
I stayed home because I was feeling tired.(我呆在家里是因为我感到疲倦。
)She missed the train because she left the house late.(她错过了火车,是因为她出门晚了。
It was raining, so we decided to stay indoors.(下雨了,所以我们决定待在室内。
)He didn't study for the exam, so he failed.(他没有为考试学习,所以他没通过。
)3.由于(due to):用于指示某个事件或情况作为结果的原因。
The flight was canceled due to bad weather.(航班因为天气恶劣而被取消。
)The event was postponed due to logistical issues.(活动因为后勤问题而被推迟。
She studied hard, therefore she passed the exam.(她努力学习,因此她通过了考试。
)They arrived early, therefore they got good seats.(他们早到了,所以他们得到了好位置。
She is tall while her sister is short.(她高而她妹妹矮。
)He enjoys outdoor activities while his friend prefers indoor hobbies.(他喜欢户外活动,而他的朋友更喜欢室内爱好。

考点03 逻辑联结词及数学归纳法(解析版)

考点48 逻辑联结词及数学归纳法一.简单的逻辑联结词(1)命题中的且、或、非叫做逻辑联结词. (2)命题p 且q 、p 或q 、非p 的真假判断二.量词2.全称量词和存在量词(1)全称量词:“所有”、“任意”、“每一个”等表示全体的量词在逻辑中称为全称量词,用符号“∀”表示. (2)存在量词:“有一个”、“有些”、“存在一个”等表示部分的量词在逻辑中称为存在量词,用符号“∃”表示.3.全称命题、存在性命题及含一个量词的命题的否定三.数学归纳法1.由一系列有限的特殊现象得出一般性的结论的推理方法,通常叫做归纳法. 2.用数学归纳法证明一个与正整数有关的命题时,其步骤如下: (1)归纳奠基:证明取第一个自然数n 0时命题成立;(2)归纳递推:假设n =k (k ∈N *,k ≥n 0)时命题成立,证明当n =k +1时,命题成立; (3)由(1)(2)得出结论.知识理解考向一 命题的否定【例1】(2021·四川成都市·高三二模(理))命题“0x ∀>,210x x ++>”的否定为( )A .00x ∃≤,20010x x ++≤ B .0x ∀≤,210x x ++≤ C .00x ∃>,20010x x ++≤D .0x ∀>,210x x ++≤【答案】C【解析】因为全称命题的否定是特称命题,所以,命题“0x ∀>,210x x ++>”的否定是:00x ∃>,20010x x ++≤.故选:C .【举一反三】1.(2021·全国高三月考(理))命题“0x R ∃∈,002ln 0x x +≤”的否定是( ) A .x R ∀∈,2ln 0x x+≥ B .x R ∀∈,2ln 0x x+> C .0x R ∃∈,002ln 0x x +≥ D .0002,0x R lnx x ∃∈+> 【答案】B【解析】命题“0x R ∃∈,002ln 0x x +≤”为特称命题,该命题的否定为“x R ∀∈,2ln 0x x+>”. 故选:B.2.(2021·湖南岳阳市)命题“()1,x ∀∈+∞,21x e x ≥+”的否定是( ) A .()1,x ∃∈+∞,21x e x ≥+ B .()1,x ∀∈+∞,21x e x <+ C .()1,x ∃∈+∞,21x e x <+ D .()1,x ∀∈+∞,21x e x ≥+【答案】C【解析】命题“()1,x ∀∈+∞,21x e x ≥+”为全称命题,该命题的否定为“()1,x ∃∈+∞,21x e x <+”. 故选:C.考向分析3.(2021·泰州市第二中学)巳知命题p :0x ∃>,10x e x --≤,则命题p 的否定为( ) A .0x ∀≤,10x e x --> B .0x ∀>,10x e x --> C .0x ∃>,10x e x --≥ D .0x ∃≤,10x e x -->【答案】B【解析】命题p :0x ∃>,10x e x --≤,则命题p 的否定为0x ∀>,10x e x -->. 故选:B考向二 逻辑连接词求参数【例2】(2021·全国高三专题练习)若命题“200[1,2],2x x a ∃∈--+”是假命题,则实数a 的范围是( ) A .2a > B .2a C .2a >- D .2a -【答案】A【解析】若命题“200[1,2],2x x a ∃∈--+”是假命题,则命题“2[1,2],2x x a ∀∈--+<”是真命题, 当0x =时,()2max22x -+=,所以2a >.故选:A. 【举一反三】1.(2021·天水市第一中学高三月考(理))已知命题():1,3p x ∃∈-,220x a --≤.若p 为假命题,则a 的取值范围为( ) A .(),2-∞- B .(),1-∞-C .(),7-∞D .(),0-∞【答案】A 【解析】p 为假命题,∴():1,3p x ⌝∀∈-,220x a -->为真命题,故22a x <-恒成立,22y x =-在()1,3x ∈-的最小值为2-,∴2a <-. 故选:A.2.(2020·北京人大附中高三月考)若命题“x R ∃∈,使得2210ax x ++<成立”为假命题,则实数a 的取值范围是( ) A .[1,+∞) B .[0,+∞)C .(-∞,1)D .(-∞,0]【答案】A 【解析】命题“x R ∃∈,使得2210ax x ++<成立”为假命题, 则它的否定命题: “x R ∀∈,2210ax x ++≥”为真命题所以0440a a >⎧⎨∆=-≤⎩ 解得1a ≥,所以实数a 的取值范围是[1,)+∞ 故选:A.3.(2020·江西高三期中(文))存在[1,1]x ∈-,使得230x mx m +-≥,则m 的最大值为( ) A .1 B .14C .12D .-1【答案】C【解析】由不等式230x mx m +-≥,可化为23x m x≤-,设()[]2,1,13x f x x x=∈--,则()()()2226(6)33x x x x f x x x ---'==--,当[1,0)x ∈-时,()0f x '<,()f x 单调递减; 当(0,1]x ∈时,()0f x '>,()f x 单调递增,又由()11(1),142f f -==,所以函数()f x 的最大值为()112f =, 要使得存在[1,1]x ∈-,使得230x mx m +-≥,则12m ≤,则m 的最大值为12. 故选:C.考向三 数学归纳法【例3-1】(2020·全国高三专题练习(理))用数学归纳法证明不等式“1+12+13+…+121n -<n (n ∴N *,n ≥2)”时,由n =k (k ≥2)时不等式成立,推证n =k +1时,左边应增加的项数是( ) A .2k -1 B .2k -1 C .2k D .2k +1【答案】C【解析】n k =时,左边=1111 (2321)k ++++-,而n =k +1时,左边=11111111 (232122121)k k k k +++++++++-+-,增加了1111 (22121)k k k +++++-,共(2k +1-1)-(2k -1)=2k 项, 故选:C.【例3-2】.(2020·全国高三专题练习)设等比数列{}n a 满足113,34n n a a a n +==-. (1)计算23,a a ,猜想{}n a 的通项公式并加以证明; (2)求数列{}2nn a 的前n 项和n S .【答案】(1)25a =,37a =,21n a n =+,证明见解析;(2)1(21)22n n S n +=-+. 【解析】(1)由题意,等比数列{}n a 满足113,34n n a a a n +==-, 可得21345a a =-= ,323427a a =-⨯=,,猜想{}n a 的通项公式为21n a n =+,证明如下:(数学归纳法)当1,2,3n =时,显然成立; ∴ 假设n k =时,即21k a k =+成立;其中*(N )k ∈, 由134k k a a k +=-3(21)4k k =+-2(1)1k =++ ∴故假设成立,综上(1)(2),数列{}n a 的通项公式21n a n =+*()n N ∈.(2)令2(21)2n nn n b a n ==+,则前项和1212...3252...(21)2n n n S b b b n =+++=⨯+⨯+++ ∴由∴两边同乘以2得:23123252...(21)2(21)2n n n S n n +=⨯+⨯++-++ ∴由∴-∴的322112(12)3222...2(21)26(21)212n n n n n S n n -++--=⨯+⨯++-+=+-+-, 化简得1(21)22n n S n +=-+. 【举一反三】1.(2020·全国高三专题练习(理))用数学归纳法证明等式123(21)(1)(21)n n n +++++=++时,从n k=到1n k =+等式左边需增添的项是( ) A .22k + B .[]2(1)1k ++ C .[(22)(23)]k k +++ D .[][](1)12(1)1k k ++++ 【答案】C【解析】当n k =时,左边123(21)k =+++++,共21k +个连续自然数相加,当1n k =+时,左边123(21)(22)(23)k k k =+++++++++,所以从n k =到1n k =+,等式左边需增添的项是[(22)(23)]k k +++. 故选:C.2.(2021·全国高三专题练习)设集合T n ={1,2,3,…,n }(其中n ≥3,n ∴N *),将T n 的所有3元子集(含有3个元素的子集)中的最小元素的和记为S n . (1)求S 3,S 4,S 5的值; (2)试求S n 的表达式.【答案】(1)S 3=1,S 4=5,S 5=15;(2)41n C + .【解析】(1)当n =3时,T 3={1,2,3},3元子集有:{1,2,3},∴S 3=1;当n =4时,T 4={1,2,3,4},3元子集有:{1,2,3},{1,2,4},{1,3,4},{2,3,4},∴S 4=1×3+2=5;当n =5时,T 5={1,2,3,4,5},3元子集有:{1,2,3},{1,2,4},{1,2,5},{1,3,4},{1,3,5},{1,4,5},{2,3,4},{2,3,5},{2,4,5},{3,4,5},222543212315S C C C ∴=⨯+⨯+⨯=.(2)由S 3=1,S 4=5,S 5=15,S 6=35…归纳猜想出41n n S C +=(n ≥3).下面用数学归纳法证明猜想:∴当n =3时,S 3=1=44C ,结论成立;∴假设n =k (k ≥3,k ∴N *)时,结论成立,即S k =41k C +,则当n =k +1时,T k +1={1,2,3,4,…,k ,k +1},()()1111111232123...21k k k k k S S C C C k C k C +---⎡⎤=+++++-+-⎣⎦()()()(){}411111122112...21k k k C k C k C k k C k k C +--=+-+-++--+--⎡⎤⎡⎤⎣⎦⎣⎦ ()(){}4111111111211231...23...1k k k C k C C C C C C k C +--⎡⎤=++++-++++-⎣⎦ ()422311k k k k C kC kC C ++⎡⎤=+--⎣⎦ ()4341111k k k C C C ++++=+=∴当n =k +1时,结论成立. 综上:由∴∴可得()413n n S C n +=≥.1.(2021·涡阳县育萃高级中学)已知命题:p x R ∀∈,2104x x -+,则p ⌝( ) A .21,04x x x ∃∈-+R B .21,04x x x ∃∈-+>R C .21,04x x x ∀∈-+>R D .21,04x x x ∀∈-+<R 【答案】B【解析】命题p 为全称命题,根据全称命题的否定为特称命题,可得:p ⌝: 21,04x x x ∃∈-+>R 故选:B2.(2021·漠河市高级中学高三月考(文))下列说法正确的是( ) A .若p q ∨为真命题,则p q ∧为真命题B .命题“若cos cos x y ≠,则x y ≠”的否命题是“若cos cos x y =,则x y ≠”C .“0x <”是“20x x ->”的充要条件强化练习D .若p :x ∀∈R ,2320x x --<,则p ⌝:0x ∃∈R ,200320x x --.【答案】D【解析】对于A 选项,若p q ∨为真命题,可能p 真q 假,则p q ∧为假,故A 选项错误.对于B 选项,命题“若cos cos x y ≠,则x y ≠”的否命题是“若cos cos x y =,则x y =”,故B 选项错误. 对于C 选项,当2x =时,20x x ->,所以“0x <”不是“20x x ->”的充要条件,C 选项错误. 根据全称量词命题的否定的知识可知,D 选项正确. 故选:D3.(2021·全国高三专题练习)下列关于命题的说法中正确的是( )∴对于命题P :x R ∃∈,使得210x x ++<,则:P x R ⌝∀∈,均有210x x ++≥ ∴“1x =”是“2320x x -+=”的充分不必要条件∴命题“若2320x x -+=,则1x =”的逆否命题是“若1x ≠,则2320x x -+≠” ∴若p q ∧为假命题,则p 、q 均为假命题 A .∴∴∴ B .∴∴∴ C .∴∴∴∴ D .∴∴【答案】A【解析】∴对于命题:p x R ∃∈,使得210x x ++<,则:p x R ⌝∀∈均有210x x ++,故∴正确;∴由“1x =”可推得“2320x x -+=”,反之由“2320x x -+=”可能推出2x =,则“1x =”是“2320x x -+=”的充分不必要条件,故∴正确;∴命题“若2320x x -+=,则1x =”的逆否命题是“若1x ≠,则2320x x -+≠”,故∴正确; ∴若p q ∧为假命题,则p ,q 至少有一个为假命题,故∴错误. 则正确的命题的有∴∴∴. 故选:A4.(2021·河南高三其他模拟(文))命题:p “0,2sin 0x x x ∀≥-≥”的否定为( )A .0,2sin 0x x x ∀≥-<B .0,2sin 0x x x ∀<-<C .0000,2sin 0xx x ∃≥-< D .0000,2sin 0xx x ∃<-<【答案】C【解析】命题:p “0,2sin 0xx x ∀≥-≥”是全称命题,又全称命题的否定是特称命题,故“0x ∀≥,2sin 0x x -≥”的否定是“0000,2sin 0xx x ∃≥-<”.故选:C.5.(2021·山东菏泽市·高三一模)命题“2,0∈≥∀x R x ”的否定是( )A .2,0x R x ∃∈≥B .2,0x R x ∀∈<C .2,0x R x ∃∈<D .2,0x R x ∃∈≤【答案】C【解析】因为全称命题的否定是特称命题,所以命题:x R ∀∈,20x ≥的否定是:x R ∃∈,20x <.故选:C6.(2021·四川成都市·石室中学高三月考(理))设命题:0p x ∀≤x =-,则p ⌝为( ) A .0x ∀≤x ≠- B .00x ∃≤0x =- C .0x ∀>x =- D .00x ∃≤0x ≠-【答案】D【解析】命题p 为全称命题,该命题的否定为0:0p x ⌝∃≤0x ≠-. 故选:D.7.(2020·湖北武汉市·华中师大一附中高三期中)“0m >”是“x R ∃∈,2(1)2(1)30m x m x -+-+≤是假命题”的( ) A .充分不必要条件 B .必要不充分条件 C .充要条件 D .既不充分也不必要条件【答案】B【解析】由题意,命题“x R ∃∈,2(1)2(1)30m x m x -+-+≤是假命题” 可得命题“x R ∀∈,2(1)2(1)30m x m x -+-+>是真命题” 当10m -=时,即1m =时,不等式30>恒成立;当10m -≠时,即1m ≠时,则满足()()210214130m m m ->⎧⎪⎨⎡⎤---⨯<⎪⎣⎦⎩,解得14m <<,综上可得,实数14m ≤<,即命题“x R ∃∈,2(1)2(1)30m x m x -+-+≤是假命题”时,实数m 的取值范围是[1,4),又由“0m >”是“14m ≤<”的必要不充分条件,所以“0m >”是“x R ∃∈,2(1)2(1)30m x m x -+-+≤是假命题”的必要不充分条件, 故选:B.8.(2021·全国高三专题练习)若命题“∀[]1,4x ∈时,240x x m --≠”是假命题,则m 的取值范围( ) A .[4,3]-- B .()-∞,-4 C .[4,)-+∞ D .[4,0]-【答案】D【解析】若命题“[1x ∀∈,4]时,240x x m --≠”是假命题, 则命题“[1x ∃∈,4]时,240x x m --=”是真命题, 则24m x x =-,设22()4(2)4f x x x x =-=--, 当14x 时,4()0f x -,则40m -. 故选:D .9.(2020·江苏海门市·高三月考)命题“[]21220x x a ∀∈-≤,,”为真命题的一个充分不必要条件是( )A .2a ≤B .2a ≥C .4a ≤D .4a ≥【答案】D【解析】“[]21220x x a ∀∈-≤,,”为真命题,可得2a ≥,因为[)[)4,2,+∞⊂+∞ , 故选:D .10.(2021·全国高三专题练习)已知命题“02x ∃>,20040ax ax --<”是假命题,则a 的取值范围是( )A .[)2,+∞B .()2,+∞C .(],2-∞D .(),2-∞【答案】A【解析】因为命题“02x ∃>,20040ax ax --<”是假命题,所以240ax ax --≥对2x >恒成立, 所以()242a x x x≥>-恒成立.因为2x >, 所以22x x ->,则242x x<-, 故2a ≥. 故选:A11.(2020·全国高三专题练习)用数学归纳法证明“(1)(2)()213(21)nn n n n n ++⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅+=⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅-”,从“k到1k +”左端需增乘的代数式为( ) A .21k + B .2(21)k +C .211k k ++ D .231k k ++ 【答案】B【解析】当n k =时,等式的左边(1)(2)()k k k k =++⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅+,当1n k =+时,等式的左边(11)(12)()(1)(2)k k k k k k k k =++++⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅+++++, 所以当从“k 到1k +”左端增乘的代数式为(1)(2)2(21)1k k k k k k ++++=++.故选:B.12.(多选)(2021·恩施市第一中学)下列命题正确的有( ) A .命题“x R ∀∈,20x ≥”的否定是“x R ∃∈,20x <”. B .函数()cos f x x =向右平移2π个单位得到函数解析式为()sin g x x =. C .函数()21f x x =-的零点为()1,0-,()1,0.D .1弧度角表示:在任意圆中,等于半径长的弦所对的圆心角. 【答案】AB【解析】对A ,根据全称命题的否定性质,A 为正确的; 对B ,()cos f x x =向右平移2π个单位得到函数()cos()sin 2g x x x π=-=;对C ,函数零点是数而不是点,故C 错误;对D ,1弧度角表示为在任意圆中,等于半径长的弧所对的圆心角,故D 错误; 故选:AB.13.(多选)(2021·全国高三专题练习)下列命题中正确的是( ) A .(0,)x ∃∈+∞,23x x >B .(0,1)x ∃∈,23log log x x <C .(0,)x ∀∈+∞,121()log 2xx >D .1(0,)3x ∀∈,131()log 2xx < 【答案】BD【解析】对于选项A :当0x >时,22133xx x ⎛⎫=< ⎪⎝⎭,所以23x x <恒成立,故选项A 不正确;对于选项B :当(0,1)x ∈时,23log lg lg 3lg 31log lg 2lg lg 2x x x x =⨯=>,且3log 0x <,所以23log log x x <,故选项B 正确;对于选项C :当12x =时,1211()()222x ==,11221log log 12x ==,则121log ()2x x >,故选项C 不正确; 对于选项D :当13x =时,131log 13=,由对数函数和指数函数的性质可知,当1(0,)3x ∈时,131()1log 2x x <<,故选项D 正确; 故选:BD14.(多选)(2021·全国高三专题练习)若01,22x ⎡⎤∃∈⎢⎥⎣⎦,使得200210x x λ-+<成立是假命题,则实数λ可能取值是( ) A .32B.C .3 D .92【答案】AB【解析】由条件可知1,22x ⎡⎤∀∈⎢⎥⎣⎦,2210x x λ-+≥是真命题, 即22112x x x xλ+≤=+,即min 112,,22x x x λ⎛⎫⎡⎤≤+∈ ⎪⎢⎥⎝⎭⎣⎦,设()112,22f x x x x ⎡⎤=+≥=∈⎢⎥⎣⎦等号成立的条件是112,222x x x ⎡⎤=⇒=∈⎢⎥⎣⎦,所以()f x的最小值是即λ≤AB. 故选:AB15.(2021·江西高三其他模拟(文))已知命题“存在x ∈R ,使220ax x -+≤”是假命题,则实数a 的取值范围是___________. 【答案】18a >【解析】因为命题“存在x ∈R ,使220ax x -+≤”是假命题, 所以命题“R x ∀∈,使得220ax x -+>”是真命题,当0a =时,得2x <,故命题“R x ∀∈,使得220ax x -+>”是假命题,不合题意;当0a ≠时,得0180a a >⎧⎨∆=-<⎩,解得18a >.故答案为:18a >16.(2021·全国高三专题练习)若“存在x ∴[﹣1,1],3210x x a ⋅++>成立”为真命题,则a 的取值范围是___.【答案】9(,)2-+∞【解析】存在x ∴[﹣1,1],3210xxa ⋅++>成立,即213x xa +-<在[1,1]x ∈-上有解, 设2121()333x xx xf x +⎛⎫⎛⎫==+ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭,[1,1]x ∈-, 易得y =f (x )在[﹣1,1]为减函数, 所以()[(1),(1)]f x f f ∈-,即213()3332f x +≤≤+,即91()2f x ≤≤, 即92a -<,所以92a >-, 故答案为:9(,)2-+∞.17.(2020·江西高三其他模拟(文))若命题:p x R ∃∈,210x mx -+<为假命题,则m 的取值范围是______. 【答案】[]22-,【解析】命题:p x R ∃∈,210x mx -+<为假命题,p ∴⌝:x R ∀∈,210x mx -+≥为真命题,则240m ∆=-≤,解得22m -≤≤,即m 的取值范围是[]22-,. 故答案为:[]22-,. 18.(2020·北京密云区·高三期中)若“01x ∃>,使得11x a x +<-.”为假命题,则实数a 的最大值为___________. 【答案】3【解析】由“∴x 0>1,使得11x a x +<-.”为假命题,可知,“11,1x x a x ∀>+≥-”为真命题, 11a x x ∴≤+-恒成立,由11111311x x x x +=-++≥=--,当且仅当2x =时取等号, 即a 的最大值为3. 故答案为:3.19.(2021·湖南永州市·高三二模)若对[]1,2x ∀∈,都有20ax x -≤,则实数a 的取值范围是___________. 【答案】1,2⎛⎤-∞ ⎥⎝⎦【解析】解:因为[]1,2x ∀∈,都有20ax x -≤,所以[]1,2x ∀∈,都有1a x≤,令()1g x x =,[]1,2x ∈,因为()1g x x=,在[]1,2x ∈上单调递减,所以()()min 122g x g ==,所以12a ≤,即实数a 的取值范围是1,2⎛⎤-∞ ⎥⎝⎦;故答案为:1,2⎛⎤-∞ ⎥⎝⎦20.(2020·全国高三月考(文))已知命题():0,p x ∀∈+∞,2230x mx -+>,命题:q m a <;若p 是q 的充分不必要条件,则实数a 的取值范围为______.【答案】()+∞【解析】设命题():0,p x ∀∈+∞,2230x mx -+>成立对应的m 的范围为集合A ,{}|B m m a =<若()0,x ∀∈+∞,223x mx +>,则32x m x +>,所以min 32m x x ⎛⎫<+ ⎪⎝⎭而32x x +≥32x x =,即x =时等号成立,所以min32x x ⎛⎫+= ⎪⎝⎭m <{|A m m =<,因为p 是q 的充分不必要条件,所以A B,所以a > 即实数a的取值范围为()+∞.故选答案为:()+∞21.(2020·凌海市第二高级中学高三月考)命题“2,1x R x t ∀∈>+”为真命题,则实数t 的取值范围是__________. 【答案】(),1-∞- 【解析】命题“2,1x R x t ∀∈>+”为真命题,且20x ≥,10t ∴+<,则1t <-,故实数t 的取值范围是(),1-∞-.故答案为:(),1-∞-.22.(2020·上海徐汇区·高三一模)用数学归纳法证明()2511222n n N -*++++∈能被31整除时,从k 到1k +添加的项数共有__________________项(填多少项即可). 【答案】5【解析】当n k =时,原式为:251122...2k -++++,当1n k =+时,原式为251551525354122...222222k k k k k k -+++++++++++++, 比较后可知多了55152535422222k k k k k ++++++++,共5项. 故答案为:523.(2020·浙江高三其他模拟)用数学归纳法证明:111111111234212122n n n n n-+-++-=+++-++,第一步应验证的等式是__________;从“n k =”到“1n k =+”左边需增加的等式是_________.【答案】11122-=()()1121121k k -+-+ 【解析】当1n =时,应当验证的第一个式子是11122-=,从“n k =”到“1n k =+”左边需增加的式子是()()1121121k k -+-+24.(2021·全国高三专题练习)设数列{}n a 满足11a =,12(23)n n a a n +=--. (1)计算2a ,3a .猜想{}n a 的通项公式并利用数学归纳法加以证明; (2)记2n nn b a =⋅,求数列{}n b 的前n 项和n S .【答案】(1)23a =,35a =,21n a n =-;证明见解析;(2)1(23)26n n S n +=-⨯+.【解析】(1)由题意可得2121213a a =+=+=,3221615a a =-=-=, 由数列{}n a 的前三项可猜想数列{}n a 是以1为首项,2为公差的等差数列, 即21n a n =-, 证明如下:当1n =时,12111a =⨯-=成立; 假设n k =时,21k a k =-成立.那么1n k =+时,12(23)2(21)(23)212(1)1k k a a k k k k k +=--=---=+=+-也成立. 则对任意的*n ∈N ,都有21n a n =-成立;(2)因为(21)2n n b n =-.∴23123252(21)2n n S n =⨯+⨯+⨯++-⨯,∴ 23412123252(21)2n n S n +=⨯+⨯+⨯++-⨯,∴∴-∴得:2341222222222(21)2n n n S n +-=+⨯+⨯+⨯++⨯--⨯()211122122(21)26(23)212n n n n n -++⨯-=+--⨯=---⨯-.∴1(23)26n n S n +=-⨯+.25.(2020·全国高三专题练习)已知数列{}n a 满足:11a =,点()()*1,n n a a n +∈N 在直线21y x =+上.(1)求2a ,3a ,4a 的值,并猜想数列{}n a 的通项公式; (2)用数学归纳法证明(1)中你的猜想.【答案】(1)2343,7,15a a a ===,21n n a =-;(2)证明见解析.【解析】(1)因为点()()*1,n n a a n N +∈在直线21y x =+上所以121n n a a +=+, 因为11a =,故22113a =⨯+=,32317a =⨯+=, 427115a =⨯+=,由上述结果,猜想:21nn a =-.(2)1︒,当1n =时,1211a =-=成立,2︒,假设当()1,n k k k N =≥∈时,21kk a =-成立,那么,当1n k =+时,()1121221121kk k k a a ++=+=-+=-成立,由1︒,2︒可得21nn a =-.26.(2020·黑龙江哈尔滨市·高三月考(理))已知数列{}n a 满足1a m =,2n a ≠,11210n n n a a a ++-⋅-=. (1)求2a ,3a ,4a ;(2)猜想{}n a 的通项公式,并用数学归纳法加以证明. 【答案】(1)212a m =-,3232m a m -=-,43243ma m-=-;(2)()()()121n n n m a n n m ---=--;证明见解析.【解析】1)因为11210n n n a a a ++-⋅-=,2n a ≠,所以112n na a +=-,又因为1a m = 211122a a m ==--,3212232m a a m -==--,43132243ma a m-==-- (2)()()()121n n n ma n n m---=--证明:1n =时,()1011ma m --==,结论成立 假设n k =时,结论成立,即()()()121k k k ma k k m---=--当1n k =+时:()()()()()()()()()11111122211221211k kk k m a k k m k k m k k m a k km k k m k k m+--====-------+--+------ 结论成立.综上,数列通项为()()()121n n n m a n n m---=-- 27(2020·云南师大附中高三月考(理))设数列{}n a 满足11a =,23a =,当()11112n n n n n a a a n a a -+-+=+++.(1)计算3a ,4a ,猜想{}n a 的通项公式,并加以证明. (2)求证:()()()2221244474111n a a a +++<+++. 【答案】(1)35a =,47a =,21n a n =-,证明见解析;(2)证明见解析. 【解析】(1)解:由11a =,23a =, 所以()123121225a a a a a +=++=+,()234231327a a a a a +=++=+. 猜想:21n a n =-,证明:当2n =时,由11a =,23a =,故成立;假设n k =(2k ≥)时成立,即21k a k =-, 所以()()1111221211k k k k k a a a k k k a a -+-+=++=+=+-+,即当1n k =+时成立,综上所述,21n a n =-. (2)证明:由(1)知,()22411n n a =+, 所以()()()22212444111n a a a ++++++22222211111111221311n n =+++<++++--- ()()1111132411n n =++++⨯⨯-+111111111111232435211n n n n ⎛⎫=+-+-+-++-+- ⎪--+⎝⎭11117112214n n ⎛⎫=++--< ⎪+⎝⎭,证毕.。


1. 并列连接词:并列连接词用来连接并列的句子、短语或单词,表示相同、相似或并列的关系。
例如:- 而且(用来连接两个或多个陈述意见或事实的句子):我喜欢旅行,而且我认为旅行可以增长见识。
- 或者(用来表示选择):你可以选择去看电影或者去逛商场。
- 并且(用来连接两个相似的陈述或动作):她努力工作,并且她总是取得好成绩。
2. 递进连接词:递进连接词用来表示递进或增加的关系,表明后面的内容与前面的内容相比更进一步或更加详细。
例如:- 而且(用来表示进一步补充):他不仅会弹钢琴,而且还会演奏吉他。
- 此外(用来表示另外增加的信息):我喜欢旅行。
- 而且还(用来进一步增加信息):这座城市不仅风景优美,而且还有许多历史名胜古迹。
3. 转折连接词:转折连接词用来表示转折或对比的关系,表明后面的内容与前面的内容相比有所不同。
例如:- 但是(用来表示转折):我很喜欢运动,但是我不太擅长游泳。
- 然而(用来表示转折或对比):他刚开始很有信心,然而最后还是失败了。
- 尽管(用来表示让步):尽管下雨了,但是我们还是决定去露营。
4. 因果连接词:因果连接词用来表示因果关系,表明前面的内容是后面内容的原因或结果。
例如:- 因为(用来表示原因):我昨天没有上课,因为我生病了。
- 所以(用来表示结果):她努力学习,所以她考试取得了好成绩。
- 由于(用来表示原因):由于天气不好,比赛被取消了。
5. 条件连接词:条件连接词用来表示条件关系,表明后面的内容是前面内容的条件。
例如:- 如果(用来表示假设或条件):如果你明天有时间,我们可以一起去看电影。

括号:( )
谓词:P, Q, R, ...
集合:A, B, C, ...
推理规则:Modus Ponens(分离规则)、Modus Tollens(否定规则)、Hypothetical Syllogism (假言三段论)等

逻辑关系词包括连词吗?逻辑关系词包括连词,逻辑关系(logic relationship)即“依赖关系”,是指在人类活动中和思维活动中,概念之间的逻辑关系、命题之间的逻辑关系、事物之间的逻辑关系,时间之间和空间之间的逻辑关系。
连词和逻辑关系词的区别?连此是相加在一起!逻辑词是因果关系!表示逻辑顺序的逻辑词中文?表示逻辑顺序的词:首先、其次、再次、最后英语的逻辑和中文的逻辑有什么不同?思维方式、主要在生活习惯以及处事方式上的不同!比如说你家有一副画,我夸奖你家的这幅画好看,我们中国人的方式一般是会假把意思的谦虚一哈,说“哎呀,哪点好看嘛,丑的很、丑的很”,当然,不排除个别哈而在英语里面的说法就是“嗯、我也觉得是这样”,你如果像中国这边这样说“丑的很”的话,夸奖的人就会有“你看不起我嗦,我说好看的东西,你给我冒句丑的很”这样的想法这个貌似是我们高中的时候英语老师给我们这个样子讲的,也有可能是初中的英语老师讲的哈(这个可能性大点),记不清了,希望对你有帮助,嘿嘿相容关系词?莫逆之交肝胆相照亲密无间亲朋好友深情厚意情投意合情同手足关系词语?混乱关系良好关系恶劣关系that关系词造句?例如,that在定语从句中做关系词,I like the magazine that he bought yesterday首先等关系词?“首先”作为关联词时,一般属于承接关系。

数学逻辑连接词数学逻辑连接词: 因果关系、充分条件、必要条件、等价、充分充要、充分非必要、必要非充分、充分非必要非、充分充要非、等价非、充分非必要非充分、必要非充分、充分充要非必要、等价非充分、充分非必要非充分非、必要非充分非、充分充要非必要非、等价非充分非、充分非必要非充分非必要非、必要非充分非必要非、等价非充分非必要非充分非必要非因果关系是数学逻辑中常见的一种连接词。
它表示如果A成立,那么B 也一定成立。

1)先后次序关系:at this time 〔候、此〕 ; first; second; at last; next; previously〔以前〕 ;simultaneously[saim?l'teini ?sli]〔同〕 ;eventually〔最后〕 ;last but not least 〔最后但并不是最不重要的〕 ;to begin with〔首先、本来〕 ; to start with =for a start 〔首先〕 ; first of all〔首先,第一〕 ;to end with 〔最后〕 ; finally〔最后〕 ; since then(从那以来 ); afterwards(然后、后来 );following this :following This Trend 种; By Following This Strategy通采用种策略;只要遵循策略following This Pattern 下面个模式; Following This Opinion由此来看following This Way 沿着条思路; Following This Thought循此思路following This Commitment 根据一承; Following This Example下面位比方 ;preceding this〔在之前〕 .2)因果关系:because; because of this; being that(既然、因、由于 ); another important factor /reason of... ; since〔既然、因、由于、自⋯以来〕 ; as〔因、依照、当⋯、随着、然〕 ; for; in that...(既然、因、由于 ); owing to〔由于,因⋯〕 ; due to; for the reason that...; in view of 〔于、考到〕; the reason seems to be obvious; for this reason; as a result of this; therefore; ...and 〔so因此、所以〕 ...; consequently〔所以、因此、果〕 ; as a result; thus; hence; so; so that...; in consequence〔因此、果〕; as a consequence〔因此、果〕; accordingly〔因此、于是〕; inevitably 〔不可防止地、必然地〕 ; under these conditions(在种情形下、在此情况、在些情况下 ); thereupon [,e ε?r'p?n ]于是 ; seeing... 〔因;于;由于〕 ;3)折关系:but; even so〔然如此,即使如此〕 ; however; though〔可是、然、然而、不〕; even though 〔然、即使〕 ; independent of〔不管〕 ; despite that 〔尽管、不管〕 ; in spite of that 〔尽管、不管〕 ; regardless of 〔不管〕 ; yet...〔然而、但是〕 ; and yet〔可是、然而〕 ; but unless〔除非〕 .4)并列关系:and; also; too; as well as〔也;和⋯一;不但⋯而且〕 ; either... ,or...〔不是⋯就是⋯;或者⋯或者⋯〕 ; both...and...5)(充 )关系:furthermore( 此外、而且 ); moreover(此外、而且 ); further 〔更地;一步地;而且〕;In this way〔〕 ; still〔但是;仍然;尽管如此〕 ; not only...but also...; not that⋯but that〔不⋯是 (因 )⋯而是 (因 )⋯〕 ; in addition (to)〔另外,此外〔除⋯之外〕〕 ; additionally( 此外 ), muchmore interesting, more specifically〔更具体地〕 , next〔其次;然后〕 , besides〔而且;此外;除⋯之外〕 ; as far as... 〔至于,就⋯而言〕; in other words( 句 ); on the one hand...,on the other hand...(一方面,另一方面 ); even〔甚至;即使〕; as a popular saying goes...(常言 ); in order to do it...( 了做件事 ); meanwhile(同 ); at the same time; accordingly(因此,于是 ); In the first place...(首先 ),in the second place...(其次、第二 ); equally important( 同重要 ); of even greater appeal(更吸引 ).6)比关系:similarly〔同地〕 ; in like manner〔同地〕;in comparison with 〔与⋯比〕 ;when compared with〔当和 ...相比〕 ; compared with〔与 ...相比〕; when in fact...〔而上;但事上〕; like...〔如同〕;likewise(也;同地);apart from (doing)...(除⋯之外;且不; );... rather than...( 而不是;宁可⋯也不愿 in the same way(同地;以同的方式););by doing so(通来做 );both ⋯ and...; not only...but (also);7) 照 (不同点 ):yet; still 〔但是;仍然;尽管如此〕neither ... nor(既不是⋯也不是⋯ );; notwithstanding( 尽管,然 );rather( 宁可 ); although; though; but; however;conversely(相反地 );unlike(和⋯不同,不像 );opposed to(反 );as opposed to(与⋯截然相反) ;in contrast (to)(与此相反 );on the contrary〔正相反〕 ; different from this; nevertheless( 然而,不 ); contrary to( 与⋯相反 ); whereas [hwε?'? z] (反之;然而 ); while(而 ); but on the other hand( 但另一方面 ).8)例关系:for example; for instance; in this case(假假设 ); namely(也就是;句 );as you know(正如你知道的 );as you may say(如你所 ); like(像;如同 ); such as(比方;如 );a case in point is...( 一个典型的例子 ); in particular( 尤其,特 );put it simply( 地 );for one thing...首先, for another... 其次、第二 ; as an illustration(作一个例 ), I will say...;a good example (of...)would be...;It is interesting to note that...;in this situation( 在种情况下 );take⋯as example(以⋯⋯例);as for(关于,至于);as regards(关于,至于); as to(关于,至于 );according to(根据 ); on this occasion(合 ).9) 关系:in fact; especially; particularly; moreover; naturally(自然地 );what is more important is that ⋯(更重要的是 );in reality(上;事上);certainly(当然 );of course;indeed(确实 ); believe it or not( 信不信由你);in particular( 尤其,特 );undeniably(不可否地 );not to mention...( 更不必 );other thing being equal(另一件是同等的 );it is certain/ sure that...;to be true(); by definition( 明地 );definitely( 明确地,肯定地 ); undoubtedly(无庸置疑地 ); without a doubt( 无疑地 ); in truth( 事上 );in any event(不怎 );without reservation( 毫无保存地);obviously(明地 ),not only.. but(also...), both... and...10) 条件关系:if;unless;lest(唯恐 ); provided that( 倘假设;假设 ); if it is the case(如果是的情况 );in this sense(在一点上,从点来); once...(一旦); if possible(如果可能的); if necessary(如果必要的 ); if so(如果是的 ); if anything(如果有什么区的 ).11):in other words( 也就是 ); on the whole(就全体而 ); in sum(而言之 );therefore;hence;in short(之;言之 );in brief(之 ); to sum up(之;概括地in conclusion(之,上所述 );in summary(之;概括起来 ); conclude(最后 );the conclusion can be drawn that... (可以得出的 );for this reason(此 ) 12) 地点关系:); tobeyond(在...的一 ); opposite to(在⋯面 ); adjacent to(接近 ); at the same place; there;over(从到尾、在⋯之上 ); in the middle; around( 在附近、在⋯周 ); in front of; in the distance(在 ); farther( 此外;更地;更一步地 ); here and there(各,到 ); above(在⋯⋯之上;在上面 );below(在下面;在⋯下面 );at the right side(在右 );between( 在⋯之;在中 );on this side(在).13)目的关系:for this purpose; in order that; in this way ;since; so that; on that account〔由于那个故〕 ; incase万一、假使; with a view to 〔于、由于考到〕; for the same reason。

1.增补(Addition)in addition, furthermore, again, also, besides, moreover, what`s more, similarly, next, finally.2.比较(Comparison)in the same way, likewise, similarly, equally, in comparison, just as3.对照(Contrast)whereas, in contrast, on the other hand, instead, however, nevertheless, unlike, even though, on the contrary, while4.因果(Cause and effect)because, because of, for, since, due to, owing to, thanks to, as a result(of), accordingly, hence, so, thus5.强调(Emphasis)certainly, above all, indeed, of course, surely, actually, as a matter of fact, chiefly, especially, primarily, in particular, undoubtedly, absolutely, most important6.让步(Concession)although, though, after all, in spite of, nevertheless, still, provided, while it is true....7.例证(Exemplification)for example, for instance, that is, namely, such as, in other words, in this case, by way of illustration.8.总结(Conclusion)to sum up, to conclude, in a word, in short, in brief, all in all, in all, to put it in a nutshell, in summary9.推断(Inference)therefore, as a result(of), consequently, accordingly, so, otherwise10.时间和空间(Time and space)afterward, after, first, later, then, soon, outside, near, beyound, above, below, on the right(left), in the middle, opposite, in front of11.启承转合1)、启A proverb says...... At present.......As the proverb says.... Currently.....Generally speaking, .... Now,....In general, ..... On the Whole....It is clear that.... Recently.....It is often said that.... Without doubt, .......2)、承First(of all), ...... Moreover, .........Firstly, ............ No one can deny that....In the first place, ......... Obviously.....To begin with, ......... Of course, .........Also, ....... Similarly,.........At the same time...... Therefore, we should realize that..... Certainly...... There is no doubt that.......In addition,..... What`s more, ..........In fact........ It can be easily proved that... Meanwhile......3)、转But... Still, ......But the problem is not so simple...There is a certain amount of truth in this, but we still have a problem with regard to.......However,....... To our surprise,..........Nevertheless, ........ Unfortunately.......On the other hand, .......Yet difference will be found and that is why I feel that........Others may find this to be true, but I do not. I think..... 4)、合Above all, In brief, ........Accordingly, ..... In conclusion, ........All in all, .......In other words, it is hard to escape the conclusion that........As a consequence, ......... In short, .........As I have shown/said/stated/.... In sum, ........In summary, ....... As has been noted, ....Obviously, ......... By so doing, .....On the whole, ..... Consequently, ........Presumably, ....... Eventually, ......... To conclude, ...... Finally, ........To sum up, ..... In a word, ......To summarize, ......。

简单的逻辑连接词1,且定义:一般地,用逻辑连接词“且”把命题p和命题q联接起来,就得到一个新的命题,记作p∧q,读着“p且q”命题p∧q的真假:命题p 命题q p∧q (p且q)真真真真假假假真假假假假总结:一假则假,全真则真。
2.或定义:一般地,用联接词“或”把命题p和命题q联接起来就得到一个新命题,记着“p∨q”,读作“p或q”.命题p或q的真假:命题p 命题q p∨q (p或q)真真真真假真假真真假假假总结:有真则真,全假则假。
命题﹁p的真假:命题p ﹁p (非p)真假假真总结:一真一假。
(1)p:π是无理数; q: π小于4;(2)p:5是17的约数; q: 5是15的约数;(3)p: 梯形的对角线相等; q: 梯形的对角线互相平分;(4)p: 2x2+3>x-5; q: 2x2+3<x-5;例2:将下列各组命题用“或”联接成新命题,并判断真假。
(1) p: 3>4, q: 3<4;(2) p: 正数的平方大于0; q;负数的平方大于0;(3) p: π是整数; q: π是分数。
例3:写出下列命题的否定,并判断它们的真假;(1)p: y=tan x是奇函数,(2)p: π=3.1415;(3)p: 2,3都是8的约数;(4)p: 一元二次方程至多有两个解。

PART 1 逻辑连接词###1.1 让步###1. Although(更书面)= though(更口语) =even if (即使,更偏假设性)=even though(虽然,更偏事实性)+句子注:不能与but连用。
Devoted though we are to prosperity and freedom, we cannot shake off the judgmental strand of justice.用倒装2. No matter how/what/who等= 疑问句+everNo matter who/Whoever you are, you must keep the law.注意:疑问句+ever 可以引导名词性从句Whoever(≠ no matter who)comes will be welcome.3. …,as long as…You can do what you want, as long as you like.4. 名词/表语/动词+ as(though)倒装,。
,表“纵使”Object as/though you may, I’ll go。
Small as atoms are, they are made up of still smaller units。
Lover of towns as I am, I realize that I owe a debt to my early country life.5. Whether…or…正反两方面,。
与否”Whether you believe it or not, it's true.You'll have to attend the ceremony whether you're free or busy.6. Be原型+主语+表语(n, adj)= whether+主语+be动词+表语(n, adj)。

1) 先后次序关系:at this time(这时候、此时); first; second; at last; next; previously(以前);simultaneously[saiməl'teiniəsli](同时);eventually(最后);last but not least(最后但并不是最不重要的);to begin with(首先、本来); to start with =for a start(首先); first of all(首先,第一);to end with(最后); finally(最后); since then(从那时以来); afterwards(然后、后来);following this:following This Trend顺应这种趋势;By Following This Strategy通过采用这种策略;只要遵循这项策略following This Pattern下面这个模式;Following This Opinion由此来看following This Way沿着这条思路;Following This Thought循此思路following This Commitment根据这一承诺;Following This Example下面这位比如;preceding this(在这之前).2) 因果关系:because; because of this; being that(既然、因为、由于); another important factor/reason of... ; since(既然、因为、由于、自…以来); as(因为、依照、当…时、随着、虽然); for; in that... (既然、因为、由于); owing to(由于,因为…); due to; for the reason that...; in view of(鉴于、考虑到); the reason seems to be obvious; for this reason; as a result of this; therefore; ...and so(因此、所以)...; consequently(所以、因此、结果); as a result; thus; hence; so; so that...; in consequence(因此、结果); as a consequence(因此、结果); accordingly(因此、于是); inevitably (不可避免地、必然地); under these conditions(在这种情形下、在此情况时、在这些情况下); thereupon [,ðεərə'pɔn ]于是; seeing... (因为;鉴于;由于);3) 转折关系:but; even so(虽然如此,即使如此); however; though(可是、虽然、然而、不过); even though(虽然、即使); independent of(不管); despite that(尽管、不管); in spite of that(尽管、不管); regardless of(不管); yet...(然而、但是); and yet(可是、然而); but unless(除非).4) 并列关系:and; also; too; as well as(也;和…一样;不但…而且); either...,or...(不是…就是…;或者…或者…); both...and...5) (补充)递进关系:furthermore(此外、而且); moreover(此外、而且); further(更远地;进一步地;而且);In this way(这样); still(但是;仍然;尽管如此); not only...but also...; not that…but that…(不是(因为)…而是(因为)…); in addition (to)(另外,此外(除…之外)); additionally(此外), much more interesting, more specifically (更具体地说), next(其次;然后), besides(而且;此外;除…之外); as far as... (至于,就…而言);in other words(换句话说); on the one hand...,on the other hand...(一方面,另一方面); even(甚至;即使); as a popular saying goes...( 常言说); in order to do it...( 为了做这件事); meanwhile(同时); at the same time; accordingly(因此,于是); In the first place...(首先),in the second place...(其次、第二); equally important(同样重要); of even greater appeal(更吸引).6) 比较关系:similarly(同样地); in like manner(同样地);in comparison with(与…比较);when compared with(当和...相比时); compared with(与...相比较); when in fact...(而实际上;但事实上); like...(如同); likewise(也;同样地); apart from (doing)...( 除…之外;且不说;);... rather than...( 而不是;宁可…也不愿);b y doing so(通过这样来做); both…and...;in the same way(同样地;以同样的方式); not only...but (also);7) 对照(不同点):yet; still(但是;仍然;尽管如此); notwithstanding(尽管,虽然); rather(宁可);neither ... nor(既不是…也不是…); although; though; but; however; conversely(相反地);unlike(和…不同,不像); opposed to(反对); as opposed to(与…截然相反) ; in contrast (to)(与此相反);on the contrary(正相反); different from this; nevertheless(然而,不过); contrary to(与…相反);whereas [hwεə'æz] (反之;然而); while(而); but on the other hand(但另一方面).8) 举例关系:for example; for instance; in this case(假若这样); namely(也就是;换句话说);as you know(正如你知道的); as you may say(如你所说); like(像;如同); such as(比如;诸如);a case in point is...( 一个典型的例子); in particular(尤其,特别); put it simply(简单地说);for one thing...首先,for another...其次、第二; as an illustration(作为一个例证), I will say...;a good example (of...)would be...; It is interesting to note that...; in this situation(在这种情况下);take…as example(以……为例); as for(关于,至于); as regards(关于,至于); as to(关于,至于);according to(根据); on this occasion(场合).9) 强调关系:in fact; especially; particularly; moreover; naturally(自然地);what is more important is that…(更重要的是); in reality(实际上;事实上); certainly(当然);of course; indeed(的确); in particular(尤其,特别); not to mention...( 更不必说);believe it or not(信不信由你); undeniably(不可否认地); other thing being equal(另一件是同等的);it is certain/sure that...; to be true(说实话); by definition(明显地); definitely(明确地,肯定地); undoubtedly(无庸置疑地); without a doubt(无疑地); in truth(事实上); in any event(不论怎样);without reservation(毫无保留地); obviously(明显地), not only.. but(also...), both... and...10) 条件关系:if; unless; lest(唯恐); provided that(倘若;假如); if it is the case(如果是这样的情况); in this sense(在这一点上,从这点来说); once...(一旦); if possible(如果可能的话);if necessary(如果必要的话); if so(如果是这样的话); i f anything(如果有什么区别的话).11) 归纳总结类:in other words(也就是说); on the whole(就全体而论); in sum(总而言之); therefore;hence; in short(总之;简言之); in brief(总之); to sum up(总之;概括地说);in conclusion(总之,综上所述); in summary(总之;概括起来); to conclude(最后);the conclusion can be drawn that... (可以得出的结论); for this reason(为此)12) 地点关系:beyond(在...较远的一边); opposite to(在…对面); adjacent to(接近); at the same place; there;over(从头到尾、在…之上); in the middle; around(在附近、在…周围); in front of; in the distance(在远处); farther(此外;更远地;更进一步地); here and there(各处,到处); above(在……之上;在上面);below(在下面;在…下面);at the right side(在右边);between(在…之间;在中间);on this side(在这边).13) 目的关系:for this purpose; in order that; in this way;since; so that; on that account(由于那个缘故);in case万一、假使;with a view to(鉴于、由于考虑到);for the same reason。

逻辑连接词一、表示时间关系二、表示列举、举例三、表示并列并列连词(连接并列成分;表示句内或者句间的逻辑)Or, and, not only…but also…, both…and…, either…or…, neither…nor…副词、介词(短语)及其它:Also, too, as well (as), once again/once more, vice versa(反之亦然)四、表示递进、补充与强调Then, also/too, anyway/anyhow(无论如何), even, indeed, further, furthermore, moreover, what’s more(此外, 而且), besides(than), in addition (to), additionally, best of all(最好的是), actually, in fact, in effect, above all(首先, 最重要的是), most important, in particular, particularly(特别, 尤其), especially, notably(尤其, 特别)等五、表示让步1.表示让步2.表示转折并列连词: but;从属连词: though等。
副词、介词(短语)及其它:however, yet, still, nevertheless, notwithstanding;instead, instead of;not…but…, rather than;fortunately, unfortunately;in fact, in effect, otherwise。
六、表示比较1.表示对比/相反2.表示相似连词:(not)the same as, (not)as…as…, (not)so…as…副词、介词(短语)及其它: like, likewise, similarly, identically, equivalently, equally, correspondingly, in the same way.七、表示因果1.表示原因:2.表示结果从属连词:So/that/so that 结果So…that, such…that, to such a degree that, to such a extent that 如此……以至于副词、介词(短语)及其它:Therefore, thus, hence, consequently 因此Accordingly 相应地, 因此For this reason, on this account, in this way 因此As a result, as a consequence, in consequence, then 那么, 既然如此八、表示条件九、表示目的十、表示总结十一、表示解释。

1. 因果关系连接词(Causal Connectors)因果关系连接词用于表达前因后果、原因和结果的关系。
常见的因果关系连接词有:1.1 Therefore(因此): 表示推理和结论的结果。
e.g. He missed the train, therefore he was late for work.1.2 Consequently(因此): 表示某个事件的结果或影响。
e.g. The team didn't prepare well, consequently, they lost the game.1.3 As a result(结果是): 表示某事件导致的后果。
e.g. The company faced financial difficulties, as a result, many employees were laid off.2. 转折关系连接词(Contrast Connectors)转折关系连接词用于表达对比或相反的观点。
常见的转折关系连接词有:2.1 However(然而): 表示对比或转折的观点。
e.g. She studied hard, however, she didn't pass the exam.2.2 On the other hand(另一方面): 表示与前面提到的观点相对立的观点。
e.g. He is a talented writer. On the other hand, he lacks discipline.2.3 In contrast(相反): 用于表达两种或多种观点的对比。
e.g. She prefers coffee, in contrast, I prefer tea.3. 顺承关系连接词(Continuation Connectors)顺承关系连接词用于表达并列、补充或进一步说明的观点。

需要注意的一点是,有的逻辑关系词不只表示一种逻辑关系,有些逻辑关系之间是贯通的,例如otherwise表示转折、对比、结果3种逻辑关系;让步之中含有转折的含义;对比之中含有转折、强调之意;并列之中含有递进的含义,例如as well as,as well,also,too既表示并列又表示递进;总结之中含有强调的含义,例如substantially,generally,mainly既表示总结又表示强调;递进之中有补充解释说明之意,例如namely,in other words。
同时本人热烈欢迎各位朋友踊跃对本文加以批评和相互交流,在此,我对朋友们的帮助表示无尽的感激之情第一,表示因果(世界上最重要的一种关系就是因果关系)1.表示原因because (of)=be responsible for = as = since =for = therein = root=origin(al)=causality = due∕owing∕thanks ∕according to = beattributed∕contributed to (原因是)= now∕in that =seeing∕considering∕given (that)= on account of =on this account = onground of∕that(强调主观理由)= out of = for the sake of = in(the)light of = in view of (the fact that)= by∕in virtue of = byreason of = as a result∕consequence of = in consequence of =arise from =put sth down to sth(把……归因于……)【注】put down ① 把……归因于+ to sth ② 把……看作∕视为 put sth down as sth ③使(当众)出丑,让某人丢人现眼④ 写下,记下⑤ 将……提请(议会或委员会)审议 to put down a motion∕amendment提交一项动议或修正案⑥ 登记,注册,列入名单 + for sth 例句:Put me down for three tickets for Saturday。

1. 表示并列关系的连接词并列关系的连接词可以用于列举相同或者相似的事物、观点、原因等。
(1) 以及、和、而且、又、再、同样地、加之、不仅…而且、不但…而且例句:爱护动物是我们每个人的责任,而且保护动物也是保护整个生态环境的需要。
(2) 与其…不如、或、或者、要么、要是、不论…还是、不是…就是例句:与其等待机会,不如我们自己争取成功。
2. 表示因果关系的连接词因果关系的连接词可以用于表达原因、结果以及影响等。
(1) 因为、由于、既然、所以、因此、是因为例句:由于缺乏锻炼,他的身体变得越来越虚弱。
(2) 以致、结果、导致、造成、以便、因而、以至于、致使、所以、以免例句:学习时要专心致志,以便取得好的成绩。
3. 表示转折关系的连接词转折关系的连接词用于表示相反、对比、限制等关系。
(1) 但是、然而、可是、却、与其…不如、虽然…但是、尽管、反而例句:虽然天气很冷,但是他还是出门锻炼了。
(2) 相反、与…相比、相反地、然而、却、不过、至于、即使例句:他兄弟擅长音乐,而他自己对音乐没有兴趣。
4. 表示比较关系的连接词比较关系的连接词可以用于对比、举例、观点相似等情况。
(1) 与…相比、与其…不如、与其说…不如说、正如、好比、就像、一样例句:与其说他是个老师,不如说他是一个朋友。
(2) 类似、相似、同样、类似于、比如、例如、举例来说、就拿…来说例句:比如,作文写作就是需要一些技巧和经验的。
5. 表示递进关系的连接词递进关系的连接词可以用于表示递进和扩展。
(1) 而且、并且、不仅…而且、不但…而且、除了…以外、而且、加之例句:他不但学习成绩优秀,而且在课外活动中也非常积极。
(2) 更重要的是、更进一步、除此之外、甚至、何况、尤其是、反倒例句:更重要的是,我们应该关注学生的综合发展,而不仅仅是学习成绩。

1.因果关系因:because、because of、for、as、since、in that、on account of、with果:so、so that、therefore、thereby、as a result、hence、thus、consequently、accordingly 因果关系除了传统意义上的显性因果表达词外,隐性的因果同样是不可忽略的一个重要部分。
隐性因果:A 导致(因-果):cause、reason、lead to、give rise to、result in、render、make、let、ask、push、stimulate、fuel、produce如:The increased presures of expanding population have led to the removal of woody plants so that many cities and tow are surrounded by large areas completely lacking in trees.在这段话中,有lead to表示了导致的意思,即结果,而so that更进一步表示了后面的结果,所以可以充分判定这段话有因果关系的逻辑。
B 由…而来(果-因):result from、derive from、originate from、initiate from、stem from、be attributable to如:“The extreme serioue of desertification results from the vast areas of land and tremendous numbers of people affected,as well as from the great difficulty of reversing or even slowing the proce.”在这段话中,根据result from可以推断出有因果关系,那如果是解释句子题时,选项中有因果关系就可以优先考虑。

逻辑连接词1. 因果:因为:because (of), since, for, due to, 冒号所以:thus, hence, therefore结论:conclude, conclusion, conclusive, consequent, consequence, consequently介词短语:result in, result from, lead to, lie in.2. 强对比:unlike, in contrast to, on the other hand, on the contrary.时间的对比也可表示强对比。
3. 转折:Yet… 现象阐述后,对现象持负评价。
However… 可表转折,也可表递进。
”Nevertheless(然而,不过,虽然如此), nonetheless(尽管如此),virtually, practically, in fact, indeed, actually4. 让步转折词:although, though, while, despite, in spite of+转折do, has, may/might, may/might seem, there might be, there is some evidence [but]of course, certainly, undoubtedly, no doubt, no problem [but]It is true that, to be sure, granted, this is not to deny [but]让步转折的重点通常在后半句,即,被让步的部分的部分不是重点。

1) 先后次序关系:【2 】at this time(这时刻.此时); first; second; at last; next; previously(以前);simultaneously[saiməl'teiniəsli](同时);eventually(最后);lastbutnotleast(最后但并不是最不主要的); tobeginwith(起首.本来);to start with =for a start(起首); first of all(起首,第一);to end with(最后); finally(最后); since then(从那时以来); afterwards(然后.后来);following this:following This Trend适应这种趋向;By Following This Strategy经由过程采用这种策略;只要遵守这项策略following This Pattern下面这个模式;Following This Opinion由此来看following This Way沿着这条思绪;Following This Thought循此思绪following This Commitment依据这一承诺;Following This Example下面这位比如;preceding this(在这之前).2) 因果关系:because; because of this; being that(既然.因为.因为); another important factor/reason of... ; since(既然.因为.因为.自…以来); as(因为.按照.当…时.跟着.固然); for; in that... (既然.因为.因为); owing to(因为,因为…); due to; for the reason that...; in view of(鉴于.斟酌到); the reason seems to be obvious; for this reason; as a result of this; therefore; ...and so(是以.所以)...; consequently(所以.是以.成果); as a result; thus; hence; so; so that...; in consequence(是以.成果); as a consequence(是以.成果); accordingly(是以.于是); inevitably (不可避免地.必然地); under these conditions(在这种情况下.在此情况时.在这些情况下); thereupon [,ðεərə'p ɔn ]于是; seeing...(因为;鉴于;因为);3) 转折关系:but; even so(固然如斯,即使如斯); however; though(可是.固然.然而.不过); even though(固然.即使); independent of(不管); despite that(尽管.不管); in spite of that(尽管.不管); regardless of(不管); yet...(然而.但是); and yet(可是.然而); but unless(除非).4) 并列关系:and; also; too; as well as(也;和…一样;不但…并且); either...,or...(不是…就是…;或者…或者…);both...and...5) (补充)递进关系:furthermore(此外.并且); moreover(此外.并且); further(更远地;进一步地;并且);In this way(如许); still(但是;仍然;尽管如斯); not only...but also...; not that…but that…(不是(因为)…而是(因为)…); in addition (to)(别的,此外(除…之外)); additionally(此外), much more interesting, more specifically(更具体地说), next(其次;然后), besides(并且;此外;除…之外); as far as... (至于,就…而言);in other words(换句话说); on the one hand...,on the other hand...(一方面,另一方面); even(甚至;即使); as a popular saying goes...( 常言说); in order to do it...( 为了做这件事); meanwhile(同时); at the same time; accordingly(是以,于是); In the first place...(起首),in the second place...(其次.第二); equally important(同样主要); of even greater appeal(更吸引).6) 比较关系:similarly(同样地); in like manner(同样地); in comparison with(与…比较);when compared with(当和...比拟时); compared with(与...比拟较); when in fact...(而现实上;但事实上); like...(如同); likewise(也;同样地); apart from (doing)...( 除…之外;且不说;);... rather than...( 而不是;宁可…也不愿);by doing so(经由过程如许来做); both…and...;in the same way(同样地;以同样的方法); not only...but (also);7) 对比(不同点):yet; still(但是;仍然;尽管如斯); notwithstanding(尽管,固然); rather(宁可);neither ... nor(既不是…也不是…);although; though; but; however; conversely(相反地);unlike(和…不同,不像); opposed to(否决); as opposed to(与…截然相反) ; in contrast (to)(与此相反);on the contrary(正相反); different from this; nevertheless(然而,不过); contrary to(与…相反);whereas [hwεə'æz] (反之;然而); while(而);but on the other hand(但另一方面).8) 举例关系:for example; for instance; in this case(假若如许); namely(也就是;换句话说);as you know(正如你知道的); as you may say(如你所说); like(像;如同); such as(比如;诸如);a case in point is...( 一个典范的例子); in particular(尤其,特殊);put it simply(简略地说);for one thing...起首,for another...其次.第二;as an illustration(作为一个例证), I willsay...;a good example (of...)would be...; It is interesting to note that...; in this situation(在这种情况下);take…as example(以……为例); as for(关于,至于); as regards(关于,至于); as to(关于,至于);according to(依据); on this occasion(场合).9) 强调关系:in fact; especially; particularly; moreover; naturally(天然地);what is more important is that…(更主要的是); in reality(现实上;事实上); certainly(当然);of course; indeed(的确); in particular(尤其,特殊); not to mention...( 更不必说);believe it or not(信不信由你); undeniably(不能否定地); other thing being equal(另一件是一致的);it is certain/sure that...; to be true(说真话); by definition(显著地); definitely(明白地,确定地); undoubtedly(无庸置疑地); without a doubt(无疑地); in truth(事实上); in any event(不论如何);without reservation(毫无保留地); obviously(显著地), not only.. but(also...), both... and...10) 前提关系:if; unless; lest(唯恐);provided that(倘使;假如); if it is the case(假如是如许的情况); in this sense(在这一点上,从这点来说); once...(一旦); if possible(假如可能的话);if necessary(假如必要的话); if so(假如是如许的话); if anything(假如有什么差别的话).11) 归纳总结类:in other words(也就是说); on the whole(就全部而论); in sum(总而言之); therefore;hence; in short(总之;简言之); in brief(总之); to sum up(总之;归纳综合地说); in conclusion(总之,综上所述); in summary(总之;归纳综合起来); to conclude(最后);the conclusion can be drawn that... (可以得出的结论); for this reason(为此)12) 地点关系:beyond(在...较远的一边); opposite to(在…对面); adjacent to(接近); at the same place; there; over(从头到尾.在…之上); in the middle; around(在邻近.在…四周); in front of; in the distance(在远处);farther(此外;更远地;更进一步地); here and there(遍地,到处); above(在……之上;在上面);below(鄙人面;在…下面);at the right side(在右边);between(在…之间;在中央);on this side(在这边).13) 目标关系:for this purpose; in order that; in this way;since; so that; on that account(因为谁人缘故);in case万一.借使;with a view to(鉴于.因为斟酌到); for the samereason.14) 重申关系:in other words(换句话说); that is to say(就是.即.换言之);as I have said(就像我说过的);again;once again(再一次).15) 成果关系:accordingly(是以.于是.响应地);thus; consequently(所以.是以.成果); hence; therefore;thereupon(成果.是以); inevitably(必然地.不可避免地); under these conditions;as a result;as a consequence(成果.是以);because; because of; so that; not only...but (also...);so as to(以便,为了).16) 次序关系:first; second; thirdly; next; then; at the outset(在开端时),following this; at this time; now;at this point; after; afterward(今后,后来); after this; subsequently(随后.厥后.后来); lastly(最后,终于); finally; consequently(所以.是以.成果); before this; previously(以前);preceding this(precede的ing情势:在...之前);simultaneously(同时地); concurrently(同时).17) 时光关系:at once(立时,连忙); immediately; at length(最后,终于); in the mean time; meanwhile; at the same time; in the end; then; soon; not long after(不久); later; at last; finally; some time ago(不久前)at present; all of a sudden(忽然地,出乎料想地); from this time on(从今今后);from time to time(不时,有时); since then; when; whenever; next point(下一点);a few minutes later; formerly(以前.本来); as(当…的时刻); once(一旦);since(自…以来.自…今后;); occasionally(偶而); in a moment(一会儿,不久);shortly(不久,立时,连忙,简短地); whereupon(于是.是以); previously(以前.预先).●转折关系but, however, yet(然而), on the contrary, contrary to, contrarily, by(in) contrast (to), whereas, rather than, instead of, unlike, in fact(effect), actually弱转, conversely●妥协关系although, much as, though, even though(if), even, despite, in spite of, nevertheless, anyhow(anyway), as,while (固然.尽管.即使), still(尽管如斯)●总分关系(举例&总结)举例:for example.for instance.such as.including总结:in sum,in general, overall, to sum up,on the whole, generally●因果关系becausein that+句子表原因due tothanks toowing to+名词表原因sincenow thatever since+句子表原因because ofon account ofin response to+名词表原因lead to contribute toresult in+名词(前因效果)so thatsuch thatin order that+句子 (强调目标.成果的因果)in view ofin the light ofby virtue of +名词鉴于.因为put down toascribe toattribute toowe to +名词归因于so thushencethereforeconsequently (as a consequence/ as a result)+句子(是以)for, as, as a result of, with(因为,因为某种前提或原因的消失消失了某种成果)●递进关系递进词:still.also.indeed.furthermore(进一步).moreover(并且.此外).highlighting(凸起.强调).even(甚至.更).besides(留意区分except), additionally, in addition, what’s more●前提关系连词:if, provided/providingthat, suppose, supposing, in case (of), in the event of, assume, presumably, so long as, unless, only if, when●并列关系并列词:and(和).as well as(也).likewise(同样的).while(与此同时).similarly(相似地).or(或者).simultaneously(同时产生地).meanwhile(同时).in the meantime.neither…nor, either…or, not only…but also. more…than常见的10大类逻辑关系及标志词并列关系 & 部分常用标志词和短语and, and also, or, neither……nor, either……or, not only……but also, likewise, similarly, equally, in the same way, that is to say, as well as, same……as;递进关系 & 部分常用标志词和短语also,then, besides, additionally, in addition, furthermore, moreover, what is more;indeed;因果关系 & 部分常用标志词和短语because, for, since, as, thus, hence, therefore, so, so…..that,such…..that, in order that, consequently, accordingly, due to, thanks to, in response to, on account of, because of, considering that, seeing that, in that, now that, lest, as a result, for this reason;转折关系 & 部分常用标志词和短语but, however, yet, contrarily, on the contrary, by contrast, on the other hand, unfortunately;妥协关系 & 部分常用标志词和短语although, though, even though, even if, even, nevertheless, despite, in spite of; regardless of;anyway, anyhow列举(次序)关系 & 部分常用标志词和短语first\second\last of all, in the first place\in the second place\finally, to begin with\ to continue, first……then, on one hand……on the other hand, for one thing……for another, one……another, some……others……still others;比较关系& 部分常用标志词和短语while, whereas, as, / rather than, instead of, not….. but;时光关系 & 部分常用标志词和短语when, whenever, before, after, since, as, while, until, till, simultaneously, meanwhile, in the meantime, at the same time;前提关系 & 部分常用标志词和短语if, only if, if only, unless, otherwise, as soon as, as long as, in case, suppose that, supposing that, provided that, providing that, when, whenever, with;举例关系 & 部分常用标志词和短语such as, for example, for instance, of (these, those, them), among (these, those, them), to illustrate, as an illustration, to take an example, more specifically speaking, namely;。
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Or, and, not only…but also…, both…and…,either…or…,neither…nor…副词、介词(短语)及其它:
Also,too,as well (as),once again/once more,vice versa(反之亦然)
Then,also/too,anyway/anyhow(无论如何),even,indeed,further,furthermore,moreover,what’s more(此外,而且),besides(than),in addition (to),additionally,best of all(最好的是),actually,in fact,in effect,above all(首先,最重要的是),most important,in particular,particularly(特别,尤其),especially,notably(尤其,特别)等
instead,instead of;
not…but…,rather than;
in fact,in effect,otherwise。
并列连词:while,whereas 而,然而(连接并列分词,表示分句间的对比)
连词:(not)the same as,(not)as…as…,(not)so…as…
副词、介词(短语)及其它:like, likewise, similarly, identically, equivalently, equally, correspondingly, in the same way.
并列连词:for that 因为(常出现在句首,引出表示原因的分句);
So/that/so that 结果
So…that, such…that, to such a degree that, to such a extent that 如此……以至于
Therefore, thus, hence, consequently 因此
Accordingly 相应地,因此
For this reason, on this account, in this way 因此
As a result, as a consequence, in consequence, then 那么,既然如此