第三章 比较句式的翻译 放映




• 英语中常见的比较结构主要包括比较级, 递增或递减式比较,强化式比较,否定式 比较,选择式比较等。
• 比较级包括超越、相等和差逊三种情况。 • 1)超越。表示超越的比较结构主要有: • better than(胜过,优于), • more than+从句(多余,超过), • “than +关系代词”的从句(再……不过), • superior to(占优势,比……胜一筹)。
• He didn’t so much as ask me to set down.
• 他甚至没有请我坐下。 • He cannot so much as spell a
• 他甚至连一个词也不会写。 • He hadn’t so much as his fare
as…as…句型是同级比较,表示两 者比较程度一样。所以在翻译的时候,
你来译: 她和以前一样对音乐感兴趣。
She is as much interested in music as ever.
二)not as (or so)…as…句型
• 例如:
• Doing is better than saying.百说不如 一做
• She has talked more than what is necessary.她说了一些多余的话 He is superior to his elder brother. 他比他哥哥强
• He is a scholar than whom no man ever will be more honest.
• 他是个再诚实不过的学者了。


• 该市江边有一个很大的图书馆,但我知道 是不允许黑人去光顾它的书架的,正如不 许黑人进入市里的公园和体育场一样。
• ------The greatness of a people is no more determined by their number than the greatness of a man is determined by his height.
• 关于我们的对外政策,维持和其他国家的友好 关系,既是我们的义务,也同样是我们的利益。
C.句型A is to B what C is to D, 译作“A 对于B, 如同C对于D”。
• ------A pen is to a writer what a gun to a soldier.
• 这是一次奇妙的交锋,与其说是老夫妇 之间的一场辩论,不如说是一次争吵。
• ------He could no more be a valet than he could be a stockbroker or a wire-walker.
• 贴身男仆的活他干不了,就像他当不了证券经 纪人,也走不了钢丝一样。
• ------There was a huge library near the riverfront, but I knew that Negroes were not allowed to patronize its shelves any more than they were the parks and playgrounds of the city.
• 如果指望他改掉火爆脾气,还不如指望豹子去掉 身上的斑点。



• ------Fitness is being pursued by millions who realize that their medical fate lies more in their own than in their physicians’ hands.
• 成千上万的人追求健康,因为他们认识 到,自己的健康状况与其说是掌握在医 生手里,倒不如说是由自己掌握的。
• 比较句式的译法
• 等比句式 • 差比句式 • 极比句式 • 择比句式
1 .等比句式:
. 等比句式表示两个相比较的事物处于同样 的情况,一般译作“同样” 、“与…一样” 、“ 既…又…”。
A. 由as…as引导
• ------The gift pleased her as much as what her husband had expected.
by his utter devotion to his work as by fawning upon his superior.
• 那老兄得到提升,与其说是靠对工作的 完全投入,不如说是靠巴结上司。
• ------It was not so much his appearance I appreciated as his personality.
• -------Reagan was more than cordid to Ford as they met for 65 minutes.
• 在65分钟的会谈中,里根对福特表现得分外 亲切。
• ------To our great surprise, they were more than delighted to stay in the crowded town.

翻译理论与实践 unit 3 sentence

翻译理论与实践 unit 3 sentence

Think about it.
• 外廓城是居民的住宅区和商业区, 它由南北十一条街和东西十四条街 划分为一百零八坊和东市、西市两 个商业区。长安城布局状如棋盘。
• ①在人际关系问题上我们不要太浪漫主义。 ②人是很有趣的,往往在接触一个人时首 先看到的都是他或她的优点。③这一点颇 像是在餐馆里用餐的经验。④开始吃头盘 或冷碟的时候,印象很好。⑤吃头两个主 菜时,也是赞不绝口。⑥愈吃愈趋于冷静, 吃完了这顿宴席,缺点就都找出来了。⑦ 于是转喜为怒,转赞美为责备挑剔,转首 肯为摇头。
We have integrated IT market resources, striving to be specialized and market-oriented with scale and standardization.
• 9. 到了济南府,进得城来,家家泉水, 户户垂杨,比那江南风景,觉得更具为 有趣。 • When he reached Jinan and entered the city, there were flowing streams by every house and willow trees by every door, which delighted him even more than the scenery of the south. (刘鹗《老残游记》, 杨宪益、戴乃迭译)
• 14. 他踌躇了一会,终于还是决定自己送我 去 • 15. 我再向外看时,他已抱了朱红的橘子望 回走。 • 14. But after much hesitation he finally decided to see me off himself. • 15. When next I looked out he was on his way back with some ruddy tangerines.


Our soldiers fought with no less daring than skills
No less than 是no more than 的反义词,no more than 可译为“只不过”,而no less than 以及其变体可译为“多达”“无异于”
3、A is to B what C is to D “A对于B,如同C对于D”
1)A pen is to a writer what a gun to a soldier
作家的笔就如同战士的枪一样。 2)Fertilizers are to the plant what food

A is more important than B B is not as important as A
1)Never have I heard American music played better in a foreign land
我在国外从来没有听到过把美国音乐演奏得 这样好的(比较级替换为原级)
在所有帮助过英国殖民地人民争取独立斗争欧洲人 中,最令人怀念地莫过于德。拉耶特侯爵(原级替 换为最高级)
3)Nothing is more important than the signal sent to Moscow by the President’s action.
You may as well go to her place as let her come to your place



• 中国将努力促进国内粮食增产,在正常情 况下,粮食自给率不低于95%。
• China endeavors to increase its grain production so that its self-efficiency rate of grain under normal condition will be above 95 percent.
1.虽然是头一回拜访女友父母,张明一点都不觉得局促。 Zhang Ming was quite at his ease in spite of his first visit to his girl friend’s parents.
2.你真不够朋友,一毛钱都不给我。 Some friend you are. You won’t lead me a shilling.
• (三)、处理方法:
• 1. 使用被动结构
• 有时候由于文化背景和风俗习惯的不同, 也容易引起误会。
• Sometimes, misunderstandings can be caused by differences in cultural backgrounds and customs.
• 汉英主语、定语和状语的差异及其翻译
• 主语:英语讲究形合,句意围绕主语展开; 汉语句子重意合,组句方式比较灵活,整 个句子一所要表达的思想为中心构建。
• (一) 、汉语主语的省略:
• 不怕寒冷,不怕危险,不怕饥饿,不怕困 难,勇敢的战士们,什么都不怕。

4.3.比较结构的翻译 PPT课件

4.3.比较结构的翻译 PPT课件

children were immediately taken into care.
1. intoxicated: affected (as if) by aluilding or part of a building 3. syringe: 注射器
1) His grammar is no better than mine.
2) He’s no more fit to be a priest than I am!
1.3 no less... than/nothing less than 并不劣于,同等 1) The joke is no less funny because it is so often used.
• 邂逅这样一个大美人,他激动万分。
• 5. Music whose meaning is slightly different with each hearing has a greater chance of remaining alive.
• (1) 每次聆听时意义略有不同的音乐则有 更大的可能长久不衰。
2) —"Leave me alone!" my father snarled. —If he had clubbed me over the head, I could not have been more hurt.
——“不要吵我!”我父亲喊道。 ——他就是用棍棒打我头,也不会比这更令我难受。
murder and armed robbery.
A caller rang Crimestoppers with precise details about

Unit 3 汉英对比与翻译(二)

Unit 3 汉英对比与翻译(二)

七、大量无主句是省略主语。 大量无主句是省略主语。 区长问:“你给你闺女找了个婆 家?”三仙姑答:“找下了!”问: “使了多少钱?”答:“三千五!” 问:“还有些什么?”答:“有些 首饰布匹!”问:“跟你闺女商量 过没有?”答:“没有!”问: “你闺女愿意不愿意?”答:“不 知道!”(《小二黑结婚》)
六、增添具有泛指意义的人称代 词或名词充当主语
弄得不好,就会前功尽弃。 If things are not properly handled, our labor will be totally lost. 不入虎穴,焉得虎子。 If one does not enter the tiger’s den, how can he get a tiger’s cub?
不能不佩服他多年来埋头苦干的精神。 One cannot help but admire the way he has kept his nose to the grindstone for all these years. His large growing family kept his nose to the grindstone. 他的日益增多的家庭人口使他埋头从事辛苦 的工作 不努力便不会成功。 One can never succeed without making great efforts.
没有顺利,无所谓困难;没有困难, 也无所谓顺利。 Without facility, there would be no difficulty; without difficulty, there would also be no facility.
五、采用it作主语译出 采用 作主语译出
刮风了/下雨了。 It’s blowing / It’s raining. 出太阳了。 The sun is rising. / The sun appears. 天阴了。 It’s cloudy.



① as…as…这个结构可以表示单纯的比较,“同……一样”; 另外,它还可以表示“既……又……” 。
A home without love is no more a home than a body without a soul is a man. 没有爱的家不称其为家,正如没有灵魂的躯体不称其为人 一样。 Nobody with any sense expects to find the whole truth in advertisement any more than he expects a man applying for a job to describe his shortcomings and more serious faults. 有头脑的人不会指望广告里说的都是真的,同样也不会指 望求职的人会说出自己的缺点和严重过失。 ② no more than…和no more…than 这两种结构都 表示前者与后者一样,通常翻译成“……同…一样”。
These houses are more expensive than low-income people can afford. 这些房子非常昂贵,低收入者买不起。
⑤ more than …can/could:这种结构暗含否定意义, 是一种含蓄的表达方法。
2)等比句式 4)极比句式 6)择比句式 8)其他表达方法
比较句式(1):不同比较句式的替换 从形式上看,英语中表示比较时有三种格式: 原级(A is as …as B),比较级(A is more than B)和最高级(A is most…),但实际上这些结构形 式可以替换使用,翻译时可以灵活处理。

新英汉翻译教程 第三章.英汉语言对比答案

新英汉翻译教程 第三章.英汉语言对比答案
【译文】成就常常使人产生错觉,使人只看到功成名就, 却看不到成就的来之不易,和为之所付出的艰辛困 苦,总以为成功者之所以成功是因为人家身体棒、 脑子灵、运气好,从而为自己找借口开脱,说自己 没有获得成功是因为自己不具备上述这三条。
11 返回章重点 退出
例2:And yet it almost provokes a smile at the vanity of human ambition, to see how they are crowded together and jostled in the dust; what parsimony is observed in doling out a scanty nook, a gloomy corner, a little portion of earth, to those, whom, when alive, kingdoms could not satisfy; and how many shapes, and forms, and artifices are devised to catch the casual notice of the passenger and save from forgetfulness, for a few short years, a name which once aspired to occupy ages of the world’s thought and admiration.
引游客偶然的一顾,免得在短短的几年中就把他们的 名字匆匆忘怀。看了这些,想到人生的虚空,我又几
13 返回章重点 退出
3. 1. 2 英语爱化零为整,汉语喜化整为零 “英国人写文章往往化零为整,而中



Examples for the translation of passive voice sentences
The lost child was found three days later. 失踪的孩子三天后找到了。 These photos weren’t taken on the Great Wall. 这些照片不是在长城拍摄的。 The children are carefully taken care of. 孩子们受到了精心的照顾。 At last the farmers’ crops were saved. 农民的庄稼终于得救了。 He will be hanged as a spy early tomorrow morning. 明天清晨他将作为一名间谍被绞死。
The Inverted Structure
表示否定的意义的副词和副词短语位于句首 Little, seldom, hardly, scarcely, never, nowhere, in no case, under no conditions,
under no circumstances, not in the least, in no way, by no means, on no account examples Never in my life have I heard of such a strange thing! Under no circumstances should we yield to difficulty. In no case will China be the first to use nuclear weapons.
The Inverted Structure
The inverted structure is common in English language while it is seldom found in Chinese. The following are the common categories of the inverted structure in English. Here, there, now, out等引导 此类为完全倒装(fully inverted, full inversion) 特点一:副词或副词短语放在句首:here, there, now, then, out, up, in 特点二:动词多为不及物:be, come, go, exist, live, follow, stand, lie Examples: Here is the very passport that you have lost. There stands a great monument on the top of that mountain.



• His grammar is no better than mine. • 他的语法同我的一样不好。 • He is no more a writer than a painter. • 他既不是画家也不是作家。 • He is no less a writer than a painter. • 他既是画家也是作家。 • I am no more a poet than he is a scholar. • 我不是诗人,正如他不是学者一样。
(1) as … as. 如……一样

As busy as a bee. ( 忙得不可开交)
(2) as well as 既 …… 又, 和……一样

Pompey, as well as Caesar, was a great man. (像恺撒一样,庞培也是一位伟人。)
(3) the same as…. 像……一样 (4) such/ so…as. 像……一样

No sooner said than done.(说到做到。)
(6) No more than. 就像…一样都不, 不优于

You’re no more capable of speaking French than I am. (你我都不会说日语。)
(7) No less than. 就像,不次于。 (8) 否定代词+more than (else than, other than) 。 than是介词,只不过…… 而已。
(四)not so much as…句型
• not so much as…这个结构相当于“not even…”,所以通常翻译为“甚至不…,甚至 没有…”。请注意与not so much …as…这个结 构的区别。



比较句型的译法一.强化语势的比较more than+原级:表示强调She is more than charming and lovely.译文:她分外多娇。

You do me more than pride.译文:你使我感到不胜荣幸。

After all these years of working together, he is more than a friend to me.译文:他和我共事那么多年,岂只是我的普通朋友//我们已成莫逆之交。

as…as…:不仅……而且……;既……又……Your composition is as concise as potent.译文:你的文章短小精悍still less=much less:更谈不上,何况,甚至……还For the sake of scientific research, we spare no sacrifice of life, much less time and energy.译文:为了科学研究,我们甚至不惜牺牲生命,还舍不得付出时间与精力吗?far/much/considerably/appreciably/a lot/a good deal/+比较级:远胜于;远比……多In a sense, translation is considerably more difficult than composition. As an English proverb goes, “a genuine translator must necessarily be ‘a man of common sense’.”译文:从某种意义上说,翻译远比写作难得多,正如英语谚语所说的那样,“一个真正的翻译家必定是有‘常识的人’。

”no+比较级:并不;一点也没有He is no better after taking the pills.译文:他吃完药后一点也没好。










〔1〕S+V:He langhed.〔2〕S+V+O:Mary is reading Harry Potter.3〕S+V+O+O.c.We heard them quarrelling.〔4〕S+V+I.O+D.CHe gave me some first-hand marerial.〔5〕S+link.V+PHe is in dangerous situation.以上这些句型充分显示出英文的根本句式结构是主谓结构,而且这是一种高度语法化的句式结构,其中主语一般是动作的发出者〔doer\agent)或动作的承受者〔doee),即整个句子分别为主动语态和被动语态。








二、中文句式结构〔一〕主谓结构〔S + V 〕例1:他没来。

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• ------So much the worse for you if you do not follow the instructions. • 如果你不按说明去做,那就更糟了。 • ------Her letter says that she is none the wiser for my patient explanation. • 她来信说,听了我耐心的解释以后,还 是不明白。
• ------He is more of a good teacher than a helpful friend. • 他是益友,更是良师。 • ------It was a curious exchange, less a debate than a quarrel between the old couple. • 这是一次奇妙的交锋,与其说是老夫妇 之间的一场辩论,不如说是一次争吵。
• ------The guy got promoted not so much by his utter devotion to his work as by fawning upon his superior. • 那老兄得到提升,与其说是靠对工作的 完全投入,不如说是靠巴结上司。 • ------It was not so much his appearance I appreciated as his personality.
• 令人遗憾的是,新闻记者很善于批评别 人,却极不善于接受批评。
B. 由no more/less than ,no more/less…than…, not…any more than引导的句子
① 由no more than , no more…than… 和not…any more than引导,表示 前者与后者一致,翻译为: “不…正如…不”、“…和…一 样(不)”。例如:
• A.由more… than, less… than 引导, 通常 可译作“与其说…不如说…”。例如:
• ------He is more diligent than clever. • 与其说他聪明,不如说他用功。 • ------It seems that I hadn’t the faintest idea what “this matter” was, but I was more annoyed than interested. • 我一点儿也不知道“这件事”是指什么, 但我兴趣不大,倒觉得厌烦。
More than 用在形容词前,译作“分 外”、“非常”、“岂止…而已”。
• -------Reagan was more than cordid to Ford as they met for 65 minutes. • 在65分钟的会谈中,里根对福特表现得分外 亲切。 • ------To our great surprise, they were more than delighted to stay in the crowded town. • 令我们大为惊讶的是,他们竟很乐意呆在拥 挤不堪的城里。
• 伽利略观察的第一个天体自然是月球。他所 看到的已不再仅仅是被人们相象成各种形态 的阴影。
More than用在动词前,译作: “不仅仅”、“远远”、“大 大地”
• ------You will come to understand that the gold medals will more than bring you honor. • 你会逐渐明白金牌不仅仅给你带来荣誉。
② 由no less than 或 no less…than…引导,相当与 as…as…, 通常翻译成“同样”, “既…也...”例如:
• ------As regards our foreign policy, it is no less our interest than our duty to maintain the most friendly relations with other countries. • 关于我们的对外政策,维持和其他国家的友好 关系,既是我们的义务,也同样是我们的利益。
B.由more than引导的比较句 用在名词前,译作:“不仅仅是”,“不 只是”(与no more than恰恰相反, 它是“只是”“仅仅”的意思)。
• ------The first object observed by Galileo, naturally enough, was the Moon. He was the first to see more than the shadows that people’s imaginations has made into shapes.
B.否定词+比较级结构和类似nothing is more…than, few things are more…than, nothing is as…as这样的结构,常译作 “没有…比…更…”或“最… ”。
• 像她丈夫所期望的那样,这件礼物让她很 高兴。 • ------Army and people are as inseparable as fish and water. • 军民关系,如同鱼和水一样,密不可分。
• ------It is a pity that journalists aren’t a tenth as good at receiving criticism as they are at dishing it out.
• • • •
等比句式 差比句式 极比句式 择比句式
• 等比句式表示两个相比较的事物处于同样 的情况,一般译作“同样”、“与…一 样”、“既…又…”。
A. 由asΒιβλιοθήκη as引导• ------The gift pleased her as much as what her husband had expected.
• 与其说我欣赏他的外表,不如说我欣赏 他的性格。
E.no/nothing/never/little/more than, 常译作“不过是”、“就是”、 “只是”
• ------One can tell the difference almost at a glance for a spider always has eight legs and an insect never more than six. • 人们只要瞥一眼就能看出蜘蛛和昆虫的 区别,因为蜘蛛总是有八条腿,而昆虫 的腿只有六条。
D.not so much…as…,译作“与 其说是…不如说是…”,否定前面 的,肯定后面的。
• ------The boy is not so much unintelligent as uneducated. • 与其说这男孩不聪明,不如说他没受过教育。 • ------According to the new school of scientists, science moves forward not so much through the insights of great men of genius as because of more ordinary things like improved techniques and tools. • 根据新学派的科学家的观点,科学的发展与其说是源 于天才伟人的真知灼见,不如说是由于改进的技术和 工具等更为普遍的东西。
C.句型A is to B what C is to D, 译作“A 对于B, 如同C对于D”。
• ------A pen is to a writer what a gun to a soldier. • 作家的笔如同战士的枪。 • ------Air is to us what water is to fish. • 空气对于我们,犹如水对于鱼一样(重 要)。
C.all/none/so much + the +比较级, 译作“更加”、“还是”。
• ------Her mother asked her to stop playing water, but she only did it all the more.
• 她母亲叫她别再玩水了,但她却玩得更厉害 了。 • ------The skirt hung in the cupboard is no longer fashionable nowadays, but I treasure it none the less. • 挂在厨子里的那条裙子现在已不再流行了, 而我还是珍惜它。
• ------He could no more be a valet than he could be a stockbroker or a wire-walker. • 贴身男仆的活他干不了,就像他当不了证券经 纪人,也走不了钢丝一样。
• ------There was a huge library near the riverfront, but I knew that Negroes were not allowed to patronize its shelves any more than they were the parks and playgrounds of the city. • 该市江边有一个很大的图书馆,但我知道 是不允许黑人去光顾它的书架的,正如不 许黑人进入市里的公园和体育场一样。
• • • • • •
类似的词组还有: As fast as any …can be, as soon as any … possible, as romantic as any … imaginable, as early as any … permissible, as high as any … attainable。