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名词:eraser ruler bat map mat pan sand party cousin goat frog tail lizard chicken crocodile hippo world doctor pear grape mango peach pineapple coconut watermelon lemon grapefruit fruit pouch baseball table body head neck monster chair clown eggplant pumpkin cucumber street truck lorry motorbike plane train lesson math(s) cheese mother father grandpa grandma dad mum uncle aunt hobby cupboard wardrobe clothes leaf leaves

形容词和副词:wet favourite carefully more really easy busy beautiful helpful quietly asleep fast suddenly indoors now tall-short short-long new-old old-young quick-slow happy-sad big-small/little hot-cold fat-thin left-right

人称代词:I we you he she it they

形容词性物主代词:my our your his her its their

名词性物主代词:mine ours yours his hers its theirs

方位介词:on in under behind in front of next to between

特殊疑问词:what which where who when how

动词及动词短语:smile clap hold pick stamp smell see hear taste touch pass feel shake kick throw catch put fall drop wait visit plant plus minus buy learn stay remember live break cook wear want -would like hurry up have a look drink tea take a seat water the flowers read a newspaper read a book eat fish listen to music help mum climb trees fly a kite talk with friends go shopping tidy the books

feed the bird sweep the floor make tea comb hair clean the window mop the floor make a fire make words guess riddles have fun pull out


(1)直接加-s,如apple-apples; banana-bananas

(2)以S、x、ch、sh结尾,加-es ,如bus-buses;box-boxes;

peach-peaches; brush-brushes

(3)以o结尾,有生命的加-es,如potato-potatoes;无生命的直接加-s,如photo-photos; piano-pianos

(4)以f、fe结尾,把f、fe变为v再加-es,如leaf-leaves; wife-wives (5)单复数同形:fish-fish; sheep-sheep; deer-deer

(6)o o变ee,如foot-feet; tooth-teeth; goose-geese


(1)直接加-ing,如read-reading; play-playing; see-seeing (2)以不发音的e结尾,去e再加-ing,如dance-dancing;



run-running; hop-hopping; swim-swimming; mop-mopping;

