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Lesson 1

1. 中国医药学有数千年的历史,是中国人民长期同疾病作斗争的经验总结

TCM has a history of thousand of years and is a summary of the Chinese people’s experience in their struggle against diseases.

2. 中医学有完整独立的理论体系。

TCM has a unique and integrated theoretical system.

3. 中医学是研究人的生命规律以及疾病的发生、发展和防治规律的一门科学。

TCM is a science that studies the rules of life as well as the occurrence, progress, prevention and treatment of disease.

4. 《黄帝内经》为中医学理论体系的形成奠定了基础

Yellow Emperor’s Cannon of Internal Medicine has laid a solid foundation for the formation of theoretical system of TCM.

5. 《难经》在许多方面,尤其是在脉学上,补充了《皇帝内经》的不足。

Classic of Difficulties has supplemented what was unaddressed in the Yellow Emperor’s Cannon of Medicine in many respects,especially in pulse lore.

6. 《诸病源侯论》是中医学最早的一部病因症候学专著。

Discussion on the causes and symptom of various diseases is the earliest extant monograph on the causes and symptom ofdiseases in china.

7. 阳常有余,阴常不足。

Yang is usually excessive while Yin is frequently deficiency.

8. 内伤脾胃,百病由生。

Internal impairment of the spleen and stomach causes various diseases.

9. 《本草纲目》是中药学史上的不朽著作,并对世界药学的发展做出了伟大的贡献。Compendium of Materia Medica (Bencao Gangmu ) is recognized as a monumental work in the history of Chinese material medical and a great contribution to the development of pharmacology in the world.

10. 中药不但包含草药,而且包含矿物药和动物药等。

Traditional Chinese material medical includes not only herbs but also mineral and animal drugs. 11. 金元时期出现了后世称为“金元四大家”的医学流派。

In the jin and yuan dynasties, there appeared the so-called four great medical schools.

12. 刘宗素认为“火热”为主要病因,用药以寒凉为主。

Liu WangSu believed that “five-heat” was the main cause of a variety of disease and these diseases should be treated with drugs cold and cool in nature.

13. 刘暠主张治疗疾病以温补脾胃为主,被称为“补土派”

LinGao emphasized that the most important thing in clinical treatment was to warm and invigorate the spleen and stomach, so his theory was known as the “school of Reinforcing the Earth”.

14. 朱丹溪治病以滋阴降火为主,被称为“养阴派”

Zhu Zengheng advocated the remedies of nourishing Yin and reducing fire in treatment of disease, so his theory was known as the “school of nourishing Yin”

15. 温病是研究四时温病的发生、发展规律及其诊治方法的一门临床科学

Study on Warm Disease is a clinic specialty focusing on the occurrence, progress, diagnosis and treatment of Warm Diseases.

16. 温病学派创立了以卫气营血和三焦为核心的温病辨证论治规范。

The school of Warm Disease has developed the rules of treatment of Warm Disease based on syndrome differentiation in light of defensive phase, qi phase , nutritive phase, blood phase and triple energizer.

17. 王清任改正了古医学在人体解剖方面的错误,并倡导瘀血致病的理论

Wang Qingren in the late Qing Dynasty corrected mistakes about anatomy made in ancient medical books and advocated the theory that diseases were caused by blood stasis.

18. 中医学结合为中医的发展与现代化开辟了一条心途径。

Integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine has paved a new way for the development and modernization of traditional Chinese medicine.

19. 中医基础理论系统化和实验研究取得了快速的进展。

Great progress has been made in systematic and experimental study of the basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine.


1. 中医理论体系有两个基本特点:一是整体观念,二是辨证论治。

The theoretical system of TCM is mainly characterized by holism and treatment based on syndrome.

2. 中医学认为人体是一个有机的整体

TCM believes that the human body is organic whole.

3. 人体各个组成部分在功能上相互为用,在病理上相互影响

The constituent parts of the human body are interdependent in physiology and mutually influential in pathology.

4. 整体观念贯穿于中医生理、病理、诊法、辩证和治疗的各个方面

The holism permeates through the physiology, pathology, diagnostics, syndrome differentiation and therapeutics.

5. 自然界的变化又可以直接或间接地影响人体。

Change in the natural world directly and indirectly influence the human body.

6. 人的气血春夏趋向于表,秋冬趋向里

Qi and blood in the human body tend to flow to the exterior in spring and summer and to the interior in autumn and winter.

7. 心开窍于舌并与小肠相表里

The heart opens into the tongue and is internally and externally related the small intestine.

8. 中医认识到社会活动对心理的影响

TCM has noticed that the fact that social activity psychologically influences human being.

9. 中医强调形神共存,互用并相互影响。

According to TCM, the body and spirit co-exist, interacting with each other and influencing each other.

10. 人体阳气白天多趋向于表,夜晚多趋向于里。

Yang Qi in the human body tends to flow to the exterior in the daytime and to the interior at night.

11. 地区气候的差异在一定程度上也影响着人体的生理活动。

Regional difference, to some extent, influences the physiological activities of the human body. 12. 证是机体在疾病发展过程中的某一阶段的病理概括。

Syndrome is a generalization of pathological changed at a certain stage during the course of a disease.
