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Unit 2 I'll help clean up the city parks (Section A 1a-2d)

●Never put off what you can do today till tomorrow. 今日事今日毕。【知识技能目标】

✍掌握并灵活运用本课的重点词汇 cheer,volunteer, lonely

✍重点短语clean up, cheer up, come up with sth, help out, used to be, put off, care for ✍听懂“帮助他人,参加社会公益活动”的相关话题及文章;掌握短语动词的一些用法




1. ________打扫(或清除)干净

2. ________ (使)变得更高兴;振奋起来

3. ________分发;散发

4.________ 想出;提出(主意、计划、回答等)

5. ________推迟;延迟

6. make a plan ________

7. make some notices做一些公告牌/通告

8. ________建造;搭建;举起;张贴

9. hand out ________

10. call up ________

11. Clean-Up Day清洁日

12. _______________ 养老院/敬老院

13. _______ with sth. 帮助解决困难

14. ________ be/have/love 曾经是/有/爱

15. ________ arrive late过去常迟到

16. ________照顾; 非常喜欢



1. The girl could visit the sick kids in the hospital to cheer them up.(…去医院看


✍cheer up | cheer sb/sth up(使)变得更高兴,振奋起来

Give Mary a call; she needs cheering up.给玛丽打个电话,她需要人安慰。

Cheer up, Becky, and let's go on trying."


✍I wrote that song just to _____ myself ____.我写那首歌是给我自己打气的。

✍_____ ____, better times may be ahead. 打起精神来,好日子也许还在后头呢。【延伸】 cheer n.欢呼声;喝彩声

Three cheers for the winners!为优胜者欢呼三次吧!

cheer sb on 短语动词(赛跑、比赛等中)以喝彩声鼓励,为(某人)加油

2. The boy could help to clean up the city parks….帮助打扫城市公园。

✍clean up打扫;清扫;把…弄干净

Nina and Mary were in the kitchen, cleaning up after dinner. 吃过晚饭,尼娜和玛丽在厨房里收拾。

✍Let me _____ ____ the broken glass before someone walks on it. 我来把碎玻璃扫掉,以免有人踩到。

✍The students took turns to _____ ____ their classroom. 学生们轮流打扫教室

3. We need to come up with a plan to tell people about the city park clean-up. 我


✍come up with sth找到(答案);想出,提出(计划、想法等)

I hope you can come up with a better plan than this. 我希望你们能提出一个比这个更好的计划。

✍Bob______ _____ ____a good idea to solve the problem .鲍勃想出了一个好主意来解决这个问题

✍She ______ _____ ____ a new idea for improving English.她想出了提高英语水的一个新招儿。

4. The boy could give out food at the food bank.(…在食物救济站分发食物。)

✍give out分发;散发

There were people at the entrance giving out leaflets. 有人在入口处散发传单。

✍The teacher ________ the exam papers.老师分发了试卷。

5. We could each call up ten students and ask them to come. 我们每个人可以给


✍call sb up(给…)打电话

He called up the museum.


✍When I'm in Chengdu, I ___________.


6. We can’t put off making a plan.我们不能推迟制定计划。

✍put off推迟;拖延

The game was put off because of rain.


Many students put off doing their homework until the last minute.


✍If you want to make an easy job seem very hard, just keep _____ ___________ it.如果你想让一件很简单的事情变得很难完成,那么就尽量拖延着不要去做。

7. We should listen to them and care for them.我们应当倾听他们并关爱他们。

✍care for sb

a. 照顾,照料(病、老、幼者等)同义短语take care of

✍She moved back home to care for her elderly parents.她搬回家住,好年迈的双亲。

b. 深深地爱;非常喜欢

✍He didn't much care for her friends.他不太她的朋友。

✍We must each other and help each other. 我们要互相关心,互相帮助。

✍The mother the sick child day and night. 母亲日夜照料着生病的孩子。

c. 延伸 take care of sb/sth/yourself照顾;照料;爱护;小心

Who's taking care of the children while you're away?你外出时谁来照料这些孩子?✍He's old enough to himself.他已经不小了,能照顾自己了。

8.help out | help sb?out帮助某人摆脱(困境)

When I bought the house, my sister helped me out with money.我买这所房子时,我姐姐借给了我一笔钱解了急。

✍I'm in a very difficult situation, can you ?我的处境很棘手,你能帮我吗?

9. hand out分发;散发

One of my jobs was to hand out the prizes. 我的职责之一是分发奖品。

Food is still being handed out. 还在向大家分发食物。

✍Could you _____ _____these books, please?请把这些书发给大家好吗?


a. hand ~ sth to sb, ~ sb sth t交;递;给

