读后续写 PPT

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chicken house grandfather, rooster, hens, people I
Ending? Put what I learned into practice to ….
One possible version
“That doesn’t mean that the rooster in us is bad or dirty, like the one you just experienced. That’s just the way some people naturally are, at least in their own minds. But did you notice the respect and the way he quieted down when I came in? He saw me in his sense as a bigger, stronger and probably smarter rooster than he is, which I am and so are you. But you didn’t think or believe it strong enough for him to feel. Next time before you walk in, believe that the rooster is just a tiny, sweet chick, and those hens are laying beautiful golden eggs that we can have for breakfast.”
Step3 Consider the possible plot
development TPiparsa: gra研ph读2所: 提供的段首句,确定写作方向。
Then he did the smartest move. … QRpr1ee:adWdichttohehdootwews otthhgiesiv“sehtneo”rsyreenfwteierllntocge?osMocnay.rgerfaunldlyfatthoer. Q2: What was the smartest move?To collect fresh eggs.
What would happen next?
Step3 Consider the possible plot
Focus on the underlined key words.
g__r_a_n_d_f_a_t_h_e_r__ c_h__ic_k__e_n__h_o_u_s_e__ _r_o_o_s_t_e_r_ s_c_a__re__d_ t_o_o_k__ _q_u_i_e_t_ _h_e_n_s_ n__o_t_ic_e_ c_a_m__e__i_n_ _p_e_o_p_l_e_
who? when? where? what? why? how?
My grandfather and I, a rooster and hens.
One morning many years ago. (when I was young)
In the chicken house on my grandfather’s farm.
Focus on the 2 given sentences. Paragraph1:
“That doesn’t mean that the rooster in us is bad or dirty, like the one you just experienced.…
Pay attention to what the grandfather said.
The main idea?
One morning my grandfather sent me to the chicken house to collect fresh eggs. I failed because I was scared by the rooster’s response, however, in my grandfather’s presence, it became gentle. I couldn’t understand it, and my grandfather told me the reason.
My grandfather sent me to the chicken house to collect fresh eggs but I failed. I was scared by the rooster’s response/behavior.
Step2 Focus on the key information
Tips: At least five of the key words that stand for the character(s) and some important information should be used in your writing.
Step3 Consider the possible plot
“There will always be people who will try to lead your life and if you let them, you will become like the hens.”
What did the grandfather wanΒιβλιοθήκη Baidu to tell me? To be a leader or a follower?
Analysis of the mid-term examination paper
——Writing (Part 2)
Writing (Part 2)
Step1 Understand the reading material
• The type of writing Narration 记叙文 • The basic elements of the story