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经脉主治概要 Principal Indications of the channel on treating 心、神志+经脉病症 Diseases and symptoms in the heart and chest,mental diseases and the diseases of the regions along the course of the channel.
胸部 Chest
Starting point:Tianchi
中冲 End-point:Zhongchong
中指指端 It passes along the middle finger right down to its tip.
属络关系 Pertaining-and-Linking 属心包络三焦 The pericardium is the pertaining organ and connect with the sanjiao
Chi-ze is the fifth of the points on Lung Channel of Hand-Taiyin, . L5 *主治举例 Instances of Indications on treating 咳嗽 Cough, 咽喉肿痛 Sore throat, 肘臂挛痛 Spasmodic pain of the elbow and arm, etc.
胸部 Chest
starting point :Zhongfu
End-point:Shaoshang 拇指桡侧端 The medial side and at the tip of the thumb
属络关系 Pertaining-and-Linking 属肺络大肠 The lung is the pertaining organ and connect with the large intestine
Jian-yu is the fifteenth of points on the Large Intestine Channel of Hand-Yangming . LI 15 *定位 Location 在肩峰前下方,当肩峰与 肱骨大结节之间取穴。 Below the frontal acromion, The point is between acromion and great tubercle .
He-gu is the fourth of points on the Large Intestine Channel of Hand-Yangming, . LI 4 *主治举例 Instances of Indications on treating 前额痛 frontal headache, 咽喉肿痛 Sore throat, 牙痛 toothache, 口眼歪斜 deviation of the mouth and eye, 鼻病 nasal diseases, etc.
经脉主治概要 Principal Indications of the channel on treating 主治心、胸、胃以及经脉病症 1.Diseases and symptoms of the heart,chest,stomach 2. diseases and symptoms in the regions along this channel.
Leabharlann Baidu
*定位 Location 腕横纹上2寸,掌长肌 腱与桡侧腕屈肌腱之 间。2 cun above the transverse crease of the wrist, between the tendons of m. palmaris longus and m. flexor carpi radialis. *取法 Means 根据肘横纹至腕横纹 为12寸的骨度分寸定位 法量取 between the transverse cubital crease and the transverse wrist crease 12 cun of the bone-length measurement.
*定位 Location 鼻翼外缘中点旁开, 当鼻唇沟中取穴。 Outside of the midpoint of exterior nosewing, it is just in nasolabial fossa。
*主治举例 Instances of Indications on treating 鼻塞:snuffle 鼻血:nosebleed
*定位 Location Shen-men is the seventh of points on the Heart Channel of Hand-shaoyin, . H7 腕横纹尺侧端,尺 侧腕屈肌腱的桡侧凹 陷中。 At the ulnar end of the transverse crease of the wrist, in the depression on the radial side of the tendon of m. flexor carpi ulnaris.
*主治举例 Instances of Indications 失眠 Insomnia, 健忘 Amnesia, 精神病 Mental diseases, etc.
The Large Intestine Channel of HandYangming and Commonly-used points
Nei-guan is the sixth of
the points on Pericardium Channel of Hand-Jueyin,. P6
*主治举例 Instances of Indications on treating 心悸 Palpitation, 胃痛 Stomachache, 呕吐 Vomiting, 上肢痹痛 Contracture and pain of the upper extremities, etc.
手 Hand
食指桡侧端 It starts from the radial tip of the index finger. 商阳 Shangyang
经脉主治概要 Principal Indications of the channel 头面五官、热病+经脉病症 Diseases of the head, face, five sense organs, febrile and the diseases of the regions along the course of the channel.
止于鼻旁 End in the side of the nose 迎香 Yingxiang
属络关系 Pertaining-and-Linking
属大肠络肺 The large intestine is the pertaining organ and connect with the lung

*定位 Location
The lung channel of hand-Taiyin and Commonly-used points
The Distribution of Lung-channel of Hand-Taiyin,on human body
沿上肢内侧面桡侧缘 Along the radial border of the medial aspect on the upper arm
The Distribution of the Large Intestine Channel of Hand-Yangming, on human body
沿上臂外侧前缘 Along the lateral anterior aspect of the upper arm
Instances of Indications on treating 肩周炎 periarthritis of shoulder
Ying-xiang is the end-point on the Large Intestine Channel of HandYangming . LI 20
*定位Location 在肘横纹上, 肱二头肌腱桡侧缘。
On the cubital crease, near the radial border of the tendon of m.biceps .
* 取法 Means 微屈肘取穴 The point is located with the elbow slightly flexed.
The Heart Channel of Hand-shaoyin and Commonly-used points
The Distribution of Heart Channel of Handshaoyin, On human body
沿上臂内侧后缘行于手厥阴 心包经之后 Along the posterior border of the medial aspect of the upper arm behind the Heart Channel of HandJueyin.
胸部 Chest
Starting point:Jiquan
小指末端内侧 It follows the medial aspect of the little finger to its tip.
少冲 End-point:Shaochong
属络关系 Pertaining-and-Linking
属心络小肠 The heart is the pertaining organ and connect with the small intestine
经脉主治概要 Principal Indications of the channel on treating 肺系(脏腑+经)病症 , 如:咳嗽、胸痛 ,等 Diseases or symptoms belongs to the “Lung-system (zangfu+channel)”such as cough , chest pain , etc.
*定位 Location 拇指桡侧端 The medial side and at the tip of the thumb
The Pericardium Channel of Hand-Jueyin and commonly-used points
手背第一、二掌骨之间, 第二掌骨桡侧缘的中点。
On the dorsum of the hand, between the 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones, in the middle of the 2nd metacarpal bone on the radial side.
Shao-shang is the eleventh of the points on Lung Channel of Hand-Taiyin, . L11 *主治举例 Instances of Indications on treating 咽喉肿痛 Sore throat 醒神 regain consciousness
The Distribution OF the Pericardium Channel of Hand-Jueyin, On human body
沿上臂内侧行于手太阴与手少阴经 之间。 Following the medial aspect of the upper arm,it runs between the lung channel of hand-Taiyin and the heart channel of hand-Shaoyin.