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Refer to yunnan ,what first come to your mind? Maybe different people have different answers. Yunnan map in the eyes of food goods.


" Bridge noodle " is unique to the region of Yunnan which has more than one hundred years of history and loved by people of all nationalities even foreigners. It is often said that if you go to Yunnan without eating bridge noodle you will not understand Yunnan. People Who beginning to eat this snack in Yunnan often mistaken that the soup is not hot and drink directly. So it is easy to hurt lip . Some people say " bridge noodle " is a Chinese-style Western food , that worth greatly promoted. Noodle is nutritious and simple to eat, so it is deeply welcomed by domestic and foreign persons .

The Legend of bridge noodle

A long time ago , a scholar wanted to acquire fame and study hard in a reading room far from his home. His wife loved him dearly and sent three meals a day to study. One day , the wife cooked stewed chicken and noodle, want to complement nutrition for the scholar. Unexpectedly the wife fainted on the way because of overwork. The scholar heared this ,rush to see his wife. When his wife wake up. The soup is still very hot. The scholar is very amazed and tasted it.It is very delicious . So named it bridge noodle .


Rushan is produced in Dali , it has more unique shape flakes. Its color is milky white . Rushan is such a kind of cheese of Bai nationality in Northwest Yunnan. Rushan is a mix of fresh milk to boil and mix with edible acid to let it condense . Then made for the sheet and wrapped in thin rod to dry .

Rushan can be used for a variety of dishes , salad , fried , barbecue …… Rushan can be hide for several months and is popular in Southeast Asia. So it can be great gifts for relatives .


Yunnan is famous for feast of insects.Tourism that visited Yunnan should have the experience ,“油煎竹虫”、“酱拌蟋蟀”、“油炸蚂蚱”、“酸拌蚂蚁卵”……normally daunting insects were placed on the table .The color,flavor and taste make you mouth-watering . Insects have a high nutritional value . Various insects with different materials and cooking methods naturally have different flavors. However, in order to send these nutritional food into mouth , it really need great courage .


Tofu,its name is tacky and seems ugly outside,but it has long history and has very unique, ancient and traditional flavor. Once taste,you will be attracted. Tofu is one of Chinese snack , but the eating way has regional differences , They are stinky smell , taste fragrant , which is stinky features. Eat tofu, can increase appetite, but also play a role in disease prevention and health .


Potatoes have anti-aging effects. It is rich in vitamins, protein and other nutrients . Potatoes are good for our skin and also can prevent stomach ulcers.
