英语专业阅读教程1 parents and children

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• Go through the texts and remember new words.
• Read at least an original English novel.
Work together & make progress!
Unit 1 Parents and Children
Part 1(para1-2): what is child abuse? Part 2(para3-5): how to judge and report a
case of child abuse? Part 3(para6-8): what causes child abuse?
Many things we need can wait, the child cannot. Now is the time his bones are formed, his mind developed. To him we cannot say tomorrow, his name is today.
Main idea of each paragraph
1. Failures to develop a peaceful and understanding relationship between parents and children lead to child abuse.
2. Child abuse has become a major topic in child development and an issue of much national concern.
Parents may have a lot of things to do, but looking after a child should be the top of priority. This is because the child is right in the process of physical and mental growth. We cannot delay our attention to him/her even for one day.
Now, THEREFORE, I, GEORGE W. BUSH, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim September 23, 2002, as Family Day.
Enlarge vocabulary; Accumulate cultural knowledge.
• All readings are expected to be finished on your own before class.
• Participate in the discussion and make the difficult points clear.
Extensive reading
Reading maketh a full man, conference a ready man, and writing an exact man. ----Bacon
阅读使人渊博,会谈使人机敏,写作使人严谨。 Reading is to the mind what exercise is to
Background information
In 2001, the National Center on Addiction and Subtance Abuse(CASA) at Columbia University launched Family Day as an annual event, which takes place on the fourth Monday of each September.
We should keep up the values that America as a country has been sticking to in history so that the health and security of our families can be promoted and preserved.
So, here and now, as President of the United States of America, with the authority given to me by the constitution and the laws of the United States, I proclaim September 23, 2002, as Family Day.
Children will not remember you for the material things you provided but for the feeling that you cherished them.
What is important to a child is not the material things that he/she is given, but the feelings of being loved. Parental love will accompany a child for the rest of his/her life.
By spending more family time together, parents can better engage with their children and encourage them to make the right choices.
When parents spend more time with their children, they can get involved and have a real contact with them and can guide them in making the right choices in life.
Perhaps the greatest social service that can be rendered by anybody to the country and to mankind is to bring up a family.
Raising a healthy family is perhaps the most important service that a grown-up citizen can offer to his/her country and to humanity in general.
Reading three: A Legacy of Love
1. Money or property left to sb. in a will
2. thing passed to sb. by predecessors or from earlier events, etc
The change of attitude
3. The variation in the reported figures of abused children is caused by the different interpretation of what child abuse is.
Reading skill
Understanding the topic
Determining the main idea
Reading four: Child Abuse
Exposition----to explain someone or something (e.g. the process of making a machine, a natural or social phenomenon, a plan, etc.)
Part1(para1-4):the importance of families Part2(para5-6):the proclamation of Family
We must work together to promote and preserve the health and security of our family by upholding the timeless values that have sustained our society through history.
Do you often call or write to your parents? What do you usually tell your parents on the phone/ in your letters?
Do you always remember your parents’ birthdays? What do you usually do for your parents on their birthdays?
the body. ----Richard Steele
Learn to read, appreciate, and comprehend English original readings;
Master some necessary reading skills;
Family Day, 2002
A proclamation signed by President Bush, to emphasize the important role a family plays on a child.
Education commences at the mother’s knee.
Disdain Doubt Approval
What kind of person do you think Al was: a coward, a loser, or a normal person just like any of us? Give reasons.
Family Day----A Day to Eat Dinner with Your Children, is a national effort to promote parental engagement as a simple and effective way to reduce youth substance abuserish and raise healthier children.
Almie Rose
Which type of writing does this passage belong to?
(description, narration, exposition and argumentation)
Chronological order
Two months before Christmas, …. As Christmas drew nearer, …. On December 23rd,…. On Christmas Eve,…. On Christmas morning,….