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unit 4 Global warming 语言点练习


1.Coal is one of the cheapest f _________________ .

2.We are surprised to hear about the _____________ 大( 灾难) in Wenchuan.

3.Many people believe that poverty is a direct c ______________________ of


4.The teacher took a book from the shelf at r ____________ .

5.Some of the most efficient refrigerators _______ 70 percent less electricity

than traditional models.

6.Get as close to the subject as you can and hold the camera ________ .

7.The police report _________ that he was arrested for assault in袭击)his wife.

8.The average age __________ is between 35 and 55.

9.The area is famous for its very ______ winter climate.

10. A problem for manufacturers(希9造商)is that lighter cars _______ t o be



e to; come up; come out; come across; come about

1)Tom looked down the whole day, but he ______________ l ife the moment his

girlfriend came.

2)Don'tlook it up in a dictionary every time you _________ a new word.

3)Sometimes it is not easy to tell how an accident ________ .

4)The book became a best seller after it ____________ last month.

5)Haven'tthe seeds you sowed last week ___________ yet

2.a quantity of; quantities of;

1)With more forests being destroyed, _________ good earth are washed away

each year.

2)With more forests being destroyed, ________ good earth is washed away

each year.

3.result in; result from; as a result; as a result of

1)_______________ , he had to leave for his work.

2)Many people became homeless __________________ the big earthquake.

3)Many hair problems _________________ what you eat.

4)High temperatures often ______________ high evaporation(蒸发)from the


4.keep (sb.) doing …;keep on doing …

1)I am very sorry for _______ you waiting for two hours.

2)Why do you _______________ making the same mistake

5.be opposed to; oppose (sb.) doing

1)His parents ___________________ h is idea that he will go will go abroad to

study further.

2)His parents __________________ him going abroad to study further.

6.tend to do; tend

1) Janet ______________ get very angry if you disagree with her.

2) The nurse skillfully _________ the wounded soldiers.

7.ran ge; range from …to …;a wide range of

The supermarket keeps ______________________ goods. Their prices ___________ just only a few yuan ________ several hundred yuan. According to their varieties,


shop assistants ____________ them neatly on the shelves.


1.Film has a much shorter history, _______________________________ 当与...

对比的时候) such art forms as music and painting. (compare)

2._____________________________________ 毫( 无疑问) the hard-working man will

be successful. (doubt)

3.But for the help you gave me, I ______________________________ 不( 会通过)

the exam. (pass)

4.________________ (正是) the developed countries ________________ consume

the most energy in the world.

5.It's(high/about) time for us to ____________________________________ 采(

取措施来阻止全球变暖). (measure)


Air pollution is becoming more and more serious. Everyone should be concerned about the problem. It ___________________ (affect) us all, and as it continues to worsen, the environmental impact increases. One of the major causes of air

_______________ (pollute) in cities is car use. Cars are used for even the shortest of journeys, and all efforts by governments to encourage people ________ (use) public transport seem to be failing. Industry is another major cause of pollution

in our cities, but fortunately, new _____ (industry) sites are being built away

from large urban centres now.

It ____________ (say) that there are too many contributing factors for us to decide _______________ (exact) which one is the main problem, but I believe that

one of the most serious problems that need to be dealt with is the use of the car. In some cities laws have been passed _____________ (concern) car use. Athens, for example, only allows _______________ certain number of cars into the city centre.

In my opinion, this is a good idea. ___________ this kind of law, people have no choice _______________ are forced to use buses and trains. Then public transport

will be used.


1.在广州,有许多人反对拆毁那些旧房屋的建议。(be opposed to)

2.谁能告诉我这起事故是如何发生的(come about)

3.他总是提醒自己要当心,但结果还是被她欺骗了。(in consequence)

4.这条河中有大量的细菌(bacteria)。(quantities of/a quantity of)
