sunny新视野商务英语unit5 business travel

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Go through security check
show ticket, passport wait in the and boarding pass departure lounge
In-flight free drinks
boarding the airplane
Watch an in-flight movie
Booking airline tickets
May I have a ticket to Chicago for February 12? Can I book a flight to shanghai for May9,please? How do you want to fly, economy or first class? I’d like to fly/go economy. Checking in at the airport Here’s your boarding card/pass, ticket and passport. How many pieces of luggage would you like to check in? Can I hand-carry this bag?
1)Discuss in pairs or groups What are the purposes for business travel?
2)What expenses do people typically incur on a business trip?
*thinging about :When planning an itinerary for a travel, what are prepared for the travel ?
Checking in at a hotel
I telephoned to make a reservation last week. My name is John Green. I have booked a double room in your hotel. Let me check. Oh, yes, Room 507 is reserved for you. Yes, right. I have your reservation right here. Would you please sigh your name in the arrival/registration form/card? Here’s your key. Your room is on the 9th floor. The porter will take your luggage up. The bellboy will show you the way.
First insights into business
Unit 5 businessTravel
When you finish learning this unit, you should be able to: 1.understand and use travel-related vocabulary. 2.understand procedures related to checkingin,clearing customs and security checks at the airport. 3.effectively use communicatively sills to -enquire about flights; -reserve airplane tickets; -enquire about facilities and services in a hotel; -book a hotel room;
new words:
1.航班号 2.护照 3.登记 4.安全检查 5.登机牌 6.行李牌 7.行李限额 8.随身携带行李 9.免税商品 10.纳税商品 1.申报 2.收据 3.目的地 4.起飞时间 5.预订 6.往返的 7.登记表 8.单/双人间 9.空房间 10.房间服务
Exercises of some words on travelling 1.Match the verbs with the correct phrases.
Useful sentences
Making enquiries about flights, luggage and check-in times
Are the flights to London non-stop? Can I break my journey in Chicago? Can I stop in New York? Does that flight go every afternoon? The allowance per passenger is 25kg. How much should I pay for the overweight luggage /excess weight? What time am I supposed to check in? You’ll have to get to the airport one hour b before the departure time?Hale Waihona Puke Baidu
The purposes for business travel
1. marketing activities
3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
market research & investigation conference trade fair & exhibition product launch large-scale celebrations
a) A hotel room
b) Some shopping c) At the hotel d) An in-flight movie e) A bus or taxi
the procedures:
luggage tag
Buy a ticket
check in their Queue at the check-in luggage
What is the rate for a single room? What is the price difference between a double room and a twinroom? How much is a suite for two nights? How much do you charge for the cheapest possible twin-room?
business class
economy class
3.Complete these sentences, using the nouns from the box.
bill reservation booking fax call luggage
At the ticket office 1. I need to change my ………….? 2. Is there a direct …………..? At the check-in desk 3. Can I take this as hand………….? 4. Can I have an aisle ………………?
1. buy
2. confirm 3. collect 4. go through 5. queue
a) security b) a ticket c) at the check-in d) their flight e) their luggage
6. watch
7. take 8. book 9. do 10. check in
Useful sentences
Making a reservation in a hotel
I’d like to book a room for two nights. May I have a double room with the park view? Do you offer a wake-up call service for guests? When do you serve meals? I wonder what’s the rate for a twin room, please. What’s the rate for the luxury suite from January 1st to 3rd? I’d like a moderately priced room. Price is no problem. I’d like a well-equipped room.
Can I have my breakfast in my room? Do you have / provide room services? Does the hotel have a sauna? Is there a phone in the room? What sort of amusements / sundry services do you offer? What if I’ve got something to be sent to the laundry?
Collect their luggage
Take a shuttle bus or taxi to a hotel
Airline Services •Priority status at check-in •Exclusive business lounges •Advanced seat section •Wider.fully reclining seats • In-flight catering/free drinks
Going through customs
People who haven’t got anything to declare, please go through the Green Lane. Your personal belongings are dutyfree. Open your suitcase, please. I’m not so sure whether my camera needs to be declared or not. How much duty should I pay on these cigarettes?
What expenses do people typically incur on a business trip? 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) tip accommodation business calls fax or telephone charges cost of meal and lodging transportation fares laundry expenses client entertainment expenses
receipt flight
center seat
In a taxi 5.Please take me to the city ………….? 6.Can I have a ………….. Please? At the hotel
7. I have a ………….…. for two nights. My name’s Burkhard . 8. Can I send a ……….from here? 9. Can I have an alarm …………at 6:45, please? 10. I’m checking out today. Can I have the ………….., please?