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指导教师姓名: 肖全芳




摘要..................................................................................................... I 前言 .............................................................................................. III 1 会计舞弊概述 (1)

1.1 会计舞弊概念 (1)

1.2 会计舞弊表现形式 (1)

1.3 会计舞弊种类 (2)

1.4 会计舞弊手段 (3)

2 会计舞弊危害 (5)

2.1 对企业的危害 (5)

2.2 对利益相关者的危害 (6)

2.3 对会计行业的危害 (6)

2.4 对证券市场的危害 (7)

3 会计舞弊形成原因分析 (8)

3.1 信息不对称是会计信息舞弊的根本原因 (8)

3.2 经济利益的驱动是会计舞弊的催化剂 (8)

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3.6 法律意识淡薄,甚至是有法不依 (10)

4 会计舞弊的治理方法 (11)

4.1 严格执法,加大处罚力度 (11)

4.2 建立健全企业内部控制制度 (11)

4.3 提高会计人员素质 (12)

4.4加强监督,使外部监督和内部监督配合一致 (12)

结论 (13)

参考文献 (14)

鸣谢 (16)





The reasons and governance

for the formation of accounting frauds


With the development of social economy, accounting practices more and more serious. Accounting fraud and is not a simple accounting personnel service quality and the occupational ethics problems behind the have complex economic and social root. This article mainly aims at the formation and accounting fraud to society brought harm caused to the development of economy, the adverse effects of research and analysis, and according to the results of analysis gives management plan. Based on the analysis of accounting fraud root follows for accounting fraud revelation: from the source, we must start, specimen and cure, such ability effectively eliminate accounting fraud. In addition, cultivate all-round high-quality talents, improve accounting work personnel's moral accomplishment and culture quality, formed in accordance with the accounting fraud, blow the majesty of the law and binding is also strong measures to eradicate accounting fraud.

Thesis mainly of accounting fraud from five aspects of the causes and management are analyzed, an introduction to research objectives, main research background, the research significance, the research content of simple expatiated; The first chapter is theoretical overview of the accounting frauds, mainly from the concept of accounting frauds, manifestation, analyzed the fraud species; Chapter 2 is the analysis of accounting fraud, respectively from the harm of the accounting frauds income via, expenses fraud fraud means, non-business and losses operation profit, accounting fraud of expression, to harm the economic development and the accounting industry has brought harm etc analysis; Chapter 3 is the cause of formation of the accounting fraud; The fourth chapter is accounting frauds treatment.

KEY WORDS:accounting fraud,Harm, governance
