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SAT 常见固定搭配

OG 固定搭配题目


P410-25be capable of doing 有能力做 ...


P472-22be obsessed with 对 ...很沉迷

-26 offer sth for sb / the offer of sth


P534-23dedication to doing致力于

-24in the hope of doing 希望 ....


P602-25preoccupation with专心致志于


P658-14be impatient with对 ...不耐心

P659-22be sensitive to doing 对..很敏感


P720-12be familiar with 某人对 ...很熟悉

Be familiar to .... 对某人来说很熟

-17be necessary to 对 ...很必要

P721-21 a / the threat to 对 ..是个威胁

-23take pride in 以...为骄傲

-24 provide ⋯ ..with ⋯提.供某人 ....

-28 take offence at 对 ...很恼怒


P776-12be attributed to n. / doing 归因于 ...

P777-21be accessible to /be inaccessible to 可进入的 /不可进入的-26 regard ⋯⋯ as认为 ....是 ....

Be regarded as


P838-17contribute⋯ to doing致力于 ...

-18prefer A to B 喜欢 A 而不喜欢 B

P839-23protest sth / protest against ath 抗议 .....


P895-23be adaptable to 对 ....是能适应的

Be acceptable to 对 ...是能接受的

-24far from远不是 ...

Far away from离 ...距离远

P896-26be quick to很快 ....

Be inconsistent with 与 ...不一致,不协调


P956-12be available to 可触及的,能得到的,可提供的

P957-19commit to doing致力于

-20be engaged in doing 从事 ....

Doing & to do

1.To do

Wish, hope, plan, decide, refuse, manage, expect, agree, offer, propose, intend, in order to Need/way/ ability/ right/ tendency/eager + to do

Be going to/ Be likely to/ Would like to /Be able to

Be pleased to=be delighted to

In an effort to/ in an attempt to


Avoid, discontinue, enjoy, postpone, look forward to, allow, consider,

advocate Be committed to=be devoted to =be submitted to doing

Look forward to doing

Be subject to doing

Be accustomed to n.=be used to n.

doing In addition to doing

Adapt to doing

Be dedicated to doing

Be sensitive to doing

Be capable of doing In

the hope of doing At

the risk of doing

Succeed in doing On

the verge of doing


1. be found in

2. be associated with

3. be typical of

4. the use of

5. rely on

6. be derived from 起源于

7. refer to

8. be known as sb

9. be known for sth

10. be concerned with11. in relation to关于,与相比12. act on 对⋯⋯起作用13. bring about 使发生14. protect.... from15. together with

16. a number of17. be able to18. be similar to

19. be dependent on20. with ease 熟练的21. according to

22. specialize in doing sth23. serve as24. at one time

25. tend to26. interest in27. due to

28. lead to29. at least30. contrary to

31. be equal to32. contribute to doing sth33. live in

34. be dedicated to doing35. deal with36. belong to

37. it is estimated that38. be resistant to39. result from

40. consist of41. in connection with42. transform into

43. take place44. excel at doing擅长于45. be based on

46. play a key role47. spread to48. come from

49. be related to50. a minimum of51. begin to
