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Your Turn

Research and write a news story about an animal. You can use magazines and newspapers, or do research on the Internet with an adult’s help. As you research and write, think about the five W s . In your first sentence, explain Who , What , When , Where , and Why . In the story, use transition words and at least one adjective that compares, such as happier . Use the Writer’s Checklist to check your writing.

Writer 's Checklist

Ideas and Content: Is my news story about a real event?

Organization: Does my news story have a topic sentence and supporting details?

Voice: Does my news story tell the facts without showing my feelings?

Word Choice: Did I use transition words

? Sentence Fluency: Did I vary the lengths of my sentences?

Conventions: Did I use the correct forms of adjectives that compare? Did I check my spelling?

Expository Writing


Talk About It

What does it mean to be a

good citizen?

Find out more about citizenship at



U W \

U /Z Z S U W O \Q S O ctober 12, 1892. Do you know

the historical importance of that date? It was Columbus Day, and on that day 12 million kids in the United States recited the Pledge of Allegiance for the fi rst time. Th e original pledge was

published in the September 8, 1892, issue of a Boston magazine called

Th e Youth’s Companion. For years

there was a dispute over who wrote

the pledge. Was it James B. Upham

or Francis Bellamy? Both were

members of the magazine’s staff .

Bellamy’s son gathered documents

and statements to prove that his

father was the pledge’s author. It

paid off . In 1939 the United States

Flag Association decided that

Bellamy deserved the credit.

CHANGES TO THE PLEDGE:★ In 1923, at the fi

rst National Flag Conference, the words “my Flag”

were changed to “the Flag of the

United States of America.”

★ Congress offi cially recognized the Pledge of Allegiance in 1942.★ On Flag Day in 1954, President Dwight D. Eisenhower suggested adding the words “under God.” Congress agreed, and the phrase was added. Real World Reading


“I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands—one nation indivisible—with liberty and justice for all.” >Z Vocabulary

historical dispute automatically requirements


Citizens of the United States have certain rights and responsibilities. When people move to the United States from other countries, they do not automatically become American citizens. They must fi ll out an

application with the Immigration and Naturalization Service. They must meet certain requirements , such as being able to read, write, and speak ordinary English. They must also pass a test on the history and government of the United States. After they

become citizens, they have the right to vote and hold public offi ce.

Top 5


Find out more about

becoming a U.S. citizen at

There are more than 30 million

Hispanic people living in the United States. Every year Hispanic Heritage Month

begins on September 15, which marks the date when fi ve Latin American countries gained independence: Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua.

Eight out of ten Hispanics in the U.S. live in these fi ve states.1. California 11,980,8842. Texas 7,614,4143. Florida 3,108,5784. New York 3,034,1245. Illinois 1,694,185

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2003

