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In 1950, construction started in a brand new town, Sasolburg and encountered many challenges: 1950年在沙索堡开始施工,期间 年在沙索堡开始施工,
遭遇了众多困难: 遭遇了众多困难:
The fundamental chemistry was well understood on a laboratory scale
南非发展煤制油工业的原因: 南非发展煤制油工业的原因:
资源有限 充分利用储量丰富但是品质不高 的煤炭资源 降低对油品进口的依赖 外汇平衡 刺激经济 创造就业机会
SA never had problems in purchasing oil even during the sanction years. The government took a strategic decision to establish a Synfuel industry.
A dedicated and competent management team was selected to lead Sasol
1927 1947 1950 1956
Copyright Reserved 2006 Sasol
Birth of CTL 煤制油工业的建立
The South African CTL industry was established due to:
The resource constraint Desire to beneficiate abundant indigenous low grade coal Reduce dependence on oil imports Forex balance Stimulate economy Job creation
化学原理在实验室规模已得到充分理 解
Scaling up to a commercial plant proved difficult, and new technical solutions had to be developed
扩大到商业规模困难重重,需要开发 扩大到商业规模困难重重, 新的技术
在全球三十多个国家拥有生产或销售业务,产品出口一百多个国家。 在全球三十多个国家拥有生产或销售业务,产品出口一百多个国家。
Supplies 28% of South Africa’s fuel requirements from coal derived fuels.
其煤制油产品能够满足南非燃料28%的需求。 其煤制油产品能够满足南非燃料 的需求。
SA‘s single biggest tax payer and direct capital investor.
南非最大的纳税企业,最大的直接投资者。 南非最大的纳税企业,最大的直接投资者。
Sasol provides direct and indirect employment of 195,000 people
High capital cost- Long payback Complex and process Unique business model High technology requirement
认识:煤制油工业的独特性 认识:
高额的资本投入复杂性和工 艺 独特的商业模型 对安全性的要求极高
Prerequisite: Plan for success
但是沙索最终证明,批评和反对意见并不可取。 但是沙索最终证明,批评和反对意见并不可取。
Total Investment by Government 政府的总投资 Return received by the government, excluding taxes paid 政府得到的回报, 政府得到的回报,不包括缴纳的税费 -cash income by selling Sasol 1, 2, 3 出售沙索1、2、3号工厂的现金所得 -interests & dividends received 所获利息和股利 -value of shareholding 股权价值 Rand 5 billion 50亿兰特 亿兰特 Rand 57 billion 570亿兰特 亿兰特
如果没有政府的支持, 如果没有政府的支持,私营业主不愿意投资
The government eventually decided to fund the project
Parliament investigation 国会开始调查研究
Sasol’s first oil 沙索的第一批油
Sasol ‘s 50 Years’ Experience on CTL
Presenter: André de Ruyter
演讲人:安瑞德 演讲人:
President, Sasol China Venture
沙索中国投资 总裁
Copyright Reserved 2006 Sasol
沙索公司一年向国家缴纳的各种直接或间接税费高于其过去获得的保护政策 总额。 总额。
Copyright Reserved 2006 Sasol
Lessons Learnt
Copyright Reserved 2006 Sasol
Lessons Learnt 取得的经验
Recognize: CTL is a unique industry
The government decided to fund Sasol, construction started 政府决定对沙索公司给予 资助, 资助,启动工厂建设
29 years lapsed from the initial investigation to the 1st drop of CTL oil is produced
即使在经济制裁的年代,南非从未 即使在经济制裁的年代, 遭遇购买石油的困难 政府制定战略决策,建立合成油工 政府制定战略决策, 业
But, it was not an easily-made decision
然而,这个决定来之不易 然而,
Copyright Reserved 2006 Sasol
Birth of CTL 煤制油工业的建立
Content 概览
The Birth of Sasol
Lessons learnt
The future
Copyright Reserved 2006 Sasol
The Birth of Sasol
Copyright Reserved 2006 Sasol
The Birth of Sasol 沙索的诞生
沙索公司为195,000人提供了直接或间接的就业机会。 人提供了直接或间接的就业机会。
The direct and indirect tax payable by Sasol in just one year is more than the protection we received in all the years gone by.
至1958年,工厂的产能只达到设计能 力的一半 至1960年,花费巨资解决了主要的问 题
Sasol has paid its school fees and now offers its expertise to other countries
沙索已经付了学费,现在将这技能经验提供给其他国家 沙索已经付了学费,
Copyright Reserved 2006 Sasol
Birth of CTL 煤制油工业的建立
Construction was delayed numerous times by unforeseen challenges:
许多不可预见的难题多次拖延了工厂 建设:
法兰密封失效引发火灾, 法兰密封失效引发火灾,损失了几个反应 Flange and seals failure lead to fire, 器 several reactors were lost. 国际工程承包商提供不合格的材料, 国际工程承包商提供不合格的材料,因此 等等。。 Some parts were badly made from 工厂的某些部件存在质量问题, 等等。。
Completion of Sasol 3 沙索3厂竣工 沙索 厂竣工
Commissioning of Nigeria GTL 尼日利亚天然气液 化工厂投产 Completion of Qatar GTL 卡塔尔天然气液 化工厂竣工
Completion of Sasol 2 沙索2厂竣工 沙索 厂竣工
从首轮研究到生产出第一滴煤制燃油, 从首轮研究到生产出第一滴煤制燃油,期间整整经 历二十九年
The private sector was unwilling to invest without government support
SA Liquid Fuel and Oil Act 南非通过《 南非通过《液化 燃料和石油法案〉 燃料和石油法案〉
Incentives are essential to enable a CTL industry Trusting relationship between the industry and government Government: good understanding of the industry and its needs Industry: capabilities of complex petrochemical project execution, plant operation, and commercial skills
先决条件:为成功筹划 先决条件:
激励政策是煤制油工业成功 的关键 业界和政府相互信任的关系 政府: 政府:对这一工业及其需求 的理解 业界: 业界:胜任大型石油化工项 目的执行、工厂运营, 目的执行、工厂运营,具备商 业运作的能力。 业运作的能力。
sub-standard materials by overseas contractors, etc.
By 1958 the plant only produced to half of its design capacity. By 1960 major problems were solved, at high financial cost.
Copyright Reserved 2006 Sasol
Birth of CTL 煤制油工业的建立
Government decided to fund Sasol, construction started 政府决定对沙索公司给 予资助, 予资助,启动工厂建设 SA Liquid Fuel and Oil Act 南非通过《 南非通过《液化燃 料和石油法案〉 料和石油法案〉 Parliament investigation 国会开始调查研究 Commissioning of China CTL 中国煤制油工厂投产
Sasol’s first oil 沙索的第一批油
2010 2013
Copyright Reserved 2006 Sasol
Birth of CTL 煤制油工业的建立
Production and sales operation in more than 30 countries, and exporting to over 100 countries.
Copyright Reserved 2006 Sasol
Birth of CTL 煤制油工业的建立
There was a lot of criticism and opposition in the parliament and press.
来自国会、媒体的批评和反对意见如潮 来自国会、
But Sasol proved them wrong.