, because the whale probably took a roundabout way to feedon frill in the Southern Ocean near Antarctica before reaching its destination.Most humpback-whale researches focus on their efforts on the Northern Hemisphere because theSouthern Ocean near the Antarctica is a tough environment and it is hard to get to, explaining RochelleConstantine, who studies the ecology of humpback whales at the University of Auckland in New Zealand.But, for whales, oceans in the Southern Hemisphere are wider and easier to travel across, says Constantine.Scientists will probably observe more long-distance migrations in the Southern Hemisphere as satellitetracking becomes increasingly common, she adds.Daniel Palacios, an oceanographer at the University of Hawaii at Monoa, says that record-breakingjourney could indicate that migration patterns are shifting as populations begin to recover fromnear-extinction and the population increases. But the reasons why whale did not follow the usual migrationroutes remain a mystery. She could have been exploring new habitats, or simply have lost her way. “Wegenerally think of humpback whales as very well studied, but then they surprise us with things like this,”Palacios says. “Undoubtedly there are a lot of things we still don't know about whale migration.”58.In what way was the whale's journey considered unusual?A.It covered a long distance from west to east.B.A female whale rather than a male one completed it.C.The whale moved from its breeding ground to its feeding area.D.No one had ever spotted the whale other than at its destination.59.Why did the researchers compare the markings on tail flukes?A.There is a vast collection of such markings.B.The markings there last by far the longest.第9页共16页◎第10页共16页C.No two whales share the same markings.D.The markings are easiest to photograph. 60.What can be inferred from the passage?A.More evidence should have been provided that the whale had even arrived at Madagascar.B.South Hemisphere can provide more information about humpback whales' migration.C.The whale's actual route might well have been shorter than the scientists had estimated.D.North Hemisphere's environment is becoming tougher for whales to survive. 61.What is the passage mainly about?A.A female whale was spotted twice in the Southern Ocean.B.Research on whales is a breakthrough.C.Whales' migration routes vary with the climate change.D.A whale surprises researchers with her journey.五、六选四六、用单词的适当形式完成短文第11页共16页◎第12页共16页七、汉译英(整句)76.先进农业技术的引进使得这个农庄重新焕发了生机。

2020年上海市复旦高级中学高三英语一模试题及答案解析第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AAre you looking for some new and exciting places to take your kids to? Try some of these places.★Visit art museums.They offer a variety of activities to excite your kids' interest. Many offer workshops for making hand-made pieces, traveling exhibits, book signings by children's favorite writer, and even musical performances and other arts.★Head to a natural history museum.This is where kids can discover the past from dinosaur(恐龙) models to rock collections and pictures of stars in the sky. Also, ask what kind of workshops and educational programs are prepared for kids and any special events that are coming up.★Go to a Youtheater.Look for one in your area offering plays for child and family visitors.Pre-show play shops are conducted by area artists and educators where kids can discover the secret about performing arts Puppet(木偶)making and stage make-up are just a couple of the special offerings you might find.★Tryhands-on science.Visit one of the many hands-on science museums aroundthe country.These science play-lands are great fun for kids and grown-ups alike. They'll keep your child mentally and physically active the whole day through while pushing buttons, experimenting, and building. When everyone is tired, enjoy a fun family science show, commonly found in these museums.1.If a child is interested in the universe, he probably will visit _____.A.a YoutheaterB.an art museumC.a hands-on science museumD.a natural history museum2.What does "hands-on science" mean in the last paragraph?A.Science games designed by kids.B.Learning science by doing things.C.A show of kids' science work.D.Reading science books.3.Where does this text probably come from?A.A museum guide.B.A tourist map.C.A science textbook.D.A news report.BKenyan mother Beth Mwende heard her sleeping child cry out, but did not worry after the three-year-oldquickly quietened down. The next morning, however, she found her daughter, Mercy, nearly unconscious with two bite marks in the neck. “I didn’t know that it was a snake,” Mwende said.Although snakebites are common in her hometown, antivenom medication is difficult to get. Mwende lives about 160 kilometers east of Nairobi, Kenya’s capital. So she took her daughter to a traditional healer. He placed stones over the bites. Mercy died within hours. She was one of about 700 Kenyans killed by snakebites each year, notes a report in the scientific publicationToxicon.The Kenya Snakebite Research and Intervention Center (KSRIC) is working to change that. The KSRIC hopes to have East Africa’s first antivenom medication on the market within five years. It estimates the cost will be about 30 percent of an imported product, which often sells for about US $ 30.More than 70, 000 people are bitten in East Africa each year. Climate change and deforestation are worsening the problem as snakes get pushed out of natural surroundings into populated areas.Nearly 100 snakes live at the research center in a forest near Nairobi. Researchers take venom from snakes and study it before injecting small amounts into other animals, such as sheep. The animals then create antibodies that can be made into antivenom.“Up to now, no one has made any kind of antivenom in Kenya,’’ said Geoffrey Maranga Kepha, a senior snake handler.Two effective antivenoms are available in Kenya, from India and Mexico, the center says.The center is teaching communities that using antivenom immediately after receiving a snakebite can save lives, said head researcher George Adinoh.“After seeing how people died in Kenya from snakebites I decided to devote my life to coming up with a rescue measure that will help or prevent people from dying from snakebites,” snake handler Kepha added.4. How does the author introduce the topic of the text?A. By telling a story.B. By listing figures.C. By referririg to documents.D. By making a comparison.5. Why did Mwende take her daughter to a traditional healer?A. She couldn’t afford any modern treatment.B. She lived where antivenom medication is not available.C. The traditional way is very effective to treat snakebites.D. She believed a traditional healer could cure her daughter.6. What is causing more snakebites to happen in East Africa?A. Lack of antivenom medication.B. Environmental damage and climate change.C. People’s low awareness of the danger of snakes.D. People’s pursuit of traditional cures for snakebites.7. What do we know about antivenom in Kenya from the text?A. Itis taken from antibodies of sheep.B. There is only one effective antivenom available.C. KSRIC is trying to develop a local antivenom now.D. People refuse to use antivenom after being bitten by snakes.CYour best friend that follows you around when the sun comes out - your shadow - doesn’t serve an important function like your heart or brain, but what if you could use shadows to create electricity? When using solar panels (电池板) that are powered by light, shadows can be boring because it means electricity can’t be created. However, researchers from the National University of Singapore have engineered a way to create power from the shadows present everywhere.A team of the university created a machine that can collect energy from shadows. It is created by placing a thin coating of gold onto silicon (硅). Like in a normal solar panel, when put in light, the silicon electrons (电子) become energized and the energized electrons then jump from the silicon to the gold. The voltage (电压) of the part of the machine that is placed in the light increases to the dark part and the electrons in the machine flow from high to low voltage. They are sent through an external circuit (外电路) creating a current that can be used to power another machine. The greater the contrast between light and dark, more energy is provided by the machine.The team isworking on improving the performance of the machine, borrowing approaches from solar panels to gather light. Increasing the amount of light the machines can receive allows them to better make use of shadows, as well as developing shadow energy collecting panels that can successfully gather from indoor lighting. The team is also researching the use of other materials other than gold to drop the price of the machine, meaning they would be more cost effective and easier to apply in society.Shadows are present everywhere and perhaps one day in the future we will be able to collect energy from them by placing the shadow-effect energy machine around the world in places that have been considered unfit for solar panels to work, or indoors. “A lot of people think that shadows are useless,” Tan says, but “anything can beuseful, even shadows.”8. What is Paragraph 1 mainly about?A. Your best friend always stays with you after the sunrise.B. The shadow has the same function as the heart and brain.C. Shadows can stop solar panels from creating electricity.D. Researchers have found a way to create power from shadows.9. What is the key working principle of the machine mentioned in the text?A. The silicon produces electricity when it is in the light.B. The gold produces power with the help of the silicon.C. The energized electrons flow from high to low voltage.D. An external circuit creates current using another machine.10. How does the team improve the performance of the machine?A. Using solar panels in the machine.B. Increasing the amount of light received.C. Developing light energy collecting panels.D. Bringing down the price of gold.11. Which of the following is the best place to apply the machine?A. A gym.B. A park.C. A farm.D. A playground.DWe asked four people who watched an online talk on technology and communication by Sherry Turkle for their opinions.Fred:The talk certainly gave me plenty of food for thought about how technology is changing our behaviour. People are constantly multitasking, whether it be emailing during meetings or texting in the checkout queue. It’s as if we can’t bear to miss out on what our online friends are up to, so we juggle the real and online world. My greatest concern is that we don’t give our brains a chance to switch off. It’sthese precious momentswhen we actually process information that helps us make important decisions.Jeremy:It was a fascinating talk and the speaker really hit the nail on the head with a couple of things. Take parental influence, for instance. How can we expect teenagers not to text while doing their homework when they witnesstheir parents posting on social media while cooking the evening meal or waiting at a red light?Kath:So much of what the speaker said rang true. I honestly believe there’s a danger that the more connected we are, the more isolated we feel. I don’t think this is such an issue for my generation who’ve lived without technology for so long. We know how to be alone. But the under 20s are another kettle of fish. They’re so busy communicating that they never experience the feeling of solitude and run the risk of not learning how to enjoy their own company.Carl:I’m not sure to what extent I agree that people are more alone, but the way we communicate has certainly evolved. The speaker makes a good point about how we’re getting used to talking with machines like Siri or robots, which are totally lack of experience of human life. But despite such limitations, we seem to be expecting more from technology and less from each other.12. What does the underlined phrase “these precious moments” in paragraph 2 refer to?A. When our brains are free.B. When we emailing during meeting.C. When we texting in the checkout queue.D. When we juggle the real and online world.13. What suggestion may Jeremy give to the parents?A. Accompany their children when they are doing homework.B. Prevent their children using phone while doing homework.C. Set a good example for their children on using phone properly.D. Stop posting on social media in face of their children.14. What does Kath worry about the under 20s generation?A. They communicate more with others.B. They use more technology.C. It’s difficult for them to find companies.D. They don’t know how to be alone.15. What is Carl’s attitude towards the use of technology in communication?A. Favorable.B. Intolerant.C. Doubtful.D. Indifferent.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

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上海市复旦大学附中高一上学期开学考试英语试题I. Choice1.Rather than read the science fiction alone in the classroom he preferred ______ the performance put on by the American student’s choir.A. watchingB. watchC. having watchedD. to watch2.Eggs in the shopping center are sold ______.A. by dozenB. by the dozenC. in dozensD. in the dozens3.The Chinese government has decided to boycott the imported beef from UK for the purpose of ______ the local citizen from mad cow disease.A. protectingB. preservingC. reservingD. releasing4.Paper produced every year is ______ the world’s production of vehicles.A. as three times heavy asB. the three time weight ofC. three times the weight ofD. three times heavier as5.Don’t worry about it. My dog will ______ the gate of my house when I am away.A. defendB. protectC. saveD. guard6.He set aside much money for his tuition each month and only a ______ amount of money went to his living expense.A. littleB. smallC. tinyD. few7.This clever boy absorbed almost all ______ his teacher could give him.A. whichB. /C. whatD. as8.______ in thought, he failed to realize his mother’s approach.A. LosingB. Being lostC. LostD. To be lost9.The whereabouts of Bin Laden has become a focus of media’s _____.A. observationB. noticeC. intentionD. attention10.Walk ______ of the street, and you can see a post office just around the corner.A. at the endB. in the endC. to the endD. to an end11.You really don’t know what to do ______ your mother’s kindness.A. in place ofB. instead ofC. ahead ofD. in return for12.The panda ______ to China is threatened with extinction. Something must be done to save her from danger.A. naturalB. localC. nativeD. rural13.Many searchlights were used to ______ the missing passengers on the spot the air crash occurred.A. situate….whichB. search ….. whereC. search for….whichD. locate ….where14.Venus Fly-Trap has two special leaves and ______ leaf has several hairs in the middle.A. anyB. eitherC. bothD. none15.It was ______ late to catch a bus after the party, ______, we called a taxi.A. too much…..moreoverB. too much ….. thereforeC. much too …. thereforeD. much too…. moreover16.It is believed that ______ type of tree grows ______ than the Giant Redwood.A. not any ….. more highlyB. no other …. higherC. no other ….more highlyD. not any….. higher.17.Too much rainfall failed to ______ the growth of these plants.A. encourageB. discourageC. disappointD. appoint18.Our English monitor can sing ______, if not better than, Mary.A. as good asB. as well asC. so well asD. so good as19.We know for sure that the Venus Fly-Trap ______ insects for foodA. catchesB. holdsC. mastersD. kidnaps20.Admission will be free to ______ wears the school uniform and the school badge.A. anyoneB. whoC. whoeverD. whom21.The first prize ______ to Mr. Brown for his outstanding design of his banknote counting machine.A. rewardedB. awardedC. presentedD. went22.Nurseries are the areas where plants are grown to be sold or ______ in other places.A. being plantedB. to plantC. plantD. planted23.Ecology is the study of the relationship between plants, animal, people and their ______.A. conditionB. situationC. environmentD. atmosphere24.We parted from each other at the crossroads and returned to our ______ houses.A. respectedB. respectfulC. respectableD. respective25.Mimosa, 15 cm in height, is a sensitive small plant, which will close when ______.A. touchingB. touchedC. is touchedD. to be touched26.As a matter of fact ______, we raise at home are collected from the wild forest.A. most the plantsB. most of plantsC. most of the plantsD. most of plant27.I thought that they were unhappy at the party when they got nothing to eat, ______?A. didn’t IB. do IC. were theyD. weren’t they28.______ I referred to in class is the weird world of plants.A. Knowing to be the best chapterB. Known as the best chapterC. The best-known chapterD. To know it as the best chapter29.—Will professor Brown attend her wedding ceremony?—It will not be ______ so.A. particularlyB. necessarilyC. commonlyD. regularly30.—How are we going to make our language teaching more efficient?—______ the teaching methodology.A. To improveB. ImprovingC. Having improvedD. ByimprovingⅡ.Close Test(A)___31___ to us all, Martin Luther King was the black leader in America, who devoted his life to the racial equality, and died for his beliefs. The following is a(n) ___32___ from his famous speech delivered in the large audience of American people. The speech is called “I have a dream”.I say to you today, my friend, even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I will have a dream. It is a dream deeply ___33___ in the American dream. I have a dream that one day this ___34___ will rise up and live out the true meaning of its belief that “all men are___35___ equal”.I have a dream that the sons of ___36___ slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of ___37___. I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis(绿洲) of freedom and justice. I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation ___38___ they will not be judged by the color of their skin ___39___ by the content of their character.I have a dream that one day little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers. This is our hope and faith. _____40_____ this faith, we will work together, pray together, struggle together, go to jail together, stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day.31. A. It is known B. As it is known C. As is known D. We all know32. A. story B. fiction C. speech D. excerpt33. A. rooted B. mixed C. rested D. grown34. A. state B. nation C. government D. community35. A. discovered B. invented C. created D. born36. A. latter B. former C. late D. previous37. A. manhood B. brotherhood C. boyhood D. sisterhood38. A. which B. where C. that D. what39. A. and B. either C. but D. though40. A. As B. With C. For D. By(B)A 25-year-old architectural designer spends at least five hours a day ___41___ on the Internet, but not just for work ___42___ sending e-mails to friends. To him, the most important thing is ___43___ he can have on-line talks with his girlfriends, a primary school teacher in south China.A shy young man is active in the virtual world. ___44___ his girlfriend, he has many on- line good friends .“It’s not a ___45___ thing for net chatters to have on-line friends of the opposite sex or even ___46___ a girlfriend or a boyfriend, ”said a graduate student of Beijing university. “Many of ___47___ classmates and friends have had such an experience.”He and his girlfriend surnamed Wang first met on the Internet, and on-line discussions became the starting ___48___ of their love story. Nowadays “Net-love” is no longer a strange .___49___ to many young Chinese, and on-line recreational activities have sprung up.Evidences show that the number of net chatter in China _____50_____ 79.5 million by the end of last year.and 32.2 percent of the them said that the purpose of surfing on the Internet was to have fun and make friends.41. A. to surf B. having surfed C. surf D. surfing42 A. or B. and C. either D. neither43. A. which B. what C. that D. whom44. A. Except that B. except C. In addition D. Besides45. A. fair B. bare C. usual D. rare46. A. to chat B. to search C. to hunt D. to locate47. A. his B. her C. my D. their48. A. top B. point C. tip D. spot49. A. word B. vocabulary C. phrase D. letter50. A. had reached B. had arrived C. would rise D. would raise(A)I arrived in the United States on February 6, 1966, but I remember my first day here very clearly. My friend was waiting for me when my plane landed at Kennedy Airport at three o’clock in the afternoon. The weather was very cold and it was snowing, but I was too excited to mind. From the airport, my friend and I took a taxi to my hotel. On the way, I saw the skyline of Manhattan for the first time and I stared in astonishment at the famous skyscrapers and their man-made beauty. My friend helped me unpack at the hotel and then left me because he had to go back to work. He promised to return the next day.Shortly after my friend had left, I went to a restaurant near the hotel to get something to eat. Because I couldn’t speak a word of English, I couldn’t tell the waiter what I wanted. I was very upset and started to make some gestures, but the waiter didn’t understand me. Finally, I ordered the same thing the man at the next table was eating. After dinner, I started to walk along Broadway until I came to Times Square with its movie theatres, neon lights, and huge crowds of people. I did not feel tired, so I continued to walk around the city. I wanted to see everything on my first day. I knew it was impossible, but I wanted to try.When I returned to the hotel, I was exhausted, but I couldn’t sleep because I kept hearing the fire and police sirens during the night. I lay awake and thought about New York. It was a very big and interesting city with many tall buildings and big cars, and full of noise and busy people. I also .decided right then that I had to learn to speak English.51. He did not have what he really wanted, because _______.A. he only made some gesturesB. he did not order at allC. he could not make himself understoodD the waiter was unwilling to serve52. The waiter _______.A. knew what he orderedB. finally understood what he saidC. took the order through his gesturesD served the same thing the man at the next table was having53. After dinner, he _______.A. walked back to the hotel right awayB. had a walking tour about the cityC. went to the movies.D. did some shopping on Broadway54. That night he could not sleep because _______.A. he did not know what to do the next dayB. he was not tired at allC. he kept hearing the fire and police sirensD he was thinking about the great city(B)Dear Doctor,My husband and I got married in 1965 and for the first ten years of our marriage I was very happy to stay home and raise our three children. Then four years ago, our youngest child went to school and I thought I might go back to work.My husband was very supportive and helped me to make my decision. He emphasized all of the things I can do around the house, and said he thought I could be a great success in business.After several weeks of job-hunting, I found my present job, which is working for a small public relations firm. At first, my husband was very proud of me and would tell his friends, “My clever little wife can run that company she’s working for.”But as his joking remark approached reality, my husband stopped talking to me about my job.I have received several promotions and pay increases, and I am now making more money than he is. I can buy my own clothes and a new car. Because of our combined incomes, my husband and I can do many things that we had always dreamed of, but we don’t do these things because he is very unhappy.We fight about little things and my husband is very critical of me in front of our friends. For the first time in our marriage, I think there is a possibility that our marriage may come to an end.I love my husband very much, and I don’t want him to feel inferior, but I also love my job. I think I can be a good wife and a working woman, but I don’t know how. Can you give me someadvice? Will I have to choose one or the other or can I keep both my husband and my new career?Please help.55. What do you think shows her husband was supportive?A. He took up all the work she used to do.B. He made all the decisions for her.C. He gave her encouragement.D. All of the above.56. As her income increased _______.A. she found a gap emerged between her and her husbandB. she bought more clothes and a new houseC. she did many things she had dreamed forD. she felt very proud of herself57. The dilemma of the working woman is a choice between _______.A. husband and childrenB. children and workC. career and moneyD. job and marriage(C)If we are observant(善于观察的), we can find that most of the flowers in nature are red, orange and yellow. If we have seen a black flower, it is a chance in a million. People have made census (统计) to colors of more than four thousand kinds of flowers and discovered that only eight of them are black. Why are black flowers so rare?As we know, sunlight is formed by seven different kinds of colored light. The wave length of each light changes, so the quantity of heat in each light changes, too. Flowers, especially their petals (花瓣) , are very weak and easy to the harm caused by high temperature. Black flowers can take in all the light waves, which cause the flowers to dry up in a high temperature. So the black flowers can hardly continue their lives. While red flowers, orange flowers and yellow ones can protect themselves from sunlight by reflecting(反射)the red light, orange light and yellow light, each of which has a large quantity of heat.That is why red, orange and yellow flowers are very common in nature while black flowersare so unusual.58. It is a chance in a million” means______.A. something commonB. something luckyC. something extremely rareD. something impossible59. Sunlight is formed by _____.A. many different kinds of colored lightB. three different kinds of colored light—red, orange and yellowC. seven different kinds of colored lightD. four thousand kinds of colored light60. Black flowers are so rare because ______.A. they are so weak that it’s difficult for them to grow upB. there are actually no black flowers in the worldC. the petals of black flowers are very delicate(易碎的)D. they can take in the light of all wave length which make the flowers dry up because of high temperature.61. Which of the following statements is NOT true?A. Red, orange and yellow flowers can absorb the light of all wave lengths.B. People have found that only a few kinds of flowers are black.C. Most of the flowers are resistant(有抵抗力的)to high temperature owing to their bright colors.D. The black flowers cannot protect themselves from sunlight.sentence translation62. 幸运的是,今天的天气很适合野营。