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routine or logical steps. Each of us places weight on different factors and may consider certain phases of career planning at different times. Career planning includes gathering information about ourselves and about occupations, estimating the probable outcomes of various courses of action, 1 and finally, choosing alternatives that we find attractive and feasible. 1
New College English II Unit 3
Pre-Reading Questions
Sample 2:
To be a teacher, I have to
— learn educational psychology; — be a careful observer in class; — learn to love my students; — read books on teaching methodology.
New College English II Unit 3
Pre-Reading Questions
1) Are you planning your future career? If so, what is the career you are aiming for?
Yes, I may aim to be an architect, doctor, teacher, tour guide, engineer, musician, or scientist, etc.
New College English II Unit 3
Paragraph 6
The best coping behavior is vigilance. Vigilant
decision making occurs when people believe that (1) a choice should be made, (2) they can find a solution, and (3) there is enough time. Under these conditions, students can conduct an effective search for alternative careers, carefully evaluate each alternative, and work out contingency plans in case one or another risk appears.
New College English II Unit 3
Paragraph 3
In their book Decision Making 2 , Irving Janis and Leon
Mann identify serious flaws in the ways many people make decisions. These flaws seem to be associated with the patterns people use to cope with problems. The first flaw is complacency. 3 People who ignore challenging information about the choices they make demonstrate complacency. People who take the attitude that “It won't affect me” or “It will never happen” use complacency as a dominant pattern of behaving. Of course, complacency is appropriate for any decision in which nothing much is at stake, but that does not describe career decisions. 4
New College English II Unit 3
Menu of Pre-Reading Questions:
Directions: Work in pairs and discuss the
following questions.
1. Are you planning your future career? If so, what is the career you are aiming for? 2. How are you preparing for your future career?
New College English II Unit 3
Passage Study Active Text
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Difficult Sentences
Summary of the Text
New College English II Unit 3
Career planning
Para.1 Para.4 Para.7 Para.2 Para.5 Para.8 Para.3 Para.6 Para.9
New College English II Unit 3
Paragraph 1
Career planning does not necessarily follow
Unit3 Career Planning
New College English II Unit 3
Menu of Reading Comprehension

Related Information Pre-Reading Questions Passage Study Post-Reading
New College English II Unit 3
Menu of Related Information

Useful Information Vocational Education Social Work Division of Labor Preparation of Teachers Fair Labor Standards Act Child Labor
New College English II Unit 3
Paragraph 5
A third flaw is hypervigilance
. This occurs in career decision making when people believe there is not enough time to find a solution and they panic. They search frantically for career possibilities and seize on hastily invented solutions, overlooking the consequences of their choice as well as other alternatives. 7 People who are in a panic sometimes do not think clearly or logically.
New College English II Unit 3
Paragraph 2
Many observers have pointed out that students are not
very efficient career planners. They cite evidence that (1) most students choose from among a very narrow group of occupations; (2) as many as 40 to 60 percent choose professional occupations, when in reality only 15 to 18 percent of the work force is engaged in professional work; (3) young men show a striking lack of interest in clerical, sales, and service occupations, although these fields offer many job opportunities; and (4) as many as a third of the students are unable to express any choice of occupation. 2
New College English II Unit 3
Pre-Reading Questions
Sample 3:
To be a tour guide, I have to
— read widely, especially history, geography, etc.; — learn the customs, arts and crafts of various places; — talk widely with people from different places; — gather information about famous scenic spots and places of historical interest.
New College English II Unit 3
Paragraph 4
A second flaw in the way people cope with decisions is
defensive avoidance. When confronted with a decision and unable to believe they can find an acceptable solution, some people remain calm by resorting to wishful thinking or daydreaming. 5 Students who fail to think about the implications of their career choices often engage in rationalization (deceiving oneself with selfsatisfying but incorrect explanations for one’s behavior) or procrastination (putting off or delaying). Facing the situation may produce anxiety, but examining alternatives could also bring relief. 6
New College English II Unit 3
Pre-Reading Questions
2) How are you preparing for your future career?
Sample 1:
To be an architect, I have to
— read books on architecture; — collect photos of buildings with unique architectural styles; — travel widely and see various buildings.