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use the heart-lung machine to instead of heart extracorporeal(体外) circulation.
intercept a period of great saphenous vein(大隐静脉).
establish bypass cycle.
2. Mixing(混合) technology (intervention operation simultaneously bypass surgery),
3. gene therapy vascular endothelial growth factor etc.
these methods have reduce trauma (创伤)and complications (并发症) role。
IV line(静脉通道 ) Oral or IV sedative(镇静 ) General anesthesia(全身麻醉 ) Breathing tube(呼吸管 ) Catheter placed in bladder(导尿 )
Surgical procedure
Open the skin, muscle, sternum(胸骨) and expose the heart in turn.
Therefore, looking for more advanced technology to solve these problems is necessary.
new technology
1. minimally invasive (微创) coronary artery bypass surgery,
Coronary Artery Bypass Graft
Members:宋汴京 杨冠佼 张鸿雁 赵春梅 赵遍 景霆
Coronary heart disease(冠心病) known as “the first killer to human health”.
Its incidence(发病率)is increasing year by year and showing younger trend.
coronary arteries (冠状动脉)
The disease affects our normal work and life seriously, but it is not easy to cure radically by medical treatment.
Before the procedure
After the procedure
Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Heart monitor(监护仪器 ) Pacห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ng wire to control heart rate Keep breathing
See a video clip
Surgical disadvantage
Coronary artery bypass graft curative effect is distinct, also have a few complications (并发症) .
Such as lungs and wound infection, brain and kidney damage.
Among them, the vascular endothelial growth factor have (血管内皮生长因子) establish collateral circulation(侧支循环) role.
The end